shantung ' ilearners amenpmt

Post on 21-Oct-2021






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v o tg .j* iro . '164-- :r ‘

Bolsheviki^^es ftrced ;_v;; ^y-Enemy Onslauflhfon I our ' ^ . fronts Faces Period of Dis- J

■' j


' r' 0088^0^ 2tpm- Soo^, Poles <

from*W ert and the BtusUins t from H orih and Horthwefit ° Upper and Hether MOla^nos

M N DO K,, t/p)—An ofdeU l com- ' |munlcatldn ftom A xch u ffo l .oa tba j nortlien i B a w lm fro a t 'e u itn i thAt ~tbe & tm ln n » v M p n m tln c tba Bol- i

- BboTlkl in tb i'd lrectlO Q o f'O tu ffa .I t ugrs tlWT h»T« oecoplid tb« «n- ««o>7’< fortified pMtfioiu alone tbe v nllread. csptared cwu uUI prls-

• ener*, d««trey»d an anacwd trainw t lepoleed tbe enemy in tbe dl- n]netlsn p l KotobmBS. Tbp Bntirtani. £(t 1« declmd. coDtluie to •draace. ^


BAO K ON fjM J E rB O K TS■- o:

LONDON. W V-PorePd bock by tho « onstangfate o f edemies on /o u r fronto. t> tho artnicR o f the eovlet i^vom m pnt o f a Huaala. appear to bt> facias a period nrsKaant w ith ' dUaiter. Oeneral -Deai* It W nc’a CoesAoka <rom the soutb, Pollth n: forces from tbn . west; northweatern ic Russian lesions on the northwest, on<J fi

. . »orthem R uu iaa troopk lrom nortb. ic haro during tbe-last fow day* forJ;^l nJ (iheAd -antJ] i t seems th e ', Bolshevik ol a m iss are between (ho npper and p< netber n.Ulstoaes. m

Petrofjrad !■ doomed to capture, ia pi the opinion o f obsArvera, General Tn- Ocniteh beln^ a t Gatchina, on ly 2^ in niiles MUth o f tho fonner Bussinn cap- b; ItaL Ib the extreme north the north* ni rrn Bnssian a m y has. broken the ro- U sis.tanee .o f ' ihe Bolsfieviki, .pccordini; P Id reports, afid are pprsulng thoi eae- m n y towafd-tAeica^ a r tf la g e abont ItS9 miles West o f Archangel. Further to ~ tbe sontb I t ’ baa /oreed i t s ^ a y far

-C o ili i i : for«M"Kftve captured Kovno, on thn r x t r ^ n 'a p r th e ra end o f the ir .line. t>ealWno’i..f iw n hiive .driven a giant “ w edi^ in to 'c e n tra l Btuala /is fa r..-u Orel and are tbooght to be on their . way; toward Tnla, an im portant* r a i l - ' ' way center tbat is ronsiJered the key tn Moscow, ^ s t o f the T ra ts ia Ad­m iral Kblehak’s but i t Is aeem- in ffiy top fa r away to enlcr in to coii- aiderstioB as!a v ita l fac to r in the sit* uation Whieb. is develftping in Russia proper. Generals Denlklne- i^nd Tudcn- itch and Adm ira l Kolchak ar«i said to be operating in doae co-ordination.

TTkrtlatani Jo in A tteck West o f Oeneral Deaik ine ’x ' army

nro forces o f Ukrainians who -while auppowd to be hostile lo the Bolahe- v iU , have declared war oa- Denikino becauao o f alleged atrocities perpetrat­ed by the la tte r 's aoldiers on tbslr advance toward Moscow. Beports have

' boen receirpd, however, that- part o f- Ukralalaa army has joined Denikino, ’

having b««« assured th a t the la tter w ill wrest eastern Oalleia and the proviacr o f Chelm from Poland.

Advieea from B o ss la 'th a f’ Colonel A v a Io ff3 e m o n d t, whose suddeti at* tack on Riga l&at weok caused a sen- ■ation, bas declared he began tbe cam- ? u ig n only fo r the purpose e f '^seciu* |,

' iag the Duha riv e r fro n t against &Cos- r eow.*’

This • f r o n t . la between the sectorf

' {Contlaned on e igh t) ' 9

PEffiOEUiD ;J W l I j

OtficSUi V ia Hot.Oonlirm &c- p lu u tio s Omretat a t Oapi- ,i

ta l t« r Poitponement. Jl

^A SSIIN O TO N , (;p>—O ffid a U in ' Wa^Hagtoa profrsaed today to bate ,

- se la fn ^ a t io c aa to the reasons 'fo r , po«taiiMdB|r/tlv >xehai)ge at Paris u f ^

i ra tlftM tlo n o f the trea tv- o^ ' Ve;^ " S^aain*]! by Oraat B rita b i, IVanee, l la ly ^

- «dfc < (flrmaay' wbieh woold bk-lng tho t r r a t r ia to Immediate, force. q

Thsre waa a suggMtloJi tb a l i ^ t l f le i - « tia»- ba*l bem poetponed becaose the l i a i ^ h f aatl^aa wonld have te aasem-

■ b l^ w itb ia fifte e n davs a fte r the treaty w e a f iato e ffect, but state departmeat » o ffie ia ls woold net express aa opialen on th is point.;

The league, cevensjat provides thst the leagne eonacil sbsU eoasiat o f rep- renentatives o f tbe five g rra t powFra. *' the Unitod :8tate<. Oreat B r ita i i , ' Tranee. I ta ly and Japan, aad o f Bel- irium, B ra d l, Orve«e aad Spain. Only • three o f theae natloos bave ra tif ie d U

■ tho treat/. .— . •WbOe prsfeasiBg to bar* m .official b

lafamatioa «a tbe sob5i * ^ \ ofOdal^ « . aald tbey «M ued tbal i f troaty

wer* pat lata fane w llh « a ly ^ ro e 'e f < the a t o aad aa>eelirfa< po««n eoa* t p letia f f»tMieatl«* thoM powrn e would proeeod with the •rgaaliatloa af E th r teagne. . V


-DiMfr<5F5 A M E N p m t

Close Vote is Predicted by Supp I Power May Be Hel4.b^enator j Favor Reservation on Subject; ■ ed while t^dera Hop to Reac' W A S H IN O T O N , ( I t y — T tib t t i [> to the peaoe'treaty was resnmed

ers.bopefnl t&at a f i ^ vote on i ment. Although contending thai porters o f the proposal generally feated

A t tho outset o e debate, Sonatorf* » Kellogg, r'epMblicnn. Minnesota, an- ' nonncfid b is oproaltion to the nmcnl*

rnent, declaring U would l>c Inconaiatcat I for the United- States to presume to

dietato in tbe Pnr Enst now, n fto r ra' i mainiug nilput while Ocrmany , and i . othor nations Und scited .territory.' i ' thero in yonr* past.I Sonator Unlo, repnblipan, Maine, I

nlso announcod ho would vnte against i ^ tbe 'Shnntung amendment nnd nddod i

U iR t'ho expected to vole ngninst the .fnhnaon Amendment fo r equflliKntion-of 1 voting power iir*tlto lehguv o f natlom. I He said tic favored, n rcsorvntion doal- ' ing witJi Shantung and would vo*o i ng^nst the trea ty unless sueh n reser- vntinn were adopted.- t

■ Would Bestialn Japanese' t I I I urging defent o f thq Shantung <

ninondment SenaVor Plielan, demoerai, c Ji^nlifomin, declared Amerlean interests woro not only ombraeed irt the preser- r VAtion o f peaee " b n t in ' ridd ing Ameri- n ca o f tho Japanese incubun.'* ii

“ I f Japnn 'm ust expand, thou v expansion in *Shantung, by ncreemenJ w ith China, in moro neeeptnble tn as Ihnn hor expansion in A m erirn .” Son- n ator Phelan,, said, “ She hm innugu- s rated A steamslit^ servtce wlticb dnm> t inntoR the Paeifie nnd is Innding her I na_tknals_upon Nqrtli_.nnd.South Amer- • ican shores. I f we exclude Japanese I; from America, a wise nationol pol- t icy, then vre should not be unduly ajamed about Shantung. The Icagn’e <i o f nations w ill prevent her forcib le *;x- li pansion in tho fu tu re , and Japan' la n member o f tho league. Por th is pur­pose.we must kocp bur there.’.’ . I

Senator Pholtm said tha t In approach- I ing discussion'>of tho question mine.1 t by .tbo Shnntung amendment he wjm f not " ig n o rtn n t o f the dnngern tlm t n lu rk in (Japanese dominnne^ in - the d Paeifie,” M di'ng th a t. 'b y any 'Je^H ^ e ^ate^meana ho "w o u ld chqek h e r -^ ^ n

W ORtO lNfE>/ b 0 P J B H H A O K N » ^ ( f l> -A B r itJ

th a n t w e n t y w a r s h ip s h a s a r r i L e tU s h p r iv a t e r e p o r t r e c ^ iv e t

M O N T E V ID E O , (ffO— ^The U r t a t iv e f t W e d n e s ^ ^ j v o te d ap p x b e tw e e n th e a lU e 'd a n d a s s o c i

L O K D O iT , ( / P > - ^ 1 ^ n e t a l u fo r e t h e a h n ie s o f A d ^ a l K o a n n o n n o e d i n « w ir e le s s m e s s e m m e n t a t O m s k d a te d O o to h

P A B IS , (;p)— O a p ta in O a h r i m e s s a g e t o P r e m ie r O le m e n o a a tiv e ; i n o b ta in in g , a d e c la r a t io n : m ftV in g P in m e a f r e e p o r t . ( h a s d r a f t e d a m a n ife s to i n v i t i re o o g n ix e m n tn a l n a t io n a l r ig :


9U1 tp SMP/&adlc»lB aad ttadaatrahla AUaaa Out o f TTsltoa Btataa for

T«ar. U ApptOTod

AVASniNOTOK, B y an over­whelming m ajo rity , tb fr house tod«y passed tbe b til extending fo r one yeAr war time passport reatrictiona so nn to keop' radie^la and undesirable alien* . o 'u to f the U o ilo d -B ta trs ,.,' The \-ote oa the-menmre-wsa 284 ‘ o l

Bepresentativo Gallagher, democrat, J o f niiaols, vo ting in the neentive.

Tbe measure was requested by tbe »ta»e department.

M t Crist di*agreed w ith Chaim an Johnson' tha t tlie nsKlitrilation o f the Voreignert was “ hopeieM.”

Ia fhe H rnslo r MeKellar,dm oerat, o f Teaneswe. introdne*«.r m b ill p roh ib iting a llens 'fra .« rrw s in iag In Ihe rn ite« l 8t*tea more than five vrars ual(«s tbey beeoro? «*jtl*<n«- j


XrM Vattoaaliau Aa— bM* ia Dubtta. j OoateBir to O i4 m o f O rw t

B t f f l t t I

! DUBIJX, (/P>—DeVyiag the order « f ;tbe goverament aad tbe eomisander la

’ ehicf'^ in Ire land, the tw e lfth annual ’ eonvention o f tbe Rian Fein held r s t m idnight ia the Mansina hnuse. I t ,1 lasted throe houra.^taadlag j

ail prerontions taken tn prevent the '1 B»eeling the complete or«!er n f business!I was earried thronch. 1r Aa order isn e d los* night hv the j t «Ucf secretaJT and tbe .'ommander la {. chief o f the forcea la Irf>Ua>t }.ral:{blt- >I ed the aMetobliac la D ahlia «>f tbe I ; a a a Feia Ir is b vr^Vrnte^rp aad t^e Oa«-i

lie leagae.




ip p o r te r s o f P ro p o s a l; :B ,a !a h c 6 6 f

to r s w h o In d ic a te t b a t t h e y . VV ill c t ; D e b a te o n .Q u e s t io n J s t ie s u m - le a c ii D e c is io n T o d a y ;

bate on the B hantn^ amendment i le d in th e s e k ia te £ o d a y w i t h le f td « <- n i t w o u ld lite h a d b e fo r e a ^ o n m - h a t th e v o te w o n ld b e c lo s e , s n p - J ly o o nO eded t b a t i t w o n ld b e d e -

. . f _________ • • ___________________ ____ 'n- vance nnd tu rn her urmlc^n back lo 1* Asia wliere thev belong.''\t ■ Townsend States P o iltlo a ,;o Senator Townsend, repuhlienn. M ic 'i- . l'- ignn, in announcing thn t Uo would %i»te • d nijainsr the nmcndnient nnd innist upon

fttroug reaervatloMs, said Vv wns U> Ue . regretted thnt so mnny hnnl things

e, had been, said against -Tnjmn when e f­it forts wore being mnlio to couiposo the d differences o f the world, e ' ‘ ‘ Tho nmendmctit • woMld- ninki; the 'f Unitod Stales responsible in pnrt fo r 1. Ihe distribution o f the spoils o f wnr,I- w ith whleh we nre in no , wny c<jn-0 eerned,” he sni<Kf- “ As for ii'y iirit J wnuM IJko fo waufi

my hnnds o f the whole Shnntung niril- ter. nnd th is cnu bo done w ith a reser-

K vution elenrly se iting fo rth -tlio feeling o f th is government’ townrd I t . ”

s Senator Smith, demoernt, Goorgi.i,■- nnd Senntor Rmooi, republirnn, Utnh, \ :■ nhnouneed thnt they would vo!<>

ngainst the nmendment. Thoy said Iho f p o in t eould be covered in reBerVRtions. y t . Sterllag Agaiast Delay t is Also, opposing the nmendnieni, Ben- f j• ntor S terling, rcpublienn.• setts, culled ijittentian to I'n rls reporta,* thnt tb<' tro n ly 's cffeetuntion .hn.l / , r been postponed inde fin ite ly , but Bonn- j„ - lor S terling onid the delny npparcnli f ly wna tempomry nnd did oot ehnnge• the sitnation. u I* Senator Wnlson snid a n-iiervntlone on tho Hhsnlun'g proyisiou wonld hnVe f,• his support. '% -DenlM Bad Faith

Senator MeCumber. rcpnblienn, o f . JliQrth Dakota^denied that there li»-l <p• been bnd fa ith in tUe. Shantung act- jp1 tl<ul^enfi. Jftpun held Ih f Oeman tt Shnntung concessions In '- r ig h t ', o f t nrmsi he u ld , nnd Iho allien were nn.e derno obllc<» reveal fo Iho Unic- ^ ^ ed S’ nt^e fhe ir. s^er«t trenties on th(*• subjeet.-; . , . „ • ■ vl


---------------------------------:-------- fea<

r i t is h - I ^ e n c h s q u a d ro n o f m o re ■< w r r i v e d a t R ig a , a c c o rd in g t o a }J v e d h e re . w

' ' • ; le

U n ig n a y a n h o u s e b f re p re s e n - > p ro v a l o f th e t r e a t y o l p e a c e [*! ) c ia te d n a t io n s a n d Q e rm a n y .

------------------ “ *■ Oi. r e t r e a t b y th e B o ls h e v ik i be * K o lc b a k in w e s te im S ib e r ia is >ssage f r o m th e K o lc h a k g o v - io b e r I S .

- i f

b r ie le d 'A n n n n i lo h a s t e n t a :a a a a s k in g h im t o t a k e in i t i a - >n f r o m tb e s a H ie d g o v e n m e n ts

O a p ta in d *A n n n n x io s a y s be i t i n g S e rb ia n s a n d I t a l ia n s to rf*hta. "

. IJGompers Reported-

Somewhat Improved— . ------- a<

1 W ABHINOTON. — Samuel n<Gompers, president o f tbe An^eri- bl ran Federation o f Labor, w h o 'ls — Jblla ffe r in g from nerv'ous exhaustion, wwas reported somewhat improved h<

f loday, but his physician has or- b)r dered him to remain in bed. Last c<> night M r. Gompers’ temperature aI . roae to 100.8 degrees bu t i t had >

reccdcd this morning to el

' Presbyterians May0 Extend Women Rights ^a NEW T O R ^ (/P>—Appeal la K Presb/teriana throughout the coua- .

try fo r aa expreuion o f opinion oa I r, tbe queatioa o f graatlag womea I n equal rights w ith men in a ll the. I g - funetlo ii»-of the church waa issued ' * » - t o d i r by the c ^ m it te e on o ffie ia l

eelatlott* o f Womea iu tlte ehureb,‘ ereated by tha laat general assam-

bly o f the P resh^eriaa ehureh.The eomaJttee^s report w ill be.

. snbmltted tp )be asxt geaeral as- j

• Uruguay Labor UnionWon’t Name Delegate

1 • ■ . ______ ! • - • f ,f ! MO.VTEVIDEO, « V - U r a - *oa guayaa labor federation baa ro- u• f t t s ^ Ihe ia v iu t io a from the gov- ■1 ‘ ernment Is lior bureau-to detdgaate' A 1 1 a labor delegate as a momber e f o KI tbe. rruguayan delegation to th « ' e e ' intem atlonai labor ronferrneo a t e• ! Washington th is moath. .This ae-. V

I tiou was taken ou the'groaBd «C r«- re i seatmeat a ^ a s t the a ttitude o fr { ' the aothoT^es dariag tho reeeat aI- ■' Ubor troublea. The m aritim e . oe j --orkera' frd e ra iio n . s im ila rly ra- b»•{ faaod aa la r lu t io a to be repre- ii

’ aeated an the delegation. * ' »

f ^ itb A tm A s E D W IR

i i i i l[Q. TEimaDAT. OOTOBBft ie ,-1919 . V

p iE B I! iyiiD’SLeio:■ lliailLBIIGEat Brpken Crani<shaft. Forces the R

—t-andinB- in* Cfornfield near »- Wahoo, Nebrasi<a, Made

Without Injury to Passengers 'WILL BE PERMITTED TO fl

... CONTINUE IN NEW HLANE^1,. F a t a l F a l l i n U ta h O la im in g th e

■ Lives of K irby and MlUetbe H ia k e s T o t a l o f S e v e n D v a th s j r

in F l ig h t b._______ ........ to

OMAHA. ( /F ^ L le u t BolTln W. Maynard, fly in g from 8 t Panl, u Neb., to Omaha broke a craakobaft

nr, forced to mako a Uw.<tw£ m?n- Jn n cornfie ld four mllea nortb o f

Wahoo, Nob., fo r ty mllea ■west c f "fl tbla c ity shortly boforo noon today.II- The landing was effected w ithou t pr- d if f ic u lty and w ithou t in ju ry to ‘ n^ the p ilo t or hla obserror. W. O. *

KUna. J- *‘j*. TIITs' lnf»rniation wns received nl ' •h. Ak-Hdr Ben fie ld by L ieut. 11. R. WolJs. * ;•'» eontrnl station offieer, who immodlntt- ‘ “ 0 ly sent a Iruek loud o f soldiers from *

Fort*Omnha to gunrd Ihe plane. Lieu- * tennnt Mpynard le ft St. Pnul. NVb., fo r Omaha /it II:J 7 th is 'm orn ing. *

Bepair Is Impossible *According to the report rfeeivi..! *

from Lieutennnt Mnvnnfd i l w ill »>e ’ impossiblo fo r him to repair the dnir.- " aged motor and ho requested Liouten- nnt Wells, control o ffieor n t Ak-Bnr- Heti f ie ld lo seek pennission from tW « n r depnrtment to transfer tho inotoi *7" from tho M artin liom liin i; plane w liie lr was piloted by Captnin Iloy K Frnncis P“ ‘ nnd which wns wrecked nt Yutnn, '* ’1

y Nelir., th irty miles west o f tids r itv , Tuesday while making n-forced Innd-

t» I*la plane., — ,. A rorpa o f niechnnies has boen work-

ing on tho bombing plane sinee i t wns ' wrecked, preparatory to Iw xlng the ’'* *

wrecked ninchino nnd shipping i t lo Mineoln. The work Is boing super­vised by Captain FraDcis.

— Meaiu Two Days' Delay t —j Waluw is but ten miles weat o f Yu- t _ tun nnd t l\e ..m o to i- fro iu -J h e .J la r tin |

m'nehiuc eon bo transported overinnd, •> provI.Hng permission Is given fo r Ihe t

transfer. • Captain .Froneis le ft Yutnn i fo r Wnhco ns soon ns Ite leamed o f the e Occident to. L leutetiant Maynard oad i>ot w ill nmist In supervising the repairs, o f I t w ill.tnko at lonst two days to trann- ns fe r tho motors o f 'th e tw o maehiacr, which is the ouly means whereby Lieu- jou lenant, Mnynard can contlnur in the <] rnce. a *

“ I am s lllt In Ihe -race ," s ta te l n i Lieutenant Maywnid n* be iaformed for LI<%ienant Wells Of the accident.


------ is*«' . Wa HIIINGTON*. (iP)—Regardless o f Bei the rules o f ihe contest. Lieutenant tlo i Mnynard w ill be permittod to eontlnun lln i his rc lu n i flig h t across the continent del I f another plane can bo found fo r him to in time, n lr scr^'ice o ffic in ls announced, got They believe a serviceable ship is wei nvailablo noar tho place where he stn landed foday w ith n broken ' crank- Bai shaft. out

Hecaose o f his exceptional showing B in the transcontinental event, i t waa ita l said, every e ffo rt would be made lo pul enablo Maynard lo eputlnue his f lig h t, aot

— fe r■* IW TBNT o y B BTU B J fiyO


d CHICAOO, (A V -A lm ost h a lf wrty theacross fhe eountry on his return jdur- ‘ ‘ Iney in the nrmy airplane relia- lndb il ity and endurance race, L ient. D. W. ste

— Jbfnynsrd. the ‘ 'f ly in g parson” today waa well In tbe lead o t ihe fon r other homeward bound flie rs who bad dcu- 1 bled back a fte r soaring from coast ?o lab coast. The “ sky p ilo t” wa* almoat no< a day ’a flig h t in the van o f hla neareil tee ■pursuer ■ from San Franciaco nnd his ma eloaest opponent in the point o f actual He fly in g lime f o r ' the trsna-eontinentnl o il flig h t, Captain Lowell' 11. Sm ith, wna me pu t out o f the conteat;aa hla ship was foi

S :----------------------- :----------------set(Ceatla««d « • Pag* Voar) cei


. IC n fT s W o r k o n ^ A s s u m p t io n ^ a t O o n f e r e n c i f ^ 'W a s h - -

in g to n w i n F a i l

^ INDIA .VAPO LIB , Ind.. ( r tV -P l*M « ' fo r a strike o f b itnm laotu e ^ a lae rs —

o f tb r eouatry o n .K o r. 1 were*ooBtii»- _ ued . today at la'teraatioaal > head<{*ar- r

■ t^rs o f •h<' ra ile d Miae Workers o f ■' America here, tbe o ffic la la ptoeeedlnB ’ oa the aasojBptioa‘ tha t soth lag irvulS r ' eome o f the coafereaee in .WaahioXtoa

ealled by . ^ r e t a r y o f I<*bor Wm.f.B. de Wilson in aa e ffo rt te avert the tb rra t- to eaed walkout. e*'

O ffic ia ls o f the mine w o rk e r* -w m m averoe to eofBaaeatlag oa the posaiblo

. oBteome o f the Washingtoa meetiac, tin bot i l waa aUted tbat i t ta lgbt t«m h t t i ia aaolhet e ffe« l os th * p a n o f 1W tn>wa1faa aad n laer^ to get together.



