the san francisco call (san francisco) 1906-11-16 [p 16] · 2017. 12. 18. · ..i;chiarlesj>...

Post on 11-Sep-2020






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..i;Chiarlesj> Gav11*c6"mnii11ed fsulcidc"yeai- '\u25a0

tefday,lJ rnbrhitigS lnT|HIsJJ rbom^'a t'i|1765Ellisistreet Ib>"i'shootlng|himself|in^the'ilsft§bfeastfvri th It|^waa v

i^theiroomi'wlthi-^latter,?. went abutton, an^ errands|being;absent'" about '-.,tens; minute's'.'^. Whenvhe'feturnedfhe ;foundithe fdeadIbodyjot|his" jbrp thereon *

the 'floor.'";Charles? had? been; jdespondent .owing; to :the jfact: that he !

/ BERKELEY,;*Nov.i16.—R.'; Cornfield;foreman r.of / the Berkeley .Rock;. Com.pany,*;,was £ shot^ in theIhand 4, today}by,a laborer, 'Pascfual; Wysuna;.:af ter.ianaltercatlonvOver^Wysuna's-right'ito'iOb-j<?ct,to. grading, work:whichiwaV beingdoneiin'.front' of:his"home 'at1San' Pabloavenue"' and •» Folger" ;;street.^: Wysunawas;arrested

*and;charged '\u25a0 with.- assaul t

toconimlfiinurder.' ... . . ..' ;.'\u25a0\u25a0":



D. Vlllalon was. awarded Judgmentby "Judge Graham yesterday.;in'. the sum*ofl$500;against % the ;FireInsurance 7 Company^of fHamburg^ Oer£many,'T?on^a^policy.:~ofginBurance' i-cov-*:

erlng personal Iproperty ( and;; householdgoods 'destroyed 'vln^a*dwelling srat? 2049\u25a0Powell 's.treet.t^The^ judgment :includedcosts iof;:the^ suit and wasj: for/ theVfullamount 'asked."'- v^M '%::, .-:.'-.: '\u25a0'_'. .). '\u25a0'\u25a0.' l".^- '\u25a0.'

*'\u25a0 The S case ;.was .\u25a0 argued several '*.-daysago! before [Judge Graham^; the "company,basing. Its Yon '-{the';, theory;,' that

made; no;\effort^to^i»ave)shiB^property "and Uhat^. the fbf_flre \llnes andractlons^of^the"; militairy;autriorities!Inrrefusin'gjp roperty^owners"admission *\u25a0 to ftheir,? homes *,was funlaw^-ful."--;'Vlllalon.'declaredpossible !J*for.'^himv'- to^? save ;*This j";goods/Judge;Girahamsjieieijthat|th"elcpnterition"of.the^compan'yjwasluntenable'anproperty .[owners^ could r' rebound\u25a0^o^KOi.t^therextremltyX^^physlcalJen?deavor ;sini;order|to *protect" their*rights',under,|ihsurarice]polii;les.'<-' , •" ;!:'": ,"


i\lSuits onSlnsurance!policies^v/ere;yes-terday -.filed \byiP.*McG-iMcßean iagainstthe11German £? Insurah ceJitCo mpany1:6 fRochester ? for $1500;Vahd|byjSldney|iV.Sniith"againBtttheTCaledonian';Firetiiweurance .Company] for4

$50j)0^r . ;\u25a0


\u25a0 A bold attempt' was 'made 1 to stealthe property -of '.Mrs/\WiJliani D. How-ard of San' Mateo, situated at 1515:Fill-more 'street in this city, by means of aforged deed." . ' '. .:•---^A:deed the signature,' /'AnnaB. Howard."; was " placed,! on atthe ,City and County Recorder's offlc^Mrs. Howard's 'name is 'Anna'; D.*; How-ard.-and; the; swindlers probablyjcoun t-edjonlth*e\diance'i that' the 'similarity;ofnames": would;mislead "purchasers,* whilethe!difference.: in..s"lgnatures';would; af-ford -; ground •'•- for ;a \u25a0-'\u25a0 technical /^defenseagainst ."the :charge of forgery. .-^VvRichard Applegate."; the. grantee -un-der > the;forged "deed; :,executed = asquit-claim^ deed to a certain J. A.:McCarty,and IMcCarty. tried; to .dispospj of- thelot. ,He (offered "/it for sale^ to Speck&;Co.', ".the

'real estate dealers, ;for-$16,7

000., 'As this 'firm > had 4been ipreviouslynegotiating •;for,'. the:

-purchase^- of- the

sameV.; lot;.;for^. $25,000, :-its isuspicionswere aroused, rand, itrreported theter to -Myrlck &Deering.Mrs. Howard'sattorneys. :,1Suit! toJqulett title"? was!Imfmediately \filed",by,',that ,firm; but i^whenan? attempt ;to;; to;serve "the 1 summons' wasmade'. lt;appeared 'J that both the, men"who; were' namedvln the ;'deed vhad" lefttown.'v; \u25a0' \u25a0'- '.'-.;' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.

