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Post on 18-Sep-2019






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This information is a computation of material that was received from visits to the Manitoba

Whiteshell Petroform Sites and other known material that is widely distributed. It is for the

average person that is interested and wants to know. These teachings are not native

teachings. I honor and respect the Native Teachings too much to interfere with them.

- Bill Dayholos


Without getting too involved here the first thing to understand is that the "White Light" or

"Source Energy" or "Universal Harmonic Hum", etc. permeates all that exists and that which

does not exist. This source power varies in flavor as it vibrates through different dimensions. The edges of these dimensions are what are referred to as "The Veil". These walls or veils

act or perform similar function as a prism. When physical light hits a prism it is refracted into

a rainbow of colors. The original light is split up into its parts. Likewise, this is what happens

to the "White Light" or "Universal Energy" when it hits the edges or dimensional walls. When this energy hits, say the 3rd dimensional wall, it is split into detectable physical forms (see

the following diagram).

So if you are measuring magnetism, that is what will be analyzed. This is because that was the original intent when designing the instrument. Other instruments will have there own

abilities to measure what they are capable of detecting. All these instruments are picking up

only one or two aspects of the original source power. What they are not designed to do is pick up all of the source aspects. Also, there is no recognition that there is connection

between all these different aspects. The reason being is that the connection is outside this

reality and obviously outside the instrument's existence.

There is one instrument that is capable of detecting all of the different "flavors" of energy at

once. It also can detect aspects that are not always recognizable on the surface. This

instrument is call the biological body. Our body being biological by nature operates under electrical paths, gravity, magnetics, visual sight, hearing (harmonics), etc. This is the reason

why people are picking up things that science cannot detect. This physical body is also

capable of transmitting energy and its sensitivity to energy will always surpass any instrument. If science has to prove this to make it real, then I would recommend that the

scientists continue their research into bio-computers that use DNA or genes as memory

storage "chips". It comes as no surprise to me that people are reporting that UFO's and the Zeta Reticuli use bio-navigational tools.

White Light is a type or form of what we would refer to as harmonics. It is not really a

harmonic as we understand it. This is the easiest way describe it. There is a lot of information out there about harmonics and sacred geometry so I will touch on it only to make my

explanation clearer. I do recommend that you look into the research of Dr. Hans Jenney.

Briefly, sound or harmonics are not generally understood by the public. Dr. Jenny through well documented studies demonstrated that vibration produced geometry. In other words, by

creating vibration in a material that we can see, the pattern of the vibration becomes visible

in the medium. When we return to the original vibration, the original pattern reappears.

Through experiments conducted in a variety of substances, Dr. Jenney produced an amazing variety of geometric patterns, ranging from very complex to very simple, in such materials as

water, oil, and graphite and sulfur powder. Each pattern was simply the visible form of an

invisible force. These geometric patterns have a three dimensional structure. Sound actually has a recognized form to it. This form is a geometric design. This design has depth, length

and height to its structure. This is why the Tibetans refer to geometry as "frozen sound". The

mandalas that ancient cultures drew are two dimensional patterns that represent three dimensional sound. Following are actual pictures from a lab showing the structure that

certain sounds make.


Captain Cathie and others early researchers like the Russian scientists listed below in the article have been researching for years on the geometric grid that covers the planet Earth.

This grid has different geometric aspects about it, but for now we will mainly concentrate on

the Cathie or dodecahedron grid. Books to read on this large subject are:

Sedona: Beyond The Vortex by Richard Dannelley

Anti-Gravity & The World Grid by David Hatcher Childress

The Energy Grid - Harmonic 695 by Bruce l. Cathie

These books document places all over the world that have witnessed ancient people placing

their spiritual centers on the intersecting points of this grid. This includes the Stonehenge, the Nazca Lines, the Mayan and Anasazi "road" system, etc. Below is an article that sums it up

very well.



Joseph Jochmans

Taken from the Atlantis Rising Web Site

Is there, flowing across the landscape of our world, a single planetary energy system, long

forgotten to modern humanity? And here and there along the energy pathways, did a prehistoric global civilization once tap into its power by building vast transmission and

receiving stations, using various forms of monumental architecture?

Have today's historians been so out of touch with the obvious inter-connections of all of these remains that they have tried to explain the silent sentinel ruins as nothing more than primitive

construction projects having little meaning or purpose beyond localized superstitious needs?

Were such mysterious sites as Stonehenge in England, or Machu Picchu in Peru, or the

Pyramids of the Sun and Moon near Mexico City, or the megalith temples of Malta, or the

stone heads of Easter Island, or Serpent Mound in Ohio, or thousands upon thousands of other structures scattered across the globe, simply a matter of chance arrangement or

design? Have the modern theories, whatever they may be, fallen far short of explaining what

really once was? Is it true that these great monumental edifices were deliberately fixed into

the geometric configuration of an "enchanted" energy landscape? And did they, altogether, create a gigantic intricate web-like pattern, the meaning and purpose of which has defied the

most scholarly of modern archaeologists and historians to fully explain? What is the missing

element that interlinks everything into a single fabric and weave, of which the prehistoric linear patterns among the silent structures are but the threads? Is there a universal energy

source, once known but lost to us today, which springs from the Earth? Was it distributed

along the sacred lines and pathways, and broadcast out of the temples situated at the focal

points? Is this is the mythic hidden power of magic and healing at one time shared by everyone, in a forgotten Golden Age in the distant past? How was such a system lost, and

can it be understood and restored again today?


Among ancient and modern indigenous peoples the world over are very similar traditions of earth energy patterns and how they were once utilized. In England, alignments among

standing stones and stone circles are called leys, along which flowed the life force that

fertilized the landscape. In Ireland they are remembered as fairy paths and in Germany as

holy lines. The Greeks knew them as the Sacred Roads of Hermes, while the ancient Egyptians regarded them as the Pathways of Min. The Chinese today still measure the Lung

Mei or dragon currents which affect the balance of the land, as practiced through the ancient

art of Feng-shui. Much in the same fashion as the application of acupuncture needles in Chinese medicine helps the flow of Chi or life force in the human body, so the placement of

pagodas, stones, trees, temples and houses in the environment was regarded as a way to

heal the Earth. Likewise, the Native Australians still go on walkabouts or pilgrimages down

their dream paths, crisscrossing the desert in an effort to seasonally reenergize the life centers of the region. They work with boards called Turingas which map out the dream-lines,

and by meditating on them are able to predict the approach of storms, and the location of

game animals as they interact with the line systems. The old Polynesians spoke of using the te lapa or lines of light flowing in the ocean as a method of navigation. The stone heads of

Easter Island and the sacred Ahu platforms of Hawaii were so positioned as to receive their

mane or life power along aka threads from over the watery horizons. When the Spanish conquistadors entered Peru in the sixteenth century, they found the entire Inca Empire

organized around wacas or sacred centers situated along ceque lines which all converged at

the Coriconcha or Temple of the Sun in ancient Cuzco. Similarly, the Mayas of the Yucatan

interconnected their pyramid-sanctuaries by means of Sacbes or raised white roadways that were built in dead- straight segments through the jungle swamps. In Western North America,

medicine wheels and kiva circles are often found in linear arrangements, and in the Midwest

and East coastal regions the Mound Builders left many of their great earthen works in alignments covering large areas. In New England mysterious stone chamber sites also fit into

linear patterns, and many Native American shamans today speak of energies called Orenda,

Manitou and by other names which flow through the Earth to promote healing. It is now believed that the Earth also has its own energy centers, much like the human body has

chakras and acupuncture points. Like the growing fawn or the balloon subjected to a higher

frequency, when the Earth periodically moves into a higher energy state, so the overall

planetary energy patterns shift into new crystallike forms. This is a global phenomenon which appears to have been going on for a very long period of time. A study of map projections and

world-wide geological patterns conducted in 1976 by Athelstan Spilhaus, consultant for the

National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOM), revealed that when the super-continent Pangaea first broke apart approximately 220 million years ago forming the

rudiments of our modern-day continental masses, the breakup occurred along equidistant

lines forming the edges and points of a tetrahedron. This is a geometric shape composed of

four equilateral triangles, the First and simplest of the Sacred Solids of Plato. Based on the research of Hanshou Liu of the Goddard Space Flight Center, who analyzed stress lines in

the Earth caused by polar and land movements over the last 200 million years, Spilhaus

found that what was next outlined in the planetary structure was a combination cube and

octahedron. A Cube is composed of six squares, and the Octahedron has eight triangles arranged like two Egyptian pyramids end-to-end, or in the configuration of a fluorite crystal.

These constitute the next two higher Platonic Solids beyond the Tetrahedron. The Earth's

crystalline evolution did not end there, however, but has moved into two even more complex Platonic forms.


In 1973, three Russians--historians Nikolai Goncharov, construction engineer Vyacheslav

Morozov. and electronics specialist Valery Makarov--announced in the science journal for the

Soviet Academy of Science, Chemistry and Life, their discovery of a geometric grid pattern which appears to interlink a wide number of natural phenomena into a single planetary

system. Their work was based on the findings of American researcher Ivan T. Sanderson

who identified what he called twelve vile vortexes or electromagnetic energy disturbances located equidistant over the surface of the globe, the so-called Bermuda Triangle near the

Caribbean and the Devil's Sea off Japan being two of these. What the three Russians found

was an underlying framework linking these centers into a dual crystal structure, a

combination between an icosahedron and a dodecahedron. Not surprisingly, these happen to be the Fourth and Fifth Solids in the Platonic series, which were projected outward by the

Earth for over the last million years or so. The Icosahedron is composed of twenty triangles

forming a ball, and the Dodecahedron is made up of twelve pentagons as its sides. When these two are distributed over the surface of the globe, their lines and node points closely

delineate the following planetary elements: High and low barometric pressure areas in the

Earth's atmosphere, where storms originate and move along the crystal lattices. The

centerpoints for major ocean currents and whirlpools. Areas of highest and lowest solar and electric influx, along with regions of highest and lowest geomagnetic gauss strength. Points

of magnetic/ electric anomaly, which serve as gateways into other dimensions. Major

planetary fracture zones, where the tectonic plates come together and create seismic and volcanic activities. Major concentrations of ores and petroleum. Planetary hotspots where the

internal magma surges closest to the surface. Migration routes of land, air and sea creatures.

Locations of major life breeding grounds and genetic pool regions, where new species have originated. Concentrations of human population centers, both past and present. Birth-places

for human religions, philosophies, sciences, arts and architectural forms. This last point is

most significant, for it includes the location of most of the major ancient monuments either

directly at or clustered around each of the node points of the Earth's crystal grid, including: the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, the ruins of Great Zimbabwe in central Africa, the

cultural center of Mohenjo Daro on the Indus river in Pakistan, the Shensi Pyramids in China,

the Kunoonda stone circle complex in Australia, the ruins of Nan Madol on the Caroline Island of Pohnpei, the stone heads of Easter Island, Machu Picchu in Peru, the Pyramids of

the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan in Mexico, the Hopi Four Corners area in the American

Southwest, to name only a few. Fully 3,300 separate ancient monuments or sacred complexes have been found directly associated with the Icosa-Dodeca grid configuration.

Many of these same structures are also related to the more localized linear energy patterns.

It would appear that the planetary crystal grid lines form the main arteries of power, while the

local extensions are like capillaries running off the main system which brings the flow of life force into smaller regions. That the Ancients were very familiar with the Earth's crystal grid

can be seen in their literature and in their remains. Plato, in describing how the planet

appeared from space, stated that it looked like a ball sewn together with twelve pieces of cloth. These would be the twelve pentagons of the Dodeca, which also forms the framework

for the Icosa grid as well. Gold objects found in Khmer ruins in Southeast Asia and among

Druidic remains in France, in addition to stone balls unearthed from the Neolithic period in

Scotland, were all shaped to show the geometric progression of the crystal grid from Tetrahedron to Dodecahedron, and were used as teaching tools for the Initiates to

understand the evolution of the planetary energy systems. Beyond the Platonic series of

Solids is another form being geometrically generated out of the old Icosa-Dodeca crystal. If

you take an Icosahedron and join together with lines every other point inside the form, you create twelve pentacles or five-pointed stars. If you extend the outer edges of the

Icosahedron and join these node points together, you create a second group of twelve

pentacles or stars. This becomes the seed crystal that gives birth to a new crystalline form called a double penta- dodecahedron, composed of twelve double-pentacles equally spaced

across the surface of the globe.

Part of the Grid as it Appears over North and South America - Taken from Richard

Dannelley's Sedona Book.

If you need proof look at you local ancient spiritual sites in conjunction to how they fall onto

the lines on this map. The major sites that have deep spiritual content to the native shamans will be found along these lines. You'll see that the lines converge or cross at these major

sites. There will be exceptions like convergent points that fall on inhabitable land. Also, don't

believe that the grid shown here is as static as the map indicates and that is due to the

earth's contour or shape. It does give an indication of where to look and an opportunity to fine-tune the grid. I could spend a year just plotting some of the major sites' names like: the

Astatine Center and Rock Lake Pyramid between Madison and Milwaukee, the Mystery Wall

at Willmar, Minnesota, the Isis Temple in the Grand Canyon, the medicine wheels of Saskatchewan, Alberta, Montana, etc. the Adena-Hopewell sites, the Anasazi sites, the

Peterborough stone megalith and so on. The letter "B" is my reference to the Manitoban

Whiteshell Primary Site. The letter "A" is at a major grid intersection near Calgary. This spot

just so happens to have a large Native American spiritual site called the Majorville Cairn (see page #2 for picture). This is a project that is too big for one person, so please start your own

backyard research, and, if you are so inclined, let me know about your findings.

The red dot in the above picture is the Whiteshell's "Primary Site"

A Personal Note

About 30 years ago I was very involved in archeology and the pursuit of historical knowledge.

I was aware of the Petroforms, but the timing obviously was not right. For the last 10 years I

have been working very hard at reconnecting back to Spirit. By coincidence two years ago Deborah and I visited Bannock Point. All that I noticed at the time was "this energy". The next

trip I noticed certain "chakras" in my body were activated. At that point I realized further

investigation was needed. Each trip to the Whiteshell raised my level of experience and consciousness in this field. Most of the following pages and understandings have come from

just this year alone. The Bannock Point site has provided me with the largest number of

insights. My understanding is that all of humanity has the right to reclaim its knowledge

because sacred sites like these can be located in all four corners of the globe. The Whiteshell petroforms happen to be located on the grids in my backyard. I will not give

locations or any information that might or will interfere with traditional teachings. There are

many very good traditional teachers out there that know more about native tradition than I ever will.

I have been told in life that if you have secret information it is more than likely it is valueless

to anyone but yourself. That is why the majority of secrets die with the "guardians" of the secrets. That is also why we have lost the greatest teachings from our past. These fear

based knowledgeable people left with their understandings.

Two people stand out of the crowd as far as this site information goes. The first person,

Robert Bruce (author of Astral Dynamics), taught me by example of his own unselfish

approach to life. For some time now, via his web site, he has given tons of valuable knowledge that he could have charged for. I call it "The Robert Bruce Philosophy of Life"....

The more you share your knowledge with others, the more the universe will share with you.

With the acceptance of this philosophy I find myself being given so much information that it

will take some time to share it, and it is increasing daily. Some of the information is incredibly advanced and will not be of any value to most. This will not stop me from sharing it with the

public. I know that some will reject this knowledge, others will embrace it, and still others will

modify it to their own understandings. That is the way it should be! This information overlaps into other fields including Reiki symbols.

The other person I would like to pay homage to is Ron Bell, of Seven Sisters Falls, Manitoba. His unselfish protection and preservation of the Bannock Point Site has been a lifetime

commitment. For decades on a daily basis, he has checked the publicly assessable Bannock

Point Site and restores the boulders that have been accidentally or otherwise disarranged. I

know that if it were not for people like him doing this work on his own time that I, and others, would not have much left to look at. I met Ron recently and was very impressed with him. He

proclaimed he has seen this web site. I asked if he thought I was nuts with all this Reality-

Challenged information. His very evolved comment was "Who am I to judge anyone?" This simple statement that tells you that you are in the presence of an "old soul".

You cannot experience life through intellectual pursuits or through accumulating large

amounts of knowledge. You can only experience life through the experience itself. The one thing I have learned in the 50 years I have been a resident of this plane, is that if knowledge

has no practical application, then it is probably just "intellectual landfill".


This is Cathie's harmonic grid. Take away the clutter and you get a "mandala". This is the

basic two-dimensional structure that represents one of the grid cells. Mandalas are symbols that are two-dimensional structures that represent three-dimensional harmonics (sound).

This grid actually is three-dimensional. That is to say that it has depth and height to it. In

other words, the grid extends below and above the planet's surface.

This is a cut away of the mandala to show a less complicated structure.

The picture above is an actual photo of a sound or harmonic pattern. This pattern is not the

grid but it is the closest picture I could find to demonstrate what I'm trying to say. Notice the

cones or vortexes.

Remote viewing has proved to be a valuable asset in trying to understand these sites. I tried

remote viewing in the beginning and asked to see what the triangle circle feature at the

Primary Whiteshell site was about. This holographic misty symbol-structure came into view.

The picture above is very primitive but it shows the internal structure. There is a cone shape that encompasses a pyramid.

The harmonic pattern or energy grid is just a part of a larger harmonic patter that extends though the dimensions and the universe. It gets very complicated from here on. However,

this grid being part of the three-dimensional world is also connected and part of other

dimensions. This is why it can be used to access other dimensional worlds. By placing

yourself into the right spot you can literally dial in a specific vibration. These "lines" do appear to run along the surface of the planet and as you can see will vary in strength and

concentration by the nature of the pattern itself. At the intersections of these lines you have a

node or concentration of energy. At the "cone" areas the energy spins and twists like an energetic tornado. Also in this pattern are variations in harmonic flavors that will be

conducive to slight variations in dimensional connections and energy.

The pattern around the earth does not change per se but the surface level or landscape that

comes into contact with different aspects does. This is why some areas are better then others to access these energy nodes (mountain tops, hills, etc.). This is also why you will see

ancient sites of long rows, boulders, or earth mounds come to a complete halt in the middle

of nowhere.

The pictures above are not representative of anything other than trying to show how the surface of the earth would come in contact with different aspects of the harmonic. The

general appearance of the pattern would be shape (similar to the photo picture of the

harmonic above) but it also has a geometric-crystalline aspect to it. There is also the obvious

mathematics of the whole thing. If you focus on the math that is all you will see. If you focus on the geometric structure that is also all that you will see. There is also an astronomical

alignment at some of the sites. Germatria codes and more mathematics until all you see and

all you will understand are small piece of the larger picture. You can intellectually study any part (I do believe they are all true aspects and viable parts) but it will led you no were until

you place the pieces together in the one large mosaic picture. The excellent work that

Drunvalo Melchizedek, Carl Munck, Gerald Hawkins have shown humanity that there is

something more going on than meets the eye.

It is important to understand that there is a structure but not to get to hung up on any

particular part. That will lead you astray just like the concept of rationalizing "The Light". There is nothing wrong with getting involved with say sacred geometry, Germatria, or

astronomical alignments. I'm simply saying to do it within the larger contexts and realize that

more is involved than just one focus. The complexity comes into being because this structure

encompasses other dimensions.

Nazca Lines on the pampa adjacent to the southern edge of the Ingenio Valley this is a 3.5

mile section.

The above picture is from the web site Chaco Canyon Prehistory Roadways, two grid lines

cross just west of Santa Fe. The Chacoan roads are the linear features fanning out from the

lower right corner. The yellow lines are current day roadways. The current roads follow topography, and the path of least resistance in construction. Conversely, the prehistoric

roads are strikingly linear. http://www.ghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/archeology/chaco_compare.html/

The following statement is given by the archeologists:

"The Chacoan roads are the linear features fanning out from the lower right hand corner. The

yellow lines are current day roadways. The current roads follow topography, and the path of

least resistance in construction. Conversely, the prehistoric roads are strikingly linear.

The Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) was flown by NASA over Chaco Canyon

for the first time in spring of 1982. TIMS measures temperature differences near the ground,

it has five meter resolution prehistoric roads from 900 or 1000 AD were detected. The roads could not be discerned by the naked eye from ground level. They also could not be seen in

either aerial photography or color infrared photographs. Three more flights over Chaco

detected over 200 miles of a prehistoric roadway system, as well as prehistoric walls, buildings, and agricultural fields. It may be that Chaco Canyon was a social and religious

center. People were coming exchanging ideas, practicing ritualistic activities, such as

breaking pottery, and then returning to whence they came.

Why were the Chaco roads designed with exacting linearity, which surmounted any

topographic obstruction, built to a width of 20 feet or more, and constructed by people who

did not even employ beast of burden in their lives?

The Chacoan roadway system was an impressive accomplishment that facilitated

widespread movement and participation in religious activities. They connected the people

along the periphery of the San Juan Basin and beyond to sacred places upon the landscape, to outlier sites, and ultimately to Chaco Canyon itself.T

Earthworks are often physically associated with roads as they approach great houses. These features, composed of mixed midden and fill, appear to be placed so as to delineate an area

surrounding a great house. They may therefore be more closely related to great house

function than to road function, but they do serve to clearly delineate where roads enter great

house sites. Similarly, a few large platforms composed of earth and rubble have been associated both with great house features and with roads. These platforms are so rare that

no clear patterning can be identified (e.g., Vivian 1995; Nials et al. 1987:16).

While confirming the existence of long, continuous roadways emanating from Chaco Canyon

has proven to be a difficult endeavor, archaeologists have identified an increasing number of

short and seemingly unconnected road segments located throughout the northern Southwest."

The above map is a part of the central complex of the Mayan city of Coba (0 to 1100 AD) in

the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. The Spanish archeological map traces the ancient Mayan

roads called Sacbeh shown as Camino. These are not insignificant roads as they have a thickness of 2 feet to 7 feet and a width up to 30 feet. That is as wide as a modern highway

(not bad for a people that did not have the wheel for transportation). These like other ancient

roads (Hopewell, Anasazi, Nazca, etc.) followed the earth grid lines. So important was it to follow the grid line and stay connected to the energy that all was sacrificed. Above is a

perfect example of this. Lake Macanxoc was in the way. Rather than save themselves a lot

of logistical problems by going around the lake, they went through it (shown in red circles). You can only imagine how much work that would be to fill a part of a lake without modern

bulldozers. The world is full of examples of ancient roads that go up steep hills, cliffs, etc. just

to maintain the connection to the energy. The Coba site also gives an example of the

unawareness of modern people that are not trained in how to feel this energy. If the people

that designed the modern foot trails at the site understood this connection the tourist trails

would be following the Sacbeh for that is where the experience lies. On the last trip to this

site Deborah and I walked the tourist trails without any outstanding experiences until the trail that connected with Sacbeh # 9 at the "T". Deborah was the first to notice it but when she

brought my awareness to the energy I also picked it up. As we walked down Sacbeh # 9

toward the Macanxoc Group the energy grew stronger and stronger. I have felt a lot of different energies at ancient sites but this was OUTSTANDING. It was like a strong wind

without the physical blowing. I tried different experiments. While walking back down the trail I

discovered I wasn't walking into the energy anymore (meaning that the energy had a

directional flow). Also, after walking down the trail past the pyramid, which is just past the setlae (stone slabs with inscriptions), the energy also dropped off . This is because the foot

trail also runs off to the left of the sacbeh. We followed the jungle tail for a while with no

energy being felt. If I knew what I know now I would have hit the solid jungle behind the pyramid to pick up the trail as it headed to Zacakal. On Sacbeh # 9 I also noticed my hands

very energized just like when you are using Reiki energy. Hand energizing is also a very

common experience at some of the Whiteshell sites.

The Macanxoc Group is very famous because of a concentration of stelae. One of these

stelae has four important dates inscribed on it. They are: January 29, 653 AD, June 29 672,

August 28, 682, and December 21 of the upcoming year 2011. It is believed that this is the only stelae in the whole Mayan territory that has four dates on it. The 2011 date is the Mayan

and the "New Age" future date of the end of time and this reality. As far as I know all of the

tourist paths are off the Sacbeh except this short little piece on Sacbeh #9. One further note about the roads and "modern logic". Because of its size and category Chichen Itza was

considered the most important ceremonial site in the region. One of the most confusing

things that archaeologists have trouble with is the 100 km straight road (Sacbeh) from Coba

to Yaxuna. Chichen Itza is considered the most prominent and important center and is located in between the two cities but not on the direct path of this road. The reason is that the

roads were not intended to be used strictly for commerce and transportation. They were

designed to follow the energy or grid lines.

Sometimes the ancient ones would follow these lines that intersected the ground surface

until they disappeared because of the terrain. This picture is one of the stone rows at

Merrivale on Dartmoor, Devon. The picture in the middle is from Alberta, Canada and is called the Majorville Cairn. This petroform is the junction of 6 major grid lines with smaller

grids = 24 grids. This explains the number of "spokes" that are in these different medicine

wheels. To the right John Brumley of Medicine Hat, Alberta has categorized the eight basic

styles. Also, judging by the number of spokes in the Majorville Cairn you can tell without

looking on a grid map that it is at a large grid intersection. Excavation of the huge central

rockpile at Majorville indicated that construction began more than 5000 years ago, 1000 years before the building of Stonehenge. This would indicate that this knowledge was being

used all over the world almost at the same time. (Majorville photo by Brian Calder) Another

boulder arrangement is the Similkameen River "medicine wheel" site near Princeton, B.C.

This site is the junction of three lines.

Line-drawing made after an image discovered during the early 16th Century by Spanish explorers on the Venezuelan island of Trinidad, where it was allegedly found on the wall of a

cave. Modern European letters and numbers were added much later to this version of the

original copy, now lost.

El Dorado Matrix using Cibola, Texas, as the zero degree base-line and marking all of the El

Dorado sites in the U.S. creates a pentacle that can be found in the grid. The head of the

"star" also points to the same location in Oklahoma indicated by the Trinidad matrix,

positioned off the Venezuelan coast. Top two pictures taken from the Ancient American


When the energy line or height-harmonic structure disappeared the stone lines had to stop also. The stone piling at the ends of the lines is an attempt to collect and hold this energy.

This will be discussed further as this site develops as well as why water trenches or moats

were placed around the Stonehenge and the Hopewell sites. The drawing above is the site at Moose Mountain in Saskatchewan, Canada.

As you can see the terrain fluctuation at Moose Mountain in Saskatchewan would create and uncrate contact with the specific energies that these people were looking for. This site would

be built later than the first sites at the Whiteshell. The migration of this culture probably came

from the Hopewell complexes in the Ohio - Mississippi regions. The first contact into Canada was believed to be in the Whiteshell area. The site above was started 2500 - 3000 years


This is an aerial photograph of the area just north of Bannock Point. The Grid Lines are marked in blue. The letter "A" is the primary Site, "B" is one of the sounding stones that falls

right on the Grid Line. There are sites along this line as it travels south-east all the way to the

State of Pennsylvania. One large site is the Mound Builder's site at Sratton, Ontario known as the Armstrong Mounds. Another is the petroglyph on Annie Island, Lake of the Woods

(see picture in the Soul Page). This same line extends through the Glenella Site a few

hundred miles to the north-west. From there it continues on to the main junction point in Alberta at a 5000 year old medicine wheel near Majorville. A different line that points to the

Bannock Point site also continues North "H" and connects the Astwood Petroform Site on the

East side of George Lake. The "E" is an 82 foot long petroform in the shape of a snake. This

form shares two lines. One goes through "A" and "B". The other comes from the sites that "D" is located on. The letter "C" is a large rectangular sounding stone.This Grid Line is the

one that extends through the middle of the Bannock Point circle. On a narrow road north of

Bannock Point you can easily pick this line up with dowsing rods as it crosses the road. It is also picked up in the parking lot as it crosses the highway at Bannock Point. This line

continues down into Minnesota. "D" is a petroform site with a strange energy "attunement". It

connects a few feet away to the "heart shaped" petroform in the Features Page. This line

continues down into the Dakotas crossing near Bismarck. At this time there are too many sites to include but the pattern is there. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to come up with

this. Give a three year old a coloring book and say connect the dots with lines and a picture

will show up. If you are interested there is a lot of work that needs to be done in collecting local sites in association with the grid lines. Don't expect too much help from the local

archeologists because they are reluctant to give any information on site locations.

The picture above is a magnified view and is located just above the junction of "F". My

calculations for the main crossing are a few hundred yards to the south in very rough terrain.

This circular spot peaks my curiosity.


You will see in the following pages a lot of line graphics. These are not just lines placed into convenient graphics to show possible angles. All the graphic pictures have mathematical

formulas to support the structure and are accurate. Sound or harmonics also have

mathematical configurations and follow certain criteria to support the structure (formula).

If you drop two pebbles into a pan of water simultaneously you will get a set of ripples. These

waves are nothing less than a vibrational pattern that can be likened to two sources of sound. The waves spread out evenly across the pan. These waves cross each other and

create quite a complex pattern of wavelets on the surface of the water. They look pretty

chaotic but there is an order in this apparent chaos. All that has happened is that the wave produced by each individual pebble expanded and reached the edge of the pan. In so doing,

the waves have crossed and interacted with each other on the way to the edges of the pan.

This interaction creates a complex pattern that is called an interference pattern. The

intersections of the outmost ripples will trace out a hyperbola shown in the blue lines.

A stone or any object placed into a field of energy will also produce an interference.

Orthogonal Conics

Confocal ellipses and hyperbolas are mutually orthogonal. Two sets of parabolas sharing the

same focus and axis but opposite in opening are mutually orthogonal too.

Pascal's Theorem & Brianchon's Theorem

In (at least) elementary projective geometry, lines and points have the same algebraic structure. Every theorem about lines has a dual about points, and vice versa. Blaise Pascal

(1623-1662) in 1640 discovered a theorem while he was sixteen, sometimes known as

Hexagramma Mysticum. Its dual wasn't discovered until 1806, by Charles Julien Brianchon

(1785-1864). Pascal's theorem (and its dual) are important in projective geometry, which in turn is a fundamental branch of geometry. Pascal's theorem: The six vertices of a hexagram

lie on a conic if and only if the points of intersection of the three pairs of opposite sides lie on

a line. Brianchon's theorem: The six sides of a hexagram are tangent to a conic if and only if

the lines joining the three pairs of opposite vertices intersect in a point.

The above picture shows that at the intersection of the grid lines the energy spirals down

were it meets an apex it the harmonic structure and reverses as it continues down but in the

reverse direction. That point of reversal is known as the null or the "O" point. In the above scenario it just so happens that the null point is also at ground level. This is what makes this

contrived spot a perfect spiritual site. Ripples of energy are broadcasted out in the form of

circular energy paths. These energy circles are where you build a structure and collect the

energy. As you can see they very in size depending on your resources and building material. You would then choose an energy "circle" that met your needs. James Conley found this out

when dowsing at the Galbreath Mound. People that are Reiki practitioners are very familiar

with the spiral shape. This spiral shape with an attached "L" has the same purpose. In the Reiki field the Cko Ku Ray symbol can be dawn in two different directions. The clockwise

direction connects to the heavens, or what the Native Americans call the projective

masculine energy. Counterclockwise connects to the earth, or the receptive feminine energy.

This is a conceptual model and is probably not what is actually taking place. It shows a probable stone circle (in red). There are areas of non-arbitrary spots that would be of more

interest than other spots in the circle. This explains why the stones in the circles are often off-

center. Not knowing any better we would probably place the stone in the center. There are many examples of stones and earth works that have elements that seem to be purposely

placed off-center or out of symmetry like the picture below of the earlier stages of


Stonehenge ground plan from phases 1 and 2

Galbreath Mound from James Conly's web site and research into the Hopewell Sites. Below

he describes his method of dowsing this site.

"On March 3, 2000, I returned to the Galbreath Mound to capture a more precise record of

my dowsing responses. The image above was created with involuntary muscle movements

in response to the telluric pattern I located at the mound. It is similar to a simple experiment I learned in school, where a piece of paper is placed over a magnet and iron shavings are

sprinkled over it to visually display the magnetic field surrounding the magnet.

I built a dowsing rod out of two flexible 24" lavatory supply tubes taped together at one end

with duct tape. Then I taped a felt-tipped marker to the end of the dowsing rod to act as a

recording instrument. A flat king-sized bedsheet served as my recording medium.

My procedure was as follows:

Dowse around the mound to locate a line following a North-South orientation and verify this with a compass.