R e c o m m e n d a t io n P re s e n te d b y C d e n t ’ s I n d u s t r ia l A s s e m b ly is L a b o r D e le g a te s , B u t S t r o n g i j

- r e s e n ta t iv e s o f E m p lo y e rs


D a ra e ra ” to " b a r g a in o o lle p t iy e l; re p re s e n ta t iv e s o t t h e i r o w n obi in d a s t r ia l c o n fe re n c e c o m m it te e b u n rn e , c h a ifm a iT 'o f th e c o m m it t i to c a u s e a c o n t in u o u s f i g h t in c o i

T h o d e c la r a t io n w a s a p p ro v !}o r d e le g a te s o n th e c o m m it te e , 1 tu a ]6 r i t y o f th e re p re s e n ta t iv e s o:

Text o f D e e la r a ^ ♦-■Tbe doelaration follows: ' I” Tbe r ig h t o f vago earners ta I

organise In trado antf Ubor unions. I to bargain coUectlTaly and to .bo I reprosenUd b y reprosanUtlyeB o f . . tbe lr own U to o s ln j^ negotiations ' I and a d ju s tm e n ts /^ th employers . I in respect to w iges, hours o f la- I bor and rolatlona and conditions o f omployment is recognized.

” Tbls most no t be . undentood as lim itin g the dgh 't e f any wage earner to re fra in from Joining any organisation o r to doal d irectly w ith bis employer I f he so chooses. ’ ' e The f i r t t move o f the enpitnl group ^

ras on nttempt to. btock presentation f the declaration to tho ronference, u t this fnilod. Chairmnn Lnno ru le l hnt the queslion wns one fo r - in d l idual nnd not group voting nnd the ublic ami lnbor groups voted lo re- oivo' fhe declarntion.- *Before tUe vote, Johd D. RoeVefell^’ r p

>.. .o f tho public group, pleaded f. ir t . “ new sp irit botween the parties lo tr nduitrj-. ” Thoae threatening ‘ o U fithdraw from tho conference, he said, n u{Lmed “ an un-Amorirnn nnd IntoV p m ble” i»sitIon. n

Conference Tate Znvolved The fate of the Industrial con­

ference hangs on -Uw etttcotn* o f " ^ the efforts o f the ooainlttee o f o flftoen “to -read! -an agrBemoBfiOB - ■ ■« “ coUectlTa bargaining,” re^rem* " U tlrss o f th* threo gronpe—pnblic.Uh9r and capital>-dMlarod Mday.' n Severn] eonfarees .sold that unless

oth capital nnd laI>or abowed a ap irit ^ f compromise tho conference m ight A s woll nnnounco frn n k ly tha t agroo-' * >enl cnuld not lie rencbed nnd n.V *2 lurn. tlThe commilteo o f fifteen resumed x

:a sessions in the hopo o f complclInQ report fo r presentation to Ibe eou-

erence this aneraoon. 1*Pablic/Qroap froparod

The pubiie group also was prepared J toke up tho eolleetive bargolning isue nt its mooting today. Chairmnn *' ternard M . Baruch favored a deflni- ion o f eolleetive bargaining along the ir nos demanded by labor. The labor • ' elegation was represented na w illing H J accede to M r. Bamch '■ plnn. . Del-i- w ntes representing capital, however, Tro standing fast on tho ir orig inal P tnfement o f princlplea. which M r. p: laruch «ald was *‘ a tbousaad years ni ut o f date.”MK Baruch took iaauo w ith the eai>-

:al delegates and aome members o f the ublic group that the ateol a triko w A N ot germane to tbe purpose o f tho eon- ® erence. ^“ I f the Gompers resolution had not A'

♦en Introducod, the question o f thit feel strike wotild have been before 5 he congress just the snme,” he said. ‘ How con yon settle fhi* problem nf ndusfrinl relation w ithoat settling thv feel s tr lk e t” . I

Question o f K ake o t Iboak Trank M o rrln n , acting head o f the

abor delegation, declared daring the lOon recess o f tho .committee o f f i f - e een that ‘ Mt Is now a queation o f c sake or break” w ith the confereace. * Ie . held a hurried confereneo w ith I ithcr tabor delegates attending the neeting and ealled others by telephone C or the purpose, i t waa underatood, o f c teekiag authority to make cWtain eon- ( :essioos on “ eolleetive” • f

Charles Edwnrd Russell, spokesman ( for the eommittee o f fifteen said a ; Seflalte report on “ eolleetive bargain- t Ing” could be expected w llb ln a short I time. I

Employers Volee Oomplalnt • rapS*nl foofer^es voiced th e ir dlwiat- ' isfsctinn w ith Secretary Lane’s ruling reaterday afAinst the group method u f ro tiag on tbe question o r postpoaing lefion cn the steel s trike reaolotion. Icelariae tb a t an Ind iv idua l ro te waa ■ n fa ir because fho ^^p loycrs grt«ip numbered only seventeen memt>«rs. romparrd w ith 1ft in the bb o r group tad 25 la the public group.


PABTS, The soiMrme eouaeil Ileelded today ta a e a d ^ reptosofttatlvo ,1 0 Budapest to deal w itb aew eoapli- ( -ations ia the s itnation ther*-. Tbe ■liBBaiy selected U B ir. Oeorge O erk. z

The derision to dispatch h im 'now -ta t Jm Haagariaa eapital was ean*od;by t W a te lc c rm from the in-ar«31M v M o a ta . Bsdapest -eom- >la la i«g o f the d lU to ry tactics o f the



ilEARNERSCOLLECTIVELYmCEFIGHTI Committee of Fifteen at Presir is Approved by Ail of Publio and giy Opposed by Majority of Rep-

AN LANE PERMITS ON OF DECLARATIONleolaration of “ the.right of wage ^ely” and to “ he represented by choosing'’ was presentjad to the tee today by Thomas L. Ohad- ittee of fifteen. I t was expected conference. .-oved b y a l l o f th e p u b l ic a n d la - 9, b u t w a s s t ro n g ly -o ^ i^ o s e d b y a I o C c a p i t a l


, President of Chicago federa- > tion of Labor W iircall on : War Oepartment for Names : Of Alleged Disturiiers

CHICAOO, , ( f f ^ ^ o h n Pitxpatriok,• prealdcDt o f the C liio i^^ Fedrratloa ' i t -• Labor, said today .th a t he wonld de- I mand o f tho wnr deportment tbe pttt»I UeatioR o f tho name o f .evety l^egod , radical member o f the federation eus- ' pected o f fomenting disorder ia coa-

nectloa w ith tbe st««l tM lca.' Ko STidenco Against Uttlans

“ I have been to ld ; th a t Oeaeral- Wood has said there U aat «..serap o f

evidence to* connect a a y -o f the .men■ a rro s te d 'ir t-O B ry /In d .r 'w lth - 'n n / 'p T o l"

o f rndicflla,” M id M r. F itzpa tiiek . . ' 'T h e . reports, tha t radicals are run.- ning thO'StriWe are absolutely untme.

, m a e ^ 'f iv o per cent o f a ll those ar* rested are men who were diseharg^i frem the sieel m ilU because o f the ir

- aatiTities ia the tudon. I believe tbataU th is ta llt o f radieaU p lo t* lo ovht----------throw e iv il govenuaeat and establl«h.

i soViets ia bunk.”I t was reported today tha t Secretary

: Baker has been asked by organited labor to send a personal rrnrosontatlve to Oary to in\*estigato the charges made ngn<nst radicals.

I BAllera S tdka OtctO ffic ia ls o f the steel m illa a t Qarr

; raid today that 168 o f the 170 rollers,. Ihe highest skilled workmea nnployed , In the steel industry who eom from

$2S to $30 a day under normnl condl*. tioas, hare returned to work aloaic ! w ith the ir helpers.

The executives- o f the plants ex*1 pressed the be lie f tba t tbe s trike U

prsctically over as the companies have I oo intention o f a ttem pting to Increase

the ir ontput a t pseseat..They say tha t each m ill is. build ing

, up a new organixation and that ia , several depaE^eals thero are mora.. mcn applying fo r w ork tl>an can be

used. Union labor leaders deny theI nccnrncy o f those assertions.


Bxan lna tlon o f Witnesses on AetlTltiaB o f Badlcsls n n a l Order o f


; W ASHINOTON, (/P) —InvesUgatioa . o f the stoel atrike by tbe senaU labor f committee w ill be cloaed next week

w itb the examination o f witneaacs on , the ae tiritlea o f ra^caU la tba stHka.1. In making this announcement to4v« s Chaim an Kenyon said the decisloa to f doae tbe inqn iry next week was rea<;h* i. ed becanse o f the committee’s desire• to report to the senate aad expedite n eonsideratioa o f leglaUtioa fo r tho a Americanisation o f forelga bom rw l- k- dents o f the Ualted States. TM s Isgls- -t U tion w ill bo considered by 'tbe eom­

mittee next Wednesday. *

, Proposes Embargo on g Exportation o f Sugarg WASHTNOTOk TSpJ— An ember*). go agaiast the e x e r ts o f sugar fo r19 th r next six laauhs uader penalt.r p -.ff ten roars lu p riaoam ea t aadI. jiM 000 f in * , w ^ propoeed la a b il lp todsv h r EeoreseoUtive Dalliacea.

' republican, Maaaachttsctts>.>' '

NDS EMISSARY P E S T jC O a V I^^ tO NII BuifeaaUa* aad -deBaBdlaf thsit t h ^0 bs eompelled ta w ithdraw f i« l i . Baa* - j j

_ r

'rA O B ..T W p

m m m :


Final Report on Activities, bf Corps Reveals Record of De­votion to Duty Under SSWre Hardships

W A S H tN a rO N T W ) Th«t ormji, n iir tM who ecrred overaeaa wUK'Ttro AmoricAa force* dnring the war bad the ir 8har« o f scnrice aad. aufforiug is ihowa in tho f ia a l report-on tho aetlv- itiea eorpa, mado b / Miaa JaUa a 8tio>> Ma, acting direetor, who he fted tha army nuraing service abroad. Betwetfn U a r 8. 1917, and May 31/1910, 10,245 nuracB out o f a to ta l o f 21,49'i cnliated fo r tbe w ar aaw aorvice ovfirw&n. Ib tc e were wouaded in action ami "06 died whiie on duty.

H entlonw l by H a lf The f ir s t six detachments o f nurafa.

sent to i'ranco replaced niiraon in tho | B ritish hospitals. Oorman iorjHido nt> i lacks on hospital sh lfs had foT>‘.<id th e ' Engliah array to csare fo r Jts wonniod, OS fa r oa poaoil5Io, behind tho nattle froata. Following, up servieo in the baa:«

' hospitals Amorican' nuraing detach- raents'also began tA go forward, and in Secembor, 1917, Oeneral Haig men­tioned a number o f them in dispatehea fo r ^ l a n t servieo in the eaanalty clearing aUtions.

B ut tbe real work o f tho Amorican women conxnencod Jn ly 18, 1918, w ith ihe ir owa a ra y when tbe / io a l German attaek waa stemmed and the g M t vie-

• torioos a llied offensive s t« r te i‘ 'Trom JUly 18 to Kor. U , tha

atnonnt o f woxt: don* waa aoch. t lu t ao pralM wottl4 be gr«at aaoogb,” SCaa atlmaoD a ay i.-“ I t v a i not •* all nacommoa fo r nonsia fe woik . U to If f hotm • day fo r wMk» » t Ik

acaa u lth oaly70 er 80 aanac cared fo r patim ti te the nnmber o f 2,100... Ona hoa­p ital tnd five thonsand patlante at oae ^tlsid wltb aerea^ nttrees te

• take care o f tbcm. Offieera, nozi- ea and men worked t&eatielT*a to tbelr llB ilt of pbyaleal ^ ttran e e and tlia t Uailt w u beyond a«y wMch might be expected o f boman belaga.'* ■ •On armlatieo day, 18-1,421 American

'iioldicrB sick nnd wounded, were in tho hospitals, aad there was a shortage o f 6 fii5 nnrites. Tbo i^ o rd s showed tha t the *‘ peak‘ ’ o f wounded wns actually r c a rh ^ a t Mesvea eontor on Nov, 10, where 20,180 patients were taken in to ten hospitals, with. 894 nnraes assigned. Tho shortage o f norses was duo entire- ,

• ly to the fa c t, the report says, tha t i transportation bad not been available to got more in to France, so great was .the rush o f cpm ljat troops tq t h e ^ o p t , . ,

- Tired bo t traconpla la lns Kuraea 'were dropping from fa t ln e

around the operating tables a t tbe f in - ' ish, but complaints from thsm were al­most never heard, Miss' Stimson saya. CondiUons nnder wbich they lived were' bad in tho extremei crowded in dormi­tories or (onts, usoAlly w ithou t heat and qdcquBto ligh t, often w ithoat floors, ex­cept sueh aa was furnished by canvaa sheeting. ."Kurses la many instances

. wore obliged to waah and Iroa the ir own uolfonaa, and' U ttle recreation eould be furnished fo r the ir few houra o f f duty.

The homewafd ^o d u s began in Jan­uary, and abotft 250 a wccic socured passage during 'tho f irs t fou r tiionthij o f the year.

WOBXO o d n t z :b e n o b o f FOBm O K TRADESa SOHEDULBO

NEW •VOllK, (ip>—Ono o f tho impor­tan t featurrs o f the Boveuth National '

—■^Ji'steign Trado' convention, to be held a t San franciseo Uaj» 12-15, 1920, w ill bo a world conference o f Amerieaa for:, vign traders, acrnrdinff to nnnouncc- mont mnde today by Q. K . Davis, soe- retary o f tho National Foreign Trade t-ouneiJ, wbo w ill be secretary o f tbe convention.

'Tbreo special convention steamers tiave been chartered fo r tho aceommo-

'datioa o f delegatciT from abroad.Aaother steamer, s tarting from New

York, w il l go by w a y h fn h e Panama canal.

Pleased a t Her Appearancs.Jan r was hoi«y enferfnlnlng hwaelf

by looking a t the photograph alhom. Soon abe came across a picture o f her> se lf taken wheo she waa a tin y , bald- beeded baby, and la a ll earocstpesa ahe sa id : •'W hat a tonaln* homelybabyr

RHAD TTm fTT-AfUTTyr i ^ a n a

RHEUHAnCEAINS RAISING AKUMPUS?Slostn'a L ln lm e n 'tt k e p t haad^,

takee ti ie e ^ b t o a t o f Chen

S l o s h i n g I n the wet andthen — the dreaded rbo im a tk tw in tr i B u t no t fo r k n g vfaea

Sk»n s 11 lirarat b kept handy.spraioa — how wooo

th a old tam ily Tnead ^cuevtcx wiOM/and helps drive *«tn awayl

And bow deanlv, too — do m-Jss, so ooucr, ao stained aion o r ck>eged

■pona. Mnadea lia ib t f op, Inmbago.

time. Get ooe tedsy H yoa’re n m out o lS fcaa^ U n io x fit._ A n < fc w p is U —3SC-. 7 0 c .. i l.4 a

_ r


• Bedoctiooa. iteaclx ouiger c^ ta t and Beriona Oilala Is Threatened, 8 a-

dapest Advises

E V IE N N A , ( f lV ^ h T fo o d resoles o f llungnry, depleted by Bumanian sai<C' ures ■ have been reduced to the dan­ger point and a most serious crisis is threatened, aeeording to /tdvieea from

. . tbe Bnngariao capital.0 * The Bumanlaas Toesday, tho advices ^ state, attempted to selite aome o f Pre- B 'Im le r . lY iedrlch'g immediate follow ing M and did krreat two n vem m ent o ffi* ‘ ® ciaU. The iater-allled mission pro­

tested ' against tbla and other Actions by the Bnmanlnna which were object-

n y . ed to. Beporta- from the trans-l>aaube rc^o'n d e o ^ e the Bnmaalans aa their

a j evacoatloD .proceeded have systemati- lg ca lly TfiaUzed the snpporters o f ti\e

Iv. Bolshevik reisiime who had beon Im* o,. prlsooed.u . Bumors tha t tbo Inter-allied mis

slooa Is to w ithdraw from 'Budapest have not been confirmed. The Ba-

.J manians are said recently (o bave kopt on t o f touch w ith the miasioo.


!t” Bmployarai-Federatloo- at"'S^fceloS» he Objeota to 8ata aa BepraaeataUve )0, at Interc ational Oonferaneetie --------- Vlas BABCELONA, ’ S PAIN , (/p>—Pro­sh- tests against tbe appointment o f Al- nd fonao Bala to represent Spain a t tbe tn- labor conference In Washington are ica made in rcsolnUoas adopted a t a meet- t y ing o f tbe employers federation hero

Tueadoy. Tho grouad .takea by tho in federatioo I^ th a t Senor Bala represonS th no ono bat the m inister o f the Inter- xn lor, wbo appoiatei him ; . ie- i l i ia resolatloa w ill be communicated

to the chairmaa o f • tho Washington coaforeneo and to the AmoHcan m in­ister At Undrid.

Hem ben o f tbe federation doelarr they are no t interested In any do- cislons wbloh taay be reachcd by the Waahiagloa eoaference.


Antt-Bolsherlk Forces o f TWlenltcb In .Northwest.'and Kolchak In Sooth

Work In BarnKmy iLONDON, ( /P }- In o ffle in l quurtorj

here i t ia doelnred thn t Oenernl 'Vudi-n itch, ronimtuidcr o f tho nnrthwrstern Busflinn'forcr ndvancing on Petrograd,

'® is worHliiK i« cloHc uftdiTNtandlng wU'i ^ Adm im l KolchnV, hend o f the ull- ‘t Bussinu Rovomaient, nnd Qenernl Deni- y klnu in n combined e ffo r t ngnlnst tlic h Bolshe v ik armies in 'S ibe ria , southern0 Russia, uud on the northwestern front.L General Tudenltch's'troops a re -fo lly

equipped, now by.tho>allies w itb whom t the general is in constant (ouch..e ------- ,f N«t8re*e;unehanglna Rale.

-X e tw t s e o ln a 4 s *o t ^.presamptloa. . B rery tb log tb a t cen be Is botmd to

e come la to being, and w lu t aever comes ' 1- tn to belog I* oething.—Am lel. . _ j

RSAS THE BAXLT • J I---------- _ -----------


It Reachesr»

‘ V a c u u m P a c k (

F r e s h I n c

i k i f l l T iT - ^

; - II c O * i S K i

M o i t


OurGusYour grocer wiO price you paic Coffee, i f it does t tast^ no matter ] have used out of

You IMore money M.J.B. Coffee inAlso Packed in One anc

■''PBiBioms“ iyBNNfiesoE.I N lW lK:cM Doubt Prevails as to Whether. i»g Constitutional Ahienflment I f“ ; . Applies to Islarids/lDpponents “ • Line Up for.Flglrt ;S ; M A N IL A . P . I.7(Cotr«p<>iidM>c« o f (({.{The Associated Preaa)-^-SuU in doabt t(xe as to whother i t w il l be held th a t the In ,.: constitutional '• d ry " •amendmflht_ apr |

plies to tbe Philipp lse Islands, local < ,|» < isteresta are a llg y n y themselves te « , t carry the f ig h t Into the leg ls la tnre,. Sa- which Is conuaitted to coosider. the IVC qaeatioa a t Its regular seaalo'tt, whleh

opena October . lOl iOiOifozniaa ; r ^ H a ^ ^ . {

Dr. D. M . Gaadier, i i weil-Jujown pro- l>c h ib iU o # advocate ^ m Oalifom la, is 'R aow in U on ila and la beading tbe

forcea o f the Christlaa Service league, an organlxation reeently formed here

k and pledged to a general program o f clvio betterment. The league claims to

S . havo secured to date more thaa *13,000 to m eet'tbe expenses o f ita caxbpaign.

. . Promlaent amoag ita offieera are Dean .V 'Daeobo o f the Univeraity o f the P hil.

‘ ippinea and Comilo OsiiM, o a s ifltu t di- rector o f tbo bareau o f education,

gro' The preaident o f tho Philippine fed- eration o f labor is thns fa r tho most promluent figu re among tho forces o t;

oi-.’ tho '*w e ts .” - He haa annoaneed th a ti ihe and ,tb e aemberg a t the'organixa-,,

;«(] tlons form ing tho federation w ill eon-! on .«luct a lobby agninst prohib ition whea- in- tho legislattiro opeas, the ir con tw tloa

being tha t tbe d is tilling indus'try in ir r tho rura l d is tric ts w ill be k illed and io . thousands o f people thrown out o f em- he ployment. ,

Iioca l Prodocta W orst ' I f a compromise eoald bo agreed to,- whproby imported Inlozlcaata were

G barred. I t would fia d hoarty support, but oa a m atter :6 f foe t the medical,

'profension is a u n it in declaring tha t In the loeal prodocta. are' mueh ; more lo - |.

Jurious to health than a ro ' the Im -’ ' I ported. .' In legal circles thore is n ^ o in a g

helivf thnt i t w il l bo held 'tha t the pro-'' h ib ition nniendment nppllcs here, biic

’’i ' tbo enforcement act, i f the request o f “ • tho Philippine council' o f state is ,. granted, w ill specifically oxeludo tho 1 I islands from Its provisions, leaving the i

I ' entire quostion la tho hands o f th e ' Philippine legislature fo r docision.


BUENOS A IK E S , ( f f> -O ff ie ia l fo«..- casts o f A rgentina ’s 1920 gra in crop,

B. J»ot Ia tlud tag «flnj»-»ho.wjthnt eijmpared to CO the area planted last year, appraxl- " mately 1,1:13,500 hectares less land-waa

aown to wheat, flaxseed and oats. Bc- - I ports o f areaa sown to wheat ahow no I aggregkto o f 6,053,000 hectaree; flax- ; Mcd 1,42^,000 aad 'oats 6&1,000.

sYouFreshk e d — R e m a in s

i d e f i n i t e l y

arantee0 refund tliefnO Id fo r M.J.B.1 notplease your ‘ how much you )f the can.

Save'''{i^en you buy n die 51b. Canmd T im e Poond C u u

& D A m rc y E w s -v v


iiits' "' ' . - ' f f - ' J n t ' . ' .

» b tthe

I to ’ ’ '

I ^I \ W f -1\ w l ■ r i l y P'

the- v ^ r r I ■ p-iere t N , ^

I o f . T«S to I ^ „,000 Tiga. W niU m M. Wood, presideat o r >i •ean the Amerleaa Woolea ComDaav.>hll> Telleves tb a l b(a soa shooid know ^

di- . the boslitess from the bottom op rt ' So you rg Coraellos Wood, receat- -

fed- ly discharged from tbe 0 . B. Navy, ieoost bas b)wn seat to tbe etorehovse vi, e f ! departtaeot at Lavreaoe. Mass.. ailha t! ^ crad tsg woot.._ si iaa-, ~ ~» “ • ' The Three HundfeA , '5?“ W hnt ore yoor speara, O^XerxeaT

I - Wbat nre yoar slings, prood Persiaa, txiQ j w ltb yoor 2,000,000 soldlere abOfetlag -iem- the plaioa o f Greece w ith splendor, and pl

, roaHog, like .tho Jobllaot s«u aloag the niJ Paas o f ThermopjlaeT There stands P‘

. . . Leoaldas w ith b is 800, rock like ; and ''' ‘ tbey beat yoo bock w tth an idea.—

ort, Oeorge W UlUm Cortls. lea l, II. Ihat BEAD T H E D A IL Y H B W & sU.^•1 ' ■■ ■ ■ ----------- •..........

tbg • ' -____________ ^

biic B R ^ S S ^ ^ ^ S ^ S S f lE S S S ^ ^ S B vof

tho !th e '. j | K f l

" H T U e ^ eii»-i I I - Craa I I H B

H H o t

II ■'Ir o O W N a

C h a lm e rs re s p e c t o f th e c ro w

- F o r i t is n o t \ n a rJ c o f r ic h e s , th« r ic h m e n o w n and

l l s d r iv e th e p re se n t*m e n . ^

B H I t is a p e c u iia ire s p e c t, a K c o g n id t

^ 9 . m e n t , a k n o w le ^ e

|| •.! eh 'e *th ing ,akeennes< to r c a r d e v e lo p m e n t w itn e sa e v e ry n o w th e n in .c lu b , P u l l ca r o r a f r ie n d ’ s h<

Because th e v e ry UK B ^ esc th in g a to do-^

I ■I I J O H N S O NIH H n«M so TWII

BmMss m - t: IMmMES'S e c r e ta r y o f N a v y -Hm P la n f o r — C o n t r o l a n d D e v e lo p m e n t o f '

E a d io S e ^ c e . ;

. W ASHINGTON,-(i5>)~A' new ^ U c y fo r eoatrol and development o f.ra d io eommonlcationf waa la id before con- | gresa Wedneaday by SecreUry D w le l*.I t providea fo r mainteaanee o f both naval and private tU iUow, w ith the la tte r nador control o f f, national radio commission, aad proposes to open, ex­is ting or new stAtions to geaeral pub- lle eorrespbodenee a t rates to be fixed

SI the navy department aad ^ongross. gneral public trans-oceanle corre- i spoadeaco a t ratoa to be fixed by the i

•navy department and coagreas. Gca- i eral publie traas-ocoanic eorrespood- i ence tbrodgh naval stations would not i be permitted, hfiwever, exeept dnriag < temporary' sospenaloa o f private sery- lee. ' .

