[slideshare] (adab)lesson#8[f]-adab-towards-our-prophet-[11-january-2012]

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LESSONS ON ISLAMIC CONCEPT OF ADAB By: Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail ADAB TOWARDS OUR PROPHET MUHAMMAD صلّى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلّم Adab # 6- MAKE THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD صلّى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلّم THE BEST EXAMPLAR


  • 1. Arabic (plural) ofAdab: meanings good breeding, decency, nurture, good manners, refinement, cultured, decorum, courteous, etiquette, propriety, social grace, to educate, discipline, the humanities, etc.sense of proportion and knowledge of their rightful place in the order of things, the absence of which indicates injusticeLESSONS ON ISLAMICCONCEPT OF ADAB By: Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail InshaAllah-This is a follow-up course, after completion of 18 weeks course on the kitab Talim al-Mutaallim Tariqit Taallum of Sheikh Tajuddin Numan Zarnuji ( 11 January 2012 ) Every Wednesday night @ 8pm Wisma Indah 448 Changi Rd,#02-00 (Next to Masjid Kassim), LESSON# 8 (f) IN THE NAME OF ALLAH MOST COMPASSIONATE MOST MERCIFUL. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 2 NDRUN OF THE MODULE

2. By retracing our life, we start with understanding our basic nature as a human being - having inherent powers and their potentialities to be developed. RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 3. In our relationship regarding our Education we are to encounter, i.e. assisted by our educators - with what is referred to as, knowledge . RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 4. Yet, weare born helpless and have to be cared, nurtured, to be inculcated with discipline, taught and developedby aMurabbi (EDUCATOR) the first of whom are our PARENTS. RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 5. Yet, weare born helpless and have to be cared, nurtured, to be inculcated with discipline, taught and developedby aMurabbi (EDUCATOR) the first of whom are our PARENTS. Relationship with the Parents and Teacher RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 6. Islam : to submit the entireself (body, tongue, heart andMind) Freeing it from desirewhich needs to always be guidedto the Will of Allah. THE WORLD TIME SELF BODY TONGUE MIND DESIRE HEART Obedience to Parents and teachers Beginning of education: [1]Tarbiyyapertains to training of the soul still attached to desires, etc. Teacher/Educator: [1] Parent [2] Teacher Although ultimate is Knowledge, (both theoretical andpractical) initial disciplining, rote learning, memorization, etc. may be crucial. PARENTS TEACHERS KNOWLEDGE Relationship with the Parents and Teacher All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 7. Islam :to submit the entireself (body, tongue, heart andMind) Freeing it from desirewhich needs to always be guidedto the Will of Allah. THE WORLD TIME SELF BODY TONGUE MIND DESIRE HEART Obedience to Parents and teachers Beginning of education : [1]Tarbiyyapertains to training of the soul still attached to desires, etc. Teacher/Educator : [1] Parent [2] Teacher Although ultimate is Knowledge, (both theoretical andpractical) initial disciplining, rote learning, memorization, etc. may be crucial. KNOWLEDGE Relationship with the Parents and Teacher PARENTS All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) TEACHERS 8. Educate (nurture) your children upon three things:[1] To Love your Prophet (s.a.w.), [2] And to love the Family members of his household (Aali Muhammad),[3] and (learn) to recite Al-Quran. ( Hadith narrated by Tabrani ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 9. Educate (nurture) your children upon three things:[1] To Love your Prophet (s.a.w.), [2] And to love the Family members of his household (Aali Muhammad),[3] and (learn) to recite Al-Quran. ( Hadith narrated by Tabrani ) SELF KNOWLEDGE TEACHERS THE WORLD PARENTS TIME ALLAH AHLIL-BAYTIHI ASHAABIHI AL-QURAN AS-SUNNAH Relationshiptowards theProphet s.a.w. hishousehold &companions, and reciting al-Quran HISTORY * Seerah Tashri Tabaqat Islamic S.E. Asia The World All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) RASULULLAH 10. WHAT ARE THESE AND HOW TO INCULCATE. ? All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON 11. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON 12. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON 13. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON 14. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON 15.

  • Actually, Muslims are already taught Adab in following the Prophet from the categorization of Hukm taklifi andFiqh:
  • [1]Fardh ainbeforeFardh kifaaya ;
  • [2]Wajibbeforemandub( sunnat);
  • [3] Removing harm ( mafsadah , ormungkar ) has priority over bringing new benefit ( maslahat );
  • [4] That which is near or closest, before the far and the distant;
  • [5] Concern for our shortcomings rather than relishing or indulging in self-praise;
  • [6]Aakhirah( eternal Hereafter ) has precedence overDunya(temporal world). etc.

