the bethel beacon - bethel united methodist church...presence in our lives, and those things that we...

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The Bethel Beacon

Bethel United Methodist Church November - December, 2015

In 1747 John Wesley presented a sermon entitled “The Means of Grace” in which he outlined the ways that God works invisibly in his disciples to quicken, strengthen, and confirm faith. In short, the means of grace according to Wesley are prayer, fasting, Bible study, healthy living, baptism, communion, maintaining Christian fellowship, doing good works, visiting the sick and imprisoned, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and promoting justice. Regarding wealth, Wesley said you should earn all you can (work hard), save all you can (don’t waste money on frivolities), and give all you can (whatever you don’t need, give to those who do need). These means of grace are the core behaviors prescribed to those who claim the title “Methodist.”

Here we are 268 years later, and I have a sneaky suspicion that we who call ourselves Methodists may have lost a little (!) of our religious fervor. As a pastor I must sheepishly admit that I fall far short when it comes to the means of grace; I don’t know if I could give myself a passing grade. Of course we can all be thankful that God grades on a curve, a huge curve called grace. The gospel message is that God loves us regardless of our own failure to meet any standard set by anyone, that Jesus died for our sin and rose for our salvation, which should be the reason we celebrate Christmas and Easter and…well…every day of our lives. So you may wonder why John Wesley, or any other

faith leader for that matter, placed so much emphasis on good behavior, on Scripture, on prayer and fasting, on work and charity. Why should they matter so much if our sins are forgiven? Why should we embrace a lifestyle that seems so foreign to us, so contrary to our nature?

Answer: because God wants to change our nature. Wesley was strongly opposed to the notion of works righteousness, the idea that anyone can earn God’s favor by way of good deeds or acts of piety. What Wesley believed, however, was that you and I can do things that make us more aware of God’s presence in our lives, and those things that we do are therefore means of grace. And when we apply those means of grace we not only become more aware of God’s work within our lives and in this world; we find true joy as we grow in true fellowship with other human beings.

My friends, we are entering the season of Advent, a time when we recognize Christ’s coming not just as a little baby born to a poor Jewish couple two thousand years ago, and not just as one “coming in the cloud with great power and glory (Luke 21:27 NRSV)” at some point in the future, but as one who comes to us now, as Immanuel, God (already) with us. Let us be mindful of the temptation to get caught up frivolity. Advent is a season of preparation. Let us prepare ourselves spiritually for Jesus coming by living daily in ways that draw our attention to his presence in this world and in our lives.

Yours in Christ,


Reason for the


In This Edition…

Pastoral Ponderings page 1 Calendar page 2 Bethel News pages 3-4 Birthdays page 4 Community News page 5

Prayer List page 6 Events and info page 7

Church ministries page 8


November 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 ALL SAINTS SUNDAY Daylight Saving Time ends 11 a.m. worship 1 p.m. S/PPRC meeting

2 6 a.m. prayers

3 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. Bible Study (241 Bethel Ave)

4 6 a.m. prayers 11 a.m. Women’s league

5 6 a.m. prayers

6 6 a.m. prayers Cranberry Festival: Turkey Dinner

7 Cranberry Festival 8-3 Children’s Movie Night 5 p.m. Worship 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Movie

8 Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost 11 a.m. Worship 1 p.m. Youth Group

9 6 a.m. prayers

10 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. Bible Study (241 Bethel Ave)

11 Veterans Day 6 a.m. prayers

12 6 a.m. prayers 6 p.m. SICC Fall Assembly Dinner 2329 Victory Blvd

13 6 a.m. prayers

14 8 a.m. Men’s group 9 a.m. Animal Council 5 p.m. Worship

15 Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost 11 a.m. Worship 2 p.m. SSMC planning meeting @ Faith UMC

