the age of enlightenment

Post on 21-May-2015






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The Age of Enlightenment

MusicOverture from The Marriage of Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus MozartModern version, performed by The East Village Opera Company


Mary WollstonecraftIf the abstract rights of man will bear discussion and explanation, those of women, by a parity of reasoning, will not shrink from the same test.

John Locke All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.

Thomas Hobbes During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.

Adam Smith It is not by augmenting the capital of the country, but by rendering a greater part of that capital active and productive than would otherwise be so, that the most judicious operations of banking can increase the industry of the country.

RococoArt and Architecture

Fragonard, The Swing

Battista, Aenaes Presenting Cupid to Dido

Watteau, Jupiter and Antiope

François Boucher, Triumph de Venus

Jean-Baptiste Simeon, The kitchen maid

Clodion, Nymphs and Cupids

Benedictine Abbey, Ottobeuren

Salon de la Princesse, Paris

NeoclassicismArt and Architecture

Batoni, Diana and Cupid

David, The Death of Socrates

Ingre, La Grande Odalisque

Menges, Johann Joachim Winckelmann

Houdon, Portrait of George Washington

Canova, Pauline Borghese as Venus

Jefferson, University of Virginia Rotunda

Kedleston Hall, England

Soufflot – Pantheon, Paris

Arc de Triomphe, Paris

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