summer reading

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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Summer Reading

BY : Oscar Salas


Article #1

“Chikens are smarter than human toddlers”

Dolasia, Meera. Dogo News . “Chickens Are Smarter Than Human

Toddlers!” N.p. , June 27, 2013. Web. July 9, 2013.


The article tell us a new incredible fact about chickens, they are more intelligent than any other bird! The University of Bristol use 20 years of data to confirm that chickens can count until five, and that they can navigate their way around using the sun, something that adult humans can’t do. They also understand physics very well at only 2 weeks from born. Additionally chickens know that if they are more patient, they can have more food, neither a two years old human know that. These studies demonstrate us that all animals can be intelligent if they want to.


Restrained: To be calm and patient to reach something.

Commissioned: Someone that is responsible for carrying out the investigation.


What new insight into the world did you gain through this article, and how will it impact your way of thinking or behaving? Explain.

The new insight that this article gave me was that anything is impossible. Every animal, been fat, slow or little has something that makes it special, same with


humans. The articles encourage me to make things that are difficult to me. If a chicken toddler can do math, me too!

What was the most interesting thing that you learned from reading this article, and why? Explain.

The most interesting thing I learned from this article was definitely that chicken are very intelligent such us a four years human. Chickens can count until five and navigate with their way around using the sand, the babies chickens understand that just because an object has been moved, it is not completely gone, something that human toddlers don’t understand.


Article #2

“She’s Back!”

Kraus, Stephanie. Time for Kids Magazine. “ She’s Back!” N.p ., July 05, 2013. Web. July 11, 2013.


The article talks about one of most important symbol of U.S, the statue of liberty and its reopen after the super storm Sandy. The Statue of Liberty holds on strong winds, heavy rain and strong waves the last October because of Superstorm Sandy, but Liberty Island did not fare as well. Over the past eight months, the National Park Service (NPS) and more than 1000 employees of all over United States help to reconstruct Liberty Island. The Island was reopened to visitors on 4 of July, the Independence Day.


Robe: A dress or a dressing gown use by the Lady Liberty.

Unharmed: Object that was not affected or damaged by something.


Can you connect this event to something similar that has happened around you? (Has something like this happened to you, your family, your community, or your country?) Explain.


Sandy Storm is similar to “La Tormenta del Niño” that affects Ecuador’s coast every winter. Millions of people become homeless and big amount of money was lost. “La Tormenta Del Niño” and Sandy Storm killed more than 200 people and make governments spend many money to repair damages. Both where a catastrophe and make us understand that Mother Nature is very dangerous and unexpected.

2) If applicable: What caused this event, and/or what are the effects of this event? Explain.

The cause of the event was the Storm Sandy, which last October, arrive to New York City and made thousands of people homeless and 87 fatalities. The event was the re-open of the Statue of Liberty on 4 of July, the Independency of United Sates, after 8 months of work and 57 millions of dollars to rebuild Liberty Lady.


Article # 3

“Twins in Space”

Kluger, Jeffrey. Time for Kids Magazine. “Twins in Space”. N.P., August 12, 2013.

Web. August 8,2013.


NASA is studying why human body, as soon arrive to space, start to feel dizzy, tired, the blood pleasure increase, have back pain, and throws up. NASA is investigating the mystery, with the help of Mark and Scott Kelly, astronauts and identical twins that will be an entire year in space in 2015. Twins are very important to Scientifics because they are a perfect genetic match.


Revolt: When you dislike or disgusted something.

Nifty: An igneous or a good idea.


Who was involved? What was their role? (Who or what is the article about, and what is it that he/she/it did that is news worthy). Explain.

Scoot and Mark Kelly, twins brothers and professionals astronaut, are the next igneous experiment NASA is realizing. Mark Kelly had been a total of 54 hours in


space and Scott Kelly had made many missions. Scott is still flying but Mark was retired of NASA. They will go to space in March 2015 to investigate why the human body dislikes the idea of being in space.

What was the most interesting thing that you learned from reading this article, and why? Explain.

The most interesting thing I learn from “Twins in Space” was that with the results of this experiment, future astronauts can go safety to long distances like Mars and Europa, Jupiter’s moon. I always wanted to see that moment when human goes further than the moon.

Article # 4

“72-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Tail Unearthed In Mexican Desert”

Dolasia, Meera. Dogo News . “72-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Tail Unearthed In

Mexican Desert”. N.P., July 30, 2013 . Web. August 22, 2013.


A team of experts from “Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History” discovered perfectly preserved tail of a dinosaur that live in in Chihuahua Desert 72 million of years ago. The tail is 16- foot long and was found under a Sedimentary rock. They believe that is a “Hadrosaur”, a dinosaur that habituated North America, Europe and Asia in the Cretaceous period.


Anthropology: The study of human and his environment in past and present.

Hadrasaur: a dinosaur that habitat the world in the Cretaceous period.


What was the most interesting thing that you learned from reading this article, and why? Explain.

The most interesting thing of this article was that they discover a perfect tail of a dinosaur that habitat earth millions of years ago. I wonder if million years in the


future someone or something will discover a preserved human body. I was very surprise and fascinated when I read that they took 20 days to unearth because I can imagine how tall and huge that dinosaur was.

Who was involved? What was their role? (Who or what is the article about, and what is it that he/she/it did that is news worthy). Explain.

The National Institute of Anthropology and History and students from the National Autonomous University of Mexico where involved in this article because they discover the perfect preserved Hadrasaur‘s tail. They study and past hours in Chihuahua Desert trying to find a fossil. They will transport it to the closest city, General Cepeda, where the students will clean the fossil.


Article #5

“Adorable Mammal Is The First New Carnivore Species Discovered In The Americas In 35 Years”

Dolasia, Meera. Dogo News . “Adorable Mammal Is The First New Carnivore

Species Discovered In The Americas In 35 Years.” N.P., August 21, 2013.Web. August 24, 2013.


A new Carnivore Species was the first discovered in America in 35 years. The animal is an Olinguito and it habitat is in Ecuador and Colombia 5,000 - 9,000 feet above sea level. The irony was that Olinguito has been seemed many times before his “discover.”


Distinguishing: To mark off as different.

Elation: To feel happy, joy and proud.


What was the most interesting thing that you learned from reading this article, and why? Explain.


The Most interesting thing I learn from this article was that a new animal was discovered in my country, Ecuador. I was very happy to know that it live in my country because probably can increase tourism and give people more jobs. I will make a museum of Olinguito!

What new insight into the world did you gain through this article, and how will it impact your way of thinking or behaving? Explain.

My new insight into the world I gain reading this article was that we should conserve and protect the nature of Ecuador. If we destroy nature we can’t find and study new species of animal and plants. We should make more ecological reserves like Yasuni because there are thousands of plants and animals that have not yet discovered.

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