All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON 16. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) RECAP PREVIOUS LESSON 17. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) TO PROCEED FROM PREVIOUS LESSON ... 18. VERILY, in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example for everyone who looks forward [with hope and awe] to Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah unceasingly. ( Quran: Ahzab: 33: 6 ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 19.

  • Imitation (or copying, emulating someone) is the sincerest form of flattery (praise )! is an English proverb.
  • It reveals an obvious truth which we should consider, whether we have acted truthfully and sincerely, when we regard our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. as the most beloved and best of Allahs creation( khayr-al-khal-qil-lah ).
  • He, whose name is the praised one , indeed is praised by Allah, Who is the Creator of every creation:

And thou (Muhammad) standest on an exalted standard of character. ( Quran: Qalam: 68: 4 ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 20.

  • Note : Therefore ultimately it is in the Prophet Muhammads nobleakhlaqthat we must strive to imitate and instil in ourselves.
  • Yet, mere outward conformity alone can lead to hypocrisy ( nifaq ) or ostentatious ( riya ) or even conceit ( ujub ). We seek refuge in Allah s.w.t. from being afflicted by these evil traits.
  • The inner cleansing ( tazkiyya al-nafs) andconstancy ( istiqomah ) in striving ( mujaahada ), with seeking AllahsTaufiqand Guidance, is crucial. Thus, apart from having correct belief ( Aqeedah ) , conforming with correct Amaliyyah (outward deeds) we also require inculcation of noble disposition ( akhlaq al-kareema).

All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 21.

  • As in every Islamic religious sciences ( ulum al-Deen )viz.QURAN, QIRAAT, AHADITH, FIQH, AQEEDAH, SEERAH , etc.whichcan be traced and linked to unbroken chains of transmitters ( ISNAD )back to the Prophet s.a.a.w. so too is the imperative in matters of spiritual practices the traditional methodology.
  • And thus at the stage of development termed variously asTAZKIYYATUN NUFUS , orTASAWWUForAKHLAQ , which isthe practice of Islam at the level ofIHSAN one preferably needs to beupon the spiritual way or practices , linked through examples of practices of righteous scholars, which has an unbroken chain of transmission back to the Prophet s.a.w. termed as TARIQAH.

All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 22. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) And those Foremost (in Faith) will be Foremost (in the Hereafter). These will be those Nearest to Allah ( al-Muqorrabun ):In Gardens of Bliss: A number of people from those of old, anda few from those of later times. ( Quran: al-Waqi-ah: 56: 10-14 )

  • There is a special type of TARIQAH ,only for those elites referred to as the Al-Muqorrabun , but these people are extremely rare today as mentioned:

23. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011)

  • Even at the time ofImam al-Habib Abdullah ibn Alwi al-Haddad(rhm.a), he realizes that every Muslim should be upon ageneral type ofTARIQAH , which is inclusive and for the general Muslims unlike the specialisedTURUQ (plural ofTariqah ) that requires Bai-at (personalised investiture), etc. before being allowed to practice itsAwradandDzikr .

24. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011)

  • Regarded as aMUJADDIDof theBa-Alawiof his time , Imam al-Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddadincorporated within the teachings and practices of Islam whichBANI ALAWYscholars spread (especiallyin the Nusantara) , all the three components ofAQEEDA-FIQH-TASAWWUF .
  • RegardingAQEEDAHin following theMadzhabofImam Abul Hassan al-Ash-ary ; andFIQHofMadzhab Imam Ash-Shafi-ie , incorporating some practices unique toAhlul-Bayt .
  • While inTASAWWUF ,actually it already provides aTARIQAH , but of the general type, which has been consistently but unconsciously and inconspicuously practiced for generations since then.

25. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011)

  • To differentiate thisTARIQAHfrom the specialisesTURUQ , he termed it as the way or the TARIQAH - AHLUL-YAMEEN .
  • A TARIQAHis a methodology involving spiritual practices ofDzikr, Wirid, Dua, Suluk ,etc.- practiced with supervision or guidance of an accomplished teacher who serves asMursheed(Guide).
  • For generations our Ulama in Nusantara have been fulfilling this role without need to use the term TARIQAH, even.

26. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011)

  • As many of these practices in this TARIQAH - AHLUL-YAMEEN , or TARIQAHBA-ALAWY ,are already supported with basis from authenticated sources from the Prophet s.a.w. , and from established practices of well-known Ulama for generations by generations of practitioners, it can be followed by all Muslims, even without the personalised Bai-at , unlike in otherTURUQ .
  • Thus we find in this region, that the Muslims here already practices almost similar if not identical spiritual exercises viz.Awrad, Dzikr, Dua, Ratib , etc. from how Islam was taught for several generations -without any fanfare avoiding ostentation.

27. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) For the companions of the Right Hand.A (goodly) number from those of old And a (goodly) number from those of later times. ( Quran: al-Waqi-ah: 56: 38-40 )

  • Thus, with humility, we are taught to strive upon this so as to be included amongst those referred to as the Ashaabul-yameen .

28. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) In fact, he,Qutb-al-Irshaad wa Dawah Habib Abdullah bi Alawi al-Haddadgave us the Path ofBa-Alawiy( Tariqah Ahlil Yamin ) the path of ourSaadat (noble Elders) whose sign is : to remove all signsof it being aTariqah* *with spiritual link (sanad)from its founder: al-Imam al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali Ba-Alawi - of Hadramawt, Yemen( 653 H /1232 CE), and then connectedcontinuously with an unbroken chain of teachers/masters / elders all from amongst the descendants ofourProphet Muhammad s.a.a.w. 29. AHMADAL-MUHAJIR ISA Ubaydullah Alwi Muhammad Alwi Ali(Khali Qasam) Muhammad (Shohib Mirbat) Ali IMAMMUHAMMAD (al-Faqih al-Muqaddam) Alwi Abdul Malik MUHAMMAD IMAMALI AL-URAIDHI IMAMJAFAR SODIQ IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-BAQIR IMAMALI ZEIN AL-ABIDIN IMAM ALI BIN ABI TOLIB IMAM HUSSAYN FATIMAH AL-ZAHRA MUHAMMAD (RASULULLAH) S.A.A.W. Descent lineage toWali Songo THE LINEAGE OF THEBA-ALAWIOF HADRAMAWT (AND THE ISLAMIZATION OF THE NUSANTARA) FOUNDER OF TARIQAH ALAWIYYAH All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011 ) SHEIKH ABU MADYAN His spiritual chain ( silsilah khirqa ) linked 30. AHMADAL-MUHAJIR Ibrahim Zeinuddin al-Akbar (Ibrahim Asmoro As-Samarqandi) Ahmad Rahmatullah SUNAN AMPEL Maulana Ishaq Ali Murtadho Maulana Ainul Yaqeen SUNAN GIRI Ibrahim SUNAN BONANG Hashim SUNAN DRAJAT Jafar Sodiq SUNAN QUDUS Jamaluddin Hussain al-Akbar Ali Nurul Alam Abdullah Sharif Hidayatullah SUNAN GUNUNG JATI Zein al-Alam Barakat (SHARIF AWLIYA) Maulana Malik Ibrahim SUNAN GERISIK Raden Shahid SUNAN KALIJAGA Raden Umar Said SUNAN MURIA Son-in-law Ahmad Jalal Shah Abdullah Khan Abdul Malik Alwi Muhammad (Shohib Mirbat) Ali(Khali Qasam) Alwi Muhammad Alwi Ubaydullah Grandfather to Adzamat Khan family of Hind (India) Behold! verily on the ( AWLIYA ) friends of Allahthere is no fear, nor shall they grieve( Quran: Yunus: 10: 62 ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011 ) 31. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011 ) The grave ofthe founder of Tariqah Ba-Alawiy Al-Faqih al-Muqaddam Imam Muhammad ibn Ali Ba-Alawi al-Husseiny, who died in the year 653 AH (1232 CE). Apart from receiving hisijazah-khirqa suffiyafromAbu Madyanin Morocco (a student ofSheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani), he is also linked genealogically and spiritually to Imams of Ahlil-Bayt (descendants) of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.. 32. The grave of the Mujaddid of Tariqah Ba-Alawiy : Imam al-Habib Abdullah bin Alawi al-Haddad:1044 H (1634 CE)Tarim 1. An-Nassaihid Diniyyah 2. Ad-dawatut tammah 3.Risalatul Muawanah 4.Al-Fusulul Ilmiah 5.Sabilul Iddikar 6.Risalatul Muzakarah 7.Risalatul Murid 8.Kitabul Hikam 9.An-Nafaisul Uluwiyyah 10.Ithafus Sa-il. SOME OF HIS IMPORTANT WRITTEN WORKS: All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011 ) 33. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 34. Al-Fatihah for the soul of our leader, (who is acknowledged as) foremost Faqih in the knowledge of the Deen,Muhammad ibn Ali Baa-Alawiy and to his roots (ancestral lineage) and its branches (descendants), and to all our respectedSaa-dahof Baa-Alawiy(descendants of the Prophet s.a.w.), may Allah the Exalted raise them to lofty ranks in Paradise, and grant upon us their blessings, their Secrets, their Lights in this Deen (religion of Islam), in this world and the Hereafter. ( Recite Surah Al-Fatihah ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 35. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 36. Al-Fatihah for the souls of all our Saadah (elders and leaders) amongst the practitioners in Sufism (TASAWWUF), wherever in the East or the West -and in whatever station their soulsmay be at - and may Allah raise them to lofty ranks in Paradise, and grant upon us their knowledge, blessings of their Secrets, their Lights in this Deen (religion of Islam), and make us to be gathered with then in Goodness and well-being. ( Recite Surah Al-Fatihah ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 37. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 38. Al-Fatihah for the soul of the compiler of this Ratib (litany), the pivot of guidance and helper of Allahs servants and nations, the Beloved Abdullah ibn Alawiy al-Haddad, and to his roots (ancestral lineage) and its branches (descendants), may Allah raise them to lofty ranks in Paradise, and grant upon us benefits of their blessings, their Secrets, their Lights in this Deen (religion of Islam), in this world and the Hereafter. ( Recite Surah Al-Fatihah ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 39.

