the cold war (1946-1990)

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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The Cold War (1946-1990). Origins. R ivalry of superpowers Fears of spread of communism G divided into 4 zones. Origins (cont.). Iron Curtain- communist East, free W. Europe Satellite nations- under Soviet domination Containment- limit communist expansion. The Truman Doctrine (1947). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


THE COLD WAR (1946-1990)

Origins Rivalry of superpowers Fears of spread of communism G divided into 4 zones

Origins (cont.) Iron Curtain- communist East, free W. Europe Satellite nations- under Soviet domination Containment- limit communist expansion

The Truman Doctrine (1947) Stalin wanted Bosporous Straits, Greece, Turkey Black Sea trade route U.S. intervenes, Truman gives speech Fight communism worldwide

The Marshall Plan (1947) Secy. of State George C. Marshall Rebuild war-torn Euro economies Isolate Soviet Union Limit expansion of communism in W. Europe

Election of 1948 “Dewey Defeats Truman” Inaccurate headline of Chicago Tribune

The Berlin Airlift (1948) Free West G founded Soviets cut traffic to new state Planes transport supplies to W. Berlin

NATO (1949) North Atlantic Treaty Org. Signed by North America, W. Europe Members come to aid if others attacked

The Korean War (1950-1953) Communist North Korea, free South Korea

Test of containment Prevent spread of communism, aid SK Ended w/ no clear U.S. victory

Results of the Korean War Anti-communist fervor Election of Dwight D. Eisenhower – “Ike” Large military budgets

McCarthyism Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy Led witch hunt for U.S. communists Intensified Red Scare

Sputnik (1957) Soviet Union First artificial satellite to orbit Earth Space Race creation of NASA

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