~~t · 1hc,okt of .1,od, ,h,•ruorniugmu,·11 "·,•kon1cj bl ... j.: fo"h....

Post on 21-Sep-2020






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l'OEMS l'J F.NG1.1s1-1




~:~:• firlds p.i.uurc our caulc, K'Ow our corn, i.:ir-1,dllct. likCn~ plane ;ind forL'HS thJt •k·H our birds ;ind shrines frotu ~uuburns ;ind sunnrokcs; WhNcdrmusblcndbr,·:1.1hing1 of M:i.1jOng foui1•,· ~ongs Ju1i1ir:g ;iud i111·iting


l'or [he Fon's Soll'ltln c~n To ;i ucrifici:t.l gro1·,· with p;1l111winc, ,;11nv.ood. b.uh·rs of black fowk" tcther'\.•d foac,

~~·~;::~,:~ ~.~~ ~.~tb~x Unt11.ukl•d c;apsuies O kola IIUI,

r.,·cry :in) )mile tu ~'--"011 1111· s111011ldcring log firn of incc,uc l1woliu~Mighty Ng:1,i Mbo111.

ciugdogs ' 0111i11g:

011 the on,• and ch,-y diiplay J 111'\Y coi11 o( f .. ich 011 the 01h,•r ,1 lll'w "''""JLii,·u of knowlcdKI' AnJ in fri11,hr 11,· ,1110!11.., ;1II our rc.1rl of v,.:rsuasion In-' riofous bid of 1r;11nmitting rdics JnJ CrJt'ks of .ill W,· h.d wrougl11 Jlld rc;1pcd ;111d conveyed through our d•ys.

8u1 iu VJio ! In 1·Ji11 du c,ur itrc;1nu o(blood Jt,·111.,,·c ttrc,mu of our vk1i111\ blood 111,1 bid ro,•ntic,, you,Q H,·rJIJi, From yourr,·solu1,· '''J)·.! Ju l'Jin. 0 Hcr;1lds. you 1,,il 10 drinl

t:~~i.~d: 1


1~~t1;:~J;~~ :~!;i:1:t;,~1~•':d7~1~~dN1: :



1hc,okt of .1,od, ,h,•ruorniugMu,·11 "·,•kon1cJ bl ... J.: fo"h. 1crhcf\.•Jgou1

4 Jo.af, kol1nu1t ~nJ c4111wood,

H<·rt N,:.l.i-,\lbom Sn,i/,•s I And lrom thtrc- "" plou,sh, 1n• so"., w,• crop S,.-.1,oM ofM.lnjimi;, Cho11~ .rnd Cl11k.lni,:


uh wich ingrcditnr, of :o:ylophonc notes A1",·1111i/c roo And nioun1 yean of .. iglb Weeping o .. er oor dc1d, Atmrd ing 10 our sid: , And rrjoicing o'"rt our nrw bom.


Nl(i:l.Mborn ! May we keep to the spoors of faith I ~fay evil om•·1u pus .1nd go rhcir so li1.1ry ways,

~~tj ;:~· n:it~~~'t:;~r1c't;h: sll:nn;:b:!.c th e highC$t clouds ,

:~ :t:; (.Ji';f.;;,•;h,'h;:,:~:· aod "":;:::, A

boilcr-1 To determin e whechcr they be brought by 1na11 and nor by a god ! Nwl:i.,t,.tbom ! Behold prayerful spears of rain we keep showering On 1hcse nubile shrin es, the anvil of your name -Wt 1urdy chose bur n••Yer made, To cro p and awaken life For the s uo,, ~, rhe sick, the de.1d And th oJe bcmg bor n into life and death.

ror Whithn you smile

We chew .1nd c-schcw chc spictlc rh.11 moistens Our uc red mou lds o f reconciliation at every crou• ro ad. . ,

~',:!:%·;:~~~ ~.::r~:~. ~:~;:::;d\:!,~1~1~,.:'.,;.;:~h:~.\,'h~:·::d'~',::: ... Hori.tons wan e our fcarJ with .r myriad of uninvited songs We improYi:e on ancest ral oc 1nu 10 s r;ict·

A kwi'fon-drununing of pr.i.ycn .ind Yows beyond th ose sacred pal111-frondJ Where our seen labour b\'11 and sound.

