the parish of saint cecilia march 6, 2016 the fourth ... · page saint cecilia parish ~ 54 esty...

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The Parish of Saint Cecilia March 6, 2016 The Fourth Sunday of Lent

Page 2 Saint Cecilia Parish ~ 54 Esty Street ~ Ashland ~ March 6, 2016

The Fourth Sunday of Lent

Sunday March 6 12:00 p.m. Stewardship Committee Meeting Monday March 7 6:30 p.m. Men’s AA Group Meeting 7:00 p.m. “Let’s talk about the Sacraments” Wednesday March 9 10:00 a.m. FIA Group Meeting 5:30 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal 6:30 p.m. “The Light is on for You” - Confession 7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal Friday March 11 6:00 p.m. Lenten Soup / Family Center 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross / Church Saturday March 12 3:30 p.m. Teen Choir Rehearsal

PARISH STAFF Rev. Richard P. Cornell, Pastor Deacon Ed Robinson, Deacon Holly Archer, Business Manager Email: Jill Morazzini, Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Email: Janet Wilkinson, Religious Ed. Coordinator K-3 Email: Mary Cella, Religious Ed. Secretary Email: Director of Religious Ed . and Youth Ministry 4-10 Email: Lelia Viana, Music Director Email: Lisa Cronin, Maintenance

CONTACT INFORMATION Visit our website at: Rectory: 508-881-1107 Fax: 508-881-8606 Religious Education K-3: 508-881-6107 Religious Education 4-10: 508-881-1531

MONTHLY MEETINGS PPC 3rd Monday 7:30 p.m. FIA Group Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Liturgy 1st Thursday 7:00 p.m. Finance 2nd Thursday 7:15 p.m. Stewardship 1st Sunday 12:15 p.m.

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Monday –Saturday: 9:00 a.m.

PARISH SERVICES Sacrament of Baptism Arrangements must be made at least one month prior to the intended date of Baptism so that all requirements can be completed.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 3:30 p.m.— 4:15 p.m. or by appointment.

Sacrament of the Sick Available anytime by request.

Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements must be made at least 6 months prior to the intended date of marriage so that all requirements can be completed.

Novena of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Every Wednesday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction Every Friday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.

WELCOME New Parishioners! Please introduce yourselves to the priest after Mass. We welcome and invite you to become an active member of the St. Cecilia Parish Community. Registration forms can be found in the back of the Church and on the Rectory porch.

In February Connor William Dias Liam David Fell

Lord Jesus Christ, Send Your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so the Jubilee of

Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord and Your Church.

With renewed enthusiasm bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and

the oppressed and restore sight to the blind.

We ask this through the intercessions of Mary, Mother of Mercy, You Who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit

for ever and ever. Amen.

MEETINGS AND EVENTS Holy Year of Mercy Prayer

Come on in the Church is Open! The Church is open to all Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (unless maintenance is off the premises), Sat-urday 9:00 a.m. –5:30 p.m. and Sunday 7:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. (Please be aware that this schedule is not exclusive-ly the case on all days).

2016 Catholic Appeal This week Catholics across the Archdiocese are invited to pledge their support to the ministries funded by the Catholic Appeal. If you were unable to make you pledge at Mass, please take a pledge form or pledge online at Thank you.

Page 3 Christian Stewardship ~ A Way of Life!

The Fourth Sunday of Lent

Saturday March 5 4:30 p.m. The People of St. Cecilia Parish Sunday March 6 7:00 a.m. Robert & Lynne Sarault 9:00 a.m. Families 11:00 a.m. Ann Robinson Monday March 7 9:00 a.m. Stuart B. Mead Tuesday March 8 9:00 a.m. Our families Wednesday March 9 9:00 a.m. Our youth Thursday March 10 9:00 a.m. Increase of Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life Friday March 11 9:00 a.m. John & Margaret McLeod (LIVING) Saturday March 12 9:00 a.m. World Peace 4:30 p.m. Rosario O’Neill Sunday March 13 7:00 a.m. Richard Kramer and Family (LIVING) 9:00 a.m. The People of St. Cecilia Parish 11:00 a.m. The living and deceased members of The Szlachtun Family


