superhero sprints: 6 weeks to superhero physique

Post on 03-Dec-2021






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Superhero SprintsBy: Dennis Heenan

Copyright 2013BodyFit Formula DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given in this guide are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given in this guide are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.



Superhero Sprinting System

Welcome to the Superhero Sprinting System, the fastest way to getting that Superhero body physique you have always wanted. For me, this ideal physique is looking like Gambit from X-Men while for you, it may mean looking more like like Batman or Catwoman. Whatever superhero you aspire to look like, be prepared to get transformed.

The Superhero Sprints you will come across in this manual are very intense and can be completed in under 20-minutes, if you push yourself hard!

All of the workouts require no equipment, and will turn you into a real life superhero (ok so you won't be able to fly but you will be pretty dang close by the end!).

The workouts you will find are ones I have spent years tweaking and testing in order to bring myself, friends, and clients the best results. Each workout is strategically designed to help you burn more fat and build more lean muscle so you can finally look like a superhero.

I cannot wait to hear all about your successes and be sure to keep me posted on your results.

I will be in touch,

Dennis Heenan, CPTFounder: BodyFit Formula and Superhero Sprints

P.S. Don't forget my other sites... Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts, free content, and more. Revolutionary training systems with workouts designed to get you in the best shape of your life... Fast!

Join us on Facebook at



Table of Contents

Table of ContentsTips Before Starting......................................................................................................... 5Superhero Sprints System................................................................................................7Superhero Sprints System: The Workouts of Superheros................................................10Superhero Nutrition Plan ...............................................................................................30

Foods That Suck The Life Out Of You: Your Kryptonite................................................30The SuperHero Nutrition Plan .................................................................................. 31

Super Foods................................................................................................................... 32Forcing Your Kryptonite's To Work For You......................................................................34

The Cheat Day........................................................................................................... 34Cheat Day Details: Frequently Asked Questions........................................................ 35Cheat Day Example Week......................................................................................... 36Maximizing Your Cheat Day....................................................................................... 37

12 Superhero Meal Options .......................................................................................... 40Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 41



Tips Before Starting

1. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise, be sure to get instruction from a certified trainer.

2. If something hurts or feels off, don’t do that exercise. There are plenty of alternates that you can add in. Please feel free to email dennis (at) bodyfitformula (dot) com for ideas or see the Exercise Library manual for alternative exercises.

3. Because this is a new program, be sure to start slow to avoid injury. Pushing too hard after not working out for a while will only lead to injury or being overly sore.

4. If you find you need more rest in between exercises, take it. Over the course of the program, you should work on shortening your rest periods.

5. This program is demanding so if going three days per week is too much, start by going 2 days a week with your others days being “active rest” days (walking, hiking, etc.).

6. Always warm up properly. Be sure you are fully warmed up before starting your workouts.

7. Use a foam roll and stretch consistently. This will greatly help with eliminating soreness throughout the program.

8. Get good rest. You must allow your body to recover from your workouts so be sure you are getting good sleep.

9. Drink lots of water. This will keep you hydrated and allow you to lose fat more easily.

10. Have a cool down period at the end of each workout that includes stretching and foam rolling.



This is important!

Superhero Sprint Guidelines

Below are some guidelines that you should read through before jumping into the program. The reason I have put these together is to help maximize results while eliminating tons of soreness. Yes, you will get sore and that is fine. What you want to avoid is getting so overly sore that you have to miss a workout.

• Always start with a warm up: Your warm up should consist of some dynamic stretching, foam roll, and warm up sets. For example, start by doing some jogging, bodyweight squats, lunges, and push-ups before starting. Always be sure your body is fully ready to go before starting. Especially before doing a full-speed sprint, you want to make sure your muscles are completely warmed up. When in doubt, warm up more!

• Ease into the program: As was stated, this is a challenging program so be sure to ease into it. Especially if you have not sprinted in a while, start by doing your sprints at 70-80% of your full speed for the first few times or cut down the time. Then you can build up to going full speed by the end of the first week or beginning of the second week.

• Always have perfect form: It is much better to have perfect form doing less repetitions than have bad form performing lots of repetitions. Form is very important, so keep focused on it throughout the circuits.

• Finish with a cool down period: Once you have finished your workout, always perform a cool down with some stretching, jogging, and foam roll. This will help eliminated soreness and get you better prepared for the next day.

