the church magazine for the aune valley benefice of · the readers; mary tregelles, louise boxhall...

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 1

The Church Magazine for the

Aune Valley Benefice of

Churchstow, Loddiswell, South Milton,

Thurlestone with Buckland & Bantham & Woodleigh

T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 2

Benefice Business


Letter from the Rectory


Thurlestone Telegraph


South Milton Grapevine


Churchstow Chimes


Loddiswell News


Woodleigh News


Bishop’s Deanery visit


Exeter Diocesan News


Angel Tree


November Specials


The Bible Matters


Parish Pump


Benefice Directory


Inside this issue of The Rock

Benefice Services

Sunday November 6th 11.00 a.m. Operation Christmas Child Service


Advent Sunday November 27th 6.00 p.m. Advent Carol service


Aune Va l l e y B ene f i c e Bu s i n e s s

Thurlestone and South Milton Carol Service Choir The practices for the augmented carol service choir will be on Saturdays December 3rd,

10th and 17th from 9.30 - 10.30 a.m. in Thurlestone Church. All singers with or without experience welcome! The Carol Services are at 6.00 p.m. on Sunday December 18th at

South Milton and Tuesday December 22nd at Thurlestone. Alastair Durden Cover Picture: The Bishop of Plymouth, Rt. Revd. Nick McKinnell, at the breakfast presentation in Thurlestone Church Meeting Room during his visit to Woodleigh Deanery. See also page 12.

The next edition of The Rock will be published on Sunday November 27th Copy deadline is Sunday November 13th

General items to the editor: Liz Webb. Old Mill Cottage, West Buckland, TQ7 3AG, e-mail: Parochial items to your Parish Magazine Contact (see Benefice Directory page 20)

It would be appreciated if copy could be e-mailed if possible.

Annual subscription £6 contact: Woodleigh: Josie Hainsworth (550285); Thurlestone: Jo Parkin (561215)

South Milton: Elizabeth Ewings (560484); Loddiswell: Susan Freeman (550437); Churchstow: Sally Cridland (856940)

Annual postal subscription, £16.50, contact Liz Webb (560090). (Cheques made payable to Thurlestone PCC)

The Rock is also available on cassette for the visually impaired - contact Jan Turner (560354)

Advertising: £42 for 12 months for ‘9cm x 8cm’ or ‘18cm x 4cm’ box. A single month advertisement may also be possible for one off events at £7 for ‘18cm x 4cm’. Contact Elizabeth Webb (560090/

Benefice Meetings

TUESDAYS 7.30 p.m. House Group Luggers, SM

Everyone is also welcome to:

Morning Prayer: 8.15 a.m. Mondays TH

8.30 a.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays


Evening Prayer: 6.30 p.m. SM

Holy Communion: 10.00 a.m. Wednesdays (BCP) TH

10.00 a.m. Thursday Nov. 3rd (BCP) White Horses Studio, Bantham

Celtic Service: 7.00 p.m. Thursday Nov. 3rd Service of Meditation West Alvington

5.30 p.m. Friday November 11th Service of Meditation SM

CH = Churchstow L = Loddiswell SM = South Milton TH = Thurlestone W = Woodleigh

Wednesdays CH 5.30 p.m. Fridays (except 11th)

Everyone is welcome to the

Benefice Advent Carol Service of Hymns and Readings by candlelight


N.B. This is NOT the Christmas Carol Service

V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 3


Le t t e r f rom t h e R e c t o r y

Getting ready to get ready!

The month of December (yes, I know it’s only November) is the great month of preparation. We

prepare for the feast of Christmas as we observe the season of Advent. Unfortunately the season of

Advent can become rather busy with early Christmas celebrations and we can easily find ourselves

unprepared for Christmas. Some years ago (well, nearly 40 years ago now!) the Church of England

introduced a period of 4 Sundays named as the “Sundays before Advent”. They mark the end of the

Church’s year, the new year starting on Advent Sunday, and allow us to take stock before the

business of December.

The Sundays before Advent have become known as the “Kingdom Season”. They begin with the

Feast of All Saints and the Commemoration of All Souls. The season moves on to incorporate

Remembrance Sunday before reaching its climax with the Feast of Christ the King (November 20th

this year). Finishing the Christian year on a high note creates just the perfect backdrop for our

Advent preparations.

Great celebrations in the life of the Church help us to remember that we have been set free by Jesus

Christ for the purpose of joy and festivity. Not necessarily the worldly festivities of material excess, but

the spiritual festivities of a life lived in faithful witness. The Christian life can all too easily become a

life of dreary obligation, but it need not be! If we are open to the wonderful gift of life that comes in

the power of the Holy Spirit then our natural response is the response of joy and festivity.

What better way could there be to prepare for Advent and then to prepare for Christmas, to “get ready

to get ready”, than to renew ourselves in the Kingdom Season. To thank God for those who have gone

before us as saintly witnesses and shout from the rooftops that our Saviour is the King - the King of all

that has been and of all that will be. Now that’s worth celebrating!

Operation Christmas Child Have you filled your box yet ?