16 6 a.m. prayers

17 6 a.m. prayers Pastor out of town

18 11 a.m. women’s league Pastor out of town

19 6 a.m. prayers 10 a.m. Worship Planning 7 p.m. Charge Conference

20 6 a.m. prayers 6 p.m. Project Hospitality Intake meal

21 9 a.m. Men’s group 5 p.m. Worship

22 Christ the King/ Reign of Christ Sunday 9:45 a.m. Team Bethel 11 a.m. Worship 3 p.m. South Shore Thanksgiving Service

23 6 a.m. prayers 6 p.m. Poor People’s Dinner (Hilton Garden)

24 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. Bible Study (241 Bethel Ave)

25 6 a.m. prayers

26 6 a.m. prayers Thanksgiving Day

27 6 a.m. prayers

28 9 a.m. Men’s group Classic Movie Night 5 p.m. Worship 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Movie

29 First Sunday of Advent 9:45 Team Bethel 11:00 Worship

30 6 a.m. prayers

December 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 6 a.m. prayers

2 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. prayers

3 6 a.m. prayers 10 a.m. Worship planning

4 6 a.m. prayers

5 9 a.m. Men’s group Children’s Movie Night 5 p.m. Worship 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Movie

6 Second Sunday of Advent 11:00 Worship 4 p.m SICC Advent service 2205 Richmond Rd.

7 6 a.m. prayers

8 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. Bible Study @ 241 Bethel

9 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. prayers

10 6 a.m. prayers Pastor out of office

11 6 a.m. prayers

12 9 a.m. Men’s group 5 p.m. Worship

13 Third Sunday of Advent 11:00 Worship

14 6 a.m. prayers

15 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. Bible Study @ 241 Bethel

16 6 a.m. prayers 11 a.m. Women’s league 7 p.m. prayers

17 6 a.m. prayers 10 a.m. Worship planning

18 6 a.m. prayers

19 9 a.m. Men’s group 5 p.m. Worship

20 Fourth Sunday of Advent 9:45 Team Bethel rehearsal 11 a.m. Worship Children’s pageant Christmas Choir

21 6 a.m. prayers

22 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. Bible Study @ 241 Bethel

23 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. prayers

24 6 a.m. prayers 10 a.m. Stewardship 7 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship service

25 CHRISTMAS! 9 a.m. worship

26 9 a.m. Men’s group Classic Movie Night 5 p.m. Worship 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Movie

27 9:45 Team Bethel rehearsal 11 a.m. Worship

28 6 a.m. prayers

29 6 a.m. prayers 10 a.m. Bible Study 7 p.m. Bible Study @ 241 Bethel

30 6 a.m. prayers 7 p.m. prayers

31 6 a.m. prayers 10:30 p.m. Watch Night Worship service Rossville Zion

All events are held at Bethel United Methodist Church unless indicated

What’s on the Radar?

Lectionary Readings for November - December, 2015 Oct. 31 – Nov. 1 Nov. 7-8 Nov. 14-15 Nov. 21-22 Nov. 28-29 Dec. 5-6 Dec. 12-13 Dec. 19-20 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26-27

Ruth 1:1-18

Psalm 146 Hebrews 9:11-14 Mark 12:28-34

Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 Psalm 127 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44

1 Samuel 1:4-20 Psalm 113 Hebrews 10:11-25 Mark 13:1-8

2 Samuel 23:1-7 Psalm 132:1-18 Revelation 1:4b-8 John 18:33-37

Jeremiah 33:14-16 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 Luke 21:25-36

Malachi 3:1-4 Luke 1:68-79 Philippians 1:3-11 Luke 3:1-6

Zephaniah 3:14-20 Isaiah 12:2-6 Philippians 4:4-7 Luke 3:7-18

Micah 5:2-5a Luke 1:46b-55 Hebrews 10:5-10 Luke 1:39-45

Isaiah 9:2-7 Psalm 96 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-20

Isaiah 52:7-10 Psalm 98 Hebrews 1:1-12 John 1:1-14

1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 Psalm 148 Colossians 3:12-17 Luke 2:41-52