• Track your progress: Be sure you are tracking everything that you do throughout the Superhero Sprint program. This includes the number of reps you completed during the circuits, the amount of rest you took, etc.

• Drink lots of water: Keep yourself hydrated as these workouts will take a lot out of you.

• Get good rest. Sleep and recovery time is going to be huge on this program. Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours per night to allow your body to recover and grow.

Note to beginners

The workouts on the Superhero Sprints System are very challenging. However, this does not mean you cannot do them. Start by doing what you can on the sprints by cutting down the time or going at 50-75% of your full speed. You can then build up to doing more.



Superhero Sprints System

What are Superhero Sprints?

Superhero Sprints are a combination of sprints (certain exercises done at your highest intensity) and circuit training all rolled into one. Sprints are the most powerful exercise on the planet and the strategically placed circuits within the program are designed to add lean muscle and provide more fat burn.

Superhero Sprints were created after I graduated college in 2010, then have been tweaked, tested, and made better ever since that time. After college graduation, I was extremely burned out from playing 4 years of college basketball and my body was screaming at me to take a break.

The problem was, my wedding was coming up in a little over a month so I really couldn't afford to take time off as I wanted to look great for the wedding. So instead of continuing to kill myself for hours in the weight room, Superhero Sprints were created.

These workouts were taking me less than 20 minutes and were bringing incredible results! Needless to say, the wedding day was a success and Superhero Sprints continued to evolve.

Now for the first time I have put the complete step-by-step system into action, and it is about to completely transform your body and life. The workouts are designed to bring lightening fast results, while not forcing you to lock yourself in the weight room for hours at a time.

Why will Superhero Sprints work?

Superhero Sprints involve the most powerful exercise on the planet (sprints) and are mixed with some of the best fat burning and lean muscle building circuits around.

When I started experimenting with sprints, right away my results went through the roof and my body was feeling and looking better than ever. It wasn't until I started researching and learning more about sprints that I understood why they worked so well.

During my research, I came across this quote:

“Sprints are the purest, most powerful, physique-shaper in an athletes arsenal.”

Take note here, we are ALL athletes. Our bodies were designed to be athletes; to move, run, jump, sprint, lift, throw, etc. Your body is waiting on you to turn it into an athlete... better yet, a Superhero!



To give you an idea of just how powerful sprints are, here is a list of the benefits they bring:

1. Creates instant fat burn!

2. Lightening fast results.

3. The most time efficient workout you can do.

4. Naturally produces Growth Hormone (this will help keep you lean, strong, and healthy)

5. Boosts testosterone levels (both men and women need optimal testosterone levels in their bodies in order to help aid in mental and physical energy, adding lean muscle, eliminating unwanted fat, and more. Women this is very important for you to have, and no it will not get you “bulky”)

6. Boosts your metabolism.

7. Improves insulin sensitivity.

8. Allows for hours of continued fat burn even after your workout is over!

9. Increases lean muscle gain throughout your entire body.

10. Will develop an incredible set of abs. Not only will sprints help burn belly fat but they will build your ab muscles as good as any exercise!

11. Improves cardio health and strengthens your heart.

12. They activate your fast twitch muscle fibers which will help give you a more muscular look!

As you can see, sprints alone will bring quite the array of results. So why Superhero Sprints?

Let me put it this way: Take the benefits you see above, and double them. That is what you get with Superhero Sprints. More fat burn, more lean muscle gain, better abs, longer after burn, and an overall better physique (yes, a Superhero Physique!)

The reason Superhero Sprints work so well is because it uses the ISMT™ system. ISMT™ stands for Interval Sprint Metabolic Training and it combines sprints with strategically placed circuits.

By adding in strength training to your sprinting workouts, you are allowing your body to



burn more fat while adding lean muscle.

ISMT™ forces your body to turn into a fat burning machine. Because it involves you working near your anaerobic threshold, you are able to maximize your fat utilization!

Why will they work for you?

The answer is simple:

Training with ISMT™ = Superhero Physique

And just so you know, when I say 'Superhero Physique', I am not talking about the Hulk. I am talking about the ones with the ripped, lean look: Gambit, Superman, Batman, Catwoman, Gene Grey, Wolverine, Captain America, Rogue, Storm, Green Lantern, etc.