IM vate radio statioas would be II , ecsnscd by.the.,natioaol radio-commis- > sioa, and their corporate affa ira, ap- i paratus, operator® aad transmission , ra tes ' would bo -Tmder fapervision -of the. conuiission which wonld be com- j posed o f four mombera and a aeero- | ‘a ry appoloted b.v the president, w ith j Tepresenlatlvee from the navy, war. , commerce and postoffice departments^ Tho secretary would bo an Hctlvc llm* , •fflecr c f the navy. - • . ,

Tho commission would be *authorix/vI , T» assist. Amerieans in ' Mtablishlwg ratllo facilitieK w ith fnrei'ra coanMoi.

In presentiag tbe b ill, Secretnry Dan­iels struck out a pmvislon In his pre- . vious, teutatlvo measure, providing fo r . acquisitio'n by the navy o f oxistlng stations or thbse under construction nnd th a t g iving th«* navy departm ent:' exclusive' control o f a ll radio opera-1 . tions in the future. |

Private radio compftnies would no l, be' permitted to n ffilln to w ith subuiii-' -ine cablo or land tejogrdph or telo-1 pbono systems w ithout cQiiscnt o f th o j ’ national commission and private coin- t panies would not bc permitted to op- ■rnto in the. Phillppinivi nnd the Pa.i- " »ma cnnnl yoni*. *

- r- ■ flt r you own a io t aad aeed soms i

••nov. rind a buver through the elaa slfisd. . (

espectoj the C Goes with a ’ Spot ChaimniliiBCriir

^ J - i__ J 1B1|

* H o t S p o t ' m o to r 'c a r e ff id e k ^ to jif tv e th e S p o t ^ n d J U m ’ s- w dT '^ • I 't

1 h e y c o n v e r t so m u c h X • d e n , s to re d -u p ,

h o u g h m a n y . o u t p o w e r th a t id p re fe r to aw ay it^ th e in f t t-d a y C h a i- gas w e g e t to d a y

T h e y p ro v id ew k in d o f o f p o w e r w h ic h i3 on o f ju d g - w iA o u t b c in g e x te o f w h a t V e x c e lle n t acce lenS3 a b o u tm o - is no ise less a n d <i t . y o u n o v ib ra d on a n d . .

l im a n - f L r ^ o f

'’ T ' w i “ « y C h ;7 Ut- (cw- with 0 * 5 ™ * the world.


IN M i l s . lO ASO 2 1 4 -2 2 0

• ^

,1 ..,xaraian^:i9an^:«

p i i i -B liils

• Red Cross Workers m Poland k Scan Names and; Faces of lo Returning Refugees to He- ;; unite Separated Familiess. ''W XBSAW , ( f f )—Names a w l faces o f »- streams o f - re to n io g refogees are be- le ia g eagerly aeaaned by Bed Cross work- 1- e n tn overy e lty of'X^laad'eacli day lu '■!• edarch fo r 'th e parents o f tea tfceoMnd,'>t unclaimed ehlldreaj los t in the e ^ n N « ^ g o f tbe German drive o f 1918.. ''• Ho H o r^ fo r K a a y '

live ry dsy, from among the starved ^ rnn lrt o f .-Olic ••Wanderers, some worn “

>' 'wAm s7oV~b>oEu-fst^,elaspe.the thin w a if from whom they w ire mereUesaly

“ tom almoe* three years ago—* rennlon tha t takes place as often as aot in some Bed Crosa refngee station. Thore are thousand wbo w ill aever bo claimed,

° fo r .the ir parents, driven waay wbea the Oermans came, fouad- oa ly tcm-

^ p o ra ry . safety in Buaala; where they were caiigbt in the web o f aaaroljy aad

; stiffercd death in the days o f tbe Bas- „ siaa terror.~ A ll o f tbe children are aow under the

ciiru o f the .^ e r ie a n Bed Oroas aad ‘‘ sueh supplies aa are available have

beea devoted to tho ir aeeda. B o t fo r — ' ! the thousands who wiU aever again be !: uuited w ith the ir parents, more than . temporary aid is needed. Some per-

I manent InstituUoaal scheme w ill have - j to be devised, bot th is most w a it more

.. ' normal tim e* thaa Ute ptesent,D o ty t o f o o tild s W o tU

I Unless* roicaed from astaa( starve- ^ tioa and nakedness and authored by

! tho outside worid a n til they are strong ,. again tlicse children w ill bear the

marks o f war fo r tbe rest o f th le r Uvea.. Anaemia, rUketa tabeicalosls and k in ­dred diseases, fast becooilng chronic,

I w ill forever handicap tbem.

GlassiflM .\ds are e b e s p ^ f f^ t iv a .

ZlrowS ■ mers U

I '

r - -

d e n c y a re H o t i V h o r n .

e r t a l i th e h id - S Hp» h a rd > to -g e c* la t n a tu re p u t . n fe r io r k in d o f a y . t

de a o e w k in d ^ ^ 9h is s u p e r f lu o u s n t r a v ^ n t , h u I Be ra tiv e q u a l i t y ,i causes a lm o s t u ^ 5d o n . P ^ S

J on ce g e t th e B Ho f i t ' y o u • to o *ITha lm ers is o n e ":w g re a t c a n ^ B Bi . I ^ B

■ IP A N Y O H

0 S h o fb a a e S U E . l l

B . 3 . H o lo h a n O a r t o * O i f H o n - o r« a « 'O o o d ln g - ^ o b a t a r , •

S h o w .

OOODINO, ( S i ^ ) - O o o d lo i 1 abooten poU»d dowa th e ir sharo t>f tKo hOBor* in the; f ir s t M Borft lo a n a n ip o f- o f the lo«a] ipui elub held hero- Bud- tfay. B o r Wonaell ca ftttred: •ecoad ■ hdnors fo r h i g b . ^ aod Lo ther Haa- k lM , th ird , in the 140-ta^iQt' eottteai, f which WB* the maia o ren t o f the toar> nameat. D. J . Uolohaa' o f Burley laad^ P ed f ira t koDora :b jr 'b re « k lM l 3T tar- ^ ffota o f ^he 140. Wonneli brokn 13'0

, nad narkina 126. Holohan had a * ; jL ; jh W g h t run o f fia w ithout a miss. Too ^ ^ *89 trophy fo r high gun went to Holo- “

• h a a .• .'' Tho local ohootors also ron tho v it f t* P

1,, ing erperta a elose raee in d ie three- 1’ m an. U*am compoUtlon a t SO U rge tf. ^ The w inning team acored 150 out o t ,P, tho l.'M) target* aad the best local trio ' ” scored 137. - v _ ,

The. « 6-Urgot contw t was divided I,| into sevea event* o f twenty targets cach, and the money priw s was d i» iJ ^ t-d according to tho scores o f eaeh o i . , lho seven ovoats. The high gun in ®' •rach <-vcnt wa* given 40 per cent o f tho ‘ purse, the seeoad high gun roeeived 30

• por ccnt, the th ird £0 per ccnt aad tho n< fourth 10 per cent. Th^ purse woa tn made up from the entry foo o f | 2 p«r ni nina fo r eaeh o f the seven events.' p] •; Th irty -tw o men took part In tho 140 w tn rg r t contest, about h a lf o f whom ht •were from out o f the c ity , nnd th# wores were considered vory good. Both bi tm ps were kept bosy' and a to ta l o f nt 4,«50 targets ware , thrown during the tc tournament. tn

Tht' competition sUrted aljont 8:20 pi In tho forenoon and lasted u n til about ce 4 p. m.; dnring which timo sovoral hnn­dred spesUtora attehdod tho tonm a- th ip rn t. Luneh was served by the Cath- ntic ladles. 1,.. O. C. Hillhouse o f Salt LoI(e C ity, a rfT>rrsenUtlve o f the Winchester F ^ - unnfl Co., was iiTohargo o f tho touraa* bu mnnt fo r the American Trapahootlng n^norlation, having been assigned hore ... I i t . ;he association. He worked hard .nli dny and m uch-o f the credit fo r tlio success o f the event was due to bin efforta. He also took part in tho 140-target, contcst, a* a professional, ba

.Knd was therefore not a contestant ta r w< nnv o f the prizes given. H o seared F l 130 out o f the 140 targets. H . <7. th Bo ttlck o f Portlaad was the oaly o tlie r gi profpBslonal who took pa rt in the tour- yo nament. Olenn Journey o f th is c ity k i n ffic ln ted as cashier. Tho th tho 140-targct contest fo llow , and ex* i,e Top* wherff otherwise noted, tho eon- tPBtnn»s were from this c ity : ’ n i

B o y 'W o n a S ' " Z i r ISO DlO. C. Hillhouse, Balt L a k e _______ 130L . T>. H a sk ia a _____I_____________ 126

E. Wharton. Tw in Falls - .....123C. A . Bailey, Tw in Palls _________ 125I-. T. W right, T w in Palla ------------- 124 wHerb Meyer ________ ______________122 *n . B. rteckel, B o is e ........ ....... ........ 122A. O. Keister, C .ild w e ll......... ...... - 122A. '!>. Hendricks, Tw in F ^ l ls .... . 122

,-A. G. Pishcr, Tw in P a lls __________ 119<1. Brgeman, Boda S p rings ------ 119 AsA. F . .rames __ _________________ 116 t i iT!*nr«t White. Tw in Falls 114 ou15. r . Qriee, B o ise ....... ......... .. ...... I l l lotT -n n k Este*, Boise -------------------- I l l th.T3. Tl. Bolto - ____________________ 10® up.T. Tavlor W illia m a ---------------------L 108 in,Wm. f r i g h t ---- ----------------------------104 'Cnrl Smith ______________________ 104 !>«N. M. L lo y d ---------- ----- ---------------- lO t eci.Tnr Oould .........................— ----------103nn** K n ight .._1------------------- ---------lO ff m ,H. O. Bostick, P o r t la n d ---------------- 0 4 ^ 1K. K. S m ith ________________ -------- 81 nuH . M . P ike _________________L „ M ~J. W. B obert«»n_________________77C. K . Bocker, Boda Bprings --------05

W. P. Singer retired a fte r shooting ^ 4.1 ont o f 80 U rgeU and Jobn ifc P n ll ., o f Rhoshone q u it a fte r scoring 43 oat o f 60 target*. h..

Tbe'threo-maa team contest waa fe r ,<{ SO targeU per maa aad the scores were

Holohan. ^ r i e y ------------------- 48 * *Bailey. T w ta -P a lls ---------------- 48 ” *JV right, T w in PalU — --------- *5

133 ,W orae ll. O ood ing------------------' 48 ‘ "IHaskins, O ood lna---------------- - 41Wharton.. Ti|rin-FalU — ;-------^ JJJ

Meyer. Oooding --------------- 42 “ *James, O ood ing --------------------- 40K n ig h t, O ood lag------------------- „

The porse fo r th * la tte r event was made ap from aa eatraaee fe * o £ ^ _• fo r each contestant and was d ir id t -1 .V> p>fT cent to the w inning taam, 30 d per cent to the team w inning seeoad ca And SO per cent to the Uam winning th ird . ^

The loeal d o b w ill hold Ibe fira t o f — • aerieo o f thr«e' weekly shooU nest fitm day fo r a handsome bronse trophv -that has beea. hung ap by the Aaert- ^Ma Trapshootiag assoeiatiom. I t Is l ik e ly tha t eaeh o f the shooU w ill b*-for tweaty-flve ta ry ta .

G E R M A N S O E E lt> IN Q U IR Y IM W f t R 'R K P O N S I B n . lT Y

S U t s s e e a ^ MUttaxy L m A-a A O a g ^ ts B« onm lsaQy OOlp-

• U a te B o H M v d

' B E B L IN , (;PV—The trlbnaal o f »lalc- -set up by the govemment at Reneral rrqaest to In rM tiga te the qoetlion o f th * reeponaiblUly fo r the war and

.(■hsreeo agmlast leading sUtesmen and m ilita ry leader* alleged to hare be?a frlm lnaU y culpable fo r th H r part ia hringlog en er eoatlnulag i t uaaeces- M rily , w ill open Its s itt in g ! th is week- (The diroet oecasloa o f tbe institn tioa o f the lavf«Ugation wa* a demaad by

“ E n e r a l Lodendorff fo r a'TSurt o f la- q u iiy ap*« th * charges made agaiM t

' him by former Chancellor Bcheid» aad • resolntioB o f the aatioaal

assembly deA4B4 lag a geaeral lavesti*

' Oeaersi Lodeodorff, fonfter Ambas- ■ador B araatorlf aad & rm er Chaaeel*

■lor Ton Bethmaaa-Honwe* w tll h* amoag tbs f lrs t wiUessei to be heard*

vS A . - . E jS . a . JPGrawjBuilda I

biYoungblosd ' J; YI BtfBs o f . E re r - I iO B iJ ig Q ia n ta » y to .Win

" ■ 'fieobnstraotldii • •I A. favoHU; oeeupatfoa fo r . e r ^ i r ^

fo r tho tnom ra t.i* rebuilding McOraw’a I Infio ld fo r -him 'eeirt y e u , though-aay- . plana UcOrai<-ni«y. k« ve 'in tha t diroC'. tion ho himselt and'whnn ) .the time fo r th tf 'tobuUding «omes' hO', w ilt do ' i t himself, says WUliam B.., Hanna In the.Now Y ork H era ld .--Tot '. is is erM ctcd be .will mako eh«ages.:.. : ..

The time 1* nesr k t haad' fo r ly^ung: ■' blood to\ia jM («d iato-'the dianU^.

[ in fie ld jw d . >feOr9i^ is fortunnto la ?!having one yotugster o f unusual

; promise in Frank .Friach. - There’ s a v, f :start-right, there fo r the rehabllltatioa. >1

However; .IVisch. turns out, i t is &ai^ , to'i-emi’mb'eV another'ca«»* n t a young- ster jum pin j: in to 'th o th ick o f a hard and critica l aories w ith -th o ncrvo and ab ility shown by thie Fordham iad-and ., 'o f surviving an exciting t u t na wolL

S tn iig Hnrllog> S ta ff b<MeGraw,’ no doubt, is looking to

next year and has bad tha t partly in mind in -the sh ifts and awaps he has n ifid e .tb ia snmmer to improve hla t l pitching s ta ff. He w ill s tart next year w ith a strong corps of-pltch.ers, thns having fonndation.strength. {*'

A largo part o f tbo strength o f any bnseball club lies in tho line ' whieh Ktarts w ith the catcher’s ^ e e aad ex* ^ tends out through tho M ddle, which ” tnkes in , in other words, catcher, pitcher, shortstop and second baso and center fie ld.",

Look over the teams which havo won ^ tho pennant* and w o rld ’s series and see whether noarly a ll o f them haven't ® been atrong tho length o f th is line .o f P, operations. Tbu other positions nre tho outpoflts o f defease, so to speak. The ' bulk o f the w ork fa lls to thoso la the avenue described, which is tbe main _ avonue fo r the waging o f defensive warfare.

Fleteber S tm 6 . K duW ith tlie catcher* and- pitchers ho to

baa, McGraw has th is amd his center well, guarded fo r next year. In ga Fletcher he has a ma^ who ought to f i l l Gi the b ill fo r another yoar or two, also sh giving the steadying influenco In the an young outfie ld . Ia center ho.has ap k a u ff, no t-the best center fielder ia af< the game, but one than whom i t w ill lie hard to f in d a better. yc


X o re . P e o p le W a ? e r L a r g e r ^ S ta k e s , I .o h d o n B o o k m a k - Ca

e r D e c la re s ^

LONDON (C o rr^ n d e n c o o f ITie go Associated Press)—^ e r o is moro bet- ting than ever on horse-racing throngh- " * out England, according to one o f thn il® lending London bookmaking firm s, a* j , though every one w m try in g to niake y up fo r tho w a r - t im f^ r io d when rac­ing as w e ll as bettltfg was suspended,

“ I t ia aet only thM more peoplo aro ^ b e tt ia g ," said the head of< the eoa- com, “ bu t thoV are wagering larger sums. The small maa who nsed to have his 'ta n n e r' on a race now risks- his p_ shllling or ha lf.c row s, while the club- man .who form erly waa content to « • ger a sovereign aow beU a fiver.

“ I have beea in bualaess fo r 35 M. ycara, aad I h a i^ aever made such Al books as th is year over the Derby a«d other classics,

“ Aaotber point about present-day betting,” eontinund the t>ookmaker, “ la-the number o f womea who back borses. F ifteen year* ago I don 't thbik we had a dosen womon cnstomer*. Now we have hundreds. I d o a 't kaow whore tbey get the ir laform atioa, but some JS o f the biggest cheeks wo have drawn this year have been fo r women. J

“ They nearly aways pay tob, when they lose. O f conrse, we get an occa­sional de fau lte r,'a * wa do among our t men eostomera. But U ke them a ll 1 around they are ju s t aa sportlag- over the bnsiness aa aay o f the mea we have en our books."

' To Cloan Coppor. f ia l f a l*taoo dipped la salt w ill

<imn boiler*, e tc , na ^ aicaalie a d d ^ U .

riasained ~Ads are eta*ap—«ffoet)T«. _

AnnouncWo ac» o tn r loea t« l la oar a«w ta

Idada or

OxyacetylenW« hsve lately installed a n«w Ox

machine' oa the siarket, and the only ■ We are also Insta lling a Rutioaary Oen

w ill coake oer shop oae o f the beM la t

W B A & B P & X P A S E D T O G IV X ' O n A B A N T E S A U

TW IN F A l t S WlK B X X c n C L A Y X A O E X

3 1 S S e c o n d A r e . S o .

^ 'J"’ '■'V', '-■

M n it iii; i m iftPilj S p i k e 3 i h j G r i ^ l i e s ’ B o b t s ^ Q u d r B e r ' a n d ’T n y a d e r s C " S c o r e s ; ' T h e y ' M a d e l T u r

“ L a d s ^ D i s p l a y G r i t a n d ] -' ■ B e i n g S t r o n g e r a t F i n ;

; ^ 'G ooding’S 'high *cho6r rl<^^v««ii i»va I- U ; cd Twin Palls te rrito ry vestcrdny nnd • sent the local g rid men down to their : th ird defeat o f the acawn, 14 to 6. A^

fhnt I t *a s no c n s v v ii- to rv 'fo r the w , N jr th S fte t*. Tho Griwilipa, o ftc r th j f irs t (]uarter fought trnnclounlv-up *n fho- Inst, minute -o f plaj* nnd wero . stronger: n'nd faster than.'their nppoih ru*« at iho\-flnish.

The boys^ from nrmnn th r rive r ss- • timed the o^feniuvp. n t tho stnrt o f tiio ronteat nnd p u t two'touchdowns o v jr before the locals, bad j v ^ c d up, oao o f .them on n 'fiu lck fo rw nnl pass. By, successfully k ick ing goals they brougat ” ' up the ir scoro to 14. Prom them on lo the end o f tho half, i t waa n n'ee-snw bnttle,' lo th aides gaining and loslu;; ground continuously. A s- the gnm^? proceeded tho Tw in Fnlla players cnmo ^ back w ith mueh vigor and stopped tho; Qoodlng aggregation from obtaining >!®'’ further scores. T fie ir excess energy knocked tho w ind out o f the ir riva l* and f in a lly Hnddleaon, o f OoodiniT, had to leave tbo fio ld.

The locals camo bhek strong in the " second ha lf and threo or four times were dangerously nonr tho goal lino, only to bo_ checked by the' most dc»- peratc o fto fts . During the Inst-lO m in­utes.of play Tw in Falls sent “ Speed'-' Newman over tho lino fo r its loac scoro, but fa iled to kiek the goal. A n­other offort- was mndo to scoro but th r game onded w ith tho boll on Twin F a lls ’ . aO-yord lino. Kuhns nnd Put- * ier o f the G rlxtllos suffered In.inrles ® during the second'hnlf and were forced ®* to retire. - P«f

Boulder wna the Oooding stnr o f th4 P game, while Boy K ing , A lbert Bailey, Owen Wataon nnd “ Speed’ ’ Newmitn B share honors fo r Tw in Falls. Attend- _ _ ance fo r tho game was estimated at approximatoly 1,000. The sinslp ndmin- sion reeoipts amounted to $87.

Twin Falls put up a s tiffo r fight yeaterday than did Buhl a wpnk ago, say the Oooding men, though Buhl de- featM Oooding rffl to 0 that game. The 1 Gooding conch clnlms that his hna improved considerably sinee the reccnt defcmt, olso they could not ha.-e captured y n to rd a y ’s decision.- The-mcn lined up "as follows:

OOODING TWIN" FALL.S ^Ooons ......... ........ _C.._......... . StroberkCarter i BO P u t* i" rBrowa ........._____ B T -........... — BaUeySUnwood .—....-..-BE.... ........ KewmnnCagle ................... LO...... ........ Irw iuEubanks .............L T _ .....- ....... KuhnsBenfrow ..........._..LE..... Haarnbnlg =?■Boulder .................Q................. Watson mBuddleson .............L I I ................... Epier HhIIKoith ... B II ..... K ingVenemaa .......L__ J*B................. Phipi»s

Snbstitntioaa—Oooding—Denny to r Benfrow, le f t end; Renfrew fo r Stsii wood: r ig h t end; Btanwood fo r Hnd- dlsson, l ^ t halfbaek.

S obftitn tioo*—T w in Fa ll*—Krongel fh r X plcr, le ft halfback; Denton fo r Putaier, righ t guard; Carter fo r Kuhns, le ft taekle.

I Head th * store a.U TH A T TOP MAV KNOW A L L AB01;T IM M B P c AT8 B U y iH O pPPOBTUNTTirj*.-'*U4'h hnowledKf hna a Vash valu*

OptlmUttie ThM oht Tttlo* wore by tbe nreat o f tb*

Drain may (m worn w ltlKm t a Moab.

BKAD T m fF A IM rirB W B .