  • ilm (knowledge);
  • (2)amal(practice);
  • (3)wara`(religious scrupulousness, piousness);
  • (4)Khauf(reverential fear of Allah);and
  • (5)Ikhlas(sincerity).

* al-Manhaj as-Sawi syarhu Ushul Thoriiqah as-Saadah Aali Baa 'Alawi" METHODOLOGY : STRIVE TO LIVE UP TO FIVEESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES ( USHUL ) IN LIFE. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS* All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 40. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011)

  • humility ( tawadhu ) ,
  • inconspicuous ( khumul ) and
  • value the unity of the ummah ( ukhuwwah ) by not projecting exclusivity but
  • exuding tolerance with wisdom ( tasaamuh wa hikmah ),
  • preferringUtlub-al-ilm ,Dawah ,Qudwahh asanah ,jihaad fee-sabi-lil-laah ,and
  • all based on ( H ub-bun-Nabiy ) love for the Prophet, his household ( Ahlil-Baytin Nabiy ) and those who love them ( Mu h ib-been ) .

Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alawi al-Haddad s advice regarding the ways of our pious predecessors ( Salafus-soleh ) andulama-al-amilin , is one of : 41. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) In fact, he,Qutb-al-Irshaad wa Dawah Habib Abdullah bi Alawi al-Haddadgave us the Path ofBa-Alawiy( Tariqah Ahlil Yamin ) the path of ourSaadat (noble Elders) whose sign is :

  • We do not claim exclusivity but rather we hope that we be included by Allah SWT into this category mentioned by Him inSurah al-Waqi-ah .
  • This category in fact, is generic which is inclusive and is a preferred category than that which were actually coined by people viz. Sunni-Shiite,Salaf/ Khalaf , Traditional/Modern, Sufi/non-Sufi, etc.

42. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) In fact, he,Qutb-al-Irshaad wa Dawah Habib Abdullah bi Alawi al-Haddadgave us the Path ofBa-Alawiy( Tariqah Ahlil Yamin ) the path of ourSaadat (noble Elders) whose sign is :

  • Without doubt there were many from thisTARIQAH BAALWIYwho gained elevation into the ranks of al-Muqorrabun , yet this were gifts or bestowals from Allah rather than mere claim to being one.
  • Indeed, they were people who live up to the injunction (motto) : Removingall the signs of Tariqah by being immersed only in learning, sincerely practicing and spreading the message of Islam with theirAKHLAQandIHSAN .

43. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) In fact, he,Qutb-al-Irshaad wa Dawah Habib Abdullah bi Alawi al-Haddadgave us the Path ofBa-Alawiy( Tariqah Ahlil Yamin ) the path of ourSaadat (noble Elders) whose sign is :

  • And their characteristic of humility and inconspicuousness, usually shields them from others knowing their spiritual station ( maqom ) with Allah.
  • Only after their death would some of these saintly people sometimes became known.

44. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) In fact, he,Qutb-al-Irshaad wa Dawah Habib Abdullah bi Alawi al-Haddadgave us the Path ofBa-Alawiy( Tariqah Ahlil Yamin ) the path of ourSaadat (noble Elders) whose sign is :

  • One of my teachers,al-Ustaz Syed Abdillah al-Jufrie ( rhm.a.) once said, quoting from his pious and learned predecessors:
  • If it is not from amongst theUlama ,
  • where else would the Awliya of Allah to be found?

45. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) In fact, he,Qutb-al-Irshaad wa Dawah Habib Abdullah bi Alawi al-Haddadgave us the Path ofBa-Alawiy( Tariqah Ahlil Yamin ) the path of ourSaadat (noble Elders) whose sign is :

  • Their characteristics are as mentioned by Allah SWT :

Verily, on theAuliya(friends, allies, saints) of Allah, there is no fear, nor shall they grieve: ( Quran: Yunus: 10: 62 ) 46. ADVICE FROM MY PARENT, TEACHERS AND PREDECESSORS * All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) In fact, he,Qutb-al-Irshaad wa Dawah Habib Abdullah bi Alawi al-Haddadgave us the Path ofBa-Alawiy( Tariqah Ahlil Yamin ) the path of ourSaadat (noble Elders) whose sign is :

  • These people are rather known in life as sincere students and scholars of Islam, dedicated to learning, practicing and teaching, serving ( khidmah ) theDEENand theUmmahout of sincere love for Allah , His Messenger and theAhlul-Baytin Nabiy .
  • More aspect of this knowledge of our Islamic tradition and historical roots (how we received our Islam) has to still be learnt and appreciated.
  • WaAllaahu a-lam.

47. Say [O Prophet]: "If you love Allah, follow me, [and] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins; for Allah is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace. ( Quran: Aali Imran: 3: 31 ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 48. Without doubt, among men, the nearest of kin to Abraham, are those who follow him, as are also this Prophet (Muhammad) and those who believe: And Allah is the Protector of those who have faith. ( Quran: Aali Imran: 3: 68 ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 49. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 50. All who obey Allah and the Messenger are in the company of those on whom is the Grace of Allah of the ( Nabiyeen ) Prophets (who teach), the ( Siddiqeen ) sincere (lovers of Truth), the ( Shuhadah ) witnesses (who testify), and the ( Swoliheen ) Righteous (who do good): ah! How a beautiful fellowship!Such is the Bounty from Allah: and sufficient is it that Allah knows all.( Quran: an-Nisa: 4: 69-70 )All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 51. O YOU who have attained to faith! Remain conscious of Allah, and be among those who are true to their word ( Swodiqeen )! ( Quran: Taubah: 9: 119 ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 52. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 53. With all this, it is not desirable that all of the believers take the field [in time of war]. From within every group in their midst, some shall refrain from going forth to war, and shall devote themselves [instead] to acquiring a deeper knowledge of the Faith ( LIYA TAFAQ-QAHU-FID-DEEN ). and [thus be able to] teach their home-coming brethren, so that these [too] might guard themselves against evil. ( Quran: Taubah: 9: 122 ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 54. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 55. O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion - Allah will bring forth [in place of them] a people He will love and who will love Him [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic. That is the favour of Allah; He bestows it upon whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. ( Quran: Taubah: 9: 122 ) All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 56. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 57. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 58. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred.Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us.Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people." All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 59. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 60. O Allah, make my speech be guidance, inspire me with reverential fear, give me success in that which is most pure, and employ me in what is most pleasing to Thee!O Allah, let me tread the most exemplary path and make me live and die in Thy creed!O Allah, bless Muhammad and his Household, give me to enjoy moderation, make me into one of the people of right behaviour, the proofs of right conduct, and the servants of righteousness," All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 61. O Allah! Make faith ( iiman ) dear to us and beautify it in our hearts and make disbelief ( Kufr ), sinning ( Fusuq ) and rebelliousness ( `isyan ) hateful to us, and make us among the rightly guided ( Raa-shi-duun ). All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 62. O Allah! Allow us to die as Muslims, live as Muslimsand join us with the ranks of the righteous ones,without tasting humiliation or turmoil. All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 63. And (may All a h send) salutations and prayers upon Mu h ammadand upon the household and companions of Mu h ammad(the pure ones of his family and all the loyal followers). All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 64. Glory to thy Lord the Lord, of Honour and Power!(He is free) from what they ascribe (to Him)!And Peace on the Messengers!And praise to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds.All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011) 65. http://an-naseehah.blogspot.com/ http://introductiontotauhid.blogspot.com/ http://oyoubelievers.blogspot.com/ http://al-amthaal.blogspot.com/ http://zhulkeflee-archive.blogspot.com/http://criteriaforaholybook-quran.blogspot.com/ http://with-the-truthful.blogspot.com/http ://muqaddam-nurul.blogspot.com/ All welcome to visit my web-blog: All Rights Reserved Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2011)

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