the deliberate dumbing down of america by charlotte thomson iserbyt

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson IserbytFor years many parents and teachers have known that there was something wrong in the schools but often couldn't put a finger on it. Starting with receiving an invasive questionnaire brought home by her young son, Charlotte started a search which has culminated in one of the most amazing books I've encountered. When I first saw the volume, it was intimidating by its size (8 1/2" by 11" and quite heavy). However, the book is attractively laid out and invites readers to discover what has been happening to American education for the past 100 years -- all with quotes from those "change agents" who deliberately set out to have schools changed from individual excellence in becoming educated to groups being trained to think alike and, rather than following the personal goals for life, being readied to walk in lockstep with those who want a one-world government with compliant serfs. The book is organized by decades from the 1890s until the "noxious nineties". The publishers did an excellent job. The paper is acid free. The font is comfortable to read. The binding is such that you can copy pages easily, if desired. Surely no other history book has been made so accessible and helpful with as much documentation to peruse so easily. Iserbyt chose to self-publish in order to maintain the integrity of the information. This is a magnum opus of which the author can be proud. Those who want to know what has been happening will discover the facts. Armed with such well-organized information may help to convince the American public of the need to put a stop to the U. S.Department of Education -- as President Reagan had announced that he would do. This is an important book, vital to be shared with elected officials in any and all branches of government. Hope is not lost. This information should help citizens work together with confidence to make positive changes. Nothing is out of context. Trends and documentation is traced from beginning to end. Hats off to a grand, diligent and courageous lady whose persistence is paying off. A monumental task.

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