unicity products

Post on 19-Oct-2014



Health & Medicine



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Why should you join?

Experience and share the state of Well-being

Unicity strives to make life better by developing products that promote harmony between body and mind. Proof of efficacy of an increasing numberof our products is backed by clinical studies, which are published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals.

Reach financial goals that a traditional job will not allow

The Unicity Distributorship is revolutionary in the franchise industry. Unicity offers people from all backgrounds an opportunity to take control of their financial futures and run their own franchise working part-time.You get to set up a world class business with minimum start-up cost, no inventory management, flexible work hours all at the convenience of yourown home, transform your spare room into your office or work from your kitchen table !

You‘re in business for yourself—not by yourself

Make the most of our efficient support system. You‘ll enjoy direct access to proven, powerful marketing and selling tools, award-winning videos,bonuses and ongoing support from Unicity and your Distributor partners. You’ll receive everything you need to discover the benefits of Unicityand to share those benefits with others.


Unicity provides their Distributor Owners with the most lucrative and rewarding compensation plan and bonus programs in the industry. With our products and plans you may choose to Get Paid Today or to Get Paid for Years to Come

Global Business Opportunity

Your Unicity Distributorship can grow as large and as profitable as you desire. Distributors can reach across state lines, national borders and oceans. Unicity offers you a business without boundaries!

Our Story

Headquartered in Orem, Utah and driven by more than 100 years of enterprise, Unicity empowers its employees, distributors, and customers to achieve their aspirations.

Focusing on both physical health and personal development, Unicity’s proven products and structured business opportunity have helped thousands of people around the world exemplify our corporate motto to Make Life Better.

Recognized as one of the Top 500 Privately-held Businesses in the United States—ranked 87th on the national level and First in the state of Utah—Unicity stands as an industry leader for both nutritional supplements and business development



Unicity is committed to professional development—not just for our distributors, but for our corporate employees as well. As a Unicity employee, not only will your influence be seen throughout the world—shaping and improving Unicity’s presence in more than 30 countries—but you’ll also be able to take on new and exciting projects as you bring your own expertise and perspective to the table. Unicity offers a compelling work environment where we encourage our employees to excel in their field, all while continuing to magnify their skillset. Unicity offers competitive salaries, excellent benefits, and a dynamic work environment with constant growth opportunities.

For exciting career options reach us at

Bios Life Slim

Bios Life is a vitamin-rich fiber based supplement. Not all the products in the Bios Life family are the same. However, they do share common ingredients, namely the base of a Biosphere Fiber and Bios Vitamin Complex. The differences in the products are the result of the natural progression of our learning and research of new ingredients that improve the effectiveness of the products in combating health issues.

We will refer to the nutrients in Bios Life Slim it represents the cutting edge of our research and contains all of the possible nutrients used in the Bios Life family of products. Bios Life Slim consists of the Biosphere Fiber, several proprietary ingredients called Unicity 7X, the Bios Cardio matrix and a Bios Vitamin Complex.

Bios Life Slim is a revolutionary fat burning product; providing the first scientific breakthrough in fat loss in over 30 years. Containing natural, proprietary ingredients, Bios Life Slim helps your body naturally regulate the amount of fat stored.

Two Formulas

Each formulation of Bios life is a quality product designed to help promote weight loss, balance digestion, and maintain healthy cholesterol and glucose levels. However, the variation in formulas allows the benefits of the product to be tailored to the needs of different individuals.

Balance’s Bios Life Formula for Healthy Cholesterol Support is geared more specifically for those individuals looking to lose weight and has additional cholesterol management benefits. For those looking to lose pounds and inches, as well as achieve an overall balance to their life, Balance for Cholesterol is an excellent choice.

Balance’s Bios Life Formula for Healthy Glucose Support is designed to help people who are focused on maintaining healthy glucose levels. While this formula will still help with weight management and supporting healthy cholesterol levels, those who are concerned about maintaining their blood glucose levels will find a more tailored experience with Balance for Glucose.



Bios Life Slim contains all of the ingredients of Bios Life Complete; therefore, it also provides the following benefits:

Increased energy Reduced glycemic index of foods you eat Improved cholesterol levels Balanced blood sugar

Improved lipid profiles Regulated bowel function


Instruction for Use

For best results drink 2 or 3 times daily.10 to 15minutes before meals. Mix one sachet with 250 -300 ml of water, juice, milk or comparable beverages. Stir vigorously or use shaker cup. Drink immediately. Additional liquid may be consumed. May be taken at any time with or without food.