NgU .Mbo,u I M~y we spo1 .1nd c ry shame 011 whoc .. cr 111ocks you! May our foe s ignore our woes I

~:: ;: ~-:.;.;,!:~.:i:i ;1-:,:·1:;~ .. ~?.t'J;,h:,:'~r~~,~::.:::,'0 ',.. ,' May 1hc CY1/--doer ;ind 1hc w1rrior n1iu their way !

~:; ;: ~:::~,;:;::,:t::~::,\;:,:::•,~1:::l\,' ""d" o"' lw ! May our offspring hun1 for g~11r of 1hcrapcutic inspiratio1u



drill 1hd• bndropt nfhopc the eye

,he ~a• ,1,cnosuih in 1l1eh:o11d

1 11,eoncday . df , .

~~:~:~:: ;:'K~~,.rh:~::~tin;~~:;:l\l•e s wv.m~

::.:1::d!edf,~~ a~d alert iu c\au~orous voice i\nd nan•c it Re:vty, 11 fire•hcrald11111, D~y;

{)nthconcday Ylr tender our l,011, fires to m,ouldcr while we yd forat,'C i\,nd nan1e ii K1lo,,ity, a firc-nuuing Day :

on1hconcday With naked c~rs we wrc~tk through wind and ,101111

Until we become r\v11h to their J;,.ws i\,nd11J1ucitNd:r 1, ahw •dc11knil1gday;

On 1hconcd11y Worn out ,w ~1111\\.pacc with the rhythms of our footfalls i\,11d 11J111c it Ge': gi· :a ncrvc -and-1mudc-Oroopin11 o~y;

On the one day Wcuock sccdsintobarns And1irochhn the dusk ofthcdry•scuon \\'Ith the ha1>'CII of the bst KUl1o'·pl,nt rcddcnin~ i\.nd ripening with the predictions of the lint horncstcid uin• And name it NtOy!i.1111, an ,\J.,ound storinp; O,y :

On the one day We sow. sell and sheathe in harmony with the dictions

Ofadivincr.c11t,. And name ii Way/M11, an cisg-pod plan1ing 0Jy ,



"'.i't,in' Yomh ol r...-rt l,11d I You1h of n'H) lim" r AJ ifl'luh 1h, trappmg1 of ou, ropJ -.in,.. c-ahbuhc, \l'c-('l'.a..- ne1r 10 harnns and oil _your pu111pkinj~w1 ! As if im i1,·J h) A drummrr 't •·oicc-14, ,i,ll<'c-oor d.anc-C' of age to 1hc IW,1) of time's t\ines

!~d~~,b~~Jc;°!Ar~ r:;Jc°':h/:;,:b.Js of your fashion And/;,,.. 1hr way our fuu,· forerunners li,-c ! Nor in ,ain do"''" ke'rp unfolding 1hcse sc~rN rit,·s

:tt:C~:~~:rj::,~e&;:c!s"':e:!~;~f~h':~r;~ oJc" ledges of rem \11lithcr we ucm lih- a llrcam from its source 1 ~1li1hcr l'I"<' Ucm /ilc corn11,rai1u from corn-cobs I \l'hi1ha "'' srrrn like foruu from 1he soil ! \11lhhc:r w" Hem lilc a lrnifc fro111 its handle ! \l'hithcr",· JICntlilc rain from thcsky ! \11lirher "" Jlem lilc ,1 road from ,1 hon11.•nc:ad ! "'hither wr breath,; forth lilc life from our •cins ! No1 in •aiu dowt crown wd name our dau,1th1cr,N TA NC -IN O)MMEi\toKATION Yo IN COMMEMORATION of thC' l"itu h,1rnrn0<l