Stretch a rope along the line running North-South. Dowse for a line running East-West and

stretch a rope along that line to determine a center point where the two lines intersect. Fold the sheet into quarters and place it in the North-West quadrant, then remove the ropes.

Unfold the sheet so that the center of the sheet is aligned with the center of the mound.

Dowse around the edges of the sheet, and mark each straight line running toward the center

with a felt-tipped marker. Dowse between the straight lines and mark each curved line on the sheet with a felt-tipped marker.

Fold up the sheet and return home to study the patterns.

By the time I finished, it was dark out and I couldn't tell if the curved lines surrounding the

center were concentric circles or one large spiral. When I returned home and spread the

sheet out on my living room floor, I discovered there were not one but two spirals winding

clockwise toward the center."

The picture above was taken from one of the best researchers in the dowsing field by the

name of Tom Graves. On his web site he gives a lot of information on his research at the

ancient sites in his area. The letter "A" is a Christianized stone near Postbridge, Devon.

Figure "B" is stone 3 at Rollright. From his article he gives descriptions of the energy bands that are contacting the stones at these sites. These bands are the 3 dimensional harmonic

waves at their perspective heights.

"These concentrations showed up in Taylor's research on that stone at Crickhowell, as

narrow bands of double-strength geomagnetic field running horizontally across the stone at

various heights upon it. These bands move up and down a little on the surface of the stone,

following what appears to be a lunar cycle: and because Taylor was apparently expecting these bands, once he found them, to stay still, that may be another reason why he said his

results were 'inconclusive'.

There are seven of these bands on most large standing stones; smaller stones, below about

four or five feet, may only have the first five, though there are a number of exceptions to this

general rule - the smallish wall-stones in the chambers at Belas Knap long barrow in the Cotswolds, for example. have all seven bands. Two of the bands are usually below ground

level, and the third just above or below the surface; the top band will be at or very close to

the top of the stone, and the remaining one or three bands (or however many the stone has)

are usually spaced irregularly over the rest of the height of the stone.

All seven bands, according to several researchers I've talked to, are tapping points into a

spiral release of some kind of energy that moves up and down the stone, following that lunar cycle. ((I have information about this coming in the near future.) The cycle appears to control,

the release of this energy in a sine-wave form, the zero-points of the cycle occurring on the

sixth day after New and Full Moon.

Underwood stated that the cycle in his secondary patterns repeated its zero-points almost to

the second each fortnight; and another researcher, Andrew Davidson, timed the zero-points

of the cycle of the spiral energy-release round a set of standing stones in Scotland to within

seven minutes.[5] Either way, a measurable cycle of that accuracy - better than most clocks

until well into this century - would seem to be a useful guide for any pagan calendar: so the parallel with the Celtic calendar may be more than 'mere coincidence'.

The spiral feeds energy from the ground to the sky during one half of the cycle, and feeds from the sky to the ground during the other half. The bands on the stone seem to connect the

stone into this flow of energy, apparently to control it: they seem to plug the stone into

energies both above and below ground, while the stone itself both marks and is the right

point through which the interchange of energies can take place. The bottom three bands connect the stone into the energies below ground; among other things, they seem - from my

research results at least - to connect up in some way with Underwood's patterns, but I've not

been able to work out what the connection is. The remaining bands connect up with other energies, or networks of energies, above ground; and in the case of the fifth and seventh

bands this connection, as far as many dowsers are concerned, produces some interesting


The usual procedure is to use a pendulum to find the position of the band, using the free

hand as a pointer to move up the surface of the stone. Then place both palms flat on the

surface of the stone at this point; lean against the stone, resting your weight on your palms, and relax. By 'relax' I don't mean 'go floppy': rather, I mean that you should allow the tension

in your muscles to ease evenly, and - perhaps more important - to relax and clear your mind

of 'doing', analyzing, thinking. If you've done this right, and if the conditions are right, 'upright', in the subjective sense, suddenly ceases to be upright, and you'll roll to one side or the other.

The direction of this apparent thrust will remain the same, for you at least, until the end of

that lunar cycle; for the next fortnight it will reverse; and so on. Different people are pushed

different ways, for some reason, and different stones may induce different apparent thrusts, so don't assume that if it works for you in one way at one place it must therefore be the same

for everyone everywhere.

I once showed Paul Devereux, editor of The Ley Hunter magazine, how to find this fifth band

effect, working on one of the main stones at Avebury and on the tower on top of Glastonbury

Tor. Since he hadn't been able to dowse before this time, his comments are interesting. He said that the immediate effect of the fifth band was 'like when you've had just one drink too

many': it was a feeling that hit him as soon as he made contact, and this sense of a loss of

balance developed, in a couple of seconds, into a definite 'push' to one side. This 'tingling

sensation like a mild electric shock' is also one of the characteristics of the seventh band's effect on the dowser. With a skilled dowser this can be spectacular: as he touches the band

with his fingertips, the energy released triggers off a violent reflex contraction of the back

muscles, throwing him backward as much as ten or fifteen feet. Even non-dowsers can often feel the energy at this point as a slight warmth or tingle, which may account for the name of

another standing stone in Gloucestershire, the Tingle Stone, near Avening."

These sites around the world cannot be placed into any one design due to historical

evolution. The original designers understood the concepts that led to the design. The

following generations would add or drop understandings. Also the sites would be developed

to suite the "newcomers" and their beliefs. A good example of this can be found in England where a lot of the ancient sacred sites had Christian churches built over them. All this

changing and rearranging would eventually lead to a period in time where the original

understandings would be lost. Other factors like genocide or migration out of the area would also leave the site to itself. Sites that were left by the originators of the understanding would

become "property" of the new invaders or immigrants to the area. This is what happened to

the Whiteshell sites. The original designers probably came from the Mississippi-Ohio

Hopewell culture. Their introduction into the region could have resulted from escaping overpopulation to the south or from political upheaval. They might have been pushed into the

area during the Altithermal Period to seek water for survival. The Altithermal Period was

basically a climatic change that led to drought conditions on the grasslands of the central

planes of North America. This period lasted 5000 to 8000 years with the peak that led to a particularly severe drought around 6600 years ago. An agrarian based culture would have

crop failures and thus be displaced to areas where water was abundant. One such area is

the Manitoban Whiteshell. The originator of these petroforms were long-gone by the time the Anishinabe migrated into this region and they took their understandings with them. Around

1500 AD the Anishinabe followed the southern route around Lake Superior and congregated

at Moningwunakauning (the island of La Point in Wisconsin). There they established an

extensive town. For more than a century the Anishinabeg occupied their settlement on Moningwunakauning. According to tradition, a scourge of poisoning, cannibalism and other

forms of anti-social, objectionable and abnormal behavior by influential people caused the

general population to disperse. They found their way to the southern Manitoban area a few years before Europeans showed up at the end of the 17th century. By that time only legends

of the petroforms would be left in place by remnants of other cultures. In fact, history has

recorded (in diaries) that when the first European explorers asked what they (the petroforms) were used for, the locals did not know. In fact, it is said that the natives feared the petroform

areas. The exception would be spots like Bannock Point that lay on a canoe portage. Faced

with this situation they left offerings of tobacco or colored cloth, allowing access through the


Like any society only a small part or number of people would have "all the knowledge" in

certain fields. The main population is either not interested or not given complete truths or understandings. If the "old ones" dye off without transference of this knowledge, it is lost

forever. It is interesting to note that there are still sacred societies today that hold back their

knowledge from their own people. This is a product of fear. The very nature of any secret

results in protecting the concept to a point where it stifles its ability to be passed on. My own theory of why the people that inhabited the Whiteshell during the Petroform Period lost the

understandings was because they were being placed in a position of survival. I say this

because these people came from sophisticated large social cultures from the south. These agrarian cultural habits had no value now that they were in area of water and solid rock. It is

almost impossible to grow much in the way of crops in the Whiteshell. All of their energies

were now focussed on hunting and gathering which became a full-time occupation. As time went on more emphasis was placed on survival than spiritual contact.

This is the 1st phase of Stonehenge. Notice the ditch for storing water.

In North America the Hopewell people were also building earthworks with the ditch placed inside of the earth circle. These pictures come from a every good web site by James Conley

(see Links Page on this site). The left picture shows the size of the site at the Moundbuilders

State Memorial in Newark, Ohio. This site is known as the Great Circle. The original earth works covered 4 square miles. This circle is 12 - 16 feet high and with an interior ditch

enclosing 30 acres. At the entrance there is an avenue earth works that at one time was 1/2

of a mile long. This is also not a perfect circle but is an ellipse with the diameters of 1150' and 1250'. The diagram to the right is an energy map that James Conley drew from his

dowsing research at the site.


Please be patent with me as there is a lot to cover with this huge topic but certain things

have to be explored first. It might seem that I'm jumping around but I will work back to the ancient sites with some outstanding revelations and pictures. At this point it is still important

to understand "visual" geometry, mathematics, harmonics, etc. without boring you with more

useless information. These seemingly unrelated topics are all the same picture. They all play

a part and are all interconnected. There were different levels of understand and usages in these ancient sites with the Egyptian, Mayan, Hopewell, etc. hitting the pinnacle of this

understanding. A thousand years ago and today the only thing that is important for the

average person is to have a general understanding and how to access and apply this energy. Remember, don't get caught up strictly in sacred geometry, mathematics, astronomical

alignments or even the actual stone works. The thing to remember is that these are all

various projections of source power. The stone or earth features are there to place these

people into the specific aspects of the source harmonic energy. Astronomical alignments and water moats also have their specific purposes. Be careful not to focus on one or two

elements. An example of this is the current belief that sacred geometry is the foundation of

reality and that the construction and creation of the universe is based on sacred geometry. On one level, this is true. However, on another level this is another attempt to understand

and explain what is unexplainable. Sacred geometry is an important part of the

understanding of life, the universe, and sacred sites but there is more to it that completes the big picture.

Please remember these shapes as they will make sense later when applied to the current

research that is happening in the dowsing field. These shapes are all mathematical in


April 19th 2001 I was at the Bannock Point site and during a meditation I was shown the view

looking down the center of the vortex of energy. It was more tube-like in structure then shown

above but these pictures show the radiating lines that are sent out of the structure..

This is where the basic energy pattern outline comes from when the Labyrinth energy is


These pictures are petroglyphs from ancient sites in Europe. The spirals show up

consistently in the dowsings that Ian and Judith Honeywood have done at stone circle sites.

From the book "The Swedes and their Supernatural Experiences" by Nils Norlén.( Parthenon


"The forces surrounding this Troy Town are especially strong. People sensitive to the earth

energies have difficulty in walking upright in this stone labyrinth. They become affected both

in a physical and psychical way by a force which is difficult to define. No instruments have yet been developed, which can register these vibrations. The only way to locate this mystical

force is through the old, much debated dowsing-rod. The Troy Town is located in a nature

preserve, called Lindbacke, just outside Nyköping The natural environment surrounding the

labyrinth at Lindbacke is somewhat unique, one birch, for example, leaning its crooked trunk towards the labyrinth, as if affected by some mystical power. None can escape feeling the

peculiar spirit of the place. Labyrinths or Troy Towns, which they are also called, date back to

prehistoric times. In our country we have around 300 of them, making Sweden the country with the greatest number of labyrinths in the world. But they do exist in many other countries

as well, and are built according to the same geometrical patterns.

In spite of the abundant existence of Troy Towns, archeologists have hardly shown any

interest in them, instead it is through dedicated amateur archeologists that we know a lot

about them. One of these is Dan Mattsson in Nyköping. He has written a book called "Earth

Energies, Health and Ancient Knowledge", where among other things he describes the mythology and magic surrounding the Troy Towns."

These geometric curves are mathematical equivalents to the energy that are dowsed at

different sites.

James Conley gives this great dowsing map on his site. "On July 25, 1998, Shakura, Bob

and I journeyed to Serpent Mound, located in Adams County, Ohio. All of the previous

mounds where we had dowsed were conical mounds that displayed a similar pattern of energy. Since this was the first effigy mound that we were going to dowse, I had no idea

what to expect. We started at the tail, which was coiled into a tight circle, and all of us found

a radial pattern focused at the center of the circle, similar to the energy pattern at the conical-shaped mounds. I counted 59 lines, all spreading out from the tip of the tail. The other end of

the effigy has an oval shaped mound. At this end, we located another radial pattern. I

counted 72 lines as I walked around it."

The lay of the land is one of the "keys".

In this picture there is only one main location with a few satellite power spots.


Please keep in mind that these "probable" diagrams are only a representation to show the

understanding. Also keep in mind that we are dealing with a physical three dimensional-multidimensional energy. The energy type and configuration at any site around the world will

vary depending on the earth "chakras" or point of creation. There is an energy flow into and

out of the earth. This can be a singular or multi-directional flow.

In the beginning I can imagine that people started to use of this earth energy in two probable

scenarios. One is that these early shaman/priests had outside sources for this knowledge.

Two is that they were creatures of God and connected energetical to the earth's seasons and rhythms. To look at the last scenario we have to understand some basic truths. These people

are us. They had the same intelligence as us. Today we view intelligence as how capable we

are at navigating in this world of technology. I'm very familiar with paleoanthropology and I

can assure you that there were people thousands of years ago like the Cro Magnon that had cranial capacities that exceeded large numbers of modern people. These early people had

the same intelligence as us. They were not conditioned by their cultures to ignore the natural

ways of life. Their connection to earth and to nature was a thousand times greater than what we can understand today. I'm not proud of this but prior to ten years ago I got a taste of how

to connect to nature in the co-survival way. I have spent half of my life in the bush. During

that time I was heavily into archery hunting. Today I have trouble killing a mosquito. I don't regret my past experiences for in hind sight I realize that everything is created in our lives for

a purpose or an understanding. It would take me many pages to explain the connections to

nature that can be achieved by joining them in their "survival creation". In this hunting "mode"

you connect to life and nature in ways that you cannot understand no matter how long you study wild animals and their habits. You have to become nature on the survival level to really

understand the deeper levels. No intellectual biological teachings can connect you to the

spirit of the animal. This may sound stupid or inhuman, but it is the truth. Looking at the Native cultures and their understandings will give you glimpses of this. Their connection

cannot be completely understood by playing the role. By playing the role you are just an

actor imitating the real person.

When you consider that our brain is only using 8 - 12 % of its capacity it makes you wonder

why 88% is just there to keep our ears apart. If you are scientifically-minded you know that

evolution would not support this. Why is it that we have such a large neroplasmic organ that is not being used? The simple truth is that we as a species did at one time use a larger

amount of our brain. These other parts are for processing information and they serve

different purposes that we determine not to be important now. The ancient cultures did not have predetermined values on what they felt. This allowed them to access other concepts of

creation and mind. This opened minded thought allows "biological switches" to bring on line

the parts of our mind that can process and accept. From this point on your mind and body

start to work together in ways that the average person does not get. You become aware of your environment and your part in it. You are capable of sensing all types of energy. You

come to a point that familiarity with theses different energies has application and use. Think

of it this way. On a physical level your body reacts instinctively to the survivable stimuli that it is receiving. When you work physically very hard your body generates more muscle mass to

become more efficient. If after years of hard work you quit your body reacts and reduces

muscle mass. Likewise, with the brain, if you cannot process or accept more energy or different types of energy into your consciousness, then your brain shuts down its ability. It

remains shut down unless you consciously require or have a need for multisensory abilities

now. The problem is that it is also like the muscle mass. It takes time to rebuild.

We have at our disposal in this culture five recognized senses. This is referred to as a five-

sensory personality. A person with a five-sensory personality is not able to process fully the

data that their body is sensing. Their perception of reality is segmented. Their experience of

the Universe is partitioned. The five-sensory personality can learn that internal dynamics affect perception, and formulate this as folklore or cliche, such as, "smile and the world

smiles with you." It can discover regularities within physical reality, and formulate them as

laws, such as, "any action has and opposite and equal reaction". Yet the five-sensory personality is not able to experience the relationships between these domains, and,

therefore, is not able to learn about one from the other. They are not able to experience the

same richness through each.

Science, for example, reflects the Divine impulse to become conscious of relationships that

connect apparently separate aspects of experience. It is the pinnacle achievement of the

five-sensory personality. Yet this is only viewed through logic and understanding of the five senses. On the other hand, a more open mind or multisensory personality is capable of not

only understanding the relationships between creations but is also capable of detecting or

sensing this energy and dynamics of the whole.

I understand the difference for I have lived in both "camps". It would be like living in a world

where everyone was blind but you. If you attempt to describe the colors you are viewing, you

will be met with disbelief for the fifth sense is absent.

Please keep in mind that the above "probable" diagram is only a representation to show the

understanding. Also keep in mind that we are dealing with a physically three-

dimensional/multidimensional energy. Finding the grid or focus points on the planet surface was the first logistical focus. The second was available resources including available

manpower. In the Manitoban Whiteshell area you have a choice of solid rock, lake, or

swamp. Because of the limited resources the population was small. They created the best

with what was available. In centers that produced high populations manpower was not the issue. Materials that were available were used or they were imported. The Adena /Hopewell

sites used earth. In the Mayan world limestone was everywhere. So if you were in the right

location and fortunate to have building materials you could access a larger spectrum of the energy. This is why pyramids became a tool to dial in what type of energy you needed. In the

above picture the location is identified. Because of the surface level of the ground "A" in

correspondence to the energy at that spot you would have to go up to find the levels you

wanted. There is much more to the pyramid than this, but for now we are only concerned

with height as a primary focus. Height was determined by the energy "B" in relationship to the ground surface so some pyramids did not have to be as high as others. The steps or

platforms on the sides are at different points of energy. This led to the initiation aspect. A

novice was not allowed to proceed further up the pyramid unless they were ready for the next level of understanding (energy). This was only one direction that could be achieved. The next

direction was down "C". So if you had the more advanced understandings and wanted to

access a spot that was below the surface, then one would dig a shaft down along the grid "D"

and locate "C" or another dimensional "null point". (More will be expand about the difference which also was directional to "inner world" or "outer world" needs.) The Mayan and the

Egyptians took full advantage of this understanding and resources. The pyramid above is

Castillo at the Mayan city of Chichen Itza. Most people can sense the energy at the top of this pyramid. I have observed many tourists and have tried it myself. One enters the door

shown in the picture, turns around and stands in between the two pillars in the middle of the

room. One looks out of the doorway and focuses on the horizon. About three years ago I tried this and I will never forget the results. One of my hands touched a pillar to the right of

me. This started energy flowing through me to a point that my knees gave way. This energy

was so intense I had to kneel down because my knees couldn't support me.

The above pyramid is a five-floor building at the Mayan center of Edzna (600 BC - 950 AD) in

the Mexican State of Campeche. The different levels of this pyramid contained rooms that

were used to train initiates while being exposed to the energy of that level of the pyramid. Hunbatz Men who is a many generation Mayan shaman, states that Edzna was used as a

center of communication to link the Mayan Empire together. At the Mayan-Toltec site of

Tulum Hunbatz Men showed us a very special small building in front of the main pyramid. It is not much more than 8 x 8 feet cubed and had four doors that are on each side of the

structure. Looking from the outside it appears cubic in structure. Inside, the ceiling is dome

shaped with a low cylinder shaped stone in the middle of the floor. He explained that this room was a communication room. One would sit on this low stone column and face the door

in the direction of the person that they wanted to communicate with.


Putting it all Together

Through the ages there have been those who have sought to explain the "Great Mystery"

through various means. Some used sounds, others used symbols, astronomy, mathematics and still others, words. It really does not matter what flavor you adopt simply because they

are all correct in there particular focuses and yet they lack completion. They were all worthy

attempts to explain the unexplainable, and as such simply become limited concepts that offer

the mind-intriguing possibilities for understanding. Humans, if they desire to know the unknowable, will resort to create systems and boxes within which to put those systems, so

they can feel secure about knowing the unknowable.

The unknowable is just that - unknowable. You can grasp glimpses of it. For the complete

understanding you will have to exit this reality and human consciousness. Working at the

Bannock Point Site I have been shown understandings far past my capacity to explain and in some cases, there are pieces that I can't fit into any concept. Without filtering or apologizing

the next few pages will be my clumsy attempt to show and explain the gift that was received.

I honestly do not know why I has given this material. Possibly was it my commitment to share


If you were to view reality constructs from outside this plane, you would understand that

there are countless planes within planes. There are untold dimensions and limitless levels of consciousness. And each of these planes are based on the beliefs and thought forms of

those who created them. It is like the blind men and the elephant story. Each of these planes

are real and correct within that limited context, yet none of them are the big picture. There are for example, planes in which different geometric forms comprise the reality construct.

The Monroe Institute of Virginia can teach you how to access these focus states through the

Hemi-Sync program. Those who tap into these planes may try to tell you that this is the basis

of the universe.Yet there are also planes in which archetypes are the governing structures. A lot of shamanic trips or some channelings will provide this contact. Those who resonate to

these constructs will also tell you that archetypes are really the basis of reality. All are true,

and none are true, depending on your chosen context.

I'm not saying any of these people are wrong. In fact I applaud them for exploring their own

divinity and the divinity of all. This is all part of the plan, or as I have been told "the game".

These are evolutionary steps that we are taking to become greater than we are. The trick is not to think that every step is "it" the final solution. The "it" that we have found has always

been around in one form or another, and has always been a trap for believing that we have

found "it". Reality is fluid, and the "it" will always change.

The ancient shamans/priests quite possibly fell into this trap. One has to recognize that there

were those from the past that unraveled enough of the Great Mystery to create what we see now as only relics of the past. Humans have no patience for something that brings no results

for that long or involving increasable amounts of labor. Humans are much too pragmatic, and

yes there are various "non-working" religions that have been around for a long time. The truth

is that these religions do work for many, otherwise they would not be here.

The best part of the Whiteshell petroforms is that they cannot be subjected to the ridiculous

excuses that the experts would have us believe is the purpose behind most of the sites around the world. There are many old "Victorian" concepts of the ancient world that need to

be thrown out. One such theory is that these sites were used to determine the seasons so

that crops could be planted on time to be successful. Anyone that would state this is more likely to have been born and raised in the city. Even modern farmers have an understanding

of the right time to plant without looking at a calendar. Seasons vary from year to year, some

as much as a few weeks apart from one another. Many years ago when I was an avid trout

fisherman I found this out through need. It all started around the need to be at the trout lakes right after the ice broke up in the spring for the best fishing. There were many wasted trips to

the Whiteshell that found us standing on the shore of a frozen lake only to have the ice break

up the following week. The answer was to mark the procession of spring. This was done on a calendar for convenience knowing that the dates could not be trusted. Every spring for a few

years I would mark on the calendar spring changes and "land-marks". This could be anything

from small creeks and rivers being free of ice to insect hatches and plant germination or buds

opening up. I don't live in the wilderness like the ancient ones but it didn't take long before I knew what was going to take place next as spring unfolded into summer. This type of

knowledge could only be achieved through need and experience. Ancient agrarian and non-

agrarian cultures understood this and did not need to develop calendars and astronomical alignments to know when to plant their crops. If you pay attention you will notice that spring

and nature follows its own pattern or rhythm. So why develop the need for astronomical

progression as far as the seasons are concerned? Why are certain planets or stars chosen as more important then others? Why is there a need for water moats around some of the

earth works? Why are the stones arranged in certain repeated patterns? Why is it that when

the stones have been removed there is still a detectable energy at that spot? There are more

questions about these sites than good answers or understandings.

I don't profess to have all of the answers nor do I believe that the Bannock Point

Understanding covers all of the sites in the world. There are a lot of cultural beliefs that are associated to the sites and these have been added throughout time to the different sites. I do

believe that there was a seed understanding that germinated into a workable creation that

was powerful enough to be propelled all around the world. There is much work ahead and

will require many people to unravel this mystery. The Bannock Point Understanding was offered as a catalyst to create a new movement with some of the teachings of the past.

The first place to start is with the energy associated with these sites. Thanks to field researchers that are dowsing the sites patterns are starting to emerge. These patterns are

similar thousands of miles apart from one site to another. Spirals are one of the most

common motifs if viewed from a two-dimensional perspective. Viewed from the side the spiral

has a different shape.

To the left is the typical conical spiral with energy flowing in one direction only. If this energy

is being exchanged as energy flowing in as well as out, then you get a pattern that is in the

picture to the right.

The picture to the left is from the historical Selden Codex which is Aztec in origin. The image shows the mythological "birth of humanity" with a person emerging from "The Sacred Tree".

The tree in this example is portrayed as two snakes spiraling in opposite directions. The

sacred tree to the Maya, Aztec, and other Indigenous cultures of the American continent

represents the divine connection of the upper and lower worlds with the physical life forms of the middle or our world. The tree that gives birth to a male entity of stars (Two Grass) is a

tree with a cloud serpent and a star serpent wrapped around it. Next to it are different birth

images of plants, rivers, raptor birds and jeweled eyed birds. In past cultures snakes have been represented by their shape alone as energy spirals that have been witnessed at sacred

sites. According to the Mayan shaman, Hunbatz Men, the snake also represents the

conceptual duality of their native language and culture. He says that the two snakes in this above picture represents positive and negative energy, can and nac. (This is valuable

information for understanding the energies that I came across at one of the petroform sites.)

The man that is being birthed at the top of the "tree" extends two hands with finger jesters

that translate to: extended index finger means to take or tlatlanrhuia, the other hand with fingers extended means to give or tlancuhtia. So at this point it is not a birth per se, but

translates as an accession. The man is not only giving himself to God but is also receiving

this energy. The hands on the snakes represent the hands of God or the presence of God. At ancient sites in old England the energy was witnessed as wispy spiraling snakes (serpents)

or dragons or icons of the devil. This is the origin of Ley Lines being called "dragon lines"

which then became known as "Saint Michael's Lines". At that point in English history and the

megalith sites of England, the church perceived the energy at the megalith sites as evil (not understandable). So the destruction of some of the sites led to the phrase of Saint Michael

the Dragon Destroyer. The energy that has been observed connecting to people has been

described as wispy thin lines radiating from above to a person's crown chakras. In the Codex Rios, now in the Vatican, a text in Italian reads, "when the devil becomes visible to them they

cannot see all of him, but only the claw of an eagle." Of course the "devil" being referred to in

this commentary was the god of the Aztecs. The claw was all they could see because these are the lines of energy that are being observed. To the right the last picture from the Madrid

Codex shows a lord sitting before an altar containing what is apparently a flaming spiral. The

lord attempts to touch the energy in motion.

The above picture is from one of the best web sites on the internet about the subject of

dowsing ancient sites. The owners and researchers, Ian and Judith Honeywood, have done

an excellent job bring public awareness to the subject. This diagram of the Hurston Ridge Site in the U K is very typical of the energy spirals that they are finding. James Conley has

also discovered this spiral energy at the Moundbuilders sites. The stone rows follow long

tracks of the earth grid as it crosses Europe. On this site just the two outside edges of the grid line are marked with stones. Other sites have three rows. When I first started dowsing

Bannock Point Circle I found three energy lines that ran across the site (the grid line). On Ian

Honeywood's site there are examples of this pattern, a spiral attached to three energy lines.

The spiral is one of the key elements of understanding in most cultures around the earth.

Through time it has lost much of its original meaning and what it represents. To the Maya,

one of our historical genius cultures, it had meanings that we today are still stumbling to understand. To them all life in the three-dimensional universe moved in a spiral path, from

the tiniest particle to the milkyway and the universes. It represents not only the stirring of the

primordial waters of creation but also the Great Mystery, the spiraling path of evolution out of the waters. Each new cycle of learning begins when you have completed the last loop of the

previous cycle. Each little spiral is a part of a larger spiral in which whole galaxies are

swirling relentlessly through space. In totality, then, the spiral represented the whole process

of cosmic evolution. The energy of this connection was seen as energy matrix lines that look like a web in the universe, through which all points are connected in time and space. This

energetic web of communication is known as the "crystal grid network". It is a cauldron of

creation, a potent field in which all things are not only possible but constantly being created. Within this grid, the linear causality of time and space has been freed into an open system in

which all time and space exist and interact simultaneously. This grid connects the larger

holograms of reality with our own. Its energy lines connect all places, time, and events, even

those that are seemingly unrelated. All phenomena and all actions are part of this larger whole; it is the very foundation for telepathy and synchronicity in which all things are one

within the Source.

The letter "A" I call the focus rock for everything seams to start here. This is also the spot where the most unusual experiences take place. The "B" is a 24 foot energy circle that is the

same width as the grid line at this location. This line one mile to the north is easily picked up

but it is only a thin line at that point. Letters "C, D, E" are features including a thunderbird. All

are located on energy lines but more research is needed. Letters "K, G, F" are markers that are exactly on the edge of the grid line. The turtle has a part of the spiral that is lined up with

two legs. This turtle is also in line with "P" and "A" the focus rock. Together these features

line up with a boulder that is off in the distance to the northwest. After that there is also another boulder in line with one of the lopes in a huge sine wave or snake effigy. This line is

a possible astronomical alignment. The "J" along with the east fire pit and "G" are in line.

Also the turtle's tail and head are in line with "L" and "M". One of the most interesting places energetically is in a small clump of trees northeast from "N". In these trees are three or four

large boulders that appears to be of a natural setting.

It is really interesting to see how the human mind naturally or intuitively picks the right spots. All the sweat lodges are on the energy grid line with a small modern cairn in the middle of the

line at the bush edge. In other places people have intuitively placed ribbons or cloth on

different lines. One such line is the one running through the thunderbird. Just inside the bush edge is a small red ribbon where the line enters the bush.

The nice thing about working the Whiteshell sites is that there are no water streams to

interfere with the dowsing. You are working on solid granite. Areas where the stones have

been removed still retain the energy where they were originally placed. New rock forms have no energy attached to them. When dowsing you will have to make a commitment on what

you are looking for. This is important if you are trying to understand the energy patterns. If

you are not clear on what you want then your results will also be unclear. An unclear question could be something like "show me where spiritual work was performed". This and

similar statements will show you ancient and recent energy work that has been performed. I

have investigated areas that have had original stones stolen only to find a traceable pattern

still on the ground. Watch out at the Bannock Point site for ancient petroforms that have confusing results. Lately, I was told that some of northern forms were moved closer inwards

to accommodate tourists. One thing it provides is a good test site for working with stratified

energy in association with bed rock (original spot) and the stones themselves in their new setting.

Why is dowsing so interesting and important at this time? Dowsing is important because it is one of the few tools that show what is taking place at these sacred sites. Research is

showing that the energy that dowsers are picking up is actually harmonics. Below is an

article by James W. Lyons.

Dowsing: A Gateway to Quantifying Consciousness?

In much the same way that in, the early days of establishing laws relating gravitational, magnetic and electrostatic forces between objects, the approach taken here is to look at a

dowser and a single object, identifying the parameters involved in their conscious interaction.

Any field effects involved are considered as a consequence of this basic interaction.

Although there are a few people who quite naturally possess the skill of 'feeling' the presence of another object, usually with their hands, others need amplifying detecting devices to make

the effect apparent. It is believed that in neolithic times and indeed with existing primal

peoples still living outside our current modern society, the skill is ever present and is certainly used to track animals as but one example of its use. Most dowsers use angle (L-shaped)

rods to detect objects, their motion usually indicating the direction of the sought object.

Triangulation techniques are used to refine the exact position of the sought object. However, all objects create disturbances in their immediate environment and those affecting the so-

called subtle energy field can be sensed by a dowser. The form taken by this disturbance is

analogous to a standing wave pattern as observed in a snapshot of ripples on water. A series

of rings are detectable whose radii around the object come closer together the further away one goes from the object. In fact, these rings form a geometric series, the ratio of contiguous

annular widths generating a constant of 0.891. This figure was eventually discovered to be

that associated with a major tone on a musical scale. This basic pattern is found everywhere in nature, including optical diffraction patterns around crystals, energy spirals around carbon

atoms in polymers and the shape of the multi- faceted eyes of fireflies, to name but a few.

More detailed analysis has shown that the rings are in fact contiguous toroids, located in the

free vortex field surrounding the object. The overall shape of the total dowsable pattern is reminiscent of a galaxy disc when seen side on. The whole shape embodies both binary and

golden spirals and relates to Platonic solids, in particular 5- & 6- fold geometries. The major

result from this investigation so far, is that dowsing, at least for certain aspects related to the non-locality of consciousness, are linked to diatonic scales in music. Further biological

evidence for this is that it is believed that the pineal gland in the brain is responsible for the

detection of magnetic fields by the human. This gland is surrounded by neurons closely linked with the hearing system, itself of course utilising the binary spiral in its detection of

audible sounds.