P O & X I.A H D O A T T L S L O A H O O M P A H Y ■


r i n t N a t io n a l B a a k B M ( .


cement!’ baOdtBg asd a n oqitlppad to. do an

ne WeldingOxweld Portable Ocaerator, the b«*t t ly one th i* * id * o f Salt lA ke C ity. 3eaerat«r and other enaipeieat which in the *Ute.

X Y O U Q U IC K S X B V IO S A H D X L 0 T 7 B W O B K


T w in T a n s


ig-'- • 3I - to 0

' • spor‘ ‘ ' turo

lySHllWLS ! OIIINBIfe!I— — ,, Dem

i t s . S l i p D u r i n g t h e F i r s t •8 C r a s h T h r o u g h f o r A l l j f ’ ' T u r f r i e M t a e - ^ D e n m a n ’ s k !~

I d H o l d W e l l A f t e r T h a t , t , ^ I n i s h . ' .


■ . cd IV e ra o n , o f O o a s t L e a g u e . V ic - hra*"*!

o t o r o v e r S t . P a x tl M a n in « • , T iU e -S e r ie s .I’ , - , ____.itn ti,. LOS AXGELE8. CAL., '(S i.c c in l.) -0 Hunched hits In tho firs t <ind aornn.l, Inning* gnvo Vornon victory ovor. Ht. • ^ Paul In the seventh gnnie o f the. wo^l y ern minor loaguo chnmpionship sorio.i. mnt< J fl to 2, nithough the oontest hnd tc h - j f t „ n icnlly lieon nwnrded to the visitora ^ i i i J. before Iho gnmo wns called, due to n

coiitrovorny over n substitute plnver in Fr ,, the T lg o r ’s lineup. „ v sP, R o rn o il oponed the unnie by scorluR hunc ly tfir<*o"r«nS frb n r fb u n il ts nud an or- hrok y ror nnd )<nockod Pitchers W llllnms nn-l niont f A fe rritt out o f tho hox In tho firs t tion , frame. Tho Tigors followod w ith ^^ Ic

tn liles in the sccond inning nnd acor *.l been ngnin in tho eighth.

, The viaitors took tho ir two nuix .*11 , the fourth inning doubles by l ly n " ■ ■ ■

and McDonhId nnd errors by M itrh " ll ! and Beek.

n. H. K« St. Paul ......................................2 8 1. Vemon .......................................C 7 .:

B rie f Bita o f Sport Somotimo* i t 4* well to muke chnngu1 o f adm ialstratioa as well as opei^ntlvc

persoaaeLt Por iastanco, there's thc 'O rfts—

B nt ynu can rend the score fb r your-

DELCO-UGHTTha o o iM ftte Efec«rie U g lit aad

Ptowor P hatSaves time and labor—^Increasesfarm -cffic lenry—pags fo r Itse lf

D . 0. W A T S O N 00.Twta PaUi. Idabo


' T 'H E E . B . P i . -L System in Den - is D oth iog b o t dea

f a common- Ins tead 0 :

i r a c t i c i n g w a y in a several de

p ra c tic e foge ther 1 th e P a rk e r Syste la rge oOlccs, -wbi room fo r c o m p

• m e n u .' Some o f den tis ts ex tra c t f i l l tee th , some n and bridges, somi fic ia l p la tes and diseased tee th . 1 cach p a tie n t is c a d e n tis t w h o is in the k in d o f w<

- — tia n M lM d s . D e n li in m an tie r done* b e tte r, b u t : m a k in g fe w e r v is i and th e sa v in g i h e lp s t o m a k e lo w e r.

T h e re a re tw e i olDces w here the P a rk e r System L


BAIByNEWS ■I f aad l i y tha money on year own dgmoat tb(

Oooding fig h t fans appear-to havo on as oadl^ stung in the ir e ffo rts yy obtain f is t ic oaterUinmoat aa waro -.

orts in Buhl in the ir rassUn' ven- ^ ro. The Colllns-Maln Iwut, recently r t Ilcd o f f in Oooding w u a real f i ­co, w ith nobody hurt but the paying“• ;_____ »Lco P. F lynn, manager o f BiUius enAon, th inks his protege ia tho log- i l sorappor to get the noxt. I r y fo r 9 ho*\7 w olght crown. 3

o fJuat a t present Champion Jack ma tmpaey i* the most ar4ently aougbt noi in tn tho world, w ith Beckett, Bron- r, Carpentier, W lto n , Bob M nrtin , th t v lnsky. Bob Boper, Jack Burko and eo> D throo A. E. P. champions tra ilin g a it n to his la ir. gta

Thorno Murphy, son o f M iko Mur- ' y , tra iner nnd track coach ot Ynls r yenrs, hns developed the greatest Im i> Yale g rid tenms havo had In years, cording to reports. “

Pop Geers, who hnd n shoulder bust- in n racing s'mashup recently, is

ck agnin on tho trhck, working outI harness nogs.

Muggs.v MeOrnw has started rchnbll- l in g .the Oinnis w ith men In whoj,' mes^'ho combination “ sch '’ nppoftrs, ther than o f men whose names bn » w ith O ’ or .Me.

Bennie Leonard bas bevn offored a itch w ith Lew fidwnrds in Manila,

the o ffo r Is accepted 4he matnliII bo pulled o f f next February.

■Ved Turbyville , Cincinnnti w riter,'s in n speeinl nows le tter to a ich o f papers, thn t Dutch Routhor iko tra in ing rules during the late hi­nted a ffa ir , nnd was iu no rondi- n fo r the sixth gnmo .of tho serlni, ich Turbyville snys should have n tho Inst.

Choice Farm142 acres, 3 -4 m ile east

H ig h w a y , a l l good la n d , fe i ed w ith w oven w ir e ; in h ig l: a l l in p as tn re and a lfa lfa e3 w ild oats . Good f iv e ro o ro o m house, one tw o ro t sm oke hoase, g ran.a ry , too deep* w e ll, e leo trio l ig h t a n o rch a rd s .



lew Way of Lcticing Dentilb a rk e r located In - «rn tb try cities. Thousaisntistry A T V \ ticnts are 't in-«ense these offlces,o f on4 large quantitlig in a ta l snppliesI small bought fo r lelentists (han has to bi r tm der d*. PMkat tm a ll quantltitem in A ll dentistshere there is E ..R . Parker Systenp le te equip* istered« licensed anr the System enced. The w o rk i

teeth, some done so w e ll lh a t imake crowns* gnaranteed. You arne make a rti- satisfacUon;d some treat Under the Parke

In th is way no charge is made 1cared fo r by inations and advice,t experienced findr^ut what yo u r tvo rk each pa- w ith ^ t- h aring to pila l w o rk done Everything known I’ is not only t ry to overcome pait in less time, in Parker System isits necessary, you need have no f

in tim e ^ ^ ^ The whole Ide5 p r ic e s F ine d e n t is t i

/U rS /n T i moderati enty-four / f f l l in y \Y isfactlon, no tt.b e ' B . R . There Is an :is used, ke r System ofE

liasir OR. THOS. J. FORDE,,


116 1-2 Krtt Hiii Stnit I TWIN FAILS, IDAHO ^


= = - = = = : : ^ = = = ^ ^ » ' Wbat** tb* -idi» o f aa 'aUbl-tiew:-. > -

tho Beda woa th» goafaloa:-^'didn't . ’ t h ^ Oivo aomo f^k a a 'fa rm -and thqr want the earth’ aa^ a ll thaf ta :


MWdBg;of ■yacTIEfocUTa ;*<7in-.'JSfot.

' " PABIS, ( / I ^ T h o form al ra tlfica ti6 h

o f -the poaco tre a ty 'w ith Oermany^ - making tha t inalnunent e ffectivo w ill not tako plaee th i* week, aa had bocn oxpectod, i t was announced tonight b y ' tho Amorican delegation to 'tb o peace, eonferonco. Tbcro has.been on 'indo fi- Bite ^stponem ent o t th i* s to p / l t was

.Ton Wonld c a ll, th a t merchant un­fa ir who failed to advorliae on off«r; i ^ o f real merit. Boad the ads. ^

PHILLEOw i l l d e l i v e r - 5 b o x e s , o r -

,■ m o ro o f o n l ls ' a n y w h s re i n -.n h e c i t y ' - ' ________

SOc P er Box

P le n ty o f D e lic io o s O n lls

$ 1 .5 0 P e r Box

n for Sale!M t o f H a n s e n , o n S ta te fe n c e d a n d c ro a ^ fe n c - Ig h s ta te o f c n l t iv a f io n ;. e x c e p t f o r t y a c r e s ; n o o o m h o n a e , g o o d fo n r r o o m h o n s e , .c o n c re te to o l h o tis e , la rg e b a rn , a n d -p o w e r , tw o f a m i ly



istiyd if fe re n t

isandso fpa- 'treated in

es,- and theLilies o f den- - '5S used are ' ' .

less money> be pa id fo r Uties.sis using tbe lem are reg* and experl-

Ic they do is it i t can be are snre o f

■ker System le fo r exam- se. Yon can r teeth need> pay a cent n in dentia- pain is used R ofQces, so> fear a l all. idea is th is : s t r y , fewer rate cost, sat- fear o f pain,

in E. IL Par- office at

E,A«f. Mgr. „

rwiw ;~ « n « t Bnadvy

lao. j

R o r ' ^ J w i S w t * JOHN c. g A g y » r ; ....... .T w w g ir i. D n tm d 'M 'M e o a d c te w BMtO matt<r <

>l7t.. •_ • • • ■ '■_ ■_. ■ ■ JS tT B S O B tr a O N S A T X B

.................O . . T - . ..............??ss:StSS::::r/.:::::iaS:;;::::::;;pI .to .................. 1 M ao th .......... I

A d r« rti« ia f B iOm XTpoi A B ^ lM tiM i '

Nc n^oadW iltjr to utataia rsr tM b <»r* of onaoUelUd manuwrlpt, pboto* cTkphs or other eootr(but*d natter. A r* c tic lM mibmltted fo r ptibUoktloa wfll to* „ UMd or not a t tb * dlMreUoo o f'tb * *d ltor <> •sd oo ra*au*crlpt vm to*. r*tsm *d un* i«M-«eo(tepMl*4>toy the ne< *ew r pMt* » y \ _ • - ■ ■ - ; 8

B A e rra N M iP K iC T d

H»rUord BttUdla*. CW c*«o.^ ^U S M B E B 0 7 A S S O O U T S i r p i l ^ I

Tb* AnocUtM l Pr«ci U oxoluMveijr «a*titled to the .ttM fo r rvpobUMtlon o t a ll c< newt OlcpatabeB er«dlt*d to It. or oot otberwlM credited. In tU i M »*r. u d ma!*o tb * local n * « pablUbed barelm ■ AH ,rt«bl« of rvpubUcatloo o f ep*eUl dl*« ■>p» tfh e *-b ff» in ,*r* *leo f w r e d . j,Member Audit Bur**u of Clrcm*tlOM> bi

<s> ^---------------- -— :----------------------- --------- pi

o B B M A in r 'a a d v a h t a q b

Duo, ollowanco being msdo fo t pro- ^ pagonda^ expected to isber* In aoy ” atatement etaflnatinK from Gemon Bourecs, there i tU l romalbi m a to rio rfo r very aoriouB tliought In tho doelarotioD o f Robert Scbmldt, Oertnany's foo<J and economic miniator, to tbla offoct:

i ' Wo bavo tho worliora and we hayo w; the ordere la plenty. -W o can « « l ly ^ gv t 9><nions, ovon b il lio n * -o f • onlora. U ut wbon J aaked'each ind iv idual .(a t tbo Le lp^c .fa ir ) why ho d id n«t ac­cept ordora b^ Mplicd invariab ly tha t hu lackod^raw matorial nnd fue l. • • • ” Gurmon trade, howovor, w ill build it ji ^ way Iq world trado fo r no power con ^ prevent' the hunger fo r gooda where i t fai oan bo advantageously aatiafiod.’ *

In roaching tb is deduction Hchmldt scema' to have tbo aaauranco th a t Gor- eoi man induatrla l p rogren ia not bandl-

Kinc' I


Th e prestige the fact tha than all-wo(

desigTiing, the msAnd throug

ship, the style is ! them permanency the fabric.

I f you men our showing o f F


$ 2

fs s is s ^

I t P a y s to T ra i

^ capped in «ay w !m b y aay labor ,p roV . ^ len . Aaconlng that'.th ls jis tne« hi* do*

ductiona are p ra e t i i^ ly incoDtrovert- ‘ >• Ible. In ra r la b iy ' tbe >a*n. wb» wants : ^ to work w il l f in d tbe p la c e 'to ' w ork i r and tho m ateria l* to w o rk .w ltb l .W ltb- r ont tbo w il l to w ork ladoatry dl«s no| \ ^ matter h*w g rU t i t s wealth e f mater- <

. 1During the war we beard mneh ta lk <

' o f bo /cott o f Oermaa good* eoatlnu- ^• lng after the eeaaation o f bostUitlea. | I Ifa n y iin d \w dgb ty .arguments were ad- «

vauced in tha t d1?eetio& and a ^ d j - many peoplo were convineed.of tbo do* ]• a irab ility o f abatalnlsg from tho prod- i• uet o f handa tha t had taken p srt In ' outragoa in 3o lg itim and Franco.' |

I t is tha t more‘ than ar- t gtimont must be brought to bear to nutko vucb 'a boyieott even possible. 1

The unavoidable concluaion is thn t whilo Gemass nro w illin g and anxious j to work and Amerlean production do* ^ cUuca l^ocauso o f labor uarest, fo r ^

i which labor may bo only pa rtia lly to hlamo, the purchaso o f Gorman gooda * is Imminent not as a m atte r.q f cboice/ ^ but o f necessity. * ' o:

Sucb a conclusion, howovor, does not gninsay any o f tho arguments against patronage o f tho O eraan^ bat i t does I tend to mako p la in the neecasity fo r - tlio restoration to health o f American indnstry.

WeddlRO Custom.The cuBtotn o l throw ing ant>M aho# .

n fte r a bride la quite m l»oppll« l when It la done b y her companions fo r l i ^ . Accofdlog to the s p ir it o f the ccremo^V. which ..18 o f very oncloDt orlgto. It •hotiW hb'donc by tho im re n to r Rutird- ?! Ion o f tho-brido ns Indicating n rn> oonciatlon o f a ll an thority over hor. |„

— " soThe C u lt e f Pashlon. to

XooDg lady a t tho th ra tc r to fMend; ” What do you th ink o f th is play, d e a r r *W by, I t ’a absurd I T l irw P« months nre supposed to pass betwew .JJ the f lrs t and s ^ n d nets, and th f faerolno'a stIU got tbo same ha t o o T ,

——— or A pro fiteer eonld not mako adver- at

tis lng pay—no more than a burglnr could popularise bis ca lling through 11 advertising i t . . to



JS f o r F in e T a i lo :

e of Brandegee Kincaid C la t they represent somei ool fabric.s. Through ra nakers achieve fine r thingIg h a h ig l ie r s ta n d a rd oJ 3 h a n d -ta ilo re d in to th e cl( :y and shapeliness fo r th(

n like qua lity and style y Fa ll Models.Pricea Range from

35 to $50

a d e a t th e B ig W h

> 'J b d \y 'a | ifJ. ■ ' ■ Ocaln asd ProTisioas

O H IC A O O ,.(ffl — )UUluiiah loJn;’ weather gave a l i t t le fresh strength to

0 the eom jnarJtet,.today, f.tiB offect wa* r> soon ' eoaoterbalaae«d. . -Tha o lf le U l

for«east o f elsar skies; and ^owtir tarn* peratnrea p ro m i^ d to restoN< c^odiv

k tiona favo rab le 'fo r the erop movement;; Besides, bearish M ntlm eat. was empbs-

sisod by weakness of:forolgB. exchange !. and by lower qootaUoBt on bogs. Op^1. oning eorn pHces,’ 'wblcb ranged fromr . l-8e o f f to l-4e advance, w ith Decem'9 ber «1.£2 1-4 to 1.32 1-2 and M ay I U I I* 1-S to 1.21 1-2, wore followed b y a slight [. ga in ,a il arouqd and thea a geaeral sag.

La te r tho m arke l ra llied - oVIsg to ^ covering bV short* and to lightness o f

rural offerings. Tbe cloao*was f i m W .. to l-2« net higbre, w ith December 11.22

3-4 to 1.22 7-8 and May «1.21 8-4.° Subsequently fu rth e r gains resulted

from a trengtb.ia cottonseed oU. Oat*-were govemed-by the action o f

' corn, and kept .w ith in narrow lim it*.> A fte r oponing unchanged a t l*8c h l|^ - . er, including Decembor a t 70 S-8 to

70 3-4c, tbe market, anderwent a l it t le setback.

> Proviaions scored an upturn despite , weakuear'in value o f l{ogs and' cors..■ The strongth shown was ascribed to

opiniona tha t tbo semi-monthly report on worehouao stocks appeared bullisb.

- Cash. QuotatiottB 'CHICAGO, (/P>—Com No. 2 mixed

1 11.37; No. 2 ye llow 11.38 1-2..Oats No. 2 w h ite 71 1-2 to 72 l-2e;

No. 3 w h ile 68 1-2 to 71e. — - ‘ Byo No. 2 11.38 1-2.

Bnrloy 11.20 to 1.84. . ■Tim othy «.C0 to 11.23.Clovor nominal. . -I 'o rk nominaL - - - - -Lord *20.27.

• Riba »18.26 to 10.. •

Chicago IilvestocI/CHICAGO, (/P)— Hog receipts 30,000;

mostly 25 to 40o lowor; bu lk #13.50 to 14.75; top 114.89; heavy ’ *14.25 to 14.75; lig h t *14 to 14.75; hoavy pack­ing aowa, smooth *13.50 to 14; packing sows, rough *18 to 13.50; pigs *13.25 to 14.

Cattio roceipta 18,000; atendy; boof atecTS, uodium sud-.hoavy, cholco and primo *17 to 10.^5; common *8.25 to 11; heUora *0.25 to 14.25; cowa *0 to '12.50; cannora and onttera *5 to 0; venl calvca *10.75 to 17.75; feeder ateera *7 to 13; Stocker atcors *C to ^0; west­ern range, atorcs *7.75 to 16.50; cown and heifcni *5.75 to 1C.

Sheep rccoipts 35,000; f im ; lambs *12.50 to 15.50; cults and common *8.50 to 12.25; owes, medium, good and choice

ball IIIf O

mar buU tn

• - .bcB^o n n g -

c«Clothes lies in lething moro rare ta lent in “ '1.Igs in STYLE.o f workman- 'slothes to give;he fu ll life o f tni"

you w ill likefirs ti« i s: 1-2^ r in

I N tnal ] f im t

' 4 1-4thir<1*93.7)

” - 11 riva l*•2.13 Obios

‘ *61 laad :

h i te S to reDr.

II flee i) b* aw

I Adv.

. S iiia iia*

I 'Dfes

'• U n n s n a l l j f i n e s h o w in g o f W ig t i n e a n d o t h e r m a t e r i i U s ; a ls<(- D re s B O S t h a t y o n s h o u ld s e e .R e z o e l le n t d r e s s e s t h e p r i c «

J $18.00 to■ press i” Q e p a r a t e d r e s s s k i r t s a r e 'm o a . s e a s o n . W e o f f e r y o n a goo< ^ s t y le s a n d f a b r i c s .

■ $ 7 .5 0 to

SUk Pet4 f i n e U n e , o f p e t t i o o a t s i o t a f f < l u g 's S a t i n , i n a l l t h e l a t e s t oo !

$ 6 .0 0 to. We have jua t the k ind

like—Navy Blue Wool t Middiea.

iQ U A L I T Y / ^ f c ] ^ \c o u N T S / C r I

*0.25 to 7.50; culla and common *3 to ACC: d; breeding *0.75 'to 12.

Ontaba Iiirastock O .M A«A; W ^ H o g rccd p t. - 3,800;

mnrket 10 to ^ lower; top *14.S>0; bu lk *13.50 to 14; heavy weight *13.75 tn 14.50; lig h t wpjght *14 to 14.60;

.heavv paeking sows, smooth *13.54 to >-(Qn. 13.75; packing aows, rough *13 to 13.50; . . . . plga *14 to 16.

CaMlo receipts 6,700; a l l clasae* fnUy s i 2Se b lgber; l ^ e f steers,, medium and nonoi heavy weight, choice and. priee *15 to nSsht 17.50; commoa *9 to 10.25; heifera *7 to 11.23; cows *6JJ0 to 10.75; canners i 3fl , and cutters *5 .to 6.50; rea l calves *10 doahe

I to 13; feeder steer* *7.75 to 13; stoeker tbe si steers *7 to 10.50, ■ j

Sheep receipts 9,000; k itli'ra strong, feeders steady; lambs 84 pounda down nin, *13.22 to 14.75; culla and common *7^0 Fr« to 1 ^ 0 ; yearling wethers *0 to . 11: Stai rwes, medium and choice *6JU to 7J25; day enlN and rommon *2.50 to 0~'>. p lu

— ................... - • x ruOblcago P ie rls lo n O f

CHICAGO,-</ip3— Butte r f irm ; rrcara- ery 48 lo 64e; <^ps..liigher; receipt* S,'506 easo«; firs ts '58 to ' 59e; o rjilnan ' wcatbfirs ts 51 to 52e; a t mark, easea includ- fVance<l SI to 5.4e; atorago packed firata 50 arc oi1-2 to 6 0 c ;.'p e tiltc r a live, higher; #catte;^n'ngK 23'l*'2e; fowla SO to 27c. aeroaa

I t t a ^ B o n d sNEW YORK, yP)—L b le rty bond fi- «

nal prieea today were: 3 l-S 'a *101; ,f im t 4 ’a *93.20: aoeond 4 ’a *93.74; f irs t rh-.^4 l-4-’s *95.40; seeond 4 1-4’s «S3.48; z Z Z , t h i r . r 4 1-4'* *93J8; fourth 4 1-4's *93.70; V ic to ry 3 3-4’■ 199.72; Vietorv 4 .1-4 ’/'W 974 .

p ^ t o e s s a a nCHICAGO, ateady; ar­

rival* 79 cars; Northcra White*, sacked >2.13 tb 2J5 ; b u lk *2 to 2.25; Earlv 3hlo. *2.75. ^ ' *0 tW 1

I— the coi<<BHEPPABD a o a ka* feed f k m take ol

aad fo r from. *100 to « ir s per %en. o f Ma: rhey a r* ready to sbow ! t te yea a t' westboi lay time. Cau a l tb s lr ettlee-mk^UAke W ltb

' ’—Adv. . Z^owell

Dr. Evaa^ the o ^ c la a , ? a t his of- iee is Twia Falls th is week bot w ill ths a l| >• away*nert week a fte r October 1*.— m ile 'l«

- - - lb r» * . f



t F a ll «ittractiv*te4 fpF their originandsome Plush Coats, pla ith Coats in a ll the late e,'Frost Glow, Silvertone, i 'Velours,- You may hav« ?lain. ■ ces range from

. $15.00 toour already large stock new ahipment w ill be at

The New Fadistinctly charming, be

jr, new in designs and f i i

$35.00 to $

ssesF o o l p r e s s e s — S ^ g e , T r ic o - 8 0 s o m e b e a u t i f ^ T r i c o l e t t e

W e a r e p r o u d t o o f f e r s u c h J i^ s a ^ c e d .

^ 5 ^ 9 0 Skirts . (jl o r e p o p u l a r t h a n e v e r t h ia ' ^ o d a s s o r t m e n t iA t h e l a t e n t ^

. $15 .00

tticoatsf e t a s , S i l k J e r s e y , a n d B e ld - o lo r in g s . .