' \u25a0'\u25a0.'•\u25a0' ';: ...U' \u25a0{:''"''' ';-/

- '- .'\u25a0''/.McCarty was'i'aj: client ofiJ. ,P.,Swce-

ney, but' the /attorney knows nothingof the "iwhereabouts ;of his;;client: andsaysVthat he'has;: reasons of'his ownfor; wanting;


\u25a0 BUSINESS MEN ORGANIZE—Richmond. Not.15.—-The first "steps were taken- last niirht in theformation,of the- proposed Merchants* ProtectlTeAssociation. 'J.'.Stlefrater -was elected president.On Tuesday ;nUbt

-the 2 association . will• affiliatewith the State organization

-' Lady's :*olM:itolfl-watch for ? 10. -United Jew-elry and Optical Co.. lftTij Flllmore »t. , • •


The Supervisors" fire committee re-ported yesterday in favor of the peti-

tion of the Merchants* Association forthe installation of an auxiliary watersystem for fire protection that willren-der the city independent^of Its ordinarywater supply.

The committee referred the petitionto the finance committee with a recom-mendation that a necessary appropria-tion be provided xto -secure plans andestimates of cost in order to enable thaBoard of. Supervisors to submit theproposition to a vote of the people.

The plan a3- suggested by the Mer-chants' Association Includes the instal-lation of;pumping stations in three dis-tricts, at the base ,of Rlncon and Tele-graph hills and foot of Polk street, to-gether, with necessary distributing sys-tems. .\u25a0 plax>3^ and estimates of _cost forinstalling^ system of underground cis-tefrns.a3 recommended by the chief ofthe' Fire Department, will also be'utir-lzed for the purpose, of submitting, to"avote'of the people the Issuance of;bondaIn the sum of$500,000" for the purpose.

\u25a0Members of the Women's Alliance forReconstruction -are preparing £ for anenergetic campaign for better schoolbuildings for,the cityv They intend toeducate the people in favor of this par-ticular; kind of public betterment.;For ;' the; purpose; of advancing- theirwork 'the; alliance w»»l form'two educa-tional centers," one In the RichmondDistrict:*and',the

iother -\n the Mission.Lectures and. entertainments will beprovided in 'effort to promote the work.Thei.initial lecture .will be deliveredby;Professor.H.~Morse' Stephens at the.Richmond school" tomorrow .at 3; p.m.on,c.the~ subject :of -'KlpMng'3. recentbooks.'tsi&^ttfiHKHßM&dßHfl - '.The Board of Education has promised

its aid.;It was -through, similar, workthat the_ school extension system wasestablished so satisfactorily in 'New-York:and other Eastern cities.

; Presiding Judge Graham :refused adivorce yesterday to- Josiah J. 'Rose,who, 'after twenty years cf."marriedlife, decided that he. did not wish toendure the restraint:of,the matrimonialbonds any longer.' .-'.;\u25a0: Rose Vappeared incourt**a' week -,u ago .and- asked -a' decreeof-divorce from;Carrie X.'s Rose ion theground of'cruelty, gharglng" her .'..withuntidy habits land to '•'properly,attend .to her household -duties.. t Mrs.Rose .did not* appear^ at \u25a0 the


Judge continued thef case forone week in;order to "investigate/ thecase and hear.heriside^of ;the story /oftheir domestic troubles. v ,'',",:.,"%

:*,":Mrs. Rose appeared vyesterday morn-ing.y accompanied by jher -'son; Melvin,one of her five:children, and -declaredthat(uhe; e till'loved' her.- husband landI andhad" no, desire '(•> t~f^e ex-plained"her.husband's, act ion-by statingthat; she believed ;him 'y to',I,have; becomeenamored ,' of;somejother,^ woman s anddenied

