social media, the future and your career

Post on 11-Aug-2014






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My presentation during the Social Media Week Lagos on Careers, the impact of social media and the future. Enjoy!!!


Social Media,

The Future

and Your

Career- ‘Kunle Olaifa


HUNTER-GATHERER - First class of workers, hunter-gathers had a basic and communal knowledge. Living and working in small groups of people knowledge transferred from old to young and focused around how to survive.

FARMER & ARTISAN - Throughout the 11th century and later, labour was confined to manual and craft trade – mostly agriculture. Think: Blacksmiths and farmers. Less than 1% of the workforce were intellects.

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION WORKER - Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in history when manual labour shifted to machine based manufacturing. Industrialization moved people from the fields into the factories. End of world war II heralded global growth of corporations & work.

Evolution of Work

INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL – Internet dramatically revolutionised the way workers connect and develop their work products. With the help of email and software solutions, work has become asynchronous, flexible and efficient..

KNOWLEDGE WORKER - Work becomes more virtual using smartphone, tablets and other mobile devices in what is called “hyper-connected”.

Evolution of Work

TECHNOLOGY NOVICE - Second half of the 20th century, new data processing age was born. Workers were challenged to learn the mechanics of the new office technology eg. Fax, Personal computer. Workers were now relying on communication network necessary for information sharing.

Evolution from the turn of the century….

The following did not exist





•Google +





Social Media & U….

Are you using Social Media?

What do you use social media for?

Which platform do you use? (LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook etc)

How often do you use social media?

Is Social Media working for you and your career?

Social Media is Here to StayVisiting social sites is now the most popular online activity – ahead of personal e-mail2

79% of the top 100 Fortune 500 use Twitter, Facebook or corporate blogs3

Facebook reaches 35.2 percent of the entire Internet population.

61% of active Twitter users following companies, brands or products on social networks.

LinkedIn has over 100 million members in over 200 countries and territories around the world.

One in 20 users is a recruiter, headhunter, or HR professional.

Mobile devices user are twice as active as non-mobile users. 2 The Nielsen Company, 2010

3 Burson-Marsteller, The Global Social Media Check-up 2010

Nigeria – in AfricaNo 2 – Facebook

No 1 - TwitterNo2 - LinkedIn

Social Media & Your Job Search If you are seeking the next

opportunity it’s a must!!! You never know when a potential

employer might be looking!

Networking opportunities. Eighty percent (or more) of job opportunities come through some form of networking—networking is one of the most important tools in your job search toolkit.

Meet new contacts from across the world by engaging in conversation on social media and participating in chats, groups and more.

Professional online presence. Employers today are screening candidates based on their online reputational data—profiles, search results, websites, photos, and anything else they can find that’s attached to your name.

Proactively creating professional results shows that you’re serious about your job search and career.

Social Media & Your Job SearchThought leadership. Show that you’re committed to your career by positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Write status updates, tweets, blog posts pertaining to recent trends in your field, share advice from other thought leaders and participate in online groups and chats.

Connect directly with employers. Recruiters, hiring managers and CEOs are now active on social media. Read their blog, connect with them on LinkedIn or Twitter, and comment on the content they share.

It’s easier than ever to build relationships with folks you might never meet in real life—take advantage of it!

GETTING THE BEST OF SOCIAL MEDIABuild a good online profile - Your bio, photograph and all you leave online act as an online resume.

Use Keywords - employers use search tools to find candidates that match the job description using keywords.

Share your experience, education and accomplishments in your profile to help them learn about you.

Use a similar handle across networks. Make it easy for others to find you on whichever platform .

Focus on building mutually beneficial relationships—don’t just connect with people that can help you. Think about how you can help them, too.


Regularly post interesting and relevant articles, photos, videos and other content to stay visible online.

Don’t spam your network by constantly talking about yourself.

Look for people in your industry and geographic area to follow and connect with.

Get Testimonials/recommendations – they speak volumes and will position you competitively and establish trust in your reputation.

Ask and answer questions, marketing yourself as an expert. Your contributions will draw attention.


2013 survey of 26,874 students and graduates and 694 top employers globally

•Key insights – -Career websites and Social Media are the two most important places for talents to meet employers online

74% of job seekers use companies’ career websites, which continues to be their most important source of information online.

94% say that in addition to the career website, employers should present themselves on at least one social or professional platform.

The most popular one is Facebook: 61% expect employers to have a career page here (+4% compared to 2012).

Duplicating the career website content and dumping it on social networks is not the solution. Content and message need to be adjusted to each channel.

Job seekers do not want just a career, they want the perfect match. They expect employers to give them personalized insights and recommendations on each channel.

Courtesy - Potential Park Communications 2013

“The career website is the employer’s show room where you go to see what the

company has to offer. Social Media however is the job seeker’s living room where the

employers go to catch their attention – more a place for fun than facts, but very effective for

building talent relationships.

This is where job seekers feel out if the messages and promises of the career website

pass the reality check.” -Julian Ziesing (Potential Park)


An audit of 350 top employers and found that 7% had a mobile career website and 3% had a mobile job app.

19% of job seekers said they ‘currently use’ their mobile device for career related activities, and over 50% ‘could imagine’ doing so.

80% of active Twitter users log on through mobile devices

More than 250 million active users access Facebook through their mobile devices.

Mobile devices user are twice as active as non-mobile users.

Almost 12 million unique visitors visit LinkedIn every day

Did you know?-There are more Smartphones sold per day than babies born

What Social Media Recruiting does for you….

Better candidate quality Better ROI Shorter time-to-hire A wider, more diverse pool

of talent Stronger Employer brand Stronger impact. Higher response rates. More impactful Messaging

Future Trends• Automation • Precision technology• Lesser privacy• Speed• Smaller (sometimes called smarter)• Freelance marketplaces ….more of

oDesk and Elance

• Education – Academic excellence

• Information – What is happening? When? Where? How?

• Networking –Build and use your contacts

• Flexibility – Be adaptable

• Employability Skills*

• Awareness – Watch

What you need for today’s career?

Stand Out today!!!

The Future Workplace

‘Kunle…Human Resources Professional

…Graduate of Microbiology

…Member of the Society of Human Resources Management


…Passionate about Careers solutions with an unending quest


information and knowledge management.

Head Human Resources – West AfricaSamsung

+234 8098899333;

‘ ‘ Kunle OlaifaKunle Olaifa

‘Kunle Olaifa


‘Kunle Olaifa

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