school administrative unit no. 12 office of the ... · management of their own affairs, not for...

Post on 24-Aug-2019






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Office of the Superintendent of Schools

Londonderry, New Hampshire 03053

A concurrent meeting of the School Administrative Unit No. 12 School Board and the Londonderry

School District School Board will be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 7:00PM at the Londonderry Town

Office, Moose Hill Conference Room, 268B Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH.

7:00 PM 1. Call To Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

7:05 PM 3. Reorganization

3.1 Election

a. Chairperson

b. Vice Chair

3.2 Appointments:

a. Truant Officers at Each School

b. School Board Secretary – Lisa Muse

3.3 Re-adoption of Policies

3.4 Re-adoption of Policy CI

3.5 Re-adoption of Investment Policy DFA

7:30 PM 4. Questions, Announcements and Presentations

7:35 PM 5. Consent Agenda

5.1 Retirement(s):

Dennis Bakios Custodian Matthew Thornton

William Duffy SPED Assistant High School

Michael Wenger Teacher High School

5.2 Resignations(s):

Cara Berlien Instructional Assistant North School

Nichole Pike Teacher Middle School

5.3 Minutes: February 19 and March 7, 2019

March 19, 2019

5.4 Meetings:

April 2, 2019 7:00PM Regular Meeting Town Offices

April 16, 2019 7:00PM Regular Meeting Town Offices

*Based on approval of Board Meeting Schedule below (Item 7.1)

7:40 PM 6. Committee Reports

6.1 Student Council – Derik Pignone

6.2 Teacher Liaison – Mary Wing Soares

6.3 School Board Liaison Reports

7:50 PM 7. Deliberations

7.1 To see what action(s) the Board will take regarding the Proposed School Board

Meeting Schedule April 2019 through July 2019

7.2 To see what action(s) the Board will take regarding the third reading of several

rescinded policies, as well as two policies to be amended, as part of updating the

School Board Policy Book

8:05 PM 8. Superintendent’s Report

8.1 Initial Discussion of 2019-2020 School Calendar and School Hours of Operation

- Scott Laliberte

8.2 February Enrollment Report - Scott Laliberte

8:20 PM 9. Non-Public Session

Non-Public Session requested under RSA 91-A:3, Section II (b) and (c).

9.1 Personnel Matter

9.2 Personnel Nomination(s)

9.3 Coaching Nomination(s)

9.4 Leave of Absence Request(s)

10. Adjournment


Londonderry High School

House 1 (A-Gar) Abbey Sloper

House 2 (Gas-Kn) Steve Secor

House 3 (Ko-Moo) Crystal Rich

House 4 (Mop-Z) Katie Sullivan

Londonderry Middle School David Sutherland

Matthew Thornton Elementary School William McCarthy

Moose Hill School Bonnie Breithaupt

North Londonderry Elementary School Jill Connors

South Londonderry Elementary School Chelsea Hunnewell






2019 - 2020

DISTRICT - Dan Black

Peter Curro

Kim Carpinone

HIGH SCHOOL - Jay Parent

Katie Sullivan

Abbey Sloper

Steve Secor

Crystal Rich

MIDDLE SCHOOL - Rich Zacchilli*

Dave Sutherland

Ross McLean

Joan Campo

NORTH SCHOOL - Paul Dutton

Jill Connors


Bill McCarthy


Chelsea Hunnewell

Deb Setterlund

MOOSE HILL SCHOOL - Bonnie Breithaupt*

Bill McCarthy

Carol Scionti

*To be amended 7-1-19 to reflect the new Middle School Principal and new Kindergarten


Effective March 19, 2019




The investment policy establishes a framework for the safe and prudent investment of public funds. It also provides guidance and direction for elected and appointed officials as well as staff in the daily conduct of investing activity, in addition to improving consistency, creating and defining accountability, and ensuring that laws are followed. This policy is implemented in accord with the provisions of RSA197:23-a and is to ensure the investment of public funds in the custody and control of the Londonderry School District officials is in accord with the State of New Hampshire Statues.

II. SCOPE This investment policy applies to all financial assets in the custody of the School District Treasurer of the Londonderry School District, Londonderry, New Hampshire and all transactions involving those assets. These funds are accounted for in the District's annual audited financial reports and include, but are not limited to, the following:

• General Fund • Special Revenue Funds • Capital Project Funds • Any new funds created by the District, unless specifically exempted by the

governing body, in accordance with law

III. OBJECTIVES The investment policy objectives are stated below:

1. To ensure the preservation of capital and the protection of investment principal; 2. To maintain sufficient liquidity to meet operating requirements; 3. To satisfy all legal requirements; 4. To attain a competitive rate of return on investments taking into account risk and legal constraints and cash flow considerations;

5. To ensure full transparency of investment strategies, transactions and results.

a. Safety – Safety of principal is our policy’s foremost objective. Safety is achieved

through adherence to the list of permitted investments which are backed by the full faith and credit of, or a guarantee of principal and interest by, the U.S. Government.

b. Liquidity - All investments must remain sufficiently liquid to meet all operating

requirements that are reasonably anticipated. All investments must be capable of being liquidated on a one day notice. Therefore, no investment may be made which imposes a longer notice period for redemption or which are not readily marketable.


c. Maturity - Investments should be scheduled to mature when funds are needed. Sale of securities prior to maturity should be avoided due to the inherent risk. Investments shall be limited to securities maturing in periods up to one year, or lesser period, that coincides with expected disbursements by the District.

d. Amount - The best or most appropriate type of investment depends to some

degree upon the amount available for investment, as certain investments require a large initial investment amount.

e. Administrative Cost - In choosing an investment, the District must consider the

administrative work involved, particularly with regard to investments of short duration. Substantial amounts can be invested for periods as short as one or two days. However, the administrative costs with small amounts may be greater than the return on investments, thus, would not be justified as cost effective. Administrative costs will be higher with more frequent turnover of investments and must be taken into account together with the yield and term in determining the optimum investment strategy.

IV. Authority

Under the general direction of the Treasurer, management responsibility for the Investment Program is hereby delegated to the Business Administrator for the operation of the Investment Program, consistent with this Investment Policy. The Treasurer and the Business Administrator are Investment Officers.

V. Prudence

1. The standard of prudence to be used by investment officers shall be the “prudent

person rule” and shall be applied in the context of managing an overall portfolio. Investments shall be made with judgment and care under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital, as well as the probable income to be derived.

2. Investment officers shall be indemnified under RSA 31:105.

VI. Ethics and Conflict of Interest

1. Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the Investment Program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions.

2. Employees and investment officials shall disclose to the Superintendent any material

financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business within the District and they shall further disclose any personal financial investment positions that could be related to the performance of the District portfolio.

3. Employees and officers shall subordinate their personal investment transactions to

those of this District, particularly with regard to the timing of purchases and sales.


VII. Internal Controls

1. The Business Administrator shall establish a system of internal controls, which shall be documented in writing.

2. The internal controls shall be reviewed by the Business Administrator, Treasurer, and

the independent auditor, and approved School Board. 3. The controls shall be designed to prevent loss through fraud, employee error, and

misrepresentation by third parties, unanticipated changes in financial markets or imprudent action by employees and officers of the District.

VIII. Reporting

1. The Business Administrator shall include with the quarterly financial report a

summary of investment activities. 2. Each quarterly report shall indicate any areas of policy concern [if any] and suggested

or planned revision of investment strategies. 3. Any areas of concern shall be communicated to the independent auditor.

IX. The following investments will be permitted by this policy and are those defined by

state and local law where applicable:

Notwithstanding anything else to the contrary contained herein all funds of the District must at all times be invested in accordance with RSA 197:23-a. Preferred investment options are:

1. U.S. Treasury securities maturing in less than one (1) year. 2. Fully insured or collateralized Certificates of Deposits with federally insured banks

incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire or the federal government with a branch within the State and in obligations fully guaranteed as to the principal and interest of the United States government.

3. Fully insured or collateralized certificates of deposit at commercial banks of the State

of New Hampshire, New England and State of New York if such banks pledge and deliver to a third-party custodial bank or the Federal Reserve Bank collateral security for the deposits.

4. Repurchase agreements fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury Securities and/or

agencies. 5. U.S. Securities directly backed and guaranteed by the U.S. Government. 6. State of New Hampshire approved municipal investment pool.

7. Any other state approved pool or instrument.


X. Depositories and Dealers

1. Depositories shall be selected under the general guidance of the Districts purchasing policy. Periodic review of cash management services is suggested, however if a significant event occurs or the environment of banking services in the State change significantly, a formal request for proposal may be necessary.

a. In selecting depositories, the credit worthiness of institutions shall be considered,

including the current capital ratios of the institution. b. RFP’s for all investment transactions shall be in writing.

XI. Collateralization of Deposits

1. The District shall require their depositories to continuously and fully (100%) secure

all deposits regardless of type (i.e. regular savings, checking, etc.) that are in excess of the $100,000 insured amount. NOTE: Temporary increase of insurance coverage: Through December 31, 2013, the FDIC will protect all deposits up to $250,000 limit under its ordinary deposit insurance rules. This may be accomplished by the pledging or setting aside collateral of identifiable U.S. Government securities as prescribed by the District.

2. The District has possession of the securities (or the District will take possession of the

securities) or an independent custodian (or an independent third party) holds the securities on behalf of the District as a bailee (evidenced by safe keeping receipt and written bailment for wire contract) and will be maintained for the full term of the deposit.

3. Such securities shall be owned by the depository and the manner of collateralization

shall provide the District with continuing perfected security interest for the full term of the deposit in the collateral in accordance with applicable laws and Federal regulations.

XII. Maturities

Investments of the District shall be limited to instruments maturing within one year at the time of purchase.

XIII. Diversification

1. It is the policy of the District to diversify its investment portfolio to eliminate the risk of loss from over concentration in a specific security.

2. Diversification strategies shall be determined and revised periodically by the Business Administrator and reviewed by the District Treasurer.

XIV. Risks The District recognizes that investment risks can result from issuer defaults, market price

changes or various technical complications leading to temporary loss of liquidity.

1. Portfolio diversification is to be employed in such a way as to control risk.


2. The Business Administrator is expected to display prudence in the selection of securities in such way as to minimize default risk.

3. No individual investment transaction shall be undertaken that jeopardizes the total

capital position of the specific issuer. 4. The Business Administrator shall review and, if appropriate, proceed to liquidate

securities having comparable credit risks. XV. Safekeeping and Custody

1. To protect against potential fraud and embezzlement, the assets of the District shall be

secured through third-party custody and safekeeping procedures. 2. Unless prevailing practices or economic circumstances dictate otherwise, ownership

shall be protected through third-party custodial safekeeping. 3. Safekeeping procedures shall be reviewed annually by the independent auditor. The

independent auditor shall conduct periodic surprise audits of safekeeping and custodial systems.

XVI. Annual Review This policy is to be reviewed and adopted annually by the School Board.

POLICY APPROVAL/AMENDMENTS The Londonderry School Board approved adoption of the Londonderry School District Investment Policy at its meeting held on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. Statutory References RSA 197:23-a, Treasurer’s Duties RSA 31:105, Liability for Damages Limited, Indemnification, Insurance LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: May 25, 2010

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT NO. 12 Office of the Superintendent of Schools Londonderry, New Hampshire 03053

A concurrent meeting of the School Administrative Unit No. 12 School Board and the Londonderry 5 School District School Board was held on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 7:00PM at the Londonderry Town Office, Moose Hill Conference Room, 268B Mammoth Road, Londonderry, NH. In attendance were School Board members: Ms. Ganem, Mrs. Hendricks, Mr. Lekas, Mr. Saucier and Mr. Young. Also in attendance were Superintendent, Mr. Laliberte, Business Administrator, Mr. Curro and School Board Secretary, Lisa Muse. 10 1. Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Ms. Ganem. 2. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Robert Cariello. 3. Questions, Announcements and Presentations:

3.1 Kindness Initiatives Update: Middle School: This initiative was started in book 15 group. They researched ideas from other schools regarding random acts of kindness. They started by putting down sticky notes all over the school and painted rocks with inspirational sayings. They collected data from the compliment box and display the results and trends. They submitted a newsletter to the staff monthly. Once a month they celebrate teacher to teacher compliments before school by having complimentary coffee and the teachers get invited and their compliment is read to them. It’s a 20 great way to start the day on a positive note. The group has received support from other parts of the building. This is also being celebrated during spirit week. They created a golden chain by having everyone write words of kindness. North School: They strived to have 1000 acts of kindness by the end of November which was kindness month. Each grade received a mission to complete. Goal is to make North School a kinder place. Matthew Thornton: IGYB (I’ve Got Your Back initiative) has 25 caught on. It focuses on kindness, respect, including others, and being a voice for people who need one. Kindness quotes are on posters and displayed around the school. They discussed other acts of kindness student council has been encouraging. South School: The Student Council took on the IGYB campaign. Kindness coins are given out for random acts of kindness and these coins are collected in the office. IGYB awards are given out at school. Eight students have been nominated last month and they get a 30 certificate and t-shirt. They discussed five ways to include others. They realize they can be a voice for others and stand up for people in need. There is a small video the students have put together. High School: They sets goals for each of the classes and build an inclusive environment. Some students participated in a State forum. Student council is doing a lot of training on kindness initiatives and racism and inclusiveness. They are educating people on how actions can be hurtful. Mr. Parent 35 discussed the workshops that were held and that a lot of the staff participated. He discussed some of the changes that have occurred at the High School such as adding a class in the Program of Studies, acknowledging black history month, Granite State respect week, and speakers have come to the school and talked to the students and staff. Fourteen staff members have committed to attend diversity training Phase II and to train others and form a diversity council. Ms. Ganem mentioned that people came 40 forward last year to the Board to discuss bullying and she appreciated the work that has been taken on by the High School. She felt the elementary schools are taking this head on.