-the charges •he? made against

her.V'Her, son' also -testified X in*herTbe-half,••\u25a0;. insisting » that jshe '2 was;~a;goodhousekeeper and^ that^hls" father .^wasinfa* position'; to]procure a ;hired thouse-keeper.'in; case he were 1dissatlsfled;;Thefamily-. now \u25a0 lives':; in ißerkeley,i Berkeley,* havingbeen outof"their home in SanFrancisco. . \u25a0-. - . :>-•*vßasmus vlverson \u25a0: was granted

-a5;a 5;di-

vorce Vfrom iAnnie^lvejjson; by .JudgeTroutt^. on ;theT^ ground jof.^desertion/which he clainis'.,occurredjsln JOctober,^1905. >iMatilda nMunier,* a witness- forthe, plaintiff,fsaid, that; theltrouble'be-twcenflverson % and j?' his was >*duoto ithe"? latter's^ioye ;for (*for(Which ;her .husband showed 'no :fond

-ness; ;.?he} said* that^ Mrs: jlversonjde-"serted \u25a0him.because '\u25a0 heVref used ito;mendhis}ways ;in>"regard -;to -the


ofrsocial icustoms.' jMrs.'flyer-'

son!:wer^niafrleduJanuary,'l,^l9oo.u January,'l,^1900.

Rose^Marie" Simmons on? her/cf6ss£comjplaint:to a\s suit £fof divorcel;recently,brought; against !heriby;Samuel iD.fSim^mqns.v.who "ifailed to'jappear^ yesterday",morning.-^;

f Bo th'Vlhusband;?; and*;wife'

charged reachtfother^withl cruelty,^ Mrs."Simmons Iclaimingjthatih'e>*told|her|he'had^anotheri'glrlir'didnJtfloveJherianyThowiand ,wished: she would"geti out- andleave'him:alone. ;.'r::,- :;'•'.'; :-:} \u25a0').;"''\u25a0.



'AMargaret \u25a0) G.'v;Adams '-,was ';granted 'ia'divorceifrom% George fAdanis ;by*Judge:Hunt Joh^thelj ground ;t6rShabitualf-in^..temperance,^ 11;and I^Josephine S'KeenertrorajEdward f.Klrby}-lCeener7 by/JudgeJ udgeGraham! on 'the'igrqnn^ji of?^desertion:; for.divorce iwere* filed*yesterdayby Katie.Cecchini,'^;bn|^the; t;grouhd^of*icruelty;Grant>HlcksjagairistlLilliamH}cks".Tde-"sertion ;iPrincelC¥AJlen fagainst'f Annie";W;:' •Allen;;^,cruel tyiS^Deair^Hanaflnagainst >Asher#Hanafl^7|fdesertionffandGrace i.E.;Cliffjagainst ;Fred" Cliff,;,^-"

-*:^'^^:"\>v\V'//';'--X-:-I:'-:v'.'\u25a0:) ' :̂<'-

The Board, of Supervisors yesterdaypassed .the

'ordinance granting to


United Railroads temporary, permissionto lay tracks and run care on Stanyanstreet between Ha'yes 'and Fultonstreets.! A Judicial .determination willbe had as •to whether/ the,, franchisegranted tor the \u25a0 two blocks in 1892 .hasbeen forfeited 'owing to- non-use. Inthe meantime the temporary grant wasmade \u25a0by the -board forJ the.purpose ;ofprodding adequate car service betweenthe Mission^ district and the /-.WesternAddition at the request

"of the Jesuit

fathers and others Interested.The.board also -passed the ordinance

granting the United- Railroads .tempo-rary permission for the [laying of tracksand 'the '.running:, of cars; on Sixteenthstreet, from Kansas to Seventh street,to provide service for the new whole-sale district. \u25a0 V .'\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0. '\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 •'...' -'".


The ordinance: inviting bids- for thesale of etreet and sewer bonds in thesum of $1,673,200 was passed. Similaraction was taken on the ordinance fix-ing! the salaries of certain employes ofthe Department of Electricity.