Leaflets, explaining exactly what to do, are included with this copy of The Rock and

are also available in each Benefice Church and in Thurlestone, Churchstow &

Bantham shops, Thurlestone Church Meeting Room & Churchstow Church Hall

Coffee Time: Wednesday November 2nd 10.30 a.m. – 12 noon is your last chance to buy

Toys ~ Toothbrushes ~ Toothpaste ~ Drawing Books ~ Pens ~ Pencils Pencil sharpeners ~ Felt pens ~ Hats ~ Scarves ~ Flat-pack OCC Boxes

at very reasonable prices in Thurlestone Church Meeting Room

Boxes should be brought to the

BENEFICE OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SERVICE on Sunday November 6th at 11.00 a.m. in All Saints’ Church, South Milton

If you cannot be at the Benefice Service, please take your box to a benefice church by November 5th

T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 4

Thu r l e s t one Te l e g raph

Sunday Services at All Saints, Thurlestone unless indicated otherwise

EVERY SUNDAY 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion (said) BCP: Nov. 6th, 20th; CW: Nov. 13th, 27th

NOVEMBER 6TH 3rd Sunday before Advent 11.00 a.m. Benefice Operation Christmas Child Service* at South Milton (Fairtrade Stall)

NOVEMBER 13TH 2nd Sunday before Advent 10.50 a.m. Remembrance Sunday Service* (note time)

NOVEMBER 20TH Sunday next before Advent 11.10 a.m. Parish Eucharist (CW)

NOVEMBER 27TH Advent Sunday 11.10 a.m. Advent Sunday Service*

6.00 p.m. Benefice Advent Carol Service at Woodleigh

DECEMBER 4TH 2nd Sunday of Advent 11.10 a.m. Parish Eucharist (CW) (Fairtrade Stall)

Weekday Services at Thurlestone unless indicated otherwise THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3RD & DECEMBER 1ST 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (said) (BCP) at Bantham

EVERY WEDNESDAY 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion (said) (BCP)

EVERY MON., WED., THURS. & FRIDAY 8.30 a.m. Morning Prayer (said) (8.15 a.m. on Mondays)

BCP = Book of Common Prayer CW = Common Worship * = Change from normal pattern of services

6.00 p.m. Prayer and Praise

Activities Everyone is welcome Church Meeting Room Telephone: 561246


MONDAY NOVEMBER 14TH 10.45 a.m. Coffee and a Chat Thurlestone House


THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10TH & 24TH 5.00 p.m. Thurlestone Singing Group 8 Mead Drive 560509

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11TH & 25TH 12.30 p.m. Lunch Club (pre-booking essential) M. Room 560090

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18TH 12.30 –2.00 p.m. Homemade Soup & a Roll M. Room 560131

EVERY WEDNESDAY 10.30 a.m. Coffee-Time

M. Room 562013

EVERY WEDNESDAY 9.30 a.m. Working Party

Churchyard 560152

EVERY THURSDAY (TERM-TIME) 9.30 - 11.00 a.m. Under 3s M. Room 560508

Films for


TUESDAYS 2.30 p.m.


Meeting Room

DECEMBER 6TH Florence Foster


Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant

JANUARY 3RD Swallows & Amazons

Kelly Mcdonald, Rafe Spall,

Andrew Scott

FEBRUARY 7TH The Intern Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway

Information Leaflets from Church Meeting Room & Thurlestone Shop

Donations to Church Funds More information Liz Webb 560090

V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 5

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Harvest: Thank you to everyone involved in our Harvest celebrations: all those involved in the service especially the readers; Mary Tregelles, Louise Boxhall and the flower arrangers; those who helped with the lunch - cooking and serving. Over £350 was raised for the Farming Community Network through the Diocese of Exeter

Agricultural Fund from the collection in church and at lunch, the sale of produce and Coffee-Time donations.

Fairtrade and the Real Advent Calendar If you would like to order Fairtrade goods for Christmas, catalogues are available at the back of church, where there is also a sheet for your orders. If you take a catalogue home, please return it as soon as possible and leave one in church.

Orders for The Real Advent Calendar (see page 14) should be made on the sheet in church by October 30th. If you miss the deadline, please contact Wendy Gornall (560333/

Operation Christmas Child Boxes: Coffee-Time on Wednesday November 2nd is your last chance to

buy hats, gloves, soft toys, crayons, toothbrushes and paste, writing pads, cars, toys, etc. to fill your box and flat-pack boxes at very reasonable prices in the Church Meeting Room.

Your boxes should be brought to the Benefice Service at 11.00 a.m. on November 6th in All saints’ Church, South

Milton, or to the Meeting Room or Church by Wednesday November 2nd. Leaflets are available in church, the Meeting Room and local shops. See also page 2.

Christmas Parish Lunch: Sunday December 11th 12.30 p.m. The cost is £12.50 for turkey with all the

trimmings, wine, Christmas pudding, coffee, mints and crackers. Please sign the list in church or contact Liz.

There will hopefully be a Parish Lunch next year in February with the Easter/St George’s Day Lunch on Sunday April 23rd.

Christmas Goods: Christmas Cards, wrapping paper, etc. on sale in the Meeting Room from early November. Liz

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Call us 24 hours a day.


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Everyone is welcome to the

Church Meeting Room for

Homemade Soup followed by Tea/Coffee & Cake

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18TH 12.30-1.00 P.M.

ONLY £3 in aid of Church Funds

2017 CALENDAR featuring the winning photos of the

Thurlestone, Buckland & Bantham area in the recent competition,

from Church & Meeting Room,

Thurlestone & Bantham Shops

or by post e-mail

or ring 01548 560090

Sold in aid of Thurlestone Church Organ Fund

Entry Forms for next year’s competition at sale points.