► $ 8 .5 0r of Middiea you w ill Middiea, alao White


---------- R.( t ’ontiBued from psg* es*) . the

- ■ ' ■ - III I— ■ I , f t o ' ;u H lost n igh t shortly a fte r he per iIcil a t tho B uffa lo control s ta tion.' to .Suut. Mnynard apparently was in- not t on being . returned undisputed ncr aa he was In the M ineola-l^r- B race, fo r yesterday ho broke nil _ • rds fo r flleh ta from 8aa Fran«liKo 3iduey, Neb. hia ovpm ight stop. Ho ounecd -ho expected to spend "to- It n l Chicago. Through snowstorms L _ lenlay the " f ly in g parson” made “ *“

milca in 56 minutes and then . led an additional 03 miles throui;h skies In 33 mlnntos. pTbe death to ta l in tbe race t«h Sali

ly ^ to o d a t aeren, leaving tS lrty* Bln<iia pilots In the contest laeot. -----reach K irb y , p ilo t, and U ent. F< ^ e r O. M ille r, obeerrer, ye itar* P«bi ty “ w ant w e s t" wbea air* Lak< kne crashed a t Castl* Bock, . ta b .’ - -- ^f tliow remaining in Ihe race, a lt “ ' rom plfte tl ha lf the ir tr ip Iiy > bxg a t tKe M in*o)n fie ld and ntnv I J » u n d 'f lie rs * havp reached Bnn * ieis«o. Twenty-four othem a till on tbf< f irs t log o f the ir fligh t, lered a t vnrioua rontro l stntlooi u Ihe «iuntrj*.ve w ta lber fo t today over moch .if course probably w ill not be what fli«ir*. regard-a* the most favor- , according to the weather ftoreca*:. ^ ■ the eastera' aeetion eloudy and rr weather w il l 'p reva il, w ith un- t t fd meaiber from Chirago on wr»l- !, the weather reporta aaid. f “


_________________________ Pl•NEOLJi, N . T ., yph-Three mo»>r ™a t* In the army a ir race a«ro*» _lontineni and back were ready to “off^bere oarly 'today In the wako ^a jo r Carl Spatx, leader on the \•oaed seeoad lap. - Wtb bis je a re s t eoapetiter, C«pta£a —11 H. Bmith p n t ou t 'o f the rua- _by burmng :o f his plaae a t B u ff* - Cst night. M a jo r 8paU who spent L ligh t a t Rochester, beld a t 279 i ^lead OB the westward trip . Th» " .p i* i* , .w b o hoped by^gettlag n f f

' * *

e Goatsla l, g ra c e fu l lin e slain o r fu r trimmed, test fabrics—-Tinsel* le. Polo cloth. Tweeds ,ve them fu r trim m ed, ^ ,

► $150 ,ck o f Coats anotho added th is week

a i l S u i t sbeing fashionable in fine in quality.



r V

— ■ — ■

today to overtake him wero L ion t. 11 C. K ie l, L lcu t. I I . E. Qusensand, Lieut.R. W orthington. M n jo r J". 0 . B artho lf. tho only other Son Franciseo entrant to'roach RooseveU fie ld , has obtained pemiaslon to f ly to Boston Saturdav to witness a football- game. He w ill not s tart baek to Saa FVaselsco un til Uonday.

* 1 d-J a ± i i e d

(Too late fo r elnaslfleaUon.)

rO R BEN T— Improved fa m on Jalmon traet. E. J. Homibrook, line Lakea bonievard, phone 263M.

FOR SA LE —Ewca bred to lamb in February. • E. J . Homibrook, 032 B lu r ^kea bonievard, phono 263M.

I New Modern Bungalow FOR SALE

New modern bungalow, aeven C , ' - / bloeks fn»m the M ain corner o f iown. F o il cement basement, fu r ­nace, atationary lauadry tuba 'in the basement, b u ffe t breakfast '■ room, lawn leveled aad seeded, in fael, one o f tbe m ort up to the minute houae« in tha t ja r t «'f town. W ill be ready to mnvo in ­to Inside o f fon r or Tive d iv *.PHee *4,000. , Terma eaa be ar- raiiged very eatisfaetorily. ,

STUART H. TAYLOR= ^ ^ ^ ^ = A W P = i . M— : ■■

E. L MACVICAR& e a l E s ta te a a d Z n ra ra B o e

« n m i ^

E H H F ^S M i g a i f l q a n t " D e m a n d " O a iu ie i

S lo if l ip o f T w o C e n ts i n a . ^ ^ i n f l e D a y

v n ih p m tJ c iU y BO demima <or bot te r on t£tf S ta A l p a c a market, um d««Ier*. MemlngIjr ia e U n ^ to u c r i f ia rather tbaa c a n y etoeka over o s til oj

------ Monday.' pricoa deelised So Satncdfcyw ith jobbing aalos oetablithod a t thi now baaiauxf.SS l ‘2-63e^

C o n d it im OB tho. Portland iw ^ e l . .were, however, Somewhat improved foi > the fin e r grade#, w ith ' Ught nippltct

OJi.d, while ^ 6 market ahowed a firm nou, p rloe i remained uebanged, w it ‘i jobbing tales aa fo llow s: Cube x-xttat 60 ^ ond’prkQQ t in ta a t G8 l>2e.

. / The Seattle market fa iled to rttflM l matorial chaago, though, dno tc

_ ^ ^ ^ 6 S lln o e d acaat aapply, the feeling re­mained itro n g and i t i t ye t believed tha t prices wiU* eooa. take bn aa ad- -ranee.

Other markets ruled ateady to firm , w ith quotations as /o llow a:- *

Butte— 6al«*'to retaUcrs; P iio t j OOe; flra U 6Dc.

Salt Lako—Steady, sales, to retall- om Cubes 82.1*2c; cartons C4c.

Scattlo—Firm , sales to r»u ilera: Cubes M e; eroamery p rin ts .aSe. . ..

Spokano—Pirm , sales to retailers: Cubes 63e; eountry creamery cubes 60- 03e; p rin ts 64o; cartons 6Sc.

Tacoma—Steady, soles lo lotaUen: Washington eroamery prin ts OGe; cubcs

W ith the oxception o f tho Boiso aad Salt Lake markets bu tto r fa t remained steady throughout tho western markets. The former advanced Se, wbilo the lat*

• to r declined to eBo'flat, w ith delivered prices quoted fo r a ll as follows;

■- . Per Lb.Boise ____.............................. ........ 68.70cButto — .... ...... ....... ________ OOePortland ---------------------------------- 07-70CSalt Lake ..... ....... ... ___________ 00cScattlo ............ ............;___________fl8-70cSpokane ___________________ _....67-fl8c

Tacoma ....................................... 70c

AUSTRW I'A KES UP PACTNational Anambly Oo'srenin to Oon-

sldor.AIUaa' Tanns e f FoacoV IE N N A , (iiP)-^AUBthn’s nniionttl

iDisRmbly mot Wednesday fo r connitl- i-rution o f the peace trenty framcil liv Ihe peacc eonferenee n t Paris i i ir l

HtRiiud a t 8 t. Qcrrauln September 10 Inst. Tho* trenty • Wns referred to u xpccial committee, tho (^vemment pru* cram being carried out in fin unevent­fu l BCitaioo.

^ I t is probable 'thnt. tbe treaty pnm-miltee w ill mako its report by tbo cnrt ( if tho wcok when i t is cxpected that ihc ra tification o f tho instnunent w ill jnko pUea.

" DK Otto Bauer, the .m inister o f ..<<(i- ria lizatioh* as had been forecast, an* iiounced tirem ent from the Rov- i-mment. He w ill tako the leadership n f the cppo^lion, ,

The session was i^resided over by Dr.' K o ri Belt*, the president o f tho ri'publlc.

C ity loana tha t cost you less and got ^ you out o f debt, on eomplotod proper­

ties and to assist in bnilding.A B TH U B L . SWIM.

— Bi — I -----

Tliig IHfchaels-Stern Top Is going to make somefo r wherever i t ’s weai ments w ill follow by t

•Just look at tha t high Pershing, and easy as a Timken bear

V V^hy, young man al fhake your good frien<

your enemies envy y( 'could you ask for? V

Michaels-Stern Top Coats in m materials espec fo r young men


I d a h o D E P A R fM i9 , t , 9 m T W IN f A L M . II

9 t s a a a & a s s £ s ± s s = s a s s s s c

,EI ——— / '■—t o Bold A ftsQ ooa 8 M iito » -p y th U i

se s the ir regolar meetlni» taw ?ha l?*"™ *” “

6aU fo r O a th a il i—The aext moot O n t- 'K * ®f.'.'bo Twonlloth Century c lu l

•“ 'J® October-21 the L 0 ; 0fle«j.^v*»^V . • . ■ . -

r W la W -M rs . O. Brown oltfcy, LowUton, Idaho w ill r a d the win*ei the la Twin Palls w ith h e r daughter, M i«

t Holon Brown, r^tet j • . ' > » ,■fo r ' AttondlBg C f b ^ Mootlag—M r*...I)

llc», f ‘ Sweet an d ^o th e r, i l r s . Gamble nn [rm- ja Boise th is week attending n P ror r i t ' i byterian missionary meoting.

I ™ o . t K i . t t M M t-T li? E u ta l r«<l **** the regular busino9i

,• meoting Saturday afternoon,' Oetobei 18th at tho farm bureau offiee.

ved _O o la g to O a U fo m li^M c.' and Mrs, ad- I L O. M ilner nad children, Truth aad

j Jobn, leavo tomorrow, b ya u to fo r Long rm, £eacb,_Ca1., to .spend the w intor.

,Qta Cltaham XU~>Word haa been ro: .ceivod o f tho c ritica l illness o f Mts.

a ll. W illiam Graham, formerly Miss ‘Lo t­tie Kender, a t her homo in ‘Walla

'W a lU , Wash. . . .

I a . » . o f A . t o ‘ Mc»t—The Boynl S ' ■ N"*8bbors o f Ameriea w ill hold thoir

noxt regulor meeting In tho L 0 . O. -F. hall Friday evening, October 17 nt 8 o 'clock. V is iting mombers welcomo.

! To Mako Anto Tdp—Captoin . oud ad'iM rB. W. 8. Campbell leave tomorrow by jed outomobllo fo r California. They w ill its. be aeeompanlod by H nrry Long, ne­at* i>how o f Judgo W. A . Babeoek, who rod >■ going to Freroo, i2al:

1 Pwxaising OnUooTt — Conimlltcemcii rOe Jl cliorge o f plnns fo r the • Mondny JOc niRht bnll o f thu Aniorirnn loRton, nn- rOc iiounpi* «n c*cuptIonnl domanil fo r tieJt- }j»c' ctfl to iJie i if fo lr . The dance w ill »e rOc hold In Lavvring hall nml in rtizo nnd J8c ontortnlnmont Inijiortnnce promises ‘o rjjc erlipBC others- roniliictcd by the' ro-

[turned sorvicc men.JT •- — --- r . - - ,

° _ P e 3 r i o M . a . i , j

nnl ------ -I,.. E. A. Rrvnn o f Iloise i»i n vJnUor in

.Twia ra lla .1« P. J. Hurley o f B o ln in Ttv-ln « Pnlls fo r n short stny.

E. J. Ostrnndor Is In HoIiii* looking nftor business nf/n lrs.

m- Miss Hnzel Kced o f Hniley, is nttoH'l- nd ing the toaehrrs’ Inntllute.!,*« Mrs. S. H. Proctor o f K imberly, wa«

n Twin FalU visitors yesterday.HO. Miss Lura Jon'cs o f Shoshono ^s the m- house guest o f Miss Tress MeMnlwn.

- Miss Lein Montgomery Is ia Twin * Falls from Hailoy, fo r the Institute,

by Mrs. Arnold Hutto wns down' from ho Burley yosterday lo spend the day.

Mrs. C. W. Slmpnon, o f Berger, vls- itod relatives in Tw in Palls yesterilay.

!r- M r. and Mrs. W illiam Llndnu, of Murtaugh, were in Twin Falls yenter day, shopping.

S tf

}p Coatie yonng man iiappy; a r e r t a k e s i t , c o m p l i - *

f t h e d o z e n .

h l i f t e d s h o u l d e r , a l a t h e l a p e l t h a t r o l l s a s

a r i n g .

a l i v e — t h i s c o a t w i l l n d s p r o u d o f y o u a n d y o u , a n d w h a t m o r e

W e a s k y o u . ;

71 & Co. models and ecially selected n under 60. ' to $50


l i ^ T S t o r e , L td .). ID AH O fmnmtJIt

= s s a s = t = = ^ ^ ^ ^ ^— ., M r, a ^ ^ H a d aaid dat^gti*, ' U n , NturBOd yeatarday from aa auto- 5 mobilo tr jp to Boiso, •^ Mra. Graat Smnrr o f Murtaugh was

amoag the out o f towa sboppcra in iU a Twia-Palls j^ostorday*- ^ Charles'B. Heimer wai^ in ''Tw in.FalIs

yesterday afternoon from Bupert, where ho baa a larg^ ju v is g coatraet. — .

Dr, W. H. I ^ C ^ t haa (etunxad from . n eastern trip . B is son, Darroll, who ■ areompasled him, w ill attend the Unl-

vors lty -o f Micbigaa .thia-year.> o f . . _______

^ Ineem pt^ iM M .How. tmlTeraal U t t e sease o f In-

- completeoeitB lai' boman.-esperleocel YoTiUi, n a w ttty .a a d even v ld age aro ever rw chlng fo r tbe souietblng elae »bleb they crave fo r tbo hobr, which aeems to bo the easentlnl seed o f tbe

^ed- year while Wft occaslooany meet Wk- 109S tarea who are bebdlng every force o f

tbe lr worklog.yean to th'e 'eod o f at- talatag aome great anbltloB , fo ilin g In

I n , which, Ufe to iheoi to ba t ft fra cU o n r- aad Bobert-CarroIL • pnR - - • ,

Obtrtialvely Frtsndly. ro P m o iu ily w e . ^ c o t to ^ too.fas-

1(4. tid lo tu tn chooslbg' uar a'saodatea, all- ^ t - tbe aame we never thom w ith tbe

good-fellow'klnd v f a xaao who woold .ask Baint Peter fo r

j a l Nowa. • ,leir — I . I. I... ' I1 * AHEMDB COM PLAINT '

no. . M ary Josephine Madigaa has f l jc d . . an amended o iil o f particulars in an i actioa fo r divorco from J. J. Madigan. •

by Tho complaint was recorded In the dls- i t r ic t court today. P la in t if f alleges ' cruelty, intoxleatlon, association w ith i persons o f evil chnractre and adultcrv. Mrs. Mildred Bidder and Jane,Doo nrn namo das co-partners, I

Iny I I

nd . ^ _ V •

' ' I I UAjmoe I

1 P -I . - I ^

r l ’ U

l ' l . I ,|


I' w

T h e a—AND IT ’S W:

YOUR W H IIThrough special a the manufacturer Bargain Week onl fu l an dsubstanti Ware w ill be give jestic Range sold, ware (not cheap-w lot to you. Come self.ANDREMEMBE,The pricfe of a Mi w eekw illnotbein w ill hardly be a g years to come, i f e be a^ increase soo

Two N ev\The Wonderful Unset Yes, i t ’s rive t-tight, jl but the rivets clmcn leaving rtickel smootl no big. bulky bolt-he; remember, rivets holi one or two threads hc loose and cause no en< tic is smooth inside an beauty—more than sk I f you haven’t a MAJi


I DiamonPHONE 273

f ; [ Jb c ia ilp S l ’

* " ------ J^ 1. Mrs. George LeOMld was host to tho * hAPn Hoover bridge elub yesterday after-, f _ aoon a t -he( hono cn E ighth avenuo

north ... Apple blosaoms from C ^ ifb m U ^ rora w m used fo r decoratioas and. a de- who lieiona luncheon was s<‘rv«d,.a t. one Unl- o'clook.' The afternoon wos spont w ith

bridge.' This cltib numbers tfrolv?. v V isa Blakeley o f Los Angeles, sister o f Mrs. M . O. Conover was a guest o f tho elub. ■ _

In - ---------- ”eel The N in th nvonuo club met a t 'th c

home of, Mra. C. V . HiaWo. Ten mem- responded to 'ro ll cnll w ith current

Ich Ed Tarbot bad charge. o f the program wbicb wos taken from

B row ning ’s play “ Plppa Passes.” M is. Clarence L . Bowen beenme a membur

o f o f the cliib. .D ainty refreshments wece at- ‘ser%*ed.: In j .

The wedding o f M iss Fern Costello nnd Z. H. North w ill take plaee a t one fo rty -five th is-afternoon, a t the home o f the b ride ’s mother."Mrs."P. J. Coi- tello. Immediately' a fte r tho ceremony

fas- a wedding dinner w ill bo served a t tho alt- Hotel r.PerrInio. ■ -

qJiI T lie Wednesday bridgo d ab met at [• tho homo of, Mrs.- B. R. Spafford yos-

terday nftcmoqOi Three tnbles ployed bridge, Mrs. L. P. Morse ra rry ing o f f tho honors fo r high score, it lovely em- >>roidort>d hnndkerrhief.

IJcd. _ MrB." Oeorge Lcoi>otil, I'ntertnhie.l *u two tables o f bridge last * evening,

an. Those present 'were Mesdmnes P. H. lis- Cox, H. P. Bargor, Pnul Johnston, A. ges W. Husted, J. A. Campbell, M. C. Put- i lh nam and H. W. Sawyor.iry. ---------irn Miss Ir is Oatkrio entertained a t an

InfOnnal dancing pa rly last tvoalng.

. . .....................

---- ------------------- ----------------------------- r — I B

3ARGAIN JW ELL WORTH , f,JILE ! al l arrangeihents w ithirers, and during th is "only, a beautiful, use- ^intia l set o f Cooking y riven w ith every Ma-Id. This ware is good T p ware)—i t ’s worth ame and see fo r your- ^

d .

BER— nMajestic Range th is Y i increased, and ther6a great reduction fo r Atf ever, but there may "soon. w-------------------------- ------------------------------------- g i

:w A N D I m p ciseen Rivetina— b. jus t like the old Majestic, ch inside o f nickeled part>, »oth as fiflass, and there are -heads on the inside. And, lo ld tiprht; bolts w ith only > holdinj? are bo.und to work end o f trouble. • The Maies- ! and outside—i t ’s a striking? I skin deep.AJESTIC, avail yourself o f his wonderful ranae—know

nd HardM


w m .H iia H B a , y A O B f lo io a

^ i; jM A , PEBCr,' y p ,_ B i;^ ia r ' ' edl- uoo i or tho. U m tt -aowspaperB^worc l>-' kued Wednesday a fte r a nine day's snmnsSon Q f'pubUcatioa owinjr to u striko o f typographers. Settlement o f the striko wos oa the basis o f a 30. per cent Inproase ia wogcs. . - - -

Marion E tter. Sm ith has reopened her sludio . in Gregg Business College building fo r pupils ia v io lin and piano. Phone 885J4. . ^ d v .


Teachers,I f you need optica

best. ■

-We have the best fice in th is pa rt o f the^


Great IVIajesBargain



October 2 0 tolTo Be T ru ly Economic

Be a Maieatic in YEconomy is not merely £ money—buying a range £ indeed falae economy.The fira t cost is not the oi additional f irs t cost o f a ififlrcompared w ith its eco ability and satisfactoryNearly a m illion Majestii nomicalh\ scientifically serving m illions and mill lalians and^ soldiers, is their superiority over allrhere is only one best. T l sd. The Majestic is recog! trd of a ll ranpea. The co. UU, workmanship and be ie rfu l range is unequalle important features possi -ange.YOUR OPPORTUNITY IVt our store—during our Week. I t ’s your chance vith real facts about ra ^ou it w ill be worth youi rate.

O R T A N T F eOh, Jou! Top Nee

A smooth, h ighly =. top, burnished blue p . the beauty o f the A! ” lutely eliminates t l ^ worry o f try in g t(

looking nice—^just s ? coat o f paraffine re>

velvet blue'color.'' this opportunity to gei o the inaide o f rangea.

vare CorTW II\

« iw i> in i i iT v o B d O T i)« - - ir tm * '^ ; , - i ^ ’ hem p b k s ' lod. H s i ia t l t M '- '

b'' . lU N N E A P O U e , ( fl^ ir ir tre 1*1 ^'s in 'a surauor homc, destroyed sereaty u cottages: ot- tho Mothodlst .assembly

of grounds, Oroveland, Lake Minnetonka^JO. early todoy. goar porsoas,, ■ two i-p f- : :

them- chlidrsR,- wero terlously bnranl In escaping fro m 'th e ir homes.

^ • One hundred persons, many .oply ^ p a rtly clad, woro brought here and y boused in hotels.'

Fow o f tho houses a t the Methodist o a ^ b ly grounds wore occupied.

Altention!cal work you need the

at equipped o p tic a l o f- leneountry.


I J I h .

Stic RangeI WeekSTRATION AND SALE OF ‘ ...........


I October 2 5'ical There Should Your Kitchenr spending the least e at too low a price is

only cost—the lit t le - ’ ' a Majestic is noth- conomy o f fu6l. dur- y service,tic Ranges, now eco- y and satisfactorily iillions o f people, ci- 3 proof positive o f ill others.The public has judg- ignized as the atand- conatruction, mater- beauty o f th is won- led. and i t embodies

3sessed by no o th e r

nSHERE—i r Majestic Bargaine to get acQuainted ranges. We assure ur while to investi-

E A T U R E Seeda No Blacking<f polished cooking le, not only a:dds to Majestic, but abso- the work, d ir t and to keep the range

i an occasional th in . retains its beautifu l;

iet acquainted w ithu


s IH lB n Eoimiiioinp'W e e k ^ s M o v e m e n t i » O o n s ld e r -

a b l y G r e a t e r T b a n P r e V io n s7 - D a y P e r i o d I f

W itli iihi|)inrnbi of>.-boxod applo* * ' TtmehiRf; n to ta l o f ZAdt .ears, ni iiKainat- IR fil loat weok and 1.130 fo r 'r

. the porruspondiii^c, TTOck lUflt .yoar, i t would seem (hnt tha movcRiout lo Rot> . tin jr woll undor way and 'p ricea hold- .inj: fa ir ly , atondy' a t ahippInR polnta, w ith cnrlot aniea rnngihif;. aa follown; Tuklm a D in lric t— B ktra fancy Joim- f,*"' thnnfl 12.35 to tS.50 per box; fanoy *2.20.' Wincanpo oxlra f n n ^ *2.80 por hox; choicp *3.&'i; Boincs Q xtra’ fnncy *2..'IO;per box: fai^ejr 8.25; clioiee *1.00 nnd ttt Grand . Jonctloa j. Colo.-f-Exlin “ R Tnncv Wincnnpi ^ J IS per .W x j frtm-y AU #2.10; C flrrndo-*1.95.. ‘ P «

Thn ronauminff ' marketa ' ffonorally otL hold fn ir ly atoady unilor libera l to honvy tiiipplica, w ith auction aalos ro- vi>r po'rlVid <in tho BU Louia mitrkptv Mon' e<)v

. dny oa followa: Colorado' cx(rn fanur R>ol Inrco bIzt JonalKann n t a rnnRo o f • $2.00 lo *3.2S aud extra fancy o f mo- tak (Uum nizu n t *2.05 to ^ .8 5 , ><'lth job- moi hing anlrs reported in Kansna C ity a t win Ihc fo llow inc pricea:, CAllfornla Bollo' Sau

‘ f icu r *2.00 to *2.50; ' Colorado a n i bes W<uUiin);tAn extra fancy JonaUiana and n fti O-imru Golden *3.2t; to *3X0. . duo

Chicngo nuotiOD aalco fo» Tuesday o f i wore na foUowo: WaahinRton oxtrn

' fiincy .ronnthnas *2.S5 to norwTTT. a jjonora l avoraRO o f *3.50; n >

fancy *2.0^1 to *.t.06, w ith, a (r^BDral ^ nvornRc o f *2.70; fnncy W in to r. Bn- nannn IS.2.1 lo *.1.30, Roneral average

-*2.nO;' ehoieo *2.00 to *2.70.; average $2.:i0; OrcRon extra fancy Jonathans

to *3.30, nvcraRO. *2.00; fancy K/AO, w ith Wedaeada/'a aaJe*'aa fo l- I bwa: **

Idnho extra fancy Jonathnaa *2.00 ^ fo 3.:WKj!/crnR0 *3.25; fancy *2.60 to *2.7fi; OreRon extra fancy Joaatbaa* ^ *l.a'S to *3.30. average *2.40; faaey >' *1.00 to *2.75, average *1.95; choice ^ *1.00 to ^ .1 0 , average *S.00. t '

Thursday'a jobb ing n lea ba tbe ’ i"' Knnsan C ity m arket were oa fb llo w i: e< Idaho extra fancy Jonathana *3.25; ec WaahinRton oxtra f a n ^ Grimes Gol* ^ dea *3.05; fancy *3.40; extra fancy Dolieiona. *4JS0 to *4.75; fa n e r *4.00 ' to *4.26; eholea *>.50 to *8 .7 ^ |. °

How Mud Do You Pi

T h e U n ite d ! p a r tm e n t o f A in fo rm s u s th { a n average C it iz e n , e a t ia h u n d re d and e p o u n d s o f mei lbs. in a year.

