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    SEPTEMBER 2013

  • Dave Spillard

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    Priest in Charge: Interregnum 01892 770241 The Rectory, Withyham, TN7 4BA

    Churchwarden: Mr Peter Griffiths 01825 890872 South Hill House, Sandy Lane, Framfield, TN22 5PX

    Churchwarden: Mr Richard Carden 01342 822491 Cat Street House, Upper Hartfield, TN7 4DP

    Verger & Sexton: Mr John Collins 01892 662389 9 Whitehill Close, Crowborough TN6 1JG

    Licensed Reader: Mrs Elizabeth Parish 01892 864989 6 Lynwood, Groombridge TN3 9LX

    Licensed Reader: Mr Donald Yonge 07872529740 Organist: Mrs Sue Barber GRSM ARCM DipEd 01892 770978 Deputy Organist: Mr Peter Ellefsen BSc CEng MIEE 01892 653965 Bell Tower Captain: Miss Valerie Cogan 01892 655966 WITHYHAM & BLACKHAM PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Hon. Treasurer: Mrs Anne Barker, 01892 661393

    Hillside, Lye Green, Crowborough TN6 1UU Asst. Treasurer: Mrs Pauline Cremer 01892 663469

    Pembury, Myrtle Road, Crowborough, TN6 1EY Hon. Secretary: Mrs Gilly Halcrow 01892 770607

    Backshaws, Cotchford Lane, Upper Hartfield, TN7 4DJ Child Protection Officer: Mr Donald Yonge 07872529740 ALL SAINTS SUB-COMMITTEE Hon. Secretary: Mrs Sue Schooling 01892-740397 Hon. Treasurer: Mr Tony Heath, OBE 01892-740577

    The Oast House, Salehurst, Blackham, TN3 9UB Withyham Flower Guild Secretary: Mrs Jill Pardey 01892-661882 Blackham: Mrs Sue Schooling 01892-740397 Withyham Church Mrs Diana Muckleston 01892-864410 Caretakers: Diane Pedder 01892-770240 Altar Linen: Withyham: Mrs Rosemary Cadogan-Rawlinson 01892 540682 Blackham: Chichester Cathedral Link Rep: Mrs Sheila Jones 01892-864117


  • 1.

    CHURCH CALENDAR – SEPTEMBER 2013 ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS, WITHYHAM Sunday 1st Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist 6.30 p.m. Evensong Thursday 5th 10.00 a.m. Morning Service Sunday 8th Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 9.45 a.m. Family Service 11.00 a.m. Matins 6.30 p.m. Evensong Thursday 12th 10.00 a.m. Morning Service Sunday 15th Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity 11.00 a.m. Matins 6.30 p.m. Evensong Thursday 19th 10.00 a.m. Morning Service Sunday 22nd Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity 9.45 a.m. Family Eucharist 11.00 a.m. Matins 6.30 p.m. Evensong Thursday 26th 10.00 a.m. Morning Service Sunday 29th Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity 11.00 a.m. ALL AGE HARVEST FESTIVAL 6.30 p.m. Evensong

    ALL SAINTS, BLACKHAM During the interregnum, there will be no Sunday services at All Saints,.

  • 2.

    Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, For all the benefits thou hast won for me, For all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me. O most merciful Redeemer, Friend, and Brother, May I know thee more clearly, Love thee more dearly, And follow thee more nearly: For ever and ever. St. Richard of Chichester (1197-1253) Prayer for Peace Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) A Prayer to God Our Help O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home! Beneath the shadow of Thy throne, still may we dwell secure; sufficient is Thine arm alone, and our defense is sure. Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame, from everlasting Thou art God, to endless years the same. A thousand ages in Thy sight are like an evening gone; short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun. Time, like an ever rolling stream, bears all its sons away; they fly forgotten as a dream dies at the opening day. O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, be Thou our guard while life shall last, and our eternal home. Isaac Watts, 1719

  • 3.