Disclaimer – This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Pregnant and lactating women should check with the physician before using the product.


Bios Life D

Bios Life D is revolutionary fiber based vitamin rich product that is proven to help the body maintain healthy sugar levels.

Bios Life D is an Advanced Fiber and Nutrient Drink that is perfect for supplementing your daily diet with a healthy amount of soluble fiber and nutrients. Bios Life D’s fiber blend is designed to aid in satiety, maintain healthy glucose and cholesterol levels, and aid in healthy digestion. Bios Life D is the perfect choice for anyone looking to maintain a healthy weight, control appetite, supplement additional fiber, and keep healthy glucose and cholesterol levels in check.

Two Formulas

Each formulation of Balance is a quality product designed to help promote weight loss, balance digestion, and maintain healthy cholesterol and glucose levels. However, the variation in formulas allows the benefits of the product to be tailored to the needs of different individuals.

Balance’s Bios Life Formula for Healthy Cholesterol Support is geared more specifically for those individuals looking to lose weight and has additional cholesterol management benefits. For those looking to lose pounds and inches, as well as achieve an overall balance to their life, Balance for Cholesterol is an excellent choice.

Balance’s Bios Life Formula for Healthy Glucose Support is designed to help people who are focused on maintaining healthy glucose levels. While this formula will still help with weight management and supporting healthy cholesterol levels, those who are concerned about

maintaining their blood glucose levels will find a more tailored experience with Balance for Glucose.



Bios Life D has the following benefits:

Increase sense of fullness and decrease appetite Help to lower post-meal blood glucose and insulin response Help alleviate constipation through bulk laxative action Help lower blood lipid levels Act as a probiotic to promote healthy gut bacteria


Instruction for Use

For best results drink 2 or 3 times daily.10 to 15minutes before meals. Mix one sachet with 250 -300 ml of water, juice, milk or comparable beverages. Stir vigorously or use shaker cup. Drink immediately. Additional liquid may be consumed. May be taken at any time with or without food.


Disclaimer – This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Pregnant and lactating women should check with the physician before using the product.


Super Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a natural, fat-soluble molecule found in plants that gives plant their green color. Chlorophyllin, the form of chlorophyll used in Unicity Super Chlorophyll is a water soluble version of chlorophyll that contains copper instead of magnesium as its central atom. Plants use chlorophyll to trap light needed for photosynthesis, the process which creates the energy needed to separate water to make sugar and oxygen.

A key ingredient in Super Chlorophyll is chlorophyll from the Alfalfa plant. Alfalfa has been used for centuries by various cultures as a vitalizing and cleansing agent, and science has recently confirmed the potential health benefits of chlorophyll as supplementation.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is the first barrier to protecting yourself from damaging free radicals. Free radicals speed up the aging process and harm healthy cells, making

skin appear wrinkled, dry, and discolored. For decades, many cultures have used chlorophyll to heal and revitalize damaged skin.

Scientists proved that chlorophyll kills harmful bacteria. It fights infections, bad odors in the mouth, gum disease, and destroys putrefactive bacteria in the digestive tract. It promotes healing of wounds by stimulating the production of connective tissue, and the list goes on.

Studies have revealed that Chlorophyllin in Super Chlorophyll—acts as

pH balance Detoxifier Anti-microbial Helps in faster wound healing Odor free body Antioxidant etc

Instruction for Use

1 or 2 tsp daily in a glass of 200-300 ml water. Stir briskly to dissolve completely. Drink promptly and follow it by a glass of water.


Disclaimer – This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Pregnant and lactating women should check with the physician before using the product.


Lean Complete

Everyone knows that it’s important to kick start your day energy and studies show that those who eat breakfast lose more weight than those that don’t.

However, many of us feel we are too busy to eat breakfast, and so skip it. We then eat a large lunch and an even larger dinner, and these meals are usually bereft of nutrients but loaded with fat and sugar. This leads to large blood glucose spikes during meal time and causes our body to store more food as fat.

