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Post on 17-Mar-2018






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Stepping Stones...a practical resource guide for taking next steps in your growing

relationship with Christ.

CONTENTSIntro and How to use this guide 4Trusting Jesus 6Worshiping God 8Authentic Friendships 10Prayer 12Applying the Bible 14Family 16Holy Spirit 18Kingdom of God 20Service 22The Gospel 24

butgrow in the grace and knowledgeof our Lord and Savior Jesus Christboth now and to the day of eternity 2 Peter 3:18

INTRO:Welcome to an adventure! When you put your trust in Jesus Christ, you began a journey of spiritual growth. In doing so, you are getting to know Jesus better, learning to trust Him more, and growing in your love for Him and His people.

As with any journey, your growth in Christ will happen one step at a time. As you look at Stepping Stones, remember that you are not alone. You have many brothers and sisters in Christ who are taking the same steps, learning the same things, and growing in the same way – together we are becoming more like Jesus Christ every day.

“. . . so that the Body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, and become mature,

attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:12-13

Why this resource and how to use it

All of us would likely say that we want to grow and live the life God made us to live. But sometimes it’s difficult to know if we’re actually growing in all the ways God desires or whether we’re growing at all. This resource is intended to help you determine potential areas of personal growth and then provide a pathway on which to walk—a collection of stepping stones—that will give you some direction and forward momentum. You may consider Stepping Stones your personal roadmap to spiritual maturity.

Every human being is unique, has different challenges, learns differently, and is designed by God to reflect His glory and to be His presence to the world in a way like no other. Spiritual growth is not a “one size fits all” thing. God allows us to grow in a variety of ways—if we are regularly getting together with other believers, listening to teaching, praying, and reading the Bible, we are definitely going to be growing. Nonetheless, it is good to be intentional in our growth and take steps to grow in a comprehensive way. Stepping Stones can allow each of us to take steps in our spiritual growth that are unique to our lives.

A few notes about how Stepping Stones is organized….1) Stepping Stones is divided into ten areas of spiritual life, which are identified as ten markers of spiritual maturity. The ten areas are arranged into the four strategic components of Cornerstone Church: Belong, Grow, Serve, and Go. If everyone who is a part of this church family is belonging in community, growing in Christ, serving God and others, and going with the message of Jesus, then we as a church will be able to accomplish the task God has given us of leading more and more people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.2) The ten areas are in no order. If in looking over this resource you feel compelled to learn more about the Holy Spirit, for instance, then start there. It makes no difference where that area is in the sequence of this resource. The only exception might be the first one listed: Trusting Jesus for My Salvation. Without this, there is no relational foundation with God on which to build. 3) Within each area you will find resources arranged into Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3. These steps refer to the depth and extent of the content similar to beginner, intermediate, and advanced. In general, the content in Step 1 will set you up for success with the content in Step 2. However, the resources in Step 2 don’t specifically build on the resources in Step 1. So, feel free to start with any step in any section. Keep in mind, though, that it never hurts to review the fundamentals before going on to more advanced practice.4) Within each step, you will find four different avenues or forms of delivery: Book, Study/DVD, Media and Experience. Since we’re all wired differently, various options are in place for you to pursue. Choose whichever one will work best for you or utilize them all.

May God make Himself known to you as you walk with Him on this journey.

The leadership of Cornerstone does not necessarily endorse 100% of the views of all authors in this resource. These are simply solid resources that should be understood in light of the truth of Christ Himself, who is the

Word of God.