The board passed an ordinance' fixingthe rates ,to, be charged <for /the occu-pancy of streets during'building,opera-tion*. Ths ordinance requires the pay-ment of $20 for each fifty feet or frac-tion Ol sidewalk 80 occupied, $4 foreach front foot of a two-story building,$6 a.] front \u25a0\u25a0 foot • for; a"three;;or >ifourstory building. $8 a front loot' for.'a fiveor six story .building-and \u25a0 $10-?a';frbntfoot for a- building more than six sto-ries highJ^Bg^B&SSS^S^^^^t^

"An ordinance :was passed .ixing,thewidth of sidewalks on :Sixth \u25a0 street, be-tween Market and Channel at fifteenfeet/ : v '\u25a0';?• :::-;


.- <:"

\u25a0'. "\u25a0\u25a0"> \u25a0'\u25a0' :>: j.::• The Santa Fe' Railway Company,, filed

a blue print map showing'the;proposed

route of"the'spur_'v7ic«v:on'Beach' street

for which It has .applied 'for:a-;permit.The"; track ? will*run;from". the;belt/;roadalong Beach street "to'iHyde ilstreet,where it will;connect-. with \ the"*spurtrack which the Southern, Pacific Com-pany. ". will;:lay:; on -.- Beach .'street"' fromHyde street" torLyon'if 'its;petition-forthe -* same /,should 'be ,'. granted > by .theBoard of Supervisors. "•:;,_• ;

-•_,[' -."- .' :•r.

3 The?.Ocean ;Shore"; Railway.; Companynotified the .boarfl that It-wI:V have :Po-trero avenue jri'good conditionnot' laterthan ;November,' 23.'.". .-")-!••.. '*/': !

The board -appropriated v, s99o ;Tou t• ofthe surplus fund to pay the increasedsalaries of the chief plumbingInspectorof- the Health* \u25a0'Department, \u25a0 fixed7'at$150 .a month, '.'and \ three assistantplumbing .inspectors, at

'$140 1a fmonth

for the balance of this'flscal; year. '

The Registrar and Election Commis-sioners hope to announce the officialresult of the election in San Francisconext

• Wednesday. The board had fin-ished the last precinct of the Thirty-eighth Assembly District at the hourof adjournment last evening. Blun-ders and discrepancies multiplyas theofficial count progresses.

When the sealed returns from theSeventh Precinct of the Thirty-seventh

District were opened yesterday theCommissioners found that no figureshad been entered on the official tally-sheet. The names of the inspectorsand judjges, Samuel Booth. AlbertFreber, M. A. "Warren and P. I.Joyce,were signed to the document, and theyvere summoned to appear before Com-missioners McGuire, Cator, Jewell,Gallagher and Voorsanger today. Thesemi-official returns show . that 405votes were cast in this precinct. Byreason of the blunder of the electionofficers, Gillett loses 14, Cooper 91 andHosmer 32. The same kind of a blun-der was disclosed when the officialtally sheet of the Third Precinct of theThirty-eighth Assembly District wasopened. Here Hosmer loses IX andCooper 40. The vote in the precinct,according to the semi-official . returns,'was 437. The election officers. LeeSchwartz, Samuel Mooser and S. Hoff-man, have been summoned to appearbefore the board.


In the Seventh Precinct of the Thir-ty-eighth District the official tallysheet contained no figures. It wassigned by Henry Lena. John W. Lewisand other election officers. The semi-official returns place the vote in theprecinct at 261. In this precinct Cook,for Appellate Justice, loses 20 and Hos-zner, for Superior Judge, gains 18.

Leon Samuels, who is representingJudge Megan at the official. canvass,fays that the Judge has, gained fortyvotes so far*. Justice Cooper, accordingto the tally of his representative, haslost 143 votes.

In the Tenth Precinct of the Thirty-seventh District Judge Lawlor loses245 votes. The election' officers, aftexerasing the vote in two of the columns,with the intention, no doubt, of leavingthe figures stand at 245 in the remain-ing, or third column, continued theerasing until Lawlor's .entire vote in•the precinct had been scratched out.Inspector Thomas A. Brown 'and J..Gans will be called upon to explain theincident.. Isldor Golden's name was on theticket in four places. In each of threecolumns the machine of the Fifth Pre-cinct. Thirty-seventh District, regis-tered in his favor 269 votes,: but in the'fourth column only 242 votes were reg-istered."

'The Commissioners account

for the discrepancy on the ground ofweakness in "the indorsing bar. .Thehighest- -vote,- 269, was , tallied-, forGolden;


i The ..Commissioners, -after hearingthe statement- of.Inspector Counter of

\u25a0the Seventh Precinct, Thirty-fifth-Dis-trict, that Cook should be ;

creditedvith only,ninety-nine votes~ , allowedthe 199 as given in the officials


turje. It was obvious to the Commis-6ion<«.rs that Cook was • credited by•clerical eyror with 100 votes more :thanhe had received, bui" they

"held", that

they had no right under the law. as In-terpreted by the. Supreme Court, tochange the figures. In giving;CookIS9. the vote cast -for Presiding Jus-tice. Court of Appeals," exceeds by near-





