st. louis de montfort catholic church - santa maria, ca

Post on 22-Jul-2022






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SAN RAMON CHAPEL, SISQUOC ST. ANTHONY’S , LOS ALAMOS MASSSCHEDULE:934-3172Daily:6:30AM,8:00AMFirstFridays:5:30PMSaturday:8:00AMVigil:5PMEng.6:45PMSpan.Sunday:7:30,9:30,11:30&6:00PMHolyDays:Vigil5:30PM,6:45Span.6:30AM,8AM,12Noon,6:00PMLiturgyoftheHours:Mon.throughFri.6:55AMNovena/Benediction:Thursdays7PM270 Helena St.

Mass: 8:45AM & 11:30AM Span.

Rev.CharlesHofschulte,CJ-Pastor(Ext.106) frcharles@sldm.orgRev.JohnMayhew,CJ-Associate(Ext.105)Rev.MarkNewman,CJ-Associate(semi-retired)Sr.CatherineSullivan,DMJPastoralAssistant(Ext.102)sr.catherine@sldm.orgMonaMorrisroe–BusinessManager-mona@sldm.orgDeaconRaulBlanco yoyoblanco@yahoo.comDeaconChrisBoerger dcnchrisanna@gmail.comDeaconDougHalvorsen blessourfaith@verizon.netDeaconRobertMaciel deaconbob1@verizon.netDeaconAntonioMejia me i2222@hotmail.comDeaconRobertSchaefer rmschaefer@live.comDeaconRichardCarmody rd1968@comcast.netDeaconAlfredoEspinoza 928-1111ST.JOSEPHSEMINARY:180PattersonSt.937-5378JosephiteWebsite:www.josephiteweb.orgSISTERS’RESIDENCE: 937-4956ELEMENTARYSCHOOL:5095HarpRd.937-5571Mrs.KathyCrow-Principalwww.sldmschool.orgEmail:kcrow@sldmschool.orgST.JOSEPHHIGHSCHOOL:4120S.BradleyRd. JoannePoloni-Principal 937-2038www.sjhsknights.comCONFESSIONS:Saturdays3:15-4:45PM&8-9PMBilingueASAMBLEADEORACIÓN:Lunes7-8:30enlaIglesiaInformes:SalvadoryConnieBarajas934-3097oEugeniaPacheco934-0510oSergioValentin260-2563.

Foxen Canyon Mass: 10:15AM


St. Louis de Mon ort Mission Statement We are called to be and to become a loving family centered in Jesus. We acknowledge and accept that each of us is unique and has special gi s from the Holy Spirit. We wish to nurture, develop and share these gi s within and for the Body of Christ. Having been called by Bap sm into that Body, We celebrate our rela onship in Word, Sacrament and Family Celebra on. We are then sent to call others to Christ through whom we are and what we do. We recognize Christ’s call to be one in Him and commit ourselves to his way of life.

MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, MAY 17 7:30am Marcus & Inez Rodriguez 9:30am Herman Poltl + 11:30am Mary & Elmer Plunkett + 6:45pm Teresa Alexander + LOS ALAMOS, ST. ANTHONY'S: Phyllis Carriri + SISQUOC, SAN RAMON CHAPEL: Ma. Louisa Tosti & Ines McNulty + MONDAY, MAY 18 6:30am Ann Harakal + 8:00am Hugh P. Morrow + TUESDAY, MAY 19 6:30am Mike Hayes + 8:00am Dr. Thomas Cravy + WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 6:30am Ann Harakal + 8:00am Richard & Leona Love + THURSDAY, MAY 21 6:30am Willie Shet & Hiwot Mesfin + 8:00am Dolores Mejia + FRIDAY, MAY 22 6:30am Jim Miller + 8:00am C.P. (Doc) Eaton + SATURDAY, MAY 23 8:00am Margaret Young + 5:00pm Eddie Gutierrez + 6:45pm Miguel Delgado + SUNDAY, MAY 24 7:30am Sally Ornalas + 9:30am Robert Solorio + 11:30am Darlene Herty + 6:00pm Francisco Javier Solorio (Paquito) + LOS ALAMOS, ST ANTHONY'S: Susie Gallagher SISQUOC, SAN RAMON: Joe & Joanne Hermann

RezamosporNuestrosEnfermos Lexi Brown, Darrell Freese, Sophie Robel, Faith DeBrum, Jeff Klopp, Ralph Wilham, James Stacklin, Tom Puerling Sr.,Connie Bumann, Maria Cervantes, Mary Karamatic, Gloria Alvarez, Jim Jepsen, Natalie Tosti, Tanya Steenerson, Susie Gallagher, Joan Wiley.