6 7

Trusting Jesus Christ

and His Work on the Cross for my Salvation


And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have

life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have

eternal life. 1 John 5:11-13

Other Resources:Books: All Is Grace - Brennan Manning

The Steps to Freedom in Christ - Neil Anderson

Undaunted - Christine Caine

Studies/ DVD: The Steps to Freedom in Christ DVD

Freedom in Christ Small Group Study

Undaunted DVD Study

Media: I Am - Louie Giglio Sermon

Step 3Book: The Longing - Joey O’Conner

Study/DVD: Altar Ego: Becoming Who God Says You Are - Craig Groeschel

Media: - Freedom in Christ Ministries

Experience: Baptism

Step 2Book: I Am Not But I Know I Am - Louie Giglio

Study/DVD: New Christian Handbook - Max Anders

Media: Coffee with Chris Caine podcast

Experience: Answering the two diagnostic questions


Step 1Book: How Good is Good Enough? (Adults) - Andy Stanley

Am I Good Enough (Students) - Andy Stanley

Study/DVD: Cornerstone Next Steps Booklet/Study

Media: “How Can I Know God?” Resources page of the Cornerstone website

Experience: Starting Point

It all starts with Jesus – knowing Him, trusting Him, loving Him. This is the key relationship that shapes my entire spiritual life. To know that I indeed have eternal life, that my sins are forgiven and that I am a new creation in Christ creates the foundation for all of my other experiences with God – both in this life, and for all of


8 9


Sincerely Worshiping God

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father

seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

John 4:23-24 ]

Step 1Book: The Air I Breathe – Louie Giglio

Study/DVD: Passion Talk Series - Louie Giglio

Media: A Biblical Theology of Worship Podcast Episode - Scotty Smith

Experience: Make Sunday mornings at Cornerstone a priority

Step 2Book: The Knowledge of the Holy - A.W. Tozer

Study/DVD: The Way of a Worshiper Bible Study and DVD

Media: - Bob Kauflin

Experience: This is Our God DVD - Hillsong

Step 3Book: Engaging with God - David Peterson

Study/DVD: Alleluia Series - Robert Webber

Media: search “worship” at

Experience: Serving on the worship team

Other Resources:Books: The Purpose of Man: Designed to Worship - A.W. Tozer

Whatever Happened to Worship - A.W. Tozer

The Way of a Worshiper - Buddy Owens

Worship by the Book - D.A. Carson

Worship Evangelism - Sally Morganthaler

Studies/DVD: The Complete Library of Christian Worship - Robert Webber

Media: Theology of Worship Podcast- Erwin McManus

Experience: Revealing Jesus CD/DVD set

]When I truly worship God in spirit and in truth, I bring myself into the right relationship with God. I experience His Presence

in new ways, I tap into His power, and I learn to know Him better and trust Him more. A vibrant and real worship life is part of

having a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

10 11


Enjoying Authentic Friendships and Relationships through personalwholeness

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we

were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all

given the one Spirit to drink. Corinthians 12:12-13 ]

Step 1Book: Love Focused - Bob Hughes

Study/DVD: Boundaries - Cloud and Townsend

Media: Ransomed Heart podcast - John Eldredge

Experience: Cornerstone Small Group or Bible Study

Step 2Book: Healing the Masculine Soul - Gordon Dalbey (for men)

Breaking Free - Beth Moore (for women)

Study/DVD: The DNA of Relationships - Gary Smalley


Experience: Men’s or Women’s Retreat

Step 3Book: When People are Big and God is Small – Ed Welch

Study/DVD: Change and Your Relationships - Timothy Lane & Paul Tripp


Experience: Long-Term Service Project or Mission Trip

Other ResourcesBooks: Measure of a Man - Gene Gentz

Sacred Companion - David Brenner

Boundaries - Cloud & Townsend

Becoming Myself - Stasi Eldredge

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making - Paul Tripp

]A follower of Jesus does not live in a vacuum. They are part of a body of believers, experiencing Christ through their spiritual brothers and sisters. God desires for us to have real and lasting

friendships that stand both the test of time and the inhumanity of the world we live in.

12 13


Taking Significant Time for


Ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7 ]

Step 1Book: Power of Praying Through the Bible - Stormie Omartian

Study/DVD: When God’s People Pray - Jim Cymbala

Media: Permission to Speak Freely - Andy Stanley sermon series on youtube

Experience: Praying on your own or as a family. Use our “At the Table” family prayer resource designed to keep at the center of your family dinner table to guide your prayer before meals.

