social media marketing, best practices

Post on 11-Aug-2014






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Designed for Kingston Chamber of Commerce. Event sponsor: VIVA productions.


Best practices:Cross-platform social media marketing design + development tips

a presentation by Sidneyeve Matrix

image: fd

go where the people are...

image: child of Atom

successful social media marketing requires that we

inbound marketingshare great content that attracts interest

image: Danny Perez Photography

and once we're there, we need to

in other words, it's about

measurable value addedto your bottom lines

and ideally, the ROI will be

define your objectivesset criteria by which to measure

success of SM efforts

image: melissa gray

but which bottom lines? it's imperative to

your objectives determine your channels and content strategy

image: bluman


content aggregators

image: Guillermо

Social media platforms are

and community networks

image: rogersmj

today I'll present some best practice tips for engaging on these channels, and across them

go where the people are.

FB business pageranks high on Google

image: Franco Bouly

(higher than your webpage?)




27%source: comScore 2009

visitors by age50+ years



24 & under

are your clients on this site?

FB brand affiliates are more likely to buy.if so, you should be there too because

keys to a successful FB page

image: .krish.Tipirneni.


image: "iPad Stand" by Veronica Belmont

vanity URL25 likes required

so long!

much better!

and optimized landing page

FBML customized

example 1 of 2

oops! 1 problem: no more "Become a Fan" button. We "Like" fresh graphics.

custom/optimized landing page example 2


interactive open wall

with regular calls to action

call to action

guidelines for participation

image: Angelina :)

part of your crisis communication strategy for example

add LIKE box to your website/blog

once you have a Facebook pageyou can drive Likes if you

think cross platform

image: priscila_tonon

best practices


customized wallpaper

check out the balanced followbacks

varied & valued tweets:

post updates of newsworthy items from your industry,+ your original content,+ retweet/promote your followers' content

image: fdecomite

reciprocity followback and create lists of your VIPs

image: le vent le cri


active & continuous network developmentweekly tasks: add new tweeps to your lists and networks& unfollow dormant, irrelevant, or nonreciprocal tweeters

to raise clients' satisfaction index, provideconsistent engaged interaction

ask for input& add value

image: dotbenjamin

Why do you read WWE Magazine?

example of asking for input: pollingslide 1 of 3


wow 4+ votes per minute!


example of adding value: digital couponslide 1 of 2

here's the digital coupon from Twitter

well, not *entirely* digital, redemption requires print

example of adding value: mobile couponslide 1 of 3

tweeted link points to Facebook pagewith QR code

(think cross platform)

image: vfowler

scanning QR codeopens smartphone coupon

image: Josh Bancroft

Increased visibility for your company, products and services

& opportunity to promote events

deliverscompany listing

business profile

Establish your expertise by responding to discussion questions

Network with potential and current business partners and clients

Recruit talent


image Leonard John Matthews

personal profilewidgetize your

& add LinkedIn URL to eMail signature

add LinkedIn tab to Facebook profile

(think cross platform)

image: brittney bush

video marketingshooting for virality

image: Laura Mary

Don't make a ad. Tell a story.

image: B_Zedan

A short story.atomize your content30-60-90 seconds

types of videoshow-to tutorialsproduct reviewsbehind the scenes, making-offacility tourinterviews (staff/client testimonial)video news releasepromotional event

optimizing video for social sharing & search

image: jaygoldman

keyword tags& titles


post x-platform



invite feedback

local advertisingword of mouth, amplified.

image: Mario Sixtus

image: wEnDaLicious

join the conversation happening online today about your business

need some in your pocket?

think: social + mobile

image: nan palmero

become georelevant.

each venue user checks into with Foursquare is pushed to friends on multiple social networks

(cross platform)

Foursquare + Facebookcross platform

nice work @tifffanyandco!

that's a lot of earned media/word of mouth P2P promotion

image: fazen


best practices in social media marketing

multiplying the touchpoints.

stretch your content & networks



about the authorSidneyeveMatrix,PhD.Queen'sNationalScholar,Film&Media@Queen'

social media design + build

Questions? hope you get in touch.


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