special a one-stop · senior speakers for high school exercises named a. c. wiggins, jack sanders,...

Post on 16-Oct-2020






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Senior Speakers For High School Exercises Named

A. C. Wiggins, Jack Sanders, Molly Bugg Ellis, Clifton Mills,

Rosalie Watson and

Stanley Teiser, Jr.,

Appear On Program for Commencement

At Henderson High School.

Senior speaker.-, of the class of

,940 01 Henderson high school, were

mnoanced today by Principal \V.

\ Payne to include A. C. Wgijiins.

rack Sanders. Molly Bugg Ellis. C!if-

M H osalie Watson. and Stan-

ey Ti >er. Jr.. chairman. They will

ippear on the program of the com-

r.onceinent exerci>es. to be held May

tO at the high school. The senior speakers were selected

>v the ..uii >c:*oo! faculty from sen-

ors who submitted papers on assign-

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Tbo Coopo" Co- il- v.: ;v.m. .N .

ed topics lor English class. Follow in.-;

the judging of the papers on then

merit, the authors of highest rated

papers competed on an oratorical

basis and the winners were selected

to appear at the commencement pro-

gram. The subjects which the seniors will

present are: A. C. Wiggins, "it rowing

Need for Vocational Training": Jack Sanders. "Vocation** lor Men": M i-

ly B'agg Kliis. "Vocations lor Wom-

en": Clifton M:ils. "Vocational Train-

ing in Henderson High School":

and Kosalie Watson. "Opportunitie- for Vocational Training Outside Hu-

ll >gh School". Commencement exercises begin

Sunday night. May "Jti. with tin-

graduation senium to be deliveted in tile high school auditorium by I>

S. I.. Stealev. pastor of the First il.ip-

tist church of Raieivh. Diplomas will

be awarded Thursday night. May ti> I1! graduates.



The Yo'.mg Men Sen ice Club met

at ' o'ci »c:. Thursday evening a'

the Fit'st Presbyterian church, with) I>r W. W. N' -i s;ivi'is> a talk o:i| photography as a hobby and present-) ing numerous pictures that he had I

made. I

The club voted t<» change the meet-j tig time ir mi until 7 o'clock

during the summer months. Fre>:dcn' Cn-or.-.e Harrison presid-

ed over the se. sn-n.

Baptist Circles Are Thanked In Jubilee

Tla >op! rmtendent and nii'sing i : rilee hospital today ex-

s.-d eir thanks to tin' mis-

sion. ry e tcl* oi tlic First i>ai»!i-t

churc! r the linen showers recent-

ly tiivi ia: ii ;.ir the kind remem- ••! t: patients ,rom time to


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WPA Invites

Public To

Dinner Soon

Local WPA oflicers and workers will put :i local program in connec-

,iii v. it!i the nationwide connnun-

:!y activity week o! the govcrnmont igi-ncy dining tlio week «>i' May 20-

m v.a- stated todn.v i.y F. Ai. Rol- '<

, -ov rmtendent ol' toe city and

rural schools. The purpose of the

program is to acquaint the

•irple ol the country with the ae-I ;|i!i.-!i!r.eiits of ihe w imumi's work.'

The occasion has been designated '

;:s "see for yourself week" or "this vork p.'.vs our ei»inmunity." Spons-

: .it the work are inviting the pub- lic in vi.-it all professional and serv- ice projects to see them in operation.!

. ii ;«i learn, it is stated, how the er's money is being spent on

,• plO.:«TtS. P.; iVr.'iit types of wotnen's work i

i m cu .:lion, lunch room, s-ewing room. library and adult education.

,• >.v; pon-ors for the various activi- > ;uv Mr. Rollins, county com-j

mis-ioner*. Perry libraiy, county ..vc'!'a,-e board and P.-T. A.

Ireluded important features; planned in connection with the na- j

; i ,,I celebration is to be a project I

dinner i n Monday evening, May 20, n tin* cafeteria of the high school, with Mrs. J. C. Gardner as chair- ;•>.