    Churchwardens Notes: September 2013. The Quinquennial: Some items came to light immediately,

    namely that the floodlights are dangerous and should not be used in their present state. We have one estimate for replacement and will be seeking another. The Bell Tower has some rot in the beams, which will need urgent treatment and there is evidence of Death Watch Beetle in the roof above the altar. The guttering and downpipes need attention. They will probably have to be removed, shot-blasted and repainted. So, just your every day, common or garden quinquennial so far!

    The Gerini Paintings: You will be pleased to learn that the Arts Review Body have sat, pontificated and decided that since no offer to buy has come forth, the Export Licence can be granted. However, life wasn't meant to be easy. If it was, anybody could do it. The buyer is proving a little dilatory in coming up with the spondulix. I am, however, assured by Sotheby's that it will be forthcoming and that we should be in receipt by the middle of September. I'm keeping everything crossed, but may have to stop, as Sun Hwa says I'm walking funny.

    The Interregnum: As stated in the last magazine, we had hoped to have interviewed the two applicants for the post of Priest in Charge by now. However, the wheels of Archdeaconry grind slow, but exceeding small. We now hope to have some more news next month and after all, hope does spring eternal in the human breast.

    Ride and Stride: This takes place on the 14th September and normally the church is manned, so that the participants can be greeted, before being sent on their way suitably refreshed. Unfortunately, this clashes with the two Blessings that we have on that day, so the church will not be available as normal. I understand that a book will be provided outside the church, so that people can log in and then stride on.

    A Note For The Diary: There will be an All Age Harvest Festival Service on 29th September at 11 o'clock.

    Peter Griffiths and Richard Carden.

  • 4.

    WITHYHAM HORICULTURAL SOCIETY September 2013 Well! At last the weather did brighten up over the July and August, and I

    hope that you have all enjoyed the summer. Of course there is always loads to do in the garden at this time, - hopefully getting lots of entries ready for the Autumn Show.

    This year the show will be on Saturday the 28th September, the schedules have now been printed so should be with you soon. If you would like to receive one please ring me on 01892 661940 and I will make sure you get one.

    Garden tips for this month are: 1. Get the winter bedding organised. You should be able to get pansies,

    polyanthus, violas and primulas either as plug plants or in trays. Get them planted up while the soil is still warm and moist so that they establish good roots before the cold dark days of winter.

    2. Lift and store gladioli, carefully dig up the corms and cut off the foliage about 5cm from the base. Lay the corms out in trays somewhere warm and dry for a couple of weeks. Clean off the soil and roots, then store the corms in labelled paper bags in a cool but frost free dry place. Replant outside in May.

    3. Harvest and store beetroot as soon as they are large enough to eat, as they grow tough and woody when left in the ground. Either cook eat them, pickle them or lay them out in boxes of moist compost, making sure they do not touch one another and store in a cool dark place.

    4. Plums ripen in September so pick them promptly to enjoy them at their best. Remove damaged fruit or those showing any signs of rotting and pick cautiously if wasps are present. Collect up all fallen fruit to avoid attracting even more. Plums freeze very well and are perfect for making plum crumble this winter. I look forward to seeing you all at the Autumn Show, and hopefully we will

    have had a wonderful day at Sissinghurst Castle by the time this goes to print. Val Edwards (Secretary) 01892 661940

  • 5.


  • 6.

    Ride and Stride Saturday 14th September The annual Sponsored Church Ride and Stride will

    take place on Saturday 14th September. Over the past few years we have managed to get a few very kind people to take part and get sponsorship which I appreciate in the times we live in and the demand to sponsor people is

    difficult. However it would be so good if there was someone who could lead a walk or lead a cycle ride. Taking part in this event does not have to include visiting your regular place of worship. A planned route could take in other areas which have Churches participating. Children are also encouraged to take part.