In addition to the above work, it has been found that the dowsing of objects which in some

sense can be called 'active', results in diffraction patterns similar to the above in shape which

expand radially due the energy involved with the object. Certain objects influence the vorticity of the subtle energy field in significant ways, for example - Magneticfields Mechanically

stressed quartz Rotating objects such as gyroscopes In the case of magnets, it has also

been found that the radius of the first ring around the magnet, i.e its vortex edge increases with increased field strength. Magnetic vector potential is also believed to be detectable by

the dowser in addition to the more usual magnetic field. This provides a possible link with

non-locality effects observed in Quantum Physics, e.g Bohm - Aharonov effect. Free charge

generated by stressed quartz also enhances the size of the detectable vortex field. This could explain the use of standing stones by our neolithic forefathers which, under

geophysical forces, generate changes in field patterns detectable by humans as altered

states of consciousness. Thirdly and perhaps the least expected is that rotating objects, somehow mechanically alter the subtle energy field which is also detectable by dowsing.

Again, vorticity could be the unifying factor.

This may have a significant effect on Consciousness research, particularly as we are now

beginning to realize that , like all other sensory responses, vibrational patterns are involved.

These vibrations are harmonically related, just as Pythagoras always said.

Isn't it surprising that the ancient art of dowsing is one of the tools that is responsible for bringing back the prehistoric knowledge that these sites hold. The more you examine the

dowsing results from around the world the more a pattern appears. The two most predominant features of the energy patterns are showing the spiral and concentric circles

overlaying one another with a connection to the boulder mosaics.

If you have prior knowledge of Sacred Geometry then this will be easy to understand. For novices getting down to the basics I recommend looking up sites on the web. You may also

want to purchase one of Drunvalo Melchizedek's books or better yet attend his workshop. I

do not want to teach Sacred Geometry so I will skip a lot of relevant geometry in favor of concentrating on what I have been shown.

The picture above and to the left is what is known as the fruit of life. In Sacred Geometry Drunvalo teaches that a process of achieving phi ratio is by squaring the circle. The phi ratio

is the mathematical ratio that all life (including humans) is constructed on geometric levels.

To find phi ratio in the fruit of life you start at the first or center circle. From there you draw a

line through the center of the next row of circles (see the middle picture above). The next step is to draw a line around the outside of these circles. Continuing this process you create

a series of concentric circles (picture to the right).

In order to achieve the phi ratio you have to square the circle. The phi ratio (1.618....) is achieved by constructing a square whose area equals that of a given circle. According to

Drunvalo, this is the first level of consciousness. Another way of saying this is the first

harmonic level (vibration) when consciousness recognizes itself. If you draw a square around the first, second, and third circle, you will not achieve the phi ratio and intersect the next line

of consciousness (above middle picture). Consciousness needs a reference point to

understand difference (the Maya say measurement and movement). Starting from the center

it is only at the 4th circle that drawing a square over it can a phi ratio be achieved (the above picture to the left). Notice how this square also connects with the 5th level of consciousness

(5th circle). According to Drunvalo only at the 4th circle can this be achieved. Drunvalo

claims that this level in human creation is the level that the first aboriginal and ancient cultures worked with. The Bannock Point Understanding says that this 1st level is the closest

to earth energies and that was what most (not all) of the early shamanic/priests around the

world were working with. This first and oldest level of consciousness is attuned spiritually to earth-physical levels (also inner-world realities). Earlier shamanic/priests worked mostly with

OBE trips to inner worlds and dimensions (earth energy aspects). The Bannock Point

Understanding also states that squaring the circle is (in physical understandings) three-

dimensional. This means that the volume of a cube equals the volume of a sphere. All Sacred Geometry has to be seen as three-dimensional because it is a representation of a

harmonic structure. I don't know how this would translate into mathematical theorems, but

remember mandalas are two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional structures.

Notice when you apply a blurring effect to this diagram ( picture to the right) you produces a

snowflake pattern (water). This is a key that connects the moats seen at these sites.

If you look into a harmonic structure you will see that Sacred Geometry is part of the

structure (above to the left). You probably recognize the star in the middle of the center picture. In the middle picture above you can clearly see the concentric circles of the harmonic

image. The center circle is squared and inside it the Mer-Ka-Ba shape appears (two

tetrahedrons placed over one another). Remember, all this is three-dimensional: the

harmonic image, the cube, sphere, and Mer-Ka-Ba. All are part of and all create the harmonic structure. You cannot separate one from the other. That is why I say not to focus

on just one aspect without keeping in mind all of the others. In the picture to the right, drawn

in red, is the Egg of Life or the geometry's of the first eight cells that form the beginning of conception (in Drunvalo's teachings they do not overlap).

The picture above to the left clearly shows the Flower of Life. The one to the right has a

horizontal infinity symbol. Remember, this is three-dimensional so this infinity symbol has to be in a torus shape. The two vesica piscis formed by the four spheres create two torus

shapes, one vertical, the other horizontal. There will be more on this later on.

The following are dowsing line drawings from the Lakehead Megalithic site taken from Ian

Honeywood's website. To the left, without a center boulder, you can count the energy circles

outward. At the 4th circle you have two things, firstly, the stone circle (marked here in white and pink) and secondly, the phi ratio or 1st level of consciousness. With a boulder in the

middle (see picture to the right) the difference is that the center stone serves as the first

circle. This style is represented at the Bannock Point circle. Also, notice the energy lines that

radiate out from the 4th circle. The people that worked at this site were reaching out to higher levels of consciousness (5th and 6th circles). At the Lakehead site, within this particular circle

(revealed by the lack of stones marking these energy circles), they did not completely

achieve this level.

Above, and to the left, reveals how two energy circles from the Lakehead site connect to one another. To the right is a diagram of the Stonehenge circles. They revealed that some

cultural sects were only aware of the 4th circle (first consciousness) and others were more

advanced spiritually. This can be seen by the stonework or holes on the 5th and 6th energy

circles. At the Stonehenge site, the 6th level of awareness was achieved by someone.

If I had to guess from the series of circles at Lakehead, the spiritual evolution achieved at

that site was the 5th level of awareness. At this time in our evolution (modern man) we are

working at 5th & 6th level.

Dowsing clearly shows that there are other energy or concentric circles at these sites. I do

not know of any sites that worked with the second level of consciousness. The second level occurs again at the squaring of the 7th circle. This 7th circle produces the next phi ratio. This

second phi ratio, or second level of consciousness is referred by Drunvalo as Christ

Consciousness. On a species level, this is what we are working towards. The "Christ Consciousness" that I am referring to is not affiliated with any religion or sect. Others in the

past have laid claim to it. To claim this level of consciousness means much work must be

accomplished in order to understand the level we are talking about. This highest level of spirituality represents all of humanity and exceeds all of humanities past beliefs and

creations (more in the future). The reason for lack of work being done at these ancient sites

is their age. Most of these sites are a thousand years before the Christ Consciousness

teachers were needed on this plane. At that time humanity was not ready for the likes of Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, etc.

The great beauty of all this is that we can go to power sites and connect to this source

energy without disturbing the original historic site. The "ancient ones" were not ready for this

level of understanding. They concentrated on grounding the species to this physical earth plane, and that was their purpose. I am not saying don't work at these levels as much

understanding can come from this energy. I'm saying that we as a species "have done it and

have the t-shirt". There is very little to be gained in reliving the past other than to familiarize or reconnect with this energy as a baseline to understanding future directions. In fact,

according to one source, "The lower levels of the Racial Mind is recorded in our magnetic

field, which is diminishing in its effect ...resulting in loss of memory, confusion, crashing of

shamanic (Earth oriented) systems, etc". Discovering the points of connection to a higher form of energy is a good tool or starting point. This can be found at the 7th energy circle. You

can find this circle in a number of ways (mathematically, dowsing, channeling, etc.).

The 7th circle is our future. During the dowsing workshop last July at Bannock Point our

group found this 7th circle. By coincidentally or not, there was a large boulder marking the

spot. If you check some of the other sites, you will also see boulders marking this line, but not complete circles. During the workshop we did a short meditation at this spot which

produced different effects for different people. From feedback given to me by some of the

people, they claimed that the days following were very intense for them. I am just trying to

prepare people consciously to consider changes in their life and to drop aspects that do not serve their greater purpose. Consequently, this is my only warning! If you are to work with

this level of understand, then you have to be ready for change in your life! There are two

ways to grow spiritually, comfortably expanding, or uncomfortably expanding. When you resist growth and change and are too attached to what does not serve your greater purpose,

you will find this level of energy uncomfortable. The reason is that this level of energy creates

movement and if you are not ready or willing to accept movement, emotional resistance will

result, and this can be quite uncomfortable.

This is a large project and very little has been done at the North American sites. You can see by looking at James Conley and Ian Honeywood's websites that patterns are starting to

emerge. I have much to say about this subject including astronomical implications and many

more new understandings. Thousands of years ago people knew that these spiritual spots were places to connect to. There are many people that think that the builders of these sites,

and the locations that they are placed in, are totally fantastic. They believed that they had to

possess great mathematical genius and incredible knowledge. I do believe that cultures like the Maya and Egyptian did have such abilities, but the majority of the ancient world did not.

All you need is an acute awareness to energy. Each individual can recognize this differently

(kinesthetic, visual, auditory). The harmonic structure exists whether we realize it or not. This

structure is mathematical, geometric and so on. It encompasses the planet, the galaxy, and the universe. How you recognize and interpret it is your choice. By defining or correlating

ancient sites to precise positions on the planet surface, you only recognize the grid structure

they are built on. In fact, there are many grids. As far as life goes there is a grid or harmonic for every species on this planet. There are also variants or flavors for species that are

dependent on individual levels of consciousness. That is not to say that the grids exist due to

the conscious awareness of something, but it is more of an attunement or meshing of

consciousness to a similar vibration. This is why you will see variants or misalignments in some grids when you try to encompass everything into one. Some people believe that the

opposite occurred. They think that prior mathematical knowledge dictated where the sites

were to be located. The grids that encompass this planet are part of this planet's energy and are perfect in structure. The shaman/priests intuitively recognized this energy at the junction

points. They built their structures there and harnessed this energy.

For those who are ready the next challenge is to determine what locations suit their highest

purpose and to work with the energy that is there. Every power site on the planet will have a

specific flavor or vibration to it. This vibration is not necessarily the site itself, but will be in

conjunction with the site.

As you are quite aware, in the past humanity all over the planet was drawn for spiritual comfort and growth to these power sites. My desire is to see people today use these sites,

but with new understandings. You must recognize (spiritually) that their past direction is not

our future direction.

The wealth of information that could come from these ancient sites would be overwhelming if

people would open their minds to clues. One such clue is the dowsing aspect and how it can point out alignments and features that would not be spotted otherwise. A good example is

the large Primary Site in the Whiteshell. The largest feature there is #1 (shown below) with a

length of 110'10" on the west line and 128'3" on the east line. This feature contains some very large boulders with what seems to be arbitrary glacial erratics (stones) spread around

the outside of the feature. Archeologists have tried to make sense of them with only one

possible alignment connected to the feature and a celestial object. This is one of the findings

that they uncovered.

"In an earlier study, the present writer (Anthony P. Buchner) attempted to illustrate this

consistency and interpret it in terms of orientation with astronomical events -- particularly the

rising azimuth (angular distance from north) of the sun on the summer solstice. To test this

hypothesis, he was present at the site on the morning of June 21, 1974, and stationed cameras at the southwestern tip of the line of large boulders, which runs through Feature 1 to

the northeast. At 5:27 A.M., the precise time that the sun was fully visible above the horizon,

it was found that the line was perfectly oriented towards the sun. Furthermore, slightly to the southwest of the end boulder and along an extension of the line, a circle of stones was found

positioned in such a way as to present a person standing at its center with a perfect view of

the event. The boulders which make up the line are undoubtedly the largest at the site which

exhibit any discernible configuration."

Very few sites around the world show astronomical alignments including "assigned" alignments. Without knowing the intent of the designers or the exact date that they built these

sites, all alignments are pure guesswork. Astronomical alignments can be convenient.

Without knowing the exact date of the design you only have to search back to a time that corresponds to an alignment, and presto, you have your so-called alignment. No one can

argue with you for they too are guessing on the timeframe. Without actual timeframes you

will appear as the one possessing the knowledge. To complicate things two or more cultures usually have used these sites with the latest cultural changes being the most noticeable. By

that time the original knowledge is lost, or is bastardized to the point of legend, or at the very

least a confusing set of arrangements. It is little wonder that archeologists give up after all

measurements have been taken.

Within these sites dowsing is now showing properties that would have been missed by conventional measurements. I plan on giving more insights into dowsing and how it works in

a future article. For now I would like to show how easy it is to overlook alignments.

I feel that it is important to show some of the findings so that others in the field might also

come across similar results and report theirs. The more pieces of this puzzle that comes to

light, the more a complete picture will be discovered.

Above all, this feature convinced me that the designers knew something that we don't. The

clue can be found outside the feature with a set of dowsing rods. On the northwest side of #1 is a set of three energy lines that comprise a width of approximately 25 feet. This is not

surprising because a major grid line runs through the site at this point (see fig. #1). This line

comes up from the state of Pennsylvania and continues on though to the Glenella Petroform site and ends at the Majorville Medicine Circle in Alberta. Feature #1 is built on the junction

of three grid lines that converge at this spot. This may be confusing right now but there is

also another convergence of three lines a few hundred yards to the northwest. I'm currently

working on a larger article that will explain how more than one convergent can take place at

the same spot while still being part of the world grid.

There are no obvious boulder alignments until dowsing rods are applied. The dowsing will show energy lines running through stones and boulders. It's only at that moment standing on

the individual lines that other boulders come into visual alignment (as shown in fig. #1). You

also have to take into consideration that this site is thousands of years old and some of the stones shown in the diagrams have been knocked out of their original placement. This is why

some of the stones are just touching the line or are in the general area.

There are three parallel energy lines that compose a world grid line. On the middle energy

line a curious event takes place. An odd shaped triangular boulder of approximately two feet

in diameter was placed. This boulder could be just another stone but dowsing rods show that it is in the center of two energy lines that cross from the outside lines. What actually happens

is that the center boulder splits or focuses the energy lines and connects the two outer lines

at that spot (see fig. #3). You could say that it was coincidental, or that the energy pattern just happened that way until you examine the center boulder. The boulder was hand picked

or was shaped by fracturing into its shape. Then it was aligned pointing down the energy line

so that the two facets or cleavages became lenses that projected the two crossover lines. To

fracture this boulder would not be a small feat. You would need an almost equal sized stone to use as a hammer. Someone made quite an effort to find or create this object and had a

very specific use for it. There is another stone similar to this and more than likely for a similar

propose. This stone is at the top center of the feature as shown on the diagram Feature #1 as a Red Rhyolite Boulder. The boulder appears to be a variety of rhyolite porphyry (granite)

with identifying phenocrysts of quartz with a probably higher ferrous component than others.

At first glance this rock would appear to have been recently added. However, the general

occurrence is not uncommon and the fresh color simply reflects the fact that iron is a primary inhibitor of lichen growth. The angular facets, however, are less easily explained. While they

do not appear recent, this specimen appears to be the only one of its type in the actual


To the Maya, Hunab K'u (God) is made up of two qualities, measurement and movement. On

the surface, this does not make any sense. It definitely is not how we understand "All That Is". In fact, knowing the Mayan reputation for intelligence, it may even seem on the surface

as a little disappointing. The truth is that they understood deeper concepts of God than our

society understands.

Because there is no time outside of this reality, all that exists is still present. That includes information and knowledge. Throughout history spiritual workers have tapped into this

universal knowledge and have expressed it with symbols that represented their

understanding of reality. These symbols represented their world. If you were born and lived in the wild, plants, animals, the wind, etc. became your expression language. If you had only

the natural world to express yourself, objects and animals in your reality became the symbols

that were incorporated into your language. Likewise, if an outside source wanted to

communicate to you, it would have to be in the language or symbols that you could relate to. So if you were told that God learns from its creations by imploding into itself it would translate

in your vision or mind as an object that could do this. But this object would have to be

recognizable to you. In animal form one that is physically capable of this feat is the snake, and its symbol is known as an obourorus (shown in the picture below fig. #1). Some of the

earliest teachings that came out of The Bannock Point Understanding included this symbol.

Although I was told during that stage of the teachings that the human mind did not have the

conceptual capacity to translate the complete picture. I was still given images to ponder and examine. One of the images came in the form of a square "nail" shaped object that curled

around to meet one end to another (fig.#2).

The interesting part is that a month later while surfing the Internet, I came across a web site

that featured something I had never heard of before. The subject of the site was the

ouroboros. It showed different versions from around the world of a snake eating its tail. I

recognized it immediately because it was in the context of my "nail" vision. This symbolism was new to me but not to the human psyche judging by the historical and worldwide variety

of spawned images. The ouroboros insight caught my attention because of the historic

aspect of insights but the final proof came later. Figure 5 is a modern stylized form.

As fall approached the information coming in had evolved to diagrams on how vortex energy and dimensional mirrors worked. I started to draw diagrams preparing for this article when

once again I came across another interesting web site. This site talked about a man by the

name of Walter Russell in 1921 who had a 39-day insight on universal knowledge. It was not that earth shattering to me until I saw the picture diagrams that he had drawn (fig #6). They

were almost identical to mine (fig #7-- explanation coming in this article). To see these

revolutionary diagrams check out this site.


There is another aspect that falls into the above scenario, and that is the Earth Grid. The Earth Grid has been translated throughout history in many cultures as the mother spider's

web, the pattern on the back of Turtle Island or the aboriginal dream lines that form a map.

All these and other understandings refer to a network of lines that crisscross the globe. Through modern researchers like Robert Bruce, past pictures can now be translated into

understandings that at one time left researchers to conjure up anything that they could

translate into modern culture. Modern researcher's interpretation of the ancient spiritual minds has always left me shaking my head in disbelief. I'm not arrogant enough to say my

ideas are the truth, but I can offer more stimulating thoughts. Below to the left is an artist

conception of what Robert Bruce sees when he goes out of body. The description by Robert

is as follows:

"I have not finished making observations of the primary layers and their surface entrance structures, let alone tried to map out their plethora of internal subplanes and realms. But I will

proceed to paint a word picture of the astral planes for you, based on how I have perceived

them during my many journeys there. I believe this will provide you with a much better and more understandable look and feel than theory alone could provide.

The astral planes, experienced firsthand , can be likened to the pages in a gigantic book, with lightly color-tinted gaps between the pages. These pages, or planes appear to be

hundreds of miles apart during an astral projection. The areas between planes are, I believe,

something like buffer zones separating each primary astral plane from the next. These areas vary in color, but have distinctly similar feel to each of them-a kind of thick, quiet, color-tinted

nothingness-oceans of colored empty space. A relationship appears to exist between the

colors or these dividing areas and the energetic colors generated by the primary energy centers (major chakras) of the human body. The surface of the astral plane is two

dimensional and covered with perfectly straight horizontal and vertical grid lines. This makes

for uniformed checkered appearance over the entire surface. Each square on a surface

contains brilliantly multicolored geometric design, repeated endlessly in every other square.

The surface of each astral plane has its own unique pattern, completely different from that of

any other astral plane's surface pattern.

Each astral plane appears two-dimensional when its surface is approached. However, a fully

three-dimensional environment is experienced when it is penetrated. The atmosphere above the plane, surrounding the projector, is faintly color-tinted, as if consisting of thin vapor

radiating from the astral plane's surface. This color-tint is not apparent when looking directly

down upon the surface, but can be seen misting all horizons. The corners of each square contain small but distinct dots and splashes of color that look like yellow, green, orange, and

red paint. Each of these appears to be an entry point into a specific internal realm or

kingdom. (The ancient pictograph below shows these corner aspects as lines connecting the


The fifth astral-plane surface pattern centerpiece (see fig #8 below) is a curved, six-pointed, dark-blue star surrounded by a crisp, thin, yellow outline, topped by a four-petaled gold

flower, topped by a circular purple center, set in an indigo-blue background. The background

color appears to denote the level of that plane in the astral spectrum. Any part of the corner patterns or centerpiece will take you into the more structured realms within that astral plane.

If the purple centerpiece is penetrated dead center, it will take you to the highest possible

internal realm within that plane.

The gold flower and its purple center, I believe, is what is referred to by the famous Buddhist

mantra: "The jewel in the heart of the lotus."

As with all astral entrance structures, different projectors will experience slight differences peculiar to them due to slight variations in their energetic angle of perception. But astral

planes and their entrance structures are dimensionally solid and consistent structures, and

will be found to be in line with the descriptions I have given. Each astral plane also contains connections with every other primary astral plane. These conditions appear in the colors and

patterns of the surface skin for example, the violet/purple dot in the middle of each

centerpiece of each square (see picture above) can provide a link with the seventh and

highest primary astral plane. And the four pedals surrounding each dot can provide a link with the sixth primary astral plane. Although I have not yet fully explored its potential, the

navy-blue star on which the above structure sits appears to like these with the fifth primary

astral plane' the one depicted. However, please keep in mind that if projectors do not have the energetic abilities necessary to transcend the fifth astral plane, entering any of the above

will take them to higher internal realms within the fifth astral plane. Experimentation is the

only sure way to ascertain whether these structures can be used as doorways to higher primary astral planes. The surface of an astral plane is magnificent and awe-inspiring to

behold. These structures are absolutely beyond compare in their artistic, crisp, and colorful

beauty; their enormity and grandeur; and their spectacular awe-inspiring power and deep

mystery. I am certain that they are logically and intelligently designed structures, much too geometrically neat and intelligently functional to be merely accidental or natural. They appear

to have been designed by intelligence far beyond ours."

Robert Bruce's information is important in understanding the grid because of his unique

talent to observation of the grids from multidimensional views. So it is also important to understand parts of the mechanism that create this grid. This includes the spiral or spiritual

movement aspect of the system. Robert gives the following explanations and descriptions of

the spiral vortex or tube connecting these different grids.

"Enter the astral tube-type structure and you immediately find yourself rushing through it. You

feel a sensation of great speed and often hear a rushing sound like air whooshing past you. Grid lines and colors and patterns and tones and musical notes change as you move through

it. Exits appear at regular intervals, marked by definite changes in the colors, tones, and

patterns around you. Sometimes you experience brief mind's-eye visions and/or intuitive

feelings of where exits lead. If you memorize the patterns, colors, tones, and the look and feel of an exit, you will be able to find this realm again during later projections. The astral

tube will often be found waiting near your physical body-but sometimes not."

To the right of Robert's picture (fig#8) is an ancient Ojibwa pictograph (fig.#9 below) from

Rice River (Canadian Shield) that depicts a man having an out of body experience *. This is shown by the "silver cord" projected out from his head **. This is a common form of showing

the event. Some pictographs show this as a wave line or as straight sharp lines. Robert

Bruce claims that the silver cord's position on the body usually will be where the person sees

himself or herself residing in their body (head or chest). The person in the picture is hovering above a structure that looks very close to the grid that Robert Bruce and others have

observed. This picture could also say that this shaman went to all this trouble to show himself

standing on a scaffold (possible burial scaffold) or numerous other possibilities. If you take into consideration that this is a shaman artist, I would have to say that only a very powerful

experience would have moved this person to record this vision.

The clear message here is that no one person, historical or otherwise, can lay claim to being

the only one that has received messages from other realities.


The world grid is but one part of billions of grids that exist. This is because the complete

universe is built on a multilevel grid or lattice concept. The grids are only a perception of

large groups of harmonic structures that are in alignment and form a lattice network. These

lattice structures are pliable and interconnected. Our personal energy lattice is indeed a microcosm of the macrocosm. The function of the lattice is similar to that of an electrical

transformer, transferring energy from one circuit to another ***. To understand this concept

would require a look at its basic design. The diagrams and explanations below (fig #10 and

on) are teachings that are part of my "current understandings". In the future they will evolve

as the process continues. This explanation is a summary. I will attempt to replace parts of it as clearer explanations "come on line". It is one thing to have concepts explained to you on

multi-levels, and another to translate it into a language. It is similar to explaining a human

emotion to an alien. For example, history and literature are full of descriptions of love without anyone really explaining it fully. The reason is that you have to experience it, and even then it

is a personal understanding.

Imagine that you were the only consciousness in "all of existence". Nothing exists physically,

consciously or spiritually but you. There is no solid or gaseous material, no light, no darkness

only an awareness that you exist. The problem is that you cannot even confirm this because you have no form. There is nothing to compare with or a means provided so that you could

compare. You are only a singular point of consciousness (fig. #10-A). After a few trillion -

trillion moments (remember there is no time or space either) this "you", an extremely powerful "you", decides to validate or explore its creation. Because you need the illusion of

space to create movement, the first and only step is to divide and separate (B). This action,

by its very nature, has created movement. This brings us back to the Mayan definition of God

(movement and measure). To have movement you need comparison that requires measurement (distance). This singular act is in an opposite direction due to the fact that

there is no reference point. Now that there is a reference point it becomes easy to see the

next step. Divide into half and move out to a desired point for reference (C). (Remember to divide in the most basic way is to separate into two equal parts.) The result will give you six

rays out (six directions) from the center with center as the seventh direction (D). To maintain

continuity and movement, the dividing can still take place, but as subdivisions of the original design (F, G). At this level of creation the only aspect that would be placed above desire

would have to be balance. It is impossible for Source Power to be out of balance. So all

projections out must have an equal that is returning to maintain balance. This return aspect

occurs on all levels, physical or other wise.

It's at this point in the explanation that I have to start separating our reality from everything else. Trying to explain multidimensional levels in conjunction with our reality would be

logistically too much. I will still have to reference back and forth but from here on,

explanations are in referenced to physical perspective.

The above description of a grid-styled formation also has a dual force that becomes a mirror aspect as well as a balancing force. This second aspect becomes the force or impetus that propels creation. In our terms, this aspect is represented as a spiraling line that accompanies

the straight desired thrust (see fig. #12). It can also be considered as the glue that holds and

creates the universes. The spiral energy aspect represents movement. It is actually a

helicoid shape****. It is the freedom aspect (movement) as compared to structured aspect of "All That Is". Remember this is only a human dimensional understanding, for it does not

translate that well in this world.

The spiral energy is not restricted to any singular structure (grid). By its very nature it can connect different "grid structures" to allow energy to be exchanged. Primary aspect must

maintain balance. Whatever is projected out must be returned in one form or another as long

as the energy is exchanged to create balance.

This need for balance creates grid lines that move in opposite directions. It also creates spirals that counter-revolve back and forth. In figure 14 a simple diagram shows the

relationship while figure 15 shows how things can get complicated.

* Excerpts from the book "Spirits On Stone" by Thor and Julie Conway -

"Shigwauk was a powerful medicine man. He knew somebody was coming to Lake

Superior. He had a dream (vision) and he saw the Iroquois canoes. The

medicine man said, "There's something bad coming from the south." When the

Iroquois came into this area, the Ojibwa asked for help across Lake

Superior. The Ojibwa did not have radios. How did they get the message from

one side of the lake to the other? Well you know what? They had that

medicine man fly over there.

** Silver Cord: by Robert Bruce - "The energetic, telepathic, empathic

linkage that connects the physical body to its projected double. This is

often seen as a sparkling silver cord, extending away from the projected

double during an OBE. This is usually only seen when it is deliberately

sought. The site of attachment on the projected double varies, according to

its energetic makeup at the time of the projection."

*** When the channel Kryon was asked about the energy pattern of Self, he

said "Awareness of, and understanding the energy pattern of self enablement

is an important facet in our evolution. Radiating from the chakras are

fibers of light energy. These fibers form figure eight loops that feed into

long vertical fibers of energy that surround and permeate our energy

anatomy. This is the framework that forms the Universal Calibration

Lattice. Think of it this way - just as the physical anatomy has many

systems within it, so does the energy anatomy have systems. The basic

pattern of this system, the lattice, is universal. It is fundamentally the

same in each person. When these light fibers are stretched in one part of

the energy anatomy, other fibers may respond in a different part of the

energy anatomy. Just like the Cosmic Lattice, it is pliable and

interconnected. It allows us to receive and use the energy we are learning

to release from the Cosmic Lattice through intent. Using the lattice will

enhance and enrich all your healing efforts."

**** Reverse Speech is a format that can demonstrate time flow. David Oates

pioneered this technology and describes it as:Reverse Speech is the name

given to the discovery of a new form of communication that has the ability

to uncover a deeper truth and meaning behind what we are actually speaking.

As we speak consciously, the brain is generating messages arising from the

unconscious. These messages occur constantly throughout language and can be

heard very clearly at least every 10 to 15 seconds by simply playing a

recording of normal speech in reverse.-David John Oates of Reverse Speech


Ph.D. Augusto Beresawkas from University of São Paulo


Dr. Augusto: The main explanation for the reverse voices' phenomenon is the

acceptance of a temporal fluctuation between our "Reality" and other

"Realities", which can be represented by a helicoid. If you imagine this

helicoid to be cut at one point, which we could call point A, and if you

fix a time, let's say T-zero at this point, you can see what happens with

the helicoid. At this point the time is moving forwards and at the other it

is moving backwards. Then you are observing a "time" with a larger

dimension in two different points. This is a simple explanation about a

helicoid in two dimensions, because this is really happening in many

dimensions. In this case, the helicoid represents the way the time moves in

other Realities. When you observe these Realities, you collapse them at a

unique point of our Reality. By doing that, it is possible to observe an

interval. Then, this interval is observed by the other Realities, it

fluctuates forwards and backwards. This is what makes possible intelligible

information in both directions. If it did not have this helicoidal shape,

it would not have periodical windows with constant segments at the same

time in many Realities. When there is a window in the time, it is possible

to have intelligent signals in one direction as well as in the other. This

happens because the signals are generated by the collapse of a larger time

Reality to a smaller one.

In the case of the helicoidal structure, it would be the series of events

(that happen) in multiple Realities. When you observe it from our Reality,

all the other Realities collapse in what you observe from here. So in

reverse speech when you have many voices in "layers". We are talking about

a spiral in two dimensions but we know that it has "n" dimensions. Because

it is a spiral, when you collapse in our time, you capture "n" simultaneous

sequences that can be heard. The time in which we live is a collapse of a

time from larger dimensions.

The book below by Robert Bruce is worth purchasing even if you are not interested in OBE's.

Within its 560 pages are new material on energy and chakra work, the different dimensions, astral life forms, kundalini, clairvoyance, healing, and psychic self-defense. This book will be

a classic.

All the harmonic images in these pages are from the book "Cymatics" by Hans Jenny - ISBN

# 1-888-13807-6. This is a two volume book of Dr. Hans Jenny's work that I purchased from

the Internet. Another good complementary book for this subject is "The Secret of Light" by

Walter Russell - ISBN #1-87-960544-9.

The best way to continue with this explanation is to show proof with nature itself. The one thing that is consistent in "All" is that laws of nature are observed on all scales. From the

largest galaxy to the smallest particle the same rules apply. The expressions "as above so

below" and "micro - macro" have never been truer. In my mind the most valuable scientific work ever done is the work that Hans Jenny did in the 1960s. His work outlined the basis of

all structures in this reality, but no one in the scientific field has picked up on this. All fields

from geology, astronomy, biology, climatic science, etc. could benefit if only awareness to

structure was adhered to. Briefly, the field of cymatics is the study of wave phenomena. It is a field of science pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904

- 1972). Dr. Jenny's writings are pure "left brain" science. Dr. Jenny performed many of his

experiments by putting substances such as sand, fluids, and powders on a metal plate. The plate was attached to an oscillator and the oscillator was controlled by a frequency generator

capable of producing a broad range of vibrations. Almost all the following photographs

reproduced one these pages have been taken by the schlieren method. In this method the light is projected from underneath and passes through the liquid, and the camera looks down

on the process taking place therein. By adjusting the length of the lenses they can observe

the phenomena at various focal planes within the vibrating liquid. At first, a drop of water is

excited by sound and concentric rings are formed (fig #1 A). If they increase the same tone, there is an abrupt change and a quite different pattern emerges. The configuration is entirely

different. If there aren't any changes in the experimental conditions, the phenomenon

persists. If the volume of the sound is increased, then another configuration appears. The transitions are always abrupt. In this way it is possible to obtain a whole series of structural

patterns by keeping the exciting tone (the frequency) unchanged and varying the volume


The experiments were performed with the most varied materials (ether, alcohol, water, benzine, turpentine, paraffin, egg white, etc.). In principle the same basic processes take

place whatever the material involved, although, of course, individual factors vary the phenomena. In the experiments presented only audible frequencies are used. This is

important to remember for the subject of this article is about a vibration that is not always

detectable in our consciousness. The cosmic or vibration of Source Power is too multi-dimensional to pin down into a format that can be shown physically. Above are a series of

figures that can be produced in an experiment. While the same frequency (the same tone) is

maintained, these structures emerge abruptly one after the other with increasing amplitude,

and in some instances the patterns are quite different (bilaterally symmetrical, tetrogonal, pentagonal). If the amplitude is increased still further, mild turbulence is set up and disrupts

the picture. All the harmonic vibration patters shown have come about as a result of this

abrupt change. This proves that nature follows a set of laws and that nature really does make


Hans Jenny also found out that the pattern replicates itself into a mathematically smaller

sequence. Figure 4 and 5 show a magnified look at a structure's corners. When placed

under a microscope, smaller and smaller patterns appear with magnification (fig #5). The edges of the pattern support the structure but the edge is also the grid line. This is also

supported by Robert Bruce's grid picture. This "God line" is the primary aspect discussed in

the beginning of this article.