:e others of the committee l>e-

ng Mr.-. .1. K. Plununer and Mr.;. I),

n. itt. and W. C. Poe and J. W.

Sanders. Miss Ruth Carter is in

charge of the tickets. \V. R.

Vau.i;han is chairman of the pro-

ur.'ii' committee. and expects t'»j have a vi. iting speaker prevent. AH

i»i!i*t " vd '. iti/.ens are invited to tlr-J dinner. the chief feature of which j v ;l| in- a nationwide radio address by j ; , I I (' Harrington, works project c, •: tvr: Mr-. Florence Kerr, |

. r,r commissioner, and Presi-1

dent i: -evelt.

Open house will be observed on

every professional find service pro-

iect fro'v: May 20-25. and all who

\ i<i* t!'i m will be asked to r'gisler ti ;i >, i t I ool'. which will I e sent 1 •

Mr.-. K< rr's office in Washington.

Bands Guests

Of S. A. L. On

Raleigh Trip i

Tin- band of the Henderson high cin "1 ;.tul the drum and bugle corp<

.'i the junior high school have been invited to participate in the big celebration in Raleigh on Tuesday, May 21. of the opening of the old

Raleigh & Gaston railroad, now thr>

Seaboard Air Line. Mayor Henry T. Powell said today. The Seaboard will operate a spe-

cial train from the vicinity of Wel- don. in the neighborhood of the

northern terminus of the old road. 1

through Norlina. Henderson. Frank-

lington and Wake Forest and to Ra-

loigh for the occasion, and the band and the drum and bugle corps will be guests on the railroad from Hen-

derson to Raleigh and return on the

special train. Several weeks ago. Mayor Powell

designated a committee of Hender-

son citizens to represent this com-

munity at the Raleigh celebration. | and ail of that number, some twenty I

in al!. will also be picked up here

by the special train and taken to Ra-

leigh and back for the occasion as

guests of the railroad. The band and the drum and bugle

corps will march in the parade i'i

'.'air it«h. The schedule for the train

has not been worked out definitely, but is expected to pass here around 11 a. m.

The celebration is in commemora-

tion of the centennial of the com-

pletion of the railroad.

84 Prisoners

In Camp Here

At the end of April there were f>4 i

convicts in the State Highway and

Public Works Commission road camp at (iillburg, four miles east of the

city, according to the monthly report of .J. H. Gupton, superintendent of

the camp. This was one less than at

the beginning of the month.

Forty convicts were receive! dur-

ing the month, while 20 were dis-

charged and 15 transferred to othgr camps.


See Paye Four

1. What are anthropophaginians? 2. What is the occupation of Wil-

liam Allen White, "the Sage of Em-

poria," Kansas? 3. The most noted Russian Kremlin

is in the city of Moscow, Leningrad, or Kiev?

4. Does the United States govern-

ment pay a price to families of seven

sons? 5. What is meat.t by the Neander-

thal man? (i. What do diamonds and coal have

in common? 7. Name the two bodies of the I

Frencl i leg is la t u re. 8. In v hat country is Edinburgh

Univi rsity ? 9. Is Secretary of State. Cordel

Hull, a native of Tennessee. Ken-

tucky. or Ohio? 10. Is it the solstices or the equi-

noxes that occur when the sun is in

diiact liiiw villi the earth'* c^x-tyr*.

Henderson-Oxford Road

May Be Widened Shortly Probability that the State High-:

way Commission will widen the lien-

dcrson-Oxlord highway between Ox- j lord aiul the Vance county line in1

the near future is being discussed,! uccorU'iig tu advices from Oxford. I

The agitation, arose following a visit j

to Ox lord Wednesday of S. M. l!ason,! i>l Yancevville, district hiuhway com-

missioner, and otiier member:- ol his'

.stall' i?i the fifth district. In 'lit party vi-itmg Oxford were,

in addition to Mr. IJason. District!

