sharing graceachilles tendonitis (an injury to the tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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SHARING GRACE The monthly newsletter of Grace Episcopal Church

June 2019

Our Vision: As a welcoming congregation, we share the transformational grace of

God through worship and spiritual growth; we glorify God by building up each

other and community through love, care, and outreach.

Dear Friends,

At the end of this month, we will have a new Bishop for our Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. I was blessed to spend some time with Bishop-elect Megan at our clergy conference in May. From that experience, I have certain hope that Bishop-elect Megan will make a wonderful Bishop. Our diocese is large, covering the whole of Northern California from Vallejo to Sutter Creek at its southern border, from Benicia up to the Oregon border and

eastward to the Nevada border (see map below, area in brown). Along with such a large area comes much diversity in our rural and urban parishes, with similarities and differences. It will be a challenging role for our new Bishop, so please remember to keep her in your prayers.

At the conference, clergy were tasked to discern what is working well in our diocese and how we can make things even better. The process we used is called “Appreciative Enquiry,” looking at positive qualities of our diocese, focusing on strengths rather than on problems – hence the use of the word “appreciative.” It’s a participative, creative learning process, building on core strengths to come up with ideas for improvement, with the goal of distilling a positive, effective vision for our mission together as a diocese. The clergy were generally in agreement about what we thought the diocese currently does really well: care for those in crisis; collaboration; inclusivity; meaningful worship; and strong deanery relationships. The things we felt we need to work on: communication, risk taking in mission & outreach, prophetic truth telling and increasing the involvement of lay people.

One of the rewarding outcomes of using this method is the affirmation of how good it feels to try to be mindful of the positive things that we are doing. It helps to develop a culture of gratitude, rather than one of complaining. An appreciative attitude does wonders for our

wellbeing. I don’t think we are whiners or grumblers here at Grace. But we can always work towards better communication, prophetic truth telling, risk taking in mission and outreach, and increased involvement of our lay members. Let’s continue to move forward with appreciation for all that we have, giving thanks to God for every good gift!

Peace and blessing,


From our Priest-in-Charge Rev. Karen Freeman

(Map by Angr - self-made; based on Image:EpiscopalChurch-Diocesesmap.png, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Spring is here and we are about to have a fresh look in our front landscaping. The landscaper is to start

work on the front in mid-June. We are still working on the design for the courtyard. We are still soliciting

suggestions on what to do. Please put your ideas in writing and give them to Rev. Karen or any Vestry


Our library is beginning to take shape, thanks to the hard work of the library committee. I would like to

thank Jan, James, Larry, Heidi, June, and Fr. Perry.

We have also received a gift to modernize our carillon system. Larry will be putting the system

together. We will have greater control of different tunes and bells.

Kim, our office manager, will be working via the internet for the summer. The office will be manned by

volunteers on Mondays and Thursdays. You will be able to reach Kim through our church email;

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer.

Jim Klopstock




April 2019 (unofficial) YTD

Income $14,463 Income $52,462

Expenses $15,291 Expenses $62,147

Net Loss $(828) Net Loss $(9,685)


Kim Barber returned to Fairfield, CA for a family visit and attended the May 4th Fellowship Breakfast.

Business Agenda:

Fellowship Breakfast meeting call to order.

Opening Prayer.

Review of the Fellowship Breakfast Meeting Minutes.

Treasury Report. Account information, year to date was given.

Business Discussed:

Corned beef and cabbage fund raiser with raffle event plans are in place.

Sacramento River Cats Faith and Family Night Baseball Game, July 27, 2019. The event starts at 4:30PM, with pre-game testimonials from the River Cats players. Twenty tickets are available for this event, tickets are $20.00 each and go on sale May 19, 2019. Ticket sales will end on June 16, 2019. Additional tickets are available, see Ron Cupid. Informational flyers for the event are in the Narthex. The River Cats baseball game will start at 7:05PM; River Cats versus Rainiers. Seating for the event is in section 120, third base line.

Chili cook off event planning has started and details for the event will be discussed at the next scheduled Fellowship Breakfast meetings.

The Yountville Year 2019 BBQ, will take place on Saturday August 24th.

GEM Fellowship Breakfast Schedule = June 1, 2019, July 6, 2019 and August 3, 2019.


The ECW meeting was held May 7, 2019 in room 6 at 11:30 am. Marajean S. Pres., called the meeting to order. Pat M. gave the opening prayer and asked the blessing. Refreshments were furnished by Marajean S. and Deborah Cupid and enjoyed by all. Thank you ladies.