3.2 LHS Senior Project Update: Maddie Sanborn and Natalie Brooks: They presented this senior project to the Board a couple months ago. They have done a lot of research for a few concerns from the first presentation such as allergies, students with a fear of dogs, students missing class 45 and liability. In regard to allergies, precautions are taken and this will run in the Spring in the outdoor

February 19, 2019


classroom only, eliminating the spread of allergens into the vents. If a student is still concerned, they do not need to participate. The class is not a requirement. The dog will only be present during periods that are completely dedicated to independent reading. In regard to liability they met with Utica Insurance. They have a list of controls that must be met as listed in the Power Point. The students discussed the next steps in the phase which are outlined in the packet. The students read a letter from Mrs. Downing 5 who will be the teacher in charge of this project. Mr. Young asked about the additional insurance. He said previously the administration said the insurance company will not cover us. Maddie Sanborn discussed that they met and it was given to the underwriter. Mr. Laliberte confirmed that the insurance company will cover this if all items were met. They mentioned that the class will only be done with 100% approval and Mrs. Downing will reach out to the parents if they don’t respond to the survey. Mr. 10 Young asked Mr. Laliberte the concern last time was the insurance and that was resolved, but do we have any policies that would restrict this and Mr. Laliberte said no. Mrs. Hendricks asked how many dogs there will be and is told one. She asked what is the plan if an animal becomes out of control as they are unpredictable. She is assured that the handler is there at all times. Mr. Young felt it should be up to the administration to make the decision as does the rest of the Board and they give their blessings. 15

3.3 LHS Band Trip Request for Spring 2020: This request is to participate in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Washington and New York City in the same trip. The Symphonic Band has been accepted to participate at Carnegie hall. The dates line up so this could happen in one trip. It is a five-day trip which is higher than normal from March 13th – March 17th. There is no school on Friday. The students would miss two days of school. He discussed the itinerary in details. $1000 is the 20 estimated cost which includes meals and sightseeing shows. Mr. Young mentioned that we have done this many times before and the difference is Carnegie hall. Mrs. Hendricks asked about the two days of school they will miss. Mr. Beaulieau said the students are responsible for getting all their work ahead of time. They spend between 13-15 hours on the bus where they work on their work and flexibility is given when they return to make up a test. 25

6.2 To see what action(s) the Board will take regarding the LHS Band Trip Request for Spring 2020: Mr. Young made a motion to accept the band request for the LHS Band trip to Washington DC and New York City in the Spring of 2020. Mr. Lekas seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0

3.4 2019 Londonderry Citizen of the Year Award - Katie Sullivan: She was presented 30 with an Edible Arrangement. She thanked Kevin Smith and the Town Council for this award. She has been in the Town for 44 years and felt blessed and honored.

4. Consent Agenda: Mrs. Hendricks made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda. Mr. Saucier seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0 35

4.1 Retirement(s): Laurie Daily Teacher Matthew Thornton Denise Hepburn Teacher North School Bridget Kilgore-Prugh Teacher High School Karen McCarty Teacher South School Aurielle Nazro Teacher High School 40 4.2 Resignation(s): Rachael Cawthron SPED Assistant South School Christina Levesque SPED Assistant Moose Hill Caitlin Murphy SPED Assistant Middle School Mary Ann Wells Dining Services District Wide 4.3 Minutes: January 22 and February 8, 2019 45 4.4 Meetings: March 7, 2019 Non-Public Session 7:00PM School Board Rm

February 19, 2019


March 12, 2019 Election Day 6:00AM-8:00PM LHS Gym March 19, 2019 School Board 7:00PM Town Offices


5. Committee Reports 5 5.1 Student Council – Robert Cariello: He discussed the March 5th workshop at Timberlane which will be focusing on leadership skills, March 14th is a conference at UNH on Ethics and Leadership. This will be the first time they will be attending. March 23rd is the semi-formal dance and the theme still being decided. On March 28th is the second Blood Drive – students can donate or help out. There will be more details as the dates approach. The Blood Drive is open to the community. 10 Ms. Ganem recommended making an appointment online. 5.2 Teacher Liaison – Mary Wing Soares: Matthew Thornton enjoyed the PTA’s snowball dance last Friday—it was great to have so many families attend. 4th graders at MT recently enjoyed an awesome presentation on the Iditarod race. And students in the MT LED club have been putting together awesome projects. North School is presenting Aladdin, Jr. March 20th at 7pm at the 15 Palace Theatre. This is always a popular event so those who want to attend should get their tickets early! Tickets are $12 per person and can be purchased by calling the Palace Theatre box office at 668-5588. South School will be celebrating national Youth Art Month for March with student work at the Leach Library’s Children’s Room. The exhibit will be up from March 1-31. There will be 19 very colorful work of art on display and an Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5th from 6- 7 p.m. 20 All are invited! South School’s School Community Project this year will have students in all grade levels designing and painting 6 wooden garden benches for the school’s Courtyard area. That project will be happening in early March with students and parent volunteers. the benches will be installed prior to the school’s Annual Student Art Show on May 15th. Middle School: The middle school is holding spirit week this week which will conclude on Friday with grade level pep rallies. After school activities 25 include floor hockey, a student talent show, dodgeball and a cupcake decorating activity, basketball canvas painting, snowshoeing, and bingo to name a few. The Wellness Committee would like to thank Mr. Lekas for sharing his DJ skills with us for the pep rally day. Teams will compete against each other in a variety of fun activities including a dress up relay, hula hoop human chain relay, tug a tire and the ever popular “whipped cream fishing expedition”. How about spirit week at LMS? On a more serious 30 note, teams have been collecting various items to help end 68 hours of hunger, the time over the weekend many learners do not have enough food to eat. Each team picked a specific item, from peanut butter to mac and cheese, crackers to granola bars. The response has been wonderful. 7th grade Spanish students are writing books about a classroom in which all the things in the classroom come to life on the weekends when students are not at school. They are demonstrating their knowledge of 35 classroom vocabulary, as well as prepositions and emotions. They are excited and engaged, and working hard! If this is up to the level of worthy of the school board hearing about it, I am proud of how hard my kiddos are working. High School: The Biochemistry Breakfast Club will once again begin! Every Tuesday and Thursday, starting at 6:30am to 7:00am, students interested in learning College Level Biochemistry are invited to attend. Students will be learning all about the structures of amino acids, 40 proteins, alpha & beta sheets, and it will culminate in learning the structure-function of hemoglobin. Room 510, 6:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning on March 5th and ending April 18th! The technology department is offering several offerings during the next few weeks. Topics include Basic excel, chromebook basics, kahoot and other games to engage students, and projects with google. 5.3 School Board Liaison Reports: Mr. Young asked Robert Cariello about the age limit 45 on the blood drive. He said it is 16 with parental consent and the form is online. Mrs. Hendricks

February 19, 2019


mentioned that last week the New Hampshire State Board of Education heard testimony on new administrative rules for learning opportunities called Learn Everywhere also known as ED1400. These new opportunities encroach on school boards. The NH State Board of Education will approve, for profit and non-profit, to offer programs that count towards credit towards graduation. If a student takes a course through Learn Everywhere our High School will be required to accept these credits. The biggest 5 concerns are about liability. There are a lot of questions towards this, and this bill does not address a lot of the concerns. If passed this will undermine our local control of issuing credits towards graduation in our District. She does not support anything at the State level that takes any more control away from us. Mr. Laliberte said the New Hampshire School of Administrators are also monitoring this and this is a concern as well that local school boards and Districts would not have any involvement in the awarding 10 of these credits. Mrs. Hendricks would like to submit some testimony tomorrow to our representation expressing our concern and encouraging our representation not to support this legislation. Mr. Young and Mr. Lekas feel that they don’t know enough about it. The other two Board members give their approval. 15

6. Deliberations 6.1 To see what action(s) the Board will take regarding the second reading of several

policies, as well as two policies to be amended, as part of updating the School Board Policy Book: The packet includes the full list of the policies being discussed. The two policies they are looking to amend are the ACA-E and ACA-S which regard sexual harassment. The rest are being rescinded as 20 many are duplicates and they need to make sure they are current and not redundant. Mr. Lekas made a motion to accept the second reading of several policies being rescinded and two which are being amended and move them to the third reading. Mrs. Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote.

Ms. Ganem suggests that the polices are reviewed more frequently in the future. 25 7. Superintendent’s Report

7.1 Londonderry High School Discipline Report - Katie Sullivan: She went over the highlights of the school year so far. Eighty-nine percent of the students did not have a disciplinary incident during semester one. There were 410 incidents compared to 351 last year. They have a great 30 partnership with Londonderry Police Department. They have seen a couple new trends increase such as Juuls and vaping. They are also reporting bullying differently. Mrs. Hendricks asked about the juuls and vaping and the escalation in the District. Mr. Sutherland said they have had a couple presentations on this that were well attended. They are looking at having another one this Spring on this topic. Mrs. Hendricks asked if we are working on a global plan for prevention. Ms. Sullivan felt with educational 35 nights and having the kids involved more helps. Robert Cariello said from a student’s perspective it was more cool to do it at the beginning of the year and he felt it has declined. Mrs. Hendricks asked about the bullying and asked how it is being improved. The administrators met district wide on how to report at every level. There are a lot of interviews, education and parent meetings that go into a bullying report. Mr. Saucier asked about the parent contacts and why they have doubled. Ms. Sullivan said this 40 is a different way it is being documented in X2. Out of school suspensions is up and Ms. Sullivan said it is basically due to the juul usage. They are staying relevant with the other schools in the area for suspension. Ms. Ganem asked what supports we offer students and families. Ms. Sullivan said any student suspended comes back with a behavior plan. They utilize counselors and the resource officer. There is a re-entry meeting with the house offices and they provide great wrap around services. Mr. 45

February 19, 2019


Young commended the broadcasting on social media and where they might be hidden. It helped the community to know what to be on the lookout for.

7.2 Londonderry Middle School Discipline Report - David Sutherland: Mr. Sutherland went over the numbers in the report. He noted that 81% of students did not have a behavioral incident during semester one. They only saw 179 students for a behavioral concern. 192 incidents were 5 managed in the classroom. There were 32 frequent fliers (5 or more incidents) and they were responsible for 54% of the discipline totals. The Teams continue to use team based methods for positive student recognition. The 21-member Student Voice group meets monthly with administrators. There has been an increase in disrespect and safety. Appendix B is very helpful breaking out the data. Mr. Young inquired about the social media issues and asked about gaming. Mr. Sutherland said they 10 communicate over headsets and the language they use is not typically used in school. This transfers into the school. Mr. Young said as technology changes he felt it is great we are adapting. Ms. Ganem asked about the 32 frequent fliers and what we are doing to help those kids. The guidance counselors are heavily involved with these students. They work with outside counselors also so the student is hearing consistencies. Goals are setup and talked about with these services. Mr. McLean is very thorough and 15 understands the students and is documenting much better. The loss of privilege is usually removal from lunch for a little while or bus privileges.

7.3 Update on Bullying Report Process in Elementary Schools - Scott Laliberte: They are working on common language and screening tools. There is a memo in the packet which gives the official reports of bullying. When not substantiated it means there is not enough evidence to prove. 20 Building administrators are testing a possible “screening tool” that will allow for a clearer determination of the classification of reported bullying.

7.4 January Enrollment Report - Scott Laliberte: There are a total of 4260 students in Pre-K -12. The LEEP chart is included as well. We have begun the full swing of Fall 2019 kindergarten registrations. We have 228 registered to date. Last year, we had 190 at this time. We are projecting 25 266 students. We usually pick up 25 students in August. Mr. Young asked if we have a feel for the September number increase District wide. Mr. Laliberte said we are forecasting 100 more students than last year district wide.

