sport club. you should applaud yourself for stepping up to be one of your club’s safety officers...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Sport Club

•Each club has a different level of risk

•Therefore, each club has different Safety Officer requirements.

•Be sure you have reviewed your club’s specific requirements on the Sport Club website before continuing with this training.

To be a club Safety Officer, you must:•Be certified in First Aid and/or CPR (or other certification, depending upon your club’s activity)

•Know your club’s specific Safety Officer requirements

•Complete this online training

•Take and pass the Safety Officer Quiz

Your club may have additional protocols if…

Take the Quiz so we know you understand your roles and responsibilities as a Safety Officer

You may take the quiz as many times as needed until you receive a 100%

Once you get 100% on the quiz, you will be officially recognized as a club Safety Officer.

Log in to Blackboard to take your quiz now!

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