We received a check from GEM sharing the Crab Feed proceeds. Thank you GEM for your generosity. Also thank you to all who helped make this such a success. Tickets are available for the Tahoe Joe fundraiser June 23, 2019. Donation is $20.00. Please sell, buy and eat. Deborah Cupid won the mystery drawing. Congrats! Marajean S. closed the meeting by leading us all in the Lord's Prayer. Our next meeting is June 4, 2019 in room 6 at 11:30 am. All women of Grace Episcopal Church are members of ECW. Refreshments will be served. Come join the food and service. Love and Belief, Millie Celoni

Safety Corner

Foot Safety; Safe Sandals and Flip flops.

Keep your feet comfortable and safe with these tips:

According to at least some experts, sandals may not be good for your feet. They don't absorb shock, they have

little or no arch support, and they provide even less lateral (side-to-side) support. Thong flip-flops can cause

hammertoe as the toes constantly struggle to hold the foot in the shoe.

Flip-flops can cause shooting pains. This can cause overuse injuries all the way up the body, including

Achilles tendonitis (an injury to the tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone), heel pain, and

pinched nerves in the back. Flip-flops can exacerbate bunions.

Unlike sturdy shoes, flip-flops aren't good for extensive walking because they offer no arch

support, heel cushioning, or shock absorption, according to the American Podiatric Medical Association

(APMA). Wearers can suffer foot pain due to lack of arch support, tendinitis, and even sprained ankles if they


While it’s tempting to wear those flimsy-but-oh-so-comfortable sandals or flip-flops out of the house, it often

leads to foot injuries that can land you in the emergency room. Your feet are the foundation for everything you

do, so it’s important to protect them.

Shoes are your first line of defense against foot injuries.

Always wear the correct shoes for the activity you’re doing.

Closed-toed shoes are best for work or play.

Keep your work or play shoes handy — near the back door or in the garage.

Replace your shoes when they wear out.

Ron Cupid

June Coming Events


Ron Cupid 06/01 Millie Celoni 07/01

Veronica Cupid 06/05 Jan Heise 07/03

Warren Sheldon 06/09 Vivian Hogle 07/06

June Gillam 06/27 Tom McKinney 07/07

Tad Riley 06/28 Carolyn Sheldon 07/08

Patti Harris 07/19

Kelly Ryan 07/20

GEM (Grace Episcopal Men) meeting – June 1st at 7:30am, Huckleberry’s. ECW (Episcopal Church Women) meeting- June 4th at 11:30am in Rm. 6. Tahoe Joe Fundraiser, Sunday, June 23rd. $20 tickets. Sponsored by ECW Ordination of Bishop Megan Traquair on Sat., June 29th, 11am in Davis (tickets req’d.) SAVE THE DATE: July 27th, Saturday, River Cats Faith/Family Baseball game. See Ron Cupid for tickets ($20each) Aug. 24th, Saturday, Yountville Veterans BBQ

June 2019








1 GEM Mtg.



Easter 7

3 4 Healing Service


Bible Study


ECW Mtg11:30am



7 8


Day of Pentecost

10 11 Healing Service 10am

Bible Study 10:40am

12 13




Trinity Sunday

17 18 Healing Service 10am

Bible Study 10:40am

19 20

21 22

23 2 Pentecost

Tahoe Joe’s fundraiser ____________


3 Pentecost

24 25 Healing Service 10am

Bible Study 10:40am

26 27 28 29 Ordination of

Bishop Megan Traquair


Priest-in-Charge The Rev. Karen Freeman

Associates The Rev. David Cavanagh

The Rev. Perry W. Polk

Organist Lyn ne Secrist

Senior Warden Jim Klopstock

Junior Warden - James Fulmer

Treasurer- Gretchen Smith

Vestry-- Carol Allen, Linda Chandler, Ellie Kulseng, Suzie Peterson,

Carolyn Sheldon, Rodney Shoemaker, and Lynn Thomas. Office Mgr./Bookkeeper: Kim Worthen

Our Mission:

Welcome • Transform

Build Up • Reach Out • Glorify God

PLEASE NOTE : Sharing Grace Articles are due by the 20th of each month. Please email submissions to as the office staff is consolidating information for the rector.

We are collecting Box Top$ for Fairview Elementary School. Please place in the box in the Narthex.

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