The thrust outward form Source needs movement to propel ahead. Movement forward is

described as a spiraling forward. In (fig. #6) the line moves outward. A cross-section of the line reveals the internal movement (B). All actions in Nature are extension-retractions from

zero to zero, and back again to zero. All are balanced simultaneously and sequentially. This

is a zero universe of plus and minus zero which never exceeds the zero of the One Light

from which it seemingly sprang as multiplicity.

This zero universe of equilibrium demands two opposed conditions in order to simulate that

which our senses can interpret as motion and change.

A simplified schematic of this movement is shown below.

In figure 11 the opposite or returning spirals are applied to one line of the grid. Also shown

are intersecting perpendicular grid lines. Please remember this is only a two dimensional

diagram. In a real structure other grid lines would be vertical intercepting from above and


The spiral is an incomplete sphere just as the lattice form is an incomplete series of cubes. Spirals and lattice have individuality which they lose by voidance in the oneness of sphere

and cubes. The one centering axis or line of both spirals is the shaft upon which the dynamic universe rotates. All motion rotates and revolves upon still centering shafts, and all shafts are

two-way extensions of points which lead to and through centers of spheres. Opposed pairs of

spirals gradually expand in centrifugally planes to meet at static equators to complete the unfolding half of a cycle. They then contact as the opposite of what they were to complete

the other half. This contact happens at the grid line or what could be called the "lens". These

centrifugal planes or concentric circles are only part of the tapped aspect used by the stone

circles. A galaxy shows four spiral arms. Two arms appear with light and two are shown as

black. This is because light traveling towards us is visible while spiraling arms that are

traveling away do not show the light.

This spin eventually leaves the arbitrary boarders. It then ejects out to join with other spirals to form a sphere inside the cube (fig #3). This sphere is created by the horizontal and vertical

grids (fig #1 and #2).

The sphere in the cube in a two-dimensional concept is called squaring the circle. All this is a

very basic model. It is shown with extremely simple diagrams to portray concepts and not actual structures or workings. You still have to use your imagination. To draw everything

would make it so complex that no structure would be recognized.

The expressions "as above so below" and "micro - macro" have never been truer. Using nature's images and projecting them into expanded and smaller aspects at the same time is

like using binoculars and a microscope at the same time. Our imagination is the best tool for this work. In figure 4 the two lines marked "A" represent the singular junction of two grid lines

on any scale. You can see that the lattice structure is a series of overlapping circles or

spheres(fig #5). They form overlaps at their junctions that are called a Vesica Piscis "B". This is one of the most powerful points in all structures. This is because at this point the very

basic realities merge to form a new environment. The "C" in figure 5 shows the grid lines with

corner "doorways" into smaller but replicated structures. These are the passage ways into

other mini-dimensions. The "A" shows the worm hole into a straight track or subway into any

dimension on conscious order. At this point there is no space or time. The "A" has two arrows. The one to the right shows the event, while the left arrow points to where a smaller

but just as powerful wormhole would be found. Remember all of this is limited to our three

dimensional view. The circles are spheres and the lattice is a series of cubes and overlapping dimensions. This may be hard to understand but to go smaller is actualy more


In the above figures (#6 and #7) you can see a three dimensional structure. In figure 7 the spheres should be overlapping a little bit more than portrayed. These spheres are in a constant state of movement with currents of energy. At the points of contact with each other,

turbulence giving rise to the small vortexes called Vesica Piscis.

Figure 8 is the same harmonic image that was on the last page (2). A blue filter and contrast enhancement has been added to bring out more detail. The spiral energy is shown in red and

represented as a smaller size so that you can still see the original outlines of this energy. Obliviously not all are placed on the picture so that comparison can be seen. This energy

format is what I have been shown and is identical to Walter Russell's images. These visions

are only lines on a page until they are placed over nature's images. At that point these line images start to jump out at you as features in actual harmonic structures. The spheres, the

cubes. and the lines of nature are replicated in all it's glory. Where the spirals meet creation

takes on a new look. The Vesica Piscis "A" can be called the Eye of God or The Eye of

Horus. It is formed at the void between the junction of four spheres. The spheres form another smaller sphere in the middle. This sphere actually has a cube surrounding it "B". The

sphere becomes the outer "shell" of a planet, sun, or even a human energy aura. This sphere

represents the movement aspect of creation. The measurement aspect is represented by the cube that overlays this sphere. Because of the three dimensional aspect, more than one set

of spirals converge on to this spot. This creates more than one cube. Depending on the

frequency, crystal type structures start to emerge. The structure here is more of a octahedron "C", but the cube is still true to basic seed structure. The cube and the octahedron are one in

the same for an octahedron is a cube with it's corners cut off. The growth of a fluorite crystal

is an excellent example of this. As fluorite grows, it alternates between the two forms. Many

pages of examples can be show how this is possible, but this is not the subject.

I have been told, the sphere has a "shell" aspect "A" that produces a range of energy (fig #9). Also in this figure the sphere has been cross-sectioned with a conjectural diagram to reveal

this. The outer edge is denser or more concentrated energy. As you go inward the energy is

graduated. This inner edge allows turbulence to form, thus creating new harmonic forms. The

letter "B" shows a closer view of the Vesica Piscis.

As the harmonics or vibration of the Earth rises, the "crystalline" structural shape become more complex. In figure 12 above, a lateral view of a drop of mercury subjected to intense

sound creates a whole series of phenomenon. The globe of mercury is affected and the

shapes created are tetragonal, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal,and octagonal in shapes. In figure 12 you can see an octagon coming into shape. Like the mercury, the earth also

changes, and has many different harmonic overlapping shapes. The shapes are structural

aspects of certain vibratory states. They are all there. Only the angle of focus is needed to

resonate to the harmonic aspect. Figure 10 shows the basic concept. There are at least a hundred thousand different kinds of crystals known. No matter how many crystals there are,

they can all be put into six categories: isometric, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic,

monoclinic, and triclinic. All six of these systems are used for organizing crystals. All six

systems are derived from the cube.

As far as the world grid is concerned, it is a matter of which vibratory system you resonate to. In any of these systems there are harmonic overtones that create separation on creative

levels. The World Grid that Bruce Cathie outlined was first based on UFO sightings. This grid

will be off somewhat when you try to align it with ancient power sites. This is because these ancient people resonated to their own "overtone grids". For this reason alone, it is almost

impossible to put everything into one scheme. If you want to search for a certain vibrational

scheme you have to achieve or vibrate at that level or you will miss it. This is why it is so very

important to spend as much time in these sacred areas. The more you are exposed to any vibration, the more you become this vibration. This is called resonate tuning and it really

works. It is not that much of a leap to resonate with people at work, at home, or with friends.

To attune to a sacred site is to try to match the latent energy of an ancient shaman or priest that has had a life time of evolution. To complicate it even more there is a combined

resonance of hundreds of years of spiritual workers layering energy into the area to create a

very powerful spot. To others, it will remain on a subconscious level.

The crystal or geometric aspect is but one part of all this. I do not know when I will explain this in depth, but I will say for now, that on spiritual levels this is known as the silica aspect of

God. On spiritual levels, in this reality the silica aspect contains "lower world consciousness".

It governs the elemental and animal spiritual world. I do agree that we are part of this aspect,

and in our energetic field can be found different geometric designs. For myself, I lean more toward the movement or spherical aspect of creation, which is also called the carbon aspect.

Below in figures 13 are layers of this spherical aspect of God. By it's very nature it also

controls the time continuum. It encases the energy of the aura. By its weave it acts as the portal holes to our Soul Group. You have all heard that there is no such thing as time. There

is also no such thing as space ether. The edge of our perceived moment is a result of this

egg of energy and it's ability to hold our focus here. It is at this edge that creation here begins

because we are spiritually spherical in source. Outside of this edge all past and future moments exist at once. As there is no such thing as time, these moments are there all of the

"time". One of the best ways to heal the present is to deal with it at this edge. You can

connect to the past as well as the future here. This is what they mean when they say "you

only exist in the moment!"

The realms of muli-dimensional aspects are not subjected to time or space. This allows a structure to be divided into individual parts, but also permits one another to occupy the same

"space and time". It is also conducive for interactions to be created instantly. The only thing

that has ever created the illusion of separation is our own consciousness. The conscious part allows us as individuals to speed up or decease what we create. Since our conscious mind is

focused in this dimension we constantly co-creating with others in a spaced-out framework

we call time. This is done for reference and experience for cause and effect teachings

Looking down a vortex, or traveling down an astral tube, you will see different grid edges.

Exiting at these individual edges or points you enter into specific realms or dimensions (fig


With this in mind you can see how several spheres can overlap at once but still be separate spheres. The edges of these spheres are the concentrated "shells" that show up as defined

veils or breaking edges in vibration. Recognition of these edges is simply a matter of

connecting to them by mimicking their shape. So the shape establishes the connection. Square, circular, triangular, etc. are shapes that resonate with the human form. As well,

circles of stone outline this connection as lenses that focus or concentrate this group of


The same is true with the labyrinth (fig #2). This structure creates a connection to a group of

harmonics. The labyrinth design also allows the ability to choose direction and this creates a

different flavor. The centerline acts as a common link. Walking in this pattern joins and connects many harmonic structures of like kind. Walking is not the only way to connect. Our

minds and thoughts create the effect by desire. Reiki symbols also provide the same "dial up

ability". Like the labyrinth the Reiki symbol Cho Ku Ray (fig #3) has two directions that create a connection to different qualities. The Cho Ku Ray shown in figure 3 is drawn clockwise and

is said to connect to the heavens. The Native Americans call this direction the masculine

energy. If drawn counterclockwise, the connection is towards the earth or the receptive feminine energy. This is just one aspect using physical symbols with larger universal

connections. The shape, placement, and alignment with other objects is crucial. Desire,

intent, and spiritual awareness from the practitioner are also used to form creations without

time lag. In figure 1 examples are shown of structures and their respective connections to different grid structures. Stonehenge "B" replicates a two dimensional plane, while the steps

in pyramid "C" actually connect on three dimensional levels. Both are right because space is

not a factor here.

Figure 4 above is a good example of how long ago humanity has been aware of all of this. This picture is of a 100,000-year-old engraving of the grid. The picture to the right (source

unknown) is a twine map from Australia created to show what the Aborigines call dream

lines. These dream lines are lines or energy circuits that can be followed in OBE states.

The Polynesians were master navigators who tracked their way across huge expanses of

ocean without complex aids like a compass, sextant, or chronometer. Figure 6 shows a

Polynesian navigational tool that has all the elements of understanding grid work. It even has a beautiful Vesica Piscis in the middle. The following quotes from Shuar and Bugis shamans

describe how they traveled out of body to find their way "in body". "The spirit if you like,

leaves the body and takes a long voyage, 'the voyage to truth.' But if the selves have been dutiful to the gods and are endowed with the correct qualities, the true vision will appear, and

the spirit self will be led down the real path. Then it can return and show the way to the other

part of the self". It is interesting to see that this individual is spiritually advanced enough to recognize that they are composed of many probable selves. He goes on to say that he flies.

"That is to say, the spirit self does. How else could our captains use this method to find their

way across vast oceans? They fly out over the seas and return with knowledge of what lies


Although the grids are generally straight the are also at points of interaction twisted into

vortexes that create the spirals. If this is hard to imagine the picture sequence below shows how the reverse is possible. The picture to the left is also at the center core of the Universal


Exploring Vortex Energy

The pictures above and below to the right are from Ian Honeywood's research at ancient

megalithic sites notice the spiral energy that he found by dowsing.

When it gets right down to it how, can we believe in anything that we cannot sense? But then

you have to ask yourself; can we believe what we sense? After all, isn't that how we trust

what is real. We trust sight above all the senses. Our language is full of metaphors like "see what I mean" to emphasize this truth. We take so much for granted that true understanding

gets lost in the shuffle. To complicate things further, we have belief systems that sensor what

our eyes see. Some information is rejected and some is allowed through by our conscious mind. I'm just trying to put things into different perspective by examining the obvious. So how

do we see? We see because light simulates nerve endings in our retina. Light itself cannot

be seen. It can only be sensed. The eyes actually "feel" and believe what our minds interpret

as light. Like wise the eye cannot see darkness. The nerve endings, which sense motion, cannot detect motion that is too slow to "feel". As Walter Russell puts it: "Man is so

accustomed to the idea that he actually sees light in various intensities illuminating from

various substances to greater or lesser degree that it is difficult for him to realize that his own senses are acting as mirrors to reflect various intensities of wave motion but that is all that is

happening". It has been proven that light is both a particle and a wave. It is also vibration.

Everything that exists is vibration. Therefore light is the observation of motion. Motion is vibration or wave and the entire universe is a soup of harmonic motion. Thus the universe is

full of light. Light that is moving away from the observer is not felt because it's too slow to

detect. This can also be said about the harmonic structure of the universe. Harmonics that

are too slow are waves or harmonics that are moving away from the observer or they are

vibration too slow for our senses to detect. Standing in the middle of your creation (your

perceived universe), duality is expressed by like frequencies, lower frequencies and higher

frequencies. Vibrations are recognizable by similarities or differences. Together these constitute what we call matter and space. Lower frequencies are cycling down toward source

power. This vibration scales down until vibration stops. At that point it is at rest and part of

Source Power. Likewise vibration that continues in the opposite direction continues to rise in frequency until frequencies cease to be distinguishable between one another. This also is a

state of rest and part of Source Power. It does not matter where we are on the scale, there

will be frequencies lower and higher then us. Vibrations that exceed our senses whether they

are to high or to low will not be detectable by us. This does not mean that they do not exist it just means that we are not aware of these vibrations because they are too different from our


Space is curved, and the curvature is the edge of the harmonic structure no matter what size.

Light energy acts as a mirror to reflect the edge or curvature of what is felt by the senses.

Shamans like Sandra Ingerman will tell you can travel so far down into the under world that you pop up into the upper world. If you could see the edge of a universe it would appear as a

wall of light. In fact just recently some physicists laugh at the idea of multi universes. This is

all changed now, as universities scramble to find talented physicists that are working with

these "new" concepts.

Space is not empty. It is full of light or harmonics. It is full of wave motion. The cycle of light is

the half that can be felt, and the half that cannot be felt or sensed. Matter does not exist by

its own right but is the difference in frequency of light. Light moving away and light moving towards creates differences along their edge of separation. At these edges are the shifting

flavors that create different matter. This is because light that is moving towards the observer

is acting as if it were under pressure. Light that is moving away is a reduction of pressure.

The different pressures create light matter. This matter does not exist, but is the sum of differences in harmonics. These points of focus also have variations in intensity. As

harmonics scale up or down the structural laws have to be maintained. Thus the cube or

sphere cannot maintain itself in both spaces and harmonic vibrations at once. The difference in harmonic structure creates stress or strain allowing separate creations or geometries. The

strain can be a change in size or shape of the linked object and may occur in either of the

spaces. Resulting from the strain is a reactionary field of force (i.e. stress), which may be taken as a transition from geometry into physics. An object linked to both space and

counterspace suffers stress as a result of an imposed strain. In essence the universe is one

gigantic harmonic soup separated only by variations or flavors of harmonics. Therefore all

similar vibrations will still organize themselves into structures that are separated by edges in their environments. It is these edges by which grids are created. The "cells" create the lines.

But without linear line definition, the cells themselves would not be defined. So the grid lines

are not lines in the conventional description of a line*. They are trace aspects of moving energy or harmonic vibration. The lines are the difference between two vibrational patterns.

This is the very edge where one pattern starts and one ends. They are the stress or strain

that is created when one form or aspect is different from its neighbor. Stress at these edges

or lines create currents that also form a pattern or structure. These currents help to separate the two vibrations so that mixing cannot take place and individuality is maintained. The

"force" that maintains this order is referred to as Source Power and delineates individuality

on all levels.

The above picture to the left shows the simplest case of one pair of vortices. In this photo you can see hydrodynamic phenomena caused by vibration. If liquids are excited under suitable experimental conditions, vortices are formed which remain remarkably symmetrical

in their behavior. Vortices are invariably formed in pairs and rotate in opposite directions. In

the middle picture quartz sand is shown rotating around vertical grid lines, notice the directions (frequency 12,460 cps). To the right the picture shows another detail from an

experiment with vortices that Hans Jenny performed. This picture shows a pair of vortices,

the one on the right turning in a clockwise direction and the one on the left in a

counterclockwise direction. This experiment is also audible.

Feature #1 energy patterns.

Denice Krueger (denice@avrioshepherds.com) wrote: "I raise and train German Shepherd dogs. One November 12, 2000, I went to Aldergrove, BC, Canada to visit a friend who had

some puppies she wanted me to see. We took pictures of a few dogs with different people, a

total of two rolls of film. I was thinking about buying the puppy in the picture and so we decided to take some pictures of me with that puppy. Later, when I got the pictures

developed I just glanced at them and then put them away because I had decided not to buy

that dog. Most of the pictures were of other people with other dogs. My son had also looked

at the pictures when he picked them up for me. Neither of us noticed anything at all unusual about them. At the end of December 2000, we went back up to the same friend's house in

Canada. I decided to take the pictures along to give them to my friend so she could give the

pictures to the new owner of the puppy. I had no use for them. At the last minute, I decided to look through them one last time for some reason. That's when I noticed that four of the

pictures out of two rolls had this white light. The pictures were not right next to each other on

the negatives. There were pictures in between that did not have this light in them. Here are two of the pictures. I had the pictures and the negatives examined by a film expert who used

to work in film analysis for the government. He had no explanation for what the light could be.

He said that a hair would be refractive and that you would not be able to see through it like

you can this light. In the first picture, the dog and I are looking up for some reason. I have no

memory of anything strange while we were taking the pictures."

The vortex energy seen on the pictures above and below are some of the unique energies

being caught on film. You can see in Denice's pictures the "snake like energy" that has been

seen at ancient sites for thousands of years. This is also why healing energy and connecting to spirit was "symbolized" by the snake. In the picture below to the left you can see the

energy emerging. There are historical and modern descriptions of this energy being seen

above people's heads at ancient sites. The Aldergrove, B.C. area seems to be part of a larger vortex area that should be investigated by someone local. I have also heard of reports

about crop circles in this area. This is no surprise, for these vortex-grid areas seem to attract

UFOs, crop circles, etc. I can supply more information on this upon request.

It is interesting what other channeled material says about this topic. The channel Kryon,

channeled by Lee Caroll, says that the gird is a cosmic lattice. It is the very essence of

healing and a tremendous source of power. Kryon describes the lattice as being honeycomb

in shape and each has twelve sides.

Kryon describes the harmonic structures that I have talked about as cells. He confirms that

the "cells" do not touch one another but are connected. I think what Kryon calls energy cells

are the same structures that others and I refer to as spheres and cubes. These harmonic

structures or cells are just different perspectives or terms for the same structure. It is a matter of focus, or the slant of your perception that will determine what you are seeing. It is like

looking out through a screen door. If you focus outside the view is clear, but when you focus

inside more all you see is the screen. Kryon says that the lattice energy cells have vents. I believe that we can interpret these as vortices. He states these vents or vortices channel the

flow of energy in and out of the cells. There are always two vents that operate to balance the

slight inequity of the polarity. These vents also have to do with time and the pair will have a

prominent and a secondary status.

Photos were supplied by Sara at ViRgOtReE@aol.com.

He claims that you may graphically and clearly see one, but you will have to look carefully to see its partner. This includes the center of a galaxy where the distance between the vortexes

determines the spin direction of a galaxy and the speed of matter around its center. The dual

aspects of these vents are to maintain universal balance. Everything in the universe is moving towards balance. Kryon goes on to say that the vortices are portals where the front of

the lattice cell touches the back. The back of the lattice holds a universe whose vents are

opposite. In other words, in the center of a galaxy you will see a vortex (black hole). But not

the other complimentary twin, for it is smaller in perspective due to the fact that it connects to a different dimension or side of the structure. Kryon states that the reason the grid or lattice

structure can not normally be seen is because it is very close to balance, and is almost null in

energy. It is only when there is an imbalance that the structure can be seen. As I stated previously, only differences are perceivable, for without difference, it becomes part of one

and has no comparison.

Now I'm going to ask you to open your mind and drop some of your beliefs about the axiom

of observation. To make sense of all the above, I'll have to introduce some new concepts that will bring you to the conclusion that I have gone over the edge.

Waves of light do not travel. Light only seems to travel. They act more like sound in air. As

sound is produced the air adjacent to it reacts pushing air next to it. This causes a wave. Walter Russell compares this to the waves on a surface of water. There is an appearance

that the water is moving towards shore but it is only surface movement. Likewise light moves

through harmonic space as a wave of differentiation. They reproduce each other from wave field to wave in space. The different planes of curvatures make all wave fields act as mirrors

to reflect light from one field to another. This sets up an appearance of light as traveling,

which is pure illusion. Walter Russell says that the sunlight we feel upon our bodies is not

actually light from the sun. What actually is happening is that the sun is reproducing its own condition on the earth by extending the reproductions out through cold space into even

enlarging wave fields. The heat we feel and the light that we see are dependent entirely upon

the ability of the wave fields to reproduce the light and heat. Kryon also agrees with this by

saying when the lattice cells of the grid bump together they create patterns (waves) due to their bumping. This is done at a speed that is almost instantaneous through billions and

billions of light-years. This wave effect is important to understand for it explains how the

motion of an energy wave can be collected. Let's say you have a star like Sirius on it's own is producing and transmitting energy across all the scales. This energy bathes the earth and all

other solar objects in its reach. If you have an affinity to a certain part of this transmission,

then you now have an opportunity to collect this energy with properly designed collectors.

Shown below is a simplified wave in the form of 5 energy packets and how they interact with

a rock wall (stones in ancient sites) and the spaces between them.

This forced focus of energy, whatever it is, can create local grid "cells" into unbalance, creating magnification of the original energy. Remember that the grid "cells" are originally in a very close to balanced state. All that is needed is a force to unbalance them. By arranging

structures to force or create a lens, you effectively can increase the original transmission.

This is not that dissimilar to a magnifying glass on sunlight. The speed of energy moving

through the lattice is always the same. The speed at which the lattice cells bump into each other never varies and is constant in energy physics. This creates waves of energy whose

speed is always the same. Kryon says that this is the first rule. The second rule is that it

always takes the same amount of time for energy to traverse the internal distance of a cell (from one edge to the opposite edge). The third axiom is that the cells vary in size. He says

that there are areas in the universe where the cosmic lattice energy cells are larger in size

than other areas. This third axiom contains the only variable. It says that time is only relevant to the area and cell size in that region of observation. In other words, if you are in a specific

region of the universe, time to you will be relevant only to your observable perspective. For

this reason in a vortex were the cell structure is condensed or compacted, the time frame in

that local area will vary, or be shortened. As the harmonic cells become compacted, this also compresses time making time irrelevant. For this reason alone the vortex areas can allow

creation to take place almost instantaneous. The only factor being, the amount of energy the

vortex has and the focus of the individual in it that is doing the creating. This also allows a person working in the middle of a vortex to transcend time and space. This explains the

spiritual effects that are achieved in these spots. Two factors play heavily here. For one

thing, time and space are shortened so that you don't have to wait for your experience to be achieved. The other is that spiritual energy has a way of connecting to you via a conduit that

does not have to follow third dimensional rules.

Kryon said the lattice null energy is balanced so close to zero that we can say that it is at a

zero energy state. Each individual harmonic cell has a tremendous amount of power, but this

power is balanced out by an opposite polarity cell beside it. This balance of power between adjacent cells nulls out the apparent potential, so that it appears invisible to us. Therefore,

the energy appears to be zero. It's when the lattice is deliberately unbalanced that you really

get to see the power. According to Kryon it takes very little to unbalance the null to produce a tremendous amount of free energy. These opposite energy "attributes" that create the null

are polarized energies. They are almost mirror images of one another, and they together

create a quiet zero null. This is part of the balance of the universe and is everywhere. These

two opposites are what I have talked about in earlier parts of the Grid article. More on this

totally new perspective of these opposite forces and spirituality will be provided in my book.

It's along these harmonic cell edges Source Power travels connecting all in the process no

matter at what level, thus the grid is referred to as the source of all creation and power. From

the grid or lattice all creation starts. The currents of these two balancing forces are not only the glue that "glues the universe together" but appear to form an elongated torus or two

cylinders side by side. If you were to take a slice of the line structure you would end up with a

two-dimensional infinity symbol. Remember this is the current I'm talking about and not the

actual structure. This infinity symbol of movement would show two opposite currents of

vibration that meet at a common center to create a "stress or strain" (picture below).

At the center of the two individual loops forming the infinity cross-section a core line can be seen (A). Energy or vibration revolves around this smaller centerline. The movement of these two opposite energy forces creates a ribbon that when slowed down, appears as two

columns side by side. One side of this structure is a clockwise rotation, and on the other side

is a counter moving force in the opposite direction. This maintains balance in the structure, for imbalance would cause the structure to collapse. The two forces align with the cells to

form straight lines creating the grid. The exception is when a bending occurs at the edge of

larger structures and vortex areas (outer edges and inner edges). Or another way of saying

this is expansion and implosion. The bending is created by the size of the cells. So the grid line is composed of two opposite helixes or spiraling ribbons. These two ribbons are also

revolving around an apparent line that is in itself a miniature or condensed version of the

larger line (picture below).

The ancients understood this as show in their art. This is an engraved bone hair pin from a

burial mound.

There is no end to the scale. It replicates itself to infinite small to infinite large. All these lines

together form the complete grid work from the largest Galaxy to the smallest atomic

structure. They form the foundation of physical and nonphysical reality on all scales. The important thing to understand is that the lines of energy interact by almost touching at their

edges. It is at the edges that the line becomes kinesthetic and with some people visible

structures all because of stress.** The helix energies are very high vibration and come from

Source. When you look at all this movement and structure, the one thing that stands out the most is that it is geometric thus mathematical in form. If you look at the helix movement going

into a spiral caused by cell size differentiation, you will see a ratcheting of geometric shapes.

What you end up with are triad line structures.

These spirals can show us how simple geometric forms such as the square or triangle can grow larger and larger or smaller and smaller. As the spiral either unfolds or enfolds the

geometric shapes that are formed within can either expand or contract. (In other words, if the

above spiral were radiating outward, then the triangles would get progressively larger. If the spiral were compressing inward towards point (F), then the triangles would get progressively

smaller.) It is this very principle of the spiral that allows the simple, expanding growth

patterns of nature to formulate themselves, both in crystal structures as well as living


You could say that these vortexes are points with dual realities, containing great energy

potential, and coordinating points where realities merge. These are main coordinate points,

and are mathematical sources of fantastic energy, with vast numbers of subordinate

coordinate points. There are four absolute coordinate points that intersect all realities. These coordinate points also act as channels through which energy flows, and form warps or

invisible paths from one reality to another. They also act as transformers and provide much

of the generating energy that makes creation continuous in our terms. There is an ever-so-minute alternation of the forces in the neighborhood of all of these points. This also happens

with the subordinate points and all the so-called physical laws. They all will to some extent or

another will be found to have a wavering effect in these neighborhoods. The subordinate points also serve in a way as supports, as structural intensification widens the unseen fabric

of energy forms all realities and manifestations. While there are traces or accumulations of

pure energy, there is a great difference between the amount of energy available in the

various subordinate points, and between the main and the absolute points.

Therefore, these are points of concentrated energy. The subordinate points are far more common and practically speaking, affect your daily concerns. These are the small vortices

that Joseph Korn speaks of and has found in his home.*** These points are also called

portals. These portals exist naturally but are intensified by human conscious contact. As you

work or play in any one spot your energy activates these small subordinate points. These small vortexes are just as real as the large earth ones and can be just as valuable (see

picture below).

Taken at a grave site 1940's ARTSHOPRO1@aol.com

The examples that Joseph Korn has found are spots that people spend a lot of time at (e.g.

the bed, kitchen stove, computer, etc.). These vortices end up having very specific energies related to the task, such as emotions, thought, intents, etc. that are associated at that spot.

With this in mind you can see how easy it would be to create your own private vortex. This

vortex energy could be used to channel in art, spiritual practices, writing, and so on. In the pictures below you can see exactly what I have been saying about vortex structures. Such

vortices captured on film prove what I have been saying in prior pages. You can see a

reversed vortex inside another. In picture " 1" you can see a honey cone or "cells" that Kryon

speaks of. All universal energy is in balance. That is also true with the flow of energy. If vortex energy is flowing down into our reality it also has to have a balancing opposite flow.

Without the balance the region would become unstable and not last long.

The picture to the left "1" is the same picture that is at the top of the page but enhanced to show structure. The two middle pictures show the two spirals of energy inverting into each other and yet are co-creating the flow. In two pictures "A" points to the center and reversed

polarity vortex. The "B" shows the outer opposing energy flow. Picture supplied by Crawford

County Illinois Ghosthunters Society www.geocities.com/crawfordcountyghosthunters/

copyrighted by Jason Snider

To increase the power all that is needed is to add more people with similar desires or find an existing natural earth vortex. With earth power spots there is a large amount of benign

energy. Although the original energy is neutral, it can be flavored with or with out conscious

intent. These are the spots that earlier people recognized and built their monuments to connect into the world grid that in turn is part of all that exists three-dimensionally and

beyond. You can use these power points to control people or benefit them.

There is one more thing I would like to point out about the human created vortex spots.

These could be the ones in your house or anywhere. The spots seem to be connected, or

have connections to areas of dimensional vibration that is shared by the creator of that spot. What I mean is that a person with a very high vibration will create connections to higher

dimensions. This is because of resonate tuning and the level of awareness of that person to

be attracted to these dimensions. This is why some people are attracted to say a chair or room that gives them a boost. They may think that it reminds them of a grandmother or some

other respected individual but it is not the memory as much as the higher vibration that the

individual had that is the attractive. This vibration will linger in that spot until cleared for

energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be reshaped. This also applies to what some may call negative energy. The concentrated energy points are activated by emotional intensities

that are well within our normal range. Your own emotions or feelings will activate these

coordinates whether you know of them or not. Greater energy will therefore be added to the original thought or feeling and its projection into physical matter accelerated. This applies

regardless of the nature of the feeling; only its intensity is involved here. So if the emotional

intensity is what we would view as negative, then that is what the outcome will be. The emotional intensity is obviously dependent on the person or persons involved. Points that

were created thought a negative energy will appear as negative areas, but this can be

changed. The very act that created the negative spot can be uncreated with the opposite or

positive energy. This is because the original "power" of the spot is benign in nature. This is how original sites that were created by the first to arrive would throughout history have the

energy altered by others with different intents and cultural interests. This does not have to be

either negative or positive in form. It could be just a different slant in desire. This is why it is important to understand that doing energy work or ceremonies at the ancient sites will

change the site energy. You are not the people that created the site no matter how much you

think you relate to them. Ancient people lived in a different world then we do now. Because of

this their belief systems were totally different due to different reference points of understanding. It is up to you if you wish to honor the creators of the site, or alter it to your

own slant. I believe the only exception would be if you were there to learn. You may have to

use procedures that help you to acquire a connection to the past. This can include a shamanic drum, Hemi Sync sound, or meditation. All these are just tools acting as a bridge to

past knowledge that is being sought. If you are there for personal healing or to obtain power,

you probable will receive it, but you will also pull in energies that do not belong to the original designers. This also brings up a very important point. Around the world today the ancient

sites are still being utilized by groups of well meaning people that are destroying the original

energy. These people are building golf clubhouses, erecting fences, and performing

ceremonies right on these ancient sites. Even the simple act of offering prayer at these sites

will draw in different spiritual energies.