Step 2Book: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire - Jim Cymbala

Study/DVD: A Journey to Victorious Praying DVD - Bill Thrasher

Media: Unceasing Prayer - James MacDonald blog

Experience: 24/7 Cornerstone Prayer Event each January

Step 3Book: Destined for the Throne - Paul Billheimer

Study/DVD: The Circle Maker - Mark Batterson


Experience: Prayer Walk

Other ResourcesBook: Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God - Dallas


The Practice of the Presence of God - Brother Lawrence

Studies/DVD: The Power of the Whisper - Bill Hybels

Hearing God DVD - Dallas Willard, Richard Foster & John Ortberg

Media The Power of Prayer radio teaching series - Chip Ingram

Experience: Family Prayer Resources

]So often, prayer becomes a religious performance and tradition rather than a living, breathing conversation with the Creator of the Universe who loves us more than life itself. God desires for

us to both talk with Him and listen to Him . . . experiencing life with Him every day.

14 15

Reading, understanding and applying the Bible to my daily life


]All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in

righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 ]

Step 1Book: The Story

Study/DVD: What You Need to Know About Spiritual Growth - Max Anders

Media: or

Experience: L3

Step 2Book: 30 Days to Understanding the Bible - Max Anders

Study/DVD: Read the Bible for Life Workbook & DVD - George Guthrie

Media: Cold Case Christianity youtube channel


Step 3Book: Cold Case Christianity - J. Warner Wallace

Study/DVD: The Truth Project - Focus on the Family

Media: Stand to Reason podcast -

Experience: Bible Study Fellowship

other resourcesBooks: Life with God: Reading the Bible for Spiritual Transformation -

Richard Foster

Read the Bible for Life - George Guthrie

Study/DVD: The Life Application Study Bible

Experience: Bible School or Seminary Courses

God speaks to us in His Word – the Bible. Learning to read, understand, and apply the Bible to our daily lives is the single biggest key to living the abundant life that Jesus talks about.

The Bible is the Word of God—its power and meaning is limitless. Welcome to a lifetime of learning about the mind of

God through study of the Bible!

16 17


Thriving Family Relationships

Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers do

not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.

Colossians 3:18-21] ]

Step 1 Books: The Mystery of Marriage - Mike Mason

Think Orange - Reggie Joiner

Study/DVD: House or Home - Marriage Edition - Chip Ingram

House or Home - Parenting Edition - Chip Ingram

Media: God’s Sacred Design for Marriage radio program (2 parts)

Experience: Marriage Seminar

Step 2Books: Sacred Marriage - Gary Thomas

Parenting Beyond Your Capacity - Reggie Joiner & Carey Nieuwhof

Study/DVD: The Art of Marriage Small Group Study


Experience: Marriage Weekend - Weekend to Remember by Family Life

Step 3Book: The Most Important Place on Earth - Robert Wolgemuth

Study/DVD: Love & War video series - John & Stasi Eldredge

Media: Sermon series on sex, love & God at

Experience: Parenting Seminar

Other ResourcesBooks: Love and Respect - Emerson Eggerichs

Everyday Talk: Talking Freely and Naturally about God with Your Children - John Younts

Effective Parenting/Defective World - Chip Ingram

Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages - Shaunti Feldhahn

Getting to the Heart of Parenting - Paul Tripp


Uncovered: A real look at Love, Sex and Dating -

God invented the family when He created woman and man. He has a plan for every family that involves truth, love, and service...a plan that reflects the heart of Christ for the home where all family members submit to each other out of a self-giving love. The best way that we can bless our children and, by definition, our world, is by following that plan, living out the character of God every day.

18 19

Ordering my life in a way that reflects the values of the Kingdom of God.


His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you

in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”

Matthew 25:23

Step 1 Books: Genius of Generosity - Chip Ingram

Study/DVD: Managing God’s Money - A Biblical Guide (based on Treasure Principle)

Media: Balanced - Andy Stanley podcast

Experience: Advent Conspiracy

Step 2Books: Sacred Rhythms - Ruth Haley Barton

Study/DVD: Financial Peace University - Dave Ramsey

Experience: Mission Trip to the Poor

Step 3Books: The Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard

Study/DVD: Celebration of Discipline DVD Curriculm

Media: &

Experience: Silence and Solitude Retreat

Other ResourcesBooks: A Life God Rewards - Bruce Wiilkinson

Chasing Francis - Ian Cron

Just Leave God Out of It - David Timms

Living the Lord’s Prayer - David Timms

Studies/DVD: R12 - Chip Ingram

A Life God Rewards DVD

Devotional Classics - Richard Foster

Media: Spiritual Simplicity: doing less, loving more - Chip Ingram teaching series

Your Move Balanced Financial Tools -

True Spirituality -

]]Money, talents, abilities, possessions – all these are entrusted to us by God for the purpose of doing His work and bringing Him glory. How do we move from thinking, “What’s mine is mine” to “Not my will, but Your will be done?” Learning to truly use what God has entrusted to us for His purposes is the key to true wealth

and blessing.

