trinity kings world leadership shows how god removes leaders who abuse power for themsleves and not...

Post on 25-Jan-2017



Leadership & Management



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*formerly petra int'l ministries leadership is being judged by GOD

The Law of Comneetfrsrn:

I-eaders Must AchieweReception, l\[ot F.ebel I lem

Jereftriah 52:1-If il

f od iudged Zedekiah because he rebelled

litr against the king of Babylon, Zedekiah forgot

that even the leader works for someone. His re-

bellion led to the downfall of lerusalem. Leaders

must remember they are stewards of the people

God has given them. A leaderS rebellion leads to

rebellion among the people.

Bishop Donald O Clay Jr.

The Law of lnfluence: Amos fudges Leaders


for Abusing Their Positions

fi mos is sometimes called the angry prophet. Mos of his words express heated emotion. He condemnsfaleaders who fail to provide iustice for their people. Amos 5:7-17 contains his lamentation and call forrepentance to those who turn iustice into bitterness.

J(When leaders act unjustly. their influence creates a ripple effect. God hates inlustice, but especially amongleaders whose crooked influence infects an entire nation! Note the leadership abuses in Amos's day:

1. They abandoned morality (v. 7).

2. They confused values (v.10).

3. They taxed the poor for selfish gain (v. 1X.).

4. They were corrupt and oppressed citizens (v.12).

5. They took bribes (v. 12).

6. They deprived people ofjustice in court (v,12).

{The scary part of this sad story is that these leaders could not see their own conuption. Amos 5:18 warnsagainst longing for the day of the Lord, for it will be a dreadful day of ludgment, not a ioyful celebration.

Arthur "Jim Balthrop Milton Raiford

The Law of Empowerrnent:

|17 ing Herod failed to empower anyone; in fact, he

I\drained power from people in a continual grab

for power. Check out the ugly symptoms we see in

his leadership that every one of us should avoid:

1" He felt disturbed and threatened when he

learned of a coming king (v. 3).

2. He leveraged his power against any possible

competitor (v.4).

J. He used people to serve his own purposes

(vv.7 8).

4 He lied in order to proiect the right image (v.8).

5. He reacted with fury when he didnt get his

way (v. 16).

5. He concerned himself onlywith his own benefit(v. i6).

Z He sought to destroy any potential threat to

his leadership (vv. 16-18).

tlerod Abuiqd,Pgwerlnstead of Sharing lt

I t is God who raises up leaders and who re_r moves them from office

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God says that whether ieaders u" g"oJor evil, He ultimately is the One *ho prt, i.l.,rnere-and He will remove them.

/' -\tI Power Abuse: Edorn Used lts 11

I Power for Uniust Causes I

I ,badiahs-t4 ll

I -n" Edomites violated an imoortant ,r" of ll

i I oo*"r, to protectthe powerless. Even though ll

] the Edomites did not directly violate the lews, they il

] did stand idly by when another country abused ll

I tnem. When leaders have the power to do good il

J and don't use it, God holds them equally guihy ]l

f (lames+'u).


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