Claire Watson in the article gives this account on how to locate portals with out dowsing rods:


"When looking for your portal, pay close attention to the temperature and electrostatic sensations. The portal will have a different temperature, usually cooler, than the rest of the

room, and when you find it, you should have a tingling sensation when you stand in it. Often,

the sensation feels like "goose bumps," but without the bumps, and with body hair standing

up as with static electricity. When a portal is active in the home, a large electrostatic field is evidenced, generating enough voltage to increase battery power. Stand in the portal and

allow yourself to relax completely. You may feel the sensation of antigravity, which I describe

as a "floaty" feeling and which causes my arms to float up over my head, where they feel the

most comfortable."

Picture "A" is a crop circle drawing taken from www.cropcircleresearch.com . The author Paul Vigay says that the formation was constructed entirely using straight lines and that any

'curving' effect was due to an optical illusion of viewing the formation....


In 2002, our back yard provided us with a laboratory to experiment with. Quite by accident a

vortex was discovered in a photograph. This provided me an opportunity do try some

experiments on a virgin source. The house and yard are only 9 years old. The yard has been

covered by thick bush for thousands of years. Since we've moved in people have commented on the energy or peacefulness of the spot. Half of these people have pointed

towards our back yard saying that there is something unusual about that area. We have just

nodded our heads with agreement not having anything more to add to the comment. When some photos showed something unusual, I started to pay attention. The first thing to do was

to dowse this area and find out what was there. The picture below shows a diagram of the

energy spiral that I discovered. At the center was a one-foot circle or point. Lise, a friend of ours, built a snow labyrinth in our backyard. The center of the labyrinth was placed over a

dowsed energy spiral. Claire Watson's articles also pointed out that if quartz crystals were

laid around in a larger circle, then the vortex would expand to meet this larger circle. I tried

this and was successful in proving it to myself. Standing in this circle was incredible. The

energy had a definite force on a person's body. From there I conducted a series of tests with

lunar and planetary alignments (perfect timing in April 2002). Night time photos were also

taken with ASA 800 film. When spring came I also built a stone turtle like the ones that are found throughout the Manitoba Whiteshell area. Knowing the energy lines in this spot I first

started with the body of the turtle. I then dowsed the area with no noticeable difference. As

soon as I added the two front legs of this turtle two energy lines were dowsed coming off the ends of the legs. It appears that the circle acts as the collector with the stone appendages

creating a connection to the nearest micro grid lines in the area. I say this because one of the

back legs I built went straight out from the turtle but when I dowsed this area, an energy line

connected to it but angled off to the side. In other words the line was there to connect to but

the leg was not exactly straight in line with the energy.

From what I understand each thought or emotion exists as an electromagnetic energy unit or,

as a combination of these under certain conditions. What happens is that with the help of coordinate points, these units emerge into the building blocks of physical matter. This

emergence into matter occurs as a neutral "result" regardless of the nature of any given

thought or emotion. Any consciousness is in it's own act a vibration or harmonic, and when a

thought (another spin off this vibration) comes in contact with local universal harmonic vibration, a new vibration is created at that point from the combination. Therefore, mental

images accompanied by strong emotion are blueprints upon which a corresponding physical

object, or condition, or event, will in our terms appear. In other words, if you had strong enough emotions in the "right" place you could manifest a devil, a Mother Mary, ghost, or

even a burning bush. Therefore the intensity of a feeling or thought or mental image is the

important element in determining its subsequent physical materialization. The intensity is the core about which the electromagnetic-harmonic energy units form. In our terms, the more

intense the projection, the sooner the physical materialization. This would apply whether the

mental image was a fearful one, or a joyful one. Now there is a very important problem here:

If your style is highly intense and you think in vivid mental emotional images, these will be swiftly formed into physical events. If you are also of a highly pessimistic nature, given to

thoughts and feelings of potential disaster, then these thoughts will be quite faithfully

reproduced in experience. The more intense your imagination and inner experience, therefore, the more important it is that you realize the methods by which this inner

experience becomes physically real. Your thoughts and emotions begin their journey into

physical actualization at the moment of conception. If you are a negative orientated person that happens to live in an area where the coordinate environment is strong, then it will seem

that you are deluged by illnesses or disasters. That is to say if these are the nature of your

thoughts, because all thought is so fertile in this environment. On the other hand, if your

feelings and subjective experience are fairly well balanced, fairly optimistic and creative in a constructive manner, then it will seem to you that you have been blessed with unusual luck,

for your pleasant suppositions will come to pass so quickly. This is why these areas are

called "intense areas" or "power spots". They literally intensify creation by speeding up (in our perception) what you are capable of on an intellectual, emotional, and physic level. One

of the largest earth vortexes can be found in the Middle East. That is why you see on the

news so much movement and discord in that region. The hatred and distrust goes back

thousands of years. The intensity of the area will accelerate this hatred and mistrust because of the intense energy of the area. This energy source is neutral in nature but will co-create

with the emotions of the residents. Because of the productive nature of the area, the only

way out of this present situation is to convert the respondents to love and trust… it will be


Getting back to the coordinate points, they themselves activate the behavior of atoms and

molecules as, say for example, the sun aids the growth of plants. The coordinates activate

the generating behavior of atoms and molecules, and greatly encourage their cooperative abilities. Their tendency is to swarm, so to speak, into organizations and structural groupings.

This can be seen on a diaphragm when dust is subjected to sound. The dust vibrates or

clumps together to form structures. The coordinate points magnify or intensify the behavior,

the latent spontaneity inherent within the properties of physical matter. They act as psychic

generators, propelling what is not yet physical into physical

These emanations in varying degrees rise from all consciousness, not simply your own. This

includes cellular consciousness as well. An invisible network of electromagnetic units

pervades our entire atmosphere, and creates a web-work or Grid as well as the particles of physical matter comes into form. This can be compared almost to a wadding-up of air. This

pocketing-of-space effect can also be perceived in certain trance states. This is how the grids

become and support structures for life forms. Each life form through its intended creation will

have its own associated and supportive grid. The grid that creates the human form is a composite of all that are alive now and all that have lived before us. It is literally the vibration

of human consciousness. It is composed of every thought and emotion that the human race

has ever had. You could say that it is the harmonic DNA of humanity. The ability to affect or interact with individual grid fields is why David Icke has so much concern with the different

usage of the earth power points.

Below is some of the research that Joseph Korn has placed on the web site:

http://dowsers.com/page5.html the article entitled "Of Spirals and Rings". The reference to

positive and negative has nothing to do with bad, good, evil, or anything similar. It is just a

way of describing opposite energies.

Joseph Korn writes in the article: Of Spirals and Rings

"After marking the negatively charged bands, we came to the conclusion that there are

actually two spirals. The positive spiral seems to radiate outward from the center and the

negatively charged spiral seems to draw inward, simultaneously, toward the center. We have since found that plants, trees, humans, and animals also have spiraling energy fields around

them and we assume that everything does. From our research so we find that human energy

fields seem to radiate outward in a clockwise spiral, whether we are dowsing males or

females. (We arbitrarily choose the outward radiating or positive spiral for spin orientation.) We also find that energy fields from trees and plants also seem to radiate in a clockwise

direction. We find that water dome energy fields without intersecting leys spin in a clockwise

direction while the energy fields of power spots spin in a counterclockwise direction."

I'm probably alone on this, but I do not think that water is essential to power sites. I agree

that water is found at most sacred sites, but as something that has been attracted to the site

by the energy there. There are two reasons for my statement. The first is that the Whiteshell

sites are placed on solid granite bedrock. The odd one will have a crack in the rock, but does not hold any amount of water or any dowsable energy associated to it. The second reason is

that in the field of cymatics, one of the first properties of vibration or harmonics is that gravity

has no effects on the material being used. Hans Jenny has observed sand flowing up against gravity's desire to pull it down. I believe that the harmonic vibration of the spot attracts and

causes water to well up into lines and centers of contact that mimic the vibration that was

there prior to the water.

* Deja Allison writes: http://hometown.aol.com/LLUSTRATOR/dejatoon.html

"I have soul traveled the grids since childhood. When I see the grid - it has no beginning, no ending. The grid is above, below and on all sides of me. I am of and in the Grid and when I

have unconscious awareness I can be on the Grids as well.

The grid shimmers with "current" or grid flux. It has no color, as there is no color at subatomic

levels as such. Color is a visual portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. It demonstrates a

continuity of energy showing length and frequency of that particular pattern of energy - i.e.: the color red vibrates more rapidly than the color purple. Purple vibrates much slower in

frequency. Color is just a complex neurophysicalogical response. That's what makes the

different color manifestations. Why we call them what we call them is do to human labeling. At the interpretation stage is where color from Universe takes great precaution not to

"contaminate" the Universal Essence of Primordial Flux. This is why there are Gate Keepers

as such, for lack of a better way to explain, and there are guardians (again human labeling

as a way of explaining) will not allow entrance. This is also why one can never enter levels or dimension that they are not "frequency ready" to experience. Like begets like energies. It's

like a built-in security device. Whatever your frequency is that is where you will resonate or

be drawn towards. That's why most individuals never make it past the Astral Plane. Emotional body must be clear of agenda and negative human conditioning in order to reach

all the many different frequencies available.

The general rule is: One can travel to the levels/dimensions/universes to which they have the

Key or Symbol to---the key being frequency, vibration, resonance and experience. They may travel there and any that are below that one in frequency, but they can never go higher in

frequency than they can achieve at that particular time. She goes on to say: I began to

compile data. It appeared that the depth of the strength of the grids varied. Somewhere 300ft others a tad slight more shallow. Yet when I tracked them they could run for miles, straight

across the land with slight lifting periodically here and across other where only 1 foot and a

half. Some of the ley lines seem to just abruptly end after miles. Yet when I would switch from earth plane viewing to soul travel view I could see they traveled infinitum cross

vectoring and changing there subtly as they switched to the different levels and dimensional

manifestation. Only in several places did the ley lines actually cease. Now, viewing these

manifestations on the Time Line gird is a whole other experience, of which is not what this

article is about."

**Note well that stress is not a geometric concept, and we move from geometry to physics

when we consider stress. The major stress-free movement or transformation is rotation about an axis through the counter space infinity, which may explain the ubiquitous appearance and

importance of rotation in most branches of physics e.g. in fluid flow.

Mapping the Soul

"You cannot understand perceived events unless you understand who perceives them. You

must learn more about the slant of your own consciousness before you are in a position to ask truly pertinent questions about the reality that you perceive.

We grant soulhood only to your own species, as if souls had sizes that fit our own natures only. We preserve these ideas by thinking of animals as beneath us. Then, however, we

must wonder when the soul enters the flesh, or when the alien fetus becomes one of our

own, and therefore blessed by the gods and granted the right to life.

But all things have consciousness, and in those terms possess a soul-nature. There are no

graduations of the soul. Soul is the life within everything that is."

-- Seth by Jane Robertson

"A" is capable of seeing a larger part of reality then "B" nether are perceiving the multi-

dimensionality of the whole

I propose that it is time to break free of the New Age paradigm and contemplate something

that is free of the old misconceptions. You understand sugar free, caffeine free....New Age Free. What are you left with? Only the original substance of you and the realization that the

only truth has to come from within you. Freedom Age or Free Age is not a new belief system

or a New Age concept. In fact, it is what I believe to be a clearer and more evolved understanding of spirit. The truth is that it is a replacement for the New Age understandings,

and it too will evolve as more understandings come on line. The following statement has

been made to me. "It's time that the New Age Movement grows up to the next level". This article is not to be about me or my spiritual unfoldment. What I have to reveal to the world is

not going to be readily accepted by many people at this time. The reason being is that when

people commit their beliefs to certain fields they invest heavily into these beliefs and only

accept material that supports these beliefs. In that way it becomes a truth to them that defies contradiction and only seeks confirmation. This article is then directed to those people that

need more evolved understandings and are bored with the limited New Age teachings. The

fact that you are reading this material should show you that you are ready. As you read on, you may find that this information may rub you the wrong way and thus choose to go on to a

new site. In my understanding this is alright for we all perceive through our individual beliefs

and understandings. Sometimes we are at levels where only a seed is needed and later

acceptance will grow into curiosity. If you cannot accept this information, I ask only one favor of you. When you are reading this article keep in mind how you are filtering or comparing it to

what you understand. This will give you an insight about yourself and that alone means that

my work has been worth it. I know that some of you are becoming complacent with the same old material, the same old instructions, and the same old guidance. On the surface most of

New Age is nothing more than Old Age understandings dressed in new garments. This

appearance is attractive to people for we all like something new and exciting. This is the smoke screen of New Age as it has become a distraction to us like most past religions have

become. At this point in our evolution New Age has become the modern religion. The religion

of science is still there to some extent. Do not misunderstand me. New Age is not wrong or

bad. It has been a very valuable stepping stone out of the limiting aspects of the past. I have found it very interesting over the years as it has evolved away from the original Jane Roberts'

Seth material. Seth has been credited as being the grandfather of the movement. However, I

do find myself confused. How could an excellent description of Real Reality have been bent and distorted out of original content? Over the years my only explanation has been that our

society and cultural beliefs are so ingrained and cemented in fear that we as a people find it

too difficult to break free. I'm not suggesting that we cast New Age into the fires of hell, but

rather it be placed into a museum and admired as a valuable past stepping stone to clearer understandings. What New Age offered us that most religions do not offer is a closer

connection to nature and ourself. This is good because I don't believe in any negativity...only

timely steps along our path of growth. All the New Age concepts have a part of "the truth". In fact, everything in our beliefs including religion and science contain truths. The creative

aspects of the human mind have brought us to what the New Agers (just like the old agers)

would like us to accept as total truths and directions of our focus. They would have us believe that Astrology, Homeopathy, Crystals, Reiki, Tarot Cards, etc. and even the medical

field are your saviors toward the end solution towards enlightenment and heath. Here again

there is an aspect of truth, but no one focus is capable of the complete "truth". All these

things have one thing in common and that is that they offer balance and power from sources that are outside of your being. The truth is the only point of power and heath has to come

from within. You can only find limited grow and understanding outside of your being. Most of

New Age offers us excellent tools to take our first steps toward self-empowerment and heath. The important aspect to remember here is that these are only tools and should be used as

tools and not as an avenue to form a new paradigm. These "tools" reflect only timely truths of

the inventors or discoverers and are not necessarily related to you. The problem is that these truth offerings only distract you from really finding the true you and obtaining optimum health.

This is why you are probably still searching for new concepts and will most likely continue to

search in the future. You will never find yourself outside of your being. Take channeling for

instance. I have personally grown weary of these perceived evolved entities. They constantly refer to us as lost children but offer very little substance other than sticky jargon like "Oh

Beloved Ones", etc. This places us in a saviorship mode. It points out our limited

understandings and does little but disempower us to a point of having to rely on the channeled material metered out to us. This statement comes from the Wingmakers

philosophy, which I will get into later in this article. It is not the channeling aspect that is at

fault here but the evolutionary level of the channeler and who the information is intended for.

I will explain more about how channeling actually works at the end of this article. In the near future I will expand on the channeling article on how to start channeling. All humans have the

ability to tap into an incredible source of knowledge. We have extensive resources available

to us in connecting to other aspects of ourselves (other life times). So as to not create a new

paradigm from these instructions I first have to give the basics or structure of spirit. The last thing I want to do is spin off more misunderstandings. This is the reason that New Age is

where it is now as no proper understandings were given as a foundation.

The material that I am about to reveal to the world is new and will probably not be totally

accepted for many years. I have personally found this information very valuable. I know there

are many of you out there that can also use this material in your own understandings. This

material is a combination of three sources. The first source would be myself, which started at the age of 9 and continued to lead to incredible events of nigh time visitations starting at the

age of 11. These visitations involved a female angelic form that would appear at my bedside

over a period of a couple of years and restarted decades later. I entered into the New Age movement at the age of 39 and discovered the best source of information was the "real

reality" teachings by Jane Robertson's Seth Material. Part of my self-discovery and the

second source happened when Susan came into my life. She is gifted as being a very talented and evolved channeler. She remains to this day as an unknown and is more focused

on raising her family but I am confident that she will emerge some time in the future. The

third source is the Wingmakers material. I am not concerned where the source of this

material came from but I do place value on this material. There is a lot of controversy about the authenticity of the Wingmaker material. It may even turn out to be a hoax. My quest in life

is not to filter creation but to resonate with what feels right with me. All I know is that the

philosophy section rings of a truth that parallels what I have been taught all my life by "the things that go bump in the night". In the early stages of channeling with Susan one clear

message overlaid all the material and that was that the New Age movement and mankind

has to grow up into the next level of understanding. Because of Susan's spiritual evolution

we were able to channel in highly evolved "entities". These sessions are on tape and in time it is my intention to write about these teachings. Please be patient with the clumsy opening

dialogues on the Soul Group for it involves understandings that deify language and are

difficult for me to translate.

First of all you must realize that no one can change your beliefs for you, nor can they be

forced upon you with out your approval. Secondly each person experiences a unique reality, different from any other individuals. This reality is the results of a combined landscape of

thoughts, feelings, expectations, and especially beliefs. If you believe that your inner reality

works against you rather than for you, then you interfere with its function. You will then force

it to behave in a certain way because of your beliefs. The purpose of the conscious is meant to make clear judgements about your position in physical reality. Often false beliefs will

prevent it from making these, for the egotistically held ideas will cloud its clear vision.

For instance if you think that the self as you know it is the end or summation of yourself, then

you also imagine your soul to be a limited entity bound by its present ventures in one life

alone, to be judged accordingly after death on the performance of a few haphazard years.

In many ways this is a cozy concept, though to some it can be frightening with its

connotations of eternal damnation. The soul is open, and it leads to all dimensions of

experience. It is both within and without the fabrics of physical life as we know it. We are not separated from the animals and the rest of existence by virtue of possessing an eternal inner

consciousness. Such a consciousness is present within all living beings, and in all forms. The

soul or entity is always in a state of flux, or learning, and of developments that have to do with subjective experiences rather than with time or space. I will explain this later on as this

writing unfolds. You are but one manifestation of your soul fragment. The true facts are that

you exist in this life and outside it simultaneously. You are "between lives" and "in lives" at

once. The deeper dimensions of reality are such that your thoughts and actions not only support the life you know, but they also reach into all of those other simultaneous existences.

We as a species do not understand as yet the value of perception, even as far as the mortal

self is concerned, and therefore we can hardly understand the perception of the soul. For the soul, above all perceives and creates. Please understand you are a soul now. The soul

within you therefore, is now perceiving. Its methods of perception are the same now as they

are were before your physical birth, and will not alter after your death. So basically the inner portion of you, the soul-stuff, will not suddenly change its methods of perception nor its

characteristics after physical death. The soul is not something waiting for you at your death,

nor is it something you must save or redeem, and it is also not something that you cannot

lose. The term," to lose or save your soul", has been grossly misinterpreted and distorted, for it is the part of you that is indeed indestructible. Like wise your personality also can not be

destroyed for it to is part of your soul. You are in your present physical form a fragment of a

Soul. This Soul has many fragments that extend into all universes,dimensions, and time. The amount of fragments that a Soul extends can be small or very large in number, it all depends

on the focus or desire of the Soul. Now the Soul also is a "fragment" of a larger aspect called

in their terms as a Soul Group. Do not get this confused with the New Age concept of soul groups. Also do not confuse it with some of the great work that some researchers are doing

with regressive past life and between life material. This aspect is usually involved in lower

dimensional fields were the life time aspects of the fragments are conscious. The Soul Group

that I refer too lies in vibrational dimensions that would if made contact with would be expressed as a one to one contact with God itself. These Soul Groups are beyond the range

of reincarnational needs and thus have little to do with the New Age understandings or

consciousness. Soul Fragments and the Soul Groups are in a constant state of evolution and growth and are focused on achieving a complete state of balance with the intent of equality

to join Source Power.All these parts of a Soul Group continue to grow and develop, but its

growth and development is highly dependent upon its realization that it is distinct and

individual. To the extent that it realizes this, it learns to unfold in creativity, and to use those abilities that lie inherent within it. To help you understand how you as a personality can

merge with hundreds or thousands of personalities all at once and not become lost is difficult

to translate. A metaphor would be if you take yourself now and think of all your present personalities you have. For example when you are at work you use a certain "personality

mask" to conduct an acceptable style that achieves results. At home with your family a

different personality mask is use. Your children see and know you as a different person than a co-worker would. The same can be said inside a Soul Group you are a unique individual

expression separate but part of the whole collective and thus share with the whole but the

different personalities are retained.

The personality exists and the existence has a physical version. In this framework you are

born and die, and in definite sequence. Death is a physical reality. It is real, however, only in

physical terms. If you accept those terms as the only criteria of reality, then surely it appears that death is an end to your consciousness. However, if you learn to know yourself better in

daily life, to become more fully aware even of your earthly life, then you will indeed receive

other information that hints of a deeper, more supportive reality in which physical existence rests. You will find yourself having experiences that do not fit recognized facts. Basically the

inner reality is the creative source of the physical one. Yet to some extent, the physical rules

are also inviolate at their level.


The picture above and to the left shows a very simplistic map of a Soul Group and its projected Soul Fragments throughout the different universes, dimensions, and time. In the

center is the core collection of like frequencies and desires composing a Soul Group. The

Soul Group is a collection of like vibrational aspects or energies that have common vibration and desires. This Soul Group apparently can consist of a few parts or millions of parts. Soul

Fragments are dispersed out as energetic combinations with purpose. These Soul

Fragments with their specific purpose seek out the dimensions and worlds that would exemplify their needs to complete their purpose. The picture to the right shows junctions or

forks that represent major directional changes that take place along the path of a person's

present lifetime. For these splits in your lifetime do not mean that one ends in favor of

another. Both aspects of yourself continue on in totally different real existences. This can get very complicated. If you need more understand I would recommend that you read the Seth

material for a more complete explanation. As well, refer back to this location in the future for

more expanded explanations.

Because there is no time but only a perception of time, all incarnations are simultaneous. In

each of these reincarnation existences, you are faced with the same relationship of probabilities. Also, in each case the nature of the conscious mind sets out its own territory-of-

identity that it regards as its own. This provides a clear focus in which "present" action can be

considered. A death is but one night to the Soul Fragment. The Soul Group of which to your

Soul Fragment is a part of follows your progress as easily as you follow your own through the day. You wake to each day in the same bed, home, country, etc. and in the same century. In

those terms the Soul Group "wakes up" as a different person each day, in a different century,

each life seeming like a day in its level of experience. The Soul Group carries the memories and simultaneous experiences of each of those selves. The Soul Group is obviously not

physical. If you have the experience to see such a part of yourself, it could only perceived in

a form that would be supportive of your current system of reality. So the entity in its own way

possesses what you can think of as future neuronal structures.

Within the vast form of a Soul Group is your own form which is not lost or limited and does

not predetermine your corner of the universe. Each part is vital, and in one way or another there is instant communication between the smallest and the largest part. The atoms that

compose your cells as well as the cells themselves constantly die and are replaced. The

internal organs change and yet they always retain their form. Their identity is intact. So is your own identity secure in the midst of all these births and deaths of which your conscious

self is unaware. The memory of all those experiences is retained. Each cell remembers its

past though all of its parts are being continually replaced. Every cell has a soul that is aware

of the cell and its soul next to it. Combined, they as a group form your body that has its own consciousness. I don't mean to confuse you with this, but just allow your imagination to give

freedom to this concept. This "body soul" is the species aspect of the physical form but is not

your specific consciousness. Your consciousness comes from an induced Soul Fragment

which increases in strength as you age. It develops as your energetic and conscious "bodies" open and mature for readiness for higher understandings. This is an evolution and growth

that transpires as you go through life.

Everything in the universe exists at one time simultaneously. The first words ever spoken still

ring through the universe, and in our terms, the last words ever spoken have already been

said, for there is no beginning. It is only our perception that is limited. "There is no past,

present, or future. These only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality. There is also a part of you that is not imprisoned within physical reality and that part of you

knows that there is only an Eternal Now. The part of you who knows this is the whole self.

For example, if I tell you that you lived in 1634, this would make sense to you now. We live all of our reincarnations at once, but we find this difficult to understand within the context of

three-dimensional reality. Assigning placement by dates is more understandable. The

various reincarnational selves can be superficially regarded as portions of a crossword puzzle, for they are all portions of the whole, and yet they can exist separately. We are

forced to think of reincarnations as strung out one before the other. Indeed, we speak of past

lives because we are used to the time sequence concept. We have dominant egos that are

all part of a Soul Fragment and dominant in various existences, but the separate existences exist simultaneously. Only the egos involved make the time distinction.

A thousand years in our past and a thousand years in are future all exist now. Since all events occur at once in actuality, there is little to be gained by saying that a past event

causes a present one. Past experience does not cause present experience. We are forming

past, present, and future, simultaneously. Since events appear to us in sequence this is

difficult to explain. When it is said that certain characteristics from a past life influence or cause present patterns of behavior, it becomes subjective to what you (the dominant

personality) believe or need at the present to validate your own expression. The whole self is

aware of all the experiences of all of its egos, and since one identity forms them, there are bound to be similarities between them and shared characteristics. So the concept of "I have

a physical problem now in this lifetime and it is related to what happened to me in a prior life"

has little or no validity. Even researchers like Caroline Myss will admit that after thousands of medical intuitive readings she has, up to this point in time, only come across one incident

where another life existence was bleeding through a physical problem into her present

client's reality. This squashes another New Age concept. In other words, when a person is

blaming their present physical problem on a past life they are using this other life as a crutch and excuse so they do not have to take responsibility for their creation. Basically what is

happening is the person has sent out a search through its other existences and has cross-

referenced a similar problem in another lifetime giving credence to the creation.Your body is the basic product of all your creativity on a physical level. You create it on a daily basis

changing it according to the incalculable richness of all your multi-dimensional abilities.

Conscious beliefs focus your attention, channeling and directing your energy so that you can swiftly bring the ideas into your physical experience. Beliefs also act as blinders, throwing

aside data that cannot be assimilated whole, preserving the integrity of the belief. Belief

systems are necessary and natural. In fact their purpose is to help you direct the functioning

of your biological being. This is why you can always change the picture of your life by changing the portrait from all the portraits that are available to you. The abilities, strengths,

and variants that you may want to choose are already latent in your terms and at your


Seth makes the statement:

"When we deal with reincarnation, you will not automatically throw upon it old dogmas and

old beliefs, and find excuses for the guilt that you have been taught to feel. It does you little

good if you throw the concept of Original Sin out the window; if you recognize that much of

Freud's theories were nonsense; if you recognize that you are not at the mercy of the past in

this life; and consider yourself emancipated and free and hip and in-and instead throw upon yourselves the idea of karma, as it is interpreted, and believe instead that you are at the

mercy of thirty centuries of a past, instead of thirty years! Where are you ahead? You have

dug a grave of theories! "Therefore, in the framework with which we will study reincarnation, you will be at the center. And from that center, you will then look at your future and your past,

realizing however that the future is not predetermined- but that the past is not predetermined


Seth continued: "The miracle is within each of you now. The reincarnational material that you

hoped for, you will find for your- selves ... but you will also learn that those existences are

now. They are simply different focuses taken by your consciousness and awareness."

"When you understand that time does not exist as you think it does, when you put that

together with the idea that the point of power is in the present, then you will not feel at the mercy of reincarnations selves, or see probable selves as a bugaboo, chasing your own

consciousness through the night! You will see that your reality is now, and that from that

reality, probabilities are cast out-ward as flowers cast outward their seeds.

"Do you therefore deny yourselves the seeds of yourselves? In the time that you know, you

willingly and joyfully send out children into the generations of time as you understand it. So

do you also send your children, if you want to look at it that way, into probable realities. You give birth to them, again as flowers send out their seeds."

Now, reality has no beginning and no end. Hopefully in your terms of time, you may get a

glimmer of what I mean. There is indeed an expanding universe, and it is formed in the eternal present. You create your own reality. That works, and is true, whether or not you

follow, or care to follow, into these other realms; whether or not you care that the universe

has no beginning or end; whether or not you have an iota of interest in probable selves. You still form your own reality.

"So it is not necessary that all of you follow [into other realms]. For those of you who do, however, I promise you an adventure, and a creative alteration of consciousness, and

experiences beyond those in your terms that you have known. You look at the world around

you and are amazed at its richness and variety-at its physical aspects. Do you think that the

inner world is not that rich, and more rich and more valid? Do you think that there is but one kind of consciousness?

"Your world is constantly formed out of the vast unpredictability of consciousness. You form your own ideas of significance, and from it you form your idea of yourself and your world.

You must stop thinking in terms of ordinary progression. It is hard enough when you start

worrying about keeping up with the Joneses. It is something else, however, when you start worrying about which kind of self is superior to another kind!"

"I have told you that you are finished with kinder-garten," Seth said that night. "You have

been telling secrets on another level, in reincarnational terms. It is an extension [of the secrets], an acceleration. I want you to look through the gods and the devils to see beyond

these. I want you to look through the victim and the slayer. I want you to look through

stereotyped images of good and evil until you understand what your own creativity is. 1 want you to understand that in this moment in your time, your very cells respond to what 1 say; not

because I say it, but because your cells also speak through my voice and the forgotten

portions of you to which you do not listen.

You are presently within one system of reality: one probable reality, the reality that you now

know and form physically. Now within that one reality, you have reincarnational selves. They

belong within the concept of that existence. All probable systems do not have reincarnational

existences. Some do and some do not, so that these exist only here, as far as you are concerned for the moment. And I know I am only going to confuse you, but if you have

probable selves, then you know there are probable universes and probable earths and

probable histories of your earth; and you see what this is going to do to your concept of reincarnation as you hold it.

"So within the system that you know, you also have probable reincarnational selves within

those probable historical earths. Now, this does nothing to deny the basic integrity or validity of what you may prefer to call the soul. It simply means that the inner self is far more

creative, far richer, and far more varied-and much different-than you originally supposed.

Some of you could meet yourselves coming down the street and not even say hello!",

"Remember, you call this your universe and your reality, and it is indeed, for you form it; and

yet within you is also the knowledge of other great experiments that are being tried, and other probable systems are aware of the experiments that you are trying. In your terms, and I

am speaking now in your terms only-which to some extent means that I am hedging the

fence-other civilizations have gone your route. Some have failed. In your terms, the

inhabitants of some earths, however, have succeeded very well, and your future, in your terms, is not set.

"You can follow any road that you choose, but until each individual realizes that he practically forms his own personal life and has a part in the mass formation of reality that you know,

then there is much learning ahead, for this is a lesson you are meant to learn within physical

reality. You are meant to judge physical reality. You are meant to realize that physical reality

is a materialization of your thoughts and feelings and images. You are meant to realize that the inner self forms that world.

"You cannot be allowed, in your terms, to go into other dimensions until you understand the power of your thought and subjective feelings!"

On any given day a youngster may take a ride on a merry-go-round. The same little boy or girl might also sit astride a toy horse, and pretend that the horse is part of the merry-go-

round. The same child might see the image of a merry-go-round on the television screen, or

be told about another youngster's visit to a playground, and a subsequent ride on a merry-


The child will he completely absorbed in the merry-go-round ride that was directly

experienced. He or she may indeed be just as engrossed - or even more so - in the imaginary ride on the rocking horse. There will be some involvement, of course, as the child

watches the images of the merry-go-round horses on the television station, while the story

about another child's visit to the playground will not take nearly as much of his interest.

In somewhat the same way, events appear and are reflected in reincarnational existences.

All the lives are actually occurring at the same time, as the hypothetical youngster's merry-

go-round-ences happened all in one day.

In the reincarnational terms, however, the merry-go-round events might be experienced

directly in some existences, or appear in a dream in another existence, or turn up simply as an image in another, or happen in an event involving real horses instead of merry- go-round

horses. In other words, in one way or another the events of one living experience are

reflected in each other living experience.