Suit has been. commenced by Harry.'James for an injunction: to restrain',

the production at "the Mission Theater'of certain scenes in* the 'play, : "The$10,000 "Beauty," which he allegesi havebeen: stolen? from the ione-act /.musical'comedy,. "Fiddle Dee IDee,";; foriiwhich'he says- he has; the exclusive rights ofproduction in:San

'Francisco^anditLiosAngeles 'for a!period (of ." twenty-four.,

weeks. The defendants "•named •:in;hissuit are Allen \u25a0 Curtis, - Harry Lewis.^AlBruce,'; Fred V,Cutter, Marjorle J!Lake,'Lois Cecile'HobsopfandrE. Fried.; -':

James claims. that he purchased; the'rights itorrrFiddleV*Dee: Dee"



&T&T Fields Uhrough ,theagency.on MayJlS'andiis nowjprepar.-ing;to ? produce 'the. play, at the ,Wig-'warn"on ?Misslon: street.j expecting "thatit'will net;him "$400 ;a" week profit.^Be-1ginning with'this^ week a': playvcalled"The: $10,000 iBeauty"; has- been .pro-duced 'jnightlyiat* the Mission'^ Theater,-which^play '-.v'James :_V allegesexact copies .ofrparts^ of :: 3"Flddle Dee,Dee,".i known asithe

'"Swiss" seene I':andj

the "Check scene." .:He 'says that the de^'fendants have- refused ? to.^comply Jvwith'his ? request^ thaty.this.r be> discontinued;and that *as « these

'scenes iare jthe;piv-,

otal points .of s his'!;production-he-,will.; production- he -,will.lose -patronage which

~should '\u25a0rightfully,"

be;h!s.\ \u25a0' >/-: ;> ; •\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0-;..•;:\u25a0 V,'

\u25a0' James asks \ noV;only for;an "Injunc-tion,'. but ';\u25a0;\u25a0 forV~$1000 ;damages iand 'anaccounting iifof•;all:;profits ?at;ithe


slon;Theater.-,while . the •play.^ has-beenlnprogress:- . ;_ ''V;',-.•.". .:\u25a0 —.. ;.';\u25a0\u25a0 .-'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.•'''






16, 1906

.-Opening, of.ATT Di;No)a'siDrug Store.900 .-•'McAlHster,^'cor.;j Laguna.; ;!Largestock) of -his Iwell'known Cure"onihand. r<Phone iMarket ;23«l;~ :-:'•/

ly'lO". the entire': vote' cast Jin'the pre-clnctl'""* 7- '_""..7- \u25a0\u25a0;.\u25a0:: ". ".; .\u25a0:'"\u25a0'."•"'.",' -y\'-

'Justice Cooper,' has a safe majority,of2000,*;hence }the" blunders' In



cisco ..will *not

* place r 'bis.? election *•>Indoubt:; 5It'is jexpected :thaCJudgetHos-mer •wiliygo.rlntO; court,' and Task; for., arecoun*'.* v . - ' , * ;".-•;-V



> /R."Ross, real estate agent, whose jeor-'porate .name (Is 'the Killmore Realty:

iAssociation.vorganizedv-rsolely/' for*>:the>6flßosa.'iia^mlsslngjf rohr? his

usual'liauntsiandithe police and'a^ scoreof -*\u25a0 are>> lookingJ for.ihlmi'-|";" alleged 'f-ito}-haVe'fi defrauded 3;manypepper tyrf

*"owners V:and;;, those Vjhaving

Toomslto-rent by making jifeejof $l^andpromised Cto '.'rent jwhatever; was \placed*aUhlsTdisposal at a.:higher- figure \ thanthe]market 'price. by;organizing alroomij;a

1 roomij;'^ -;.,'•\u25a0 : '. = 7";:'"^'.'My<company is. in jthe,.nature ;of atrust.'^r; explained -Ithe;affable . Mr.-RosstojjhisfcUents. J !The I'Fillmore;Realty; '

\u25a0ABsociatlont!wlll;sooh have '^all^of*the

rooms Francisco", for;rent jand,;lt'wlll:;be able \u25a0 to'charge any- price;thatit^cares'to.' <^lf.;yoli:,'will\pay.'my4c6m- [\u25a0pany^ll^fpr'i 1every*' room -*;you? have itOjrent.",' you-".willjbe *. taken %into'^the ? asso- ,;

\u25a0 clation^and?; youi.wlll.--be .fable Mot;rent:*-;your|rooms*.f or,-.' any",figure/ practically, '\u25a0-'

:y6u|wish l^t6.'^-:;i';.;'Viv/-1::-\ :'• v--.'.'!-:.;':'\u25a0'/?. \u25a0'.