Bethel News onc

The 25th Annual Cranberry Festival to Be Held November 6th & 7th

Back to School x 2


Congratulations to Our Confirmation Class of 2015

The Cranberry Festival has been held since 1991 and has helped Bethel UMC continue to minister to the

Staten Island. Each year dozens of church members, alumni, and friends come together to plan and

produce the two-day event, beginning in the summer months with planning. Folks start getting the

word out to the community and inviting merchants to support us by posting ads in the Cranberry

Journal and inviting venders to set up booths at the festival. In late October and early November things

really get cooking…literally, as we fire up the ovens of the kitchen and start baking cakes, sauces, and

pies. Then the event commences with a turkey dinner on Friday night. On Saturday a cranberry

pancake breakfast is served from 8 - 11 a.m. and lunch starts at 12:30. The baked goods table is open

throughout the festival, as is the silent auction. The venders are open on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We at Bethel truly appreciate the support we’ve received from the community over the 25 years that the

Cranberry festival has run. Thanks to your help we have in recent years been not only been able to

support many ongoing ministries – supporting the South Shore Food Pantry and Project Hospitality,

offering Vacation Bible School every summer, sponsoring Girl Scouts and AA, and providing a lively,

inspiring worship service every Sunday – but we have also been able to create new ministries and

support new missions. Over the past five years we’ve “grown” a Sunday School of 20+ children and 3

grade levels. We’ve confirmed two young teenagers and are now forming a youth group. We conduct an

informal Saturday Worship Service at 5 p.m. with one Saturday devoted to a Children’s Worship Service

(the first Saturday of each month) which is followed by a potluck dinner, and we also hold a Classic

Movie Night on the last Saturday of each month, also with a potluck dinner after worship, then a classic

movie. Three years ago, Bethel was active in providing disaster relief to Staten Island residents (and

lodging for many volunteers) in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, and we still support the

relief effort (Yes, it’s still going on!). Last year the church was able to raise over $1100 for the Imagine No Malaria campaign, providing training and equipment to our neighbors in Africa and saving hundreds

of lives. We also sent our pastor on a mission trip to Haiti where he worked with a team to fix up and

equip the L’Ecole Methodiste, a free school for grades 1-6 (there is no public education in Haiti) in the

mountain village of Furcy, conducted Vacation Bible School and Game Day, and made many friends.

And so we encourage you to come to the Cranberry Festival. Enjoy the food

and fellowship, and feel good about the good things that we’re doing together

as partners in ministry!

Great job, Serena and Eric, for completing your course of study as confirmands (or confirmandi if you want to be proper). Over the year, these two young members learned what it means to be Christian and how belief translates to behavior. They traveled to Washington D.C., Manhattan, and Midland Beach to learn of our heritage, to see int social how we are involved in issues of social justice, and to

get their hands dirty serving the community. They also prepared and delivered a meal to our neighbors at Project Hospitality’s intake center. Now Eric and Serena assist our Sunday school teachers and continue to meet with the pastor for discipleship training (and some recreation). Please keep them in prayer as they continue their walk with Christ.

Many of our children went

back to school (or went to

school for the first time!) in

early September, and so we

had a Blessing of the Back-

packs during children’s time on September 6th, praying that only things that are pleasing to God would go into the children’s backpack’s. On September 20th we celebrated Sunday School Kickoff with

our largest class in quite a while. Sunday school begins around 11:20, right after the children’s message. We are blessed to have so many wonderful and inspired teachers serving us. Please keep teachers and children in prayer.


More Bethel News


Congratulations, John & Patricia

On September 26, John Spagnoli and Patricia Cullenen made their vows to one another before God and were joined in Christian marriage. Your friends at Bethel rejoice over your union and pray for your happiness!