Gathering: ALL ARE WELCOME; Hymnal #415

Offertory: YOU ARE MINE; Hymnal #485

SANCTUS (Holy); Hymnal #850 POST CONSECRATIONEM (Memorial Acclamation); Hymnal #851 AMEN; Hymnal #852 AGNUS DEI (Lamb of God); Hymnal #854

Communion: AMAZING GRACE; Hymnal #428

Concluding: PRAISE TO YOU, O CHRIST, OUR SAVOIR Hymnal #598



Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for next weekend

Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Bea & Dick Riordan, Joyce Crocetti Sunday: 7:00 a.m. Tom Olszowy Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Janet Wilkinson, Donna Colavita, Jill Morazzini Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Janet Zambuto, Deacon Robinson, Lillian Cunningham

Dominican Sister Bake Sale March 12/13

Today, leprosy still brings incredible suffering to those afflicted with this mysterious disease. Through your gen-erous donations to our Dominican Mission Foundation, you are continuing the witness of Jesus, “to the ends of the earth.” Thank you for your continued support.

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis For Lent 2106

“I desire mercy , and not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13) The works of mercy on the road of the Jubilee

1. Mary, the image of a Church which evangelizes be-cause she is evangelized.

In the Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mer-cy, I asked that “the season of Lent in this Jubilee Year be lived more intensely as a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17). By calling for an attentive listening to the word of God and encouraging the initiative “24 Hours for the Lord”, I sought to stress the primacy of prayerful listening to God’s word, especially his prophetic word. The mercy of God is a proc-lamation made to the world, a proclamation which each Christian is called to experience at first hand. For this rea-son, during the season of Lent I will send out Missionaries of Mercy as a concrete sign to everyone of God’s close-ness and forgiveness.

After receiving the Good News told to her by the Archan-gel Gabriel, Mary, in her Magnificat, prophetically sings of the mercy whereby God chose her. The Virgin of Naza-reth, betrothed to Joseph, thus becomes the perfect icon of the Church which evangelizes, for she was, and contin-ues to be, evangelized by the Holy Spirit, who made her virginal womb fruitful. In the prophetic tradition, mercy is strictly related – even on the etymological level – to the maternal womb (rahamim) and to a generous, faithful and compassionate goodness (hesed) shown within marriage and family relationships.

2. God’s covenant with humanity: a history of mercy

The mystery of divine mercy is revealed in the history of the covenant between God and His people Israel. God shows Himself ever rich in mercy, ever ready to treat His people with deep tenderness and compassion, especially at those tragic moments when infidelity ruptures the bond of the covenant, which then needs to be ratified more firmly in justice and truth. Here is a true love story, in which God plays the role of the betrayed father and hus-band, while Israel plays the unfaithful child and bride. These domestic images – as in the case of Hosea (cf. Hos 1-2) – show to what extent God wishes to bind Him-self to His people.

This love story culminates in the incarnation of God’s Son. In Christ, the Father pours forth His boundless mercy even to making Him “mercy incarnate” (Misericordiae Vul-tus, 8). As a man, Jesus of Nazareth is a true son of Isra-el; he embodies that perfect hearing required of every Jew by the Shema, which today too is the heart of God’s covenant with Israel: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might” (Dt 6:4-5). As the Son of God, He is the Bride-groom Who does everything to win over the love of His

Page 4 Saint Cecilia Parish ~ 54 Esty Street ~ Ashland ~ March 6, 2016

The Fourth Sunday of Lent

bride, to whom He is bound by an unconditional love-which becomes visible in the eternal wedding feast.