8. Non-Public Session: Non-Public Session requested under RSA 91-A:3, Section II (b) and 30 (c). Mrs. Hendricks made a motion to move into Non-Public session requested under RSA 91-A:3, Section II (b) and (c). Mr. Lekas seconds the motion. The motion passed by a roll call vote. 9. Adjournment 35 The meeting was adjourned at 9:12PM. Respectfully submitted, 40 Lisa Muse School Board Secretary

Londonderry School Board Non-Public Minutes Tuesday, February 19, 2019 PRESENT: Board Members: Ms. Ganem, Mrs. Hendricks, Mr. Lekas, Mr. Saucier and Mr. Young Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Laliberte 5 Assistant Superintendent: Mr. Black Director of Business Administration: Mr. Curro Director of Human Resources: Mrs. Swenson 10 Mrs. Hendricks moved, seconded by Mr. Lekas and passed unanimously (5-0) to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, Section II (b) at 9:13PM Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Saucier and passed unanimously (5-0) to approve 15 administration’s recommendation for Teacher Renominations Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Saucier and passed unanimously (5-0) to approve administration’s recommendation for Allied Health Professional Renominations 20 Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Saucier and passed unanimously (5-0) to approve administration’s recommendation for a Leave of Absence Request Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (5-0) to exit non-public session at 9:29PM 25 Mr. Lekas moved, seconded by Mr. Young and passed unanimously (5-0) to adjourn public session at 9:29PM Respectfully submitted, 30 Scott A. Laliberte Superintendent of Schools 35

Londonderry School Board Non-Public Minutes Thursday, March 7, 2019 PRESENT: Board Members: Ms. Ganem, Mrs. Hendricks, Mr. Lekas, Mr. Saucier and Mr. Young Superintendent of Schools: Mr. Laliberte 5 Mrs. Hendricks moved, seconded by Mr. Lekas and passed unanimously (5-0) to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, Section II (b) at 7:04PM Discussion of Administrative Staff reappointments 10 Mr. Young moved, seconded by Mrs. Hendricks and passed unanimously (5-0) to approve superintendent’s recommendations for administrative and non-affiliated reappointments for FY20 as amended 15 Mr. Young moved, seconded by Mrs. Hendricks and passed unanimously (5-0) to approve superintendent’s recommendations for administrative and non-affiliated compensations for FY20 as amended Mr. Laliberte exited the non-public session at 9:44pm 20 School Board Members discussed Superintendent’s contract terms Mr. Laliberte returned to the non-public session at 9:59pm 25 Mr. Young moved, seconded by Mr. Saucier and passed unanimously (5-0) to approve the Superintendent’s contract and compensation Mr. Young moved, seconded by Mr. Lekas and passed unanimously (5-0) to exit non-public session at 10:09PM 30 Mrs. Hendricks moved, seconded by Mr. Saucier and passed unanimously (5-0) to adjourn public session at 10:10PM Respectfully submitted, 35 Scott A. Laliberte Superintendent of Schools 40




APRIL 2 Regular Meeting 16 Regular Meeting MAY 7 Regular Meeting 21 Regular Meeting JUNE 4 Regular Meeting 18 Regular Meeting JULY 16 Regular Meeting

Meetings are at 7:00PM in the Town Offices, Moose Hill Conference Room.



To: Scott Laliberte

From: Kimberly Carpinone

CC: Policy Committee, Dan Black

Date: 3-15-2019

Re: Recommendations for Policy Changes

Based on a continued review of the current policies many of these required updated language in order to be compliant with related RSAs and others are outdated, not required by state or federal law and no longer relevant and therefore could be rescinded. My review also found many duplicate policies and it is recommended by legal counsel to rescind duplicate policies and have only one on the books. Additionally, there were other policies required by newer regulations that require polices to be added. As part of the first phase of updating our policy book, in consultation with our attorney at Drummond Woodsum, I am recommending the following changes to the current School Board policies:

To Be Rescinded:

ABC - Student Involvement in Decision Making (duplicate JFB)

AFA – Evaluation of Board Operational Procedures (duplicate BAC)

BFE – Administration In Policy Absence (duplicate CHD)

BHA-E – New School Board Member Orientation Packet Table of Contents (too dynamic for a

policy exhibit – BHA references needed language)

CAA – Strategic Planning (duplicate intent - BAA)

CBG - Evaluation of the Superintendent (duplicate AFB)

CK – Program Consultants – not needed and outdated fiscally

Londonderry School District Kimberly Carpinone, Director of Pupil Services

EBC – Emergency Plans – covered in the EOP

EBCC – Bomb Threats – covered in EOP, outdated to have one emergency referenced

EEAB – School Bus Routes (same number)

EH – Data Management – outdated and covered under separate policies (JO, KBA)

GBA – Nondiscrimination (duplicate AC)

GBB – Staff Involvement in Decision Making (duplicate - ABB)

GBD – Board-Staff Communications (duplicate - BG)

GBE – Staff Health and Safety – no longer legally required

GBEA – Teacher Protection – covered under separate policies (safe schools)

GBEB - Employees Guidelines and Procedures Concerning AIDS – outdated

GBH/JM – Staff-Student Relations (duplicate and covered under GBCC)

GCF – Professional Staff Orientation – outdated – not required

GCLA – Professional Staff Visitation and Conferences – outdated GCLA and GCLAA to be updated

GCQAA – Professional Personnel Consulting – outdated and not required

GD, GDB, GDBBA, GDN, GDN-R and GDN-E – Employment of Non-Certified Staff - Outdated, not

required and predates CBA for AFSCME

GDPD – Suspension and Dismissal of Employees – (duplicate GCPD)

IA – Instructional Goals – not required and leaves up open to liability in interpretation after

Claremont decision. Intent covered under IFD and IFE – both required.

IGAC – Teaching About Religion - not required. Would need to be amended if maintained

IGD – Co-Curricular and Interscholastic Programs - not needed, intent covered under JFCH

IGDA – Student Organizations – not needed, intent covered under JFCH

IGDDA – Student Performances – Sunday participation – outdated

IGDF – Student Fund-Raising Activities – outdated and intent covered in IGDG

IHA – Grouping for Instruction – outdated, not required, intent will be covered under JCA

IKAB – Student Progress Reports to Parents – outdated and not required

IKFA – Early Graduation - Outdated and not required, content will be covered under IKF

IMGA – Service Animals in Schools (duplicate ACAC)

JB – Nondiscrimination (duplicate AC)

JFBA – Student Government – not needed or required

JFCK – Care of School Property – (duplicate EC)

JGD – Student Suspension (covered under JG and JG-R)

JHA – Student Insurance Program – not required

JI – Student Rights and Responsibilities – outdated, intent included in JG

JICI and JICI-R – Dangerous Weapons in School Property – redundant, intent included in JG and

JICD (to be rescinded when JG and JICD are updated)

JL – Student Gifts and Solicitations - redundant

JLI - Safety Program – intent covered under EB (Safety Program)

JM – Staff-Student Relations – intent covered under GBCC

KBC – News Media Relations – outdated should be out and situational discretion not policy

KBF – Use of Students in Public Information Program

KBG – Student/Teacher Parental Surveys and Questionnaires – create ILD?

KC – Community Involvement in Decision Making (duplicate ABA)

KD – Public Participation at Board Meetings (duplicate BDDH)

KLB, KLB-R, and KLB-E– Public Complaints about the Curriculum or Instructional Materials -covered under other policies – will combine needed language with KL

KLC – Public Complaints about Facilities or Services - covered under ACA

LC – Relations With Educational Research and Service Centers – not needed or recommended

LH – Federal Education Agency - there are no written procedures that support the policy

To be Amended:

ACA- E – Sexual Harassment Policy - remove names (titles only), remove complaint form

ACA- S – Sexual Harassment Policy - add Director of Pupil Services, remove names (titles only),

remove complaint form

Later in the spring I will be bringing round 2 –to amend the following policies to bring language

up to regulatory compliance and/or LSD required language for implementation

EB – Safety Program – update to reference that we have an EOP, individual building plans and

EOP committee high priority

GBK – GBKA – Employee Use or Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol high priority

IIAC – major revisions and elimination

IIAE – LSD Digital Technology /Electronic Media Acceptable Use policy

IICA and IICA-R Field Trips and Excursions

IGDJ and IGDJ-R – Interscholastic Athletics

IGE AND IGE-R – Exceptions to Use of Specific Course Material(s) and rescind KLB

IKF – High School Graduation (may combine with IKFB and ILBAA) high priority

ILBA – Assessment

JE/ JEC-R – Home Education Instruction – amend to include Charter Schools per regs

JFCH/JFCI Student Alcohol Use/Drug Abuse high priority (recode JICH) 2008 JFCH/JFCI – R and E

– Student Suspension/Expulsion Readmission Contract – incorporate into JFCH – only the

regulations and exhibits to be rescinded. Not the policy itself.

JG – Student Discipline high priority (combine with JICD) 2003

JICD – Student Conduct, Discipline, and Due Process high priority 1998

(of note – Policy JIC Bullying and Cyberbullying 2010 and Hazing JICFA 2004 are required as

separate policies and currently up to date. We will have a change to JIC-E and JIFCA-R)

JKAA – policy on the Use of restraint and Seclusion – update language on reporting


Additionally, there will be a Round 3 and 4 as prioritized to complete the update of the

Policy Book. It is anticipated to have this all completed by June 2020.


ABC (Also JFB)


A primary task of the school is to create a stimulating learning climate which develops a spirit of inquiry and encourages active involvement of students in their own education. This climate is created when students work together cooperatively with schools’ staffs. The Board believes that students should:

1. Be free to express their own opinions, recognizing that every right and privilege has corresponding responsibility;

2. Be encouraged to participate in establishing course goals, in improving courses of study,

and planning classroom activities;

3. Be involved in developing school policies, rules and regulations, and in establishing corresponding penalties for infractions;

4. Be encouraged to participate in student government organizations that provide students

with a concerted voice in school affairs, and to participate in a variety of extra-class activities to broaden their educational experiences; and be involved in the planning of assembly programs and school-sponsored forums of interest;

5. At the secondary level may be given the opportunity, at or near the end of each school

year or semester, to participate in evaluating teachers whose classes they attended during that time;

6. Recognize that the effort to improve the school system is continuous, and that student

concerns are taken seriously; 7. Recognize that any adult in the school, if approached as a friend, can be expected to

cooperate in seeking ways to make the school better; 8. Be warned that clearly worthwhile changes sometimes come only with frustrating

slowness; 9. Be advised that some procedures have been established by law and are outside the control

of teachers and administrators; and 10. Attempt to make criticism constructively, that is, to recognize that the school exists for

the purpose of helping young people, and with the goal in mind, alternatives to existing practices will be considered.


The Board recognizes that with increasing age and maturity, the level and quality of student participation will increase, but asserts that age shall be no bar to student involvement in decision-making. NOTE: See also RSA 189:1-C regarding high school student participation on School Board.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: January 3, 1989 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

AFA (also BAC)


Each year the Board will formulate goals and objectives. The goals and objectives may include but are not limited to the board functions of visions, structure, accountability and advocacy. The following areas of Board operations and relationships are representative of those in which objectives may be set and progress appraised: 1. Board meetings

2. Policy development

3. Fiscal management

4. Board role in educational program development

5. Board member orientation

6. Board member development

7. Board officer performance

8. Board-Superintendent relationship

9. Board-staff relationships

10. Board-community relationships

11. Legislative and governmental relationships

12. Risk management

Regulatory Reference: NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed.303.01(g), Substantive Duties of School Boards LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: September 12, 1977 Reviewed/Readopted: January 3, 1989 Amended: March 29, 2005 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

BFE (Also CHD)

ADMINISTRATION IN POLICY ABSENCE The Superintendent shall have the power to implement action within the school system if an emergency situation should develop for which the School Board has provided no administrative guidelines. However, the Superintendent’s decision shall be subject to review by the Board at its next regular meeting. It is the Superintendent’s duty to inform the Board of any such action and of the need for an official policy. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: September 12, 1977 Reviewed/Readopted: February 28, 1989 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



Welcome Cover Letter

School Board Londonderry School Board Contact Information Board Operational Goals - Policies BA, BA-R & BA-E Strategic Planning – Policy BAA School Board Policies and Administrative Procedures - BAB Evaluation of Board Operational Procedures - Policies BAC & BAC-E School Board Code of Ethics – Policy BBF School Board Conflict of Interest – Policy BBFA The Board-Superintendent Relationship – Policy BCD School Board Policy-Making Primer New Hampshire School Board Association (NHSBA) Policy Update The Hardest Lessons New Board Members Learn New Board Member Orientation – Policy BHA Londonderry School Board Proposed School Board Meeting Calendar Timeline for Annual School District Meeting (See Budget Book) School Board Liaison Assignments Routine Committee Status Reports (Given orally at Board Meetings) Current School Board Actions by Month Mileage Log Form and Mileage Grid

School District School District: Educational Philosophy - Policy AD School District and School Profiles Policy CI Londonderry School District Calendar Londonderry School District Strategic Plan (See Separate Binder) Londonderry School District Accent On Achievement School Enrollment Reports LMS Student Handbook LMS Program of Studies LMS Discipline Reports LHS Student Handbook LHS Program of Studies LHS Discipline Reports Curriculum Coordinating Council (C3) & District Curriculum Development Process

Report Elementary Math Program 24 Credit Committee Report (May 2004) Special Education Overview (See Special Education Manual/Case Managers’ Handbook) (IDEA) Individual with Disabilities Education Act (Consult with Director of Pupil Services) Frequently Used Abbreviations in Education Examples: AYP, ESL, etc.