Stop the vicious cycle of adding fat, by starting your day right with Lean Complete; a high-protein, low-carbohydrate breakfast that provides needed nutrients and helps to keep you full until your next meal.

It’s crucial to a healthy weight-loss program that you avoid large amounts of high-glycemic foods such as rice, bakery food, pasta, and sweets. Not only is Lean Complete a good substitute

for sugary cereals, it tastes good too! Lean Complete has a rich vanilla -flavor that helps to control your sweet tooth while providing the energy you need to make it through the day.

Protein Matrix

Lean Complete contains over three types of protein; the importance of this being that different types of protein are absorbed at different times. These different absorption rates ensure that body receives a constant supply of high quality protein – preventing the breakdown of your existing lean muscle mass. Studies have shown that those who ingest whey protein, the major source of protein in Lean Complete, eat less and feel fuller.

Vitamin Blend

Packed with essential vitamins, the vitamin blend in Lean Complete helps you to obtain the vitamins you need to keep your body working at peak performance.

Followers of the 4-4-12™ system (where you wait at least four hours between breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and 12 hours between dinner and breakfast the next day)that are looking to burn fat should substitute a healthy alternative for these diet-destroying meals. Lean Complete is an excellent alternative that is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein.

Lean Complete is an excellent alternative that is packed with vitamins, mineral, fiber, and protein.

Instruction for Use

Combine one scoop (22g) with 230 ml of water or skim milk, mix well and enjoy. May be used to replace one meal per day. Do not replace more than two meals per day.


Disclaimer – This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Pregnant and lactating women should check with the physician before using the product.



Over 800 plus years ago, Matcha travelled from china to Japan as an aid to many health benefits. Science has confirmed the lessons of century old tradition of Zen Buddhist & monks, during long hours of sitting monks would drink Matcha to remain alert yet calm, steady and concentration.

Every day, countless people throw away valuable antioxidants and minerals. While seemingly unbelievable, that’s exactly what happens when you brew a cup of green tea because water can only extract a fraction of green teas benefits.

The majority actually remains unused, trapped in the tea leaves. In realism, the only way to truly take advantage of green teas full potential is to consume the entire leaf. But that doesn’t mean you need to start eating tea leaves. The simplest solution is to just enjoy a cup of Chi-oka Matcha. Since, Matcha is, stoneground tea a leaf, Matcha provides you with green teas powerful store of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids in a way no other green tea can.

In fact, to even begin to match the potency found in a single serving of Matcha, you would need to drink at least ten cups of brewed green tea. When it comes to helping you achieve and maintain optimum health, Matcha is without equal.


Amongst its many benefits, Matcha also benefits

Super antioxidant Anti-Ageing Protects heart and Lungs Physical endurance and energy Calms and relaxes Enhances mood and aids in concentration Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium Fights against viruses and bacteria

The caffeine in Matcha has a longer staying power than in coffee or energy drinks. Counter-balanced with theanine, an amino acid that relaxes the mind, Matcha powder provides four to six hours of mild, but stimulating, energy. Matcha is both a relaxant and stimulant; it has been used by Buddhist monks to sustain a peaceful, but alert, state of mind. Essentially, the caffeine derived from Chi-Oka Matcha is more of a mental lift and, unlike the high from coffee.


Instruction for Use

Mix the contents of one sachet with 200-300 ml of water, stir well and drink. Reccomended one sachet daily. Not recommended for children below 14 years of age.


Disclaimer – This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Pregnant and lactating women should check with the physician before using the product. Do not use in case of caffeine sensitivity.


The Physicians’ Desk Reference is a publication, which provides a complete compilation of the information that is found on prescription medication. This compilation is updated annually and can be found in bookstores and libraries. It is used by consumers and medical experts as well.

A comprehensive reference book detailing the composition and accepted applications of pharmaceuticals from major manufacturers. A supplemental edition, which covers the effective use of herbal and botanical products, is available.

Unicity Products in PDR.

Unicity International is proud to announce that the 2014 edition of the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) lists Unicity products. Our continued focus on clinical research has enabled Unicity to list some of our products in this prestigious reference for health care professionals.

The Physicians’ Desk Reference is the nation’s most trusted source of FDA-approved prescribing information, and is consulted by health care professionals millions of times each week. It will be distributed to almost half a million MDs, and chief pharmacists throughout the United States.