Upcoming Birthdays

Dagmar Geidel.……..…….....November 2nd

Cristian Perullo………....……November 2nd

Gabriella Ciarlante………....November 15th

Alexis Lambertson …….…..November 16th

Gloria Shaw ………………..November 22nd

George Jensen…….……..….November 28th

Lori Lambertson …………..…December 6th

Amy D’Orazio…………………December 6th

Vicky Rivelli……….…………December 21st

Jada Janvier……..……….…..December 27th

If your birthday is in November or

December and it is not listed here,

call (718) 984-1277 or email

to inform us.

And the Visioning Continues

A long time ago, back in April, we began a visioning process with leaders of the church. We prayed and reflected on where Bethel has been, where it is now, and where God is leading us. It’s easy for a church to continue to do the same things it has always done and get along okay, but what if God has some specific mission for us right here and now? What direction is he taking us, and for what reason? Visioning involves assessing our gifts (what we have to offer), our passions (what we as a church feel strongly about), and the community’s needs. Where these three factors coincide is where our mission lies! When we recognize what God is doing through Bethel, we can cast a vision of what God wants us to accomplish. When we’re clear about where God is leading us, we are more united in pursuing our mission in our community. Casting a vision for Bethel involves a careful examination of what God is already doing in our church (God is always ahead of us!), and God is doing some wonderful things here. Please pray for our church leaders and the visioning process.

Charge Conference November 19th By now you may have heard the announcement about the

upcoming charge conference, and you may be wondering, “What

is a charge conference?” At least once a year elected leaders of

a church (or a “charge” which is several churches led by the

same pastor) meet with its Superintendant to pray, review the

past year, elect new officers, vote on important matters, and

look ahead to the coming year. For church leaders, now is the

time that they scramble to complete a lot of paperwork – not

fun. But the charge conference itself can be a very uplifting and

informative time. The United Methodist Church has always

encouraged lay participation and involvement in leading the

church, and Bethel is no exception. If you are interested in

being a member or taking steps toward becoming a leader in the

church, please speak to the pastor or any of our current leaders.

We welcome you!

We Welcome Mya Zimmer

Welcome to our newest and

youngest member. Mya was

baptized on September 20th.

Congratulations to her proud

parents, Eddie & Jessie Zimmer.

May the Lord bless your happy


Worship Planning for Advent

We are less than a month away from the first Sunday of Advent, that very special time of year when we prepare ourselves for Christ’s coming, then celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas. It is also a time to anticipate many guests coming to church. We invite you to join in the worship planning for this glorious season. Our first worship planning meeting will be held on November 19th at 10 a.m. in the Sunday school room (office). All are invited to be part of the planning. If you’d like to come, but your schedule doesn’t permit it, please call the church and let us know when you would be able to meet. We welcome everyone!

How Can You Best Serve God? Did you ever think about how unique you really are? There is no one in the world quite like you. And did you ever consider that God has endowed you with gifts that make you the most qualified person for a particular mission? Aristotle wrote, “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation.” Theologian Frederick Buechner improved upon that insight when he wrote, “Vocation is where our greatest passion meets the world’s greatest need.” God created us for joy, and there is no greater joy than serving others (and serving God) with enthusiasm. Perhaps there are ways you can serve God through serving your church (go figure). I bet if you asked your pastor if there was anything you could do to help her/him, she/he would hand you a list! But what will bring you the greatest joy will be the work that you’re most passionate about, so pray about it! You can also get a handle on your spiritual gifts by taking an online assessment at this UM website:

It only takes a fifteen minutes or so, and it will give you an idea of what sort of ministry you’re best suited for. And feel free to share the results with your pastor!