I am not saying that the events in one life cause the events in another, but that there is an

overall pattern - a bank of probable events - and that in each life each individual chooses

those that suit his or her overall private purposes. Yet those lives will be connected. An

individual may have a serious illness in one life. That event may turn up as one uncomfortable nightmare in another existence. In still another life, the individual might have a

dear friend who suffers from the same disease. In still another existence the individual might

decide to be a doctor, to seek a cause and a cure for the same disease.

No one is fated, however, to suffer in one life for any crimes committed in another. The

reasons and purposes for one's own existence in any life can he found directly in the life



An excellent book that describes case studies of life between lives has just been introduced to me by one of the readers of this page. The interesting thing is that the author's research,

although in a different field, has come up with identical understandings. The book is "Journey

of Souls" by Michael Newton, Ph.D.

Today others are putting it together. For example, one of the best researchers in the Astral

Dimensions is Robert Bruce. He has written a book called "Astral Dynamics". In his book he gives a good account of his findings on the first step some take after our death. This account

is a good example of how creative and instantaneously fluid the dimensions become past

this third dimension.

"Many people, when they die, seem to shift into astral rest and recovery areas. Spirits rest

and sleep in these areas until they recover from conditions imposed on them during their

lives and are ready to progress into the spirit world proper and take more active roles in their afterlives. If you enter these recovery areas, you usually perceive a hospital-like scenario.

You see spirits resting and sleeping and being cared for in a hospital-like environment. You

even see nurses and doctors caring for these spirit patients. This does not mean there is an actual hospital-like astral realm where advanced spirit beings care for recovering spirits; most

likely the projector's mind creates the hospital scenario. The projector's angle of perception

interprets the energies contained within astral rest and recovery areas, and translates them into living metaphorical imagery.

Raised energetic activity and altered states of consciousness can allow projectors to project

into higher dimensional levels. All experiences of this nature must be downloaded and interpreted before the physical brain can interpret and store them as understandable and

recallable memories. This accounts for the abstract metaphorical nature of all higher-level

experiences. It also accounts for the difficulties inherent in interpreting and understanding them, at the normal base level of waking consciousness natural to the physical body.

I have visited astral rest and recovery places many times. The hospital-like scenario and atmosphere is always similar, but each room I visit is quite different. These rooms seem to

reflect the life conditions surrounding patients at the time of their passing.

As I said, I do not really think there is an actual hospital floating around somewhere in the astral dimension, staffed by beings intent on nursing sick and tired spirits back to good

health, although this is a beautiful thought. I believe this scenario is created by my own mind

as it interprets the energies broadcast from these areas in the only way it can. This perception interpretation is done according to my mind's own learned mental associations, as

well as by those set in me by the collective consciousness of mankind. As this is a healing,

rest, and recovery area for the recently departed, my mind interprets this as a hospital-type

scenario staffed by caring doctors and nurses.

The doctors and nurses who staff and run this astral hospital do not appear to he real spirit

beings. So far I have not been able to strike up anything resembling a meaningful

conversation with any of them. They seem to be very two-dimensional.

On the other hand, many of the people/spirits I have met there who seem to he visiting or

waiting for a patient in the hospital seem to he quite real. Many spirit visitors respond and con-verse in a reasonably normal fashion. Spirits I have spoken with in this situation do not

seem to he aware of the length of time that has elapsed since they passed over, or of many

details concerning their afterlife since that time. Memories of their earthly life also seem

vague, much like a half-forgotten dream.

Many spirits seem to be aware only of their present reality, that of being in one place, the

hospital scenario, for an indeterminate length of time. Some spirits do have vague memories of coming from other dimensional areas, but have so far given me only very sketchy details.

Often they will speak of a warm, brightly lit interesting place where they have many friends

and loved ones, but with little more detail than this. The most common response I get from asking spirits what it's like where they come from is: 'It's really lovely there and everyone is

so nice. I don't understand this. I'm very sorry. I know it well and can picture it in my head,

but I just can't describe it to you."

The dreamlike quality of memory exhibited by visiting spirits in this astral hospital area may

be caused by their being too far away from their natural base level of consciousness at the

time. Keep in mind here that the natural, or base, level of a spirit is, logically, in one of the spirit worlds, and no longer in the physical dimension. It seems that any shift away from the

natural base level of consciousness, either for spirit beings or human beings, causes

memory translation problems. This translation problem also accounts, I believe, for the many

difficulties and vagaries common to spirit communications and channeling in general".

The scenario above also applies to the present time and dimensional spiritual experiences that people all over the world in present and in the past have had. They interpret an

experience based on their beliefs. The Christ, Mary, Buddha, etc. forms make themselves

present because of a person's own flavor of understandings. The actual energetic aspects probably do not have or need a form. They are expressed as a physical form to create

comfort and inspiration.

In terms of personality, the individual chooses the abilities he or she will have and the life challenges. In the present, each person has unlimited opportunity to draw upon the different

Group Fragments or the very Soul Group's energetic aspects. The interactions are constant.

In your present incarnation you consistently draw upon other aspects (fragments) knowledge as they draw upon yours. This applies to personalities that you may consider future. You

have a gigantic pool to draw upon, but this will be utilized accordingly to your present

conscious beliefs. If you understand that the point of power is in the present, then you have an inexhaustible realm of abilities and energies at you command. Have you ever wondered

how some people can be so talented or have the ability to pull creative works or thoughts out

of thin air? Listen to the next time an artist is asked how or were they get their creativity.

Some will say it just comes to them. Others will say they don't know. Still others less knowledgeable or disrespectful of their own being will give it away by saying something like

"It came from God".

This also brings in partial understandings of multi-personality disorders and where these

completely different personalities come from.

The picture above was given to me in one of my teachings. It shows how a Soul Fragment

(D) collects understandings and balance in a collective way. The physical and nonphysical

incarnates (B) grow and experience independently. Then at certain points in their lives a

"fork" in the road is reached and an aspect of themselves literally dies off. This is an immature or uninvolved aspect (as far as this incarnate is concerned) and is never wasted.

You cannot destroy energy, you can only change its form. This energy belongs to the Group

and the Soul Fragment and thus is still honored and never wasted. What happens is the undesirable aspect is adopted by another incarnate (A) that needs it and views the aspect as

something new and valuable to use in its growth. In "time", all the aspects or incarnates

reach a state of balance and projected state of evolution, allowing the Soul Fragment to be complete with the Soul Group's energy or vibration. Once all aspects or energies that are

part of the group have reach the desirable balance, the Group ascends to the next

evolutionary level which will be determined by the individual Soul Group. Apparently some

Groups will join with one another Group that has the desirable vibration or purpose and form a larger more complex Group that in its combined self will have new requirements or models

of growth to achieve. This combined growth continues and becomes a larger collective until

the collection has to include the Source Power. At that level they become Source.

The Universe is in a torus shape with Source Power being the generator of All That Is.

The flow of energy from point source is like a river that comes out of the bottom - curves

around - and enters through the top. This flow is represented as an infinity symbol. It is also infinite in the fact that this is but one cross-section of one universe and others exist inside

this one - and so on. This also represents the "two directions" of duality and the source

creation of duality. There is also a cross that represents the four directions of creation that

you find expressed in the native teachings.

The universe is shaped like a massive torus that appears to be expanding outward. What is

happening near the edge (billions of light years from here) is that space starts to fold into

itself. Light and all particles are turned on their course to form a loop. It gives the illusion that

space is expanding outward for ever.

The different dimensions are separated by harmonics. They are similar to what we know of as harmonics but are much more complex in form. This is a simple diagram using actual

three-dimensional pictures of what sound looks like in physicality. It demonstrates how

different frequencies determine shape and form. Also, like kind of frequencies will group into common aspects of one type of harmonic flavour. The actual "walls or edges" of the

dimensions are not smooth or straight defined surfaces but are composed of an edge similar

to a grid or mesh. The other dimensional edge is more like a geometric "pin" that meshes with the grid. In actuality the harmonic "sound" is not what makes the difference but it is the

actual structure or shape that makes the difference. From there examining further in, it is the

outer side edges of this "geometric" shape were the progression "code" of frequency is the

important factor. It actually performs similar in motivation as say how DNA affects biological creation. Another way of putting it is to use a sine wave as the underlining foundational

shape. The determining factor is the progression of the frequency or vibrational profile or

code that is along the surface that determines all. In this "code progression" it is the spacing or gaps that define uniqueness.

This picture was taken from Drunvalo Melchizedek's book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower

of Life". He states; "That as you go up into dimensional levels (up refers to up in frequency

only) the wavelength gets shorter and shorter, with higher and higher energy. As you go

down in dimensional levels (slower frequency) the wavelength gets longer and longer, with lower and lower energy, more and more dense. Just as with the piano, there's space

between the notes, so that when you hit one note, there's a very definite place where the

next note is. In this waveform universe we exist in, there is a very definite place where the next dimensional level exists. It's a specific wavelength relative to this one. Between each

step of the chromatic scale there are twelve major overtones. If we show each note in the

chromatic scale as a circle, we have thirteen circles. Each circle represents a black circle or

white key and the shaded white circle at the end would be the thirteenth note that begins the

next octave. The pure white circle on this illustration represents the third dimension our universe and the fourth circle, the fourth dimension. The twelve major overtones between

any two notes, or dimensions, are a replica of the larger pattern. It's holographic. If you carry

it further, between each overtone you'll find another twelve overtones that replicate the whole pattern. This is called the geometrical progression, only in harmonics. There are twelve notes

in an octave and twelve overtones between each note; and 12 x 12 = 144 dimensional levels

between each octave. To be specific, there are 12 major dimensions and 132 minor

dimensions within each octave (though in truth the progression goes on forever). This diagram represents one octave. The thirteen notes repeat, then there's another octave above

that one. There's an octave of universes below this and an octave above, and it stretches on

theoretically forever. So as big and as infinite as this universe seems ( which is just an illusion anyway), there are still an infinite number of other ways to express the one Reality,

and each dimension is experientially completely different from any other."

To change dimensions your are actually making a 90-degree turn and change your

wavelength. No better examples are the ones given by the ancient shamans in their

pictographs and sculptures from the past. They are referred to as the Sacred G.


Pictures from "Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion" by Hunbatz Men

As above...so below. Energy originating from Source Power is a mirror of the same energy only the direction of the flow is different. This is what causes the torus to flow out as a current

of creation. As Source Power grows understandings come from the absorption of its own

creations that cycle back into itself as complete understandings. Through this new growth

new creations are expressed and released to explore. In turn they are reabsorbed by Source

and the cycle continues in ever expanding ways. This is done through all the different

universes at once. It is the directional motivation of Source Will that permeates everything that exists. This aspect or directional search from Source out into itself is what ascension is

about. Ascension is not you joining you Soul Group but the other way around. It can actually

be call a descension. The Soul Group energy "reaches out" and connects with you via original Source Power.

The old phrase "to find God" is actually defined as to stop your definition of how and what

your life should be and just allow. If you quit trying so hard to control and judge your life and all the aspects in it, you would be opening yourself to spirit. Giving yourself this final

acceptance and forgiveness of your being will allow your Soul Group energies to come into

you (join with you) to become "one" or to come "Home". This happens because of a balanced state that you have achieved thus allowing the balanced state of the Soul Group to "mesh"

with you. Contrary to the religions of this world, God does not judge it is incapable of such a

feat. When you judge anything, especially yourself, you will find yourself as a separate aspect detached from Source energy.

The multi-universes are composed of torus shaped universes overlapping and yet part of the

whole aspect with a central force. You cannot perceive any events that happen at the very outside edge of our universe because you are a part of this one. You and this universe have

its own frequency "flavour". That includes thought, understandings and perceptions, etc. It

also includes the present instruments we have and any future instruments that may be

invented in some type of an attempt to see beyond this universe. There is only one way for us to enter these other universes and that is through our consciousness. That is because

your consciousness exists and encompasses all of creation. You are but one aspect of a

larger consciousness that has focused into this harmonic level we refer to as the physical. The only instrument you need is already a part of you. The "catch 22" situation is that if you

had an instrument that could measure another dimension, it would have to be in that

dimension to do so, thus excluding itself from this dimension and your perception.

Long ago the ancient ones knew what we have forgotten. Their trips through out-of-body (OBE) experiences led them to the truth. The figure to the right is a North American native

shaman leaving his body via the silver cord that extends from his head. This figure is a

pictograph from Annie Island on Lake of the Woods, Ontario, Canada. Robert Bruce's book is a good source for more understanding on the silver cord. When a person has an OBE some

see themselves attached consciously to the physical body via an invisible energetic linkage

called the silver cord. The physical location is usually consistent with where they perceive themselves to be in the real world. I believe that a lot of the pictographs are road maps into

the dimensions.

The Wingmakers

The Wingmakers' material brings to us a radically new understanding. When I first read it I understood immediately what they were saying. This information paralleled what I had been

instructed for the last nine years of my life. Whoever wrote this material has done me a service by putting some of my teachings into text. I'm not the most literary person there is so

this text helped me to articulate some of the concepts. You can fake a picture, a poem,

music, or even a story. You cannot fake a resonating truth. To understand a part of me you have to know that I personally have grown past the stage of seeing nonphysical entities as

separate aspects of my creation. To me all that exists is part of the whole creation. We may

spend a period in human form and in another life as the very entities that we call angels or aliens. It is all-relevant to what flavor of expression that we are currently in. These so called

aliens are more likely other aspects of ourself in different forms or time frames. The story of

the Wingmakers to me only served to attract my attention. It is not what I honed into but it is

the material content that excites me. So basically I am not even going to comment on the source of this material, but will expand on the material itself in my understandings.

What the Wingmakers' refer to as Sovereign Integral is in the spiritual "worlds" referred to as the Soul Group. The Wingmakers' understandings will turn off a lot of New Age and orthodox

people. Some people have invested a lot of time and effort to supporting the New Age

paradigm. New Age at this time in its evolution has become a religion complete with established foundational knowledge and acceptance of the fringe ideas that will possibly

contribute to the whole. So following this statement I am not going to get to carry away by

pointing fingers at every little thing that is out of alignment with the real picture. Instead, I will

explain what I have been taught and cross-reference it to the Wingmakers work. This I hope will allow people to come up with their own understandings. In the opening statement under

philosophy the Sovereign Integral (Soul Group) has transformed or evolved past the

evolutionary saviorship model. This gives an understanding of how the Soul Group is separately defined from God - Source Power, and yet is not part of the reincarnations

fragment aspect. The Soul Group is thus placed on an evolutionary stage between the two

concepts. Please be patient with me as the Wingmakers material is very important and I

would like to make sure that a foundation of understanding is first laid out.

When Susan and I were channeling our two favorite spiritual teachers, I was always brought

into alignment and corrected if I placed them on a higher level then us. It seemed only natural to do this because of their incredible abilities and knowledge. Complete reverence is

what I had been taught by my cultural and Christian upbringing. This upbringing taught me to

look in awe at the world of spirit and all of its aspects and that it was also part of being respectful. Now being respectful was a desirable attitude but I was not getting the picture that

they were teaching me. Like everything they taught Susan and I, there was never a

statement made that said you have to believe or act this way. It took years of interactions

with them to realize that they were teaching by example. What they were saying to the most evolved spiritual levels was that no creation, being it them, an insect, or a human had any

placement over another. To them all were equal in every way and there was no hierarchy

that was recognized by Source Power. To these teachers a ninth dimensional level entity was of equal importance to say a third dimensional human or anything else that existed.

They are saying that there is no such thing as a hierarchy. The only hierarchy would be one

that sees itself separated from Source. In 1993 I purchased a book on the archetypal

kingdom to try to understand as much as I could about spiritual worlds. When I brought questions about this kingdom to the channeling session it was not received with any

acknowledgment. In fact, they would not give any information on the subject so as to not give

it the slightest acknowledgement or credibility. They were always on guard so as to not mislead me or let me fill in the gaps on my own. At the time I consider myself as being very

spirituality aware, but from their side, I and the rest of my species new nothing. They would

never state such a thing but it became evident that most of my so called evolved questions always need realignment in understanding. I learned quickly to leave what I knew at home in

these sessions and just listen to what was being taught. I would just ask a straight question

and sit back. When I asked about ascended masters, archangels, white brotherhood, etc.,

they were basically in that particular evolutionary position and that it was not a complete spiritual state, but one that was evolving towards it. The archetypal hierarchy is a distraction

that should be avoided because of the judgement factor. To judge anything places you

outside of Source understanding. To be part of a system that places you in a particular light or placement on a scale shows you as being judgmental or at least a part of the system of

judgment. The very word hierarchy should tell you that something is not right. All That Is,

Source Power, God exists in all, is in all and all is an aspect of God. God would not be what it is if it could judged itself. This would place it out of balance. Judgement can only come from

an out of balance state.

You can see why Susan's channels could not comment on the hierarchy because that would place them also into a position of judgement. To proclaim one as an ascended master

implies that something else is in a lower state and less than they are. This is a judgement

and implies that this entity has much room to grow.

The Wingmakers are saying the same thing but are explaining the importance of choice. We

are all on a spiritual path so what the Wingmakers are saying is that there is basically two

main "highways" towards source.

The Wingmakers :


The Hierarchy extends throughout the cosmos to the very borders of discovery. It has

branches that extend from every star system, every dimension; and virtually all life forms are "leaves" of this cosmological tree. The Hierarchy constitutes the grand indoctrination of

species, spirits, planets, and stars as they each evolve through the branches of the tree. It is

an assemblage of externals that desire to invest their energies in support of a sub-group that

has nested somewhere within the greatest of all structures: the Hierarchy. Service is the operational motive of the Hierarchy, and in most cases, this translates into the concept of


The Hierarchy is composed of entities of all motives that have linked their energies into

subgroups. Think of these subgroups as independent branches of a vast, cosmological tree--

a structure that encompasses all things outside of Source Reality. The roots of the tree are bound in the soil of genetic memory and subconscious identity. At the base of the tree the

first branches sprout and they are the oldest, representing the native religions of the specie.

The middle branches are the orthodox religions and institutions, while the upper branches

represent the contemporary belief systems that are newly emerging throughout the universe. The whole tree, in this definition, is the Hierarchy, and its purpose is to advance the evolution

of life through a superstructure that results in the teacher/student ordering of the universe.

Prime Creator is connected to individuals not organizations. Thus, the Hierarchy is

unconnected to the Source in a vital and dynamic way. The Hierarchy is more connected to

its own collective desire to help, to serve, to perform a function that allows the use of power

in a positive way. In itself, this is not wrong or misguided. It is all part of the Primal Blueprint that orchestrates the unfoldment of consciousness from collective to individual and individual

to collective. This is the spiral of integration that breeds wholeness and perfection within the

Source Intelligence.

They also give account on how the Hierarchy is involved with humans. This also covers why

certain channeler's information is to be approached with discernment. I will address this at the end of this article in the channeling section.

The Wingmakers:

The human drama is circumscribed by the dimensions of time and space and the elements of

energy and matter. It is played out upon the stages of survival and dysfunctional behavior

because of the Hierarchy's methods of controlling information and manipulating conditions. The entity within the human instrument is largely unexpressed and under-utilized in the

human drama, and therefore, life's apparent perversions and imperfections are seen in

isolation as impediments to perfection rather than perfection itself.

The hierarchy, through the purveyance of an evolution/saviorship model of existence, has

attempted to guide the development of all entities throughout the Universe of Wholeness.

The connection between the individual and the Source is subtly undermined through the layers of language, belief system manipulation, and ritual controls designed by the hierarchy

to intervene between the spiritual essence of entities and their source, Prime Creator.

Each individual must know themselves to be free of all forms of external reliance. This is not

to imply that one should not trust others or band together in alliances of friendship and

community. It is simply a warning that relative truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those

who desire to control, and even though their motives may be of good will, it is still a form of control. When the hierarchy withholds information, the interpretive centers for relative truth

are positioned to acquire and maintain power rather than dispensing the empowerment of

Source equality.

There are so many layers of relative truth that if you listen to the language of externals, you

will most likely abandon your own power in favor of the proclamation of language. Language

is seductive to the ego's drive for power and control, as well as the mind's inclination to surrender to, and believe in, the language of externals. It can lure the unsuspecting into

believing images and ideas--real or imagined--for the sake of holding individuals in bondage

to a lesser truth, or keep individuals supporting the hierarchy when it no longer serves a

purpose. The time is fast approaching when the veils of control at all levels of the hierarchy will be rendered obsolete by entities who are destined to pull down the veils and allow

sovereign power to prevail over hierarchical power.

The saviorship concept results from the feelings of inadequacy that constantly surge within

the mass consciousness of humanity through the genetic mind. These feelings are related to

the fragmentation of the human instrument and its inability--while fragmented--to fully grasp its wholeness perspective and reach into its divine origins and accept itself as equal with

Prime Creator. Thus ensues the seemingly endless search to be saved from the inadequacy

and insecurity that result from the fragmentation of the human instrument.

It is time to recognize that the hierarchy extends throughout the cosmos to the very borders

of discovery. It has branches that extend from every star system, every known dimension;

and virtually all life forms are "leaves" of this vast cosmological tree. This constitutes the grand indoctrination of species, spirits, planets, and stars as they each evolve through the

branches of the tree. Thus, the hierarchy is an assemblage of externals that desire to invest

their energies in support of a sub-group that has nested somewhere within the greatest of all

structures--the hierarchy. Service is the operational motive of the hierarchy, and in most cases, this translates into the concept of saviorship and the teacher/student ordering of the


The hierarchy is composed of all entities of all motives that have linked their energies into

sub-groups. These sub-groups are independent branches of the vast, cosmological tree that

encompasses all things outside of Source Reality. The roots of the tree are bound in the soil of genetic memory and subconscious instincts. At the base of the tree the first branches

sprout and they are the oldest, representing the native religions of the species. The middle

branches are the orthodox religions and institutions, while the upper branches represent the

contemporary belief systems that are newly emerging throughout the universe. The whole tree, in this definition, is the hierarchy, and its seed was initially conceived, planted, and

nurtured by Source Intelligence for the purpose of stimulating the Grand Experiment.

This is the experiment of transformation verses evolution. Evolution is the arduous and

ongoing process of shifting positions within the hierarchy--always assessing your present

position in relation to a new one that beckons you. Transformation is simply the recognition that there are accelerated pathways that bypass the hierarchy leading to sovereign

mastership rather than interdependent saviorship, and that these new pathways can be

accessed through direct experience of the equality tone-vibration that is present within all


Why has the hierarchy not provided the alternative model of transformation/mastership and

enabled the entity to make a choice, and in so doing, truly exercise its free will? It is because the hierarchy, like most entities, is not aware of its wholeness. Its fragments, or subgroups,

are completely devoted to boundaries. Where there are boundaries that define and limit,

there is also structure. Where there is deeply ingrained structure there is a pervasive belief

that transformation is impossible. Naturally, the time-space universe conforms to the matrix of belief projection, and the very concept of transformation is removed from the Hierarchy's


Thus, the hierarchy is unable to even conceptualize the model of transformation/mastership with any precision, let alone inform the entity that alternatives exist which issue from Source

Intelligence. The hierarchy is not responsible for this condition, each entity is. The dominant

model of Source Intelligence is primal. It existed before the hierarchy. It is the entity that has chosen to explore the Hierarchy's model of existence for the purpose of participating in the

Grand Experiment and assisting in the emergence of the synthesis model of existence. The

hierarchy is quite benign as a manipulative force, and merely represents a key ingredient to

the recipe of wholeness that is transforming the entity to reach beyond its role as a vibrant container of Source Intelligence, and become the bridge's in the expansion of Source Reality

into the time-space universes.

It is a natural condition of an evolving species to have a desire, implanted by the hierarchy, to

be saved and to be a savior. This condition results in the teacher/student ordering of the

universe, and it is a building block of evolution and the very essence of the Hierarchy's structural existence. While some species resort to the drama of survival to catalyze their

evolutionary progress, other species resort to the drama of being saved and being a savior.

The saviorship drama is an expression of sovereign entities that are preoccupied with the

evolutionary process, and it is not confined to a religious context, but indeed applies to all facets of one's life.

As there are relative truths, there are relative freedoms. If you are evolving through the hierarchical process you gain an ever-increasing sense of freedom, yet you are still

controlled by the vibration of externals through languages, thought forms, frequencies of

color and sound, and the seemingly indelible artifacts of the genetic mind. Each of these

elements can cause the human instrument to rely upon the hierarchy as it overlays a sense of inequality between you and your Source. The underlying equation of the evolutionary

process is human instrument + Hierarchy = God connection. In the case of the

transformational process, it is Entity + Source Intelligence = Prime Source equality.

The time has come to integrate the dominant model of the hierarchy (evolution/saviorship)

with the dominant model of Source Intelligence (transformation/mastership). This integration can only be achieved at the level of the entity (Soul Fragment). It cannot occur within the

context of a human instrument or an aspect of the hierarchy. Only the entity--the wholeness

of inter-dimensional sovereignty imbued with Source Intelligence--can facilitate and fully

experience the integration of these two models of existence.

This form of integration occurs when the entity fully explores the two models and develops a

synthesis model that positions saviorship as an internal role of the entity to "save" itself, and not rely upon externals to perform this liberating task. This act of self-sufficiency begins to

integrate the saviorship idea with the mastership realization. The next step is to integrate the

time-based incremental progress of the evolutionary model with the realization-based acceptance of the transformation model. This is done when the entity is thoroughly

convinced that experience and utilization of its wholeness can only occur when it is

completely detached from the various structures of the hierarchy.

Models of Existence:

There are two dominant models of existence that shape the interaction and destiny of the human race. These models of existence are:

The Evolution/Saviorship model

The Transformation/Mastership model

Each human is developing their belief system from one or both of these models of existence.

The evolution/saviorship model is the dominant model that is promulgated by the Hierarchy. Its basic tenets are that life evolves through the Hierarchy's teacher/student methodology,

and that various teachers (saviors) are presented to the human race that enable sub-

hierarchies to develop and control information. In so doing, individuals are disempowered and disconnected from their sovereignty. The underlying equation of the evolution/saviorship

model of existence is:

human instrument + Hierarchy = God connection through saviorship.

In the case of the transformation/mastership model of existence, its principle tenets are that

the entity is limitless, deathless, and sovereign. All information flows from Source Intelligence to the entity, and, it is therefore the responsibility of the entity to become self-enlightened and

self-liberated by attuning itself to Source Intelligence and "detuning" itself from the Hierarchy.

Each becomes their own master, and each transforms from a human being to a Sovereign Integral within the cradle of time and space. The underlying equation of the

transformation/mastership model of existence is:

Entity + Source Intelligence = Prime Creator equality.

One of the challenges of the individual is to recognize these two dominant models of

existence and integrate them in order to design a synthesis model. The synthesis model is slowly emerging on terra-earth, and with high probability, will ultimately become the dominant

model of existence in this universe. It will be the model of existence that is best able to unify

consciousness without impinging on the sovereignty of the entity and Prime Creator. It will

allow the entity to be the vibrant container of Source Intelligence and explore new fields of vibration as a fully conscious outpost of Prime Creator. For more on the Wingmakers

philosophy there is a site link on our Links page.

I do not believe that the entities we refer to as Jesus and Buddha or some of the other

incredible spiritual leaders of the past are a part of this Hierarchy system because of their

messages to us. I do believe that it would be difficult at this point to separate the original messages for all the little spliced or injected human adaptation. But when you look at how

Jesus taught how to find God or his Father, he directed us to look inside for our truth and

connection. I believe that they and other past great teachers a have been indoctrinated to the

Hierarchy by people trying to place their understandings into the order that they themselves must have.

The Christ entity (shown above as the one with the 12 points around him) was actually a

compilation of several different energies forming a very special fragment that was composed of three separate physical humans (shown above as the three lights). Seth puts it this way:

"The entity was born once as John the Baptist, and then he was born in two other forms. One

of these contained the personality that most stories of Christ refer to. There was constant communication between these three portions of one entity, though they were born and buried

at different dates. The third historical personage, already born in your terms, and a portion of

the entire Christ personality, took upon himself the role of a zealot. This person had superior

energy and power and great organizing abilities, but it was the errors that he made unwittingly that perpetuated some dangerous distortion. The records of that historical period

are scattered and contradictory. The man, historically now, was Paul or Saul. It was given to

him to set up a framework. He lingered after Christ, just as John the Baptist came before. Together the three spanned some time period. John and the historical Christ each performed

their roles and were satisfied that they had done so. Paul alone was left at the end

unsatisfied, and so it is about his personality that the future Christ will form.

I would like to make certain points clear. The "new religion" following the Second Coming will

not be Christian in your terms, although the third personality of Christ will initiate it. This

personality will refer to the historical Christ, will recognize his relationship with that personality; but within him the three personality groupings will form a new psychic entity, a

different psychological gestalt. As this metamorphosis takes place, it will initiate a

metamorphosis on a human level also, as man's inner abilities are accepted and developed.

The results will be a different kind of existence. Many of your problems now result from

spiritual ignorance. No man will look down upon an individual from another race when he

himself recognizes that his own existence includes such membership also."

The Christ entity in the diagram above has a further fragmentation showing the complexity of

this individual. According to Seth the 12 disciples are also fragment personalities formed by the Christ personality.

Seth proclaims: "Each of the twelve represented qualities of personality that belong to one individual, and Christ as you know him represents the inner self. The twelve, therefore

represent an individual earthly personality-- the inner self-- and twelve main characteristics

connected with the egotistical self. As Christ was surrounded by the disciples, so the inner

self is surrounded by these physically oriented characteristics, each drawn outward toward daily reality on the one hand, and yet orbiting the inner self. The disciples, therefore, were

given physical reality by the inner self, as all of your earthly characteristics come out of your

inner nature. This was a living parable, made flesh among you -- a cosmic play worked out

for your behalf, couched in terms that you could understand"

I realize that the material on this page to some people is nothing less than hierarchy but I

know I'm not alone in thinking that things have to change. The distractions and popular

misconceptions of this time period are so thick and sticky that it is impossible to unravel them. In my understanding we have to start for scratch for good reason. Your reference

points are your anchors with which you ground your beliefs. By shifting reference points you

shift every thing about you. Your beliefs shift allowing your perceptions to see in a new way.

Soul Groups

Excerpts from a channeling session:

June 8/03

The channeling started with a past life bleed-through. How do past and future affect each

other? I was shown that the Soul "fragments" that are projected out from the Group are not

really fragments but are complete unto themselves. They are smaller replications of the main soul "signature". I was shown and (will get into it later) that the Soul Group is a composite of

orb structures that are interconnected. The system and structure builds onto itself in a never-

ending way. I saw the individual creations (physical beings) connected in a triangular fashion. The people were energetically spherical objects at the apex of these triangle structures and


Each of these soul aspects or physicals had the initial soul signature energy that gave them

a common link and a common goal-lesson focus. Each had "tag on" energy parts or tools

from various sources from inside the main group or outside of the group. These tag on energies are what made them (and us) individuals and unique from each other. As the

individual grew out of lessons and teachings these "tag parts" or tools become redundant

and are then purged. The parts were not wasted but are adapted by others in the Soul Group or in the individual "fragment families". Energy cannot be destroyed it can only be converted.

As one individual completes their lesson and casts off their old parts another adapts it as

new to them. These new parts are the new lessons and learning for this individual in the moment. The cycle continues in an almost never-ending adapting and casting off of energy

parts. This is where the bleed through come into play. As you adapt new parts others have in

turn cast them off to you. There are energetic flavors that are associated from the last owner.

This can be or not adapted by the new receiving member. This is always a choice and is up to us as individuals to decide on our own. We can if we believe in the past (there is no time

or space) adapt some of the tag energies of the last owner as references to past through

placement value only. We might also refuse the tag energy and only adapt the purest part of the "tool". The best part of this is that because the last owner has finished this lesson there is

also a "tag-on" answer or solution to the lesson. For every issue in our life we do have the

answer. They said that you couldn't have an issue without having the answer in you. You cannot formulate issues unless you can create the part that competes the issue. A circle is

only a circle because it meets at the other end.

This is also how energetic issues are passed through genetically. Soul fragments do

sometimes formulate physical families that carry, adapt, and cast off parts to each other. This

is ingrained into the physical gene and can create stronger workloads for certain families and individuals in them. The future can also bleed through into the past but the past cannot bleed

through to the future unless the future contacts the past first. This is because the future in

"past tense" (linear three dimensional time) has not yet constructed a path to the past. This path is constructed (consciously-energetically) upon conception of future events. It is at this

time that the "future" event grounds itself into a construct of identity, which translates to

identifying to past events for recognition of self.

