the industrial revolution. in our modern world, we make daily use of the products of an...

Post on 22-Jan-2016






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The Industrial Revolution

• In our modern world, we make daily use of the products of an industrialised era.

• These products include a wide variety of goods manufactured for our consumption.

• It has not always been like this.

• There was a time when almost all products were hand-made and the factory system did not exist.

• This was called Cottage Industry

• The transition from a world of cottage industry to a factory system is known as the Industrial Revolution.

Booming Britain

• The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 1780’s.

• In a little over a century, Britain went from a largely rural, agrarian population to a country of industrialized towns, factories, mines and workshops.

• Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain?

1. Resources• Britain was a small nation in area but had

large supplies of coal to power steam engines• Also had plentiful iron to build new machines• In addition to natural resources, labor supply

was necessary. Many workers were needed to mine coal and iron, build factories, and run machines

1800 1 ton of coal 50, 000 miners

1850 30 tons 200, 000 miners

1880300 million tons

500, 000 miners

1914250 million tons

1, 200, 000 miners

Coal Mining in Britain:1800-1914

Young Coal Miners

Child Labor in the Mines

Child “hurriers”

British Iron Production

Newcomen Steam Engine

2. New Technology• -In 1700’s, Britain had plenty of skilled

mechanics, eager to meet demand for new practical inventions

• -Many of these new inventions were agricultural.

• Perhaps the most important of these was the seed drill.

Revolution in Agriculture

• Up until this period, farmers planted the seeds for cereal crops by carrying the seeds in a bag and walking up and down the field throwing or spreading the seed.

• They dropped the seed by hand on to the ploughed ground.

• The problem with this method was that it did not give a very even distribution. It was not, therefore, an efficient use of the seed and much of it was wasted.

Seed Drill

• Jethro Tull invented a Seed Drill which could be pulled behind a horse. It consisted of a wheeled vehicle containing a box filled with grain.

• There was a wheel-driven ratchet that sprayed the seed out evenly as the Seed Drill was pulled across the field.

Jethro Tull

3. Economic Conditions• Trade from growing overseas empire helped

British economy prosper• With slave trade, business class accumulated

capital (wealth) to invest in enterprises such as shipping, mines, railroads, factories

• Many entrepreneurs were willing to risk their wealth in new ventures

• Population explosion increased demand for goods

4. Political/Social Conditions• Stable government supported economic

growth• Built strong navy to protect empire and

overseas trade• Religious attitudes played a role – many

entrepreneurs came from religious groups that encouraged thrift and hard work

The Enclosure Movement

“Enclosed” Lands Today

Changes in Textile Industry• -IR first took hold in Britain’s largest industry –

textiles• -1600’s – cotton cloth imported from India became

popular• -Merchants tried to organize cotton cloth industry

at home• -developed “putting out” system – raw cotton

distributed to peasant families who spun it into thread and wove thread into cloth

• -artisans in towns then finished and dyed the cloth.

Bellringer• Write a summary using the following vocab terms:

• Industrial revolution• Britain• Cottage industry• Textiles• Seed Drill• Enclosure movement• Urbanization• Coal• Iron• Factory system

First Factories

• New machines doomed putting out system, but were too large and expensive to be operated at home.

• Manufacturers built long sheds to house them. Often by streams.

• Spinners and weavers came every day to work in these first factories

Factory Production• Concentrates production in one place

[materials, labor].

• Located near sources of power [rather than labor or markets].

• Requires a lot of capital investment[factory, machines, etc.] more than skilled labor.

• Only 10% of English industry in 1850.

Textile FactoryWorkers in England

1813 2400 looms 150, 000 workers

1833 85, 000 looms 200, 000 workers

1850 224, 000 looms >1 million workers

The Factory System

× Rigid schedule.

× 12-14 hour day.

× Dangerous conditions.

× Mind-numbing monotony.

Textile FactoryWorkers in England

British Coin Portraying a Factory, 1812

Young “Bobbin-Doffers”

Major Inventions in Textiles

• Cottage industry was slow. As demand for cloth grew, inventors came up with several machines that revolutionized the industry.

• James Hargreaves – Spinning Jenny (1764) – spun many threads at a time

John Kay’s “Flying Shuttle” (1733)

Allowed weavers to work so fast they outpaced spinners

• Richard Arkwright – waterframe (1769)– used water power to speed up spinning more

Spread of Industrialization

• By the mid 1800’s, Great Britain had become the world’s first industrial nation.

• It had also become the world’s richest nation.

Productivity • Great Britain produced half of the world’s coal

and manufactured goods.• Its cotton industry alone in 1850 was equal in

size to the industries of all other European countries combined.

British Cotton Imports & Exports

Spread of Industrialization

• The industrial revolution spread to the rest of Europe at different times and at different speeds.

• Belgium, France, and the German states were the first to be industrialized in Europe.

• By 1850, a network of iron rails spread across Europe.

Railroads in 19th century Great Britain

“The Rocket”

United States Industrializes

• The Industrial Revolution also occurred in the United States in the first half of the 19th century.

• In 1800, more than 5 million people lived in the USA, and nearly 6 out of every 7 American workers were farmers.

• No city had more than 100,000 people.

United States Industrializes

• By 1860, population had grown to more than 30 million.

• Many of these people moved into cities. • Eight cities had populations over 100,000 and

only 50% of American workers were farmers.

Railroads in the USA

• A large country, the United States needed a good transportation system to move goods across the nation.

• Thousands of miles of roads and canals were built to link east and west.

Railroads in the USA• Most important in this development was the

railroad. • By 1860, about 30,000 miles of railroad track

covered the United States. • By 1890, 200,000 miles of railroad track

covered the United States.

Industrialization in the United States

Effects of the Industrial Revolution

• The Industrial Revolution completely changed society.

• Cities grew, and two new social classes emerged

• 1. Industrial middle class• 2. Industrial working class

Population Growth and Urbanization

• European population 1750: 140 million• European population 1850: 266 million

The Industrial Revolution: Cause and Effect2


•Increased agricultural productivity•Growing population•New sources of energy, such as steam and coal•Growing demand for textiles and other mass-produced goods•Improved technology•Available natural resources, labor, and money•Strong, stable governments that promoted economic growth

Immediate Effects

• Rise of factories• Changes in transportation and

• Urbanization• New methods of production • Rise of urban working class• Growth of reform movements

Long-Term Effects• Growth of labor unions• Inexpensive new products• Spread of industrialization • Rise of big business• Expansion of public education• Expansion of middle class• Competition for world trade among industrialized nations • Progress in medical care

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