Based on these f had purchased all i foods &om us, Swifi would have proSted of48'/2 cents during 1 months of our pre^i

In that eight averaged to make t cent on each pou and all other produc

This profit ybu pi . 6 cents a rnonUi—o one street car fare.

More than 30,00 ers looking to us at their invested mone; paid a reasonable n your 6 cents a mont alone made this pose

Now figure for j Government interfei operations of the pad is going to reduce yc

I.« t Ql tend yOQ aI t wiS intcrett

Addren SwUt f t C I Uruoo StoA Y fda ,

S w if t C o m p a i

, PjMUB;UZ.. J ,

^ S f l iI f f i l i x e d i d t & S i ^ p l i n r I D a r k -

e n f f S o . H a : t t t r a U y V o b o d y ^. C a p t e n ' ■ .

The o ld 'tim e . m ixture o f Sage Tea and ' ‘Sulphur- 'fo r-•darken iO K -'-B rny, etrvaked and faded ha ir is^gtnudmiitli* ^ or'a reeipe and '.fo lks ar^ Ngaiii iininR i t to keep 'tlie ir .'hair a-Koed^'evoii r*>l- bo or, which ia quite aeniibln, Od we o^e b i liviRR in an ago wben a you th fu l ap* of I>cnmpce in o f tho Rreatest advantage. Qi

.Vowaday^. thongh, ,we .don 't have p t the ireubloaomft taak o f n th o r ln g ' the ASRO/ and' tlso tnoaay in ixw g a t homo,AU '.dnig; ato’rds ;bo1L tbo roady-to-uae ^ product, improved by the addition o f “ other InRrodicntn, railed “ W yeth'# ** UaRc'and Sulphur Compound." I t U very ]Mpular hccausc nohody can dla- c<]ver. i t hoa .been oppUed. S im ply • roo(Btbn your comb 'or.a aoft brush w itb Id l ( and -draw thia through your hair, be taking ono small atran'd a t a tim e; by morning the g ray ha ir diaappoara, ba t . i i what deligfaU tho ladio.s w ith W y o tb 'i Bage. and Sulphur Compound, is tha,t ^ besldea beauilJfully darkening the hn ir ^ nfter a fow applicationa, i t also 'pro- iluceB;tbat aoft luntro and appearance of abundance wbich ia no attractlvo.

Adv. wl

Women Delegatea to Conference Coming b,

---------- pr■ W A fin iN O T O N ^< #^ l)i-JcR n to fi , o f

who w ill ropre8i«*f Krancc, Polnml,-; cn ' I tn ly nnd Czodio Hlovnkia n t the ' ru

intemallcuinl congrenii o f working . women which .convenes hore Octo-.. u , bor 28, have- nlrendy iwlled from Europoiui ports. I t wna announced^ here, todny. I ’olonrt in ncnding five women, France nnd C«cho-8h>vakla two each, and I ta ly ono, a ll 'n'

• represoniing trndoa unions. -Tho fr i eommittee oa organiu itlon o f -tho lm congreaa w ill commcnee Ita aittlnga ||q October 24, In adTanee o f tlt« maJte body.

BEAD T H B D A IL Y N X W a • T tba

UICtiemih li

;h Profit ifo i

Pay Us?tb(


I S ta te s D e - g,;A g r ic u ltu re ba t y o u as

A m e r ic a n , ■. - -. d ria b o u t one th,e ig h ty - tw o S

leat (181.83) , S™* nol

tr ii tbe

9 figures, if you J1 of your meat Sn!ift & Company '9d to the extent n.ig the first eight ^Mnt $sc^ year.t months vveI two-fifths of a |„5;mnd of meat d»ucts sold. “ 'paid us equals-or just about '

• • .Bll«► . ogal

300 sharehold- as trustees of ley,-had to be - return out of

mth. Volume roo'(ssible.yourself how

ference in the »Lcking business your meat b ill Mm


“ S w ift D oU i^.- " J ;o «

t O x n p ttn y , theC h io tgo . m . Fl


m y , U .S . A .____ F3I<*•: I*rt1*

--------........................ T l

T-,**^W H A J KCOtftS o i \ _A n a A v o u u ftoujui X ter' ttce ivco r r • \SWIFT4C0MMNY\—J

"-ist,tssis“ E S“ “ 5 W J S . X ” * I f.»m• { i s i g . v i s - - s s r / ■ ™ iL tn r^w T M in X .rhei

i w i

T lie U p ^ d 'P a th ■I j

B r W > u . i ia t jb a E m nELANEV u l i

■ ' “ * Cepyrlrht. m i ; fcy 'the 'W w iN * Knra>

^ p»p»r Ofttoa.) - «A feotierpnnly .appearing Jnd lrldaa l

o f'm id d le age a llp p ^ i l lg l i i ly on tbe wet pavement aud the Impact o f bla body nearly carried Bayne Ellers off bla feet.- Tbe la tte r'w aa Id on.'frame o f mind fo r courtesy o r coiuldeTq.)ioa Quito roughly ho gkve the othor a ptiah.

“ Why don’t you tiump Into •aome' • bodyr* demanded E)lera aurllly. nl tb a t moment out o f pntienee w ith hlin> self nnd n il o f the world bealdea. Then . be D o tlc o l thoi one arm o f the mnn waa In a Rllng. Ho m w bim nurae It.• apaam o f pain iraveraltMt bla face;In nn Inatnot E llera woa agtiln ^hla better aelf.

“ I am norry.’* be^aald quickly, and alBcerely., *‘A (llslocnted arm, only," obaerred

the other quietly. *'but we must re­member the deeper .aufferlnga o f one greater exumptar a n d ' use pollence.Wc ahould be Inilulgenl, very ktn-l when u-e remeinljer Judaa aod Pilate."

Bllera atnred atrangely a t tbe owner o f the ralm . pleaaant face.' “ I am QBbamed o f myBclf. air,” be _ began, but Just then thera was a preaa In the throng, and the anbJect o f hla Impatience nnd roughneas wax carried beyond him lo the crowding current o f humanJiy.

R lie ra .' Indeed, fe lt bla abaaeuem.Ele waa a v ic tim u f Ul fortune aod- had been going down h ill flnancln lly fo r mnny montlia. i le coald not ae- ' cure regular and" profitable employ- menl und wua homeleas nnd-he fe ll frlendlcax. * He Judged the world Imrahly and was ready tn resent tr iv ia l iinpoaltlon or indllTereace w ith b itter- aeaa. •

Ellera did not aieep well t lia t night. V The geniJe reproach, o f lho man he had treated so rudely batintcd him.He fe ll ItH Ju'stk-«*. fo r he had not fo r gotten ' the enllKbtcnment o f early uiorui trululng. . There was a m ild coo* demnation in tho laat worda o f the muu he hnd Joatled tha t humlllate<> him, ceuHureU him and catised him to th ink . Tbe.'twrvooallty^of tho stranger remained w ith bltn as a strong mem­ory. ' l ie wondered why be could uot forgt‘ 1 the clrcuinslance and took hl« Icaaon tu b e o rt l ie was' careful 'ool to ahow rudeness to; anyone, ho 'even went out o f bl« way to l i f t a c ripp le l dog from the atreet and cany h im 'fo r the child who was mouralng over the accldcnt.

It- u-aa about a we«k . la ter that Ellera. proceeding down a busy thor* oughfurt-, turned slu irp ly a t tbe echo ^ o f a turoolt. A l 0 glauce be made out a great hook and ladder truck dsah- Ing niong a t rockleas apeed.'- I t was a aerlous runaway, fo r the

d rive r had evidently been thrown off the urat and tbe fnrloua rtleeda. uu- guided, nwung from aldo to Jilde. The truck atruck s whkoo nnd reduced l l lo k ind ling wood. About th ir ty yard* from the crosalng, E ilerv realised, If not halted ilie swaying, darting fire truck was like ly to create bavotf a]on< the curb o f the next aquare.

Juat ahead o f him a white haired gentleman waa aw led In aa aotomo- bile awaiting the chauffeur.

W ith a spring E llers reached the machine and aclsed the wheel. In n flssbing second he cleared tbe curb, sx>eeded b s lf a block and darted in to an alley. As he entered It. looklog back he discerned tbo Are track np- aet and wrecked a t the Identical spot whero the automobile bod atoQd. *

H la atartled pasaenger gneased only ha lf o f .wbat bad occurred on tll his chauffenr came hurry lns to the apot.Then he comprehended thal but fo r timely action o f E llers be m ight bsre cnet bla doom.

" I owo you my life , youn* man." lie aald calmly, but htai face waa pale.Silers, too. was shaken. .He had rec- >gnlxed tbe old man. A t last hp bad igBln met the person wbo bad become I hanntlng memory w ltb him. Hla loal swelled w tth re lie f and stirprLw. in rc ly he bad now atoned fo r tbat ■ptsode o f mdeoesa which had tangh< ilm a a a lau ry lesaoot

“Come lato tbe baek seat here, w « l ■oar. apoke tbe o ld sentlenaa. aad ita eyes acanaed E lle f» d e « ly . ‘TW I ne aomethlng aboat yocrself. w ill roa t" continoed Daniel Worth, “ | lave reason to be tntereatfd In yoti.**

I t a ll came oot. There wsa aom«> bIng In lbe face n f Daniel W orth Ihat nvlted confidence. Hn. waa deeply itlrred w ith emotion aa Rller* told o f lla conatant tbouffht o f the man who vad so s tran ie ly met him. There ws^I fa therly w u rrh ln s in to thedepihaof aiera* m l by hla new friend. Wllb*>Bt preteaae U r. W ortb went direct to he root o f Kllera’ ncceasltle*.

Fate, coincidence aeemed to havo Ined cp drcnmatancea fo r bla fo il >mefll at laal. fo r D a a lfl W ortb wa*I p«T«oa o f mean* and Inftoeoce. rbm . once more firm ly upon hts feet. a iM n wsa In flted to the homef o f bla >m**fortor- Tn m w hin daach trr .Mice, lo feH nro- and powprfnl tnflomce eote*-

ntn hin life , lo Meaa the tlay hla bet- ^r ae^r had a tartrd him oo the op- rard path, " t can m w t-fn lly In racb 1VP aa yoara.** U r. W ortb to ld Cllera >)<> dny he informed him of bis new mnd rterotloo: "yop bare always told te yoo hoped *o d belleyed tbat seoe- -here. aome time yoor dream o f b o w od lo re and b a ^ a e a s woold cnse•oe. Let tt»e sooitfwber* be bcra, aad , ___fce sooie tla»e obe*.**- ■ ■

: 'H a

WABHIITOTON, .' C ^ ' 'opposition^ o f -rimreaeatatiTBs o f -lbe -Psugar eooalisation biuuEd to tho ellmi* dept naUon o f elaoses providiag fo r tbe IT-eenaing'of . .sugar d e » l^ .-the-senate woiia g c k u tm , eomaUttee - Was -usable t»* to' restob. on. agrm ent.'on le w is ' ezlaitioD deaigned to re live 'th 'e. present aad

- sugar slttaUon. . - ' . • - •


No'use arguing about minor k ^ l I f jroo've

^ rette makin’s dotlao oomOTd i C^it a few Ubetal loads of FTinpa

B o ile d d ow n to ra g o la r « Princo Albert tdokm tlm ”p Puts pipe pleasum inta Makes cigarette nd ling tha to f fragrant, a o faiicinating fa flaw

Prince A lbe rt can’t M ts y t th roa tl Y oogoarfa ras jK O aU spiritl O u r exclusiv* p a tu M

, parchi

R. J. Rej^ndds T oIwcgo C m b i

. s i f

Hrfi9 B B H G B i U e i

^ t. : l E t R B | B b [I C B B P p B B i

. f '■

i T h e C

A run-down bu the cost o f putting greater than it woi

To let the teleph ? - o r in mechanical

than a the>l a loss in business t

I t has always be Company to keep subscribers receivi

But to keep thil more money todaj more and wages hi pace w ith the incre

The Bell Teleph make ends meet, tc ating condition—a; the most intelligei phone user.

YOUR loyalty to fo r us to serve you

The Moimtain Sti

■ z u B i ^ , « o : w ^

P A W 8 / ( ^ I a . t ie - '‘ 'A jn e r ia a : i - t ’ peadeaee room*'-ta. .the 'VeTsallles atj lace two-marble’pUtes-sWers-affixed re'i edaesday setting, forth in. EagUoh eo 4. nreaeb, George Wasbingtoa's ev- sei

glqiy.. as a patrioUe e it isa .|a*~ • •; / ' >' m]

o r . m a k in a c li iQ -a x Q s ic . I n a I t o t t b s j i n m t T - p ^ o r d g a - I 1 t a y o o r B D o a k u i ip a t i t ih i l4 > I ■ - A l b a t f - 1

o M b ^ t w M n - v a - m a n - t t f k , p l p " x i i l a o a t o T m p i p o l U - b a a n . M ’ i t j d a x l i f p l t s t o f y o c n f P . A . h a > r a r , a o n f r n h J o a t

l a o r i o n a y o r p i d i y o a r H h a a f i o o n U o a a ) j o u r m o h a ' t d p r a o M B c a t * o a t b t o a n d

as ig ijaaggav a v . W f a i l a » a a l a i f l ( , N . C

[ ^ o s t o f U p k e

usiness is like a dilapid g either one back on its I auid be to start a ll over < hone run down, in qualil eouipment, would mea

^telephone company, it > to every user or the tele een the policy o f the Bel I its property in such, rej fe the greatest possiiile ings “ ship shape" requi ly than ever before. M£ lave increased in an attei •eased cost of living, hone Company is w orki to Iceep its property in p and to pay wages which Jnt and loyal service fc

o the telephone w iil ma u.

t a t e s T e l e p h o n e a n d

C o m p a n y

'yM ri» B y i.A vy in im ^ V M m r ’ w -y

T P A Irtfc -’ (H it« i)4 5 > n rtB 'ii a d«mou*>-■ tra tlw 'a t-K a isertlau^cm la .the 6arr>t . regfon'yost'eraiBy,' a Prencb , o ffieor eom'maBdla^.a dejaehmeat o f q^en was seriittsly wounded,'aeeordlttg to a dU* . m teh -^rom <:.'2ari^-'tb ' the .Eshe de " ■Pkrls. The d itM teh n iys the Freneh soldiera o^CaeJ firo a id k illed oiie per- '■ S9& in . th.e ,no.b,'ii6ver;il others bein}>

Jb I e E i ’ -

: e e p

idated house, s feet is often p again.Iity o f serviceean fa r moret would mean 'iephone.ell Telephone•epair tliat its 'e benefit.[uires money.klaterials cost .rtempt lo keep «v. ’

king hard to • proper oper-

:h w ill .secure fo r the tele-

lake it easier

id Telegraph

^ tA S I f r r e D IADVERriiSMEftTS ,. . . .:., • • • . .-A . . . ■■ ■■ d

^ ' ' ’ O L M a n M D . 'B A m - , JOm w o a r t _ •- — . a . ];,Ob* WMk \ I M » i i^ .W M k ly ) _____10*Ob« M « a ~ ( I)a U r t t d

Mikteuai «b« in (or «Mb UmtUos - «f u r c lH d f M •< ; 18 €«1U. Ad« • a c t m a fe r ■ m t» d p tried s f U««. •<


^ f o r S a le E « iu E s ta te i-

POB "la B le k o fE d itio n !T e ra i. A d d n w Box 118, B»U«T,Xd».

FOB 8 A L S —Uaniualljr p re tt j e«r*Her a room, modom bouM. Pbone 397*J. ■ i

.FOB.6AXi&—SO,acres 1 aille north VanM&.' Tertna - to right party. O. A. bt pg _

FOB flATiW—g room booN with PI •loopiag poreh. Two lota. Zaaoire TS9 - 4th A t* . W . ^

POB 6ALEr>-S0 ocrea 3 «iUea duo 8 i•outh o f Tw in- FaUa; ODe-tlilrd cmU, — hslaaeo on esajr terma. - P. B. Dean,<iwnet.igL^WCtj|W.,p>o_o»a. Oa

FOR’ Q A I j S - r t ^ room mndem - bouaa fo r quick aole; w in toko <3000: 41150 eaah, baiance per month, mi

- This ia s bargain. Call or addrou 172 Adams atroot...

FOB B B N T ^ B cacae milB from 8boahoae: «boot .185 goacres ia eoltlvatlon; 180 taebas oia do* “ereed water; L ittle Wood rirer pri- .trato dam aad ditch. Prod B. Tmo, w Box 827, Shoahono, Idaho. . ^

FOR 6 A LB —120 acres on highway' botweon Jerom e. to Bhoabenc, a ll in ru itlva tlon , 33 acres n tfn lfo , balance plow land. Now 3 room houso, goo<l _ bam, woven w iro fonce, |160 por acre, ^ $4000 cash, balanco to ra it purebaAor. Immediate poasosaion.-. W ilburn an.t b« Uartahomi Jeromo. r ] i

FOB S A L S ^ ^ A b fo ls to lr . t ^ . ^ b ^ ■un the traet. 40 aerea da iry {arm. AU qqin blue graaa and w hite elerar. V a ir aobnUdiw-TrS>m ilaa.<C0B T w l a ^ T ^ _ Also 28 bead fin e jo tw ir bslfers, moot

J a ll be freah ia s p tiv > eSiOOa.for lasd 'cat" a n d e a tt l^ 1-4 eaaS,.,balance good wo

tettna. ZmaedUte powesrioa. B o a 't Bt«bother ms oalesi 70a eaa raiae |1«S00 -r cash. Owaer, 001. U a la E ast. • • • • V ’ r ~ . “ “ ;*■ r " . s t(* BB0T 40 ON TH E NOBTH ' * pb<

8 ID B • —"* 40 atirea, 4 miles aouUioast. o( *

• Jeron'ie. Stock, mochinery,* a lj go w ith tho place: |28 0 p o l ^ ,• ac re ;-*5000 cnah, or would tako * “ *•* < ity property on part pBymont. * ’'®*• Buy from owner. Address A. P. • *'• amyth, Jeromo. Routo, 3, Idaho. •* * ........................ . « » * . . J

r o B SALS .ftu so sL Z ^A irco a sFOR 8 ALI-}— Electric rang«, nimost —:

new. pLooe ai3-K4. , t____ ta ilFOR B A L B -N « w *06 Siffiflgnold ko>

r ifle . 732 2n<l Avp. W .’ ~

•* iX )a 6ALt>A :holto~ ” Wuai7 —iru i i . 711 Oth Avo. E. , . ’ . '

. FOR SALE—O liver ty p w tltc r , good \ m condition, cash or terms. Phone 244R. - -

FOR 6 A L B —Riftht price 'on Rouii co« piano. I*. 0 . Box Xo. 4:t. 1‘hone S03R1. pull

OoQway Aoto Top Shop har« back Hot eartala plate glaa* wlodowa np.3t9 K a in eaat,

Wlsdahields, eat to f i t , no<l put in, F a t Coaway Anto Top Bhop, 325 U aIB a ll East. Ida:

--------- ------------------------------------------FOB 8 ALE— Auto cushions, sest cov- .

ers, aad radiator covers in stock.. Con­way Anto Top. Shop, Tw in r a l l ^

" ^ O R ' S A L E ^ ^ ^ s h a r is GlcnsJlea pon M iniux Co. stock in the famons Park soni C ity, Utab, m ining d istrict. WU! sell adv for cash or trade fo r land. A. P. Bidj;o.

lmt.ic.U«lc -Icltverv ••TniiB -Lnk” O rsiii liiiift. lOuti l.u*h*-» _- •Irtie ltv. B lg iii and I'ortable. U. t - Wauoa Company, noxt 10 post office.

FOR SALK—A t one dollar per sharo

. P O lN t t S O F T H E V A M■r ^ A W F U U .V L f ^

/ IM T H e O tN INCrO VR.

E R . ~ r M S ^

I ' ) y

= s = ^ = ± s : s : k s = ^ s = ^ ^ ^ ^

ied ads hiave iound liipiiH

any p o rt^o o f flv o hundred aharea McToa OQ Stock. XVodnetion In famo'iii , Texas and Oklahoma ile lda. Dreabaeh, ^ 208«ccttrity Bldg., OUahonaY^ity. Ok.

P tm N IT U B E F O iT s A L li—ttngs; 2* droaaera; iron bed, q irisga .and »nut- treaa; bookcase; roekera; lib ra ry ta- ‘ bic; aevoral a iua ll' tabloa; range! ioo

I U x ^ lU s c s . Call f t t 22T N in th avo. E.

F u r S a le U v e S t o ^ , • " ' t ^ u ' ^ A U C r c n r T b E T u ^ ^•ClOO lbs., 3--J mile cast o f Cony. 0. ^ C. Yansou. *

FOB SALt?—<3ood young team abot.t 1400 ihs., and haracsn. Phoae (MI8J ur A .•nil n t 140 QuWcy Stroot. ^

' For Sa\e AulouobUea ^' f o r 8 AL^ht?«"i^.pn(M iengcr Ford.

• 1.11 ;Mo Tenth uvehup enst. ^

FOB SAfe.E-*-Ottk|und roadster, n bargain. Addrosa P. O. Box 144. ^

^ ^ R 8ALB--11118 in u r in g Ford. PboBu 035W or call a t £53 Ninth north.

l-'OR SALEr^Oae ton Troy tra ile r a t E reasonable priee. Apply Joh&iOB Aato 8ales Co.

FOB 6 A L E at Lne's auction, Satur- j , day, Octobor 18th, Studebaker 4 tour^ ing car. In first-claas shape.

FOB B A L ^^ ^o id s n ir iio elgh” *ol- most-now. Priced low fo r qaick ifaio. ' Idnho Auto and Supply Co.