T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 6

Sou th M i l t o n G rapev i n e

News from South Milton

Our Harvest Festival was once again an enjoyable and meaningful event. The service was well attended and many

thanks to all those who took and active part in the symbolic items procession and words that went with each. All this enhanced by the wonderful decorations master-minded by Lorna and arranged by her team. The supper was lovely

and much enjoyed by all. Again thanks to everyone who helped with provision of goodies and the preparation of the

hall, and with serving the food in the evening. The Basket collection for “Embrace the Middle East” raised £240, this was a most generous effort on everyone’s behalf. Sunday’s gift service was attended by more young people than

last year, thanks due to all those who read passages and helped with visual aids (a shopping trolley and contents. In the afternoon we packaged up 12 gifts of fruit to distribute around the village. The recipients were all very grateful

and some surprised, which made it all more rewarding for us. The items not sold in the morning were taken to St Luke’s hospice who were very grateful as usual for your generosity.

From the Registers Baptism: October 2nd William Francis Vandenburg Marlowe Byron Roberts

Sunday Services at All Saints, South Milton unless indicated otherwise

NOVEMBER 6TH 3rd Sunday before Advent 11.00 a.m. Benefice Operation Christmas Child Service (Fairtrade Stall)

NOVEMBER 13TH 2nd Sunday before Advent 9.30 a.m. Remembrance Sunday Service*

NOVEMBER 20TH Sunday next before Advent 9.30 a.m. Family Communion (CW)

NOVEMBER 27TH Advent Sunday 9.30 a.m. Advent Sunday Service* Year A begins

DECEMBER 4TH 2nd Sunday of Advent 9.30 a.m. Toy tree Service*

Weekday Services at South Milton unless indicated otherwise FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11TH 5.30 p.m. Celtic Style Service of Prayer and Meditation

EVERY FRIDAY except November 11th 5.30 p.m. Evening Prayer (said) in the Lady Chapel

BCP = Book of Common Prayer CW = Common Worship

6.00 p.m. Benefice Advent Carol Service at Woodleigh

Activities & Events

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4TH 7.30 p.m. History Group

Village Hall

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10TH 2.30 p.m. Thursday Club: Fabulous photos of Fabulous

places Tim and Jan Burr - ALL welcome

Village Hall

EVERY WEDNESDAY 10.30 a.m. - noon Coffee Break - Cuppa and a chat for everyone

Village Hall

EVERY WEDNESDAY 7.30 p.m. Bell-ringing Practice Church

MONDAY NOVEMBER 21ST 7.00 p.m. Parish Council

Village Hall

SATURDAY NOVEMBER 26TH 10.30 a.m. - noon Pre- Christmas Bazaar

Village Hall

V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 7


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On November 6th it will be our turn to host the Operation Christmas Child at 11.00am. If you are unable to come

to the service but want to fill a shoebox, please feel free to place the box at the back of the church and we will include it during the service. Pamphlets to use for advice etc about the contents are available in the church.

Please help yourself. Remember that there is a vast array of items that can be included in your box at Thurlestone Church Meeting Room. See page for times when you can get in!

National Remembrance Day falls on Sunday November 13th this year. Rev. Clive Rogers will again be conducting this service, during which we will hold our short service of Remembrance at the War Memorial.

Our Pre- Christmas Bazaar will be held on Saturday November 26th in the Village Hall 10.30am –

noon. Remembering that our tower is due have extended works at the top – Pinnacles, Merlons, and Tower Roof

(Main items!) we hope that our Church community and the wider Village community will be as generous as possible to enable the work to go ahead and to be paid for. We will, of course, be exploring other avenues of

raising funds, but this event is the sort where our community pulls together for a common cause.

There will be a variety of stalls including:- Christmassy savouries and cakes, +Christmas cake raffle, decorations

and nick-knacks, Tombola, Fresh Produce and preserves, Select! items of Bric-a-brac and of course a Christmas style Raffle. Any other suggestions would be very welcome and donations for the raffle can be passed to any of

our PCC members or CW’s. I will be selling tickets before hand, so if you are not able to come on the day please contact me and I’ll write some out for you. All this, and Daphne’s superb mince pies and coffee, along with time

to chat and catch up with your friends will make a good start to the Festive season! If you would like to man a

stall or operate another, please contact Bob or Jan T.

Advance notice for you regarding our Toy Tree Service— this will be held on Sunday Dec 4th 9.30am. It is a chance for all of us to remember those children in our own South Hams who are deserving of an extra bit of love

in the form of a present to give a boost to their Christmas. Totnes Children and Families Dept will arrange for the

gifts to be distributed on our behalf. A small package with a note attached saying AGE GROUP AND GENDER will be appreciated. Thank you in advance for this.

Keep well in the cooler weather (ground frost here this am 20th October!)

Yours with luv. Jan T

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ALL WELCOME, you don't have to be a member! £2.00 to include tea

T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 8

Chu rch s t ow Ch imes

Activities & Events in the Church Hall

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3RD 10.30 a.m. ‘Coffee on a Thursday’

EVERY SATURDAY 7.30 p.m. Whist Drive

EVERY MONDAY 2.45 p.m. Exercise for you!

Sunday Services at St Mary the Virgin, Churchstow unless indicated otherwise NOVEMBER 6TH 3rd Sunday before Advent 11.00 a.m. Benefice Operation Christmas Child Service*

at South Milton (Fairtrade Stall)

6.00 p.m. Remembrance and Thanksgiving Service

NOVEMBER 13TH 2nd Sunday before Advent 10.50 a.m. Remembrance Sunday Service* (note time)

NOVEMBER 20TH Sunday next before Advent 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship

NOVEMBER 27TH Advent Sunday 11.00 a.m. Parish Communion (BCP)

6.00 p.m. Benefice Advent Carol Service at Woodleigh

DECEMBER 4TH 2nd Sunday of Advent 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship

Weekday Services at Churchstow unless indicated otherwise 6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer (said)

BCP = Book of Common Prayer CW = Common Worship


Whist Drive EVERY

SATURDAY 7.30 P.M. Proceeds

in aid of the Church Hall


10.30 A.M. - NOON Proceeds in aid of the Church Hall

Exercise for You! with Gillian Whitmore



2.45 P.M.

V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 9

Benefice Operation Christmas Child Service This year’s service will be held at South Milton Church on Sunday November 6th at 11.00 a.m. Search out an

empty shoe box or use an OCC flat pack one and start collecting those little items to fill it with. See also page 3.