One Study Ends: Another Soon to Begin

The consensus is that the short-term (11-week) Bible study on the Gospel of Mark was a success! By popular demand a new Bible study on the Gospel of John will commence in January. The Gospel of John is notably different from the three synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), and is regarded by most historians and scholars as having the most developed Christology of any of the Gospels. The words and stories in Gospel of John have inspired painters, musicians, and other writers. The great reformer Martin Luther considered it to be a tier above the other gospels. The study will take an in-depth view into the writing and the unique message it carries. There are currently four people who intend to join the study on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m., but there’s plenty of room for more students. Other times are also available for the Bible study. Please contact the church or speak to the pastor if you are interested!

Upcoming But Unscheduled Check upcoming church

announcements or our website (




Bethel Gets Surprise Visit

from Friends in Pennsylvania

We had six surprise guests at our Saturday worship service on October 11th as an UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers in Mission) team from Carlisle United Methodist Church graced us with their presence. The team. The team was spending three days on Staten Island, continuing the Hurricane Sandy recovery work for our neighbors in Midland Beach. During previous visits to the island, the team had stayed in Bethel and enjoyed the Saturday worship service, so when they finished work on October 11th they joined us in worship, then went to Towne Deli for pizza. We thank our friends from Carlisle UMC for serving the Staten Island community and worshipping with us when they’re in town.

Community News Saint Mark’s UMC / Faith UMC Welcome Pastor Victoria Kittoe

Bethel UMC and the Staten Island faith community formally welcomed Pastor Victoria Kittoe on the afternoon of October 25th during a very inspiring worship service at Faith United Methodist Church. Pastor Kittoe serves both Faith UMC and St. Mark’s UMC here on the South Shore. She and Pastor Matt were classmates at New York Theological Seminary and are both involved with the South Shore Methodist Council and the Staten Island Council of Churches.

Welcome, Rev. Kittoe!

SSMC to Hold Thanksgiving

Worship Service Mark your calendars: the South Shore Methodist Council will hold a special Thanksgiving Worship Service at St. Mark’s UMC (6144 Amboy Road) on November 22nd at 3 p.m. The SSMC plans several joint services each year. Members of several South Shore Methodist churches gathered at Bethel on October 29th to begin planning for the service, the theme of which will be Giving Thanks for Diversity in recognition of the spirit of the very first Thanksgiving celebration between two peoples who were so different from one another yet were able to gather and break bread together. You are invited to bring non-perishable food items which will be collected during Holy Communion and given, along with our offerings, to the South Shore Food Pantry to help struggling families and individuals on the South Shore. We invite you to be part of this special service; if you are interested in helping with the music, please contact the church at 718-984-1277.

Ministry Leaders to Be Honored at SICC Fall Assembly

The Staten Island Council of Churches will hold its annual Fall Assembly & Dinner at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 12th at All Saints Episcopal Church (2329 Victory Blvd). Special recognition will be given to Evelyn Kormanik of the Staten Island Giving Circle and Karen Goldman of Emma’s Place. The Staten Island Giving Circle is a community outreach group dedicated to assisting the disadvantaged and/or underserved in our community. Since 2008 they have donated $60,000+ to a variety of causes and charities. Their current focus is on supportingfood pantries on Staten Island. Emma’s place is a grief and loss center for children and families on Staten Island where professionals and volunteers facilitate healing through grief and loss education, counseling, family talk and play, art therapies and special events. Tickets for the dinner are $30; please call the SICC (718-761-6782) or email them ( as soon as possible to reserve tickets, or mail them to SI Council of Churches, 2187 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314 by Nov. 4th! Non-perishable food

donations will be collected at the event.



