twsnbn vii 15.10.09

Post on 16-May-2015






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TWSNBN 007(License to megaconnect)

Neeraj Goswami 15.10.09

Lines from a poem “And did those feet in ancient time” which later came to be known as the hymn “Jerusalem”: 

And did the Countenance Divine,    Shine forth upon our clouded hills?    And was Jerusalem builded here,    Among these dark Satanic Mills?

    Bring me my Bow of burning gold;    Bring me my Arrows of desire:    Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:    Bring me my _____ __ ____!

Chariot of fire

One word to connect them all…


a bottle that holds 15 litres of wine, the name of Morpheus' vessel in The Matrix and the remains of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, built by Nebuchadnezzar II.

Hecate- a Greek goddess who has been associated with childbirth, nurturing the young, gates and walls, doorways, crossroads, magic, lunar lore, torches and dogs. Also thought by some to be associated with ghosts, witchcraft, and curses.

Who’s her equivalent in roman mythology?


During the making of the album, record producer Martin Birch had been in an accident and crashed his car into one driven by a "religious nutter" on a rainy Sunday evening. When he got his car back from the mechanic Birch, "terrified", demanded the bill be rounded up.The title track also reached number 18 in the UK charts.Other stories about various strange occurrences at the recording studio have circulated, such as equipment randomly breaking down and lights turning off and on by themselves .

Which album?

The bill had come to £666. And 18=6+6+6. (Pretty conclusive, eh?)

•The Dark Saga is the fourth album by the American heavy metal band Iced Earth. •It tells the story of a man who sells his soul to the devil in order to return to his true love on Earth ("Dark Saga")• but he soon discovers that she is married to his own best friend ("I Died for You"). •He is left completely alone in the world, and although he has good inside, he is influenced by dark forces ("Depths of Hell"). •Everything that he desires is denied, even his own death ("Slave to the Dark," "A Question of Heaven"). •Along the way he is faced by such opposition as his demonic liason Clown ("Violate"), child murderer Billy Kincaid ("Vengeance is Mine"), heavenly bounty hunter Angela ("The Hunter"), and Malebolgia, the king of hell who owns his soul ("The Last Laugh").•Whom is this story based on?


The album artwork was provided by Todd McFarlane, the creator of Spawn.

The Divine Comedy

Rodin’s The Gates of Hell draws heavily on Inferno

Neil Gaiman's Sandman comic series features a heavily Dante-inspired Hell, including the woods of Suicide, the Malebolge, and the City of Dis.

Milla Jovovich's 1994 debut album was called The Divine Comedy.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow translated The Divine Comedy into english.




Roles of Isaac Newton in Star Trek.

•In 1993, John Neville played Newton in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Descent

•In 1996 and 1997, Peter Dennis played Newton in Star Trek: Voyager in the episodes Death Wish and Darkling

The Chinese character "zhong" seen in the film doesn't actually mean “X". It means "center" or "middle". X is an odd translation used just in Mah Jong when played in English; in Chinese the tile is called the "center tile“.

Kaun hain MC?!

MC- William Blake

Wrote “And did those feet in ancient time”.Nebuchadnezzar, Hecate, Newton, Red Dragon – all paintings by Blake.Urizen who features in the Spawn series is a creation of Blake’s.The Chemical Wedding- an album by Bruce Dickinson, depicts Blake's painting The Ghost of a Flea on the cover.


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