sle ( systemic lupus erythema)

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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)Systemic lupus erythema(

DEfinition :

SLE or Systemic lupus erythema is an autoimmune disease characterized by acute and chronic inflammation in various tissues of the body, in most cases, the disease affects for many parts of the body and called then Lupus Erythema systemic and include devices that may be infected with the disease of the skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, lungs, heart , blood cells and platelets.

iS it a common DiSEaSE ?

4-Percentage of infected females to males is 9 to 1 while increasing the proportion of infected males in the younger children - less than 15 years

1-Lupus disease,is a rare disease that affects about 5 children per million annually.

2 - infection before the age of five is not common before puberty.

3-Women of childbearing age (15-45 years) are most affected by this disease in this age period.

cauSE of thE DiSEaSE

• In fact, the cause of this disease is not known,

the immune system lose the ability to differentiate between cells and tissues of the body and objects alien him, which leads to the production of antibodies to self-identify the cells of the body. Like alien cell and tries to eliminate them and get rid of them is produced by the inflammation that infect different organs like joints, kidney, skin and other .

• inflammation of the affected means that the organ becomes red, swollen, high temperature and sometimes painful.

• When inflammation continues for as long as is the case of this disease, the damage of tissues and organs may occur with an imbalance in the natural functions .

For this reason, the purpose of treatment of this disease is to minimize

the inflammation.

they thought the caused of the imbalance in the immune system due to random environmental factors in addition to several genetic factors.

SyStemic lupuS erythematoSuS and geneticS

This disease is not genetically because it is not transmitted from parents to their children, however children may inherit some genes from their parents makes them more susceptible to this disease, but this does not necessarily mean these children will be affected by this disease but may increase vulnerability to infection.

iS it contagiouS?

No, it can not be transmitted from one person to another .

What are the main SymptomS? 1- swelling in the joints . 2- skin rash and redness on the face and ears.3- hair loss and sores in the mouth.4-perhaps the infection of disease on organs of the body such as the respiratory tract, causing pain and shortness of breath .5-The disease affects the kidneys and lead to the secretion of protein or albumin in the urine. 6-rise in blood pressure and deterioration in kidney function.

A- decrease in the number of blood cells or platelets.B-some female patients suffering from recurrent miscarriage as a resultthe composition of types of antibodies in the blood.

There are other symptoms such as mental disorders or convulsions when the disease affects the nervous system but these symptoms are a small percentage of patients and the majority of patients suffering from symptoms are not severe and live a normal life, but they require regular follow-up by specialists.

other SymptomS:

Some patientS their infection are diScovered in the Work of lab analySiS and ShoWS :

dieSeS may found aS

1. butterfly rash: A red rash affecting cheeks and extends across the top of the nose – bone Part.

2. Sensitive skin photosynthesis: A severe reaction to the skin when exposed to sunlight and usually includes only the exposed parts of the skin with the safety of the parts covered.

3. Discoid-lupus: A circular rash, prominent Odhu peel and appears on the face, scalp, ears, chest and arms. When cure this rash usually leaves a scar on the skin. This type of skin rash seen in dark-skinned children compared to other races.

4. Mucosal ulcersThey show small ulcers in the mouth, nose, and usually without pain, sores, but the nose may cause bleeding nasally.

5. Arthritis: Appears in the majority of patients, causing pain and swelling in the joints of the hands or wrists, elbows, knees or other joints in the arms and legs.


6. Serous inflammation of the membranes: as inflammation of the pericardium and Pleuritis

7- Kidney disease the affect in most of patients, but ranges from simple inflammation without any complications to severe inflammation which may lead to renal failure

8- Disease of the nervous system Include headaches , mental illness , difficulty concentrating and confusion

9- Disorders of blood cellsis caused by autoimmune antibodies that attack the blood cells•Red blood cells (hemolytic anemia)•White blood cells was not serious in this disease usually. •Low blood platelets may cause bruising or bleeding skin in the different organs

10- Immune disorders: A - antibodies to DNA RNA): They are directed against the genetic material in cells) B - antibodies to Smith : (It was called as the first patient with this disease) found these antibodies in the blood is very accurate in the diagnosis of this disease does not exist in any other disease. C- present of antiphospholipid antibodies

11-Antinuclear antibodies.found in almost all patients with lupus, but they may are found in about 5% of healthy children.

SLE and prEgnancy

•On the other hand there is a type of antibody may be transmitted from mother to fetus through the placenta, which could cause some health problems for the child at birth

•the disease may activate and affect the parts of the body during pregnancy or the period after the birth.

•We recommend that a patient lupus should avoid pregnancy during the disease activity and that is not pregnancy only after a period of from the recession of the disease and subject the patient to follow-up to minute during pregnancy.

•studies have shown that most cases of pregnancy in patients with lupus running normally and the birth of a natural, if subjected to follow-up and treatment required.

MEthodS of trEatMEnt

Steroid is most widely used around the world for the treatment of this disease include( NSAID) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsAs for treatment, it varies depending on the severity of the disease and its impact on the body, in many cases may not require the patient to more than anti-inflammatories and painkillers and some antihypertensive medications for the immunity in some cases may be chemotherapy in addition to antimalarials, which are used in most cases, the doctor is the best who decides when and how to use these drugs .

Under sUpervision :

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