the lady you’re not a man survey

Post on 22-May-2015






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The Survey“Lady You’re Not a Man – The Adventures of a Woman at Work” the national bestselling book by Apurva Purohit, inspired Team LYNAM to embark on a quest to understand real life challenges faced by working Indian Women

The SurveyThe research team sought to unravel the complete picture in Corporate IndiaNearly 1000 respondents from across the country spoke their minds about what they feel about the current work life scenarioThe survey revealed some very interesting insight into the minds of Men and Women

The SurveyThe researched set comprised of 84% of women & 16% menAround 66% of the respondents belonged to the age bracket of 25-34This research was undertaken in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune and Hyderabad

The FindingsSome very interesting observations emerged from the survey, on topics like what single women experience, working mothers want, and how women feel about issues and challenges they face

Here’s a look at some of the findings from the Lady You’re Not A Man Survey…

“Drink, Unwind, Blend In!”“54% of women in Delhi; 58% in Mumbai; 45% in Bangalore believe that they have

to drink or smoke to be a part of the inner circle at the

workplace.Around 61% of men surveyed support

them and agree with them!”

The respondents were of the opinion that things are more casual & fun while they unwind over a drink or during the smoke break.

Glass Ceiling – Still Exists?“67% of women in the Education sector; 71% in the Health sector; 60% in Media & Entertainment & around 63% in the

Manufacturing sector firmly believe that a ‘Glass Ceiling’ does exist for women.”

Even as women around the world go out & control the boardrooms of leading MNCs, the same is not the case with our industries back home. Women believe there is still a long way to go!

“What’s the point, anyway!”“45% of women in Mumbai & 40% in

Bangalore say that they would not report any sexual harassment incident at work, as they believe nothing will really come

out of the same.”

41% of respondents also fear that they might be the subject of office gossip if they report any such incident.

"HIM or HER?”“51% of women in Delhi would rather work with a male boss than a female


Across the country, around 37% of women said they would feel more comfortable to work with a male boss as compared to a female counterpart.

Of all the Female respondents, only 7% would prefer reporting to a female boss.

“Any Wedding Plans?”“54% of women agree that the most common question asked in the job

interview is about their job scenario post wedding.”

Women feel that recruiters especially in the fields of Education (70%), Automobile (71%) & Media & Entertainment (60%) feel that hiring a woman employee is risky as they might leave the job post marriage.

“Quality over Quantity”“Spending quality time with kids is more

important than quantity, say 71% of respondents.”

When asked if kids of working mothers suffer as compared to those of homemakers, a majority say that spending quality time takes precedence over the amount of time spent.

Around 73% of working women in metros falling between the age group of 25 – 34 feel the same.

“An affair to remember”“45% of women in Delhi think that men believe successful women often sleep

their way to promotion.”

While 21% of respondents said they have never met men who think this way, over 26% admitted that they know many men who do have this perception.

“Game over!”“53% of women in South India think that

socializing takes a back seat after marriage.”

A majority feel that things at work tend to become more formal post marriage or motherhood and hence socializing takes a back seat! Most of them also feel that this does affect their relationships at work.

“A serious issue!”“Women are most offended by men not taking them seriously. Even more than

them staring at cleavage, passing sexist remarks and gossiping

about them, all put together!”

A whopping 48% felt that men not taking them seriously was most offensive. All the other options put together offended about 38% of the respondents.

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