Budget The Fundamentals of School Finance [National School Board Association (NSBA),

1996; p. 183-199] Proposed Budget Development Schedule (See Budget Book) Londonderry School District Annual Report Annual Budget Report (See Budget Book) Auditor’s Report, Vachon, Clukay & Co. (Separate cover) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) (See Budget Book)

Personnel Collective Bargaining Agreements An Overview of the Public Employee Relations Act (RSA 273-A)

Miscellaneous Looking at Your Community: A Checklist of Things to Know Newsletters

1. Wings (Sent electronically to School Board and employees) 2. In-Cider Press (Published in Londonderry Times) 3. From each of the schools (Included in School Board Packets)

Legislation 1. 2005 Legislative Handbook and Directory 2. How A Bill Becomes A Law – Prepared by the New Hampshire Municipal

Association 3. The Right-To-Know Law – A Primer for New Hampshire School Board

Members 4. NH State Education Funding Overview 5. NH School Administrator’s Association Report – No Child Left Behind (NCLB) 6. Calculating the Cost of NCLB 7. “IDEA & NCLB” – NHSBA Advocate, March 2003 (Volume 8, Issue 7)

E-mail – Policy BK and Regulation BK-R (Acceptable Use of E-Mail by School Board Members)

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: March 29, 2005 Amended: March 7, 2008 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



Proper planning is essential to the efficient and effective operation (short and long-term) of the School District. Thus, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent with the cooperation and support of the administration to present to the Board on an annual basis an updated five-year Strategic Plan no later than October of each school year for Board adoption. The Superintendent will also provide a progress report on said Strategic Plan no later than June of each school year. (Also see Policy BAA) LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: February 19, 2008 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

CBG (Also AFB)

EVALUATION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Through evaluation of the Superintendent, the Board will strive to accomplish the

following: 1. Clarify for the Superintendent his role in the school system as seen by the Board. 2. Clarify for all Board members the role of the Superintendent in the list of his job description

and the immediate priorities among his responsibilities as agreed upon by the Board and the superintendent.

3. Develop harmonious working relationships between the Board and Superintendent. 4. Provide effective administrative leadership for the school system.

The Board will provide the Superintendent with periodic opportunities to discuss Superintendent-Board relationships and will inform him, at least annually, of its assessment of his performance. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: September 26, 1989 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


PROGRAM CONSULTANTS The School Board supports the concept of utilizing professional consultants to assist the administration with program development. Consultation is encouraged for workshops with administrative groups and with the instructional staff (when feasible) re curriculum modifications, innovative programming and textbook adoptions. Use of consultants must have School Board approval prior to engaging their services if the cost will exceed $2,000. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: September 26, 1989 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


EMERGENCY PLANS The School Board recognizes that it is a custodian of the next generation, our nation’s most valuable resource. Consequently, this imposes the responsibility to provide facilities, equipment and training to minimize the effects of disaster. It is the responsibility of the district to develop a school disaster plan that will provide as much protection as possible for children while at school and on their way to and from school and to provide adequate instruction so that the school emergency plan may be carried out with the greatest possible speed and safety. Therefore, the following responsibilities shall be assigned: The Superintendent shall (a) make recommendations for needed policy statements to the Board; (b) designate a staff member to act as school emergency coordinator and as chairman of the school emergency plan review board; and (c) coordinate a school disaster plan with the local civil defense plan. Each principal shall (a) be informed concerning his or her responsibilities for organizing and implementing the emergency preparedness program in the school; (b) select and assign faculty members to various positions of responsibility in accordance with the school plan; (c) request needed emergency preparedness supplies and equipment; and (d) inform parents concerning the emergency plan program of the school. Each teacher shall (a) help students to develop confidence in their ability to take care of themselves and to be of help to others; (b) be prepared to provide leadership and activities for students during a period of enforced confinement; (c) be familiar with the psychological basis for working with students under the stress of emergency situations; (d) be familiar with minimum first aid procedures; (e) maintain good housekeeping practices to reduce hazards; and (f) help student to understand and interpret the emergency preparedness plan to parents. Each school nurse shall (a) be prepared to render first aid, treat casualties and identify and tag young children, unconscious persons and others as indicated and prepare patients for transportation to hospitals; (b) participate as a health resource person in faculty studies in the area of curriculum development in determining how to best meet the need for emergency preparedness; and (c) assist the principal in determining the need for additional emergency supplies and equipment. The cafeteria manager and assistants shall (a) maintain an adequate supply of food and water for emergency use and (b) be prepared for feeding services under emergency conditions.

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Custodians and maintenance personnel shall (a) inspect facilities for structural safety and report defects; (b) chart shutoff valves and switches for gas, oil, water \and electricity and post charts so that other personnel may use them in an emergency; (c) be prepared to inspect the building following disaster and report damage to administrator; and (d) be ready to make emergency repairs to building services. Bus transportation personnel shall (a) identify various routes by which students could reach home, shelter or evacuation assembly points in case of disaster; (b) know emergency precautions that need to be taken during school hours or while students are en route to school or home; (c) keep vehicles serviced and ready to transport evacuees at a moment’s notice; and (d) familiarize themselves with available fuel sources in case of power stoppage. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 12, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

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In the event of a call or notice to the effect that a bomb has been placed in a school or any other building or establishment, the following procedures are established: 1. Immediate evacuation of the school or buildings. 2. If the call was not received originally by the Fire and Police Departments, immediate

notification is required. Both Departments should respond. 3. A search of the building or premises should be conducted under the direction of the

senior officer present from either protective department. All officers, firefighters and custodians of the building should assist in the search.

4. Circumstances will dictate whether any strange or foreign objects should be removed

immediately or left for removal by a qualified person. 5. If a thorough search has been conducted and nothing found, the chief administrative

officer of the school or building should be notified by the senior member of the local protective department that re-entry will be permitted.

6. Investigation of the incident should be made by the local police department assisted by

the State Police, if requested. Any decision concerning the dismissal of school pupils and subsequent action after the above procedures have been followed is the prerogative of the superintendent. Under the emergency procedure of Policy BFC, the following was adopted on October 23, 1978: 7. The superintendent of schools, after consulting with Public Safety Officials and the

school principal, (shall) determine whether the school should be evacuated in the case of a bomb threat.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 12, 1978 Amended: October 23, 1978 Amendment Released: October 30, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



Bus routes must be established in such a manner that each child will be assigned the same trip number in the morning as in the afternoon. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 12, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



(Public Use of School Records) The Superintendent is hereby designated the custodian of all records, documents, writings, letters, memoranda or other written, typed, copied or developed materials possessed, assembled or maintained by this school district, except as policy JO delegates to the principals certain responsibilities regarding students’ records. 1. All requests for public information are to be forwarded to the Superintendent immediately

upon receipt. The Superintendent shall thereupon make a determination as to whether or not the information requested is public in nature.

2. If the Superintendent finds the information to be public in nature, he or she shall direct that

it be released for reproduction on the premises. The party requesting the information is to be charged the cost of reproduction and any other expenses entailed in locating and retrieving the information. If the information is in active use or otherwise unavailable, the party requesting the information will be notified immediately upon its becoming available.

3. If the Superintendent finds the information not to be public in nature, he or she shall so

inform the requesting party and shall for no reason release such information. 4. If the Superintendent is unable to ascertain whether or not the information requested is

public in nature, he or she is hereby authorized to request, on behalf of the school board, an opinion from the School Board’s Attorney as to the nature of the information. Such opinion requests will be made within ten (10) days of the original request for the information. The Superintendent shall notify the person requesting such information that an opinion is to be requested of the Attorney and shall notify such person immediately upon receipt of an answer from the School Board’s Attorney.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 12, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019




No person shall – on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, or age – be denied equal employment opportunities for, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, nor be subjected to invidious discrimination under, and educational program or practice conducted by the Londonderry School District. The Londonderry School Board hereby affirms that the School District’s policy is in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Londonderry School District will recruit and consider candidates without regard to sex, age, race, religion, country of origin, or other reasons unrelated to ability to perform the requirements of the job. When there are opportunities for promotion and qualification are equal, consideration will be given first to employees. The School District will employ individuals who meet the physical and mental requirements, and who have the education, training, and experience to age, race, religion, country of origin, sex, except where sex is a bona fide occupational requirement, or other reasons unrelated to ability to perform the requirement, or other reasons unrelated to ability to perform the requirements of the job. No qualified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap, be subjected to discrimination in employment, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by the Londonderry School District. No qualified handicapped person shall, because facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by handicapped persons, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by the Londonderry School District. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: November 7, 1977 Amended November 20, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

GBB (Also ABB)

STAFF INVOLVEMENT IN DECISION-MAKING It shall be the policy of the Board to encourage employee participation in decision-making for the school district. In the development of rules, regulations, and arrangements for the operation of the school system, the administration shall include at the planning stage whenever feasible those employees who will be affected by such provisions. Committees may be formed by the Superintendent, Principal, or staff members themselves for the purpose of considering and making recommendations. Individuals or groups making recommendations are urged to begin at the echelon closest to the situation, and may appeal an unsatisfactory decision to successive echelons if they feel that the matter is of sufficient importance. (Policy KL is analogous) The Superintendent shall evolve with professional and nonprofessional staff channels for the ready communication of ideas and feelings regarding the operation of the schools. He shall weigh with care the counsel given by employees, especially that given by groups designated to represent large segments of the staff, and shall inform the Board of all such counsel in presenting reports of administrative actions, options or recommendations for Board action. Londonderry School Board Adopted: August 28, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

GBD ( Also BG)

BOARD-STAFF COMMUNICATIONS The Board desires to maintain open channels of communication between itself and the staff. The Primary line of communication will be through the district superintendent. Staff Communications to the Board All official communications or reports to the Board from principals, supervisors, teachers, or other staff members shall be submitted through the superintendent. This procedure shall not be construed as denying the right of any employee to appeal administrative decisions to the Board, provided that notice of the appeal shall be given to the superintendent in advance. Staff members are also reminded that Board meetings are public meetings. As such, they provide an excellent opportunity to observe and participate in the Board’s discussions. Board Communications to Staff All Official communications, policies, and directives or staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members though the superintendent, and the superintendent ill employ such media as are appropriate to keep staff fully informed of the Board’s problem, concerns, and actions. During other types of communications with staff members, Board members should recognize that, because of their status, their communications maybe interpreted as directives; therefore, such communications should be carefully expressed to avoid such a possibility. Visits to schools Individual Board members interested in visiting schools or classrooms will inform the principal of such visits. Such visits shall be regarded as informal expressions of interests in school affairs and not as “inspections” or visits for supervisory or administrative purposes. Official visits by board members ill be carried on only under Board authorization and with the full knowledge of staff, including the superintendent, principals, and other supervisors. Social Interaction Staff and Board members share a keen interest in the schools and education generally, and it is to be expected that when thy meet at social affairs and other functions, they will informally discus such matters as educational trends, issues, and innovations and general school district problems. However, staff members are reminded that individual Board members have no special authority excepting when they are convened at a legal meeting of the Board or vested with special authority by Board action. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: October 9, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


STAFF HEALTH AND SAFETY MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS The following policy on medical examinations is established to comply with laws enacted by the New Hampshire General Court:

All members of the School District’s staff shall have a medical examination by a licensed physician. This examination is to take place within one (1) year prior to employment or within thirty (30) days after employment and shall be reported by the physician on a form provided by the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.

A Mantoux tuberculin skin test (PPD) is required within three months prior to employment or within thirty (30) days after employment.

The cost of the above mentioned examinations shall be borne solely by the employee.

The Superintendent may, at his discretion, require additional medical examinations from time to time in order to insure the employee is medically capable of performing his/her designated assignment.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 20, 1977 Amended: May 10, 1999 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


TEACHER PROTECTION When a teacher reports to the Administration that a physical attack or serious threat has been committed against the teacher within school jurisdiction which constitutes or may constitute criminal assault, the Administration shall promptly inform the School Board. If applicable, notice shall be given the parent or guardian and a formal hearing shall be initiated in compliance with school district policy and relevant law. If the teacher decides to report the offense to the police authorities or if the teacher is in doubt, opportunity will be provided for the teacher to confer with the school district counsel to advise the teacher of his or her legal rights, responsibilities and options given the circumstances. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: February 25, 1980 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Information: The Londonderry School District recognizes its obligation as an employer to provide an objectively safe environment where employees and students do not have fears for their health and safety. The Londonderry School District recognizes that employees with life-threatening illness, including, but not limited to cancer, heart disease and AIDS may wish to continue work. As long as employees are able to meet acceptable performance standards and medical evidence indicates that their continued employment is not a threat to themselves or others, employees shall be assured continued employment. Federal and state laws also mandate, pursuant to recent legislation and DA (American Disabilities Act) that those individuals not be discriminated against on the basis of their handicaps, and that if it becomes necessary, some reasonable accommodations be made to enable qualified individuals to continue to work. There is no evidence of casual transmission (for example), by sitting near, working in the same office, sharing the same water fountain, telephone, toilet facilities, eating facilities or office eating facilities or office equipment with a person infected with HIV. Problems may arise in the workplace when employees lack knowledge about life-threatening illnesses, and there is a misunderstanding of risk of transmission. The Londonderry School District will make a concerted effort to educate employees regarding the HIV virus and its transmission. Confidentiality: Employers should always remember that an employee’s health condition is personal and confidential. Personal and medical information regarding specific individual is exempt from disclosure. Disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. All special efforts should be made to protect information and prevent disclosure. An employee who contracts AIDS may choose to confidentially share that information with the Superintendent of Schools. This information will be held in the highest regard and discussed (with discretion and written permission) only with staff members with a clear need to know and whose responsibility is the health and welfare of all concerned. The employee may voluntarily seek assistance from the New Hampshire Division of Public Health, Center for Disease Control. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: October 20, 1992 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

GBH (Also JM)