Ninety percent (90%) of health care professionals consider this reference the most important source of reliable information and it helps them in making the right decision on advising their patients which products they should use.


Retail Profit Personal Rebate -Earn up to 30% Group Bonus -Earn up to 20% Fast Start Bonus -Earn up to 30% Team Builder Bonus -Earn up to Rs. 9 Lakhs! Royalties Presidential Royalties Presidential Bonus -Earn up to Rs. 72.90 Lakhs Additional Distributor Positions Chairman's Club Bonus -Earn up to Rs.7.425 Crores

1. Retail Profit

Simply purchase product at wholesale prices and sell at retail prices. You keep the profit.      -Retail Customer Prices generate a profit margin of 30% to 50%

2. Personal Rebate

Based on you and your customer's monthly product purchases (Personal Volume), you will receive a rebate ranging from 5% to 30%.

The following table shows the rebate percentage at specific Personal Volume levels:

Your Personal Income 35 to 99 100 to 249 250 to 499 500 to 2499 2500+Rebate Percent 5% 10% 15% 20% 30%

3. Group Bonus

You receive a Group Bonus on the volume of your direct Team members that have not yet achieved the rank of Manager. The Group Bonus ranges from 5% to 20%. The percentage you qualify to receive is based on your Personal Volume, as shown in the table below, less any amount paid to your direct Team members. As a Manager or higher, you are guaranteed at least 5% Group Bonus.

Each Distributor's PV Your Personal Volume (PV)35-99 100-249 250-499 500+

0-34 5% 10% 15% 20%35-99 5% 5% 10% 15%

100-249 5% 5% 5% 10%250-499 5% 5% 5% 5%

500+ 5% 5% 5% 5% 4. Fast Start Bonus

You receive a Fast Start Bonus on the first-month purchases of new Distributors that you enroll and on first-month purchases of new Distributors that join your team within six levels of your

Distributorship. The Fast Start percent that you earn is based on your rank and the level where the new Distributors join your team:

Distributor Associate Jr. Manager Manager Sr. Manager Director+

Level35-99 GV

35 PV

100 GV (One time)

35 PV

250 GV (One time)

35 PV

500 GV(One time)

35 PV

500 GV (per month)

35 PV

500 GV (per month)

35 PV

1 5% 20% 20% 30% 30% 30%2 -- -- 3% 3% 4% 5%3 -- -- 3% 3% 4% 5%4 -- -- 3% 3% 4% 5%5 -- -- 3% 3% 4% 5%6 -- -- 3% 3% 4% 5%

Note: Qualified Distributors, Associates, Junior Managers and Managers, only need 35 PV in a calendar month to earn Fast Start Bonuses. The qualifications of Sr. Manager and above are displayed in Profit Center #6. You are only paid Fast Start Bonuses on a new Distributor�s first-months PV up to 500 PV.

To the right is an example of how the Fast Start Bonus is paid to Distributors with different ranks on a Team: In this example, the new Distributor is enrolled by an Associate. The Associate receives 20% on the new Distributor’s first-month orders up to 1000 PV. The other Distributor’s upline from the enroller receive anywhere from 0% to 5% on the first-month orders. There is one Distributor that did not qualify with at least 100 PV. That Distributor is not counted as a qualified level and would not receive a Fast Start Bonus. Therefore, the Fast Start Bonus would skip that Distributor and continue upline to the next qualified Distributor until all six levels of the Fast Start Bonus is paid out.

5. Team Builder Bonus

You will be eligible to receive Team Builder Bonuses as you build and expand your business. The bonus is earned as your Organizational Volume (OV) reaches specific levels and you confirm that amount of OV the following month. Below is a table listing the Team Builder Bonus Levels and amounts:

Team Builder Bonus Level Total Organizational Volume (OV) Bonus Amount1 3,000 Rs.22,5002 5,000 Rs. 45,0003 7,500 Rs. 67,5004 10,000 Rs. 90,0005 15,000 Rs. 90,0006 20,000 Rs. 90,0007 25,000 Rs. 1,12,5008 30,000 Rs. 1,12,5009 40,000 Rs. 1,35,00010 50,000 Rs. 1,35,000

Your Organizational Volume (OV) is the total volume generated by you and your entire team. Each bonus level is paid only once. There is no time limit to achieving Team Builder Bonuses. Requirements to earn Team Builder Bonuses

Maintain 35 Personal Volume (PV) monthly. Have three or more legs with a minimum of 100 Organizational Volume (OV). A Team Builder Bonus level must be maintained for two consecutive months.