Churchstow’s Remembrance and Thanksgiving Service On Sunday November 6th at 6.00 p.m., we will be holding our annual service in which we remember our

dearly departed loved ones, their names will be read out and there will be the opportunity to light a candle in

their memory.

If you wish a name (s) to be read out, please return your slip to return to Penny Fenton or place it in the

envelope/folder in church.

Christmas Bazaar On Saturday November 26th at 10.30 a.m. we will hold the Christmas Bazaar in the Church Hall. Items to stock the various stalls will be gratefully received.

For further details please contact Penny Fenton on 01548 561539 .

Remembrance Sunday The Traditional Armistice Day Service, where we remember those who have lost their lives in two World Wars, and subsequent conflicts, will be held on Sunday 13th November at 10.50 a.m. PLEASE NOTE TIME.

Carol Service Sunday December 18th at 3.00pm. Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. (No morning service)



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Shepherds Pie will again be served from late morning

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T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 10


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S e r v i c e s a t Lodd i swe l l Services at St Michael and All Angels, Loddiswell unless indicated otherwise NOVEMBER 6TH 3rd Sunday before Advent 11.00 a.m. Benefice Operation Christmas Child Service*

at South Milton (Fairtrade Stall)

NOVEMBER 13TH 2nd Sunday before Advent 10.45 a.m. Remembrance Sunday Service* (note time)

NOVEMBER 20TH Sunday next before Advent 9.30 a.m. Family Service

NOVEMBER 27TH Advent Sunday 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion (BCP)

DECEMBER 4TH 2nd Sunday of Advent 9.30 a.m. Family Service

BCP = Book of Common Prayer CW = Common Worship * = Change from normal pattern of services

For more precise information please contact Susan Freeman (550437)

6.00 p.m. Benefice Advent Carol Service at Woodleigh

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The Harvest Festival Celebrations were truly wonderful. They included our Gift week and an exhibition of cups

and saucers, which were both unusual and decorative. The flower team excelled, in true Harvest style ,.even in the flower arrangements if you looked closely were mushrooms, parsnips and lemons. The Harvest Garland was

another masterpiece. The ladies under the leadership of Christine Collins in the decorating of the Church left all our visitors in no doubt that it was Harvest. The W.I. displayed a wheel-barrow of lovely Vegetables, Mrs Harvey

made sure that no farm yard smells came with it! Our Services were went well, the well known Harvest Hymns

were sung in great voice although Daniel had warned of the perils of raising the roof.

The Service of Remembrance will commence at 10. 45 a.m. at the War Memorial, followed by a Service in the Parish Church on Sunday November 13th.

On Saturday November 26th in the Village Hall at 10 a.m. the Parish Church will hold their Annual Early Christmas Coffee morning. We will have a Festive theme, lots to do, see and buy. Admission £1. to include Coffee

and mince pie/biscuits.

The Carol Service on Sunday December 18th is jointly with the Congregational Church at 6.30 p.m. at the

Congregational Church. We hope that the pop up choir will be with us. Susan

V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 11

S e r v i c e s a t Wood l e i gh

Services at St Mary the Virgin, Woodleigh unless indicated otherwise NOVEMBER 6TH 3rd Sunday before Advent 11.00 a.m. Benefice Operation Christmas Child Service*

at South Milton (Fairtrade Stall)

NOVEMBER 13TH 2nd Sunday before Advent 3.00 p.m. Remembrance Sunday Service* (note time)

NOVEMBER 20TH Sunday next before Advent 11.15 a.m. Holy Communion (BCP)

NOVEMBER 27TH Advent Sunday 6.00 p.m. Benefice Advent Carol Service* at Woodleigh (No morning service)

DECEMBER 4TH 2nd Sunday of Advent No Service at Woodleigh

BCP = Book of Common Prayer CW = Common Worship * = Change from normal pattern of services

For more precise information please ring Josie Hainsworth, Churchwarden, on 550285

Pho t o

Ga l l e r y



[Editor: Apologies that these were not included in the October Rock]

Woodleigh Parish Meeting A Parish Meeting took place in Woodleigh on Thursday October 13th. The main item on the agenda was the

future of the Church. The current congregation at Woodleigh is faithful but small and we, the Church, wanted to know what the wider Parish thought about the future of the Church.

The meeting was well attended and there was a positive response. A number of people expressed an interest in looking at the Church as both a worshipping centre and also a community facility. This would involve spending

money on the building and it is proposed that a joint group be set up by the PCC and the wider community to explore this.

Members of the PCC have already started to visit other churches who have done similar things. It is our intention to gather information before seeking to move on to the next stage. This is very much a “leap of faith” but is motivated

by one of the Bishop of Exeter’s three priorities for the Diocese: “to serve the people of Devon with joy”.