STAFF- STUDENT RELATIONS Staff members shall be expected to regard each student as an individual and to accord each the rights and respect due any individual. The role of staff shall be seen not as dictators or controllers, but as resource persons, aids, and guides in the learning processes. Staff members regard to his or her learning program, consistent with district and shall local goals and with optimum opportunities for all students. Students shall be treated with courtesy and consideration. Neither insults nor sarcasm shall be used before a student’s peers as a way of forcing compliance with a staff member’s requirements or expectations. Each student is urged to regard staff members as people with specific knowledge and capabilities which can be will utilized to advance the student’s own knowledge and development. Students shall be expected to regard staff members as individuals, employed to provide direct or indirect contributions to learning. While students are to have considerable latitude in making choices for them-selves, they shall be required to respect the right or staff members (and other students, as well) and interference with those rights shall not be condoned. No student shall have the right to interfere with the efforts of instructional staff to coordinate or assist in learning, to disseminate information for purposes of learning, or to otherwise implement a learning program. Nor shall a student have the right to interfere with the learning and efforts of other students. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: November 7, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The building principal or immediate supervisor shall assign a consulting teacher to every first year teacher upon entrance of the first year teacher into the school system. The consulting teacher, insofar as possible, shall be an experienced teacher and shall be engaged in teaching within the same grade, building, or discipline as the first year teacher. The consulting teacher will assist the first year teacher in acclimating to the teaching profession and the school system. The consulting teacher shall not be involved in the evaluation of the first year teacher. The building principal or the immediate supervisor shall orient all teachers with the evaluation procedures and standards during the first two weeks of their assignment to their respective building or program. Each teacher shall be advised as to who shall observe and evaluate his performance. No formal observations shall take place until such orientation has been completed. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: November 7, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


Teachers attending out-of-state conventions or conferences shall, upon their return, file brief written summaries of such conventions or conferences with the superintendent's office.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: November 7, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The School Board is pleased to have members of its staff serve as consultants or workers for outside individuals and organizations, provided that their responsibilities to paid positions in the Londonderry School system are adequately met. Each staff member is expected to restrict his outside work to his non-Londonderry paid hours. A supervisor who observes that an employee’s outside work activities are adversely affecting his job performance should help the employee to resolve the situation. If it cannot be resolved to mutual satisfaction, then the supervisor should make a report to the superintendent. The superintendent will oversee the carrying out of the policy, advise the School Board of any policy abuse, request any policy exceptions, and notify the Board of any need for policy change. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: Nov. 7, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The creation of any new position in any non-professional staff classifications must be approved by a vote of the Londonderry School Board. The Office of the Superintendent of Schools will advertise, collect qualifications of each candidate and interview each applicant. There will be no discrimination in the hiring process due to age, sex, need, race, color, or national origin. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Schools to recommend the most qualified candidate to the School Board. A majority vote of the School Board shall be necessary for the employment of such candidates. Physical Examinations: All members of the School District’s non-professional staff shall have a pre-employment medical examination by a licensed physician. Such examination shall be reported by the physician on a form provided by the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent may, at his discretion, require additional medical examinations from time to time in order to insure the employee is medically capable of performing his designated assignments. The cost of the above-mentioned examination shall be borne solely by the employee. LONDONDERRY SCHOL BOARD Adopted: November 7, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



1. The standard workweek shall be forty (40) hours. 2. Medical-Surgical/Hospitalization Insurance for the employee’s personal coverage

will be provided by the Union, at the option of the employee. Coverage will be provided through a carrier as determined by the School Board.

3. An entitlement of fifteen (15) days of sick leave shall be established annually for

each employee, to be used as necessary for personal illness or illness in the immediate family.

3.1 Such leave may accumulate to not more than ninety (90) days. 3.2 A physician’s certification of need may be required at the discretion of the

superintendent. 4. Necessary absences for other reasons may be approved at the discretion of the

superintendent. 5. After one (1) year of service, the employee shall be entitled to two (2) weeks

vacation. Vacation entitlement will increase to three (3) weeks after (5) years of full-time employment and four (4) weeks of vacation after ten (10 years of full-time employment.

5.1 Vacations are not cumulative. 5.2 Vacations will normally be scheduled during July and August following the close

of the entitlement year. Exceptions shall be at the discretion of the superintendent and must be requested far enough in advance to allow for adequate planning.

6. It is anticipated that the Union offices will be closed on: Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day New Years Day Veteran’s Day Washington’s Birthday Thanksgiving Day Fast Day Thanksgiving Friday Memorial Day Employees will not suffer loss of pay because of such closings.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: February 22, 1982 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The Londonderry School Board believes that staff called in outside their normal working day should be paid fairly. When an Administrative and/or Supervisory decision is made that a situation exists that is of an emergency or extraordinary nature, and staff personnel are summoned to cope with the situation not during their usual working hours, it shall be the policy of the Londonderry School District that such personnel be compensated for the time expended in accordance with the overtime schedule then in effect. This policy does not apply to the Superintendent, Business Administrator, Principals and other full time administrative or supervisory personnel. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: May 14, 1979 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



In order to ensure a high quality of non-instructional activities in support of the major mission of the schools, a continuous program for evaluation of non-certified staff shall be established. The evaluation process shall include:

communication of job expectations frequent and frank conferences on performance

at least annual written evaluation reports

due process

supervisor initiated and employee initiated conferences

The superintendent shall be kept informed of the progress of the employees and

shall report at least annually to the Board on the results and the effectiveness of the process itself.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: December 6, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019




Job Performance Expectations

It is expected that

1. The employee shall refrain from revealing to the public, other employees, pupils, family, and social acquaintances all information that is confidential, subject to the rights of privacy, could be detrimental to a person’s reputation, or could render a decision ineffective.

2. Statistical data compiled shall be transcribed and computed accurately; and that

correct spelling, punctuation, and grammatical construction will be used whether from dictation, transcribing written data, or in direct composition.

3. The employee will be alert to routine deadlines, special needs and problem areas –

especially the special needs of students and staff.

4. The employee will provide timely information and/or reminders to the administrator regarding deadlines, significant data, callers, telephone calls, and other messages.

5. Performance will be organized by task prioritization, efficient time allocations,

and maintenance of effective records and filing system.

6. Relationships with people – whether in person, by telephone, or in writing – shall be accepting, helpful, polite, pleasant, calm, accurate, and fully explanatory.

7. Performance in general shall be characterized by the qualities of cooperation,

loyalty, and ethics.

8. The employee shall provide clerical services to the staff of the school as designated by the administrator.

LONDONDERRY SCHOL BOARD Adopted: December 6, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



1. The work of such personnel shall be continuously monitored by the immediate

supervisor. Deficiencies shall be discussed with the employee whenever such are noted. Commendations for exceptional task performance shall also be communicated whenever it occurs.

2. The immediate supervisor shall communicate to the employee, at the time of

employment and at intervals thereafter, the performance expectations associated with the particular assignment.

3. Discussions regarding deficiencies and/or exceptional performance shall be by

personal conference, and shall be followed by a summary memo random prepared by the administrator. The employee shall be given the opportunity to attach her/his own statement to the memorandum. Both shall be dated and placed in the employee’s file. A copy shall be sent to the superintendent of schools.

4. If deficiencies are noted, the employee shall be given instruction and assistance in

over-coming same and an appropriate length of time to correct performance shall be specified. A follow-up evaluation shall then take place.

5. A formal evaluation, by conference and written summary, shall be conducted

annually in March and shall be based on job performance expectations previously discussed with the employee. The annual formal evaluation shall result in a recommendation for continuation or termination of employment for the subsequent year.

6. In the event of a serious breach of job performance expectations, the administrator

will immediately initiate a special formal evaluation which shall result in a recommendation to terminate employment forthwith or to continue employment on probation for a specified time. Such probationary employment continuation shall be re-evaluated at the end of the specified time.

LONDONDERRRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: December 6, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



Suspension In the event that the Superintendent of Schools at his discretion finds it necessary to suspend a member of the staff, the following is the procedure to be followed:

1. The Superintendent should consult with the Chairman of the School Board indicating the reason or reasons for this suspension and the date at which time it will take effect.

2. The Superintendent shall communicate to the member of the staff being

suspended in a certified letter the reason or reasons for this suspension and the time it is to take effect.

3. The Superintendent will continue the employee on salary during the suspension.

4. The Superintendent shall bring to the School Board at the next regular meeting, in

accordance with the provisions of RSA 91-A, documentation for this suspension and his recommendations concerning this suspension.

5. The Board, at this meeting, will vote whether or not to continue this suspension

and to initiate any action concerning the person they are suspending that they feel is necessary upon the recommendation of the Superintendent.

6. The member of the staff, having been suspended, may at his discretion, appear at

this meeting and bring to the Board any evidence he feels is germane in this matter.

7. The Superintendent will communicate to the staff person involved in the

suspension the results of the Board action by certified letter.

8. Probable causes for suspension:

a. Superintendent finds a member of the staff to be incompetent, insubordinate, or immoral.

b. The actions of a member of the staff is such as to cause disruption of the

learning process.

c. A member of the staff being involved in court litigation of such a nature as to affect the school district.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: November 7, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019




The focus of the Londonderry Public Schools is on the learner, the student. His or her educational development toward the schools’ goals is the central concern of the Board’s policies and the administrative regulations. The teacher is a key figure in carrying out the school’s responsibility in the educational process. However, the teacher alone cannot effectively achieve all the objectives of education. The purpose of support staff is to provide conditions in the schools which permit teachers to work with maximum effectiveness and to provide them with a variety of tools and specialized assistance in developing and carrying out a program which will meet the needs of boys and girls in the world in which we live. The Board will seek to provide the facilities, personnel, equipment, and materials necessary for the education of all students for whom it is responsible. The goals of education shall be as follows: 1. To help students develop and maintain good physical and mental health 2. To help students achieve command of the fundamental skills and knowledge which are basic to all other learning 3. To help students learn to receive and to express ideas effectively 4. To help students gain an understanding of our constitutional form of government and a

knowledge of the history of the United States and of the part the United States plays in world affairs, and to help students accept the obligations of good citizenship

5. To help students understand the scientific approach to the problems of life, recognizing

the need for conservation of human and natural resources and the contributions made by science to the world in which we live

6. To help students acquire salable skills in the fields of their choice which will enable them

to take their place in the economic world 7. To help students become intelligent consumers of material goods, cultural products, and

services 8. To help students develop avocational interests which are satisfying and which provide for

worthy use of leisure time 9. To help students’ spiritual understanding, and to learn to recognize the ethical, esthetic,

and moral values of experience, and to act accordingly.


Setting Educational Objectives. It shall be the responsibility of each building staff under the direction of the principal to have specific educational objectives consistent with the broad educational goals outlined above. Since joint staff-student responsibility exists for the accomplishment of the educational objectives, it is important that there be both staff and student involvement in order to obtain unity of effort in achieving the objectives. Educational objectives will serve as the criteria by which learning materials are selected, content outlined, instructional procedures and educational technology developed, and tests prepared. Evidence of Achievement. The Board expects to have the staff present evidence of achievement, or lack of achievement, of students in the light of the schools’ goals and objectives. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: January 23, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


TEACHING ABOUT RELIGION Religious education is the responsibility of the home and church and within the district’s schools shall remain the free choice of the individual, true to the American heritage and Constitution. However, religion influences many areas of education, such as literature and history, and religion’s role in civilization can, and should be, properly taught. Moreover, it is proper for teachers to emphasize the generally accepted moral and ethical principals of all religions and to provide information to and the opportunity for students to study the forms of various religions. In other words, it is proper for teachers to teach about religion as opposed to teaching sectarian beliefs, although study of the Bible and other sacred documents as literary forms may inform students concerning particular sectarian beliefs. Teachers shall be permitted to expose students to information concerning religions and religious beliefs, but teachers shall not advocate or oppose openly or covertly or by subtlety, a particular religion or religious beliefs. Spiritual values are important in the development of a well-rounded individual, and development of well-rounded individuals is an encompassing goal of the district’s educational programs and activities. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: January 23, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The School Board believes that student activities at school are a vital part of the total educational program and should be used as means of developing wholesome attitudes and good human relations, as well as knowledge and skills. The Board believes that school citizenship, as reflected in student activities, is a measure of the achievement of important school goals. The Board recognizes that the greatest values to be derived from both curricular and extracurricular student school activities occur when such activities are developed and encouraged through participation among, or the knowledge of, the student body, interested members in the community and school staff. The Board further believes that any program of student activities should:

1. Require all student participation to be on a voluntary basis; 2. Require that student activity funds should be used for purposes which benefit the

student body of the school; 3. Require that the management of student funds be the responsibility of the students

with assistance from school system administration; and 4. Permit the formation of student unions, student clubs, and other student groups

organized to promote or pursue specialized athletic, social service and social activities. Secret societies are prohibited. All organizations are subject to free access by all students.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: January 23, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



Student organizations shall generally be encouraged when they meet the simple criteria of contributing to learning rather than detracting from it. Such organizations shall operate within the framework of the law, Board policy administrative rules, and the parameters of the learning program. When such organizations are truly contributive, their establishment and operation shall be facilitated in reasonable ways by district staff and through utilization of district resources. The superintendent shall develop general guidelines for student organizations. Among other provisions, such guidelines shall require the assignment of at least one faculty advisor to each student organization and the approval by the Board of any student organization that requires the expenditure of budgeted funds or that may engage in activities of a divisive or controversial nature. This policy applies to school sponsored organizations only. It is not intended to restrict the organization of students into groups which function apart from the school. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: January 23, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