•~ rO E S A L E -n > r f Dodjo to D rin ji ■'■ ear, just ovorhauled, new top. A bar*' gain a t $700. Johnaon Auto Bales Co.!

FOR SALE—Three usod RepuhUcj Trucks iu good condition. Clioap. A . '~ ‘ .M. W iker, 140 Moplo Avenue. Phouu

............................... 1HELP W ANTBD i< =

W ANTED—O lr l fo r general house-; work. Call a t 210 7th Ave. E. i " *■ ---------- - .. , I vu

WANTED-'-Carpenters waated; most -iv b« finishers. C. C. Sparks, 825 H ar-i ' rison St. , I

W ANTED—^periea«e4, married maa' on raneh by the month. Oall a t B e / ' f ' ” nolda Bros. | '

" w A N T E D ^ F ir ^ class laundresa U ‘ 'call fo r and deliver small amountwork wookly. Phono 220W or call 40.) f " 'Blue l^ k c s Ijoulevard. 1’ “ '

W ANTED—Man in shoe repair shop B<< a l Buhl. Union wages und hours. — Stoady work ail year round. Call _ phono 72. Joyce's Siioo Shop.

W A ifT m t o ^e S J t" " " J".

W ANTED—By fam ily " o i tW o ^ fiS-" tra nished 1, 2 or 3 room bouso. Best o f jnne references. No. 14, cart Tbe Newa. |-

l o s t | ~— - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -----■ ■ - - , »LOST—nolwoeu mv plato. 8 . Urooks,'

w ck o f Fonl »nol». I.rnvc at U b e r t y i f ” * Morki-f. J. C. Rny. ‘ ! >“----------------------------------- ----------- — ------------- j npi

LOST—Bunch o f key# on ring cou-. Bvi ta in ing Yale, eargcnl, and other.small: keys. Ri-wanl. Return lo Nows. , | j

" • •'W A K T B B ^ ic i l l iA jS E O U l 1*^ ''---------^ -------- --------------------------------- 1''*-

W ANTED—Second-hand Underwood t ‘— typewriter. W ill pay cash. J’ honc t 227W. , ■ \ y

W ANTED-^To buy a younj; llo l« tt- iti' k . i cow and two or three doreu j-ouut: a.-al ?ulIots, Rhode Island Reds. W rite,]ay jiv e priccs or apply to Oco. D. Hyron.lg J, ilo tc l Porrlne, Twin Falls.

~ ! So’FOB TBAD E—1<W acrea aUte laad,

i l l Improved, h a lf milo from Boy, [daho: w ill trado fo r aoto. Inqniro H . ‘ “ f ’ I>eWitt, routo 3, Tw in Falls, iJaho. j»‘«

Ta S n u p " ' , ! ConTA K E N UP — ^ t t e d Bhatlaad

Mny, and 2 year old mole. 1 1-2 mOa ! lonth o f Tw to Palla. Owaer to pay Ithe idvertlslng aad paatorage. . ' ( 1

N et a t A ll a Bad Idea. { f / j Alwaya si)cek well o f the dead, and

f yoQ bare the time yoa mtgbt apeak tai< I'good w on l fo r tbe liv in g occaalonal' in .y ^ C r e d l t L o rt. w r

J J "I f I'uA K A v a . i o M e " "

K y i - TURT«-S.

< S c » T y i i I p ^ ^ i o a s - C T C _ ^

limes I o t tftojiisititds; I t

M ■lj ,- ^ f t c*


■■.m thB D S IH ^S OABD BATKt .

One Inaertiea, per Uaa <«« ^Ona wedc; par « " * ' ^One maatb, par Uaa ........................,.75o „

- T B o n a .. ' ti«

~ W IN O O W 0 1 ^ S

n i ^ w O L U f - M n e d d i i t i R ^ g Mooa'a Shop, pboaa S. . ' b<

I " TBSKBTBE, *"• o a o z w x u m r n T ' o o i n u t ^ ' "; . .I'hoM WJ. 5

"piAHo n iiS o j j! I'U ito TDKnta—riimu io 8 .~ 'L ^■: - - — r ; - : - " ' \

. p r o f e i i . J l o i i a l

i I ‘ I »■■■- ' ' • f CCI:— ■----------------- - -------= tl..

A T T Q B in n n ^ th.

• ASBBB’ B T v n L f lO ^ U w y ^

HOMBE a i m i * - B ^ B a ild la g r" }5 l

a V . X.AB80V--<}eaeral practice. Co- t iilio n Hall B ld f.

■ TA TLO B O D lO I im —Babeoek U l ^Probate aad elvU praetlee. v '-------------------------------- tio

8 W B BLBT • 8W H BLB7—A tto raay i bea t Law. Praetlee ia a ll Courts. Tw in fo 't'^aUs. Idaho.' te r theB. M. W O Z fB —Lawyer, Booaa 6 aad asc

0, over Idaho Departmeat Stor^, Tw in - 1. Palis, Jdaho. ma

J. t t w u a i ^ i i w j n . ™Coll«etlon Departnent. Offleee— gn], Rooma 0 and 7. over'Tw in Fa lls B a ^A Truat' Co.. Tw in Falla^ Idaho.' ' ' o f '

' ' B N O l S S i ' ' '

| j . 0, ip o a T B R r iB i i> - - o iT ir H * d ^ .' tic aud M in ing Engineer. Tw in Palis, - t i , - Idaho. Phone IM -J . indI " " p h y S o i^ b "

DB. T . a WASSON—Offiee, 110 1-8 1' Moiu Ave. North..'Opposite Peniae 'I Motel. I'lione 74.'. J.

M B a r . W. UBBOHIw ill rraumo Irnsons in French' to pri- -----1 vuto pupils. Phono 487. 259 S ixth ! :ivenuu north.—^Adv.

i m o h b t ' to i b i u ji« :I • • . . . . ^ . o(

TO LOAN—Private party has monoy »7t l , *0 loan. Address S, caro o f News. o f i

■~~ -'TF5Sio'5*ii“ ^ f"JOctobcr 22, 1010, a t my ranch d *“

miles south, 2 miles west o f the w e*t - end of-Shoshone streot, SO head a f pure bred Mompsh[ro hogs, pigs, etp«14 head o f horses nnd colts. C. A . P^** B ickford, Prop. Adv.

KtoroKc fo r your potatoes right in cont Tw in Fnlls in tho finest warohouae spae in the state on trnek now ready. This Lociis bonded warehouse and your ee rllfi- thec ite o f storage w ili-b o issued and In andtrahafornble. your space ” n t arooncc*. Aditms I'roduci-' Co. i ’hono 407. anee■ ‘ Adv. Kaili :------------------------------------------- ------- Pl

Odorous Epidemic. wall**A-friend o f mine hns k e rt tlm sv lr o^^‘ ‘

ona his fam ily Immune from Inflnenta in a d is tr ic t .sorely amHlcn by cnting spring onions.” —Glasgow (Scotland) BverUog Post

— — — — j i l et i I f YOU were a mctehant you- n-ouM must

advertise. Pntronire merchants whn pejij ' ImnV

KOTIOE TO OONTBAOTOES . " J *Notice is hereby given tha t the May^ C ity

or and Conncil o f the C ity o f Tw in o f tl Falls, Idaho, w ill rcoeivo and consider to e Bi-alcd bids and proposals oa the 2 7 ^ form day -o f October, 1019, a t tho honr o f City 8 o ’rlock p. m. o f ^ d dayv a t the posal CouQfil Cbambera in the o ffice b f the fe itc C ity Clerk o f aald C ity, in .the Wafer prop' Works Bnild ing, a t tha comer o f 8ec- fu l 1 ond Avenne N orth aad Second Street upon North lo. said C ity , fo r the work and prop furniahing the material tn the constmc- bo n lion o f a coBdait to conduct tbe waters the 1 of the Canal o f the Tw in Falls Canal nhall Oonipanv in 8 lh Avenuo E a it and 8 th City Avenuo North In the C ity o f Tw in ty b Falls, Idaho, from Bine Lakes Avenne as a □ a the Southeast to Addison Avenue on imnr the Northwest. ' w ill

The data aa to the exact location o f omo> th» said work and the plans and speci- mon< fications o f said conduit can be'.aseer- City taincd from the C ity Engineer o f the t said C ity o f Tw ia Falls, a t hia o fficc day in . tho Water W orks Bnild ing at the until rom er o f Soeond Avenne North and per Bccend Street N orth in tho said C ily. retfti

KNdW r 7 \ // , c ^ T » c r . ‘ /

I ’U - TVMCS. /------------- U

r ^ B E \ ' C L O N E S . ’ —

W .^ \ \ \


I 1/1 r r 3

^ ^ = ^ ^ = s = i i = s = = r

B you a re looking lo f a

•ft Copies o f tbe plana and spMifieatioos o£ said, conduit can be obtained from I sold englaeer by-appUeatlon therefor and' tha deposit o f the amn o f tea dol­lars, wbieh sum wUl. be retorned opon

V the re turn o f the W d plana and sped- ficaUoB%

’ - The. person, f irm or eoiporalion so*-T euring th e contract fo r the doing said* work«aad furn ish ing tho said mater** ia i w in be required to eommence the^ performanee o f the terma and. eoadl.w A j,

tions o f the said eontraet by him o r i t AO ' to be performed a t onee upon entering

In to said eontraet, and must.purane the |- performanee o f U e terms- and eondi-1

tiona o f said eontraet by him or I t tobe performed w ith d iqw tch and d ill- T genee untU completiea. fo r

SM h b id ana proposal most be ac- ’ companied by a eertified ebeek upon w ill

aomo refiable bank, payable to the C ity for o f Twia Falls, o r order, in an amount Tl equal to ten per eent o f the amonnt Onu ,bld. In the event th a t the cuecessfu. p i—

~ bidder does-not eater in to a contract A ” w ith the C ity o f Tw in Palls fo r the mar:

performance e f the said' w ork ahd the : mat: furn ish ing o f the aald m ateria l the said ;acb( cheek w iil be retained b y tbo C ity and I A tbe said bidder shall fo r fe it tho same fttmc to tho C ity. . The eheeka o f the unauc- - mosl cessful bidders w ill bo returned to W them -at tbo tim e o f the 're jection o f wo the ir bids and proposals. enov

The person, firm or eozpozatioa-i>b-. brisl ta in ing. the contract fo r cohstrueting atHri

- the-aaid condolt w ill bo required tp as a fnm iah the C ity w ith a good and suf- i Pl

‘ fie iea t bond in some reliable surety to c '* company ia an amount equal to s ix ty askii

per cent o f the amoant o f the contract t W r price, eonditioned fo r thb fa ith fu l per-!fore

formanee o f a ll the terms and condi-1 drug . tions o f tho contract by him or i t to I firs t I be performed and conditioned fu rtber ’ clear I fo r the fa ith fn i performance o f th o !

terms and provisions o f tho statutes o f w<ww. ; the Btate o f Idaho, in aneh case -made ' R e n I and provided.I - Paymenta npon aald contract w ill be

Biade aa fo llow s: 80 por cent <of the- O ity Engineer’s estimate o f tbo am ount! = = 1 eoMed under said contract during each ' aad < ' ealendar month w iil bo p id on the tunou

f ir s t Tlucsday a fte r ‘ the f ir s t Monday ; Th o f the fo llow ing month and so.u>n eacli right

’ montb; tho 10 per eent .earned during > each month w ill be retained u n til tbo completion o f the. contract and tho oc*| Atten ceptanee,.of tho work by tbo C ity En-1 ginoer. ^ d conduit w>ll be onclosod | and tho m atorial used in its construc;; tion w ill bo concrete. . ' . ]

The Council rosor\'cs tho righ t to ro - ' jeet any or a ll bids. '



Nutice is hereby given tha t tho tho \ Mayor ond C ity . Council o f the ' C ity Pis o f Twin Falls, Idaho, w ill, on the tainei 27th day o f Octobor 1010, a t tbo bouV <lepo» o f 8 o 'clock P. M. o f said day, a t tha on t t offiee o f the C ity Clerk o f said C ity ia the waterworks hoild iag a t tbo cor­n e r.o f Second Avenue N orth and Sec­ond-Street N orth in .tb e said C ity .o f BE Tw in Falb, reeeive sealed bids u d pro- posals fo r tho work of. perform ing the ^ labor and furn ish ing the material, fo r the constmction o f a five foo t in w idth | i | concrete sidewalk, opon the sidewalk I I ! space in f r o n fo f tho lots embraced In l^ c a l Improvement D is trle t No. 30 o f the said C ity o f Tw in iSuis, which lots and tbe boundaries o f wbieh d is tric t aro mentioned and sot fo rth in Ordin­ance No. 271 o f tho said C ity o f Twin Fails, passed September flth, 1010. _

Plans aad specifications o f naid side- . ^ walk ean be seen ond obtained at the _ o ffico o f the C ity Engineer o f said - ' C ity -o f Tw|n Falhi, in tho waterworks blinding a t tho locntion. hcrelnbcforci ^ described. Tho said work must bol^ cninmcnced a t unco upon tho le t t in g ,o f tho contract aad prosecuted to eora-; -----—jile titfn during tho fa ll o f 1010. There must be ocrompanled w itb each bid a ■ re rtifio d check upoa somo reliable liank in on amount' equal to lon por L cent o f tho amount o f tho hid, which ’ * chock shall bo made payablo to tlie |C ity ,o f Tw in Falls, or order. Ia case o f th'e fa iliiro o f tbe successful bidder to enter in to a eontraet fo r tho per- formanee o f said work w ith tho said |C ity upontho terms o f h is bid and p ro -. th posal, then tho said check shall bo fo r - ' m feitcd to the said C ity aad become i t s ' _ property. The cheek o f tbo nnsueccss-1 a fu l bidders trlU be returned to them , upon the rejection o f the ir bids n nd ! t i proposals. Payment fo r said work w ill j ^ bo made in the warrants or bonds o f j the said C ity, which warmats or bonds j nhall not be n general obligation o f th e }C ity but w ill bo a lien upon the proper-1 W ty benefited by the said Improvement eh as shown by tho assessment fo r said improvement. Payment fo r said work w ill be as follows: 00 per eent o f the amount earned during any ealendar month, an shown by tho estimato o f the City Knginecr o f said C ity, w il l bc poid (l n the l i t Tuesday a fte r the 1st Mon­day o f the fo llow iag moatb, snd so on L un til the work i* completed. Tho 10 per cent w ithheld eaeh month w ill be retained u n til the work is completed ^ _

/ * I 'M io P R V 1 f yeo HAV£ NO /( a i > p s t i t e ;

o iN N e .p - ^

a - a — ;— J a ^ i . r ' l r

I bfBUer placiB to HVje,

r W I ^ F A t t S ^ j

A L L J O B B E R S <

BE G Y ’ S MU:

d v e r t ls in g o f " Q u ic k e s t P a in K i l le

in M o s t 'E v e r y G o o d N e w s p a p e r a n te e d to Y o u a n d S a t is fa c t

Thie im pbrtafi^ nolico Is Intended r evory druggist la th is sUte. ^We want them a ll to know t^a t there:111 1)0 a splendid and Instant deiuaiid t i i r Bcgy’a Maatarine. m,The etlg lna] and bM t' n o s tltu ta fo r randmotbtt’a old }aabioDed M nstanl . u t« f . ■And wo want thom to atock th is re- ^ irkab lo remedy tba t subdues inflnm - Ition , breaka up congestion, stops' bes and banishes paiaa. ‘^ d best o f aU i t does i t i i i h a lf the tw ne i t takes tho ordinary remedies tbat » t pcopio h;ive been using. 4We don’ t ask you to “ load up ” , but sill » do sincbrely orge you to hav^ n ij ough on hand righ t away so tha t the isk demaad our advertiaitii{£?rilirer»'- k .i M f l l l prove o f IJ c a e fltfo 'v jn as Veil , ourselves.

Please understand tha t in nsklnj: you co-opemte w ith os tha t wo nru not

king fo r anything unreasonable. .Wo have opened now te rrito ry be- ro- and bavo seen apparently live I iggists lose many solos beeauiu thn a 1 at demand swept the jobber S stork otu

!t w o n 't take 'the people o f th is ooni- ^ n ity many day i to f in d out tba tnr'a U u a ta rlM Is tha qulckeat acting ^ted r In tba world fo r a i la n ta man- iaed baiov. you

1 accepted, a t whleh time the whole ount d n o 'w ill be paid. t[•ho Mayor and Council reserve tho . J lit lo rcject aoy and a ll bids.

C. a CHANNEL, “ “ “ - - Aetiag Mayor.

V. A. M IN N IO K , • ™ _________ O ily C l.r t . '

NOTIOE TO OONTEAOTOES 'Jotico ia hereby "given that sealed , s w ill bo recoived up to and in- lin g October 27th, JOIO, a t 8 lock. P. M., bv W. A . M innick, C ily rk, n t tho Water Works Warohouso & ldin;r, ICO 2nd Avc. Nortb, fo r tho wQl niabihg o f mnterinla and cbnstnw- l i i ,1 o f a five-room bungalow fo r the ter W orks F iltra tio n Operator a t ii« . W ater W orks F ilte ring Plant. ^

'Ians and specifications may be.ob- ied n t the C ity C lerk's O ffice by 1 . osiling $1.00. Bame to bo refunded . tbu return o f plana. ^

-W .A. M INNICIC, U-« C ity Clerk. Io d

lEAP T H E D A l lT ITSW a j j j i j


Bolck - - S250.00 Oort ■ - S300.00 ford - - $300.00 —

C H A S . G . F O R D f jSpedaUst on Auto E lectrical ■

Equipment IP M B B B X Y . I D A ^ I

A L B E , R T A5 30 ,000 Dry and l i

Lands are looated in Sonthei4 lh e b e s t i n t h a t f a m c o a d i a t r io t , u n d e r i r r i g a t i o n , t ^ e b i i l a n o e is p r o w in g .

T b e l a n d a a r e b e in g , p a t o n t t im e a n d t h e o o m p a i^ i a lo o k in g U l l a a d a w i t h i n a r a d in a o f t e n : p o in t .

D ry lands are beiag aold a t $16 t«i $90 j (60 per aere, whleh laelodsa water rigb :h a r^ $1.50 per irrlgablo aere per year--e

A lfa lfa , grain, fls ld peas, potatoea androw n .

W rite dlrset to the eompaay fo t fu ll

Canada Land & irrigatiiL e t h b r i d g e

A l b e r t a , O a i

A n d iFathej/ ' TH15

R M » ' a / ‘-T7»*LCLT>'H0Te.; tt, DOU^SiRf J tKX-U^R. »*S

- r M A.TTAHVVhVST Y6 t / J

y c 3 A R ^ J g a j ^ ^ R D A H j ^

V use fhieiBL a a a is.

f l R L O O I S t S t l

C A N S IP P L Y L S T A R IN E------- -------- ^ ____liter on Earth” Will Appeat Soon- .>er in t t ie s t a t e — S a le 'G u a r -

a c t io n to Y o u r C u s to m e rs

Ton know, U r. Druggist, thn t baat •aaw paiB aad yon m ight as woU know r ig h t now that thoro is More Concen­trated Noa*bUsteriag heat in a box o f Mnstariao than in any box the samo ai»e ever made.

S n g g is ia who want to b « t m r e th a lr cnstomfts w ff l i a t hesitate to rw - om naikl Begy'a Maatarina in tha lew Box fo r

I .Bheomatlw ir i t rnllovea the sharp twingve and'gnawing pain and reduces

'•woUea jo b ta . "Cheat Oolda, bronchitis, pleurisy, ton-

aiUtis and soro throat dinappoars over n ight while you rostfo lly sleep.

Ooat, Lombago, neuritis, neuralgia, headache, canehe and’ toothache:

Lamo boek, sore museios, s t i f f jo in t*, s t i f f neck, cramps ia leg.

Strains, sprains,’ sore inflamed feet o r whero any ache, pain or iafiamma- tioa exists.

Begy’s Mnatarino retaila fo r 00 eonts a large box oad 30 eeaU fo r a geaer- ons aise box aad Is guaranteed to drag- '^ . t s aad eoanmera by B. C. Walls' 4 . . ■.Co. o f L« Boy, Now York, m ^ufae tu r- er o f C e le^ K in g ,'D r. Carter’s K . *B. Tea, “ Shiloh, »~eU.

"AU jobbers are now ready lo supply you.

K o n o s O F BKEOTXOir The Tw in F a lls ,. County Cbapter,

Ameriean B<d Cross, w ill hold its nn- annl oloetlon -on Saturday, the 85th day o f October, a t 3 o ’clock, in tho Ohapter-headquarters a t Shoshone and r h ir j i street aooth.- Tho exeeutivo board w il l be eloctod a t th is time. A ll membora o f the Red Cross aro urged to be presen t.'. -I;' . ..(S igned) E. J. FINCH,

(A d v^ > Chairman.-

. ' Value's.Mrs. Pravlsb anya.that dlthoueh sho

woDld bo th<* li»»t to knock M r. Pcav- lab, sbmctlinca abo feels as I f sbe wbnW give tw enty yeara o f tnattlttd Uf« fo r ten yeare in wldow*a weod«<—DtUlaa News.

,-i ' •' ' ' i Dreaming of-Cats.W itb the cxctpthm o f black ooea; I t

a .aa ld - tb a t to dream o f cats la .qd* ocky. I f (he Animala aoratcfa. Iha Irefliner ■ most beware o f a r l r a l In ore. T o dizain o f d iaa lng a cat meana' f laappo lu tiow t OTW aomethlng.

: '— ' — — j . . A id 's Hunter's A im .

To Insure a hnnter a ateady a im an inventor baa potcDted an ana reat, foa* tened to tbe body w itb a walat b e lt

31assifM Ada ara eheap—effeetlea.

L -L A N D S ;' rIr r ig a b le Acres w

A lb e r ta ^ d a re -a m o n g [o t, 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 a c re s w i l l b e is b e in g s o ld f o r g r a in

1 th e .m a rk ie t f o r t h e f i r a t d n g f o r h<m & f id e a e t t le ra . n m i le a :o r le s s t o s h ip p in g

SO par aere—irxlgable lands $40 t« ig h t operation, asd malnUnaaee '-~easy jtaytasats aad k w |nteraat. sad.root crops eaa be saceessfally

*011 partlcolars aad pamphleta.

Ition Gonipany, Ltd.‘M e d ic in e H a t

C anada'__________________________ /

i e r dldn*t k n o w I t la

P lE A g ^

. y ■ ■ ■

Beltfan FiBhlins Man A.ocom-____ __paying Visiting Monarct s is

Hero' bf First Enga0etnent with Germans ,

NEW YO BK, (/P)—Lipu ton iin t.acn- eral Bnron Jacques, who, according to Ms « «n uaeitloR , oecQplcd " f ro n t eoat in tho fro n t rovr*' when tho O ar DUina opcneil the grcftt international “ ■how” itt 1D14, in the moat Btriking merobor o f tlio miKo wbieh is occom* ]>&ayiD{{ K in g A\l>crt o t Botgitim on h it v i f l i t ' In thu United Btatoa. Tali, fltra ight os an qrrot^, Ooneral Jacques iooks like tho fig h tln i; mnn bo is and has been from boyhowl, fo r hO'ia one o f the profcBslonsl KOldiors upoii whom

.Delsium rcli'otf~whon itnn«4h> thw (p-eat ilcciBlon which holii up the 0 «rman army, u n til Prunrh and Uritinh aoldiora

' could f ^ t in to action.K o Uae fo r Bombast

Gonoral Jacquoa was in -command o f the Tw elfth rfl{fimont, one o f th f crock m ilita ry organixationii o f Belgium, and was atationcd n t Liege, whoro Ooneral Lemon was in command.