T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 12

The B i s hop o f P l ymou t h ’ s V i s i t t o Wood l e i gh Deane r y

The new Vision for the Diocese was set out by Bishop Robert

at diocesan synod in March 2016. He and Bishop Nick and

Bishop Sarah are spending nine months travelling around the diocese, visiting people, projects and parishes and talking with

communities about the vision to grow the Church in Devon.

The Bishop of Plymouth, Nick McKinnel, visited Woodleigh

Deanery for three days in the middle of October. He arrived on a Friday and began the day by meeting with Revd Jackie

Taylor, Rector of Kingsbridge, Dodbrooke and West Alvington and Prospective Lay Chair, Peter Barker at Dodbrooke Rectory.

He then attended a gathering at St Edmund’s Church,

Kingsbridge for Midday Prayer before heading to Kingsbridge Community College.

They received a warm welcome at Kingsbridge Community College

where they met the new Principal, Kenny Duncan, assistant Principal

Wendy Ohlsen and a group of students who gave them a tour of the school.

Bishop Nick then visited The Wordwise Christian Book and Coffee

shop where he met Trustees and volunteers. Wordwise Bookshop is

an outreach project supported by local churches and now acts as a hub for listening and befriending.

The Bishop’s Saturday started with a breakfast presentation in

Thurlestone Church Meeting Room. After a breakfast of coffee and

Danish pastries for the 40-50 people there, Bishop Nick showed a DVD and talked about Bishop Robert’s new vision for the Diocese -

‘I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.’ Jeremiah 29.11

We seek to be people who together are:

Growing in prayer We want to grow in prayer, living a life close to God. This means taking risks as we become more

honest with ourselves and more honest with God. Prayer opens up deep places within us to God’s

grace which is why it is such a life-giving activity. Growing in prayer is essential if we are to witness to God’s Kingdom and become the people God has called us to be.

Making new disciples

A disciple is someone who follows Jesus Christ. With him as our companion and guide we can travel through life differently, and we hope others will share the adventure with us. We want to be more

faithful in our discipleship and allow God to shape our priorities and values. The Christian gospel is good news and we need to find new ways of telling the story, of explaining the faith and giving a

reason for the hope that is in us.

Serving the people of Devon with joy We want to make a difference in the world and witness to God’s love and justice, especially in the

communities and schools where we live. Working in partnership with others who are transforming

lives, we seek to address the global issues confronting our generation so that everyone may flourish.

Please watch the new video, Sharing the vision 2016 and download a copy of Our Vision and

Strategy document to be found on This

includes the diocese’s strategy for mission communities and how they resource mission communities .

V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 13

Growing in Prayer, Making New Disciples and Serving the People of Devon with Joy - see

below. After a sandwich lunch at Beesands, Bishop Nick went to Strete for a teatime presentation - he must have put on quite a bit of weight during his visit, he was even

expected to eat a cooked breakfast at the bed and breakfast in Kingsbridge where he stayed during his visit.

On Sunday, after attending services at West Charleton, Aveton Gifford and Stoke Fleming, Bishop Nick attended the Deanery Celebration in Malborough which celebrated

the commissioning of St Peter’s Community, the re-licensing of Revd Stephen Ball and Deanery confirmations.

Jackie, who accompanied Bishop Nick, said: “Extending from Modbury to Stoke Fleming and of coast and country, town, rural and fishing communities, the parishes of Woodleigh

deanery warmly welcomed Bishop Nick’s ‘Bishop’s in Mission’ visit. Throughout the three days of many opportunities to meet people in a variety of locations and to hear their stories, special events were

also held. Bishop Nick shared news of exciting initiatives that will encourage parishes as they seek to reach out to

the communities of which they are a part. This busy time of engagements was a wonderful occasion for us to be encouraged, challenged and inspired through Bishop Nick’s time, wisdom and vision.”

Bishop Nick said: “I would like to thank all those people who took time to meet with me over the weekend and

for showing me round. I particularly enjoyed visiting Kingsbridge Community College and talking to the Principal,

Kenny Duncan, and some of the children and really appreciated the chance to meet local people who give their time and enthusiasm to help others and serve the community with joy. Local projects like the Wordwise Christian

bookshop which provides a hub for listening, befriending and cake, Beesands Teas with proceeds going to several charities and Spiritualized – YFC Outreach for young people with its specially equipped outreach bus.”

D io c e s an


The embrace of God I often think of November as the Season of Remembrance. We start with All Saints and All Souls, we move

through Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday and by the time we get to Advent we have walked on our pilgrimage with huge numbers of saints and martyrs. We remember and give thanks for a wide, diverse and

wonderful range of people and an amazing depth of witness to the love of God in Christ.

While it remains a season of Remembrance, it also seems different to me now. Maybe I’m getting old (and it

does happen to us all eventually...), but remembering all these saints and martyrs, remembering those who gave their lives for us all in war, remembering all those who have died and whom we miss and mourn now makes me

think less about remembrance and more about the faithfulness of God.

Many of these saints and martyrs lived their lives and expressed their faith in circumstances which were very

difficult. The great witness they made was not only through challenging circumstances, but circumstances that challenged their sense of who they are, challenged their own integrity, challenged their own sense of worthiness

and self-understanding. Sometimes their lives echo the cry of dereliction of Jesus on the Cross: why have you

forsaken me?

What they learn and experience is that even in these dark moments, when perhaps they feel most abandoned by those they trusted, is that shockingly God remains faithful. A light shines in the darkness, a glimpse of glory is

seen, the embrace of God enfolds you and you know you are not alone. That faithfulness of God is often seen

most profoundly in the love shown to us by unexpected people in small and unexpected ways. God’s faithfulness may not save us from the time of trial, but it will sustain us to the end.

