static transfer switch 2 - guide specification

Post on 25-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    CSI 16262 - Static Transfer Switches

    Liebert Static Transfer Switch 2

    Automatic Static Transfer Switch


    for 100A 1000A

    1$0 GE#E%AL

    1$1 SU&&A%'

    These specifications describe the requirements for an automatic static transfer switch (STS). The STS is a

    solid-state three-pole dual-position transfer switch desi!ned to automaticall" and manuall" switch

    between two s"nchroni#ed three-phase $C power sources without an interruption of power to the load

    lon!er than 1%& c"cle. The input power shall be supplied from two different $C power sources which are

    nominall" of the same 'olta!e le'el phase rotation and frequenc". The primar" purpose of the STS is toallow 'irtuall" uninterrupted transfer from one source to the other in case of failure of one source or b"

    manual initiation for test or maintenance. The switchin! action shall not connect to!ether the two sourcesof power that would allow bac feedin! one source to the other. The STS shall allow for either source to

    be desi!nated as the preferred source* to which the switch will automaticall" transfer to and remaintransferred to until manuall" initiated to transfer or until the selected source fails at which time the STS

    shall transfer without interruption !reater than 1%& c"cle to the other source or alternate source*. The

    STS shall be furnished with e"-interloced static switch isolation and b"pass breaers to each source

    which allow uninterrupted manual transfer to and from either source for maintenance.

    1$2 STA#DA%DS

    The specified s"stem shall be desi!ned manufactured tested and installed in accordance with+

    $merican ,ational Standards Institute ($,SI)

    Canadian Standards $ssociation (CS$)

    Institute of lectrical and lectronics n!ineers (I)

    IS /001

    ,ational lectrical Code (,C)

    ,ational lectrical anufacturers $ssociation (,$)

    ,ational ire 3rotection $ssociation (,3$)

    4nderwriters 5aboratories (45) (45c)

    , 00/1-2

    , 61000-6-7 8 6-2

    , 60/&9-6-1

    IC 62710

    SL(20)10 *% 12+0,- %e.$ 2 1

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    The STS shall be 45 and 45 listed per 45 Standard 100: for $utomatic Transfer Switches.

    The STS shall compl" with the latest CC 3art 1 I emission limits for Class $ computin! de'ices

    and the emission limits of ,00/1-1 2 7 Class $.

    The STS shall safel" withstand without misoperation or dama!e+

    Transient 'olta!e sur!es on either $C power input as defined b" $,SI%I C62.&1 for Cate!or";7 locations (hi!h sur!e e at an" point on the e

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    A. Normal Mode. The unit is fed b" two sources with the output connected to the load. In normaloperation the load shall be connected to the preferred source as lon! as all phases of the preferred source

    are within the acceptable limits. 4pon failure of the preferred source the load shall be transferred to the

    Liebert Static Transfer Switch 2 Guie Specifications

    alternate source until such time as the preferred source returns to within the acceptable limits. Transfer

    'olta!e limits shall be G%- 10D of the nominal input 'olta!e for stead" state conditions with low 'olta!etransfer limits ha'in! an in'erse time relationship that is within the I Std. &&6 computer 'olta!etolerance en'elope. $fter the preferred source returns to within the acceptable 'olta!e limits for at least

    the preset adFustable retransfer time dela" (t"picall" 7 seconds) and is in phase with the alternate source

    the load shall be retransferred automaticall" to the preferred source. The automatic retransfer to the

    preferred source can be disabled if so selected b" the user from the operator control panel. Hhen theautomatic retransfer is disabled emer!enc" transfers from the alternate source to the preferred source

    shall not be disabled upon alternate source failure.

    B. Load Current !n"ibit. The STS shall sense the load current and if the load current e

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    1$,$/ Performance %euirements

    A. Nominal !nput'Output Voltage( A(200) (20:) (220) (2&0) (7:0) (&00) (&1) (&:0) (600) ( )B 'olts

    three phase A(7) (&)B-wire-plus-!round.

    B. Voltage Range( G10D -10D of nominal

    C. Fre)uenc( (0) (60) #. G%-0. #

    %. Ma*imum Continuou# Current( A(100) (20) (&00) (600) (:00) (1000)B amps

    &. Load +o,er Factor Range( 0.9 to 1.0 leadin! or la!!in!.

    F. Load Cre#t Factor( 4p to 7..

    . Source Voltage %i#tortion( 4p to 10D T= with notches and rin!in! transients.

