smarter marketing: using online intelligence to inform customer development

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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Presentation given to the business intelligence special interest group of the PMI Nashville chapter


  • 1. Smarter Marketing How Leading Companies Are Using Online Intelligenceto Inform Customer Development to Inform Customer Development to Inform Customer Development
    • [presented by]Kate ONeill ,CEO of [meta]marketer

Image 2. The classic dilemma:

  • Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.
        • - attributed to John Wanamaker,department store merchant

3. The Old Days 4. Nowadays 5. Why web marketing kicks all other marketings butt

  • You can buy market share in ever-expanding waysAND
  • You can intentionally choose channels that provide you with data and insights for further tuning

6. What if... you could build a competitive advantage on your ability to learn? you could build a competitive advantage on your ability to learn? Discovery Hypotheses Testing Data Findings Insights 7. And what if... this made you better, faster, smarter, and more profitable than your competitors? this made you better, faster, smarter, and more profitable than your competitors? Discovery Hypotheses Testing Data Findings Insights 8. Hypothesis-Driven Marketing Optimization

  • Lets call this:

Oooh. Fancy. 9. ALWAYS REMEMBER: Web analytics are people (and dogs) Web analytics are people (and dogs)

  • Easy to work backwards from profitability; also work forwards from empathy
  • A personis complicated enough;peopleare extra complicated
  • The minute you start blending motives, reactions, etc -you start dealing with a real mess

10. Dashboards... 11. Dashboards... are for Sunday drives. Not off-road races. (And dont try to tell me business isnt a race.) (And dont try to tell me business isnt a race.) (And dont try to tell me business isnt a race.) (And dont try to tell me business isnt a race.) (And dont try to tell me business isnt a race.) (And dont try to tell me business isnt a race.) 12. Segmentation! You need... 13. 14. B2B: Sale by committee early researchers money people tech approvers others approvers how might you recognize them using problem-statement terminology in search heading straight for your pricing info heading straight for tech specs interested in leadership bios, client list, etc what types of search terms what do they need to move forward how to measure success etc 15. B2C: Sale by touchpoint just browsing specific need logged-in visitor previous visitor previous customer how might you recognize them meandering through pages heavy user of internal search what types of search terms what do they need to move forward how to measure success etc 16. Paging Dr. Drucker:

  • The aim of marketing is toknow and understand the customer so well the product or servicefits him and sells itself.
  • Because the purpose of business is to create a customer,the business enterprise has twoand only two basic functions: marketing and innovation.
  • Marketing and innovation produce results;all the rest are costs.

17. Draper or Drucker? I'd have my secretary do it, but she's dead. Limit your exposure. If you dont like whats being said, change the conversation. The best way to predict the future is to create it. So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. Business, that's easily defined - it's other people's money. Which one said it? 18. Emerging vs. established concepts

  • Are people actually searching for and talking about your concept?
  • Or are you basing your online acquisition model on wishes and unicorns?

19. Hmm. Howm I going to validate that? 20. Case Study*:Wonderful Cat Wings, LLC * Maybe fictional 21. + = $ I mean, right? The Basic Idea 22. So how bout search marketing?

  • Start with to find out how people are searching

23. What if we try these instead? 24. Wheres the sweet spot? 25. Marketing Cat Wings cat spoilers, unaware of wings cat spoilers, aware of related market aware of wings aware of brand previous customer how might you recognize them by search terms by search terms direct traffic; concept searches direct traffic; brand searches direct access to login page; cookie what types of search terms cat accessories, cat toys cat clothing cat wings, gold cat wings Wonderful Cat Wings {brand} + login or help what do they need to move forward cat wings are ideal cat toy, accessory images of cats in cat wings? selection? price? quality? quality? return policy? support? appreciation? how to measure success engagement purchase; signup for newsletter purchase purchase? return visits, referrals etc 26. Slight Tangent:Anyone (besides me) remember thepre-search Web? pre-search Web? pre-search Web? pre-search Web? 27. 28. 29. Googlechangedeverything . . . 30. The Consequencesof Google of Google