*************************************************** PILGRIMAGE WALK

“Get Ready!. Star t walking and get ready for this year’s Pilgrimage. We begin a 3-day, 40 mile pilgrimage from St Louis de Montfort Church in Orcutt to San Lo-renzo Seminary in the Santa Ynez Valley starting Friday, August 7th. The theme and prayers will be focused on fam-ily. Watch for additional information and registration. We are always in need of donations and volunteers. Contact Lori Kruger 934-3570 or Lydia Marin 708-1946 if you can assist in any way.”


READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15


SJHS Drama Club Student-Run Production May 23rd, 7pm May 24, 1pm Location: Saint Louis de Montfort Hall (5095 Harp Road, Santa Maria) $5.00 Adults $3.00 Teens FREE: Kids under 12 Early bird ticket sales began this Friday, May 15th and end Friday, May 22nd. During this time, tickets will be discounted $1.00. Buy tickets from Anne Peña at the Saint Louis de Montfort School. You can also buy tickets at the door: Adults - $5.00; Teen - $3.00; kids under 12 - FREE! .*****************************************

LEARN THE ROSARY All are invited to join us in learning the prayers of the Rosary. The Catholic Committee on Scouting offers this opportunity to anyone wanting to learn the Rosary with the option of Scouts earning a Patch. Sessions will be held during the month of May on Thursdays from 5:00-6:00 p.m. at St Louis de Montfort Church in the Fire-side Room, beginning May 7. Come to one or all four sessions. No pre-registration required. Contact Lydia Marin at 708-1946 with questions. Scouts must attend 3 sessions to earn patch. All ages welcome, great for fami-lies. *****************************************

Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick Needed Many of our fellow parishioners are sick or homebound

and want Communion on Sunday. As Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick, we can help and

bring Jesus to these members of our community. If you’ve thought about this wonderful ministry and

would like to help, call Jack at 937-7773

or the Rectory at 937-4555


CALLING ALL CRAFTERS The Fall Fes val’s COUNTRY STORE is back this Sept. 13th! We would like to feature dona ons of hand cra ed items: quilts, cards, kni ed items, pain ngs, jewelry, woodworking, etc. We cannot accept food or canned items and this is NOT the White Elephant booth. We welcome any items that could be gi ed or beau ful, beloved things you no longer use. For more info. call David at 937-4134.


Each year the Archdiocese provides the opportunity for men to apply to become a Deacon. In our parish we are blessed, but as the process takes a full year of discernment, and then a 5- year program we need to plan for the fu-ture. The full requirements of what is involved

will be explained in an Orientation session on SUNDAY, MAY 31 from 2-4pm at St. Raphael’s Church in Goleta. Wives must accompany their husbands. The first year will include inter-views, testing, and evaluation to help the Archdiocese discern who can enter the 5- year program. It is important, if you are interested, to talk to a priest here in the parish, to talk to one of the deacons, and of course to pray and discuss with your wife. You cannot be over 60 and must be 35 at the time of Ordination. How many men can enter the program and what else is involved will all be explained at the Orientation meeting. Fr. Charles ******************************************************


Catholic Men For Christ May 20 2015

Topic of the Week “The Ascension”

Question “Where did Jesus’ body go?” “What does

this mean for us?” -Thought for the Week - “Jesus Christ, hav-ing entered the sanctuary of heaven once and for all, intercedes constantly for us as the mediator who assures us of the permanent out-pouring of the Holy Spirit.” (CCC 667) ******************************************

************************************************* ATMOSPHERE…of prayer and peace

It is very uplifting and inspirational to ar-rive in church before 8:00am Mass and find so many people in quiet prayer. This creates an at-mosphere which prepares us for the celebration of the Eucharist. I am uplifted as I become part of this group. I am sure that the same atmosphere exists before the 6:30 Mass. (Sr. Catherine)

SLDM YOUNG ADULT GROUP “Soli Deo” The SLDM Young Adult Ministry invites the young adult members of our parish (ages 18-39) to our weekly meet-ings in the Fireside Room. Please join us on Thursdays from 7:30pm to 9:00pm for faith and fellowship. Each week we will discuss topics related to our Catholic faith and today’s culture. For more information, please call Phil Bachmeyer at (513) 490-4408; or Jessica Sheaff at (805) 406-0116.


