tiana hedgehog

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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The Adventures of Tiana the Hedgehog

  There once was a little hedgehog named Tiana. She lived in the forest with momma and papa hedgehog and her brother and sister hedgehogs. She also lived in the forest with other animals such as squirrels, deers, owls, raccoons, birds, moose, and mice.


One day, while Tiana the hedgehog was playing in the river, she saw Matt the moose. Matt the moose looked big and scary because of his horns. Matt the moose came up to Tiana the hedgehog “Hi Tiana, can …” but before Matt the moose had a chance to finish his thought, Tiana rolled into a ball of prickly spines. She rolled toward Matt the moose and pricked him. Matt the moose felt confused because he was a gentle moose. He had no idea why Tiana the hedgehog used her prickly spines on him. All he wanted to do was ask Tiana the hedgehog to play in the river with him. Feeling sad and rejected, Matt the moose left Tiana the hedgehog alone and went back home.  

She was as smart as a fox and caught onto things very quickly. She was also as tough as nails, brave, and was a fast hedgehog

who ran up molehills at the speed of lightening.

When Tiana the hedgehog became scared, she defended herself by rolling

into a ball of prickly spines, but you see, Tiana the hedgehog also had a

furry, soft side and sometimes she was afraid to show it because she thought

that not showing her prickly spines meant that she was weak.

Tiana the hedgehog loved her family. Mama hedgehog was beautiful and nice and although Tiana the hedgehog loved papa hedgehog, she was sometimes scared of him because he was big and strong and at times became


Because papa hedgehog sometimes scared Tiana the hedgehog, she didn’t know what other forest animals would scare her too. So instead of being friendly, she preferred to be as tough as nails and showed her prickly side to all the other forest animals because she didn’t know who to trust and was afraid of getting hurt.

She used her spines so much with all the forest animals that she got into trouble and started to think that she was a bad hedgehog.  

Sometimes she pricked the wrong person with her spines. Tiana the hedgehog would prick smaller animals like Simon the squirrel, Barbara the bird, and Milo the mouse because it made her feel even more tough. Other forest animals like Rufus the raccoon and Dale the deer tried to be friends with Tiana the hedgehog but she pricked them too.

 “Okay.” said Tiana the hedgehog. She then went back to the river to see if Matt the moose was there. Not only was Matt the moose there, but so was Rufus the raccoon, Simon the squirrel, Barbara the bird, Milo the mouse, and Dale the deer. Tiana the hedgehog went up to the forest animals and asked them if she could join them. “Of course!” said all of the forest animals. Tiana the hedgehog spent the rest of the afternoon in the river splashing away in the water and having tons of fun.

In the tree, watching Tiana the hedgehog, was Olivia the Owl. Olivia saw how Tiana showed all of her prickly spines even though she wasn’t in any danger. Olivia the owl flew down to Tiana the hedgehog.

“Hi. My name is Olivia the Owl. I saw that you pricked Matt the moose with your spines. It must be very tiring for you to use your spines when there is no need to use them.”  



The truth was that Tiana the hedgehog was tired of always using her prickly spines but was afraid that if she showed her soft, furry side then she would look weak or something bad would happen to her.  “I know why you use your spines as much as you do” said Olivia the owl. “You don’t know who to trust so you feel like you must use your spines towards all the forest animals. Using your spines makes you feel strong and in control.”

Then, Olivia the owl noticed that Tiana the hedgehog felt bad for using her spines. She saw Tiana the hedgehog become sad. Tiana explained to the owl that the forest animals thought she was a bad hedgehog because of how often she used her prickly spines.

Olivia the owl looked fondly at Tiana the hedgehog “ I also want you to know Tiana, I don’t see you as bad. Many good hedgehogs get into trouble. In fact, every forest animal has gotten into trouble at one point in their life.”  

Then, Olivia the owl noticed that Tiana the hedgehog felt bad for using her spines. She saw Tiana the hedgehog become sad. Tiana explained to the owl that the forest animals thought she was a bad hedgehog because of how often she used her prickly spines.

Olivia the owl looked fondly at Tiana the hedgehog “ I also want you to know Tiana, I don’t see you as bad. Many good hedgehogs get into trouble. In fact, every forest animal has gotten into trouble at one point in their life.”  


The owl went on to explain to Tiana that not only is she not a bad hedgehog but she is a brave and smart one too! Her prickly spines had served her well and there was a time when she needed them and there will be times in the future when she may need them too. “You don’t need to use your prickly spines all of the time. Some of the forest animals don’t have to be feared and you can show them your furry, soft side while still being tough and strong.”  


 “I can?” said Tiana the hedgehog. “Yes” said Olivia the owl. “Before you used your prickly spines, I saw you talking with Matt the moose. What did he say?” “He asked me to play” said Tiana the hedgehog.  “Oh Fun! He and I played a game in the river the other day.” said Olivia the owl.  “Really?” asked Tiana the hedgehog in a very surprised voice. “But his horns are so scary!”  “Ah. They are just there to protect him, just like your spines are there to protect you. Everyone has something to protect them. Why don’t you give playing in the river with Matt the moose a try?” said Olivia the owl.

“Okay.” said Tiana the hedgehog. She then went back to the river to see if Matt the moose was there. Not only was Matt the moose there, but so was Rufus the raccoon, Simon the squirrel, Barbara the bird, Milo the mouse, and Dale the deer. Tiana the hedgehog went up to the forest animals and asked them if she could join them. “Of course!” said all of the forest animals. Tiana the hedgehog spent the rest of the afternoon in the river splashing away in the water and having tons of fun.

Tiana the hedgehog went home that night and realized that she didn’t always have to use her prickly spines. She could still be as smart as a fox, as tough as nails, brave, fast AND show her soft, furry side! Tiana the hedgehog went to sleep and couldn’t wait to play tomorrow.  

The End  

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