the pros and cons of hiring from outside of your industry

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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The Pros and Cons of Hiring from Outside of Your Industry

Pro: New Connections for your BusinessNew hires from outside your specific industry will bring an entirely new network along with them. You never know when one of these connections will provide the helping hand you need.

Pro: Fresh Perspectives and IdeasMany people who work in the same industry have had similar experiences—they have the same degree, similar skills, and have probably relied on the same solutions to solve problems in the past. An employee from outside of your industry can bring a new way of thinking to your business.

Pro: Innovative EnvironmentThe most innovative work often happens when people from different backgrounds come together. When current mindsets are challenged, the ultimate result is an all-around more stimulating environment.

Con: Careful Consideration is NeededCandidates who have no prior experience in the position you are hiring for are going to require a different kind of consideration than those that do. Be sure that you’re willing and prepared to put in time to figure out who can make the transition.

Con: Longer Training TimeA new hire from outside of your industry is going to need some time to assimilate into their role. They're going to need to learn the ins and outs of the trade, and they're going to need some additional guidance to do that. Before you decide if this is the right move for your business, consider how urgent your needs are.

Pro: Innovative EnvironmentThe most innovative work often happens when people from different backgrounds come together. When current mindsets are challenged, the ultimate result is an all-around more stimulating environment.

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