short and long term performance reporting buckles

Post on 22-May-2015






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Short and long term performance reporting


  • 1. PERFORMANCE REPORTINGAND ANALYSIS UNITShort and Long-Term Performance ReportingFor the New Workforce System in Florida Year 2

2. Major Reports Containing EnteredEmployment/Placement Metrics Governors Job Placement Report (Governor Report shortterm) Monthly Management Report (RWB Report short term) Balanced Score Card (State Report - long term) ETA9002 (WP) (Federal Report - long term) 3. Major Reports Containing Entered Employment/Placement Metrics Focus will only be on the entered employment/placementaspects of these reports Methodologies and data source are different and will beexplained Reports will be compared and contrasted 4. Governors Job Placement ReportShort-Term 5. Governors Job Placement ReportShort-Term Requested by the Governor circa July 2011 Assembled through collaboration within DEO between: Performance Reporting and Analysis Unit (PRAU) Labor Market Information (LMI) Remployment Assistance formerly Unemployment Compensation (RA-UC) Geographic Solutions (GEOSOL) Distributed by Workforce Florida Inc (WFI) 6. Governors Job Placement ReportShort-Term Measured Daily and Monthly Employment status at participation does not matter Placements recorded in EFM during the month are used forthe report (codes 750 to 883) The individual just needs to be a participant in EFM Placements are recorded by actual date or date of discovery Placements can count from participation date up to 180 days after exit * 7. Governors Daily Job Placement ReportShort-Term Source Frequency Calculation used in 8. Governors Daily Job Placement Report 9. Governors Daily Job Placement Report Provided by LMI Provided monthlyNot used in any calculation 10. Governors Daily Job Placement Report Provided by LMI Provided monthlyNot used in any calculation 11. Governors Daily Job Placement Report Provided by UC Provided weekly Used as denominator in column [L] 12. Governors Daily Job Placement Report Provided by Geosol (Spidered Jobs) Provided by EFM Data Store (Preferred Jobs) Provided daily Denominator in column [K] formula 13. Governors Daily Job Placement Report Query provided by PRAU Query ran by Geosol Provided daily Numerator in column [K] formula 14. Governors Daily Job Placement Report Match query ran by UC: column [I] ranagainst column [G] data Daily run Numerator in column [L] 15. Governors Daily Job Placement ReportProvided by PRAU (Excel sheet calc)Provided dailyColumn [I]/[H] 16. Governors Daily Job Placement ReportProvided by PRAU (Excel Sheet Calc)Provided dailyColumn [J]/[G] (number of claimants placed/number ofclaimants available in the week) 17. Governors Daily Job Placement ReportProvided by PRAU (Excel Sheet Calc)Provided daily((K*3)+L)/4 or ((% of Placements *3)+ % of Claimant Placed)/4 18. Governors Daily Job Placement Report Rankings from previous Monthly Report Provided monthly 19. Governors Monthly Job Placement ReportShort-Term Source Frequency Calculation used in 20. Governors Monthly Job Placement Report 21. Governors Monthly Job Placement Report Openings for the month 22. Governors Monthly Job Placement Report Placements for the Month 23. Governors Monthly Job Placement Report Claimants Placed In The Month 24. Governors Monthly Job Placement Report Proportionately Larger Rates and Weights 25. Governors Monthly Job Placement ReportRankings for current month are hereRankings from previous Monthly ReportProvided monthly 26. Monthly Management ReportShort-Term 27. Monthly Management ReportShort-Term The individual must go 90 days without a reportable service in any partner program. This includes WIA and TAA Placements are captured in 2 ways: Individual has a placement recorded against them viaresult of a referral to a job order ( 750 to 879) ORobtainted employment (880 to 881). For a new hire hit, the individual must have had at leastone reportable services AND has gone 90 days without areportable service AND has a new hire match within 90days of their exit 28. Monthly Management ReportShort-Term The individual must have a status at participation as [unemployed or received notification of lay-off] This report is produced monthly 29. Monthly Management ReportShort-Term It is for RWB use only