;\u25a0'.-/Manyy persons ;jfell-under jthe )_. lure",ofiiisJpromiaes: and ideposl ted itheirVcash.;ThatSwas ;th"e| lastTsech'Jofi the;:repre^WritattveJof*theyrealtyj company/; whichJs^ibut^ of c'no^v. ;':\u25a0\u25a0. Those i?whoipald^ithe tr.i'nioney/iU?'^ Procured- better.!rentB|sought :lthe"fpblice?[saylngJthatUh"e{address^ given«bj\ ißoss i^was l;720 s:GQldenTOate;avehu^e*rwlth:the.lMcCarthyißealtyJCompany.*" ;^Thei\latter^flrm;de-


nies Fall 5 knowledge.ofIJRbss.^•SjiOpenlnsidinner^Nordhoft' Grill'Satur-dayje;vening,l&6StosB:3o."!-?;Reserve <

Hablesnew. Pine, near .Van- Ness. ; - • .



The -Gbodyear. Rubber- Company is' now settled In the bulldinK Dlctursdab0ve, |N05., 573,;, 575*;"577.1579. Market street,inear rSecond.i: erected on the' siteofStheTstore > the,rflrm*occupied^ for? thirty-five •years :before-

the nr*. The* re-establishment the' void *;showjrgreat <- enterprise on tf»/ Dart^ofR.'H.^ Pease, the J president lof the/company. who has, every confidence InFrancisco."^ Mr.i;Pease jbelieve3i that* all 'firms which were In-the downtowndlstrlct'should"; return 'to :-their "

;former places ,of business.-'It-jwUl^be only a.-shorf;timesbefore£the.;Goodyear. Rubber": Company, will:have "one of the lartreat

and ;rmostt complete Tbulldins3 'in:the city. -This building "is nowJbelng^erect«d.


W/ERE you rendered homeless: ty ;̂tKe earthquake anc! fire? :THE GALL/is prepared ; « 7Y REI you a widow or 'an prphan bereft of a provider?. THE CALLoffers you com-"to help you to rehabilitate your home; 'z~ fort arid support. ,

LJAVE you a home incumbered with a mortgage that is threats - 7T^ RE you a bread-winner, through misfortune Viinable:to provide comfortably for those' 'THE CALL offers to help you to save your home. , > ! /;J - dependent upon you? : THE GALL wiH'drive the wolf from your door.

7T RE you a renter at the mercy of a grasping landlord? THE GALLwillassist you V 7T RE you a' hopeless invalid or-cripple? THE CALLoffers you golden salve to re-

W/AS your business destroyed by the recent disaster? THE GALLwill supply you ; S^^^^y^^^^^lwithout the ready means to complete your education? THE™ with capital- to make a fresh start: ,; / V , y , . : CALLhas money.-to pay your way through college or university.

7Y RE you an officer tof a church, society,' club or organization of any^ kind that ZYiRE y°u a budding genius-— a prodigy in music; or any of the- fine arts— without suffi-\u25a0 is burdened with debt, or in need of funds to carry on its work? _ THE GALL

'c*ent resources to develop your talent? THE CALL will start you up the ladder

furnishes the opportunity, to lift the burden: ancl put money in the treasury.*"

of fame. • • % .\u25a0

' \u25a0

" " ':.\u25a0 ;'\u25a0;':\u25a0; ::;;:;^i;' '•• \u25a0."\u25a0 '*-'.*" •' -' -- - -.•"—'•'. ;: -. \u25a0'.

\u25a0' ' * ' _

.-" \u25a0" * " " ' - -

-j-.-. •--._.

-- '^ \u25a0;-.-_. \u25a0"':'-"\u25a0\u25a0 "V '• -'T '.-

"\u0084\u25a0-.'\u25a0* \u25a0-'-.\u25a0' i\u0084\u25a0\u25a0 •-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•"\u25a0''

"\u25a0 ,-J

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''\u25a0 /v'-.'/i '\u25a0; '.-^ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'-V .S ,v v

'*;!. : . '*\u25a0* / •'\u25a0• --*\u25a0 ****j^pff^ -"



For particulars as to'howypunm: needs, or for any other laudable purpose, read-^S .. ..


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