    . Surge +rotection( Sustains input sur!es without dama!e per criteria listed in $,SI C62.&1 Cate!or"

    $ and ;.

    !. Sen#ing and Tran#$er Time( &ms

    /. O0erload Capabilit( 12D for 70 minutes (100-&00$) 12D for 10 minutes (6001000$)

    10D for 2 minutes

    00D for 0.2 seconds

    1. S"ort Circuit 2it"#tand Capabilit(

    345-364V 754-654V 844V

    100-20$ 100$ 6$ 2$

    &00-600$ 100$ 100$ 2$

    :00-1000$ 100$ 6$ 2$

    1$,$, En.ironmenta3 onitions

    A. Storage Temperature Range( -&0 to G:0C (-&0 to 196)

    B. Operating Temperature Range( 0 to &0C (72 to 10&).

    C. Relati0e umidit( 0 to /D without condensation.

    %. Operating Altitude+ 4p to &000 feet (1200 meters) abo'e sea le'el without deratin!. $bo'e &000 feet

    (1200 meters) output current is derated b" 6D per 1000 feet (1:D per 1000 meters).

    &. Storage'Tran#port Altitude( 4p to &0000 feet (12200 meters) abo'e sea le'el.

    F. Audible Noi#e( 5ess than d;$ at feet (1. meters) with audible alarm off.

    1$,$4 %ELIA5ILIT'

    1$,$4$1 &T5!

    The STS shall be desi!ned for hi!h reliabilit" and hi!h a'ailabilit" with an T; e

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    1$,$4$2 Power Supp36

    @edundant power supplies shall be pro'ided to pre'ent an" sin!le-point power suppl" failure mode. The

    STS shall ha'e two completel" separate power supplies mounted on separate boards so a power suppl"

    can be replaced while the load is on b"pass. There shall be two separate =C buses one from each power

    suppl" to pro'ide redundanc" throu!h out the controls.

    1$,$4$/ Loic

    Control lo!ic shall be triple redundant. ach of the three lo!ic modules shall ha'e itJs own separate power

    connection to each power suppl" bus. ach lo!ic module shall be fused to pre'ent it from shortin! the

    power supplies if an internal failure occurs. Katin! and control lo!ic shall be partitioned so that failure of

    one sourceJs !atin! or sensin! lo!ic does not pre'ent the switch from transferrin! to the other source.

    1$,$4$, omponents

    $ll electrical components requirin! normal maintenance or repair shall be replaceable without de-

    ener!i#in! the load assumin! that at least one source is a'ailable. Solid-state switchin! de'ices shall be

    paca!ed to allow safe repair of the switchin! de'ices without ha'in! to de-ener!i#e the load. $ll molded

    case switches or non-auto circuit breaers shall be of a plu!-in or draw-out t"pe to allow replacement

    without de-ener!i#in! the load. $ll control and lo!ic components shall be mounted separate from thepower components.

    1$,$4$4 !use3ess

    ,o fuses are to be used to protect the solid-state power switchin! de'ices. $ll solid-state power switchin!

    de'ices shall be rated to pre'ent ha#ardous de'ice failure in power s"stems with a'ailable fault currents

    up to A(100000 amps L20:>)(6000 amps L&:0>) (2000 amps L 600>)B.

    1$,$4$) Access

    The STS shall be desi!ned for front access onl". The STS shall be desi!ned so all installation repairs and

    maintenance can be done from the front or top of the unit. The STS shall be desi!ned to minimi#e the


  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    1$4$/ De3i.er6 Submitta3

    Submittals upon STS deli'er" shall include a complete set of submittal drawin!s and one (1) installation

    operation and maintenance manual that shall include a functional description of the equipment with bloc

    dia!rams safet" precautions instructions step-b"-step operatin! procedures and routine maintenance

    !uidelines includin! illustrations.

    1$4$, Spare Parts

    $ list of recommended spare parts shall be furnished upon request.

    1$4$4 User7s List

    $n in-ser'ice userJs list shall be furnished upon request.

    1$) 8A%%A#T'

    The manufacturer shall pro'ide a warrant" a!ainst defects in material and wormanship for 12 months

    after initial s"stem start-up or 1: months after ship date whiche'er occurs first. (@efer to the Harrant"

    Statement for details.)