20 21


Using the presence and power

of the Holy Spirit to live the life

God wants me to live.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you

what is yet to come.John 16:13

Step 1 Book: The Power of a Whisper - Bill Hybels

Study/DVD: Divine Design - Chip Ingram

Media: The Holy Spirit and You - sermon by Billy Graham

Experience: Spiritual Gifts Inventory and meeting with a Connection Coach atCornerstone

Step 2Book: Forgotten God - Francis Chan

Study/DVD: When God’s Spirit Moves - Jim Cymbala

Media: Four Sermons on the Holy Spirit - John Piper

Experience: Monthly Prayer

Step 3Book: Hearing God - Dallas Willard

Study/DVD: Experiencing God - Henry Blackaby


The Holy Spirit 12 Part Sermon Series -

Experience: Healing Service

] ]We aren’t in this life alone. God has given us His Holy Spirit to

guide us, teach us, and empower us. Getting to know Him, learning how He works in us, and living our lives with Christ through the

power of the Spirit is crucial to becoming all that God has called us to be.

22 23



Valuing others above myself by offering my service to God with my time, resources, & talents

Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you.

Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave-just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but

to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”Matthew 20:25-28

Step 1 Book: Love Does - Bob Goff

Study/DVD: Holy Ambition - Chip Ingram


Experience: Complete Personal Profile and meet with a Connection Coach at Cornerstone

Step 2 Book:: In the Name of Jesus - Henri Nouwen

Study/DVD: Let Your Life Speak - Parker Palmer


Experience: Serve in a ministry role at Cornerstone

Step 3Book: Next Generation Leader - Andy Stanley

Study/DVD: Leadership Essentials - Craig Groeschel

Media: - Andy Stanley leadership podcast

Experience: Leadership Conference

Other ResourcesBooks: Crazy Love - Francis Chan

Leadership That Works - Leith Anderson

Under The Unpredictable Plant (a study in vocational holiness) - Eugene Peterson

All In - Mark Batterson

The Heart of Mentoring - David A. Stoddard and Robert J. Tamasy

Study/DVD: Jesus on Leadership: Developing Servant Leaders - DVD


Experience: Catalyst Conference

]]The Kingdom of God is upside down. Jesus says that those who want to be great in God’s kingdom must be servants of

all. Learning to serve others in the name of Jesus is really a call to spiritual greatness. Learning to serve with the abilities and interests that God has given us allows us to fulfill the unique

mission for which God has given each one of us.

24 25

Letting others hear, understand, & freely respond

to the gospel through what I say and do


Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given

to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the

Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am

with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

Step 1 Book: Becoming a Contagious Christian - Bill Hybels/Mark Mittelberg

Study/DVD: Walk Across The Room - Bill Hybels


Experience: Local Missions Experience

Step 2Book: The Heavenly Man - Brother Yun

Study/DVD: God’s Heart for the Nations - Jeff Lewis


Experience: Out-Of-State Missions Experience

Step 3Book: Bridges of God - Donald McGavron

Study DVD: Perspectives Course


Experience: Career Missions

Other ResourcesBooks: Let the Nations Be Glad - John Piper

The Hole in the Gospel - Richard Stearns

A Chance to Die - Amy Carmichael

Study/DVD: Faith Path: Friends Helping Friends Find Christ- Mark Mittelberg

Media: Catalyst Conference

Experience: Urbana Conference

]]The most dangerous thing we can do with God is to play it

safe. The Great Commission of Jesus tells us to go and make discriples. The Great Commandment of Jesus tells us to do it because we love God and others. The words that God loves to

hear from each of his childfren are “Here am I! Send me!”

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