These superheros have the look we are after. And in order to get that look, we must be burning fat and building lean muscle at the same time.

Superhero Sprints will do this for you!



Superhero Sprints System: The Workouts of Superheros

The Basics:

Superhero Sprints involves working out 3 days a week for less than 25 minutes a day. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday you will perform a combination of sprints and strength circuits.

Every workout over the next 6 weeks is outlined for you below. This includes exactly how to sprint, the circuits you will perform, and everything else that you need.

How To Perform Superhero Sprints

You will be working out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and workouts will be as follows:

**Note** If a different three days during the week work better for you, by all means workout on those days. Just try to give yourself a days rest in between workouts.

On these three days, you will be performing sprints with strength circuits mixed in (Superhero Sprints as they are called).

You will perform 8 total sprints and 4 total circuits which are laid out for you below. Because you are performing more sprints than circuits, you will only perform the strength circuits after certain numbered sprints.

That said, after all even numbered sprints (2, 4, 6, 8) you will perform a strength circuit.

Between each sprint and circuit you will be allowed a short rest period.

This rest period is on you to decide how much time you need. The reason for this, is some people will need longer to rest than others. The goal here is to push yourself to get better while still being able to go full speed.

Goals For The Workouts

Your ultimate goal for each workout is to finish as quickly as possible while keeping perfect form throughout, and to complete as many reps as possible during the 20 second strength circuits.

You will notice that each circuit is 3 minutes long, so this means to complete the whole workout faster, your rest times must stay short.



Be sure to track each and every workout to see how much rest you took and how long it took you to complete.

ONE Rule For Rest Times: the only rule for rest times is you must take at least an 8 second rest where it says to rest!

That is essentially all you need to know about how to perform the Superhero Sprint workouts. Everything else will be outlined below in a step-by-step fashion.

What if I can't go outside to sprint?

Not to worry, I have given you alternative bodyweight sprinting options that you can do so the workouts can be done in the comfort of your own home! Remember, sprints are certain exercises that you do at your highest intensity, followed by a rest and repeat. This means you can sprint anytime, anywhere no matter what.

Please see the manual, 'Indoor Superhero', for your 100% indoor workouts!

**Click HERE to Access FREE Video Instruction!**



Week One, Workout One:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (30 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (30 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 30 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Push-Ups: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsMountain Climbers: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsPrisoner Squats: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week One, Workout Two:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (30 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (30 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 30 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Burpees: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsSit Through: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsT Push-Up: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week One, Workout Three:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (30 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (30 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 30 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Spiderman Push-Ups: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsSquat to Squat Jump: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsIce Skaters: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Two, Workout One:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (40 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (40 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 40 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Push-Ups: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsX-Body Mountain Climbers: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsSquats Jumps: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Two, Workout Two:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (40 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (40 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 40 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Quick Feet: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsBroad Jump: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsClose Grip Push-Up: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Two, Workout Three:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (40 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (40 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 40 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Spiderman Climb Sit Through: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsDive Bomber Push-Up: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsLateral Jumps: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Three, Workout One:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (50 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (50 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 50 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Push-Ups: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsMountain Climbers: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsPrisoner Squats: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Three, Workout Two:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (50 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (50 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 50 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Burpees: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsSit Through: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsT Push-Up: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Three, Workout Three:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (50 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (50 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 50 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Spiderman Push-Ups: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsSquat to Squat Jump: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsIce Skaters: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Four, Workout One:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (60 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (60 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 60 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Push-Ups: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsX-Body Mountain Climbers: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsSquats Jumps: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Four, Workout Two:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (60 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (60 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 60 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Quick Feet: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsBroad Jump: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsClose Grip Push-Up: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Four, Workout Three:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (60 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (60 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 60 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Spiderman Climb Sit Through: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsDive Bomber Push-Up: 20 seconds-Rest 10 secondsLateral Jumps: 20 seconds -Rest 10 seconds and repeat 2 times (3 minutes)

Record how long the workout took you!



For weeks five and six, we are switching things up a bit. Instead of an interval circuit, we will be doing rep circuits. This will really challenge you to push hard as you are trying to finish as fast as possible! Be sure to follow the format below!