Engineer Curton, of iicidsville. Di-j visional Engineer Praetor of Durban., j and Dave Thomas, chief equipment engineer of the fifth division.

Frequent checks of the flow of

traffic over the Hender. on-Oxford

highway have been made in recent

months, il is slated, and these show

the need for increased highway facil- ities over this route.

Agitation in the fourth district, in-

including Hi.nder.--on, lor widening improving U. S. No. 1 between fien-

-.ii r.\ >n and the Virginia line, has been

under way for some time, and pre-

liminary surveys have been made.

It is thought to be a possibility that this project might be expanded to

im.iude the Vance side of the Hen-

derson-Oxford highway, which js also in the fourth district.

Henderson Listed By Winborne

As Needing New Bus Station

Ilendcrson is one of 15 cities in.

llit slate which art' badly in need of ;

new bus statinn::, according t«» Utili-'

ties Commissioner Stanley Winborne,' wiii) announced in Raleigh that an

attempt is being made tu have bus!

companies erect new stations at all of

the Hi cities.

Other municipalities lislod by the utilities commissioner included Ra-

leigh, Charlotte, Durham, Greens-

boro, Winston-Salem, Concord, Kan-

napolis. Gastonia, Rocky Mount,' Weldon, Roanoke Rapids, North, Wilkesboro, Elkin, Oxford and j Thoniasville.

New stations have been completed j within the last six months at Eliza- !

belli City. Windsor. Willkunston. Wil- son. Wilmington, Kinston, Monroe, Wadesboro, Rockingham, Ilamlct, Salisbury and Washington, Commis- sk nrr V. inborne said. Work on new

stations is almost ready to begin all Kdcnton, Hertford and Henderson-j ville.

"(>1' course the construction of new j stations at those places will necey-1 sitate ;i large expenditure by the bus' companies", Winborne said, 'but we

I'eel that residents of North Carolina an' entitled to adequate bus stations."

April Sales For Liquor $15,031 Here

Liquor sales ;it Y:'nce county's one AiiC store amout'.ied ti> .S15,0.'51.2U in

April. il was announced today at the board's offices. The figure compared with Sri4,052.i)() in April last year,

and represented a gain of approxi- mately Sl.noii iii the month tins year. Jti March, 1L)4'I. liquor sales were

811.751).4"). For the four months of 1940 total

sales of the liquor store have been S71.185.15. which comparts with $52.- 39<>.85 in the like period ; year ago. and representing a gam of nearly

$lii,00U this year.


Names of IS jurors to serve dur-

ing the monthly jury session of re-

corder's court on Thursday. May 9,

were announced today from the of-

fice of E. O. Faikner. clerk of su-

perior court. By tow nships, the jurors are:

Henderson, L. E. Turner, A. D.

Clayton, C. Moore. L. H. Evans, H.

P. White. C. O. Seifert. F. Turner

Roberts. W. R. Aulbert, J. Richard

Faikner. M. G. Evans. Kittrell. E. R. Woodlief, C. P.

Dickerson: Williamsboro, D. L. Hunt: Townsville. V. L. Kimball: Middli-

burg. H. H. Steed, A. C. llendrick; Sandy Creek, George C. Hughes, A. B. Faikner.


W. P. Horton, candidate for gov- ernor, will speak over a statewide

radio hook-lip at G:45 o'clock this

evening, it was stated today by his

manager. R. C. Carter. It is one of a J series of such talks the lieutenant

governor is making in the interest of

his campaign. The public is invited

to listen in on the program.

Morton Plans

For Revival

Envoy Luther Morton, nf the* local

corps of Tin* Salvation Army, who is eonciiding a two weeks revival

meeting in Roanoke Rapids, an-1

nounced today he would begin a re- j vival at the Arty's hall in South! Henderson on Tue day, May 14.

The envoy said he had had 41 pro- fessions in the Roanoke Rapids meeting, which is being held in a

tent in the twin eitv community. Envoy Morton is doing the preach- ing at Roanoke Rapids, and is also

expected t-> preach during the serv- ices to be held here. He expects to Minounce more details of the meet-

ing here in the next week or so. !