    St Michaels Church is normally open between 9.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. to welcome people taking part. But unfortunately this year there are two blessings of Wedding taking part at St Michaels. So, this year, a book will be provided outside the church, so that people can log in and then stride on. Janet Funnell


    Doris Scales celebrated her 16th birthday on 7 September 1917 with her family at the Sussex Oak in Blackham, where her father Fred was the landlord. At the other end of the village lived 17-year-old Ira Towner, training to be a green keeper at Forest Row golf course. Within a year the couple were married, had a son Ronald, and Doris was left a widow, one of thousands of women whose life was blighted by the Great War.

    Ironically, Ira never saw battle. He was called up to serve in the Royal Navy and was one of 180 men at the Devonport barracks who died in the Spanish flu outbreak at the end 1918. And life still hadn’t finished dealing Doris a difficult hand.

    You can read Doris and Ira’s story on the Blackham website and see the plans to tell all the stories of people from the village whose lives were affected by ‘the war to end all wars.’

    Do you have any old photographs, letters, diaries or other documents or handed down family stories that will help make sure ‘we will remember them’?

  • 7.

    IT'S (nearly) PANTO SEASON!!!! OPEN AUDITIONS 8.00 P.M. on


    We are doing Dick Whittington this year. (Oh Yes we are!) Planned performance dates 3rd and 4th January 2014

    We' plan to start rehearsals in mid-October. So if you want to join in the fun come along to the audition.

    Put a note in your diary and please come along We need cast, singers, musicians,

    scenery artists, back stage helpers etc. etc. (In fact we need all the help we can get!)

    For more info please get in touch with Sue Williams. E-Mail;

    Telephone: 01892 652515.

    Ashurst Sports Pavilion

    Party in the Park 5.00 to 10.00 p.m.

    Saturday 7th September

    Hog Roast BBQ

    Live Bands

    Entrance £2, Under 16s ‘Free

    The Aural Sect &

    The Zimmermen

    Funds for the benefit of Sports Ground & Bonfire Night 3rd November

  • 8.


    CHICHESTER EVENTS The following events are in addition to those listed in the diary on the

    noticeboard at St. Michaels and All Saints. TALKING TEXTILES - A series of lectures by LouLou Morris MFA, Artist in Residence, Chichester Cathedral – all in The Vicars' Hall at The Cathedral from 11-00 - 1200; ticket price: £4. 1. Monday September 30th; From CLOTH TO COMPUTERS. A brief history of weaving, automation, 'theft' and Bletchley Park! 2. Tuesday October 22nd. TEXTILES AS PROTEST, PROTECTION AND PROPAGANDA. From mythology to WWII; an illustrated narrative of the power of textile. 3. Tuesday November 12th. TEXTILES IN FUNERAL RITUAL & REMEMBRANCE. Mementos and memorials, at home and abroad, with the common 'thread' of textiles. If you would like more information about any happening at the Cathedral, please contact me. Sheila Jones (01892 864117)

    It may be September, but 2014 and a new calendar is only four

    months away! You, your friends and family will want the new 2014 Blackham Calendar! Our first calendar (2013) was a sell-out, helping

    raise funds for the Blackham Village Hall. We cannot do the calendar without your contributions, and it is easy to submit a photograph at our specially designed website

    We need photographs that clearly reflect the countryside, views, animal, and

    plant or community life for Blackham village throughout the year.

    Closing date for entries 31st October 2013


    Little girl is talking to Teacher about whales. Teacher says it is not possible for a whale to swallow a human because a whale’s throat is very small. Little girl says that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated teacher repeats that a whale cannot swallow a human. Little girl says, 'When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah'. Teacher asks, 'What if Jonah went to hell?' Little girl replies, 'Then you ask him'.

    Teacher is watching her children while they were drawing. She walks around to see each child's work. As she gets to one little girl who is working diligently, she asks what the drawing is. The girl replies 'I'm drawing God.' The teacher pauses and says 'But no one knows what God looks like.' Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl says 'They will in a minute’.