Week Five, Workout One:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (70 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (70 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 70 yards

**Circuit Workout:

X-Body Mountain Climber: 10 reps each legLateral Jumps: 10 reps each sidePush-Ups: 10 repsBurpees: 10 reps

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Five, Workout Two:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (70 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (70 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 70 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Spiderman Push-Ups: 10 repsSit Through: 10 reps totalPlank Side Hops: 10 reps each sideSquat Jumps: 10 reps

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Five, Workout Three:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (70 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (70 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 70 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Jump Lunges: 10 reps totalT Push-Ups: 10 repsIce Skaters: 10 reps each sidePlank to Push-Up: 10 reps

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Six, Workout One:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (80 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (80 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 80 yards

**Circuit Workout:

X-Body Mountain Climber: 10 reps each legLateral Jumps: 10 reps each sidePush-Ups: 10 repsBurpees: 10 reps

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Six, Workout Two:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (80 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (80 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 80 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Spiderman Push-Ups: 10 repsSit Through: 10 reps totalPlank Side Hops: 10 reps each sideSquat Jumps: 10 reps

Record how long the workout took you!



Week Six, Workout Three:

**Your goal is to finish the workout as fast as possible by keeping your rest times short. Just be sure to give yourself enough rest so you can go full speed on the next exercise!**

Workout Description:

Sprints (80 yards)--Rest as long as neededSprints (80 yards)--Rest as long as neededComplete Circuit Workout (below)**--Rest as long as neededMove back to sprints. Repeat until you have completed 4 circuits and 8 sprints!

Sprinting Distance: 80 yards

**Circuit Workout:

Jump Lunges: 10 reps totalT Push-Ups: 10 repsIce Skaters: 10 reps each sidePlank to Push-Up: 10 reps

Record how long the workout took you!



Superhero Nutrition Plan

Foods That Suck The Life Out Of You: Your Kryptonite

Kryptonite was made famous by Superman, the Man of Steel. According to the comics, it was the only thing in the universe that he had to fear. So if you ask me, it sounds pretty serious.

Essentially, kryptonite is a vulnerability, something that causes weakness. The last thing Superman wanted to encounter was the dreaded Kryptonite. So what did he do? He stayed away best he could. This doesn’t mean he never came in contact with it, because he did quite often. But he learned how to counteract it so he could stay alive and strong.

In a bit of the same way, we as humans have our own Kryptonite's. The only difference is we are surrounded by them all the time.

So what is our Kryptonite, you ask? Food!

Not all food, just the foods that make us weak. To become Superhuman, you must feed yourself super foods. Food that bring energy, burn fat, boost focus and memory, and promote great health. And like Superman, you must also learn to allow your Kryptonite's to work for you and not against you.

Within these next few pages, I will teach you exactly how to turn your meals into super meals, and your Kryptonite's into joyous and guilt free fat burning meals.



The SuperHero Nutrition Plan

The foods you eat are supposed to do five things for you:

1. Burn Fat2. Aid in lean muscle growth3. Bring constant energy and focus4. Promote life long health5. Make you super human

But for the majority of our population, the foods they consume do quite the opposite. The foods most people partake in...

1. Add fat2. Suck the life out of you3. Promote disease and illness4. Make you weak

For the past 100 years, our nation has been getting sicker and sicker and it's only getting worse.

Going back to Superman's Kryptonite: According to a Wikipedia search, throughout his time Superman came across 18 different forms of Kryptonite. Do you know how many Kryptonite's we humans have to deal with?


95% of our grocery stores are filled with them and nearly every restaurant we drive by has a huge Kryptonite sign hanging from it. With all that said, this is just the reality we live in. And truth be told, most of our Kryptonite's taste pretty dang good!

In order for us to start being Superhuman, we must start getting serious about the foods we put into our bodies.

Below, I have outlined a list of all the foods that you should be focusing on to get your body to the superhuman state that you want.

Following that, we will cover the Kryptonite's that are leaving your body weak and sick, but ways that you can still incorporate these foods to burn more fat than ever (this is pretty awesome, so don't miss it!)



Super Foods

Protein: Grass fed beef, pasture raised eggs, chicken, lamb, wild game, pork, salmon, tuna, walleye, halibut, …Healthy Fats: Avocado, grass fed butter, coconut oil, coconut milk,extra virgin olive oil, fish oils, ghee, almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts, walnuts,...Vegetables: avocados, bok choy, brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, carrots, celery, cucumber, cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, …Fruit: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, …Spices and Herbs: Black pepper, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, ginger, sea salt, turmeric, rosemary, oregano, …Dairy: grass fed butter, grass fed cream, grass fed ghee, … Carbohydrates: Sweet potatoes, yams, beans, legumes, potatoes, ...