AROUND TOWN Pays Traffic Fine—John Camaras

paid SI into the office of the city clerk as a traffic line, records there revealed today.

Granted License — Robert Lee Glover and Verna Burton, both of Henderson, a colored couple, secur-

ed license to wed at the Vance Reg- istry office, records there revealed


Chimney Fire—A chimney lire at

the home of G. N. Gill on North Gar-

nett street called out firemen this

morning at 10:20 o'clock. Fire Chief

Cooper Ellis reported no damage i

Passersby saw smoke billowing from a chimney, and turned in the alarm from box 41. the chief said.

Small Near East nation has de ! cided not to change their cabinet [ Probably came to the conclusion it

couldn't make the front page these!

days, anyway.

FOR C'OrNTV COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce my candidacy i

to succeed myself as County Com- missioner for a four year term sub-; jeet to the Democratic Primary of j May 25. 1 will appreciate your vote and support.


Registration Books Open In Precincts

Party leaders, together with the

lew local candidates with opposition, are concerned over the lack of in-

terest shown in the new registration of voters for the coming primaries of Saturday, May 25, and are en-

deavoring to roil.1-'.' the people to the necessity of getting their names on Hit new books if they would par- ticipate in the voting.

I\o definite figures are available as to the number of names that have been put on the new books so far. Last Saturday was the first day the books were open at the precinct poll- ing places. They will be open at triout-

places again tomorrow and Satur-

day week, May 11. Citizens may re- gister at any other time during the period by contacting the registrars. Some estimates are that not much

more than 1,000 names have been listed throughout the county, includ- ing the five city precincts. Ordinarily the county casts more than 5,000 votes in a primary election, so that it is believed only about a fifth or the eligible voters have as yet qualified to take part in the primary. Lack of large numbers of sharp

contests for •oiiii:-. one cxphiiKiti .n citixcn . In ;l:i i.,

book i: ,

crats and one i ,

third one is ;il in the generai ci.

lam: >;r.ni no i vs.i Henderson, (

Invest In Prosperity In Henderson

JJefore you jilacc funds in out-of-town i.-\ »-si i;.•:

think what your dollars will do for local bu-iiH-

Deposited in our bank and placed in :n«i

loans, tlicy will help a neighbor buy a homi. remodel his house or put in a crop.

They help a man to buy a new car, merc'iam. to carry larger stocks, a friend to feed a c;.:

of livestock.

In hundreds of ways they put vitaliiy into mn community and pump iifeblood inlo all busi-


Your deposit works right here—for iwry 'me ;«-ul '

you. Keep our community a got d ).•!;«':< in v i ••

live, do business arc! raise a family by keeeinv money at home.

Henderson, N. C. All deposits up to $5,000 insured by the

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Banking Hours: 9 A. M. to 2 I'. M.

A One-Stop Service Station Complete Service For The Car Owner

Our shop is well ppecl and we

arc prepared 1" make every re-

pair to any make of automobile.

If your car doing right drive

it around and let our expert me-

chanics look it over.

Earl Bowden, Shop Foreman

Service Station We ,cu all the way wjlh service

Gas, Oil, Washing, Lubrication, Polishing and Dusting, Batteries Recharged, Every Tire Service.

None of that half-way business about us. W'hon

you drive in here our men are ready and know how to service your car from bumper to bumper,

quickly and courteously.

Try Our Service Next Time.

E. C. "Blue" Edwards Service Station Manager.

j ? ~ V T> idil

Another feature of i*ur

customers is our IH'IKiK! !';

Under this systc.m y<"-

your tires, batteries ;«»•

cessories op. the HAM ME NT PLAN and pay; Our BUDGET i'LAN most converient way things you need and i-

very popular with our p.-'1

W. Y. "Bill" Bryan Budget Maiiaj-'i-r.

SERVE-ALL SERVICE STATION A. FL NUCKLE3, Proprietor William St. Phone 663.

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