The SSMC (South Shore Methodist Council) is currently planning for a Season of Prayer during Advent. We are inviting everyone to pray for revival in the Church as Christmas approaches. We will be praying for healing and revival, as individuals and as a Church, that God would inspire and propel those who love him to boldly witness that love in word and deed, that Christ would be glorified and people would come to know God’s love. Bethel Church will be open on Wednesday nights for prayers, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. for anyone who would like to pray. A pastor will be available to pray with you about anything you feel led to pray about. And we pray that you would truly experience a profound closeness to God this Advent season.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan to Speak at PH Poor People’s Dinner

Project Hospitality is holding its annual Poor People’s Dinner at the Hilton Garden Inn (1100 South Avenue) on Monday, Nov. 23rd at 6 p.m. The keynote speaker for the event will be Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York for the Catholic Church. The Poor People’s Dinner is the largest interfaith event on Staten Island, drawing nearly 1000 people each year who come to break bread and share a simple meal (navy bean soup) together in solidarity with the 38,000 poorest on Staten Island who rely on support from Project Hospitality. To reserve a ticket for the event, call Anita Yuen at 718-448-1544 ext. 163. Individual tickets are $75, seniors: $50, students $35.

SICC Plans Ecumenical Advent Service

The Staten Island Council of Churches will hold its Ecumenical Advent Service at New Dorp Moravian Church (2205 Richmond Rd.) on Sunday, December 6th at 4 p.m. The preacher will be Rev. Duane Ullrich. Special music will be presented by The Brighton Heights Reformed Church Youth Orchestra. Refreshments will be served following the service. Please join in fellowship with our Staten Island faith community as we celebrate the coming of our Lord!

FREE CONCERT AT ST. PAUL’S Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church (7558 Amboy Rd.) invites you to a free concert given by Raphael & Aly, a Christian couple who regularly perform at Ocean Grove. The concert will be held on Sunday, November 8th at 7 p.m.

Holiday Bingo at Rossville AME Zion

Rossville AME Zion Church (584 Bloomingdale Rd.) is hosting a Holiday Bingo Game on Saturday, December 5th from 12 – 6 p.m. All are encouraged to come out, meet some neighbors, and support their church.


Our Covenant To faithfully share our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service,

and our witness to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Our Prayers

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Please pray for Mildred Ekstrand, Tom Ryan, Joan Jorgensen, Margaritta Erickson, the grandson of Donnie Oker Chester Morgan, Brittany Thomas, the family of Glen Hall, Betty Sardinelli, Howie Johnsen, Janine Mangi, Kim Thomas, Gordon Ekstrand, Donna Bergrin, Wally and Gloria Eagle, Beth Cherrick, Mary Lake, the Lambertson family, Karen Jensen, Al Gundersheimer, Don & Carol Josey, Carol Plumb, Leanne Norris, Joyce and Janet, Keith Alaimo, Cristian Perullo, Butch Buchinsky, John Higgins, Robert Kay, Danielle S., Barbara & Paul Geidel, Jason Braadt, Eileen Siminello, Paul Alaimo Sr., Salvatore Alaimo, Alex Henoumont, Damaris Camilleri, Frank Caldwell, Jamie Lee, Kari Dalquist, Al Sheppard, Donald & Mae Bruckmann, Joseph Ippolito, Larry Cashdollar,Dr. Clifford Marbut, John Peterson, Charles Cirillo, Michael Restagno, Lauren O’Connor, Karen Popper, Arlene Wilson, Cara Bilella, Mary Ward, Kevin Monahan, Ryan Logan Burkheart, Tom Rochford, Mary Givaldi, Judy Bradley, Pete Resch, Mr. & Mris. Luis Morales, Mabel Lagno, Dennis Sheeran, Lisa Stahlecker, Annie Torsney, Bernie Sylva, Josephine Gallo, Elise Weiser, Flavia Laterza, Sarah Hatele, Mark Barringer, Julie Torres and her father, Marian Johnson, Judy & Jeff Adolph, Roy Redman, Vickey Lorenz, Tony Ferreri, Luke Saunders, Jean Houston, Gemma Riley, Eileen Guterl, Nicole Jensen, Phil Chavez, Tom Deluca, Elie Silverman, Phyllis Popson, Taya Johnson, Trish Noativita, Luis Rivera, Madelaine Hebranko and family, Stephen Carroll, Roshawn Hernandez, Margaret & Maureen Plunkett, Tara Beaumont, Janet Gale, Hector & Yvonne Rivera, Dan Rudolph, Michael Fuchs, Camille Maurino, Louis Gonzalez, Diane Gerardi, Paul Lol Norden, Valerie Espinoza, Naz Sael, Luis Ventura, Jimmy Hills, Peter Rocchio, Robert Helbig, Pearl Ameduri, Bill Carmeron, Caroline Hockins, Marion Iatauro, Ann Reimenschneider, the Mountains of Hope for Haiti mission, those struggling for human rights, refugees looking for a home, the Coptic Church, those in prison, our elected officials, those seeking employment, our service members, police officers, veterans, and their families.