Participation of Londonderry students in activities scheduled on Sundays is discouraged. Unless the principal, with the concurrence of the superintendent, judges Sunday participation to be in the best interests of the school, student body, or community, no student while representing the Londonderry Schools shall participate in a practice session or event scheduled for a Sunday. This policy is intended to prohibit Sunday participation in inter-scholastic competitions and co-curricular activities of whatever nature, and yet permit appropriate civic support, components of graduation activities, dedication ceremonies, and similar activities~ The policy applies to athletic, musical, dramatic and similar activities of the student body. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: December 6, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The Londonderry School Board does not encourage fund-raising by students (but) realizes that there are exceptions for which they should be allowed to raise money for student related activities. Exceptions to this policy shall be: 1. The sale of tickets to school scheduled student events like athletic contests, dramatic

productions and music performances. 2. The sale of advertising space in school publications. 3. Fund-raising for charitable purposes. Such activities must first be approved by the

superintendent. 4. Fund-raising for approved activities for which the students represent the school or the

district. In its annual budget preparation process, the Board shall attempt to identify perennial student activity funding needs and endeavor to provide operating budget financial support (to some degree) in an effort to keep student fund-raising activities to a minimum each year. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted January 13, 1986 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



In order to effectively achieve individualized programing and learning, it is anticipated that grouping arrangements must be kept flexible. Thus, groups will generally not be established on a permanent basis. Rather, they will usually be established around one or several learning modules and may exist for as brief a time as thirty minutes or as long as several weeks or months. Grouping may be in large groups containing any number up to the total school population, or it may be in intermediate groups of ten or more, or it may be in small groups of up to ten, or may be limited to two for tutoring or team efforts, or a student may work alone in independent study. Age or grade differences should not constitute a barrier to grouping. Rather, the basic criteria for grouping should be the learning (goals and objectives) being addressed and the student's ability to achieve those-purposes. Students should be grouped so that each benefits to a greater extent than would otherwise be possible, with provision for altering the grouping as often as necessary to fit the specific purpose involved. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: January 23, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The Londonderry School Board believes that an important part of the function of student grades is to keep the parents of students informed of student progress so that school and home can work together in helping students achieve their best work. This role for student grades will only be served if the grades reach the parents, and reach them in time for any slackening of effort to be corrected. Therefore, student progress reports, including warning notices for deteriorating performance, will be sent to parents on a timely basis. By parental request or in cases where student delivery is ineffectual, the information will be communicated to parents by personal contact, telephone or mail. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: December 17, 1979 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



A Londonderry High School student may complete the requirements for graduation at the end of the junior year by taking approved summer school courses and extra courses in the sophomore and junior years. It is possible for a student to complete requirements for graduation at the end of the first semester of the senior year by taking approved summer school courses, extra courses in the sophomore year, junior year, and in the first semester of the senior year. In order to qualify for early graduation a student must meet all course and credit requirements for graduation. It is absolutely necessary that a student and parents do the necessary long-range planning for early graduation. A statement that the program is approved by parents is required. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: July 10, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


IMGA (also ACAC)

SERVICE ANIMALS IN SCHOOLS The following rules shall govern the use of service animals by persons in the Londonderry School District schools. A. General Conditions

1. Qualified individuals with disabilities and service animal trainers are eligible to

use service animals in school.

New Hampshire law defines a “service animal trainer” as any person who is employed to train dogs for or is volunteering to raise dogs for a provider of service animals for persons with disabilities or an individual trainer who helps a person with disabilities to train his or her own service animal or an individual trainer who tests an animal to verify its eligibility for the New Hampshire service animal tag.

2. Use of a service animal by a person with a disability will be allowed in school

when the animal is required to perform work or tasks directly related to the individual’s disability.

3. “Service animal” is defined as follows:

a. Any dog individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of

an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for purposes of this definition.

b. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related

to the individual’s disability. Under state and federal law, work and tasks may include, but are not limited to: (1) assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks; (2) alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds; (3) providing nonviolent protection or rescue work; (4) pulling a wheelchair; (5) assisting an individual during a seizure; (6) alerting individuals to the presence of allergens; (7) retrieving items such as medicine or a telephone; (8) providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities; (9) helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors. The crime determent effect of an animal's presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship does not constitute work or tasks for the purposes of the law.


4. The Londonderry School District will not be responsible for the training, feeding, grooming or care of any service animal permitted to attend school under this policy (except in the limited circumstances described in Section B.2.a). It shall be the responsibility of the individual with a disability or designated handler to ensure the proper care and supervision of the service animal.

5. All service animals must be kept on a harness, leash or tether (unless this prevents

the animal from performing his/her specific work or tasks with the individual), or must otherwise be under the control of the individual with a disability or designated handler at all times.

6. The individual (in the case of a student, the student’s parent(s)) is liable for any damage to school or personal property and any injuries to individuals caused by the service animal, consistent with any applicable laws.

7. Individuals with service animals may access the same areas that individuals

without disabilities are authorized to access. B. Administrative Review of Service Animals 1. Whenever a service animal is in the school or on school property (and it is not

obvious that the dog qualifies as a service animal, e.g, guide dog for a blind person), a building administrator or other authorized school official may ask:

a. Whether the service animal is required because of a disability; b. What work or task(s) the animal has been trained to perform;

c. In the case of a service animal trainer, documentation of the individual’s affiliation with a recognized organization as described in Section A.1 above.

2. When it is anticipated that a service animal is going to be in the school on a

regular basis with an employee, student, volunteer, service animal trainer or other frequent visitor to the school, the individual using the service animal (or in the case of a student, the student’s parent(s)) are strongly encouraged to notify the building administrator in advance.

a. The school shall not provide staff support to care for or control a service

animal, but may provide support to a student using a service animal as needed in a particular instance (i.e., accompanying a young student who takes a service animal outside to relieve him/herself).

b. Any handler (trainer, parent or other person) accompanying the service

animal must have approval to work in the school from the New Hampshire Department of Education and undergo the State criminal background check.


3. Service animals must be properly licensed and vaccinated in accordance with

New Hampshire law. C. Removal or Exclusion of Service Animals from School 1. A building administrator or other authorized school official may require that a

service animal be removed from the school or other school property under any of the following circumstances:

a. The service animal poses a direct threat to the safety of individuals at school,

causes a significant disruption of school activities or programs, fundamentally alters the nature of any school program, or otherwise jeopardizes the safe operation of the school in a manner that cannot be eliminated by modifications;

b. The dog demonstrates that he/she is unable to perform reliably the work or

tasks which he/she was represented as being able to perform (which is required to be defined as a service animal);

c. The service animal is not under the full control of the person with a disability,

or the authorized handler/trainer, and the individual does not take effective action to control the animal;

d. The service animal is sick (i.e., vomiting, etc.), infested with parasites, has an

infection of the skin, mouth or eyes, or otherwise presents a threat to the public health (applying the standard that would be applied to any other animal allowed on school premises); and/or

e. The service animal demonstrates that it is not sufficiently trained to relieve him/herself outside the school building.

If a service animal is removed or excluded, the individual shall still be provided access to school facilities, programs and/or services. D. Miniature Horses Miniature horses are not defined as service animals under state or federal law. However, miniature horses which have been individually trained to perform specific work or tasks may be permitted in the schools in certain circumstances as a reasonable accommodation for a qualified individual with a disability. Any such requests should be directed to the building administrator for consideration. If a miniature horse is approved, all the conditions in this policy shall apply.


Legal References: 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq. 28 C.F.R. §§ 35.104; 35.130(h); 35.136

RSA Chapter 167-D Cross Reference: AC-Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action ACAA-R – Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure ACAB-R – Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: August 26, 2014 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

JB (Also AC and GBA)



No person shall – on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, or age – be denied equal employment opportunities for, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, nor be subjected to invidious discrimination under, any educational program or practice conducted by the Londonderry School district. The Londonderry School Board hereby affirms that the School District’s policy is in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Londonderry School District will recruit and consider candidates without regard to sex, age, race, religion, country of origin, or other reasons unrelated to ability to perform the requirements of the job. When there are opportunities for promotion and qualifications are equal, consideration will be given first to employees. The School District will employ individuals who meet the physical and mental requirements, and who have the education, training, and experience established and necessary for the performance of the job without regard to age, race, religion, country of origin, sex, except where sex is a bona fide occupational requirement, or other reasons unrelated to ability to perform the requirements of the job. No qualified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap, be subjected to discrimination in employment, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by the Londonderry School District. No qualified handicapped person shall, because facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by handicapped persons, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by the Londonderry School District. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: November 7, 1977 Amended: November 20, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The Board sanctions and recommends the organization of student government bodies in the secondary schools. Student government shall be “of the students, by the students, for the students,” representing all students in the school in communications with the administration and in the organization of student activities. Members to student councils shall be elected democratically. The rights and responsibilities of the council shall be clearly set forth. A faculty advisor and an alternate to the Student Council will be elected by the board acting on nominations voted by the students. The alternate will serve in the absence of the advisor and the stipend will be divided on a pro rata basis. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: August 7, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



Having fine buildings and excellent equipment is a privilege extended to us by the citizens of Londonderry. The best way to thank them for this privilege is to exercise care in the use of all facilities and equipment. Damage to any of this equipment or to the building should be reported to the office immediately. Writing or otherwise marking on walls, furniture or other equipment is not expected, and will not be condoned. Punishment for this type of offense will be appropriate. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 20, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


The Superintendent or written designee, on the recommendation of a Principal or Acting Principal, may suspend a student. In every case of suspension, the student and his or her parents will be notified of the grounds, hearing, and findings, as well as of the duration and place of the suspension. GROUNDS for suspension are listed under “examples” in Policy JG, Student Discipline. Misconduct described in LEVEL II, III, and IV and result in the suspension of a student. HEARING: Before recommending suspension of a student, the Principal or designee shall conduct at least a rudimentary hearing, which shall include at least, notification of student that the alleged violation is grounds for suspension, specifications of the violation in detail, and opportunity for the student to respond. In the event that the student denies wrongdoing or claims extenuating circumstances and the Principal or designee was not a witness, the Principal or designee shall make further inquiry. On making inquiry, or at parent request, the Principal may schedule a formal hearing. In any case, a formal hearing must be conducted before any suspension exceeds ten days, and the School Board must hold a hearing and approve before any suspension exceeds 20 days. A formal hearing shall include prior notification of students and parent(s) that student has rights to: call witnesses, cross-examine opposing witnesses, presence of counsel, a transcript of the hearing, appeal to the Board, et cetera. FINDINGS: When satisfied of the facts, the Principal shall report the hearing, findings, and recommendation to the Superintendent. DURATION: Suspensions shall be of definite duration, in most cases not to exceed 10 school days. Any longer suspension (more than 10 days) may be appealed to the School Board, and the Superintendent shall inform the Board of any exceeding 10 days. A formal hearing must be conducted before any suspension exceeds 10 days, and the Board must approve before any exceed 20 days. PLACE: At the Principal’s discretion, the student may spend the suspension in school in supervised studies, or away from school. This will depend on the severity of the offense – in Policy JG “Student Misconducts and Disciplinary Responses,” note the distinction between LEVEL II and LEVEL III. In a situation where a student’s continued presence constitutes a real danger to persons or property, or proves to be a serious and continuing disruption of the educational process, the Principal or designee may, once a rudimentary hearing has been conducted, suspend the student for up to two school days while events proceed through inquiry, findings, recommendation, and the Principal’s decision. The Principal shall so inform parent(s) and Superintendent. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: August 11, 1980 Amended: March 10, 1998 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



Student insurance is made available to all students at a reasonable charge. Complete information will be sent to parents early in the school year. All accidents must be reported to the school nurse who will assist in the completion of claim forms. Every student who participates in any interscholastic athletic activity of the Londonderry Public Schools must be covered by accident insurance. Evidence of insurance must be filed with the principal’s office prior to the student’s participation, and my be the student accident insurance available through the schools, Blue Cross/Blue shield, or other comparable insurance. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: April 25, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



A student is a person, and has the inherent rights guaranteed by the Constitution of New Hampshire and of the United States. As the complement of these rights, every person has the moral responsibility to avoid infringing on the rights of others. Additionally, the law requires every person between six and eighteen to be a student, that is to have: the right to a free and adequate education, the responsibility to attend school, and while attending to comply with all reasonable rules, regulations and policies. All students shall be provided, on their first day of attendance, with copies of the school rules and regulations, and in each Middle or High School there shall be available a copy of the School District’s policies, and copies of the Constitution of New Hampshire and the United States. Students have the right to present complaints to teachers or administrative officials. Legal References: RSA 193-E LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: August 25, 2015 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


DANGEROUS WEAPONS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY Dangerous weapons such as, but not limited to, firearms, explosives, incendiaries, martial arts weapons (as defined in RSA 159:20), clubs, billies, metallic knuckles or containers containing chemicals such as pepper gas or mace, or the use of any object as a weapon are not permitted on school property, on school vehicles or at school sponsored activities. Student violations of this policy will result in both school disciplinary action and notification of the police. Suspension or expulsion from school will result. Simulated weapons, such as, but not limited to, cap guns, water pistols, and home-made martial arts-type weapons are prohibited on school property, on school vehicles or at school sponsored activities as well, unless authorized by administration for specific use. Possession of such simulated weapons will result in a suspension of a short or long-term duration, and this policy will be enforced across all grades without regard to a student’s grade or age. In addition, any student who is determined to have brought a firearm (as defined by 18 US 921) to school will be expelled for not less than one year (365). This expulsion may be modified by the Superintendent upon review of the specific case in accordance with other applicable law. Weapons under control of law enforcement personnel are permitted. All students and their parents or legal guardian will receive written notice of this policy at least once each year. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: September 9, 1998 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


Pursuant to RSA 193:13 IV, the Superintendent may upon written application of an expelled pupil recommend modification to the expulsion. Prior to the School Board’s consenting to such a modification the pupil shall be required to submit to the Superintendent sufficient evidence in the form of letters work history or other documents or testimony demonstrating that it is in the school’s best interest and the pupil’s best interest to allow a modification. In making such a decision due regard will be given to other pupils and staff whose safety and well-being shall be of paramount importance.

