the address

Post on 18-Apr-2015






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The Address

1. Who had given the narrator the address, when and under what circumstances?

(2 Marks)


The narrator’s mother had given her the address, years ago during the first half of the war. The narrator came home for a few days and missed various things in the rooms. Then her mother told her about Mrs. Dorling and gave her the address.

(Q.) What did the narrator learn about Mrs. Dorling from her mother?(2 Marks)


Mrs. Dorling was an old acquaintance of the narrator’s mother. They had not seen each other for several years. Then she suddenly turned up and renewed their contact. Every time she left that place she took something with her-table silver, antique plates, etc.

(Q.) What reason did Mrs. Dorling give for taking away the precious belongings of the narrator’s mother?

(2 Marks)


Mrs. Dorling suggested to the narrator’s mother that she should store her belongings at a safe place. She wanted to save all her precious antiques and she explained that they would lose everything if they had to leave the place due to war.

(Q.) ‘I was in a room I knew and did not know’, says the narrator in the story ‘The Address’. What promoted her to make this observation?

(2 Marks)


The narrator found herself in the midst of things she was familiar with and which she wanted to see again. She longed to see her belongings but was disturbed to find them in a strange atmosphere where everything was arranged in a tasteless way. The ugly furniture and the stale smell created the feeling that she didn’t know the room.

(Q.) How did the narrator reconcile herself to the loss of her mother's precious belongings?

(2 Marks)


The narrator felt that her mother had only sent them for safe custody and Mrs. Dorling was not to keep and use everything. On seeing these objects, memories of her former life were evoked. She found no room for these precious belongings in her present life. So she reconciled to her fate.

(Q.) Describe the first visit of Mrs. S’s daughter to the house of Mrs. Dorling.(2 Marks)


Mrs. Dorling did not give Mrs. S’s daughter a warm welcome. She was rather cold in

her behaviour because she understood the reason for her visit. She had no intention of returning Mrs. S’s belongings. Hence she behaved in a rude and cold manner, and did not even open the door for her.

(Q.) Who was Mrs. Dorling? Why did she visit Mrs. S’s house frequently?(2 Marks)


Mrs. Dorling was just an acquaintance of Mrs. S. Mrs. S’s belongings had a lot of value as they were beautiful. During the Second World War, the Jews were persecuted everywhere. Mrs. Dorling at this time revived her friendship with Mrs. Dorling and volunteered to keep her belongings safely till the war got over.

(Q.) Why did Mrs. Dorling ask to take away Mrs. S’s possessions?(2 Marks)


As the Jews had to leave during the Second World War, Mrs. Dorling revived her acquaintance with Mrs. S and carried away suitcases full of her precious belongings with the promise to save them for her till the war got over.

(Q.) Why did Mrs. S ask her daughter to remember the address of Mrs. Dorling?

(2 Marks)


She had asked her daughter to remember the address of Mrs. Dorling, i.e. 46 Marconi Street because she knew that one day she had to go back to her to get her precious belongings back from her.

(Q.) Why did Mrs. S ask her daughter to remember the address of Mrs. Dorling?

(2 Marks)


She had asked her daughter to remember the address of Mrs. Dorling, i.e. 46 Marconi Street because she knew that one day she had to go back to her to get her precious belongings back from her.

(Q.) Why does the narrator say, “I was in a room I knew and did not know”?(2 Marks)


The things belonging to the narrator’s mother were displayed in a most tasteless manner in an unaesthetic way. She knew the things so well but got put off by the way they were kept in the house of Mrs. Dorling.

(Q.) How was Mrs. Dorling taking care of the antiques and other things she had taken from Mrs. S.?

(2 Marks)


She had not looked after the things so well. The tablecloth looked unmended. They were making use of the antique plates by eating from them. Mrs. Doring and her daughter had even used the silver belonging given to them byMrs S.

(Q.) Why did the narrator not wait for Mrs. Dorling on her second visit?(2 Marks)


Mrs Doring's daughter allowed the narrator inside her house, during her second visit. She immediately noticed all the things belonging to her mother kept everywhere inside the house in a most tasteless manner. She got so put off that she decided to leave at once and forego all the belongings. She left without waiting for Mrs. Dorling to return.

(Q.) Could Mrs. S’s daughter get back to her old life after she came back to the city where she lived before the war?

(2 Marks)


Before the war, the mother and the narrator lived a comfortable life of luxury. They had beautiful and expensive antiques and silver cutlery. After the war, the narrator was probably living alone as others were dead. She ate dark and tasteless bread. She had fear and felt insecure. She led a different life altogether.

(Q.) Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?(2 Marks)


The narrator was disappointed and disillusioned when she was allowed to enter Mrs. Dorling’s house during her second visit. She realised the futility of feeling attached to her mother’s belongings that were kept so distastefully. She just left without taking anything back and felt like forgetting the address because she would only remember the past.

(Q.) “Have you come back? Said the woman, I thought that no one had come back.” Does this statement give some clue about the story? If yes, what is it?

(2 Marks)


The statement tells us that the narrator and her family at one time lived in that area and secondly, the clue that the war has brought about a lot of destruction and it seems that Mrs. Dorling was not expecting anyone to return to her house to claim the belongings.

(Q.) How did the narrator reconcile herself to the loss of her mother’s precious belongings?

(2 Marks)


The narrator told herself that she didn’t want to remember the address anymore and also had no place for the objects in her new post-war life. She felt that these things had lost their charm because of being cut off from their original owners and surroundings. She was not happy to see them in strange surroundings and consoled herself by saying that they would not look nice even in her own very small rented room. She became instantly detached from her mother’s possessions.

(Q.) What impression do you form of the narrator?(2 Marks)


The narrator was a very loving, caring and obedient daughter. Having wanted to fulfill her mother’s wishes she attempted to locate Mrs. Dorling’s house and twice went there to retrieve her mother’s belongings. She was practical and logical and seeing her belongings kept distastefully,she decided to forgo everything and return with only her mother’s good memories with her.

(Q.) ‘The Address’ is a story of human predicament (situation) that follows war. Comment.

(7 Marks)


The war creates many difficult and traumatic situations for human beings. Civilian life faces tremendous upheaval due to war. The human predicament that follows is amply illustrated through the experience of the narrator. The war had caused many physical difficulties as well as emotional sufferings to her. She had lost her dear mother. She went to 46, Marconi Street to see her mother’s valuable possessions. Mrs. Dorling was a true opportunist who had used the narrator’s mother’s belongings on the pretext of storing them for safekeeping. She refuses to recognize the narrator and does not even let her in. The narrator gets another chance to visit the house. The presence of her mother’s possessions in a strange atmosphere hurted her. Now these valuables had lost all their importance for her as they had been separated from her mother. She could get no solace or comfort from them. She resolved to forget the address. She wanted to leave the memories of her mother and the war behind.She decided to move on.

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