Of our fiurcrouing away from parcnr;U homesteads I

Lim:n 1 Wa'binliucnl

To e,cr,· •oice blowing centuries of d1<"ariu into )'Our cars ! \li'.1'bin ! Linen ro chem hying from wi1hin this caravan of strra1111 \li'c Ht' mOf'C than ,1 uart ! Wene more 1han the end ! kt u, nan1e. wrire and puisc

~:::::: ~~i:!~~1:r~ ~:nl:1ill~~t.,bo,n, han-c1tcd or plan1cd

i1':f:: ~:: T:i~bu~n~~;;·:~~~;: !, A ..,TdJodt of \leb1 of silrncc and words. As 1hc cob"eb-spinnrD of our 1imes 1

~: ~:: ,:~d~i,:; =~ ::.J!~~-;~,~1~ Qh,;~t:~ ~~ft;;~oiled 11icfiru toh.\r dri,rn all lili:e .i ri,tr 11110 the 6111 ebb and flow of nc"' nan1es !

The l'iru lo hne unfolded the fint drc.am1 Unckr thr fit11 roofs away from 1hc fir-u rainf.ills .1nd ~unshinr, That tcndtd our fln1 crop, ! The firn to hatr begouen and 1.1ng 1hc ftr11 lullabies To our firn children "'i1hin th,; ftm ho,ucnuds'

182 -


~;r~~t;•:::t;ou•~-fti.'~1h;~:~~~ft1l~::;,~ro~o;;~~cn:~ our lauds!

:;: ~,; •. :•r~i:ki'~:J~p:fi.1klc17~~r~~~ ~~i~~: J~df~~ ~i::;;ing JcH0n !

l\1:-11Ki'1-nuiinJ: I K1:,ug1'111g ! K11'-ngllng !

K{-nl(i-ugi11g ! Kinging! K i-n1;:i11g !

K1:-11gi1-n~1'mg ! K~-11gllng ! Kti !

To,<by W•· prodJim J111I in:i.ugur,llc a new h3rvcsting season ! To.day We procl:iir11 Jnd inau~uruc a new planting $Ca5on ! Nrws We winnow lilc Kola N111 Out o(Pods ! News Wc plucl: 1.ikc Unripe F'ruiu Froni l'odding Wi11ds !

KU-Nc:lJ-NGl.lNG ! KU-Nc:U-NGlJNG !

Childrrn will be 1illcd like fonile l:i.nds And WOCk·d to 1,,c;arhcr 011 wiih varying l1airstylcs ! Showers o( blood will drive off showers o( rain IO recede in10 their ho111c1 !


h1:i::1~d"~.\~t~1;:hnc~:11~~(o'!·~~lla~~J !ccp

1.il•· thl' l1•·.:a11·1n w/1hou1 co111ola1io11! N1•w1 plJ111cd 10 K'O"" in dumps wi1hin famu o( winds ! Thcrc- i1 a ski" di1usc l!'J(ll'd JOlllcwhcrc 10 j"ay n~-w incoming ,1<inds 1

~~~t,\~!sn:•,:c\]1~:~:i'~;.,\'/~~11~0/~~•:udr l~k:.:a:h:·:in!id~)~:~a b:i.g

Kd-Nc;iJNG ! KU-Nc:lJNG , KU-NGIJNG ! KlJ-NGi.J-NGliNG l K1i !

A M:i.rlct Mcn~g~· with 1ht• sc:ilcd orders

~~~;k~~~,:~1~;:~b~!-~[~~~ts:1:~vc~',:1;11~n~:",t;r'b::~~~ sc.uon O( sc-crs ;and their Mochcr.Kwi'fun l:"'-t·h~niir;f ,·igilancc over ~u ~k~ ;~:.~~i~i~h~;'C~'~~i:;1 ~~i~~i;~1n~1!\r 1hc T:1ajO" Hill\ !