At least 40% of the required OV must come from outside your largest leg. Start earning a residual income of 5% on the sales generated by your team.

Sr.Manager Director Sr.Director Sapphire Ruby Diamond

Monthly Qualification

PV 35 35 35 35 35 35GV 500 500 500 500 500 500Leg OV

3@1000 3@1000 3@5000 4@5000 5@5000

Total OV

1,000 3,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 150,000


1 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%2 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%3 5% 5% 5% 5%4 5% 5% 5%5 5% 5%6 5%

Leg OV is the total volume downline of someone you have sponsored. At least 40% of the required OV must come from outside your largest leg. Commissions on first-month purchases are paid as Fast Start Bonuses only.

When you reach the rank of Sapphire, Ruby or Diamond for three consecutive months, you become a member of the prestigious President's Club and can earn additional royalties on your 4th, 5th, and 6th generations.

Generation Sr. Manager Director Sr. Director Sapphire Ruby Diamond1 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%2 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%3 5% 5% 5% 5%4 5% - 8% 5% - 8% 5% - 8%5 5% - 9% 5% - 9%6 5% - 10%

After you become a Sapphire, you can earn an extra 3 percent on your 4th generation for 12 months.

After you become a Ruby, you can earn an extra 3 percent on your 4th generation and 4 percent on your 5th generation for 12 months.

When you finally become a Diamond, you can earn an extra 3 percent on your 4th generation, 4 percent on your 5th generation and 5 percent on your 6th generation for 24 months.

To continue earning Presidential Royalties, simply advance to the next rank before your time period expires.

Build your business quickly and earn BIG cash bonuses.

Rank Leg Requirement Organizational Volume Bonus AmountSapphire 3 legs @ 5,000 50,000 Rs. 12.15 Lakhs

Ruby 4 legs @ 5,000 1,00,000 Rs. 24.30 LakhsDiamond 5 legs @ 5,000 1,50,000 Rs. 36.45 Lakhs

At least 40% of the required OV must come from outside your largest leg. You can earn more than one level of the Presidential Bonuses at the same time.

Earn 12.15 Lakhs in Sapphire Bonuses. When you reach the rank of Sapphire and maintain it for 3 consecutive months, within your first 9 months, you can earn 12.15 Lakhs in cash bonuses. (You earn 1.35 Lakhs each month that you maintain your status as Sapphire up to 9 months. 9 x 1.35 Lakhs = 12.15 Lakhs)

Earn 24.30 Lakhs in Ruby Bonuses. When you reach the rank of Ruby and maintain it for 3 consecutive months, within your first 15 months, you can earn 24.30 Lakhs in cash bonuses. (You earn 2.7 Lakhs each month that you maintain your status as Ruby up to 9 months. 9 x 2.7 Lakhs = 24.30 Lakhs)

Earn 36.45 Lakhs in Diamond Bonuses. When you reach the rank of Diamond and maintain it for 3 consecutive months, within your first 21 months, you can earn 36.45 Lakhs in cash bonuses. (You earn 4.05 Lakhs each month that you maintain your status as Diamond up to 9 months. 9 x 4.05 Lakhs = 36.45 Lakhs)

The Presidential Bonuses are set annually. Anyone that joins in 2011 will fall under the 2011 program.

9. Additional Distributor Positions (ADP) When you achieve the rank of Presidential Diamond, you will be eligible to start an

Additional Distributor Position (ADP). The ADP is placed on your frontline.All new legs will begin downline of your ADP allowing you to earn as much as double on those legs.

When a Diamond has 5,00,000 in OV and an Additional Distributor Position that maintains 1,00,000 OV for 3 consecutive months, the Diamond is then recognized as a Double Diamond and may begin a second ADP Distributorship. This process continues through Crown Diamond.

The following diagram depicts the minimum requirements to become a Crown Diamond.

10. Chairman's Club Bonus

As you achieve the rank of Double Diamond, Triple Diamond and Crown Diamond, you become a member of the Chairman's Club and can receive amazing Chairman's club Bonuses.


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