    Sunday school teacher is discussing the Ten Commandments with her class. After explaining the commandment to 'honour' thy Father and thy Mother, she asks, 'Is there a commandment on how to treat our brothers and sisters?' A little boy answers, 'Thou shall not kill.'

    Little girl is watching her mother do the dishes at the sink. She suddenly notices that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. 'Why are some of your hairs white, Mummy?' Her mother replies 'Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white.' Little girl thinks about this and then says 'Mummy, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?'

    The children had all been photographed, and teacher is trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. 'Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's a doctor.' Small voice at the back of the room says, 'And there's teacher, she's dead!'

    Teacher is giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she says 'Now, class, if I stand on my head, the blood runs into it, and I go red in the face.' 'Yes,' the class says. 'Then why is it that while I stand upright the blood doesn't run into my feet?' 'Cause your feet ain't empty.'

    The children are lined up for lunch. At one end of the table is a pile of apples. Teacher makes a note, and puts it on the apple tray: 'Take only ONE . God is watching’. At the other end of the table is a pile of chocolate chip cookies. By them is another note 'Take all you want. God is watching the apples'.

  • 10.

    PADS and The BCP’s are performing 3 one act plays:

    What’s for Pudding by David Tristram

    What shall we do with the Body by Rae Shirley

    In Penshurst on November 22nd & 23rd and Last Tango in Little Blackham

    by David Tristram In Blackham on November29th & 30th

    NSPCC/ChildLine Autumn Fair at Barnsgate Manor Vineyard

    (on A26 between Crowborough and Heron’s Ghyll)

    On Wednesday 2 October 10.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m. Entrance £2

    Ample parking Refreshments available. Inspiring and original selection of stalls which also includes our popular

    second-hand jewellery, handbags and scarves stall, (all donations welcome).

    MONTHLY SATURDAY MARKET (the first Saturday of every month except January)

    with an authentic village life atmosphere and local produce for sale

    SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7th 10am – 12:30pm

    Blackham Village Hall Meet other villagers at “The Stage” café! Enjoy refreshments of

    Filter Fresh Coffee, Tea and Homemade Cakes. Local Produce for sale will include: Bread, Free range eggs, Home Bakery, Preserves, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Willetts Ice

    Cream, Gifts, Also available Fair Trade goods, Phoenix Cards and Aloe Vera Health products.

    Blackham village hall is a registered charity whose sole purpose is to promote and maintain the village hall for the enjoyment and benefit of the community

  • 11.

    WITHYHAM PARISH COUNCIL (WPC) AUGUST Malcolm McDowell was presented with a gift to thank him for his contribution and commitment as Chairman of the Rights of Way committee. He felt it is the right time to stand down and that the change will bring with it fresh ideas. There was still a lot of work to do, especially as ESCC were proposing to cut an already limited budget for footpaths by a further 17%. WDC and ESCC REPORTS: ESCC has reduced the number of senior officers by three. Car theft remains high in rural car parks. It was advised to hide valuable before arriving in a car park as thieves are on the lookout on site. WDC are launching a fraud review regarding council tax and the single person discount of 25%. Research has found that 5% of claims were fraudulent, at a cost of £1.7 million across East Sussex. It was admitted that the launch of the new waste service had been less impressive than anticipated. A number of failings have identified and addressed. SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: A Facebook page for WPC has been set up, which would be trialled for six months. A list of what is and is not acceptable to be posted on the Facebook page would be created. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: A description of the role of Ward Chairs has been prepared. BROADBAND: Of the £35m project breakdown BT are contributing the largest proportion. More information should be available at the next meeting.

    (extracted from the August WPC minutes)

    FOOL The Reverend Henry Ward Beecher entered his church one day and found a

    letter awaiting him. He opened one and found it contained the single word “Fool”. He announced this to the congregation as follows: “I have known many an instance of a man writing a letter and forgetting to sign his name, but this is the first time I have ever known of a man signing his name and forgetting to write the letter”.