As we move into the season of Advent and our watching and waiting for the Christ to come, let us also give

thanks for the faithfulness of God who sustains us in the darkness as we move towards his marvellous light.

The Very Revd Jonathan Draper, Dean of Exeter

The magazine, in its various formats, can be found by clicking the following link

T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 14

Ange l Tre e

Christmas is especially difficult for prisoners and their children. By giving prisoners an opportunity to send a Christmas gift to their children, Angel Tree lessens the devastation of parental absence, providing a child with

much needed joy and helping families to reconnect.

Prison Fellowship volunteers across England and Wales buy, wrap and send gifts on prisoners' behalf complete

with a personal handwritten message from the prisoner to make the gift extra special. It costs £15 to send a gift to each child and, where the parent has given consent, each gift is accompanied by a Christian storybook

provided by Prison Fellowship (, organisers of Angel Tree.

There's an Angel Tree near you! If you would like to help rescue a lonely child's Christmas and

bring relief to a distraught and often penniless parent, leaflets and a collection box are available at Wordwise, 41 Fore St, Kingsbridge, tel: 01548 856571.

Or for further information, please contact local co-ordinator Sue

Aston on 01548 852822; email:

The R ea l Adven t C a l e nda r The only charity advent calendar with a free Christmas story booklet

The Meaningful Chocolate Company is hoping to fund a baby clinic in Kenya and support overseas farmers by donating £15,000 from sales of its 2015 Real Advent Calendar.

There is a 28 page Christmas story-activity booklet with a page for every day of Advent which illustrates the story as well as providing a range of challenges and activities throughout Advent.

Behind each of the 24 windows there is a Fairtrade Belgian chocolate (different character for each day), made from our new and improved blend.

The picture on the cover is a beautiful illustration of traditional Nativity scene, reminding us that the birth of Jesus is at the heart of Christmas.

Don’t forget to order your Real Advent Calendar (£3.99) by early November through Wendy Gornall (560333/

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November Specials

November 1st: All Saints’ Day – the feast day of all the redeemed

All Saints, or All Hallows, is the feast of all the redeemed, known and unknown, who are now in heaven. When the English Reformation took place, the number of saints in the calendar was drastically reduced, with the result

that All Saints’ Day stood out with a prominence that it had never had before.

This feast day first began in the East, perhaps as early as the 5th century, as commemorating ‘the martyrs of the

whole world’. A Northern English 9th century calendar named All Hallows as a principal feast, and such it has remained. Down the centuries devotional writers have seen in it the fulfilment of Pentecost and indeed of Christ’s

redemptive sacrifice and resurrection.

The saints do not belong to any religious tradition, and their lives and witness to Christ can be appreciated by all

Christians. Richard Baxter, writing in the 17th century, wrote the following:

He wants not friends that hath thy love,

And made converse and walk with thee, And with thy saints here and above,

With whom for ever I must be...

As for my friends, they are not lost; The several vessels of thy fleet,

Though parted now, by tempests tossed, Shall safely in thy haven meet....

The heavenly hosts, world without end,

Shall be my company above; And thou, my best and surest Friend,

Who shall divide me from thy love?*

1,255 ancient English churches were dedicated to All Saints - a number only surpassed by those dedicated to the

Virgin Mary. In our Benefice we have two churches dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Churchstow and Woodleigh, and two to All Saints, South Milton and Thurlestone.

*Maurice Frost (ed.), Historical Companion to Hymns Ancient and Modern (London: Clowes, 1962), no. 274, verses 1,3,6.

November 2nd: All Souls’ Day – a time of reckoning with the past

The early Church was slow to dedicate a liturgical day to offering prayers and masses to commemorate the

faithful departed. But in time prayers were offered on behalf of dead monks, that they might attain ‘the Beatific Vision’ through purification, which the Church later described as Purgatory. Odilo, the powerful abbot of Cluny, (d

1049) decreed that All Souls’ Day should follow the feast of All Saints’ Day.

At least four ancient English dedications are known, the most famous of which are All Souls College, Oxford and

the church in Langham Place in London.

WORDWISE Christian Bookshop, Resource Centre & Coffee Shop

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In bygone centuries All Souls’ Day was certainly uncomfortable for anyone who had wronged a person who had

then died. For it was believed that souls in purgatory could appear on earth on this day, in the form of ghosts, witches or toads, to haunt anyone who had wronged them in life.

On a more cheerful note, it was also believed that you could help the dead on this day by almsgiving in cash or in

kind. Some of these beliefs seem to have been caught up in the popular customs of Hallowe’en.

When the Reformation came, the Protestants disregarded the idea of Purgatory, and this feast day remained with

the Roman Catholic Church.

November 30th: Saint Andrew - first disciple of Jesus

Andrew, whose feast day ends the Christian year on 30th November, is probably best known to us as the patron

saint of Scotland, though his only connection with the country is that some of his bones were reputedly

transported in the 8th century to Fife and preserved at a church in a place now named St Andrews.

In fact, there are so many legends about him all over Europe and the Middle East that it’s safest to stick to what the Gospels tell us - though the strong tradition that he was martyred by crucifixion is probably true and is

perpetuated in the ‘St Andrew’s Cross’, the ‘saltyre’ of Scotland.

The Gospels record that he was one of the first disciples of Jesus, and the very first to

bring someone else to Christ - his own brother. Like many fervent Jews at the time Andrew and an unnamed companion had been

drawn to the desert, to be taught by the charismatic prophet known to

us as John the Baptist. Many thought that he was the long-promised Messiah, but John insisted that he was not. ‘I am the voice crying in

the wilderness,’ he told the crowds. ‘Prepare the way of the Lord! One comes after me who is greater than I am.’ So when one day John

pointed out Jesus to Andrew and his friend and described him as the ‘Lamb

of God’, the two young men assumed that the next stage of their spiritual search was about to unfold. So as Jesus made off, they followed him.