In Moderation (depending on activity level)

Beans and LegumesRice and Oats(Note: The more active you are the more of the above foods you need.)

Your Kryptonite's

Grains: cereals, breads, pastas, pastries, …Processed foods and sugar: sodas, bakes goods, candy, chips, crackers, sugary yogurts, high fructose corn syrups, fruit juice concentrates, table sugar …Fast Food: Any and all, ...Alcohol: beer, mixed drinks, cocktails, hard alcohol, wine, ...

Simple and Stress Free Results:

Eating the foods above in section one will make you Superhuman, simple as that. And staying away from your Kryptonite's will force you to burn more fat and be healthier than ever. Before moving on to learning about how to eat your Kryptonite's on a weekly basis and still stay incredibly healthy, lets cover a few more basic eating guidelines to help get you started:

1. Eat when you are hungry and until you are satisfied. There is no need to restrict or count calories when you eating the right foods. To be superhuman, you must fuel your body with enough calories and listen when it needs more.

2. Don't drink calories: Focus on drinking lots of water. Black coffee (with grass fed cream) and unsweetened teas are also ok in moderation. Stay away from sodas, milk, fruit juices, lattes, alcohol, sports drinks, etc.

3. Enjoy the foods you eat and the energy they bring. Get creative with the kinds of



food you cook and eat. Eating healthy is far from boring or bland. Some of the most flavorful foods are the foods that are the best for you. There are plenty of Superfood's to choose from above, so get creative.

4. Remember that health and fitness should not run your life, it should simply be part of it. Mistakes happen and you will fall off track at times. Don’t let one mistake ruin your day or week. Forget about it and move on. If you have a piece of cake at the office, you shouldn’t feel the need to workout for an extra hour that day. It is all about balance and enjoying life. If you start having a piece of cake at the office everyday, that is when you may need to reevaluate your nutrition plan.



Forcing Your Kryptonite's To Work For You

After seeing the superhero food list in the previous section, I am sure you can see that there are plenty of options to cook a great meal. That said, do I really expect you to never eat junk food again?

Of course not!

Truth be told, I strategically eat junk foods on a weekly basis. What I am about to reveal to you will not only allow you to eat your favorite junk foods each week, but you will learn how you can make those junk foods work to your benefit.

The Cheat Day

A cheat day can be described as a full day of anything goes, junk food madness. A guilt free day to eat whatever your heart desires. Before going into any more detail, lets first cover the science behind this awesome cheat day:

Cheat Day Science

When you go on a diet, you put your body in an interesting predicament. This is especially true when you are not feeding it enough calories for an extended period of time. When you restrict calories for an extended period, your body starts going into a “starvation” mode and actually starts to work against you.

When the body is not getting enough calories, its starts signaling to store fat instead of burn it. The reason for this is that our bodies are made to adapt to whatever is happening to them. When you are not getting enough fuel, the brain triggers the body to store anything and everything you eat to use as back up energy.

This means that even though you are “dieting”, your fat burning will stop and you will start storing fat because of calorie restriction.

When you are trying to burn fat, the last thing you want to do is start storing it. That is the complete opposite of what you are trying to do. So how do you solve this?

The Answer: Leptin

Leptin is the hunger and energy hormone. It tells the body when it needs energy, when it is hungry, and when to stop eating. A few different things regulate Leptin and the first is calorie intake.



If you eat a high amount of calories, your leptin levels shoot up. Along those same lines, if you eat a low amount of calories, leptin levels fall.

When leptin falls, your metabolism slows down, as does your fat burning.

First off, understand that leptin levels fall gradually. It typically takes leptin a week to drop and start slowing down fat burning. This means if you were to eat less calories than you burn (or restrict calories) for 6-7 days, your fat burning would start to slow down. This is the reason why when people go on a diet they start complaining that their fat burning has stopped. They need fuel (calories) to boost their fat burning and leptin back up!

Now this is the amazing part: It only takes one day to boost your leptin levels up into the ultimate fat burning zones. This means having a cheat day once per week will bring your body back to full fat burning.