" 1 liad itover boen impretued by the bombaat o f the German saldlery and I hnd fu ll confidenci' in my o w n m e u ," Maid tha general aq h r nat in.hia plainly furniahod cabin on bbard tlie Ooorgo Washington on the voyage, to -Now Vork and tolkcd o f tho early daya o f tho war.

" W o f ir s t e&mo In coataet w ith ,th« Gormans on the bridgo at Viao and mt-

: tor a sharp /Ig h t drovo thom back, eat^ . tu r in g tho f lo g o f tho. 07th Dramlon-

burg reglmont.n s U ^U S M P«epl»

That f ig h t aroused the pepole, and Immediatoly wo had more than a thous­and c iv ilian : volunteers, digging tronehea and helping in evory way pos* aiUe. Genera] ^ m a a isaued a proe- iamatioB in whieh bo sold: *B lg Oer- m a n j baa invaded our eouatry, Tmpps* ing an ultim atum which eonstltatea an

- ootrage. U t i lo Belginm prbn41y •«* jop ts 'the ehallonge. Tho Beigioal::«m y w ill do its duty. The i>eop)e o fH S e n only ask to bo allowed to

During tbo discouraging dajs '.^& ioh followod, whea tbe Belgian anniy waa compelled to re tire 'fro m place to plaee u n til i t a t lost had to give ap A etw erp and begin its slow retreat along t(i« coaat. General Jacqnea acver d o n b t^ tbe f in a l outcome, and enoonraged Us mon .b j po in ting oa t tha t when tkey reached the Yser rive r tho backward

' movemont would ead. And so i t did. " M y roglmBat had'Ordera to hold

Dixmode t i l l death aad we did. K o t u n til high eommaad dedded 'to orae- uate tbe town did we leare ear plaees,'* said tbe general.

O m o ia B tm Barbaeljui “ The war is over. B o t the Oer*

mans’stiU have rams«nd mea. Xt is np to the alliea to aee tha t they do not use them Again. I look upon tho Germdii aa, a b a rb A riu who s ti l l baa in his heart-Ihe-desire to conquer, because he ia trained to I t from the cradle. This war was not a w a r entirety o f the ka i­ser’s making. - I t was a war o f tBe whole people, a war fo r loot. Ueved thoy would be able to get to Paris in six woeks, and the booty thoy took would amply eompenaate fo r the expense o f m ilita ry operations."

Adreatarotni Career Oeneral Jacques haa.had an advon-

toroDS career. Aa a young o ffieer he went out to the Congo, aad in tbe early Qinetiea begaa his memorable fig h t againat tbe A rab alaro traders. On oae occasion, when'he and bis natives were hard pressed by a largo body o f Arab alavo trader*, he k illed eigbteeii o f them w ith hia own r i f l r . I l ia ad-

. m in istra tlve w o rk in the Congo waa aiso o f a high order. He haa been dee- orated 17 timea, and wears the hlgh> eat honors' bis eonntr}’ ca« give, while otber conntries hare been only a lit t le leaa generous ia recogaiaiag bis abUi- tiea and v a lo r. '

LIOBHKBD TO WBD A marriage license was thia momiog

ittue ia favor o f Z. H . K orth aad F sta Costello, botb o f T w in Falls.

PEBUXTS TO BtJXLD.Permits to erect atructuree hare beea

issved :t> the fo ilow ing: C. P. l/Snboa- helm fo r a 24 by 24 foo t atnietnre to rost IIS50; to F. H . Franklin , fo r eree-' tion o f 2G by 28 foo t one-story frame • trocture to coat >3000: to P. R. Them- »on fo r erection o f S4 by 44 foot framo dwcilin,;, to cost I60CKI: to P. B. Thom- «on, fo r erection o f garage to coet #250.

T E X P U k B s I K a a tm o K Thia aftrrnooa Tw in Falla Com-

manderr Xo. 10, Knighta Templar, is holding Bprrial ronelnre fo r the pur- poM o f W itow ing Tethplar degreea oa three e*rniid»te». The aeaaion opei»iH\ in form nt 1:30 o ‘elock aad w ill con­tinue w ithont intenniaaion o f tnoment to o ’elock, when dinner w ill beiu>rve<l. Fo llow ing tha t fnnetioa tW df-grre i»orV w il l b t terapleled.

- STOCKHOLDESa “sXTB STOOESOU)In an e ffo r t to obtain aeeorate ia-

formariAn re la ting lo the amonnt o f • to rk eertala holders have la the Haia- lio tr Amazon M ia ing company aa ac­tion bas been filed ia the probate cotirt. The atilt ia deaigs*d to provide ia for-

. mation npon w h i^ to base an acciwate MweMmetit agniact atoekholdera \f-s r

- rhe purpoae o f eq«tali*lag a tax / re­quired fo r rhe 'se tU enea t o f a 9 >Brt Judgment claim- rendered favorable t 7 J . Benjamin ball, amosatiag te $*0921. The p U n tif fs aad defeadaBts a n ftB beldera o f s tM k ia the pfopw t / , the former - aliegias tha t .the U tte r have not ^ I f i l l e d th e ir proper obll^ ti««s ' ia this matter. <

Y o v r. e m G k rw e a s e t» adraatac*- • , a tta tk g s e a n ^ la the ada saakes i

w s n i i to r U e aerehaat ta maks j thaeu 1

|: MEETtili

t V isiting Pedagogrues E Banquet, w ith Music;

_ lar M erit—Educators j j , , Management o f Acad

Turnliiljrih 'cTr rogMlsr raoiith iy meet- ing in to a foceptlon Botftrlan* o f Tvrin Falla lost n ight roya lly entertained male membors o f tbo facu lty o f tbe

en. Houtli-Central D is tric t Teaehern’ inati- to futo nt the Perrine Hotel. W ith Kotnr-

ions nnd gncats some 100 porsous par- 8f. tielpated;qq] a bauquct formod tho prime featuro QCT of t>u! cntertalnmont, w ith muaie nnd iQ,. nh6r( taika complotlng tho'intorcsf. hlg D iirlttg th« pttriod fo llow ing tba <cn«v. xll, w ith Hai 0 . Blue, aupurintandcnt o f JOS <'11.'' achools of-Twin,.Paila in chargo na Jld toastmaster, addrossos on aaiiont eduuii- itii> tional Hubjc'cta woro givon by several on, via itiug fncuUy membra, ja t Zostitata Approrodan In a ll tbo addrossos thoro aounilod n srs o f approval fo r tho o ffic lon t man-

■ ner In which tho week’s teachers’ in- atitu lo had been conductod, complimont

o f being phrticu larly noticeablo fo r Mr. ,ck Blut>, who prqmoted the b ig plan, and od who hna brought thb program^ .o f tho ral dnyn thus fa r in the poriod to a sue-

ceiufiii conclusion^ he While a ll talks doolt p rim arily w itb I I tho in it iiu tt t in p a rtio u iu and edihui-

tiunol mnttcrs in general, the^a ll'opor- ily iitcd it l brotvd enough ecopo t'o. accord

I Hiw i i i rI ENTEllTlllNSTDimS

A x i t o m o b i le J o n k e t P r o v i d e s I n - Ad s t i t n t e F r o g r a m f e a t u r e “ g o f t h e W e e k -

TUo ctttertainmenl fen lu ta provided fo r tcachors attending tho school innti- tute today woa found in nn atitomobile tr ip lo Shoshone FolN. *Jnri fo r .this oecosion were sunplio l hy c ity owners.

A Ih e t r ip got tnidoT way a t ijS*) from the Shoshono aido o f tho high iieliool

*5 » eiimpus. Few failed to InHo advan:ago o f the opportttnity thus oftoreJ to see oue o f the m ojt ontran.-lng natural acen- ic effects in Ihe west... -Tiio-day's a c tiv ltie i n t luHilLnte head-

u* quarters wero punetunted • t t lth many ^ ovpntful seasiona .and perioda, not the

least boing iJTo tra in ing oxorciaes,"drills „ and games oo the campus. Theso oxer. ^ cises have been a feature o f the inati.

tuto p ro m m , and have boon a means lid rrov ld ing diversion o f an enjoyable

Biid beneficial oharaeter.A t the l:30.aaaembly Mra. O.-P. Du-

o r va l sang before a gataenag that thronged the Wg anditeriam. This ev­ening Miaa Helene A llmendlngcr w ill

^ provido vocal entertaittmeat fo r the ed- ,p ucatora. ■ . ,^ In the general lecture poriod this

momiog D r. Byron Wj K ing, o f P itts- , j, bnrgh, spoke oo “ The L ife That la he N'ow,” while E. A- Bryan, sU to com- lig missiooer o f education, addressed the j j . assembly on “ Ppst-War Education. ”

Thia afternoon Commissioner Bryaa spoke on ! ‘ Tho Iled pevolution” , and

Jo iW. W. I I . CaTOt))or«, o f tbo Slate gy Teachers’ college, o f Kaaaaa, gavo n

Bhort addresa on “ Tho Demanda o f E.1- licatioh in Democracy.'’ Ton igh t’s oc- eaaional lec tu re ,w ill bo given by Dr.

,n. Byron King, hia subject being “ Dresmii liQ and V iaions."

. The inatituto closes tomorrow after-;ht

FABAC AOEMT HEBBo f ’ B . I I . Mosser, aaalstnnt county age^it eti leader, i f here from 3oise fo r n bu^i- u l. neas visit at local hoadquarten o f th.> ■u eounty tarm bureaa. M r. Musaer w ill IQ. be here the remainder o f tho week for

a eonferertpe w ith County'Agent C. II. He Hohrer in the interest o f eoneentrn»ed

community work ia the eounty.

1 U .T 0S SU B T H IS W BSK Mayor W. H . E ldridge, w ith mem­

bers o f his fam ily, ia achedulcd i» g_ reach TVIn Falla tomorrow n ight »r J* Saturday noon, according to word re­

ceived' a t tho Eldridge Olothing atore today', i ln ro r E ldridge had been vis­it in g in Vermont the paat two months.

5, Hia fam ily has bee^ thore longer.

A K S B A K T n x W. B. Amsbary, prosident o f tho

,0 Tw in FalU Chamber o f Commerce, B. last ereaing was taken to the county le Rvacral hoapital fo r treatment, havln.; a. auffen*d an attack o f acute indigeff I t Uon. Ue w ill bo takea home tb is af-

icmoon, aa hia eondition ia-said to be greatly improved.

U. BtmOOL TRUBTSSB OOWITO is Mrmbers o f Ihe Tw in Falla County ir- School Tnuteea aaaoeiation are ached- >a uled to engage in eonforenee a l the ih\ eonrthouse th is aftersoon. The me-t- n- lag waa on the nrogmm fo r thi-i mom- nt ing bat due to lack o f attendance th.' be npeniag aeaaion was i>ostx»oned. B. H. be Rehaeffer, o f North View, is chairman

o f the awtoclatioa. ...........

C A LL FOB X C NThe erapkjymcat department o f t h e

rounty farm burean haa registrations ' fo r 200 workora in various eapacitlev

- The eall principally i« fo r men te be employed in b ^ t ficH a aad digging

^ spoda. The augar factory needa aome ^ help a a i there Is s till a call fo r apple


^ O H ITJB E K S B S IO trH L r O J .B., B. K ing, loeal manager o f the

JJ Idaho Power comMny le f t yesterday ,0 moraixijr fo r Ligonier, lad., in resMnae rg to a wire inform ing him o f the death ^ o f bia mother there. M r. K in g ’a two

children were both taken seriotislv t i l ' a t the fam ily home her* laat a ight,

»• eae w ith appeadicitis and the other IS w ith msmbrsneens erenp. E ffo rts te :» intere«pt M r. K ia g by w ire have so fa r

been tasHceeofnL

. .i P W l N y A L L S j

OllEBfflptrISTITllTEFIICOmRoyally Entertained at ical Progratn o f Partieu- rs Pay Compliment to the idemic.Conclave , '•ct- pasning reforencv to national Issues, tho -rin poaci' pact and Ldaguo o f Notions got« ned ting soino tnoatidn. v tbe Among thoae who snoko wcre-Dr, E . sti- Bryan, stato commissioner <of editctt' tnr- tion ; D. .1. W. 8 <H>rson, o f tbo Stato tor- ARriculturnl CoUego o f Kansaa; D r. .H.

W, Carotbem, o f tho Stato feaehora’ . uro College o f Kansas; Dr. E ..1I. L indley, Uld President o f the S ta te . University o f

Iduho.a>vi The, P togruno f “ Cougrugationai" singing was led aa by Kobort B la ir, diroetor o f music at

«'i- the Idaho Technical Institu te , Poca- rul tollo, who prencntod a lo t o f ro tarian ly

iidajitcd now trords to old and popular n in . ' The 'Toinplo quartette supplied

1 0 tho genornl musical program^ fo r tho an- evening,

Ono o f tho enlcrtalumont surprises o f the becnsion wns fbund when Fred La- throp, a sugar facto ry “ bort dump’ *

‘ “ ‘I worker, appcored iirdoublo-tono whistl- ‘ He Jng fo itiires . The young man Is a v ir-

tfuoBO in th is particu lar Une, and givve a nplondid entertainment himself. Be-

i tb sides oxcolling in duct whistling tbo ta - boy, w.hoso homo is In Bnhl, also sings •or- n very good horitone, and has Bome ord aeeoTOpUabmonta an an accompanist.

<1--____________________ _______________ p

Weather Won’t js Be Bad—Wear

Wraps ThoughIn- '■

F OI{ the Initt dnv o f the In- e titu te 's hebdomndnl fon-- nf^urtive coavenlion th«

querulous dinbursvr n f elimate ^ro ennditlona ongnges to provido

m iddling decent wcn'thrr. die “ P „ ir to n irh t nnd Fritln.v,” hia Ji«. l>ii]|cfins from n swivel-seat- rs- ed poaitioil in the wenther throne-

»>m room nt Boise. He intimates ooI there t«’'ill be n o th iii^ lo-m nr th e ' >go hnrmony o f tbe week’s clim atic see things, but suggests It m ight be en- n b it eoolish a fte r sundown.

So 'wo ndmonish . those; person« ad- o f pulchritude who hnve been in my “ our m idst,” ns the bucolic the joum nllst tvnuM put. i t , ilu ring ills tlio weok, to hnve n i-prn when . ;ur. they fare fo rth tonight.I t i. Carr>* warm wrnps, and keep iQi o f f the grass; I t m ight bo n b it ble damp, is a suggostion found in a

survey o f the general forocaat.Ju. I*ost n ig iit 's tcmpernlure wna bat "llR h tly uipny, anrt-flOt conducive ev. *» comfort in the late honr*. The fHI mercury fe ll to 37 degrees, from^

n high mark o f 03'during the day.


ira-the (Contiaued fm m psge one)-

'an Oenernl Vudenitch nnd Ihemd So fn r aa known figh ting

.ia s t i l l itv proRtesa in Riga, but the ex , ^ n rt situation there is unknown. Qer-

irnno-Ruasian troops under t'ommand -*f Of. ^ “ loncl Vnloff-Bennondt, bowevor, JJ •'••em to hnvo gained ground north c f

• ttlga. hnvims camttretl the low n o f Dunamude, necording to report.

This m orning’s newspapers eonspicii- ously feature reports o f succeaaos by Generals Vudenitch nnd Denikino and the presumetl Impending collapse o f the soviet government o f Rusaio. E d lto comment, whilo recalling frequent pnst

n 'l- predictions o f the fn l l o f Bolshevism th>’ which did not mnterialisc, th ink the » ill presont poaltitiB ia moro meaacing fo r f ^ Ihe aoviet government thnn i t has be.*n " • III any previous tlmi*.

Confidence In financia l circlca in tho coming defeat o f Bolaheviam wha ahown by the atrcngth o f securitlea on tho stock exchange yesterday, many

” *'• ndvancing shoT»lv w ith an active d i- maad.


COPENHAOEnT w —have fought the ir way across the. Dan i r iv e r a t B iga and operationa thero are now developing favorably, accortling to a dispateh pocolved from Libau ia it n igh t by the Lettish press bureau here.■ A state o f siege bas been declared thronghout a ll U thnan la and the mob-

'‘J ilita t io n o f three cUases o f soldiers haa been ordered, i t la aanoaneed in a telegram received here frem Kovno. Baaidan troopa nnder commaad o f Col. VlerkoUtch have beea eoaceatrated la L lth tian ia and w ith the help o f Oer-

i*y mana have occupied telegraph a n l transport sUtioas aad coaverted

he schools in to barracks."t- The Lithuanian fla g has erer3*whote

been replaced bv the Bussian colors, h.' Colonel V ierko lltch has Issued a -pro*- H. lunation saying I f the LithQ.<iniaas sn vo luntarily reunite w ith old Jtussin, - • seff goveroment w ill be given L ith ­

uania under Russian soverrignty. The prt>clamation aays that oa the other

he hand i f the Lithuaaisajt renist the Rns- na sians, they w ill be “ regar«led aa tral- ev tora.’ ’be — —BC QBBKAK OBOBB ZK BALTIC


BEBLTX, (JP)— According to fh.* Zeitang Am M ittag , on ly s l» n t onr- th ird o f the Oermaa army fa the n-il-

he tic states is obeying fbe evaeuatirin ay order. I t la aasoraed la polUicat r ir- .ae cles that these trocpa w ill eomplefe th the evactiatioa bv the rnd n f (he we^k. ro Of the ethsr £5,000 m fa , ss.vs the t l l newspaper, t-wo-thlrd’s hare beea trans­it , ferr«d to the Bnasiaa service, er • » ■t« Ten*v« waited ia lh e iMoe tba t th* ar priee wm14 be towered. Today's ndr

m*T b riag fo o the geed t id ^ g * . •

py v WEeirTHE WI [ D e m a n d ' C re a te s S t r o n g Up<-

, w a r d T e n d e n c y f o r B a n o h P r o d n o t . -

!U - Ac ive bidding uode'^ keen competi* I L , ^ tion to obtain immediate noeda from

UmUed supplies oo th® Boattlo market' resulted in an additional boost from l- 2c in prices th is ..wcok when fresh

tho advanced from 74-7dc to° .70c f la t; and unless some unfomsoen

sowrco of-wipply'm akcsSts adventn t nn . '.p ' early d a te 'I t is predicted- t j io t a mueb itM higher level w il l yot bb reached.'J ® ’ San Francisco, tb'oagh.'wss ouito to ; ‘‘J ’ 'the rovcrao, and, After, icvcra l minor • fluctua tions-up 'and down, fin a lly Ktt* [ ° " ' . t l e d on a 2 1-2c loss, w ith extras dar > " ‘V* d in ing : fro m 'h ig h level of., 78 l-^e .to

Thsob coaditlonst^awaver,-appear to be locnl w ilh tb'oso two markets, ns,

led wIiile-Hhc othor markets range genoral*B a t Iy steady to firm there were no iio- oca- tlcoablo changes in prieef, wiMi quota* >al,v tiu iis os follown:ular Butte—Steady, sales to rotnilern; iliod Fresh'ranch fiOo. doxfu. tho Salt Lake—Firm , salos to retailers:.

Fresh fnne.r-OOc doten, paying shipperB fl o f M-fiOc doeon. . . ILa* .Spokane— Steady, soles to rotai!nr»: i

np ’ » Fresh rnnch .'58c doaen. , !ilsti- Tacoma— Steady, sales to retallei*-:-,. v ir- Oregon ranch 05c iloren; fre.'ih lanch ve a doxcn. ■■


M e m b e rs o f S h o r th o r n A s s o c ia ­t io n W in H a v e B a n q u e t N e x t

W e d n e s d a y

h w ith W. 3 f.' Liu ifb ing in charge -iS toastmaster the Tw in Falls I|forth nnd Bouth Side Shorthorn Breeders’ asso*

V elation w ill hnvo o bonquet nnd social i« session a t tho Rogerson hotel on tho0 ovoning o f October 22. The banquol Io w ill bo served a t 6:30 o ’cloek.

Tho meeting has boen ordered by th«'» • o ffice rs o f the assbcintion ns a sort {. o f roondap to comploto arrangemon*.s i,. fo r the Shorthorn Breeders' snlo, to.b?Jg hold here in Januar}*, 1020.IP . Among the-rooakers o f the orenlinn Ig w il l ho-Davis Patton,.roprescuting thtf

publication, “ Shorthorn W orld*’ , o f • Chicago, and Frnnk D. Th6mson, nf

„ ■ Linco ln, Neb;, representing tha.Am'erit „ can Shcrthom Breeders' assoeintJon. ie * ■g SX7BPBIBB P A B TY ^ 'n ' Pythian S itters last' ovening hold n

.surprise party a t the home o f Mrs. Rarr . P Woodhend, thrco miles northwest o f " It Tw in Palls. lT>o sisters wero escorted . tt by several Pythians. . ^


} . The Ho


Besi1 ex

?"f f —^' i . • , Eve:lien-

'f - T h a t ’ s t h e} r i. il

L'lsm y o u n g , m e n € to th e ir op in ions

bo-r. r I , .I, n e w f a l l s u it i

s on assem bled .W e too i th in li

I a re th e “ best e 5 m a d e especia i

rces ^o u s b y

' a

^ ^ T H E H O U S I

r : I K U P P E N H E IK I3 . ‘; O I N G L E a n d d o vrted O — y o u ’ l l l i k e e

b e l t s t h a t c a n “ o f f e n t i r e l y . T h i s

ians T h e f a b r i c s a r e u ia n d f r o m h o m e — 1

l \ ' r ■ - £Ins-rml-


TW m FALLSins-

1 ■ ■ '^D A ILY N E W S _

■I)rphcuiT O D A Y A J T O - T O M O t a O W -

■ s s a M B M S B a a a M M M i a n

T h e B o m a n o e o r a L o s t U in 'e o a m e m a r c h i n g h o m e w i t h ( o f w e s t e r n b r a v e r y a n d e a s t

“ HER HELP. Comedy 'B io t w ith

2 — B i g V a t x d «

A D E L I N E C A R Bf - ' O o m e d y T a U

- - T H E A E R IS e n B a t i o n ^ O y

A L W A Y S A ~ - • ’ -------O O O D V A B 1 E T 7

To make ndveftising “ Pay’ ’ VOii. taka qniek advantage o f advertise 1 o tte ring* th a t appeal to y o u . ' '

ouse o f Kuppenheimer Cl

t ' 4

r /tJ1/'

; w a yexpress o f the

ts here W I

k 'th e y /I I•» M ii Ie v e r — ■ 1 1 ji

J l y fo r W a j L

:EOF- IffIMERluble-breasted models. ,"! everything about them.1 be converted into ha lf is is only one o f the new s musual. The best from -brown, grey, blue and gSuperb Values at $40Others a t $35. $45, $50

U ikQ -jM O M l

8 A. Crosaett S ine Footu

_ ■ . 7': _ /

imThieatrer — T H E W K S T B B H



I n e . 'w d a S m i l i n g Q n n m a h w h o 1 C n p id a n d H i s P a l . A s t o r y k S t e m c u n n in g .


le v i l le A c t s — 2.R A N D A I N S U E Ya l k a n d S o n g

L I A L B A R D S O y n m a s t N o v e l t y — .

-------- * A L W A Y S Y O U BM O N E T ’ S W O B T H

*'• ijrudv the ade tha t yon «ia'. noi.<» ..erehsadlsiag' TStaSS.

Clothes______ .

M . S ^. f f

, You’ll like them L Some have fu l l I f belts, or taken r style treatments. , n foreign shores iv green tones.

) '



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