    1$9 :UALIT' ASSU%A#E

    1$9$1 &anufacturer :ua3ifications

    $ minimum of fi'e "earJs e

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    2$1$/ !rame an Enc3osure

    The STS unit comprises of solid-state three-pole dual-position transfer switch e"-interloced static

    switch isolation and b"pass breaers shall be housed in a sin!le free-standin! ,$ t"pe 1 enclosure

    and meet I320 requirements. The frame shall be constructed of !al'ani#ed steel and pop ri'eted to

    pro'ide a stron! substructure. The frame shall include four hea'"-dut" swi'el castors for ease of

    installation and four permanent le'elin! feet for final installation. =oors and remo'able e

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    2$2 "&P"#E#TS

    2$2$1 #on(automatic ircuit 5rea=C shunt trips to allow for control b" the STS lo!ic.

    2$2$2 Si3icon ontro33e %ectifiers *S%s-

    The STS consist of si< pairs of SC@s connected in an $C switch confi!uration. The SC@s shall be bric-t"pe and rated to carr" the full 100D rated load. The SC@s shall be rated to pre'ent ha#ardous de'ice

    failure in power s"stems with a'ailable fault currents listed in section 1.&.7.M.

    2$2$/ ontro3 Pane3

    The STS shall be pro'ided with a microprocessor based control panel for operator interface to confi!ure

    and monitor the STS. The control panel shall be located on the front of the unit and can be operated

    without openin! the hin!ed front door. The displa" shall not be mounted to the front door so the door can

    be easil" remo'ed for maintenance. $ bac-lit menu-dri'en full !raphics color touch-screen 5iquid

    Cr"stal =ispla" (5C=) shall be used to displa" s"stem information status information a one-line dia!ram

    of the STS acti'e alarms alarm histor" information startup and b"pass instructions. ,o mechanical

    pushbuttons shall be used.

    The mimic panel screen shall indicate the power flow the status of all molded-case non-automatic circuit

    breaers the preferred source and the STS position (connected to source 1 or 2) as well as acti'e alarms.

    3op up bo

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    2$2$2$1 &eterin

    The followin! meterin! parameters shall be displa"ed+

    Input $C 'olta!e both sources line-to-line for each phase

    Input $C current for both sources for each phase

    Input frequenc" for both sources

    utput >$

    utput MH

    3ercent load

    ,umber of switch transfers

    S"nchroni#ation phase an!le

    $ll 'olta!es and currents shall be measured usin! true-@S techniques for accurate representation of

    non-sinusoidal wa'eforms associated with computers and other electronic loads. The meterin! parameters

    shall ha'e a full-scale accurac" of G%-2D.

    2$2$2$2 A3arm &essaes

    $cti'e alarms shall be monitored and displa"ed simultaneousl" as part of the 5C= e'ent panel. Thefollowin! alarm messa!es shall be displa"ed+

    Source 1 ailure C;1( Source 1) pen 3ower Suppl" S1 $C ailed

    Source 2 ailure C;2 ( Source 2) pen 3ower Suppl" S2 $C ailed

    Sources ut of S"nc C;7 (utput) pen 3ower Suppl" =C $ ailedSource 1 'er'olta!e C;7$ pen (If used) 3ower Suppl" =C ; ailed

    S14nder'olta!e (fast) C;& (S1 ;"pass) Closed 3ower Suppl" 5o!ic ailed

    S14nder'olta!e @S (slow) C; (S2 ;"pass) Closed S1 >olta!e sense module


    Source 2 'er'olta!e C;1 Shunt trip fail S2 >olta!e sense modulefailed

    S2 4nder'olta!e (fast) C;2 Shunt trip fail S1 SC@ sense module failed

    S2 4nder'olta!e @S (slow) S1 SC@ pen S2 SC@ sense module failed

    Source 1 'ercurrent S2 SC@ pen S1 Current sense module


    Source 2 'ercurrent S1 SC@ Shorted S2 Current sense module


    Source 1 'er%4nder


    S2 SC@ Shorted S1 Kate dri'e module failed

    Source 2 'er%4nder


    3rimar" fan failure S2 Kate dri'e module failed

    Source 1 3hase @otation rror Control odule ail Internal comm failedSource 2 3hase @otation rror S1 I-pea ption comm failedutput under'olta!e S2 I-pea utput 'olta!e sense module


    STS on alternate source $uto @etransfer Inhibit eatsin 'ertemp

    Transfer Inhibit

    $n audible alarm shall be acti'ated when an" of the alarms occurs. $ll alarms shall be displa"ed in te

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps


    2$/ AESS"%IES *"PTI"#AL "&P"#E#TS A#D SE%>IES-

    2$/$1 "ptimi?e Transfer

    The STS shall be furnished with optimi#ed transfer control al!orithm. This al!orithm shall

    optimi#e the STS transfer timin! such that the 'olt-seconds applied to a down streamtransformer(s) primar" is balanced thus sufficientl" minimi#in! pea saturation current drawn b"

    the down stream transformer(s).

