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September 20, 1996 The Ringing World -965

Church Oakley, Hants. 13 Jul, 1260 Grandsire Doubles: Richard Lewis 1, Angela A thaw es (C) 2, Penny Gaskell 3, Raym ond W alsh 4, W endy S m ith 5, Adrian Lewis 6 .

Ellisfield, Hants. 7 Ju l, 1260 S tedm an Doubles: H eather K ipp in 1, R aym ond W alsh 2, Ben Constant 3, T im Jackson 4, Chris K ippin (C) 5.

Eversley, Hants. 12 Ju l, 1260 P B M ino r: R osalind Turre ll 1, Sue H oar 2, A nge la A thaw es 3, P h ilip Tu rre ll 4, R aym ond W alsh 5, A lan Hoar (C) 6.

Laverstoke, Hants. 9 J u l, 1320 Doubles (22m/v): Paul Holmes 1, C hristine Holmes 2, David Holm es (C) 3, Richard Lewis (m ost m/v) 4, A drian Lewis 5, N icholas Hussey 6 .

Overton, Hants. 7 Ju l, 1260 P B Doubles: E lizabeth Lewis (1st att) 1, C hristine Holmes 2, Richard Lewis 3, David Holm es 4, Adrian Lewis (C) 5, N icholas Hussey 6 . For M o rn ing Service. A lso 14 Ju l, 1260 P B Doubles: Robin Steven (1st att) 1, Christine Holm es 2, Richard Lewis 3, N icholas Hussey 4, A drian Lewis (C) 5, David Holmes 6 . For M o rn ing Service.

Rotherwick, Hants. 6 Ju l, 1260 P B M inor: Jacky W alker 1, Angela A thaw es 2, Celia Carter (1st m ino r inside) 3, Ben Constant (C) 4, Tony W alker 5, Raymond W alsh 6 .

Sherfield on Loddon, Hants. 9 Ju l, 1260 P B Doubles: Edna A llen 1, Philip Turre ll 2, Raymond W alsh (C) 3, M artin B oult 4, M ichael Clay 5, Laurie M orse 6 .

Silchester, Hants. 7 J u l, 1260 G randsire Doubles: Elizabeth Scott (1st att) 1, Robin M ilfo rd 2, Harold M ilfo rd 3, Sue Froom e 4, S im on M ilfo rd (C) 5. To celebrate the 60th b irthday o f Rev David McKeeman, Rector o f Silchester.

Upton Grey, Hants. 7 Jul, 1320 London S M inor: A ndy Day 1, Heather K ippin 2, M ichael Church 3, Chris K ippin 4, David H illing (C) 5, M a tthew H illing 6 . Prior to the C onfirm ation of Georgina Church, the conductor's God-daughter and daughter o f 3.

W olverton, Hants. 11 Ju l, 1260 D oubles (11m/v): Angela A thawes 1, Raymond W alsh 2, A lan Hoar 3, Graham Hedges 4, A drian Lewis 5, S h irley Hedges 6 . D is tric t O fficers ' Quarter.

W ootton St Lawrence, Hants. 10 Jul, 1296 C am bridge S M inor: W endy Sm ith (1st TB) 1, Richard Lewis 2, S h irley Hedges 3, A lan Hoar 4, R aym ond W alsh 5, G raham Hedges (C) 6 . C ongratu la tions to W endy S m ith on ob ta in ing a f irs t class honours degree in psychology.

Yateley, Hants. 7 Ju l, 1260 P B Doubles: Maria Gaskell 1, Susan Thom as 2, Celia Carter 3, M ichael King 4, Ellis Thom as (C) 5, Howard Carter (1st Q) 6 . To celebrate the ord ina tion o f David C hillm an to the p riesthood on 2nd July. A lso 14 Ju l, 1260 Grandsire Doubles: Am anda S tilton (1st Q) 1, Patricia Johnson 2, Susan Thom as 3, M ichae l K ing 4, E llis T hom as (C) 5, C hris H utch inson 6 . £20

Dunster Branch OutingThe sun shone b rillia n tly on Saturday 20th Ju ly

fo r the A nnual O uting o f the Dunster Branch of the Bath & W ells D.A.C.R. Heading tow a rds Salisbury the firs t stop w as made at the pretty W iltsh ire v illage o f D inton, w here the 16 cw t six o f St M ary's w ere sam pled. Rung fro m the chancel the access was easy and enabled the friends w ho had made up the coach party to w atch the ring ing.

S a lisbury w as reached in tim e fo r a look around th is very pleasant c ity and lunch, before the f irs t o f the tw o rin g s w h ich had been arranged here. The anti-c lockw ise 27 cw t e igh t o f the Salisbury A rt Centre (St Edmunds) proved ve ry tes tin g even fo r the m ost experienced ringers in the group, and no th ing m ore than G rands ire T rip les w as a ttem pted . H aving recovered fro m the excertions at the A rt Centre it w as m uch be tter and m ore en joyable ring ing at St Thom as o f Canterbury, w here th is easy go ing 27 cw t e igh t enabled all ring ing ab ilities to be catered for.