Even better, eating things such as pizza, pancakes, french toast, ice cream, and all other junk food, works best when boosting leptin levels back up.

The combination of carbohydrates and fats do the best job in elevating leptin. Eating a pizza or some pancakes will work better than if you just had a massive amount of pasta. By having these junk foods once per week, you are resetting your fat burning and metabolism to get them into the ultimate fat burning state.

Leptin is a pretty great tool when used properly.

Note: Now please do not interpret what you just read as: “oh perfect, I can just drastically cut calories for 6-7 days then binge one day per week and get great results.” That is not at all what I am saying. Focus on eating the SuperHero foods above each day throughout the week, eat when you are hungry and until you are satisfied, then enjoy your cheat day; you will get incredible results doing it this way.

Your body will not get results by drastically cutting calories.

Focus on eating superhero foods throughout the week at all your meals, then take one day to enjoy any and all foods that you want.

Cheat Day Details: Frequently Asked Questions

When should you start your cheat day?

The best way to start a cheat day is to simply choose a day and stick with it. With that said, you should first go at least 5-6 days of eating the Superhero foods above before having your



first cheat day.

Therefore you can start on a Sunday or Monday eating the Superhero meal plan, then enjoy a cheat day that Saturday. Once you have a day picked out, stick with it.

For example, if you choose Saturday for your day to cheat then keep that day throughout the program. All your other days will be focused on eating like a Superhero.

The preference for most people is to have their cheat day on a weekend as this is when most go out with friends. You then do not have to worry about what you are going to order as pizza, burgers, nachos, etc. are completely fine to eat on your cheat day.

How often should I cheat?

As you read, your metabolism will start to slow down after about 6-7 days therefore you will take a cheat day every week.

The combination of six days of Superhero eating and one day of cheat meals works perfectly with timing and satisfying your cravings.

How should I cheat?

Well, you just do. You go out and eat everything that you want. If you have been feeling like pancakes with extra maple syrup, by all means indulge. If you then feel like a pizza (something that is a must for my cheat day), order it and finish the whole thing guilt free. You should not feel at all guilty during your cheat day. We know that it works to your advantage, so enjoy it.

Now even though it is your cheat day, this does not mean you should go and purposely make yourself sick by having a dozen donuts, ten candy bars, and two extra large pizzas. Simply eat as you normally would and enjoy the day. After eating like a Superhero the previous six days, you deserve a day to eat what you want.

Cheat Day Example Week

I am sure you are figuring out that this eating plan is quite simple. I figured, however, that I would add in a short nutrition description of what an example week may look like. In our example, Saturday is going to be our cheat day:


Eat like a Superhero, pretty simple.



Throughout the week, you should be eating when you are hungry and until you are satisfied. Remember, it will do you no good to starve your body of the nutrients it needs. By eating the right foods, your body will respond perfectly and start burning fat.

Example Superhero Meal Day:

Breakfast: 4 eggs, broccoli, and asparagus cooked in 1 tablespoon of grass fed butter. Avocado on the side.Early Lunch: Chicken breast, stir fried veggies in grass fed butter Lunch: Grass fed beef patty, veggies, guacamole, black beans, handful of almonds WorkoutPost Workout: Protein shake, chicken breast, sweet potatoDinner: Chicken breast, bok choy, broccoli stir fried in grass fed butter

This is just one example of what a day may look like. There are plenty of healthy meals to choose from. Find a few that work for you and stick with them.

After focusing on your Superhero Meals for six days, it is time for your cheat day:


Your cheat day is here so go crazy. Eat whatever your heart desires and do it guilt free. Indulge in some pancakes, french toast, pizza, burgers, etc.

That is all that really needs to be said about your cheat day. Enjoy it.

Maximizing Your Cheat Day

What we are about to cover is optional. You do not have to do any of these things on your cheat day if you do not want to:

In his book the Four Hour Body, Tim Ferriss did some interesting experiments on the cheat day diet that I would like to share with you. Everything that he tested, I have tried out myself and can confirm work very well. You can see these solutions below as a kind of “damage control” for your cheat day:

1. Start with a good breakfast

The morning of your cheat day, always start with a good “non-cheat” breakfast. This meal should consist of at least 30 grams of protein and some good fiber. Doing this will help with digestion throughout the rest of the day as you enjoy your cheat meals.