With all this is happening at once the structure and connecting energetic aspects are what

makes it all work and identification of sequence becomes evident to all concerned. The past now through contact from the future has a course to follow. Identity through structure is

maintained as a seamless adventure. The web grows as others come into play. The game

becomes an intricate web of exchanging lessons, knowledge, and experiences.

Personal Experiences with my Soul Group

The first time I made contact with my Soul Group through Susan I did so through curiosity. Channeling in this particular group was very unnerving to say the least. Susan's body went

into a very pronounced convulsion that lasted through the entire session with them (and

every session that followed). Even prior to channeling with Susan I had the same physical

experience. The appearance of watching Susan going through this physical change was concerning. Because of my own experiences I knew this wasn't hurtful and there would be no

aftereffects. Anyone that has had a lot of experience with kundalini energy will understand.

The following sessions that led to contacting this group were done so because it was recommended that the source be accessed. The conversations were always brief and to the

point. All the Soul Groups that we contacted over the years always seemed to be very dry

and lacking personality. No other group that we channeled in has ever had the same effect on us. I do not want you to think that this is something usually experienced. There were also

residual physical effects that I experienced after every session I had with my Soul Group.

Years before all the channeling started I was diagnosed with hearing loss in my right ear. This was due to the type of work I did. Only one ear was effected and it rings 24 hrs. a day, 7

days a week, year after year (tinnitus). This constant ringing would stop as soon as we made

contact with my Soul Group. Not only that, but it would not start again until days later. Now that in itself would be enough to impress me, but it was more that that. I also found this right

ear hypersensitive to sound. This aftereffect left my right ear many times more powerful than

any human ear could be. So much so that it would be uncomfortable being around any

sound. Why this was happening to my damaged ear and not my good one is beyond me. The following are some examples that come to mind. A person in the same room flipping the

pages in a book was too uncomfortable. When drinking from a water fountain the small

droplets of water hitting the bowl were so loud for me that it actually hurt. Also, having a normal conversation with someone was too hard to handle so I would have to turn my head

to the right so that I was only hearing from my left ear.

Another type of experience that had a profound effect on me came during a session of

energy work. When Deborah and I teach Reiki we divide the day up with the left brain part

being competed in the first half of the day. The second half of the workshop is taken up with

a practice Reiki exchange. Two years ago during the practice part of a Reiki workshop, Deborah and a student were the practitioners. I was the client lying on the massage table. I

had no indication that anything unusual would happen for it was to be just a normal healing

session. Without any forewarning I left my body and found myself in the middle of an extensive black void. Recovering from this shift I noticed to my right that I was approaching a

large object. It was massive (planet sized) with a coral color to it. As I grew closer to it I could

see the surface was giving off so much energy that it appeared fuzzy like a giant peachy orange tennis ball. This fuzzy energy moved and had an effervescence effect to it. Then I

was hit by its energy. This energy completely engulfed and permeated every aspect of me. I

was left in a shocked state because of its strength. There was no communication that I was

aware of and I knew intuitively that I was observing my Soul Group as an outsider.

So profound was the experience that when I came back to my body I found myself crying

openly. The sheer beauty of the experience was overwhelming. The magnitude of balanced love energy and the feeling of home that I was introduced to was beyond description. The

home that I was so comfortable with here on this planet was a thousand times less in

comparison. It was the comparison of home that hit me the most. The comparison gave me a

clearer picture of some of the issues we have as humans. It got a very good look at the separation issues that we might feel in one way or another. There is a feeling of separation,

loneliness, and wanting something without ever knowing what it is that we want. The nagging

underlying feeling is that there has to be more to this life. You may have heard of people

having near-death experiences that say the same thing: "After this experience I will never

fear death again".

From that experience forward I understood what all the fuss was about. It would be hard to

stay focussed in this "earthly game" if we were exposed to that level of energy all of the time.

Our creative focus was to remain here for the experiences that we desire. There lies the difficulty. How do we remain here to experience and yet be in complete energetic connection

with our Group? The only way this will happen is if we as species go through a complete

revamping of our beliefs. These beliefs hold us in separation with All That Exists. They say

that we have only one life to live or that we are separate by race or even species. There is a part of us that seeks to identify by placing judgement as our "browser" in life and allows all of

our creation to be filtered through judgement. Judgement by sheer definition is separation.

There is no user-defined aspect that separates us more than the word judgement. I have had many exceptional spiritual experiences in my life but none have come close to this one. I

cannot say anymore about this experience that would do it justice. I also know that to contact

anything "higher" energetically than this form would be too much for my human consciousness because it wouldn't survive in its present form.

It's funny that when the right material comes around there is no second-guessing it. It has a

personal feeling that meshes with our very vibration. I flashed back to the above experience when I read the following Wingmakers' material. They state the following:

"There have been those upon terra-earth who have experienced a shallow breath of wind from this powerful tempest. Some have called it ascension; others have attributed names like

illumination, vision, enlightenment, nirvana, and cosmic consciousness. While these

experiences are profound in human standards, they are only the initial stirrings of the

Sovereign Integral (Soul Group), as it becomes increasingly adept at touching and awakening the remote edges of its existences. What most species define as the ultimate

bliss is merely the impression of the Sovereign Integral whispering to its outposts of form

(you) and nudging them to look within to their roots of existence and unite with this formless intelligence that pervades all".

This OBE experience I had is not unique. About a year or two ago I came across a website on OBE experiences. The author (I can't find the article anymore) describes a similar one-

time event in a very high dimensional level were he came across a Soul Group. He did not

recognize it as such but did communicate with it and it responded in a very high-pitched

voice. He was very experienced as a projectionist but found it a very rare experience and something that he could not at the time replicate. What excited me the most was the

description he gave to almost identical to what I saw.


Channeling is one of the many New Age tools that needs to be fine-tuned. In the New Age model of thinking the originating source of knowledge is considered to be alien. Although this

information seems to originate outside oneself, it is more likely an aspect of a larger part of

us that we are not aware of. The first thing to understand about channeling is that every human being is capable of channeling and a lot of people are doing it without even knowing.

The second thing is that its strength and depth is proportional to your needs and or your level

of spiritual awareness, openness, and acceptance of the material produced. This topic can become quite involved so to keep it as short as I can I will have to refer to the above article

for some reference points.

Because we see ourselves as singular separate entities we fail to see or understand where a lot of our most creative works come from. The next time that you are watching an interview of

an exceptional artist listen between the lines. They will most likely be asked "were did you

get such an idea or talent"? The artist will say "I don't know, it just came to me", or they will

give the credit to an outside source like God or some cause that is forefront in their present lives. In these statements they are acknowledging that this was not a part of them prior to its

conception. So were did it come from?

In one's daily routine we are channelling information without our being aware of it. The writer,

sculptor, songwriter, dancer, poet, musician, counselors, etc. are all taping into universal

knowledge without even recognizing it. If you are aware of the material that is coming to you

as new material that would be the first step of acceptance. The next step is to honor it as your own truth through acceptance. These two easy steps will allow more material to be

accessed. You don't have to be like Edgar Cayce...out cold and in a trance to channel. The

type of channeling done by Edger Cayce, Jane Roberts, and Susan in a trance state does allow deeper and clearer material. This is because of the lack of interference by your own

consciousness. The wakeful material is still valuable even if it is filtered more by your beliefs

and ego.

When I read the Wingmakers' material I could not help seeing a correlation that I had

suspected for years but could not put my finger on it. I was spoiled by Susan and the Seth

material. It was always very noticeable to me when I read a lot of other channeled material that something was missing. The something was substance. There is a lot of information out

there but little seems relevant or useful. If all the material comes from more evolved entities

than us why the difference? Then there is also the misleading material that gives future dates and prophecies. I have kept track of some of these prophecies and they are years overdue.

At a later date I will explain to you why this is possible. With all the experience that I have

had with this subject it was becoming very blatantly obvious to me what was going on. The

Wingmakers' material added the final key. Before I explain myself I have to give some background information that led up to this statement.

The many hours that Susan and I channeled together without compromise the channels insisted on certain aspects be understood. The material that we obtained was always

useable and always geared to teaching something new. The important thing was the way it

was delivered. It was never laced with a constant standard jargon that you read in a lot of material. You know the phrases that repeat over and over again like "Oh Beloved Ones, Oh

Dear Ones, etc." There is nothing wrong with that type of phrasing per se, however it does

make you wonder what the purpose is. It almost sounds like a cross between apologetic guilt

and a form of conditioning. What a lot of the channeled material does do is it places you in a lesser or more child like position. If you look at it very closely a lot of the material out there is

trying to subtly place us in a position of being less then the channel itself. You would never

hear such a thing from Susan's channels of that type of subtle hierarchy. They taught in a very evolved way. Through their interactions and speech (dialect) they were teaching more

than mere words.

They believe and so taught us that all that exists is of equal importance without exception. In

my conversations with them if I ever said something that indicated my awe or worship of their

evolved position, I was always corrected. They never once allowed me to get away with a

subservient statement. This constant reminder drove the message home (although not always being the quickest it did take some time to sink in). To them an ant, a human, or

whatever all had the same importance and equality of stature as they or anything in this

universe had. To them it was inconceivable to have anything placed in a position of more important than another. To do so would mean that God placed more importance on certain

parts of itself over other parts. God is incapable of such a feat because of its very nature of

being complete and in balance. The very act of placement is defined as judgement and

Source Power can not judge itself. This would put God out of balance. Susan's contacts had many aspects that gave them a more evolved appearance. One of these were that they tried

very hard to find the answers to any question I had. If the question had an aspect or quality

that needed direct input or should be answered by the source knowledge it was always

referred to that source. For instance, if you hypothetically asked a question about a certain person's problem the channel would give a direct answer if that were all there was to the

situation. If there was more information on the subject, the channel would state so without

being prompted. The following comment would be given; "if you wanted to know more I recommend that it would be better if I talked to that person's Soul Group" (or some other

energy that was the root source). To very evolved entities that are working with you it is very

important to them that you understand and receive the information that you require. Any

channel that serves you less than these qualities should be examined. It seamed that the quality of the information was always important but also there was an underlining respect

given to the source as if it would be an invasion of privacy. It is very common for Susan's

channels to refer a person to the source of the understanding rather than risk an incomplete answer. To them it was important that a balanced state be achieved, meaning that we got

our information and that they were not placed into a compromised position because of it.

There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that cannot be channeled in. An example of this came

one evening. I had run out of questions to ask and decided to try something different. I

explained to our favorite channel that I would like to try something different tonight and could

they facilitate? I could feel the energy shifting in the room and a little bit of intrepidation in me as this new unfamiliar energy (entity) entered our space. As usual I grounded the energy by

saying hello! This took the form of a very friendly smile on Susan's face. I then asked "who

are you and do you have a name"? It replied "I'm Innocence". Was this its name or what? So I said, I did not understand. It answered back "I AM innocence!" There was a small

conversation that followed but the lesson was learned. What had happened was that Susan

had channeled in the essence of innocence, the very energetic aspect of a consciousness

that derived its awareness of the "emotional" aspect of Universal Innocence. This seemingly small conversation hit me like a ton of bricks. The ramification of what this meant was huge.

It showed a universal diversity that up to now was only a probable concept. This meant that

all emotions, feelings, etc. actually could gravitate together or collectively be connected together and communicate to the level that it became an energetic consciousness or entity of

its own. A consciousness that knew itself recognized its own being through the awareness of

itself. What had been taught to me in this simple little demonstration is that you do not have to be a physical or even a non-physical being to be capable of consciousness. Seth explains

this over and over but this was the first real demonstration of it me. Could this be why fear is

so real and the concept of evil have such an impact on us? There was no end to the

questions after that. This included any collection of like frequencies (e.g. the plant kingdom, the insect kingdom, or even the human collective consciousness). I will have more channeled

material on these subject in the future. By the way because I used the word evil I should

state that in one of our sessions I was asking about evil. It was very explicitly stated that "there was no such thing as evil until Man invented it".

To me the Wingmakers' material accounts for the discrepancies in channeled information that appears to be coming from an evolved state. The Wingmakers are giving us another

view of the Hierarchy and the limitations of channeled information originating from these

sources. They state; "The human drama is circumscribed by the dimensions of time and

space and the elements of energy and matter. It is played out upon the stages of survival and dysfunctional behavior because of the Hierarchy's methods of controlling information and

manipulating conditions. It is the Hierarchy that utilizes language as a form of structural

limitation, though in relative terms, it can appear to be liberating and empowering. Source Reality is the dwelling place of Prime Creator, and it dances outside of the constructs of any

language. It is complete within itself, and has a singular purpose of demonstrating the

collective potential of all species within the Universe of Wholeness. The Hierarchy, through

the purveyance of all entities throughout the Universe of Wholeness. The connection between the individual and the Source is subtly undermined through the layers of language,

belief system manipulation, and ritual, controls designed by the Hierarchy to intervene

between the spiritual essence of entities and their source, Prime Creator. There are so many

layers of relative truth that if you listen to the language of externals, you will most likely abandon your own power in favor of the proclamation of language.

The Hierarchy represents diverse interests, perceptions of reality, and motives of action. It is this diversity that causes the hierarchy to become ineffective in leading individuals to their

equal status with Prime Creator. However, this diversity is also what permits the hierarchy to

attract and initially awaken such a breath of individuals to their spiritual energies and intuitive

centers. Nevertheless, the Hierarchy has trapped itself in diversity and vested specialization that prevents it from evolving from arduous ladder of evolution to a joyous river of light that is

aligned with the purpose of empowering entities to Source equality".

Channeling offers us an incredible tool to access parts of this universe that cannot be

achieved in any other way. It is important that not all channeling be regarded as your truth.

This may or may not come as a surprise to some of you, but just because an entity or being is not physical or not of this reality it does not necessarily make it spiritually evolved. Most of

you are familiar with the story of the alien species that has so much contact with our species

called the Zeta Reticuli or the Grays. This species, although is credited as being our

universe's most intelligence species, is also one the least spiritually evolved species there is. This is an extreme example but it does show that death or existence in a different reality

does not preclude spiritual evolution. The same goes with the hierarchy and all its levels. I'm

not saying that the more evolved aspects of the hierarchy are not spiritually knowledgeable or evolved. What I am saying is that any placement in this structure still has its work cut out

for itself. As the Wingmakers' said there are basically two paths you can take to Source. One

is a direct path through yourself. The other is a filtered path that relies heavily on the

judgement and perceptions of someone or something else. The same applies to channeling. What source or path do you think would be the most balanced? If you read a lot of channeled

material you can easily spot the difference between the two "source paths". One will be very

open and not judgmental. The other one will have a lot to say with very little substance in the message with a constant repetition of the same old message. If you are channeling a part of

the hierarchy or some source that is vague on what they are saying and reeks of themselves

(as can be found in the less evolved ones) you may consider another option. I do believe that all channelers are doing a great service to this planet because they are planting seeds of

truth to various levels of understanding. I would like you to consider this material and come to

your own truths. This may lead you to new source contacts. You as a channeler do have the

talent to bring in anything. You as a channeler can also ask for a different slant to the material that is coming in. My intention here is not to judge or criticize, but to bring people's

awareness to more knowledgeable state. Please understand that I'm not condemning any

type of channeling. I would never try to judge another person's needs or expression. I'm only trying to bring awareness to the process and awareness to the probable sources of the

material. I agree with the Wingmakers' statement that there is no reason for metering out the

information. This reeks of judgement and control. Obviously the exception would exclude anything that could create something that had potential to bring discomfort to someone else.

Information can be out of timing for a person and this type of information would be withheld. I

have in the past asked questions about the future or my purpose or missions only to be told

that "I will know or understand when the time comes." This is important for no evolved entity will prescribe your future for this is interference of free will and personal creation. It is similar

to the horoscope in the newspaper. It prescribes in its naiveté what your day will be like. Not

realizing that we are the only ones in control of our creation, the last thing we need is someone else's understanding of reality to inject positive or negative aspects into ours. The

important thing here is when you are in a channeling session and the material has little

substance that you can use, do not just lay back and leave it at that. The source of the

channeled information is always proportional to the consciousness level of the channeler and/or the person that the information is for. This consciousness level can be raised if you

insist on it. If the channel cannot provide this then it is up to you to ask for another source.

This is very important to remember and is the key to creative and advanced channeling.

There is no social status outside this reality, so do not be intimidated or worried about insulting an entity. If they are capable of being insulted then they are ego-based and not

something that you need. Even with highly advance entities that Susan channels when

approached with some questions, they will explain up to a certain level and, this is the key, will make a comment like "if you want more complete information I would suggest that you

contract the source". This statement allows you to go more into inquiry. It expands your

"network" of contacts possibly leading you to come across something that is very exciting

and beneficial to you. A good example of this is how Susan and I started to channel together. Her first, second, and third attempts at channeling were "quite humdrum" and although I did

not say anything, I was a little disappointed in the channel that can in. Without knowing the

difference or just the luck of the draw in the following session, there was a shift. The entity that came in had a completely different demeanor. This personality became our main contact

and the one we started with faded out of our existence. When asked who was the first entity

that came in, we where told that the first one and the present channel were one and the same. We were told that the first one was perceived to be all that was needed, but with my

level of questioning and the need to know, it was decided that a higher level would be

required. In other words all these more evolved entities have many layers or aspects of

themselves and you as a channeler dial in the layer that you need. If your question to a channel is simplistic, it will be dealt with by the equal amount of mirrored simplicity in an


I'm not trying to judge. I would like to question your purpose in of the channeling session.

Does your question need the highest understanding or are you only interested in information

of any kind. If you ask a channeler to channel in an angel that is what you will get. If you

believe that the White Brotherhood holds your truth and you need to talk to a member, that is what you will get. I'm not saying that this is wrong but it is directed to these areas and will

only allow information to come through their understandings. The universe of spirit does not

judge, it only mirrors back to you what you are. So if your intentions are to obtain the highest reflection of truth for you why would you want it interpreted or filtered through a source that is

not you? The hierarchy has its own truths and if their truth is yours that is fine. They are

extremely evolved as far as a working process and are evolving towards a Soul Group level (which they come from). What I'm saying is that the only limitations in channeling are your

understandings of who you are and what you need.

To those who are not channelers and are looking for one, I highly recommend that you research this person first. By this I mean for you to ask them what channels do they bring in?

Do they have names that are recognized as archetypal names? Are they capable of

channeling in other sources? Try to get a general sense from them of their level of understanding. This will be directly proportional to their ability to help you.

My purpose here is to break down barriers, not erect them. To that purpose I cannot judge anyone or anything for their ways. I don't have to look back very far to see myself standing

quite convincingly in areas of belief that I could never entertain now.

"There is no such thing as evil, good, bad, negative or positive. These are only perceptions

based on your limited understandings and beliefs. Failure to see the larger pictures will always lead you to a very limited experience and understanding. When faced with the fact

that everything that is in your field of creation is filtered through your beliefs you are faced

with the option of accepting a desirable or uncomfortable creation or to change your beliefs".

-- Seth

Soul Group Structure

Soul Group harmonic structure has the same structure as localized centers of expanded beings within even larger styled structures. All centers of consciousness have a unified

structure that is inherent to the vibrational signature of the entity. By its very existence each

entity must conform to structure that allows form to be created. Without form there is no

creation only energy. The amount of energy, and the way in which it is gathered will determine the form. The flavor of the energy will determine the vibrational aspect of the


This is the foundation of creation in singular form. Within the matrix of "All That Is" harmonic

lines weave and cross in the ever-expanding state of perfection of "All That Is". It is at the crossing of two or more of these lines that creation takes place. Each "line" depending on

proximity to source and direction or "distance" from source will determine its flavor, it's

vibrational signature, and it's slant. At these nodes of creation consciousness is born through

refection of difference between the two or more energy signatures. Reflection is comparison and recognition of difference. It is through recognition of difference that one becomes one

and others can be compared to as equally different. Difference is the definition of alive. It is

the difference between physically alive and non-physically alive. Alive is consciousness

regardless if it has physical form or not.

As consciousness recognizes itself it also becomes aware of other conscious entities. This

creates growth through energy exchanges and refection. The seed entity uses the other seed

consciousness to expand its own awareness. It does this through an equal energy exchange. They do not absorb each other. Growth continues in this fashion until an area of recognition

exists. This area, because of it proximity to source, has its own signature, and its own shared

criteria. This is the birth of a Soul Group local. It is still not a Soul Group at this time.

Through "All That Exists" many locals are built small and large, singular to millions of parts. These pockets of distinct locals or communities continue to exchange energy and

experiences. There comes a point in which the saturation levels of growth allows the local to

shift into a new level. This happens through harmonic law. The quality and power level of

resonate frequency brings the local to a vibratory state that cannot maintain its structure and it collapses into itself. This is the birth of a new level. There are fragments that continue to

keep the original vibration because their proximity was at the edge of the local, and the level

of vibration was not as strong there to reach a state of ascension.

So it is at this point that we have a true (very simple) Soul Group. This is the basic structure to a Soul Group, one "structure" within another. The process continues and in time you have

many, many dimensional vibratory levels all within the same local. Because the original seed

aspects were arranged on the original web, the structure is maintained throughout the

different levels. Remember there are different levels of webs. In other word you have seed consciousness (orb) within another (orb), within another (orb), and so on. They all occupy the

same "space-local" but are separated by vibration or frequency. The separation is maintained

through the original structure of the web.

In the picture "consciousness2" see above, the original grid aspect creates the joining of two energies to create a singular simplistic conscious entity. This grows out in spiral-orb fashion to touch others and co creates with them. As the creations become more complex different

dynamics come into play. These dynamics are what is experienced as "other selves". "Other

selves" are a blending of different energies to create similar expressions, but in different

flavors of the "same". Thus these different flavors have a contact and a source energy in common. They can and do intermix energies and experiences although they are not always

conscious of it. They can remain conscious, and some do, or can remain singular in focus,

and just be. The process goes on regardless. There is also an aspect of the source energy that is in constant recognition and awareness. This source energy is what propels the whole

operation into being and is the source of its energy. Refection comes into play through

contact and exchanges with others of the same expression or other sources of


It is at the different levels of vibration where similarity in frequency all takes place. Two

different frequencies could not co create simply because they do not exist in the same

environment or dimensional state. There is still bleed through but not direct access. As the orb energies mix with each other, there are different degrees of the same common

frequency. These are were other selves of the same creation exist. As you walk through life

and follow your road, there are different forks in the road. It is at these forks that one conscious level continues and another stays behind to continue the original road. One

becomes two and yet they are the same creation but separated by vibration or "road". One

may die and or be recalled to the source energy while the other goes on. With the many

roads that are forked in a given life time there could be many different lives all living parallel existences. The bleed-through continues, and as some individuals die off, the appropriate

selves reabsorb parts of their energy that is needed or conducive to them. In "time" the

"expression" has run its course and all are reabsorbed but not lost. Both aspects are experienced at one time. If love and experiencing love is the goal then there will be parts of

that same creation that will be experiencing the total lack of love as well. No "time" or energy

is wasted when spirit explores the expression. It is at the point of re-absorption that all is

known and experienced through comparison.

You as a consciousness have the free will of what you need to feel and experience. This can change totally in the next lifetime or not. The essence of sprit must understand and can only

do this through comparison via difference. There is no bad, ugly, demonic, or negative

experience because it is spirit looking at itself. It is spirit recognizing duality and different charges of the same expression. Pain and love are the same expression for without pain you

would not fully understand love. Pain brings your awareness to a higher level to be

examined. Through pain you always see clearer through the virtue and expression of that which does not need to be repeated again. Nothing is repeated, it only changes through

virtue of perception. Perception is the only thing that stands between seeing it "all" at once.

Without perception you would see all. It is the only filter in you environment or dimension.

Perception divides the "selves" from one another. If your perception is hurt, fear, insecurities, etc. you will be the one that continues the original path. If on the other hand you perceive the

infamous "full glass of wine", you go through the fork and main retain that perception.

Different orbs of different vibrations exchange allowing different mixtures to exist. As these

creations become complete in understanding they also become a balanced state. It is in this balanced higher vibratory state that one ascends into a new or deeper orb level. The gate

only is available through balanced states and cannot be achieved any other way. Since the

highest vibration is in the center of the orb structure the implosion or gate will be there. Going

into will get you out! Without space or time this allows an infinite amount of inner orbs or

dimensions and levels.

In the picture "consciousness" see above, Source Energy expands into larger but lower frequency orbs. Co-creating and sharing with other Source Energies are seen in picture "consciousness3" see below. The octahedron is the gate and the orbs are created along the

edges of the energy crossings that define the edge of the gate or octahedron structure. In the

picture " Soul Group"at top of article, you can see the larger collective of orbs creating a Soul

Group. The lines are just energy connections and part of the God Force structure (grid).

Orbs and the Sphenoid

The orb in its entire geometric splendor is the basis of all that exists as far as life is

concerned in this three dimensional world. The counterpart shape is the cube of non-living forms of consciousness. Together they create the structural foundation of the physical world

that we know. They are a combination that binds or glues the physical/spiritual structure of

God with the ethereal spiritual aspect of God. This combination allows spiritual forces that

cannot vibrate at lower frequencies to experience the physical world. Symbiotically, the lower aspects of all that exist also benefit because these aspects can physically experience the

higher vibratory states.

At the higher and lower spiritual levels there exists an infinite number of spiritual frequencies

or vibratory states. These frequencies all have different needs and requirements of

expression on their evolutionary journey back to Source Power.

There is no hierarchy other than the one established through imbalance. There is no such

thing as one vibration or one frequency being better or more important that the other. On the

highest levels, "ALL" is understood and accepted as equal. All creative powers are

understood and exercised.

So you see there is nothing that can cause a separate choice of expression. On all levels, it is the choice of expression that individualizes one aspect from the other. These different

aspects of consciousness will group into common themes and desires so that a cooperative

creation can be enhanced. This amalgamation happens on all levels and dimensions. It is

known as "resonate vibration" (like vibration attracts like vibration).

On the physical end of the spectrum, family, friends and co-workers see us in our world. We

can only attract to us what we are. It is impossible to attract that which is not of our

frequency. We may interact loosely with unlike frequencies on the street or talk to these

unlike frequencies briefly, but that is it. These little excursions away from or on the edges of our vibration are just moments of adjustment and sampling, a way of comparing so that we

may understand where our boundaries exist. As you ascend higher vibration levels, you

enter different vibratory states that are separated by Universal Laws of Structure similar to musical notes and octaves when one note ends at a definite edge where the other note is

recognized. The dimensions are not that much more complicated by basic definition.

In all dimensions, consciousness exists and has entropy; a desire to attract another. This can

be without awareness because of the Universal Law based on "resonate tuning". If you have

a pail of stones and gravel that is subjected to a vibration, the aggregate will separate into layers of like size particles. The stones will be on the top, while the sand will migrate to the

bottom. It is as simple as this because of the basic Universal Law of Structure. Remember, to

go finer is to go deeper inside.

Soul groupings continue to evolve due to new spiritual energies being created. Within a Soul Group, the desire to create and experience is based on that which interests them in their

growth. Other Soul Groups are chosen for different specific reasons to create and co-create

with physical life forms here on Earth. This is the duality aspect of human kind. We are

physical, but on spiritual levels, we are a complex composition of spiritual energies from two different aspects of Source Power. The physical body has a soul aspect that creates the

physical human form. We humans are a combination of two basic souls or two "God

Aspects". One is more elemental in nature and survival and reproduction are its mandates. The second soul aspect is what is referred to as "ensoulment" - the consciousness or

personality that we call "I". The physically orientated elemental aspect belongs to the lower

frequencies associated with the third dimension. If so desired, our bodies do not need the

higher soul to survive and can under certain conditions continue to live without a higher

conscious soul in control.

The physical/soul level attachment to the earth is the common source of creation. All the

physical elements that go into creating a physical human body are derived from the earth's

"cells" (minerals and elements). The Earth itself is a separate entity and has many layers of spiritual essences or conscious awareness layers. These different spiritual layers of

consciousness expand almost all the spiritual dimensions from the first to the ninth

dimension. The Earth originates from a Soul Group much higher in evolutionary terms than

our present conscious source of Soul Groups; a higher vibratory state than our own Soul

Source accounting for a lack of communication with the Earth's highest Soul Source.

The physical body has similar spiritual aspects and frequencies to all other life forms here on

Earth. On some levels you could say animals are of a closer vibration to us than plants, and

in the animal world, certain mammal species are closer yet. All that exists has consciousness, from the smallest basic atom to the most complex life form. Please see the

article Medicine Maker for an insight into the lower consciousness. There is a direct

relationship between genetic preference and what spiritual energies prefer to use as vehicles

of expression. Complexity of spiritual energy is directly patterned here into what serves its purpose. This is how creation takes place. At the time of conception in humans, a second

aspect comes into place.

The aspect referred to as "ensouling" is two different spiritual aspects combining in a

symbiotic way to create a new life form. The physical/elemental "body soul" would only act and understand in the same way as any animal would. But with the addition of the higher

vibratory soul, the human consciousness becomes a special animal. This animal in no longer

considered to be part of the animal species phylum. In fact, without the second soul, the

human animal would not dominate the planet. It would have a very hard time surviving here at all. Without the second spiritual aspect, this form would be relegated back to its original

environment that allowed it to exist (i.e. pre-caveman). Ensouling allows this physical form to

go beyond the boundaries of experience and reach out more creatively. In any symbiotic cooperation, both life forms benefit and thrive better than one.

The physical form is composed of cells of the host planet that vibrate to the flavours of

spiritual expression of the planet's Soul Group. In other words, life on other planets would have different spiritual expression because of planetary source alone. In this dimensional

expression and this planet, the dominant vibratory state is silica. Silica is the most dominant

element of this planet. Other elements combine with the silica to form minerals. This will be

referred to as the "Silica Life Form Consciousness".

In fact, deep in our oceans there are life forms that are made up of only silicon. You do not need carbon to create life here. If you look at a Periodic Table of Elements, you will see

these two elements are almost identical in vibration but simply one note "octave" off. The

"Silica Life Form" aspect is the spiritual expression of Soul Groups that work together for a common understanding. In other articles, I talked about Source Power having a duality or

directional flow. In its expression, to know itself a split or division has to take place. These

two God directional flows must reconnect so that a reference can be made and understood.

This allows creation to compare and recognize through comparison of difference in being. The "silica" angle or physical part of Source Power is just one small expression that we see

here as the planet Earth and it associated life forms.

The elementals - animals, plants, etc.- are all derived from this "silica" or physical expression

of Source Power. In this directional "wing" of Source Power there are also different vibratory

levels. At the very basic level they start as elements and minerals. Yes, rocks to have a

spiritual element or basic consciousness. The problem is that this vibration aspect is too

different from ours to be recognized. Some ancient groups of people can recognize this, but

this will be explained further.

This one-dimensional world of Source Power is the foundation of life and there is a definite,

but not recognized connection to us. From this basic three-dimensional atomic vibration, the

progression continues to increase in frequency until a certain point. It is at this point that the vibration is not recognized as belonging to the "Silica Force". It is here that this "silica"

vibration in this dimension starts to resonate to the basic level of the other directional flow of

Source Power. This other directional force was a spectrum of vibration that is lower in

frequency enough to interact and combine with the "Silica Life Force". The melding of source powers continues into life forms that have a higher vibration. An analogy of this would be the

rainbow, with two colours starting at opposite ends but a combination in the middle.

This other directional flow of Source Power is what I refer to as the "Carbon Life Form". The

"carbon" and "silica" labels are just names used for reference because they are spiritual expressions before they become physical. Bacteria, viruses, lichens, mosses and up into the

plant world form the first part of the chain that starts bridging the gap between the two

sources in this reality. For example, lichens absorb "silica" spiritual aspects as they break

and dissolve the rock that they grow on. There is a transfer of consciousness from "silica" to "carbon" at this point. These lichens in turn are consumed by other life forms that take this

elemental "Silica Life Form" into their world to be expressed. This chain of events continues

all the way to whales and humans, the highest "carbon" expressions that occupy this world. It is not just energy transference, but also the minerals that we absorb to form our bodies.

Water seems to be the only exception the mineral world. It appears that it alone acts as a

catalyst between the two forms.