    HYPOCRITES “I never go to church” boasted a wandering member. “Did you notice?” “Yes I noticed,” said the priest. “Well, the reason I don’t go is that there are so many hypocrites there”. “Oh, don’t let that keep you away,” replied the priest, smiling, “There’s always room for one more, you know”.

    GOOD FOR NOTHING Two boys were trying to outdo each other.

    The first said, “My father’s a doctor. I can be sick for nothing!” The other one retorted “My father’s a priest. I can be good for nothing!”

  • 12.

    PARISH DIARY SEPTEMBER Saturday 7th 10 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. MONTHLY SATURDAY MARKET Blackham Village Hall (see Mag) Saturday 7th 5.00 – 10.00 p.m. Party in the Park Ashurst Sports Pavilion (See Mag) Monday 9th 7.30 p.m. WPC Meeting Parish Office, Old Station, Groombridge Saturday 14th Ride and Stride (See Magazine)

    Midday Wednesday September 25th – Deadline for October Magazine

    ADVANCE PARISH DIARY OCTOBER Wednesday 2nd 10.30 – 3.30 p.m. NSPCC Autumn Fair Barnsgate Manor Vineyard (See Mag) Thursday 3rd 8.00 p.m. Pantomime Audition Kings’ Hall, Withyham (See Mag) Saturday 5th 10 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. MONTHLY SATURDAY MARKET Blackham Village Hall (see Mag) Monday 14th 7.30 p.m. WPC Meeting Parish Office, Old Station, Groombridge

    Midday Friday October 25th – Deadline for November Magazine

    Sixth form student at Lancing College needs to raise money for a charity expedition to Malawi in

    July 2014.

    Available and experienced babysitter, cleaner,

    gardener or waitress.

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    07714243614 or email

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  • LOCAL INFORMATION Kings’ Hall Withyham Lettings: Mrs Meg Stafford 01892 770035 Equipment Hire: Bill Sanford 01892 770740 Blackham Village Hall Bookings: Mrs P Hawes 01892 740574 Doctors Dr A Wolfle, Dr M James The Nook Surgery Groombridge 01892 863326 Saxonbury House, Crowboro’ 01892 603131 Beacon Surgery, Crowboro’ 01892 652233 District Nurse Sister Kay 01892 603109 Family Social Work Mrs Miriam Boobier 01892 662780 Withyham Art Group Mrs Rosemary Goolden 01892 770351 Withyham Horticultural Society: Valerie Edwards 01892 661940 St Michael’s School Miss Katie O’Shea (Headteacher) 01892 770307 Dorset Arms Angling Club Fred Stillwell 01892 770661 Withyham Cricket Club Tristan Tully 01892 541137 Blackham Country Players Linda Weekes 01892 740261 Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Crowborough, selected hours 01892 655303 Council for the Protection of Rural England Local Office 01825 890975 Withyham Parish Charity This Trust can provide financial help for those in need and towards the expenses of further education or training schemes. Applications to John Gower, the Clerk to the Trustees 01892 654395 Timetable Information Rail 08457 484950 Arriva Buses 08712 002223 Brighton & Hove Buses 01273 886200 Magazine Editor and Advertisements Richard Pardey Smugglers, Hoadleys Lane, Crowborough, TN6 1TH Email: 01892 661882

    Withyham Parish Council Office: The Old Station, Groombridge Website: email: 01892 864557 WPC Office Monday 09.30 - 17.00 Opening Tuesday 09.30 - 12.00 Hours Wednesday to Friday 09.30 - 12.30 Councillors hold “surgeries” on 3rd Saturday each month 08.30 - 10.00

    Telephone Numbers for the reporting of incidents Highway and Footpath damage (location and problem) 08456080193 Highway Lights out (Give the lamp number and location) 08456080193 Vandalism (all relevant details) 08456070999 Abandoned Vehicles and Fly Tipping (Give all details) 01892 602735 Pollution (Give location of river, pond etc) 08708506506


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