    In addition to controllin! the transformer primar" current and flu< the optimi#ed transfer control

    al!orithm must maintain the load 'olta!e within the C;%ITIC Standards durin! the transfer.

    To maintain load 'olta!e after the preferred source is turned off the control al!orithm must beable to pulse fire the alternate source SC@s in order to minimi#e load discontinuit" and 'olta!e


    The STS must maintain the abo'e specification under the followin! conditions+

    1) 5oss of source

    2) 5oss of a sin!le phase7) >olta!e droop

    &) 3hase-to-neutral short

    ) 3hase-to-phase short6) 3ower factor load ran!e of 0.9 to 1.0 leadin! or la!!in!

    9) ut-of-phase conditions from G1:0to -1:0

    2$/$2 Prorammab3e %e3a6 5oar

    $ 3ro!rammable @ela" ;oard with ei!ht sets of isolated orm C contacts shall be pro'ided to indicate a

    chan!e of status of an" of the alarm conditions. $n" alarm can be pro!rammed onto an" channel or

    channels. 4p to two 3ro!rammable @ela" boards can be installed in the STS2. 3ro!rammin! is performed

    throu!h the Touch-screen displa". ach contact shall be rated 1 $mp L 70 >=C or 20m$mp L 12


    2$/$/ Input ontact Iso3ator 5oar

    $ Input Contact Isolator ;oard with ei!ht rela" inputs (normall" open dr" contacts) shall be pro'ided for

    owner alarm messa!es. The owner throu!h the touch-screen displa" can pro!ram the alarm messa!es.

    2$/$, omms 5oar

    The STS shall be pro'ided with a Comms ;oard that can communicate with a 5iebert SiteScan

    monitorin! s"stem and%or an e

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    conditions. (

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    2$/$10 Input unction 5oBes an ab3es

    Two input power Function bo

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    /$0 ECEUTI"#

    /$1 !IELD :UALIT' "#T%"L

    The followin! inspections and test procedures shall be performed b" factor"-trained field ser'ice

    personnel durin! the STS startup./$1$1 >isua3 Inspection

    Inspect equipment for si!ns of dama!e

    >erif" installation per drawin!s

    Inspect cabinets for forei!n obFects

    >erif" neutral (if used) and !round conductors are properl" si#ed and confi!ured

    >erif" all printed circuit boards are confi!ured properl"

    /$1$2 &echanica3 Inspection

    Chec all control wirin! connections for ti!htness

    Chec all power wirin! connections for ti!htness

    Chec all terminal screws nuts and%or spade lu!s for ti!htness

    /$1$/ E3ectrica3 Inspection

    Chec all fuses for continuit"

    Confirm input 'olta!e and phase rotation is correct

    >erif" control transformer connections are correct for 'olta!es bein! used

    /$2 &A#U!ATU%E%7S !IELD SE%>IE

    /$2$1 Personne3

    The STS manufacturer shall directl" emplo" a nationwide ser'ice or!ani#ation consistin! of factor"trained field ser'ice personnel dedicated to the start-up maintenance and repair of 43S and power

    equipment. The or!ani#ation shall consist of re!ional and local offices.

    The manufacturer shall pro'ide a full" automated national dispatch center to coordinate field ser'ice

    personnel schedules. ne toll-free number shall reach a qualified support person 2& hours%da" 9

    da"s%wee and 76 da"s%"ear. If emer!enc" ser'ice is required response time shall be 20 minutes or less.

    $n automated procedure shall be in place to insure that the manufacturer is dedicatin! the appropriate

    technical support resources to match escalatin! customer needs.

    SL(20)10 *% 12+0,- %e.$ 2 1/

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    /$2$2 %ep3acement Parts Stoc

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    SL(20)10 *% 12+0,- %e.$ 2 14

  • 7/25/2019 Static Transfer Switch 2 - Guide Specification


    100 1000 Amps

    SL(20)10 *% 12+0,- %e.$ 2 1)

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