Statutory Reference: RSA 193:13 IV Reference Policy: JICI LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Revised: May, 1998 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019




Students shall be discouraged from collecting money, setting aside funds, or purchasing gifts for faculty members. Students can best express their appreciation to faculty by letters of appreciation and by congenial working relationships. Solicitation of funds from students in the Londonderry Public Schools is permitted only when recommended by the principal(s) and approved by the Superintendent of Schools. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: April 25, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



SAFETY PROGRAM The School Board, in the interest of the safety of Londonderry elementary and secondary school children, authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to enact administrative regulations in the area of school safety, i.e. transportation, fire, civil defense and students walking to and from school. The Superintendent is authorized to close schools, or delay their opening, due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions. The safety of students shall be assured through close supervision of students in all school buildings and grounds and through special attention to the following;

1. Maintaining a safe school environment (safety experts shall be called in periodically to inspect the physical condition of all buildings and grounds).

2. Observation of safe practices on the part of school personnel and students,

particularly in those areas of instruction or extracurricular activities which offer special hazards.

3. Offering safety education to students as germane to particular subjects, such as

laboratory courses and health and physical education.

4. Providing, through the services of the school nurse, first aid care for students in case of accident or sudden illness.

In addition to the above safety measures, school personnel shall be constantly on the lookout for suspicious strangers loitering in or near school buildings or seated in parked automobiles nearby. The principal shall notify police if the circumstances seem to warrant it. Teachers shall instruct students not to accept gifts or automobile rides from strangers, and the students will also be instructed to tell the teachers, their parents, police, or school patrols of any suspicious strangers. Accidents are undesirable, unplanned occurrences which may result in tragic consequences—bodily harm, loss of school time, property damage, legal action and even fatality. It shall be the policy of the Board to guard against such occurrences by taking every prudent precaution to protect the safety of all students, employees, visitors and others present on district property or at school-sponsored events. The practice of safety shall also be considered a facet of the instructional plan of the district schools by virtue of educational programs in traffic and pedestrian safety, drive education, fire prevention, emergency procedures, etc., appropriately geared to students at different grade levels.


Each principal shall be responsible for the supervision of a safety program for his/her school and the Superintendent shall have overall responsibility for the safety program of the district. General areas of emphasis shall include, but not be limited to: in-service training; accident record keeping; plant inspection; driver and vehicle safety programs; fire prevention; school site selection and emergency procedures and traffic safety problems relevant to students, employees and the community. Legal References: Ed 306.04(a)(2) Ed 306.04(d) Cross Reference: JKAA – Policy on the Use of Child Restraint and Seclusion EEA and EEA-R Student Transportation Services IICA – Field Trip and Excursions LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: August 25, 2015 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

JM (Also GBH)

STAFF- STUDENT RELATIONS Staff members shall be expected to regard each student as an individual and to accord each the rights and respect due any individual. The role of staff shall be seen not as dictators or controllers, but as resource persons, aids, and guides in the learning processes. Staff members regard to his or her learning program, consistent with district and shall local goals and with optimum opportunities for all students. Students shall be treated with courtesy and consideration. Neither insults nor sarcasm shall be used before a student’s peers as a way of forcing compliance with a staff member’s requirements or expectations. Each student is urged to regard staff members as people with specific knowledge and capabilities which can be will utilized to advance the student’s own knowledge and development. Students shall be expected to regard staff members as individuals, employed to provide direct or indirect contributions to learning. While students are to have considerable latitude in making choices for them-selves, they shall be required to respect the right or staff members (and other students, as well) and interference with those rights shall not be condoned. No student shall have the right to interfere with the efforts of instructional staff to coordinate or assist in learning, to disseminate information for purposes of learning, or to otherwise implement a learning program. Nor shall a student have the right to interfere with the learning and efforts of other students. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: November 7, 1977 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The Board encourages a policy of sound relations with the press and other communication media in the community and surrounding geographical area. The Superintendent shall plan for periodic releases to the press and other communication media which will provide information to the community concerning its schools and various phases of the school program. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 19, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The participation of pupils in interpreting the educational program of the schools to the community shall be encouraged, with the understanding that while within the school jurisdiction:

1. Pupils shall not be exploited for the benefit of any individual or group 2. Pupils shall participate only in appropriate situations

3. The use of pupils shall always be evaluated in terms of the effect on the child

4. The best possible community relations grow from a superior teaching job in

the classroom. Enthusiastic pupils with serious intentions, well directed by sympathetic and capable teachers, are certain to communicate with the parents and the community. The Londonderry School District believes this is the cornerstone of good community relations.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 19, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



All surveys and questionnaires at the individual school levels involving students,

staff, teachers, parents or community must be approved by the building principal.

All such surveys and questionnaires involving more than one school or the school

district must be approved by the superintendent.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: September 10, 1991 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

KC (Also ABA)


The School Board recognizes that the public has vast resources of training and experience useful to schools. The strength of the local school district is in large measure determined by the degree to which these resources are tapped for advisory purposes and to the degree that these resources are involved in supporting the improvement of the local educational program. The Board shall encourage the involvement of citizens both as individuals and as groups to act as advisers and resource people in ways such as the following:

1. In the development of broad policy statements for the guidance of the professional staff to use in managing the schools

2. In the identification of or the development of the objectives of the course of study

3. In the assessment of and the evaluation of the educational program

4. In extending the instructional services of the classroom teacher in those instances

where the specific talents of the lay person or persons complement such services

5. In solving specific problems

6. In serving as advisory people to curriculum development projects. The advice of the public will be given careful consideration. In the evaluation of such contributions, the first concern will be for the educational program as it affects the pupils. The final decision may depart from this advice when in the judgment of the staff and the Board such advice is not consistent with goals adopted by the Board, current educational practice, or within the reach of the financial resources available. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 19, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

KD (Also BDDH)

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT BOARD MEETINGS The Board invites citizens of the district to attend its meetings so that they may become better acquainted with the operation and programs of the schools and that the Board may have the opportunity to hear the wishes and ideas of the public. (For a thorough understanding of Board meeting procedures, refer to the series of policies beginning with the letters BD)

1. Priority is given to items on the printed agenda, copies of which are available to the public. Individuals or groups wishing to have items added to the printed agenda should contact the school district before three p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the regular Monday evening meeting.

2. Anyone desiring to speak shall obtain recognition from the chair, give his or her

Name and, if representing a group, the name of the group, and then address the item under consideration, endeavoring to be as brief as possible.

3. Speakers may offer such objective criticisms of school operations, program, policies, etc, as concern them. However, the Board cannot in public session allow personal criticism of specific individuals involved in the school system. For the protection of the individual this can only be allowed in executive session. (See Policy BDC,#3)

The Board vests in its chairperson or other presiding officer the authority to terminate the remarks of any person when he or she does not adhere to these rules. Persons appearing before the Board are reminded, as a point of information, that members of the Board are without authority to act or decide independently as individuals. In any official matter, questions may be directed to individual Board members, and they may give their personal opinions, but only decisions taken by a majority of the Board are binding on the district. Also it should be noted that the Board will only adopt or change policies after twice considering the matter. Similarly, to achieve informed and deliberate decisions, other matters of importance are customarily decided only preliminarily on first consideration. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 19, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The School Board, though it is ultimately responsible for all curriculum and instructional materials, including library books, recognizes the need and right of students to free access to many different types of books and materials. It also recognizes the right of the professional staff to select books and other materials supportive of the district’s educational philosophy and goals. The School Board has approved principles governing the selection of all instructional materials, including library books, and has established policies pertaining to the selection process. However, the Board wishes to amplify its principles on the selection of books and other materials which present controversial topics or which for other reason might be challenged:

Material that is challenged usually belongs to one of the three basic categories: religion, ideology, or profanity/obscenity. Board policies regarding these areas shall be as follows:

Religion – factual, unbiased material on religions has a place in school libraries.

Ideologies – libraries should, with no thought toward swaying reader judgment, make available a balanced collection of primary and factual material, on the level of their students, on various ideologies or philosophies which exert or have exerted a strong force, either favorably or unfavorably, in government, current events, politics, education, and other phases of life.

Obscenity – materials shall be subjected to a test of literary merit and

reality by media specialists and teachers who will take into consideration the maturity of students and the standards of the community.

Criticism of a book or other materials used in the schools may be expected from time to time. In such instances: 1. The Board recognizes the right of an individual parent to request that his own

child not read a given book. When such a request is presented, the teacher and/or school administrator should resolve the situation, perhaps by arranging for use of alternative material meeting essentially the same instructional purpose. This does not apply, however, to basic program texts and materials that the board has adopted.

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2. The Board shall not permit any individual or group to exercise censorship over instructional materials and library collections, but recognizes that at times a reevaluation of certain material may be desirable. Should an individual or group ask to have any book or other material withdrawn from school use:

a. The person who objects to the book or other material shall be asked to sign a

complaint on a standard form on which he will document his criticism. b. Following receipt of the formal complaint, the superintendent shall provide for a

reevaluation of the material in question. c. The reevaluation shall be based on the points offered above, as well as the principles

governing the selection of all instructional materials. Additionally, the Board wishes to emphasize that:

A book will be judged on the merits of what is contained between its covers

and will not be excluded for extrinsic reasons. That the value of any book or other material shall be judged as a whole, taking

into account the purpose of the material, rather than individual, isolated expressions or incidents in the work.

d. The superintendent or his designee shall review the complaint and reevaluation, and shall render a decision in the matter. Should the solution be unsatisfactory to the complainant, he may appeal the decision to the Board.

In summary, the Board assumes final responsibility for all books and instructional materials it makes available to students; it holds its professional staff accountable for their proper selection. It recognizes rights of individual parents with respect to controversial materials used by their own children; it will provide for the reevaluation of materials in library collections upon formal request. On the other hand, students’ right to learn and the freedom of teachers to teach shall be respected. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 19, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019

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Author_________________________________ Required Reading Title___________________________________ Textbook_________________________ Publisher/Provider________________________ Hardcover________________________ Paperback________________________ Request initiated by_______________________ Selected Reading Address_________________________________ Hardcover________________________ Telephone_______________________________ Paperback________________________ Complainant represents Media Presentation _____himself Record__________________________ _____organization_________________________ Film____________________________ name Film Strip________________________ _____other group__________________________ Slides___________________________ name 1. To what particular contents do you object? Please be specific; cite pages if possible.______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What of value is there in this work? ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you feel might be the result of reading (viewing) this work? __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. For what age group would you recommend this work? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Did you read (view) the entire work? _______ If not, what pages or sections? ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Are you aware of the judgment of this work by critics? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Are you aware of the instructional purpose for using this work? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. What do you believe is the theme or purpose of this work? __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What would you prefer the school do about this work? _____ Do not assign or recommend it to my child. _____ Withdraw it from all students. _____ Reevaluate it. 10. What work of equal value would you recommend to replace the one you question? _______________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD _______________________________________ Adopted: June 19, 1978 (Signature of Complainant) 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019




1. Forms for registering complaints are available in each school office as well as the office of the Superintendent. A copy of the form is included in this policy manual as KLB-E.

2. Re-evaluation will be done by a committed appointed on an ad hoc basis for each

complaint. The committee shall be composed of representatives of the library staff, faculty, administration, parents, non-parent community members, and in appropriate instances, students.

3. The committee will:

Read and examine the material in question; Check general acceptance of the materials by reading reviews, consultation with

appropriate organizations, etc.; Weight values and faults; Meet to discuss the material and prepare a report; Submit the report to the Superintendent for decision.

4. The Superintendent will render a decision based on the report of the re-evaluation

committee and shall communicate the decision to the complainant. 5. A copy of the committee’s report will also be given to the complainant with the decision. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 19, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019




1. Any qualified handicapped person or persons who feel subject to discrimination by New Hampshire Supervisory Union No. 12, which is comprised of all the public schools in Londonderry, New Hampshire, with respect to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 have the right to file a formal grievance.

2. Any qualified handicapped person, or persons, who has a grievance shall discuss it first with

the appropriate building principal in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at that level. 3. If, as a result of the discussion, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the aggrieved

party within five (5) school days, the aggrieved party shall set forth the grievance in writing to the principal. The principal shall communicate his decision to the aggrieved party in writing within five (5) days of receipt of the written grievance.