Understand that vibration is simply expressed as a scale of faster to slower frequencies. Like the "carbon/silica" label, vibration is just a way of understanding and a reference to

different directions of Source Power. There is no difference as far as what is better or more

desirable; they are just as they are. As with the "Carbon Life Forms", there exists in the

opposite direction a vibratory scale that increases into the "silica" expression. As you pull away from this reality and farther into the "silica" vibration, there is an increase in strength of

this form of consciousness. This directional flow into the "silica" continues past the physical

world and now enters the world of higher aspects of Source Power on this side of the "coin".

These aspects are known as elementals - power animals, diva, etc. They are at a higher vibratory state of "Silica Source Power". Within these spiritual worlds, there are different

vibratory levels that allow a shift to occur as they vibrate at the opposite side of the frequency

scale back to Source Power. Do not every think that the spiritual aspect of the elemental world is not evolved. This aspect of Source Power has the same power, awareness and

creative abilities as the "higher" states of spirituality. In fact, from what I hear this side of the

"coin" is evolving faster than human creation. Because of this evolution, there is more

involvement in our world by elementals as they are here to prod us along.

To visit these worlds of advanced beings is what the shamanic teachings are all about. This is where the three shamanic worlds come into play - the Lower, Middle and Upper worlds.

Traditional shamans or ancestors of our species used mainly the Lower World to access

understandings because of species at the time had a higher "Silica Force" than we do today. These ancient people are not the same spiritual people that we are today. Because of the

closer slant towards the "Silica Force", they were much more grounded to the planet and to

the animal world. This was necessary because they needed to survive in cooperation with

the earth's physical energy.

There are still people on the planet today that have this higher percentage of "silica" and they are quite recognizable. They are sometimes judged by their appearance as slow or non-

teachable. This is because they have a higher percentage of opposite spiritual source than

ours. They are just as beautiful in their world spiritually and physically as we are in ours. You can see a disconnection that takes place and the overlapping confusion of their interests and

needs. They are today providing the same service for humanity as the lichens are doing in

the plant world. They are bridging the gap between the two God Force aspects that we need

before we can go on. They are here to teach us more than we can at this time teach them.

The shift was gradual, but by the turn of the century spiritual energies were in motion and the

"Carbon Force" started transferring old cultures in the new direction. From what I have been

told, the indigenous people back then were a different "spiritual species" than now.

Compared to the old cultures, North American or European, there is a big difference in the

make up of those people and the genetically identical people today.

The mystery is that these people from the past were creating stone circles and pyramids for

exceptional spiritual work and this work cannot be replicated today. The reason is that the

design was intended for a spiritually different people. They had requirements that needed to be addressed and different than the ones we need at this time. They are not today's species,

although they are identical in physical make up.

The Maya that built the pyramids are not the same Maya that live today. Neither are the

Egyptians or most of advanced cultures of the past. The reason being that the percentage of

spiritual essence has shifted. The past was a growing process that led us to this point in our evolution. There is no room or requirement for any of the past to be repeated. Yes, there are

teachings and things to learn, but only what suits today's process. Connecting to the earth

and nature spiritually has to be integrated into the human form as much as the other side for there has to be a balance. Practicing heavily in one direction without the other to balance the

energy will result in a limited growth.

The spiritual swing can be likened to the pendulum. As it swings to one side it reverses its

direction only the repeat the same amount of arc on the other side. But soon or later the

pendulum has to come to rest, and the energy that created this movement comes into a balanced state. It is at this balanced state that true connection back to Source can be

accomplished. This is because Source Power is in a balanced state. It is only at this

balanced state that you can vibrate and connect equally at the same time to both directions

of Source Power.

Being super "New Age" is not the answer no more is just living the Shamanic way or really

"physically grounded". It is good to know both and understand both directions and to be able

to connect to both sources. It is through this connection that we can ground our spiritual

aspects and needs to this reality. To live here in a balanced state is the key to completion.

How do we create a balance of energies? By listening to the old ways of connecting. I'm not saying to go back to the old ways for this will repeat what has been done. There is very little

to learn by repeating the past. But there are valuable understands that can be taken from the

past. We cannot be what these past people were because we are not they anymore. Physically and genetically we are the same, but the spiritual aspect has changed and will not

repeat itself. We are today more "Carbon Force": but because we are also occupying bodies

that were provided by the "Silica Force" then we have an opportunity to complete the

exchange between the two "God Forces". We can start to see the magnificence and

complexity of "All That Is", that all is expressed and with total acceptance.

Although some of us are not "historically connected" to this planet, we are still all connected

through the physical-earth body. As we evolve and look more towards the "Carbon energies",

we feel the dissimilarity of the opposite energy. There is a strangeness of the elemental world because of the total difference in spiritual slant. We all understand and can recall

meeting someone that is the same vibration as we are. But we also can remember a time

when our paths crossed a person of a completely different vibration and how this created feelings of fear, separation, intolerance, prejudice, etc. What would you feel like if you came

into a physical crossing of paths with an elemental or "silica" form? The strangeness of the

whole experience has been to reject them with fear. The gremlins, devils, Zeta Reticuli, and

other "non-understandables" of God Source are rejected and labeled as bad.

This is just a perception of choice. Outside of this reality, there is no such thing as sin or negative aspects. I know there are those of you quoting circumstances, but that is because it

is from your perspective. There are now only free choices that have been made on conscious

or non-conscious levels. By accepting all, you bring yourself into a natural state of balance.

In this state, victim-hood does not exist.

Have you ever wondered why humans today are attracted to some species over others? You

could probably say that monkeys and apes look like us, therefore, we are attracted to them.

But why is a fish generally not considered exciting yet a whale or dolphin is so attractive.

Appearance-wise, whales and dolphins look like fish but are not treated the same. The

difference is their spiritual slant. Neither is better than the other; it is just that we can related

to one over the other because we relate better to their spiritual slant or vibration.

If you take a rainbow and just look at the two ends alone, you would say that the two last

colors have nothing in common, yet they do. To get to one, you have to progress through all the color to end up with the last color. If you said that the most beautiful color was purple and

your whole world and beliefs were centered on shades of purple, then that is all there is. Now

one day you across a yellow. Your first reaction is that the yellow is so ugly and foreign. This is because you cannot see that you are connected and that parts of the yellow are in your

purple world.

This is the same as an "ugly elemental or demonic looking creature". They come from the

"silica-elemental" side of spirit and yet we share a common source. The ancient Shamanic

orders and culture of the world understood this but today we only see separation. At the same time in past culture, animals were worshipped because the recognition of a purer

spiritual energy source ("silica"). So much so that there was a connection that is unknown by

modern minds. In times of need in the past, North American aboriginals could call on that spiritual side for help. Animals like caribou and bison would literally walk up to these people

so that they could be slaughtered to provide nourishment. Respect was given to the natural

world because they were much more attached to it spiritually.

As for the question, do animals have souls? Yes and no, depending on what and how you

define a soul. If your parameters for definition are "Carbon Souling", then you would say no. But if you see a larger picture, then you would have to say yes. This where all the confusion

is whether you can incarnate into an animal or can we incarnate from animals. All souls or

conscious energies have a common source that their energy is created from. This source is

referred to as God or "All That Exists".

The main harmonic structure of the "Silica Life Form" is the cube. The cube is the basis for all

crystalline structures. This is the structure of the planet and the mineral world. All that exists

on this side has come from a common source vibration. It is a harmonic structure, and in this

case, it is cube shape. It is the alignment of harmonic cube structures that create the harmonic grid. The cube structure forms a grid pattern because of it s shape and common

vibratory level. Different sized cube vibrations will create different grid sizes. The edges of

these cubes are the grid structure and these edges create the "pathway" for source power to


On the other side of this proverbial rainbow is the opposite of straight, the curved line. The cyclic curved line spirals throughout all that exists. This spiral weaves throughout the cube

structure of the physical and non-physical universe. The spiral is an incomplete sphere.

When a sphere is formed, it is the completion of spiral energy and when done with the

energy of the cube you have a physical manifestation.

This union of cube and sphere create everything. When created in the third dimension, the

sphere energy of Source Power translates into "Carbon Life Force". Spheres or orbs are the

dimensional harmonic structure of this side of spirit. They in themselves are complete environments because of their shape. The sphere is the spiral in completion and in rest or

balance within a cube harmonic is now capable of recognizing with this world.

So far as the higher spiritual vibrations are concerned, the sphere shape is the vehicle but

interaction must be with the lower vibratory state of spirituality associated with the cube structure. This is why we have egg shaped or spherical shaped ketheric layers surrounding

our bodies. This is why the spiritual orbs that people are seeing more of have this signature

shape, Yes, we still are physical, and yes, there is an elemental or "silica" state as part of us.

The cube shape when expanded in vibration is understood in Sacred Geometry as "Metratron's Cube" or the tetrahedron. This geometric shape surrounds our bodies and is the

connecting agent to the grid or cube energy. This is how we connect to this reality. The

sphere and cube work in conjunction with one another to create life forms here. If these shapes are placed on a flat two-dimensional plane, it is referred to as squaring the circle. But

putting this into a third dimensional shape, it would be called the sphere-cube.

The degree and intensity of the source direction of the energy determines its spiritual slant.

This slant will effectively be what the form will take and in doing so create its environmental

slant. As the form continues its growth, the natural shift towards its root energy will ensue. This is evolution through expression of being. To evolve you first have to express the outer

edges and develop inward from there. It is through the outer edges that all is formed and

started. The complexity happens inward because the vibration increases as you go closer to the core. This continues until it becomes so complex in vibration that it can no longer hold

this current form anymore.

This complexity happens in the centre of any harmonic form and it is in this centre the portal

or octave is reached. The vibratory state in the centre reaches a level that will not hold its

form and it collapses to form a new creation. As you can imagine the core point will appear smaller, but in fact is expanded into another reality or dimension. The point folds inward and

then outward into another vibration or dimension of reality. The cube-sphere structure is still

maintained because it is the basic building block of the universe. Because of this the basic edge of the cube-sphere structure is still maintained and in this new dimension there is

growth inward again until the process is achieved over again.

As orb spiritual energies from higher vibrations come down into an environment they too will

appear as restructuring. But because of their source, they can only appear as orb shapes. Their original vibrational structure may not be able to hold the pattern here because they are

not part of this reality. They may be confined to the cube size of grids that interact with us. I

agree with some people and say that the majority of photographs of orbs are dust, but there

are images of real orbs that are being taken being seen by people.

I agree with Sacred Geometry and find no fault with its teachings except with the direction of those teachings. The part that I disagree with is that working with the silica shapes

(tetrahedrons) will connect you to higher spiritual vibrations. But this is the opposite direction

that is needed at this time. What you will do is connect to higher "Silica" spirituality. There is nothing wrong with that, but we have done this in the past and now it is time for the another

direction. We as a species have to maintain this "cube-silica" connection but we have

accomplished all that is needed on this "Silica" level. It is now time in our growth to connect

to higher vibratory states and that is not accomplished through the tetrahedron as some of you by now have figured out. This possibly one of the reason that the orbs are being

presented her and now and with them the message or reminder. I know this flies in the face

of these that say the opposite, so I have included another source to back up my "truth".

This other viewpoint by a very good "channel" is a strong statement by "Mila" channeled by

Karen Danrich.

The message has been the same for thousands of years. "Go inward to find God". It has been said in many different ways, but the message is still the same. Inside of us, or inside

the orbs of us, are the doors to spiritual enlightenment. You see, we are nothing more than orbs ourselves. From our spiritual source level, the vibratory or harmonic shape is spherical.

Our chakras are scaled down versions of this shape. We are energetically a composite of

energy spheres. At one time, the chakras were considered funnel-shaped. This is still true in some people as the spiral or funnel shape is an incomplete sphere. As our vibrations

become higher, we become more complete and so do our energetic "creators" - the chakras.

Completion and balance are the end result that is achieved through balance and evolution of

spirit. Today many people are now in this state and their chakras are now complete orbs or spheres. This state is achieved by connecting to the higher vibrations of the carbon sphere

not the silica cube-tetrahedron energy.

You are probably wondering, what is the importance of all this? As previously stated, the importance is to firstly, create a balanced and complete structure, a harmonic state that is at its completion. It is at the center of this structure that you will find the highest state of

vibration. I have been shown now a few examples of what can be achieved at this center. For

those that are at this level of completion, I will give you some practice work to try on your

own. I'm not sure if people with incomplete chakras can get any results, but is still worth


Once the chakras have achieved this orb state, then you can start to work on levels that you

could not imagine before. You can do this work on any of the chakras, but in the article I will concentrate on the third eye chakra. Ancient mystics that achieved the orb-chakra level have

left pictures that show the way. With this third eye chakra, the focus point is via the base of

the sphenoid bone.

The sphenoid bone is the foundation or connecting bone for our skull. Shown in the picture is the placement for this bone. At the base of this bone is a hollow bone structure that is cube in shape (big surprise isn't it). Yes, we are physical and we must also have this "silica" cube

shape to connect us to the physical grid. So the bone cube and energetic orb that fits into it

are all part of God's planned structure. The orb that occupies this place is blue in colour. The

wings of the sphenoid radiate the energy out from this centre to the rest of the skull and brain. By focussing your consciousness into the centre of this orb you will be accessing the

door out and into an ascension reality. By going into the centre you find the highest vibratory

state of this orb and your being.

At this centre lays a black hole or tunnel. This tunnel, or wormhole as some would call it, can

appear when traveling down it, very similar to the wormhole that was shown in the move

"Contact". There are twists and turns but the journey is quick. As you exit this wormhole, you will find the other reality that we are vibrating into as a species. I will not give you any

description of this environment because I do not want to bias your experience.

There are two things you can do both with eyes closed. One is in a meditative state; bring in

the "white light". If you look carefully you will see a black or dark spot in it. Go towards the

spot until it opens up into a round hold. Enter this hole and go down the wormhole.

The second way is to take your attention and slowly focus backward starting from the forehead. As you focus backward look for the orb. If you cannot see the orb look for the

colour; it may appear as purple-indigo or blue. In this colour, find the black spot. Again, go

into this spot or wormhole. Not seeing the orb means that you are not seeing it from the

outside and are already inside the orb with the colour being evident.

It is exactly the opposite of what I have always thought ascension would be. I'm not saying that this is the only way, but it is the way I was shown and it does allow you to see this other

reality. In the past, I thought that you ascended up or out of your body and energetic field. What I have been shown is that you "go in to get out". Because there is no time and space

this is possible. Space is another perception and does not exist outside of this reality. It is like

my picture of the universes. The smaller inward worlds or universes are the biggest and

highest vibration. Appearance and size is an interpretation that we humans need to use in order to put things into perspective. What is happening is space is folding into itself and out

(see picture below).

Above: Sri Yantra, an ancient symbol for the crown charka. To the right a more modern understanding of the chakra. This is a diagram of from C.W. Leadbeater's book "The

Chakras", Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, 1972edition. As you can see it's an

orb and within this orb are two spirals of energy and a structure that can be seen as geometric. This geometric shape will depend on the slant of your vision and what you are

connecting to.

Our bodies shape is a product of the harmonic structure that defines us. This structure

creates the bones and organs that allow us to exist here. If you look carefully at the pictures below you will see a harmonic image overlaying a sphenoid bone. Notice how the shape

aligns with harmonic structure.

The Sri Yantra is a two dimensional representation of a three-dimensional harmonic structure. If you place this two-dimensional "map" over the skull you can see the elements of

the Sri Yantra and shape of the skull aligning. Remember this should be three-dimensional


The Sphenoid and the Tourillocree

Orbs do the same energetically as all structured harmonics. The vibration increases towards the center and at that point it folds inward to create a new harmonic shape and a reality that

is associated with this new vibration. Universal law says that only like vibrations can attract

"that like vibration". So by the very act of shifting to another vibration, you are in, or become

that vibrational environment. The snake drawing called the Ouroboros is just another way of showing this process of going inside to find God. This has been part of the mystic

understanding for thousands of years.

The chakras are the ultimate energy source in the body. Now and in the past they have been

complete for the energetic bodies and lives that we have led. This chakra system now appears to be shifting into a new form. This new form will facilitate another level of

completion. As we develop and finish our present physical process we need to bring in more

balance in the way of spiritual energy. The old system can be considered "incomplete"

because it is out of balance with the "total" spiritual part of us. Because we are so physical

we need more of this spiritual energy to balance out this physical energy.

There are many of you that have been working hard to clear all the thick unwanted energies

clinging to your energetic system. Clearing the front chakras are only the first step in this

process. There must be balance in order to continue in our spiritual growth. The next step is to balance the energy flow from physical to spiritual. There comes a point in this unfolding

and progressively developing state were energy is allowed to transfer between the front and

rear of the body with little resistance. This transference is to facilitate a more evolved energetic body that will be created. This body will become the future vessel that will facilitate

more human conscious expansion. Below is a picture of the old chakra system.

In this picture a typical human body is shown with some chakras activated while others are not for one reason or another. In this picture the heart energy is connected with an equal

amount of spiritual energy flowing in via the back heart chakra. The chakras in this earlier system were only recognized by their energy flow. It is just the flow of energy that people

were actually seeing. The chakra source was too small to be recognized. In the picture you

can see that the energy flows into the back chakras as spiral energy. This is pure spiritual

energy to be converted into the physical energy that flows out of the front chakras again in a spiral fashion. At the point where this energy is converted into physical is a small state of

balance. This balance is in the form of a sphere or an orb shape. As you recall a spiral is an

incomplete sphere, it is only when in balance that spiraling energy becomes a sphere. The old system shown has always been presented as spiraling energy. This is because it is an

incomplete or unbalanced energy state. All of us have this center or balanced state between

the two realities. The orbs are the chakras and are orbs because they are in full agreement

with both realities. This is a conscious agreement and is facilitated by the growth and acceptance of the individual themselves. As we open up more energy is moved and as a

results the orbs are increased in size. They also become more efficient at moving this energy

in this state.

This can be accomplished by repeated activation of the orbs (chakras) with conscious awareness. As more clear energy is allowed and received from the physical side of the

chakras more spiritual energy is increased because of acceptance and awareness of the

process. This state of balance increases and the orbs grow in size as the balanced state is maintained through conscious awareness. This process goes hand in hand in bring higher

states of consciousness and the continuation of more expanded energies. In the picture

below the human body is seen from above with the old system being incorporated into the

new orb system.

As the orbs grow they bring in more spiritual energy into this reality. Their energy can be felt

physically as a continuation of energy around the specific area of the body (sphere shaped)

rather than just an energized circle in front and behind the body. This growth is "in the moment" because we don't at this time in this reality need these chakras activated all the

time. In fact, even with the basic chakras you will have trouble opening certain chakras

before the conscious awareness is there to handle the energy and responsibility. When fully activated the new orbs can be seen and felt outside of the body as a large sphere shaped

energy form. At "rest" or inactive they remain as orbs, but smaller in size. Joanne states "Our

chakras function to a level that we need and then they evolve as our requirements and skills

shift. This is part of the reason that I don't think it's wise to open other chakras. Our own

energetic systems need to adjust themselves."

Because this orb expression is all so new to me I can only write about my current state of

being and experience.

It is also obvious that spiritual energy must enter into the overall human orb via the top or

crown chakra. This top flow of energy must be grounded through the bottom of the body to

complete the connection into the physical. As this energy curls around outside of the body it

forms the ketheric layer. This is the layer that the physical begins its creation and forms the largest orb or egg shaped energy vehicle. Once again this is a harmonic structure that is

harmonically connected to the other chakra orbs. The chakra orbs act as transducers slowing

the energy "vibration" down so that this energy can be translated into physical matter. Each

orb (chakra) has been created to handle a specific energy or vibration that will be translated into different physical functions and in reverse the physical is translated back to the


The middle of all orbs or spheres, whether they are a complete universal (torus) or a human

body, must have an "event horizon". An event horizon is created by the mixing of energies that are flowing in two but equal and opposite directions. (There is more on this subject, but I

would like to stay with the one at hand.) So as this energy flows back and forth, from top to

bottom or bottom to top, "Carbon Force" mixes with "Silica Force" energy to create the life

form. It is at this merging of energies that a mixing current begins and creates the event horizon. This event horizon becomes the energy of the heart chakra. This combined form of

energy is translated as, "Gods love force". "Love" is where "two energetic aspects of God"

combined into recognition of self are balanced through completion. The two diametrical God forces are in balance, but when recognition occurs, it is transformed into pure energy called

love (acceptance and recognition of oneself). It is this love energy that mixes and is the

product of the two forces that allow creation to happen. This is why it is said that love is the

creator of all things. Without this love energy there is just two separate energetic forces. In these terms love is the highest state of balanced energy. It is this combination of three

energies that produce and are represented by the three main orbs. The heart chakra appears

to be the seed that starts the whole process. So it is this chakra that is the easiest to work with and to expand. When you can achieve an unconditional love for life and yourself this

chakra increases in size. From here it is only a small step to activate more spiritual energy

from the crown orb and to ground it into the physical via the root orb. As we recognize the physical with love, the root orb grows in size feeding the whole process and consciousness

with it.

Remember that these orbs are harmonic in structure and like all harmonics they have three-

dimensional shape. This three-dimensional shape when viewed and drawn on to a two

dimensional plane (paper) appears as a Mandala. Mandalas are two-dimensional

representations of sound or as the Tibetans say "frozen sound".

Here is an insight that one of my channels said about the subject: "Bone structure is related

by placement alone. The bones do not form the chakra points. It is the other way around.

They help hold the energy because they are the denser aspect of the physical body. The bones are more of the elemental aspect while the organs being composed of mainly water

are more connected to the carbon life force. The orb energy connects the two realities of the

spiritual and elemental aspects. This is done with thin energetic fibers that create the

harmonic structure seen as an orb or chakra. These thin energetic lines of energy allow energy to flow freely back and forth between the two aspects. By allowing more energy to

flow they strengthen and because of this can move more energy. As they move more energy

they become intensified and grow in size. This expansion is spiritual energy being integrated more into the physical reality. This allows the two worlds to be joined and into balance. It has

been up to now more physical and out of balance. These orbs will continue to grow and thus

bring in more energy. They also overlap one another and leave a greater connection between the different energies. The body has no choice at this time but to become more light

and less reliant on requirements of the physical form. Basically spiritual energy in descending

into the physical. Because of this a more balanced state of the physical has to take place."

Along with all of this chakra expansion is the reshaping and activation of the skull and more

specifically the sphenoid bone. This bone articulates most of the bones in the human skull.

The sphenoid bone is situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar

part of the occipital. It somewhat resembles a bat with its wings extended. It is divided into a

median portion or body, two great and two small wings extending outward from the sides of

the body, and two pterygoid processes, which project from it below.

The body of the sphenoid bone (corpus shenoidale) has a hollow bone as its base that is

cube shaped (this should be of no surprise). In the skull that has been split into right and left

halves in the midline, this foundation is recognizable as a wedge of bone, which continues upward and forwards the line of the vertebral bodies. The wedge slopes upward from the

front edge of the formamen magnum at an angle of 60 degrees, is about an inch and a half

long and is continuous in front with the back of a hollow, bony one-inch cube. The hollow

cube is the body of the sphenoid bone. The front wall of the cube cannot be seen from inside the skull since it faces back of the nasal cavity. It is in this cubed bone structure of the

sphenoid that a special orb exists. This orb is the dimensional doorway into a new reality. I

have been taken out of body through this doorway a few times now and have been shown

how to find it. This portal or doorway has been known for thousands of years, as I will show.

As you focus your mind into the center of the orb a dark or black spot will appear. Entering

into this black spot will reveal a wormhole that can be traveled. If you are not sure it is very

similar to the wormhole that was shown in the movie "Contact" although the length can vary

depending on experience. I have found that traveling down this wormhole was faster and

shorter than the journey shown in the movie.

As you can see, the sphenoid bone has "wings". These wings and the benefits of spreading

them have been also common knowledge through out history. I don't know the purpose at

this time but it appears that in the past more advanced cultures attempted to spread the

wings by elongating and flattening the skull.

In North America this was done as an infant with the baby being placed into a "board press"

for periods of time. This was reserved for the elite and priest class of the day. In North

America the first evidence found came from the Olmec culture of Mexico. This knowledge

was passed on to the Maya who continued the practice. The oldest culture was a shamanic priesthood from southern Mesopotamia now southern Iraq known as the Ubaid culture. The

Ubaid culture has a long duration beginning before 5500 BC and lasting until the beginning of

the Uruk Period (circa 4000 BC or later depending on the chronology favored). In the mid 5th millennium BC the Ubaid culture spread into northern Mesopotamia replacing the Halaf

Culture. Later evidence pops up in Egypt with odd shaped heads of the daughters of Amarna

King Akhenaten, who ruled c. 1350 BC. Carved busts and painted reliefs show the young princesses with excessively long heads, while the pharaoh himself is shown from Year Four

of his reign with an elongated head and serpent-like facial features. I don't believe in the

accepted theory that this was done for beauty or esthetic purposes. There is more evidence

and clues that support a greater purpose than esthetics.

Andrew Collins states: "It is my opinion that the original Watchers of Eden were long-headed individuals who were a shamanistic elite that entered the Near East around 9500 BC and

founded the earliest proto-Neolithic communities, which thrived on the Upper Euphrates river

and other parts of the Near East (modern Kurdistan) through to the rise of Sumer and Akkad, c. 3000-2000 BC. Yet their memory became distorted over the millennia, with them changing

from people with faces like serpents to serpents themselves."

Combining this observation from the past with what people are noticing now there seems to

be a parallel. I and many people that I have talked too are now experiencing a "skull shift".

The pain or aching being observed comes from behind the eyes and extends to the temple

area, which is prime sphenoid shifting qualities. It appears that all this energy work is

spreading the wings of the sphenoid bone for some reason.

There is a lot written on Kundalini energy and the powerful effects that it has on the body and

mind. The subject is too vast to get into here but I do need to bring up important aspects of this energy to complete the sphenoid knowledge. Examples of the past understanding can be

seen in the medical caduceus. The caduceus shows the energy rising up and completing at

the wings (stylized symbol of the sphenoid) were you find this curious circle or orb shape.

Kundalini energy rises from the base chakra in two separate energetic waves. In the yoga

world they are called the Pingala (male energy) and the Ida (female energy). They cross one

another at the chakras.. The Tourillocree is commonly called the Sushumna.

These two energy circuits are not what is known as the Sushumna (the Sushumna is just one

part of the main energy channel that travels through the center of the body). These two

energy circuits are the masculine and feminine Kundalini energies. This is physical energy that starts at the root or base of the spine and travels upward to the sphenoid bone. As this

rising energy crosses its last chakra (the 3rd eye) it than travels down the sides of the nose.

From here it carries back into the base of the sphenoid. In this sphenoid base the energy contacts and activates the essence of being (reality based) allowing the physical energy to

be transformed into the spiritual essence (non third dimensional). It is here that realities mix

and the orb centered in the base of the sphenoid creates a doorway into a new physical

reality. Do not get this confused with the pineal-pituitary gland gateway. This gateway is connected to the ketheric layer and accesses non-physical dimensions. What I'm talking

about is related to this but has its origins in a new higher vibratory physical world. A world

that many in the past have tried to reach, for it has many names and of lately it is being called ascension. This is Joanne's explanation for the event: "Kundalini energy: It started

from my coccyx, spiraling up, crossing through each chakra up to the throat, then it arched

about an inch above my eyebrows, crossed through my third eye and entered the sphenoid

chamber that you described. I could see that this created a physical activation, allowing for a skeletal vibration to resonate through my body. I closed my eyes, and immediately saw the

Kundalini flow of the Pingala and Ida spiraling up through and down into that chamber of the

sphenoid. "Transference", was what I heard as I observed the energy being transferred up into my crown and swirling around it's outer edge." Below is a insert in this article by Joanne

describing the Tourillocree.

The Seven Layers of the Energetic Core by Joanne Hendrickson

"There is an energetic core that runs through the center of us, the center of our major

chakras. This energy as I see it has 7 layers and is very much like a cable. Each layer has

it's own vibration and function, as we heal, grow and evolve, the colors cover more

completely and become more vibrant.

In my experience, the easiest to see of this core energy that runs through us is the Gold

translucent layer referred to as the Sushumna, then the silver layer that represents our

Essence Self and in the very center, the white light that is Source. I have been exploring this core energy and understanding each layer's function. When I asked my daughter what she

saw in herself and me, she immediately recognized what I was asking, and energetically

looked at my core. She went from the outside layer and came in. She explained, "First there is gold light fading to blue, then purple, green, orange, gold, silver and white. I can see

through each color". When she described her own layers, she had different colors in her

outer 4, but the inner 3 were the same. I was able to channel in further information regarding

the functions of these additional layers and whether they change as we grow and evolve. I understand that we have the same colors in our energetic core through our life and that each

layer is an expression of us. This collective core energy has the name, "Tourillocree" (Name

derived from my Soul Group). In the center is white light which is Source, the 2nd layer is

silver which is Soul or Essence Self, the 3rd is gold which is what I referred to as the Sushumna (relating to both the physical and spiritual expression), the 4th is expressing the

individual's life's purpose, the 5th layer represents our energetic skill or gift, the 6th layer

represents what we are advancing in and the final 7th layer is the expression of our life's

agreement or contract.

Each of these layers is translucent, and in seeing them from my perspective, I can see the

next layer by traveling through with my vision. Interestingly, my daughter looks from the outer

layer, inward and I the opposite. As I understand it, the first three layers are the same in

order and color in all humans. The outer four layers differ, are expressions of who we are

and what our life's purpose is."

March 20th, 2003 ©

The Tourillocree's Flow by Joanne Hendrickson

As I learn and understand more about this energetic core, I am able to see its flow. I have

observed the flow inside the body and now have come to understand its movement outside

the body. When the tourillocree is not impeded in anyway, the layers separate into two

groups. The inner core of the white Source light, the silver Essence Self layer and the gold Sushumna layer travel out the body and through the Katheric layer out to the Universe. The

remaining four layers travel out the crown chakra, above (approximately 3 feet) the body and

spread out and around the inside of the Katheric layer. The flow continues back up in through the root chakra, up through the remaining charkas and out the crown again. The pace in the

flow varies as our needs change. The intensity of the light also may vary as we grow and

evolve. The stages of life that we are in from newborn, through to an individual preparing to pass from this life also affect the density of certain layers. For example, I was assisting

someone in a process of leaving this Earthly plane and their needs changed. The silver layer

of the Essence Self went from the size of a cord, to a denser rope-like appearance. As my

understanding of this energetic core grows, I will continue to share the information.

April 3, 2003 ©

I have always thought that the ascension process was raising your vibration out of this reality. It turns out that you do raise your vibration but you have to travel in to get out. The old

adage "go in to find God" still stands. Just a little confusing until you look at the dynamics of

the orbs. As discussed in Part 1 the orbs vibrate with increasingly higher vibrations towards the center. It is at the center that the highest vibration is reached for the structure. It does not

stop there but universal law says that it must change form to step into a higher vibration or

octave. Harmonic structures do not gradually change but switch immediately into new form or

shapes when vibration increases. This is the same as entering into a new octave or higher

level of the same notes.

Bringing vibration to this sphenoid bone also effectively will stimulate the orb's energy and

connect us to it's state of higher vibration. Toning, breath, and visualization are the most

common means of doing this. With breath the air rushes over a curled tongue and stimulates the hard palate or palatine and maxillae bones. This vibration quickly rises into the sphenoid

bone and into the orb. It's not just the bone structure that carries the vibration but the nerves

are also very directly connected at this point. Certain sounds will produce different effects but

"Oming" is the best. Varying different vocals of this sound can also produce slightly different

slants on the experience.

This procedure of activating the orb is being used by many including Reiki attunements and

Munro Institute style of OBE's. Obviously the Tibetans and other older cultures are very

familiar with sound to produce the effect.

Other than breathing and toning techniques, you can also just use visualization. This is

accomplished by going into a meditative state and bringing your focus back into your head.

Start with the mediation first, than from a point between the forehead and the base of the

nose slowly move your focus back into the head. You will reach a point were you see the color blue or the orb itself. If it is just the color or even variant of the color this is fine, now

look for the black spot. It may be small or very obvious. Bring your attention to this blackness

and enter it. It is here that you will find the wormhole that provides the conduit to the next reality. If this energy and attention is sent farther into the pineal-pituitary gland gateway then

you will be entering nonphysical realities. It all takes practice and the experiences will be

"filtered" through your own expression. Because of this I do not what to tell you what I have

experienced due to the fact that this may hinder your own experience or favor of realities.

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