A fte r a much needed 'cuppa' the party re jo ined the coach fo r the short distance to W ilton w here a s h o rt s top w as m ade to v ie w the very in te resting Parish Church b u ilt in the Lom bardic style. C hilm ark w as the next ring ing venue w here

the 12 cw t s ix o f St M argaret o f A n tioch w ere g reatly en joyed and provided the best ring ing of the day. S tedm an, C am bridge and Beverley w ere am ongst the m ethods accom plished here. Then it w as back to Som erset fo r the last ring at the Church o f SS Peter & Paul, W incanton. A varie ty o f m ethods w ere rung on th is pleasant 15 cw t e ight.

The big d isa p p o in tm e n t w as th a t A nne S tenn ing (Branch Secretary) w ho had so ab ly made all the arrangem ents was unable to come th roug h being unwell. We hope tha t she has recovered and w e thank her fo r her e ffo rts tow a rds th is m ost en joyable day. M.T.

Barnes Go West Again -but not as far as they intended!

A fte r last year's a ttem pt to v is it Lundy when the chartered tra w le r tu rned back because o f the weather, Barnes ringers th is year arranged to trave l on the MV O ldenburg, the offic ia l NT ferry. Th is m eant extending ou r annual v is it to Devon by yet another day and so cars le ft London at various tim es on W ednesday 8th M ay (and one left Newcastle) and by c losing tim e m ost o f us had assembled at the Exeter Inn at Bampton. Som e had had tim e to ring at tw o or three tow ers on the w ay down - o thers on ly jus t made it.

A s trong east w ind had been b low in g all week and w as forecast to con tinue so hopes w ere not h igh , and when we looked dow n in to Ilfracom be on Thursday m orn ing and saw the sea, they faded com plete ly. It was no surprise to find the "S a iling Cancelled" notice at the booking office.

So w e co llec ted ou r re fund and pu t ou r standby program m e fo r the day in to operation, w ith ring ing at M ortehoe, Ilfracom be, W est Down and B raunton and then the local practice at Bam pton.

R ing ing is no t to be taken as the o n ly ingred ien t o f a Barnes "w eekend ", som e fun, re laxation and a sprink ling o f cream teas are also required. Life at Broom Cottage becomes a lm ost a 24-hour operation w ith som e drink ing coffee and m aking up beds at 1 .00am, w h ile o thers are up starting breakfast at 7.00am. Handbells are heard at all hours! Despite the d ifficu lty o f ge tting those tha t burn the m idn igh t o il ou t o f bed and m oving in the m orn ing , m ost make it to the firs t tow er!

Nick tried to skip a day and take a le isurely breakfast on Saturday m orn ing - "There 's no hu rry - I'm ring ing fo r the 1 1 o 'c lock Service at B am p ton", but w e go t him to W itheridge fo r 9.30 (approx im ate ly)! On the o the r hand Colin (I don 't pu ll too hard do I?) was too fu ll o f energy and tu rned the tenor rope b lood red!

Our num bers w ere dow n th is year and an a tte m p t had been m ade to ligh te n the program m e bu t a fin ish at 6.00pm on Saturday evening was too m uch fo r M ike, so w hen J im Vellacott o f M orebath to ld us he had done some w o rk on the bells and had fitte d new ropes and bosses, a "b o n u s" quarte r w as slo tted into the schedule w ith very reward ing results - w e ll done J im !

We are grate fu l to all w ho tu rned ou t to meet us and open up, especially M argaret W hite o f M ortenhoe, w ho was a grea t he lp w ith the standby program m e on Thursday and w ho d idn 't re lax un til all ou r plans had been enabled, to the local ringers w ho jo ined us fo r quarte r peal

a ttem pts at Chipstable, Chaw leigh and Taunton (and we are pa rticu la rly sorry tha t tw o o f these th ree w ere lost), to C o lin Yandle fo r again a llow ing an invasion in to Brook Cottage, and to the catering team w ho produced the exce llent S unday lunch! E.J.R.H.

Holcombe Rogus, Devon. 8 May, 1380 P B Doubles: Colin Yandle 1, Jo Langford 2, Francis R ing-Davies 3, Edm und H artley 4, N icholas Ley (C) 5, A drian Udal 6 .

Ilfracombe, Devon. (Holy Trin ity) 9 May, 1260 G rands ire T rip les: Lo rra ine Lysons 1, M ike W igney 2, Jo Langford 3, Ian Church 4, Adrian Udal 5, Francis R ing-Davies 6 , Edm und Hartley (C) 7, J ill Hupm an 8 . 72nd b irthday com p lim en t to Brian Price.