This is the very heart of the apostolic kerygma, in which divine mercy holds a central and fundamental place. It is “the beauty of the saving love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ Who died and rose from the dead” (Evangelii Gaudium, 36), that first proclamation which “we must hear again and again in different ways, the one which we must announce one way or another throughout the process of catechesis, at every level and moment” (ibid., 164). Mercy “expresses God’s way of reaching out to the sinner, offering him a new chance to look at himself, convert, and believe” (Misericordiae Vul-tus, 21), thus restoring is relationship with Him. In Jesus crucified, God shows His desire to draw near to sinners, however far they may have strayed from Him. In this way He hopes to soften the hardened heart of His Bride.

3. The works of mercy

God’s mercy transforms human hearts; it enables us, through the experience of a faithful love, to become mer-ciful in turn. In an ever new miracle, divine mercy shines forth in our lives, inspiring each of us to love our neigh-bour and to devote ourselves to what the Church’s tradi-tion calls the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. These works remind us that faith finds expression in concrete everyday actions meant to help our neighbours in body and spirit: by feeding, visiting, comforting and instructing them. On such things will we be judged. For this reason, I expressed my hope that “the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; this will be a way to reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the face of poverty, and to enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experi-ence of God’s mercy” (ibid., 15). For in the poor, the flesh of Christ “becomes visible in the flesh of the tortured, the crushed, the scourged, the malnourished, and the ex-iled… to be acknowledged, touched, and cared for by us” (ibid.). It is the unprecedented and scandalous mys-tery of the extension in time of the suffering of the Inno-cent Lamb, the burning bush of gratuitous love. Before this love, we can, like Moses, take off our sandals (cf. Ex 3:5), especially when the poor are our brothers or sisters in Christ who are suffering for their faith.

In the light of this love, which is strong as death (cf. Song 8:6), the real poor are revealed as those who refuse to see themselves as such. They consider themselves rich, but they are actually the poorest of the poor. This is be-cause they are slaves to sin, which leads them to use wealth and power not for the service of God and others, but to stifle within their hearts the profound sense that they too are only poor beggars. The greater their power and wealth, the more this blindness and deception can grow. It can even reach the point of being blind to Laza-rus begging at their doorstep (cf. Lk 16:20-21). Lazarus, the poor man, is a figure of Christ, who through the poor pleads for our conversion. As such, he represents the possibility of conversion which God offers us and which we may well fail to see. Such blindness is often

accompanied by the proud illusion of our own omnipo-tence, which reflects in a sinister way the diabolical “you will be like God” (Gen 3:5) which is the root of all sin. This illusion can likewise take social and political forms, as shown by the totalitarian systems of the twentieth centu-ry, and, in our own day, by the ideologies of monopolizing thought and technoscience, which would make God irrel-evant and reduce man to raw material to be exploited. This illusion can also be seen in the sinful structures linked to a model of false development based on the idol-atry of money, which leads to lack of concern for the fate of the poor on the part of wealthier individuals and socie-ties; they close their doors, refusing even to see the poor.

For all of us, then, the season of Lent in this Jubilee Year is a favourable time to overcome our existential alienation by listening to God’s word and by practising the works of mercy. In the corporal works of mercy we touch the flesh of Christ in our brothers and sisters who need to be fed, clothed, sheltered, visited; in the spiritual works of mercy – counsel, instruction, forgiveness, admonishment and prayer – we touch more directly our own sinfulness. The corporal and spiritual works of mercy must never be sep-arated. By touching the flesh of the crucified Jesus in the suffering, sinners can receive the gift of realizing that they too are poor and in need. By taking this path, the “proud”, the “powerful” and the “wealthy” spoken of in the Magnifi-cat can also be embraced and undeservedly loved by the Crucified Lord Who died and rose for them. This love alone is the answer to that yearning for infinite happiness and love that we think we can satisfy with the idols of knowledge, power and riches. Yet the danger always re-mains that by a constant refusal to open the doors of their hearts to Christ Who knocks on them in the poor, the proud, rich and powerful will end up condemning them-selves and plunging into the eternal abyss of solitude which is Hell. The pointed words of Abraham apply to them and to all of us: “They have Moses and the proph-ets; let them hear them” (Lk 16:29). Such attentive listen-ing will best prepare us to celebrate the final victory over sin and death of the Bridegroom, now risen, who desires to purify His Betrothed in expectation of His coming.