  • Emphasis on ranking high in theOne True Searchled to
  • Emphasis on inbound links at any costwhich led to
  • Creation of web litter, spam sites, bogus articles, spam blog comments, questionable endorsements, an industry of experts, etc

31. The Audacityof Google of Google Facebook 32. Who owns info discovery? 33. Its (almost, kind of) aPost-Search World, baby Post-Search World, baby

  • But were still a changed user base
  • Experts bringing the mindset of shady SEO to social media (unfortunately) - manipulate results, rank high, add junk

34. But then again, not quite. 35. Run a Facebook adjust to learn. just to learn. 36. (You dont have to spend very much to find out something new.) And you can export the data! 37. But then take what you learn back to search. 38. Social Ad Spending 39. Social Commerce Phases 40. Tools Used to Analyze 41. Example Content Engagement Plan Source: 42. Use social toboost search. boost search. 43. Share your blog posts. On Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or wherever youll reach your audience. 44. Make itMeaningful

  • Relevanceis keyAlways has been, always will be
  • Be where your audience is
  • Focus on building relationships
  • Pay attention to whats shared in your friend circles

45. Make itMemorable

  • Remarkable content is far more likely to get retweeted
  • Share-able / retweetable -Add to Any / ShareThis links on everything
  • Remember friendsourcing

46. Make itMeasurable

  • ...or at leasttry
  • You cant optimize what you dont measure

47. Buthow ?MeasuringSocial Media Social Media Social Media 48. 49. Marketing Basic: The Path Awareness Consideration Preference Purchase Loyalty 50. New-fangled Online Marketing Path Awareness Consideration Preference Purchase Loyalty Exposure Attention Engagement Conversion Referral 51. Online Marketing Path Metrics Awareness Consideration Preference Purchase Loyalty Exposure Attention Engagement Conversion Referral Impressions Followers RSS Subscribers Fans Click-throughs Blog Comments # of Visitors # of Visits Retweets Time on Site Pages per Visit Duration Registration Purchase Attend event Tell a friend Contact Repeat Visits Repeat Purchases Likelihood toRecommend 52. Where is everybody? Awareness Consideration Preference Purchase Loyalty Exposure Attention Engagement Conversion Referral Impressions Followers RSS Subscribers Fans Click-throughs Blog Comments # of Visitors # of Visits Retweets Time on Site Pages per Visit Duration Registration Purchase Attend event Tell a friend Contact Repeat Visits Repeat Purchases Likelihood toRecommend 53. What are the Ideal Measures? Reach Clickthroughs Purchases Awareness 54. How to Set Up Tracking

  • You do use an analytics package, right?
  • Use campaign variables
  • Link shorteners with integrated analytics (,, urlzen,

55. And just monitor it. 56. See opportunity somewhere? Good. Good. Good. 57. Now.How are you going to get better? How are you going to get better? How are you going to get better? 58. (A really quick overview oftest-driven marketing optimization.) test-driven marketing optimization.) 59. You cant improvewhat you dont measure. 60. Marketing Reach Site Conversion Youre doingsome thing today. But how well? 61. Expanded Acquisition Efforts Site Improvements How will you know when youve succeeded? 62. How will you know howto do it again? 63. How will you know how much better off you are? 64. Use data to get smarter. 65. Of course youll never get all visitors to convert... 66. But youcanconvincemore of them over time. of them over time. 67. Does your site work?Are you willing to bet half of your leads? Are you willing to bet half of your leads? One of these landing pages decreased conversions by 50%. Would you know which one? 68. What does testing do? 69. Oh, and it works for engagement, too. 70. Which engages visitors more: orthisone? Thisvalue proposition: 71. Nearly 800% liftin engagement! in engagement! 72. Free tool: Google Website Optimizer Google Website Optimizer 73. Where to starttesting

  • Your value proposition
  • Your landing pages
  • Your home page navigation
  • Your conversion points
  • Just about anywhere.


  • Twitter:@kateo @metamarketer Email:[email_address] Questions? Need help?

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