types of keratin

Post on 07-May-2015






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  • 1.SHUMEZ .H.

2. Introduction Keratins are a diverse group of structural proteins that form the intermediate filament network responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of keratinocytes. There are around 30 families of keratin proteins divided into two groups namely acidic and basic which are arranged in pairs. A total of 54 functional genes exist which codes for these keratin families. 3. The expression of specific keratin genes is regulated by the differentiation of epithelial cells within the stratifying squamous epithelium. Keratins and certain keratin associated proteins are useful as markers of differentiation because their expression is both region and differentiation specific. 4. Most of the eukaryotic cells are composed of cytoskeleton which is made of three components microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules. Among the various families and sub-families of intermediate filament proteins, keratin is an important type due to its high molecular diversity. 5. Structure Each keratin is characterized by a chain of amino acids as the primary structure, which varies in the number and sequence of amino acid as well as in polarity, charge and size. The amino acid sequence of a keratin influences the properties and function of the keratin filament. 6. Post translational modifications such as the formation of disulphide bonds, phosphorylation and glycosylation can influence the conformation of the molecule and formation of keratin filaments. Keratin filaments have a tripartite secondary structure consisting of an N-terminal head domain, a central -helical rod domain and C- terminal tail domain. 7. The keratins are broadly divided into: Primary keratins are those keratins which are always synthesized by the epithelial cells on a regular basis, e.g., K8/18 in simple epithelia, K5/14 in stratified epithelia. Secondary keratins are those types of keratins which are produced by the epithelial cells in addition to or instead of primary keratins, e.g., K7/19 in simple epithelia, K15, and K6/16 in stratified epithelia. Classification 8. Based on distribution: Soft keratin: Found in the epidermis of skin in the form of flattened non-nucleated scales that slough continually. The disulfide links are fewer in number which allows some stretching but returns to normal upon relaxation of tension. Hard keratin: These are mainly found in nail, hair cortex, hair cuticle; the keratin type seen at these sites have very little flexibility owing to the presence of many cysteine disulfide crosslinks. 9. Based on X-ray diffraction pattern: Alpha : The X-ray diffraction pattern of this type resembles that of -helix . The -helix is right handed and has 3.6 residues per turn. The hydrogen bonding occurs within one polypeptide chain. Beta : The helix is right-handed with an average of 6 residues. The hydrogen bonding occurs between neighbouring polypeptide chains. 10. Based on amino acid sequence Type I family includes keratins numbered 9-20 which are composed of acidic proteins. Type II family includes keratins numbered 1-8 which are composed of basic proteins. 11. Based on molecular weight: Low molecular weight keratins: Include keratins with a molecular weight of 40kDa. These keratins are mainly distributed in glandular and simple epithelia. Intermediate molecular weight keratins: Include keratins with a molecular weight intermediate between 40kDa and 57kDa and are found in stratified epithelia. High molecular weight keratins: Include keratins with a molecular weight of 57kDa and are seen in keratinized stratified epithelia. 12. Functions Keratins fundamentally influence the architecture and mitotic activity of the epithelial cells. Keratins and associated filaments provide a scaffold for epithelial cells and tissues to sustain mechanical stress, maintain their structural integrity, ensure mechanical resilience, to protect against variations in hydrostatic pressure and establish cell polarity. 13. Keratins and its filaments are involved in cell signalling, cell transport, cell compartmentalization and cell differentiation. Keratin filaments also influence cell metabolic processes by regulating protein synthesis and cell growth. Keratins may also be involved in the transport of membrane bound vesicles in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells. 14. Factors regulating Differentiaition Growth factors like epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor alpha and beta Role of adjacent mesenchymal tissue Components of extracellular matrix Retinoids Calcium 15. Effect of Retinoids on various keratins Protein Effects K1/10 Reduced expression K13/19 Increased expression K5, K16, K17 Slightly downregulated K4,K5, K14 Not affected Filaggrin Reduced expression Cornified cell envelope Suppressed Desmosomes Reduced in number 16. Keratin distribution in epithelia K5 / K14 Basal layer keratinizined & non- keratinized stratified epithelium K1 / K10 Keratinized epidermis K6 / K16 Spinous layer - keratinized mucosa K4 / K13 Intermediate layer non keratinized epithelium K19 Basal layer non keratinized epithelium K9 Suprabasal layer palmar & plantar epidermis 17. Keratinization disorders of skin Defect Disorder K5 / K14 Epidermolysis bullosa simplex K1 / K10 Epidermolytic Icthyosis K6 / K16, K17 Pachyonychia congenita K9 Epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma K1 Non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma K5 Epidermolysis bullosa with mottled pigmentation K4 / K13 White Sponge Nevus 18. K8 & K18 Keratins K8 & K18 are co-expressed and constitute the primary keratin of simple epithelial cells. They are also the sole keratins of hepatocytes, acinar cells of pancreas and proximal tubular cells of kidney. They are the first keratins to appear in embryogenesis. 