Let us not waste this season of Lent, so favourable a time for conversion! We ask this through the maternal inter-cession of the Virgin Mary, who, encountering the great-ness of God’s mercy freely bestowed upon her, was the first to acknowledge her lowliness (cf. Lk 1:48) and to call herself the Lord’s humble servant (cf. Lk 1:38).

From the Vatican, 4 October 2015 Feast of Saint Frances of Assisi


Catholic Apps for Your Lenten Journey

Smartphones can be a distraction that detract from our spiritual lives. This Lent, why not let your phone inspire you toward penance and prayer with these Catholic apps? Go to your search engine and type in: CatholicTV app, Laudate app, Catholic prayers app , and many more.

Page 5 Christian Stewardship ~ A Way of Life!

The Fourth Sunday of Lent



Question of the Week based on the Gospel of Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32 For Adults: Like the prodigal son when have I been lost and then found by the merciful Father who loves me? For Children: What are some of the ways that people have been merciful and forgiving to me?

Pine Street Inn Monday, March 7th is drop off day for cans of tuna and/or cut green beans and/or boxes of elbow macaroni and/or desserts. Please leave dona-tions on the rectory porch by 3:00 p.m. Thank you!

Upcoming Events: ♦ . Week of March 20th –Parent Meetings for First

Communion Preparation during the regular class times. Parents may attend the following:

Sunday, March 20, 10am or at 12noon Monday, March 21, 4:15p.m. Tuesday, March 22, 5:30p.m. ♦ Family Stations of the Cross—Good Friday, March 25, 3p.m. Children and their parents will participate in this service.

Vacation Bible School – We are grateful that more people have come forward to help decorate the Family Center during the weeks of June 13 and 20th . We are still looking for others to help during these weeks. Please contact our office by phone or e-mail, if you can help, (508) 881-6107. If we have enough volunteers to decorate we will hold VBS the last week of June (28th-30th).

First Communion Clothing We would welcome any white First Com-munion clothing from families who cele-brated the Sacrament in the past. You may leave the suit or dress in the Family Center. Thank you!

Lenten Program Line-up St. Cecilia Parish has a very fine lineup for “Let’s Talk about the Sacraments,” the 2016 Lenten Program. The plan is as follows: March 7 -The Eucharist, Holy Orders: (Fr. Tonino Senna, SX) March 14 -Matrimony: (Bea & Dick Riordan)

I am very grateful to all who will so generously give of themselves in sharing their expertise with us. Fr. Cornell


Lenten Soup 6:00 p.m.

in the

Family Center

Stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m.

In the

Church All are welcome

Please text Liz Newton at 508-735-0231 if you wish to donate soup on Friday March 11 during Lent: We have enough volunteers for the final Friday- March 18. Making meatless soup for about six people would be ap-preciated.

Got the luck of the Irish? Please purchase a ticket to enter the Shamrock Scratch Ticket Raffle after weekend Mass-es! Tickets are $2 each. The winning raffle tickets will be pulled at the St Pat-rick/St. Joseph Dinner on Saturday, March 19 . Please text Liz Newton at 508-735-0231 if you are willing to assist. This event is still in the planning stages but tickets will be sold after all the Mass-

es starting February 27, Adults $10 per Adult and $5 per Child. No tickets sold at the door.

Sign-up For Rediscover Catholicism Study Groups Next weekend, March 12/13, the Stewardship Committee will have sign-up sheets for the 6 session Study Group program on the Rediscover Catholicism book. Sessions will be offered at a variety of times, based on your prefer-ences, starting the week of April 4th. These one hour small groups will be a great opportunity to share your im-pressions of the book in a structured, non-judgmental at-mosphere. Each session will concentrate on a group of chapters-you need not attend all 6 sessions to join a group. Join us and learn more about our Faith as we Rediscover Catholicism together!