All the more strange then (though, on reflection, very true to human nature) that when Jesus turned and asked

them what they were ‘seeking’, all they could come up with was a lame enquiry about his current place of residence:

‘where are you staying?’ Or, perhaps, they were hinting that what they were seeking could not be dealt with in a brief conversation. If they could come to his lodgings, perhaps their burning questions might be answered.

The reply of Jesus was the most straight-forward invitation anyone can receive: ‘Come and see’. Come and see

what I’m like, what I do, the sort of person I am. What an invitation!

The results of their response were in this case life-changing - for themselves, and for many other people. Andrew

brought his brother, Peter, to Jesus. The next day Jesus met Philip and called him to ‘follow‘. Philip then brought Nathaniel. The little apostolic band who would carry the message of Jesus to the whole world was being formed.

They came, they saw, they were conquered! And right at the front of the column, as it were, was Andrew, the

first disciple of Jesus.

V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 17

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The B i b l e Ma t t e r s

The other side of ‘The Dambusters’ God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46.1)

Prebendary Richard Bewes and his wife Pam recently watched again the British war film ‘The

Dambusters’ – and all that lay the behind RAF Squadron 617’s historic ‘bouncing bomb’ attack

on the dams that resourced Hitler’s industrial heartland. At a ‘Bible Week’ once in Germany, he was driven by his generous hosts to see the initial target of the 1943 raid - the Mohne

Dam. Some of the original scars were still visible on the great repaired structure.

But there is always another side to war. For, back in England, a church friend whom they both

greatly love is ‘Inge’ – a sweet German Christian woman. Her family home had been in the valley, just below the Mohne Dam, the night of the fatal 17th May. Somehow Inge survived.

“How could I ever forget it?” she confided. “We heard the planes and explosions; then came the crashing

water - sweeping homes, people, whole families to destruction. Almost the worst sound,” she went on, “was that

of the animals all around us, in their terrified baying and shrieking, as they were swept away.”

War…. It occurs as an ever-repeated reminder of our own fallenness and need of redemption through the cross of Christ. And yet – according to the Psalmist - we were originally made only ‘a little lower than the angels,’

capable – even in our fallenness and at the height of war – of acts of incredible heroism and selfless care.

Richard decided to write a hymn on Psalm 46, and obtained copyright permission to set it to the film’s theme

music – ‘The Dambusters’ March.’ Since then, ‘God is our Strength and Refuge’ has gone all over the world, and is used in many churches on Remembrance Sunday.

A hand-written letter once arrived for him from an RAF veteran who had been rear-gunner in one of the Lancaster bombers flying in the famous 617 Squadron. He had been thrilled “to hear our own squadron’s

Dambuster’s March now set to words of peace!”

There is massive inspiration in The Dambusters’ story. Yet Remembrance Sunday, at its heart, reminds us again

of the other side. It can even summon us on, beyond the memories, sorrows and hurt of war, to where the Bewes’ friend Inge is today; in the permanence of a secure faith, and in the membership of the eternal Church,

against which – as Jesus promised - not even the powers of hell can stand.

God is our strength and refuge,

our present help in trouble, and we therefore will not fear,

though the earth should change! Though mountains shake and tremble.

Though swirling waters are raging,

God the Lord of hosts is with us evermore!

There is a flowing river,

within God’s holy city, God is in the midst of her –

she shall not be moved! God’s help is swiftly given,

thrones vanish at his presence –

God the Lord of hosts is with us evermore!

Come, see the works of our maker,

learn of his deeds all-powerful; wars will cease across the world

when he shatters the spear! Be still and know your creator,

uplift him in the nations –

God the Lord of hosts is with us evermore!

From Psalm 46, Richard Bewes; Copyright, Jubilate Songs; Tune Dambusters’ March, (“Sing Glory” No 650)

T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 18

Pa r i s h Pump

A November Field The tractor ploughs a lonely field Seen through November mist;

Which, to the rising sun doth yield

The earth is gently kissed.

The earth is gently kissed,

And melts remaining frost

But yet a chill does still persist For thousands here were lost.

For thousands here were lost.

They fought for this same soil These thousands paid the awful cost

In blood, and pain, and toil.

In blood, and pain, and toil,

‘Gainst shell, and gun, and bomb

They fought, these men, courageous, loyal The Battle of the Somme.

Nigel Beeton

Love-links To lose a loved one

feels to break the heart and being. All those years ahead, alone, to face.

A new reality.

And yet the true reality is that we loved.

We loved each other

and we loved the Lord Jesus – who lives! He lives in me

as He lives in the one I love.

Stanborough Chorus Autumn Concert Stanford Songs of the Sea and Horizons by Andrew Carter

with guest soloists


AT 7.30PM Tickets: £10 in advance £12 on the door

from Tom Gilkes 01548 560973, choir members, TIC Kingsbridge or on the door

Remembrance In November we come to remember

How war tore our country apart, From village and town and all around

Men and boys left home and hearth.

Mothers and wives and sisters all Saw their brave young men go away,

For some it meant the ultimate price

As they gave their tomorrows for our today.

Another Man left His home above

To rescue this world from sin,

It cost Him His life which He freely gave So new life could enter in.