Ki.NGiNG ! Kl NC:iNG ! Ki.Nr.i-NGING ! Ki

K0-NGLING ! KV-Nc;i.JNG, KU-NG~-NGi.JNG ! Kl; 1

K0-NclJ-Nci.JNc; ! KJ·NGGNc I KLi-NGIJNc; !

... u.NGU-NcllNc; ! Kt..i-NGLING j KU-NGlJNG ! K1f I,., K,:-niti1n111

And in f1i1hl "" smothered all our tcau of persuasions /n a rio101u bid of transmilllng ttlks am.I tracks of all Wt had 11-rought ind ruped inti conveyed tluough our days_

Hcr.Jd1 l Wharntrncw:syoubcar WcJti1Jding101htbcst lnquir<"rs on I pi/glim's JlaftSCrcd sicp. NYiJY-Mborn Jtnds you ;1J Ht u:nd$ u1 ! We arc pilgrims froro a cudlc In ourAnctuor', Land I

S:-:-f:.:- S:- :- f:- · riNG - oiNc; T{Nc; - o{Nc


ri:-FA: ri:-rA: KUNG-NGt.fNc: Kt.iNG-NGUNG

S:- ·• f:-TiNG • DiNG


FL-FA: KUNC - NGt.iNG ( 1)

Kt.lNc. - NG UNG .•. tiNc ... u ... u ... u

II> S.0.S. SOUND !

Rom~ 1970, Kitiwum 197). PariJ 2nd, /978, Nm·ember.



•--ung. (1)



__,,,,,__ A FARMER'S DREAM


upon nreims v.hy lu~es should Jceq, conndlng 10 1he winds why ,r. ,trs should keep flowln, 1.w1.y with their bleul,ws why birth should Jceep pursuing 1hedouds 1.b1ndonin3 1he sorts whlthN' lie nlions 1.nd food-crops for their d1.ys.

Ethiopia! I keep shouling and calllng for you In my dreams 10 ;awake and blossom from wi1hin our soils Like our crops.

Ethiopia! Aw;ake and blossom Through your rains Awake and blossom Through your suns Aw;ake and blossom With your children Awake and blouom

N kUnyil, NkUny~ ! Awake and blossom Nwayo, Nwiyo ! Awake and blossom N)'a:ng 'na Nyi'l:ng A wake and blooom To the hearing of all Awake and blossom !

lfi na die O ! Awake ;ind blossom ! lfi na money O ! Aw;ike and blossom ! lfi na wik;i waka O ! Awake and blossom ! Iii na chop, drink wata O ! Awake and blossom ! lfi na die lif pikin O ! Aw;ake and blossom ! Awake and blossom ! .







e~ ooNG,\sU TANLA-tdsttANI

(lnMemori· of BUN'GO .iliu Robttl Shilling of ,\BERDIN ... )

I now ('t'rth wspfflded in .the 1hin olir of disuimin.ition compc1i111 with Eiffel's p.ittem~ rtf1.nirc 10 Llkt cums of vigil.ir.ce o1tf' tht 1omb oflhc unknown solditt. I w.int 10 ~.itch for the tomb of tht known sl,1, e in this sci still rocking .around my ncd. with the unevipoutNf wncrs lh.ilSCtpilSioRSMTIUCk -.hctc I cry .ind shout for you, E1hlopfa ulling yoo with thos-e eirthcned nvne1 of sl.i.vcs we buriNf in effigy beyond our bridgt'S..

I cry .ind shout for ,1 child we rwned in memory The House Floor! bidding ur.iv.ins of life merch.1n1s 10 untomb rwnes from lovcles.sness set amuck in this sc.i of p.ission, discriminition ... Our Houu Floor ! I cry ;ind shout resolute to unwlh 1hc known ~•ves. Wilh .in opened mouth I shout Nsoalav O -0-0 - 0 .. running iw.iy from e~try colour of forgiveness still longing for .in impossible forgetfulness.

Bong.iSU Tanl.i-K(sh.ini

Puis, 30th August, 1979.

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