“For all the Right Reasons” The following businesses will make a 1% donation of their proceeds on the following dates: • Wednesday, March 16- Main Street Wine and Spirits for St. Vincent de Paul

• Sunday, March 20 -Nicks Pizza and subs for St. Cecilia Parish

• Wednesday, March 30 -Hanto for St. Vincent de Paul �����������������

Please support these businesses!

Page 6 Saint Cecilia Parish ~ 54 Esty Street ~ Ashland ~ March 6, 2016

The Fourth Sunday of Lent


St. Cecilia Coffee Hour Join us in the Family Center following the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses

for coffee hour Come enjoy refreshments and

great conversation. Please consider a donation of a baked good for our Sunday coffees. We are looking for

volunteers to help on Sundays for 1 - 3 hour shifts, call Joyce Crocetti 508-353-0273 or email if you can help out - thanks!


St. Mary Program A lecture initiative in conjunc-tion with St. Mary Parish regarding the subject of homo-sexuality is being introduced to the Religious Education program for the 9th and 10th grade Confirmation classes. This will consist of 3 lectures in April given by an individu-al recommended by the national group “Courage” which is comprised of Catholics with homosexual tendencies.

Daniel Mattson (speaker from Courage) will be speak-ing at St. Mary Parish Hall in Holliston:

♦ Adults ONLY –April 4, 6:30pm-8:30pm ♦ Confirmation Students April 5 or April 7


St. Bridget Parish Mission Please join us in the St. Bridget Upper Church, 15 Wheeler Avenue, Framingham, for one hour on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening during the second week of March with Fr. Bob Reed.

Encountering the God of Mercy: Tuesday, March 8th at 7:30pm: Encountering the Mer-ciful Creator of All Things, Visible and Invisible (you will not leave empty-handed)

Wednesday, March 9th at 7:30pm : Encountering Jesus, the Face of the Father’s Mercy (with the opportunity for Confession, this will be in place of “The Light is on For You”)

Thursday, March 10th at 7:30pm : Encountering the Holy Spirit, the Very Breath of the Merciful God (with Ex-position and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament)

For information call St. Bridget Parish: 508-875-5959

THE YOUNG MESSIAH Thursday, March 10, 2016 Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Premiere begins at 7:00 p.m. AMC Framingham 16

22 Flutie Pass Framingham, MA

To RSVP visit:

Sacred Heart in Milford Praise & Worship Music Night :

Saturday, March 12th 7-9pm St. Mary's music ministry members, Cortland Francis, Julia Ehramjian & Kevin Pel-oquin, invite you to a night of worship music with their band From Church and Main. The evening will follow the theme of “Hope, Strength & Joy: Gifts from God.” Please join us at the Bell Tower Room at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Milford for a great evening.

Last Sunday, February 28, over 120 students from Grades 7 through 10 attended a talk given by Chris Previte's (on the right) friend, Gary Stewart (on the left), professed Lay Preacher of the 3rd Order of St. Dominic and member of Bethany House Ministries through which he is a Prison Volunteer. The students were absolutely captivated listening to Gary give his life story and how he experienced God's mercy. In this year of Mercy, the students learned that God's love for each one of us is unconditional and absolute.

Gary is a volunteer in the Massachusetts prison system and regularly participates in Christian retreats and prayer groups, bringing a message of hope to those who are incarcerated. Gary was once incarcerated himself and his life ex-periences and conversion story are an inspiration to those facing the difficult challenges of prison life and alcohol & drug addictions. Pictures courtesy of Religious Education. He has sponsored many people in Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous over the years and currently runs a spiritual (12) step program Bethany House Ministries in Millis, MA.

For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Cecilia, Ashland, MA 897

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