Modifications are made every program year by a broad consensus on EFM Data Store Calls RWBs also have the ability to run most of the reports monthly 30. Balanced Score CardLong-Term (State) 31. Balanced Score CardLong-Term (State) Produced by PRAU Produced quarterly Currently used for incentive evaluation Base file used is the DV FILE ETA 9002 which is the same file submitted to the USDOL-ETA There is currently no distinguishing between claimants vs non-claimants 32. Balanced Score CardLong-Term (State) Exiter based Individuals must go 90 days without a service in WP or any other partner programs (WIA,TAA) Individual must be unemployed or received notice of layoff Only exiters with wages in the 1st QTR after exit land in the numerator Staff placements or new hire hits DO NOT affect this report. It is strictly driven by wage records 33. ETA 9002 (WP)Long-Term (Federal) 34. ETA 9002 (WP)Long-Term (State) The report is produced by PRAU (via DRVS software) The file is produced quarterly The base file used is a flat snapshot file called the ETA9002 DV file. It is produced by Geosol Claimants are shown as a subset of total populationhowever, these numbers are just monitored 35. ETA 9002 (WP)Long-Term (State) Latest report submitted in November was forparticipants exiting between Jan 1, 2010 and Dec 31,2010 (2010Q1 to 2010Q4) This report is always counted in a rolling 4 quartersmethod. That means the earliest quarter is alwaysdropped to make room for the latest quarter 36. ETA 9002 (WP)Long-Term (State) Exiter based Individuals must go 90 days without a service in WP or any other partner programs (WIA,TAA) Individual must be unemployed or received notice of layoff at participation Only exiters with wages in the 1st QTR after exit land in thenumerator Staff placements or new hire hits DO NOT affect thisreport. It is strictly driven by wage records 37. ETA 9002 (WP)Long-Term (Federal) Retention Rate Did the exiting particpant remain employed for at least 3 Qtrs after exit? Wage Rate What were the wages for those who remained employed in their 2nd and 3rd Qtr after exit? 38. Why Is This Important To Know? Discussion Monthly/Daily Job Placement Report Monthly Managment Report Balanced Score Card ETA 9002 39. Changes Since Last SummitGovernors Report There is now a daily and monthly report The daily report now has last month and daily month- to-date rankings Employer name and other verfication is now required for manual obtained placements on open participants (880), and manual obtained placements on exiters (881) Spidered Jobs have been reduced through Level-3 de- duplication (using: employer, job title, city, state) 40. Changes Since Last SummitGovernors Report As of September 1, 2012, new hire automation has beenadded Different automated codes are assigned for open participants (881) and exited participants (883) This is run every business day at 6pm against the data BEFORE it is released to be transfered to the EFM Data Store It attempts to skip recording any placements already recorded on the individual by looking at a partial spelling of the employer name and the placement date (it is actually more complex than this) 41. Changes Since Last SummitGovernors Report While these changes/updates were made in response to theGovernors Report(s), they also affect the MMR and otherreports One of the issues we are currently working on is theautomation outpacing staff to result placements on joborders. A query has been shared to assist with this issue None of these changes affect any Federal Report or theBalanced Score Card. The methodology is as dis-similar as an apple and a freight train 42. Changes Since Last SummitMonthly Management Report (MMR) The new hire automation has of course changed the MMR by adding more placements No substantial code changes have been made to the MMR No new measures have been added 43. Changes Since Last SummitBalanced Score Card (BSC) No changes 44. Changes Since Last SummitFederal Reports Changes on the ETA 9002 are present but not yet finalized There have been multiple finalized changes on the TAA report called the Trade Act Participant Report (TAPR) but that will be explained in TAA training 45. PERFORMANCE REPORTINGAND ANALYSIS UNITTelly BucklesSupervisor - Performance Reporting and | 850.245.7149

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