19. K7 & K19 They are the secondary or additional keratins of simple epithelial cells. They are expressed notably in ductal epithelia of small and large intestines, gastric foveolar epithelium, mesothelium, urothelium, as well as basal cells of non keratinizing stratified squamous epithelia. 20. They are frequently co-expressed. Type I keratin K19 is the smallest keratin. They are used as tumour markers. 21. K20 K20 is the simple epithelial keratin with most restricted expression pattern. They are expressed in the gastric foveolar epithelium, small and large intestinal epithelium, urothelium and merkel cells. K20 positivity is predictive of a primary tumour in the gastrointestinal or pancreatobiliary tract. 22. K5 & K14 K5 & K14 form the primary keratin pair of keratinocytes of stratified squamous epithelia, including the epidermis and mucosal non keratinizing stratified squamous epithelia. In the follicular outer root sheath they are uniformly expressed throughout all layers. 23. Ultrastructurally, K5/K14 keratin filaments are bundled as tonofilaments and attached to desmosomes and hemidesmosomes. Mutations of the K5 / K14 gene is responsible for the blistering disease Epidermolysis bullosa simplex. 24. K15 K15 keratin is a basal keratinocyte keratin and hair follicle stem cell marker. In comparison to K5 and K14, K15 is completely restricted to the basal cell layer of stratified squamous epithelia. It is also expressed in the basal keratinocytes of the hair follicle bulge region. 25. K6 & K16 These keratins are expressed in epidermis of plantar glabrous skin, hair follicle outer root sheath and companion layer. They are the constitutive components of nail epithelia. Mutations in K6/K16 give rise to pachyonychia congenita type I. These keratins are inducible upon stress, injury or inflammation. 26. K17 K17 is a basal/myoepithelial cell keratin. It is expressed in myoepithelial cells of complex tissues, including various glands (sweat glands), respiratory epithelium and urothelium. It is a prominent component of the suprabasal cell layers of outer follicular root sheath. 27. After skin injury, K17 is switched on in regenerating and migrating epidermal keratinocytes upon wound healing. K17 mutations have been identified in pachyonychia congenita type II and steatocystoma muliplex. Like K6/K16, these keratins are also inducible upon stress, injury or inflammation. 28. K1 & K10 In the epidermis, the transition of keratinocytes from basal cell layer to suprabasal spinous cell layer is characterised by a profound change in keratin expression. This involves a switch from expression of basal cell keratins ( K5, K14, K15 ) to suprabasal epidermal keratins, k1 and subsequently K10. 29. Keratin filaments composed of K1/K10 pair form particularly dense bundles which are so characteristic of suprabasal epidermal keratinocytes. This imparts mechanical integrity to the cells and the whole epidermis. K10 specifically inhibits proliferation and cell cycle progression of keratinocytes. Loss of K10 leads to increased keratinocyte turnover. 30. Mutations in K1 and K10 are associated with blistering disorder bullous congenital icthyosiform erythroderma. Therefore, K1 and K10 are regarded as keratinization markers of keratinocytes. 31. K9 K9 is a highly specific keratin of terminally differentiating keratinocytes of palmoplantar epidermis. Mutations in K9 gene are associated with skin disorder epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma. 32. K2 Keratin specific for advanced terminal differentiation process of epidermal keratinocytes. It is expressed in the uppermost epidermal layers - upper stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum. Mutations in K2 are associated with icthyosis bullosa of Siemens. 33. K3 & K12 K3/ K12 are the keratin pair of the corneal epithelium. They are expressed in all corneal epithelial cell layers. Mutations in these keratins give rise to Meesmanns corneal dystrophy. 34. K4 & K13 They are a highly characteristic keratin pair indicating mucosal path of keratin differentiation. They are expressed in the entire suprabasal compartment of mucosal stratified squamous epithelia. They are absent in the epidermis and adnexa. Mutations in these keratins cause the disorder white sponge nevus of Cannon. 35. K76 K76 is a highly specific keratin expressed in suprabasal cell layers of oral masticatory epithelium. They are found in the slightly orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium lining the gingiva and hard palate. 36. K77 Highly specific keratin restricted to the luminal cells of eccrine sweat glands. Used as an eccrine duct marker. 37. Hair follicle specific keratins K25 - 28, K71 - 75 These keratins are specifically expressed in the companion layer, Henles layer, Huxleys layer and inner root sheath of the hair follicle. Mutations in K75 predispose to the hair disorder pseudo-folliculitis barbae. 38. Keratins of Hair Fiber K31 - 40, K81 - 86. These keartins are expressed within the cuticle and the cortex of the hair follicle. Mutations in some of these keratins leads to disorders like monilethrix and ectodermal dysplasia of hair and nail type. 39. Keratins with unknown expression K23, K24, K78, K79, K80 These five, very different keratins complete the family of human keratin proteins. But their expression patterns and functions are still unknown.

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