Cullompton, Devon. 10 May, 1259 Grandsire Caters: A m anda Lysons 1, J ill H upm an 2, N icholas Ley 3, Jo Langford 4, Francis Ring- Davies 5, Ian Church 6 , Edm und Hartley 7, M ike W igney (C) 8 , Adrian Udal 9, Jam es W hite (1st on10 ) 10 .

Tiverton, Devon. (S t Peter) 10 May, 1260 S tedm an Triples: S tella Shell 1, Jo Langford (1st Stedm an) 2, J ill Hupm an 3, Edm und Hartley 4, Adrian Udal 5, Ian Church 6 , M ike W igney (C) 7, Francis R ing-Davies 8 .

W itheridge, Devon. 11 May, 1288 Grandsire Triples: Lorraine Lysons 1, A m anda Lysons 2, Jo Langford 3, Stella Shell 4, Francis R ing-Davies 5, Adrian Udal 6 , M ike W igney (C) 7, Colin Yandle 8 .

Chawleigh, Devon. 11 May, 1296 Cam bridge S M ino r: A drian Udal 1, Stella Shell 2, David W ilfo rd 3, Ian Church 4, M ike Brady 5, Mike W igney (C) 6 .

South Molton, Devon. 11 May, 1260 M idd lesex Triples: Edm und Hartley 1, J ill Hupm an 2, Jo Langford 3, A drian Udal 4, Francis R ing-Davies 5, Ian Church 6 , M ike W igney (C) 7, N icholas Ley 8 . 1st in m: 3,5.

Morebath, Devon. 11 May, 1272 Kent T B M inor: Lorra ine Lysons 1, J ill Hupm an 2, Francis R ing-Davies 3, Jo Langford 4, Edm und Hartley 5, M ike W igney (C) 6 .

Bampton, Devon. 12 May, 1260 P B Doubles: A m anda Lysons 1, Francis R ing-D avies 2, Lorraine Lysons 3, M ike W igney (C) 4, N icholas Ley 5, J ill Hupm an 6 . For M orn ing Service.

Calverleigh, Devon. 12 May, 1260 S tedm an Doubles: J ill Hupm an (1st S tedm an as C) 1, Jo Langford 2, M ike W igney 3, A drian Udal 4, Ian Church 5, E dm und H artley 6 . 1st S tedm an doubles: 2,4.

Uplowman, Devon. 12 May, 1320 O xford T B M inor: A drian Udal 1, M ike W igney 2, Edmund Hartley 3, Jo Langford (1st in m) 4, Ian Church 5, J ill Hupm an (1st in m as C) 6 .

Bishop's Hull, Som erset. 12 M ay, 1308 G randsire M ino r: Jam es W h ite 1, E dm und Hartley 2, Ian Church 3, N icholas Ley 4, Adrian Udal (1st in m) 5, M ike W igney (C) 6 . To m ark the 70th b irthday o f John O liver Udal, fa ther o f the ringer o f 5. £ 1 5

Abson, Glos. 19 Jul, 1260 Doubles (4m): Mary York 1, Pauline W ilton 2, Valerie Stone 3, Gerald Brown(C) 4, John Gilbert 5, Bert Ferris 6 . Half muffled fo llow ing the funeral & interm ent o f Keith, son o f the Tower Captain Mrs Jennifer Rogers & Mr Michael Rogers, w ho died aged 35. £1.20

Almondbury, W Yorks. 4 Aug, 1280 Spl. S M ajor (8m): B Makeham 1, Edna M Sullivan 2, Louise M Bland 3, Maureen P Panton 4, M argaret E Perrott 5, A B Sullivan 6 , I A Anderson(C) 7, I Fi Panton 8 . For Evening Eucharist. 1st 8 spl; 2, 4, 5. £2

Almondsbury, Glos. 8 Aug, 1264 P B M ajor: Valerie J Stone 1 , M ary S York 2, D Haskins 3, E J Chivers 4, M J Horseman 5, P W Gra inger-A llen 6 , D G Yeo 7, G Brown(C) 8 . £ 1

Ansford, Som. 7 Ju l, 1272 P B M in im us: Dean Lee 1, Derek Biles 2, Robert Davis(C) 3, Kenneth Laver 4, P h illip Townshend 5. For M a ttins and the F lower Festival. 1st m in im us; 1, Circ. tw r; 3. £ 1

Ash, Som. 9 Aug, 1260 Doubles (3m): Fred Sandy 1, Brian W eare 2, M argre t Harper 3, John Hayter 4, Robert Davis(C) 5, David Herm an 6 . For a local w edd ing . £ 1

Audley, N Staffs. 26 Jun, 1280 O gbourne B M ajor: W E Evans 1 , W endy Daw 2, J G Pearson 3, Helen A M itche ll 4, F Beech 5, K Brow n 6 , P V M e llo r 7, R H Daw(C) 8 . 1st in m fo r all. 80p

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