DID YOU KNOW? Kids need to know how to protect themselves at home We consider our homes to be safe places for our children. But being home alone can pose risks for children. Here are a few tips to teach kids that will help keep them safe when you are not with them at home: 1. Never answer the door if alone. 2. Do not invite anyone in the house without the permission of a parent or babysitter. 3. Write important phone numbers on a list in case of an emergency. For more tips visit:

¿SABÍA USTED Los niños deben saber cómo protegerse cuando es-tán solos en casa Creemos que nuestros hogares son lugares seguros para nuestros hijos. Pero estar solos en casa puede traer ries-gos para ellos. Aquí van algunos consejos para que en-señen a sus hijos cómo estar seguros cuando están solos en casa: 1. Nunca abran la puerta cuando están solos. 2. No inviten a nadie a entrar sin el permiso de un padre o niñera. 3. Anoten los números de teléfono importantes para casos de emergencia. Para obtener más consejos, visite **************************************************


JUNE 7, 2015 **********************************************

SERIE CATOLICISMO CATOLICISMO es una ser ie de cine documental, innovadora en cuanto a medios de comunicación, que ha sido realizada por el grupo Word On Fire a fines del año 2011. Son diez episodios de 60 minutos que llevarán a la audiencia alrededor del mundo, a lugares de la mas profunda fe, abarcando unos 50 sitios en 15 países. CATOLICISMO ilustra la verdad, la bondad y la belleza de la Fe Católica en una experiencia épica multimediática. Los es-pectadores serán testigos de una visión de la Fe Católica como nunca antes había sido vista. Desde las tierras donde ocurren los relatos bíblicos a los grandes santuarios de Europa, desde el corazón de América a los misterios de Asia y el corazón de África, se verá la pasión y gloria de la Fe que más de 1.100 millones de habitantes siguen en todo el mundo. Este magnífico evento televisivo ha sido realizado, y es narrado, por el Padre Robert Barron, fundador del grupo Word On Fire. El P. Barron es un destacado teólogo, escritor, y orador, reconocido como "uno de los mejores mensajeros actuales de la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos." Mike Leonard, reconocido por su trabajo en la cadena tele-visiva NBC, es el productor ejecutivo de la serie. El P. Barron es un sacerdote de la arquidiócesis de Chicago. Es el actual rector del seminario Mundelein, el más grande de los Estados Unidos. Recibió su Maestría en Filosofía de la Universidad Católica de América y su doctorado en teología del Institut Catholique de París. Sus numerosos artículos sobre teología y cultura aparecen en muchas revistas, blogs, periódicos y semanarios. Fecha, Horario y Lugar: Mayo: 26; Junio: 2, 9, 16, 23, y 30; Julio: 7, 14, 21, y 28 Martes: 7:00pm-8:15pm en el Salón Parroquial Costo/Registro: GRATIS Contaco: Hr. Jose Orozco, Nov. CJ Tel. (805) 937-4555 Correo electronico:


canned soup jams/jellies canned meats Mac n cheese Tomato sauce Please check expira on dates! Thank you

************************************************** Religious Education & Junior High News: Religious Education classes: Final classes for the year are on May 20th & 21st. If you have ques-tions, contact Junior High group: Meets on Thursdays from 7:15-8:30 pm in Lou’s Grotto. The final session is May 21st. For more information contact or 937-8363 EARLY REGISTRATION TIME for Religious Education classes & Junior High group: Par -ents can register their children early for the 2015-2016 classes which begin in late August. Register-ing early makes it easier to choose the day of week you want your children to go to classes, gives you one less thing for your summer to do list and you receive an early bird discount of $5.00. The last day for early registration discount is May 29th. If you have questions, contact Vacation Bible Camp: Registration has begun for this summer’s VBC “Cathletics- Training to be Champions for Christ”. Camp will be held the week of July 6-10th from 9:00am-noon each day and is open to children from 4 years old through entering 6th grade. Volunteers are needed to sup-port this awesome event, to register or volunteer please contact Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office and the Rectory.

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