Many times starting a cheat day with a full on cheat meal will set you up for disaster the rest of the day. I have done this before and spent much of the day in the bathroom (sorry, too much information). Not fun when it is your one time that week to enjoy any and all food.

2. Consume some fructose or fruit sugar right before you first cheat meal:

Consuming some fructose or fruit sugar before your first cheat meal will help dull the insulin spike you will surely experience after eating your cheat meal. In his book, Tim recommends drinking grapefruit juice before eating your first cheat meal.

Because the foods you will be eating cause major spikes in insulin, having a small amount of fructose or fruit sugar can help minimize the insulin spike.

Another way to help halt the insulin spike is by adding some cinnamon to your foods. This works great with pancakes and French Toast especially.

3. Have caffeine with your cheat meals

Adding some black coffee or Yerba Mate will help with the digestion of your cheat foods and allow them to pass through your system faster. This means the cheat foods will not stay in your body as long, which will be of benefit. Simply adding a cup of coffee or a few shots of espresso will do the trick. (100-200 milligrams of caffeine)

4. Brief muscular contraction

Muscular contraction can help open up muscle receptors for more calories to flow into. This will allow you to store most of the junk you ate in your muscles rather than store it as fat. Now please note that you are not burning off the foods you just ate.

By doing these brief exercises, you are opening up more receptors throughout the body for the cheat foods to flow into so you don’t store the food as fat. During a cheat day, you will be eating more sugar and carbs than your body needs so in a sense doing some short exercises allows you to store more food in the right places.

Now I am not talking about going through a full 20 minute workout before or after eating a cheat meal (not even close). Studies have shown that by doing just 60-90 seconds of exercise is far enough to open up those receptors. The best time to perform the exercises is either a few minutes before the meal, or preferably 90 minutes after a meal (or both).

The easiest exercise option is going to be the bodyweight squat. Perform 60-90 seconds of bodyweight squats and you will be good to go.

5. Enjoy them!



If you eat like a Superhero the previous 6 days you deserve a day to eat whatever you want. You should not feel guilty when eating tons of junk food one day per week. As we have covered, this one day a week will help your results. So go out and enjoy it.

And finally, just because this is your cheat day it doesn’t mean you should go out and stuff your face with 15,000 calories. Just eat as you normally would.

If you just focus on enjoying the day instead of trying to make yourself sick, you will see much better results.



12 Superhero Meal Options

The meal options below are just to give you ideas on the kinds of meals you should focus on eating throughout the week. I recommend picking 2-3 meals you enjoy and eating them over and over. Don't be afraid to get creative with your meals. Make it fun!

Superhero Breakfasts

Option 1: 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 2 cups of spinach, ½ cup asparagus, 1 tbsp grass fed butter, 4oz grass fed ground beef

Option 2: 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 1 tbsp grass fed butter, 1 cup asparagus

Option 3: 4 pieces of organic bacon, 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 2 cups of spinach

Option 4: Whey Protein Shake (2 scoops), 2 tbsp of Almond Butter, raspberries

Superhero Lunch/Dinner

Option 5: 8oz Chicken Breast, 2 cups of broccoli, 2 cups bok choy, 1 tbsp of coconut oil

Option 6: 8oz Chicken Breast, 10 spears of asparagus cooked in 1 tbsp of butter, 2 cups of spinach, homemade salad dressing (1 tbsp of olive oil, spicy mustard, spices)

Option 7: 8oz grass fed ground beef patty, kale, 1½ cups of brussles sprouts, 2 tbsp of grass fed butter

Option 8: 8oz grass fed steak, 10 asparagus spears and 1-cup broccoli (steamed)

Option 9: 6oz Salmon, kale, carrots, 2 tbsp of coconut oil

Option 10: 8oz chicken breast, 1½ cups of broccoli, 2 tbsp almond butter

Option 11: 8oz bison steak, 10 asparagus spears, 2 cups cooked spinach, 2 tbsp grass fed butter

Option 12: 8oz grass fed steak, 10 asparagus spears, 2 cups bok choy sautéed in 2 tbsp of grass fed butter




Remember, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out! Eat clean and train mean, and results will follow!

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Superhero Sprints

Created By:Dennis Heenan, CPT

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