Our Presence “Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) As we strengthen the body of Christ through mutual encouragement so we strengthen our witness to the world and together work to build God’s kingdom.

Our Gifts

“‘Freely you have received. Freely give.’” (Matthew 10:8)

What gifts has God given you that you in turn can share with your neighbor? What bridges can you build? What good will can you instill that will bring joy and peace to others?

Our Service

“And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Are you glorifying God in every facet of your life? Are there still those that you have chosen to ignore or neglect? Pray that you could see Jesus in “the least of these.”

Our Witness “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

The irresistible attraction of Christ’s love draws us together,

and that love presents a powerful witness to those who

dwell in darkness. May the love of Christ so fill your heart

that his glory would be seen in you.


as we bring you classic motion pictures on the big screen and children’s movies

that the whole family can enjoy

Upcoming features:

November 7th: Children’s Movie (TBD) November 28th: Witness for the Prosecution (1957)

December 5th: Children’s Movie (TBD) December 26th: It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

Worship at 5:00, Dinner at 6:00, movie at 7:00 For more info, call 718-984-1277



Leave them in the basket by the main door!


Thank you!

Join our

Contemporary Worship Service Saturdays at 5 p.m.

Concentrating on basic

Praise, Prayer, & Preaching

Children’s Worship: first Saturday of the month.

“O taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8)

Care to Join Us?

Team Bethel, our homegrown music troupe, always welcomes new folks.

NO AUDITION NECESSARY! Anyone interested in making a joyful noise to the Lord can join. THAT INCLUDES SINGERS!

Just come to our rehearsals (9:45 a.m. on the last three Sundays of each month)

or contact the Pastor at (718) 984-1277

Events and Information

Free Concert at

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church (7558 Amboy Road)


Raphael & Aly Sunday, November 8th @ 7 p.m. Join them for music, worship, and praise!

Bethel United Methodist Church presents our 25th annual


Friday, November 6th from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Saturday, November 7th from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

F r i d a y N i g h t T u r k e y D i n n e r

T h r e e s e a t i n g s : 4 : 3 0 , 6 : 0 0 , & 7 : 3 0

Tickets: Adults $12.00 – Children $10.00

S a t u r d a y – P a n c a k e B r e a k f a s t

8 : 0 0 a m – 1 1 : 0 0 a m C R A N B E R R Y P A N C A K E S W I T H


A N D M U C H M O R E !


(Indoor Friday night / Indoor and Outdoor on Saturday) SILENT AUCTION


MUCH MORE!!!!! Dinner ticket reservations are recommended. Please call: 718-356-8485


Bethel United Methodist Church

7033 Amboy Road Tottenville, Staten Island, NY 10307 Pastor: Matt Schaeffer

Bethel United Methodist Church 7033 Amboy Road

Tottenville, NY 10307 Office: (718) 984-1277

Parsonage: (718) 984-1354 Email:


Sunday Schedule 11:00 A.M.: Worship

11:15 A.M.: Sunday School (after Children’s Sermon)

12:15 pm Social Hour

Saturday Worship: 5:00 P.M. Bible Studies: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. (at the parsonage)

Prayer Service: 6:00 – 7:00 a.m. Monday-Friday

Church office hours: Tuesday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays by appointment

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