uncovering important aspects of allergies

Post on 14-Jan-2015



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This and many other articles can be seen at the new website – Allergy Web Symptoms - a source of information relating to allergies,



Uncovering Important Aspects of Allergies

Pollen Allergy

These round or oval pollen grains used by

plants for reproduction are tiny so that it

cannot be seen by the naked eye. Some

Plant species use the pollen from its own

flowers to fertilize itself. Others must be

cross-pollinated by other plants of the same


In order for the plant’s fertilization to take

place and for the seeds to form, the pollen

must be transferred from the flower of one

plant to that of another of the same species;

thus cross-pollination. Flowering plants

sometimes depends on the wind to carry their pollen and for some, they rely on insects.

Plain-looking plants such as trees, grasses, and weeds; the ones that do not have

showy flowers, are the types of pollen that commonly cause allergic reactions. These

plants produce pollen grains that are small, light, dry for them to be suitable for air


Latex Allergies Overview

Latex gloves use to have countered the transmission of infectious diseases to

healthcare workers. In recent years, a documented increase

in latex sensitivity reactions have been reported among

healthcare workers. This may be due to an increase in latex

exposure to these subjects. Natural rubber from the milky

fluid of the Hevea brasiliensis rubber tree is alluded when

mentioning "latex"

Some synthetic rubber referred to as "latex" actually do not

contain the proteins triggering the allergic reactions to latex.


Natural latex rubber has proteins responsible for latex allergy reactions. It is unclear as

to how long a person should be exposed to latex to garner sensitization. Greater

exposures to latex proteins will also double the chances of th development of allergic


Poison Ivy Allergy

The sap responsible for irritation in the

toxicodendron family is named urushiol. The

toxicodendrons include poison ivy, poison sumac,

and poison oak. Allergic rashes are generated by

urioshiol upon a few hours, or even days, after

contact. Objects and pets lying about at home may

carry some urushiol on the surface.

The leaves, stems, and roots of a poison plant

contain urushiol. Urushiol can be hastily taken in by

the skin. Inhaling urushiol particles in the air is

probable during poison plant combustion. Smoke from a burning poison plant contains

airborne urushiol. When inhaled, it produces irritation to the respiratory tract. The

climate in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Southwest deserts do not provide optimal conditions

for the growth of poison plants.

The existence of poison ivy can be categorized into two. It can occur as vines or as

shrubs. Areas on the north and west typically have poison ivy shrubs. In other places,

poison ivy grows as vines. The three leaflets present in a poison ivy plant make it easier

to identify. Poison sumac can be identified as a woody shrub. Its stem has about 7 t0 13

leaves which occur in pairs. Only poison sumac has drooping clusters of green berries

on its shrub. Wet, quaggy areas are conducive to the proliferation of poison sumac. A

group of red berries can be seen hanging vertically in harmless sumac shrubs.


Hay Fever Allergies Facts

Pollens and other similar substances can trigger allergic

reactions called hay fever. Allergic rhinitis can take two

forms. It can seasonal, which occurs during specific times of

the year. It can also be perennial, which occurs throughout

the year.

Non-allergic rhinitis and hay fever have similarities, but they

differ on the type if reaction. Tree pollens are the major

causes of hay fever during spring time. During summer,

allergic reactions may be caused by grass and weed pollens.

Problem-causing fungus spores and weeds can pose as

health problems from late spring to autumn season. Indoor

allergens may cause some allergic reactions to people with

perennial hay fever.

Dust mites, feathers and animal dander may be found in pillows, beddings and the likes.

Since bathrooms and basements are damp areas, mold, a common allergen, can be

found there.

Cigarette Smoke Facts

Toxic chemicals and irritants are present in cigarettes. Secondhand smoke also plays a

significant role in increasing the risk of allergic complications. These complications may

include sinusitis and bronchitis. Smoking may aggravate the condition of individuals who

are suffering from allergies.

Cigarette smoke includes many toxic

chemicals and irritants. A number of toxic

chemicals and irritants are present in a

cigarette smoke. People with cigarette

smoke allergy are highly sensitive to

cigarette smoke compared to others.

Research studies have proven that

allergies can be aggravated by smoking.


This and many other articles can be seen at the new website – Allergy Web Symptoms -

a source of information relating to allergies,

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