In this world there will always be war,

But the time will surely be When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God

As the waters cover the sea. Megan Carter

And that love goes on,

linking heaven and earth in life that will never end.

Love-links to comfort and encourage as the journey continues

in trust and anticipation…

Daphne Kitching

V o l u m e 16, I s s u e 11 P a g e 19

And God made…. bananas! God made apple, tomato, and plum But the roundness was making Him glum

So right then and there He created the pear

(Just not quite as round as were some.)

He tasted the pear, said “Hello! “It’s sweet and it’s juicy and mellow,

“But it seems to me “That I’d rather see

“A fruit that is long, curved and yellow!”

“A fruit that is slightly less staid!” So with pencil and crayon He played

Then! A swoosh and a dash

A puff and a flash The world’s first banana was made!

He’s made fruit of rich colour and hue

Which taste yummyliciously, too! And thanks to His grace

The world’s a fun place I’m glad, gentle reader, aren’t you?

Nigel Beeton

Died in the services Little Alex was staring up at the large brass plaque that hung on the side

wall of the church. The plaque was covered with names, and seemed to fascinate the seven-year old. “All those names,” he said to the minister. “Who are they?”

“Well, they were people who used to go to this church,” explained the minister. “This is a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the services."

Soberly, they stood together, staring at the large plaque. Little Alex's voice was barely audible when

he asked, "Which service, the 9 o’clock, or the 11 o’clock?”

Clocks It is told of the great preacher C H Spurgeon that after preaching at

length one Sunday he said: “I don’t mind people looking at their watches,

but I do dislike to see them holding them to their ears, to see if they are still going.”

Up and down A small boy, seeing a funeral procession going UP the street, asked his mother what it was. She told him” ‘It’s someone who has died.

They are on their way to heaven.’ A little later the boy saw a similar procession coming DOWN the street. He said” ‘Hard luck on that one, Mum!”

Thine A Yorkshireman wanted an inscription on his wife’s grave to read: ‘She was Thine’. The

engraver mistakenly put ‘She was Thin’. The man wrote to explain that they had left off

the ‘e’. The next attempt read: ‘E’, She was Thin.’

BELINDAdavid Unisex Hair Studio

Easy access and close to top car park 96 Fore Street, KINGSBRIDGE, South Devon TQ7 1PP Tel: 01548 853190

The treasurer still had a trick up his sleeve

Did Noah fish? A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do you think

Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark?" "No," replied Johnny. "How could he, with just two worms?"

...his constant droning from the pulpit is really getting on my nerves!

E’ she



T h e R o c k N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6 P a g e 20 Aune Valley Benefice Directory







Revd. Daniel Hartley The Rectory, Homefield, Thurlestone TQ7 3LF 562727 Mobile: 07864 630326






Mr Peter Gornall Flat 4, Furzey Close, Thurlestone TQ7 3NP 560333 Mrs Pam Latimer 559038





















Mrs Josie Hainsworth 550285 Mrs Elizabeth Webb 560090 Mrs Janet Turner 560354

Mrs Susan Freeman 550437

Mr John Woodley 857916

Mrs Sue Baker 550278 Mr Graham Worrall 562016 Mr Bob Breese 855737 Vacancy

Mrs Penny Fenton 561539






Mr Jonathan Webb 821369 Mr Julian Tregelles 560152 Mr Michael Walker 562382


Mr John Woodley 857916

Mr George Seager Berry (Ch. Hall)







Mrs Josie Hainsworth 550285 Mr Martin Webb 560090 Mrs Mary Wright 561033


Mr George Seager Berry 559354






Mrs Josie Hainsworth 550285 Mrs Elizabeth Webb 560090 Mrs Evelyn Grant 560620 Mrs Pauline Carter 550617






Mrs Fiona Webb 821369 Mrs Joan Booth 561537 Mrs Pam Latimer 559038 Mr C Sibley 559007

Mrs Penny Fenton 561539

Mrs Elizabeth Webb 560090 Mrs Eve Gilkes 560973

Mrs Pauline Carter 550617







Mrs L. Graham,

Mrs V.Crownshaw

Miss A.Bowden, Mrs R.Chipman,

Dr G.Delafield, Mr P.Hirst,

Mrs K.Livett, Mr G.Scott,

Mrs C.Bell, Mr T.Gilkes,

Mrs M.Luscombe

Mrs M.Bennett, Mrs S.Harvey,

Mr J.Holden, Mrs J.Holden,

Mrs M.Pettitt

Mrs G.Bertie, Dr T.Bertie,

Mrs T.Hurrell, Mr R.Martin,

Mrs J.Martin





Mrs Vanda Irish 856836

Mrs Carol Warboys 550791

Mr Derek Harwood 560943 Mrs Evelyn Grant 560620

Mrs Vanda Irish 856836

Mrs Hilary Hudson 550004

Mrs Peggy Boon 853146




Mrs Josie Hainsworth 550285 Mrs Mary Tregelles 560152

Mrs Louise Boxhall 560410

Mrs Wendy Gornall 560333

Mrs Lorna Davies 560445

Mrs Daphne Osmond 560917

Mrs Janet Turner 560354

Mrs Christine Collins 550521

Mrs Judy Martin 852428







CTS: Mrs Josie Hainsworth 550285

Mrs Elizabeth Webb 560090 Mrs Janet Turner 560354

Mrs Susan Freeman 550437

Mr John Woodley 857916






Mrs Lucy Gunning 560508 T



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g G

roup: Mr Alastair Durden 560509 T


ay H



up: Mrs Pam Latimer 559038











M: 561246

Mrs Nell Stamp 853649

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