4. The aggrieved party, no later than five (5) school days after receipt of the principal’s

decision, may appeal the principal’s decision to the Section 504 Coordinator. The appeal to the Coordinator must be made in writing reciting the matter submitted to the principal and the aggrieved party to attempt to resolve the matter as quickly as possible, but within a period not to exceed five (5) school days. The Coordinator shall communicate his decision in writing to the aggrieved party and the principal not later than five (5) school days after the meeting.

5. If the grievance is not resolved to the aggrieved party’s satisfaction, the aggrieved party, no

later than five (5) school days after receipt of the Coordinator’s decision may submit a written request for a hearing with the local School Board regarding the alleged discrimination through the Superintendent of Schools. The hearing will be held within thirty (30) calendar days of the written request. The School Board must provide the aggrieved party with a written decision on the appeal within ten (10) calendar days after the hearing.

6. Between the date the aggrieved party requests the hearing and the date the hearing is held,

the aggrieved party and the School District may continue to negotiate. If the School District and aggrieved party agree on a mutual solution to the alleged discrimination, the hearing would be cancelled.

7. The decision of the local School Board is final pending any further legal recourse as may be

described in current local district, State or Federal statutes pertaining to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: September 20, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019



The Superintendent is authorized to cooperate as far as possible with colleges, universities, and other recognized research. Because of the large number of requests for studies in our schools it is necessary to limit the number and establish guidelines for the approval of studies. Decisions in connection with research involving students, teachers, or other employees will be influenced by the following factors.

1. The objectives of the research should be clearly stated and the design should produce valid and reliable results which will then be made available to the Londonderry schools.

2. The research should be expected to contribute to the improvement of education of the

general welfare of children.

3. The data derived from school records, interviews, or questionnaires which have potential for invasion of the privacy of students or their families must have advanced written authorization of parents or guardians even though the data are to be collected and reported under conditions of anonymity.

4. Research proposals should be of sufficient scope and depth to justify the time and

effort of students and staff members.

5. In general, instructional activities will not be interrupted unless there is clear significance for the educational program of the Londonderry schools.

6. Projects involving student researchers mush have prior written approval by a faculty

member of the institution in which the student is enrolled. This faculty member must have direct responsibility related to the student’s research.

LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 19, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019


FEDERAL EDUCATION AGENCY RELATIONS In addition to its interest in being informed of the availability of federal education funds, the Board is also desirous that the administrative and instructional staffs be fully informed concerning any services or publications beneficial to our school district that may be available from federal education agencies such as the U.S. Office of Education, the National Institute for Education, and the ERIC Clearinghouse. The Superintendent is instructed to develop written procedures for the implementation of this policy. LONDONDERRY SCHOOL BOARD Adopted: June 19, 1978 1st Reading to Rescind: January 22, 2019 2nd Reading to Rescind: February 19, 2019 3rd Reading to Rescind: March 19, 2019






District Title IX Coordinator:

Human Resource Director

6A Kitty Hawk Landing

Londonderry, NH 03053

603-432-6920 ext. 1104

High School Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

Middle School Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

Matthew Thornton Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

Moose Hill Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

South School Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

North School Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee


Adopted: January 24, 1995

Amended: October 20, 1998

Amended: October 26, 2014

Amended: October 26, 2018

1st Reading to Amend: January 22, 2019

2nd Reading to Amend: February 19, 2019

3rd Reading to Amend: March 19, 2019





Harassment of school employees because of age, sex, race, religion, color, marital status, familial

status, physical or mental disability, genetic information, national origin, ancestry or sexual

orientation is prohibited. Such conduct is a violation of Board policy and may constitute illegal

discrimination under state and federal laws.


Harassment includes but is not limited to verbal abuse, threats, physical assault and/or battery

based on age, sex, race, religion, color, marital status, familial status, physical or mental

disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation or genetic information.

Sexual Harassment

Unwelcome sexual advances, suggestive or lewd remarks, requests for sexual favors, and other

verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

A. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of

an employee’s work environment or employee benefits;

B. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an employee is used as the basis for

decisions on employment benefits; and/or

C. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s

work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Any employee who engages in harassment or sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary

action, up to and including discharge.

All complaints of harassment will be investigated in accordance with the Employee & Third

Party Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure.

Notice and Training

Annually, each employee shall receive a copy of this policy and its accompanying complaint

procedures. This may be accomplished by including the policy/procedure with employee

paychecks or by using other appropriate means to ensure that each employee receives a copy.

Employee & Third Party Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure


This procedure has been adopted by the Board in order to provide a method of prompt and

equitable resolution of employee complaints of discrimination and harassment. This procedure

may also be used by other individuals (excluding students), such as parents, volunteers and

visitors to the schools who wish to make a complaint of discrimination or harassment.

Complaints alleging harassment or discrimination of students based on protected status should be

addressed through the Board’s Student Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment

Policy and Complaint Procedure (ACA-S).


For purposes of this procedure:

A. “Complaint” is defined as an allegation that an employee or other third party has been

discriminated against or harassed on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, color, marital

status, familial status, physical or mental disability, genetic information, national origin,

ancestry or sexual orientation.

B. “Discrimination or harassment” means discrimination or harassment on the basis of age,

sex, race, religion, color, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability,

genetic information, national origin, ancestry or sexual orientation. “Discrimination” may

include treating individuals differently, or interfering with or preventing them from

enjoying the advantages or privileges afforded to others because of their membership in a

protected class. “Harassment” may include oral, written, graphic, electronic or physical

conduct relating to an individual’s actual or perceived membership in a protected class

that is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to interfere with or limit that

individual’s ability to participate in the District’s programs or activities by creating a

hostile, intimidating or offensive environment.

C. Whenever the term “employee” is used in this procedure it includes other third parties

who are making a complaint of discrimination or harassment.

How to Make a Complaint

A. Any employee who believes he/she has been harassed or discriminated against is

encouraged to try to resolve the problem by informing the individual(s) that the behavior

is unwelcome or offensive and by requesting that the behavior stop. This shall not

prevent the employee, however, from making an immediate formal complaint.

B. Any employee who believes he/she has been harassed or discriminated against should

report their concern in writing promptly to the Building Administrator or Human

Resource Director. If the employee is uncomfortable reporting concerns to the Building

Administrator, he/she may report the concern to another school administrator.

Employees who are unsure as to whether unlawful discrimination or harassment has

occurred or who need assistance in preparing a written complaint, are encouraged to

discuss their concerns with the Building Administrator or the Human Resource Director.

Employees will not be retaliated against for reporting suspected discrimination or


harassment or for participating in an investigation. Retaliation is illegal under federal and

state nondiscrimination laws, and any retaliation will result in disciplinary measures, up

to and including dismissal.

C. Any employee who believes he/she has been discriminated against or harassed is

encouraged to utilize the District’s complaint procedure. However, employees are hereby

notified that they also have the right to report incidents of discrimination or harassment to

the New Hampshire Commission on Human Rights, 2 Chenell Drive, Concord, NH

03301-8501 (telephone: 603-271-2767) and/or to the federal Office for Civil Rights,

Regional Director, U.S. Department of Education, 5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor,

Boston, MA 02110-1491 (telephone: 617-289-0111).

Complaint Handling and Investigation

A. The Building Administrator or the Human Resource Director will promptly inform the

Superintendent and the person who is the subject of the Complaint that a Complaint has

been received.

B. The Building Administrator or the Human Resource Director may pursue an informal

resolution of the Complaint with the agreement of the parties involved. Any party to the

Complaint may decide to end the informal resolution process and pursue the formal

process at any point. The informal resolution is subject to the approval of the

Superintendent who shall consider whether the resolution is in the best interest of the

parties in light of the particular circumstances and applicable policies and law.

C. The Complaint will be investigated by the Building Administrator or the Human

Resource Director. Any Complaint about an employee who holds a supervisory position

shall be investigated by a person who is not subject to that supervisor’s authority. Any

Complaint about the Superintendent should be submitted to the Chair of the Board, who

should consult with legal counsel concerning the handling and investigation of the


1. The person who is the subject of the Complaint will be provided with an

opportunity to be heard as part of the investigation. The Complainant shall not be

required to attend meetings with the subject of the Complaint, but may choose to

do so as part of the resolution process.

2. The Complainant and the subject of the Complaint may suggest witnesses and/or

submit materials they believe are relevant to the Complaint.

3. If the Complaint is against an employee of the District, any rights conferred under

an applicable collective bargaining agreement shall be applied.

4. Privacy rights of all parties to the Complaint shall be maintained in accordance

with applicable state and federal laws.

5. The Building Administrator or the Human Resource Director shall keep a written

record of the investigation process.


6. The Building Administrator or the Human Resource Director may take interim

remedial measures (consistent with any applicable collective bargaining

agreement provisions) to reduce the risk of further discrimination or harassment

while the investigation is pending. An example of a remedial measure is ordering

no contact between the individuals involved.

7. The Building Administrator or the Human Resource Director shall consult with

the Superintendent concerning the investigation, conclusions, and any remedial

and/or disciplinary actions.

8. The investigation shall be completed within 21 calendar days of receiving the

Complaint, if practicable.

D. If the Building Administrator or the Human Resource Director determines that

discrimination or harassment occurred, he/she shall, in consultation with the


1. Determine what remedial action, if any, is required to end the discrimination or

harassment, remedy its effect and prevent recurrence.

2. Determine what disciplinary action should be taken against the person(s) who

engaged in discrimination or harassment, if any; and

3. Inform the employee who made the Complaint in writing of the results of the

investigation and its resolution (in accordance with applicable state and federal

privacy laws).

E. If the employee who made the Complaint is dissatisfied with the resolution, he/she may

appeal to the Superintendent within 14 calendar days after receiving notice of the

resolution. The Superintendent shall review the investigation report and may conduct

further investigation if deemed appropriate. The Superintendent’s decision shall be

provided in writing to the complainant within 21 business days, if practicable. The

Superintendent’s decision shall be final.

Legal References: Americans with Disabilities Act (28 CFR § 35.107)

Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 794);

34 CFR § 104.7

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (34 CFR §


Age Discrimination in Employment Act (34 CFR § 110.25)

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (42 U.S.C. §

2000ff et seq.)

NH RSA 354-A:7

NH Code Admin R. Ed 303.01(i) and (j)


Cross Reference: AC – Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity

ACA-S – Student Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual

Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure


Adopted: August 26, 2014

1st Reading to Amend: January 22, 2019

2nd Reading to Amend: February 19, 2019

3rd Reading to Amend: March 19, 2019




Complaint filed by:



Name of alleged harasser(s)

When did the incident(s) take place?

Where did the incident(s) take place?

Please provide a summary of what happened:

Signature of Complainant Date

Note: All complaints will be investigated by the Human Resource Director, Title IX

Coordinator, 6A Kitty Hawk Landing, Londonderry, NH at 432-6920. Complainants, witness

and others involved will be interviewed without reprisal. Prompt corrective action will be taken

when warranted. Knowingly filing a false sexual harassment claim is a serious matter and will

be dealt with accordingly. Filing a false claim will result in discipline up to and including





Complainant Name:


Telephone No: Date complaint was filed:

Name of alleged harasser(s):

Department Manager/Supervisor:

Description of the incident(s):

1.Where did the incident(s) take place?

2. When did the incident(s) take place?

3. Names of witnesses:

4. How did the incident(s) affect you?

5. What did you do?

6. Are you aware of any other incidents?

7. What were your feelings at the time of the incidents?


Sexual Harassment Investigation Page 2

8. Have you talked to anyone else about the incident(s)?

9. Do you have any documentation or evidence regarding the incident?

10. What do you want done to remedy the situation?

11. Please add any other comments you would like to make regarding this





I, for the Londonderry School

District, an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a policy prohibiting sexual

harassment of its employees, understand you have raised serious concerns about a possible

violation of that policy. It is my job to investigate the matter promptly, fairly, and thoroughly. I

would like to ask for your cooperation.

I will gladly supply you with a copy of any statement you sign. You may terminate this

interview at any time. There will be no benefit or reprisal for your participation in this process.

I represent the Londonderry School District in this matter. You may have claims that you may

assert even after this investigation is finished. You have a right to do so through the grievance

procedure, the EEOC, the state labor agency, or a common law civil suit. Our interest here is in

detecting any wrong and taking appropriate action in hopes that further conflict will be avoided.

Your cooperation will assist the Londonderry School District in doing so. Please sign below to

consent to this interview.

Signature Date






District Title IX Coordinator:

Director of Pupil Services

6A Kitty Hawk Landing

Londonderry, NH 03053

603-432-6920 ext. 1104

High School Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

Middle School Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

Matthew Thornton Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

Moose Hill Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

South School Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee

North School Title IX Coordinator: Principal or designee


Adopted: January 24, 1995

Amended: October 20, 1998

Amended: October 26, 2014

Amended: October 26, 2018

1st Reading to Amend: January 22, 2019

2nd Reading to Amend: February 19, 2019

3rd Reading to Amend: March 19, 2019





This policy and accompanying procedures have been adopted by the Londonderry School Board

in order to provide a method of prompt and equitable resolution of student complaints of

discrimination or discriminatory harassment. Complaints alleging discrimination or harassment

of employees or other third parties (such as parents, volunteers, vendors, etc.) should be

addressed through the Board’s Harassment and Sexual Harassment of School Employees Policy

& Complaint Procedures for Employees and Third Parties (ACA-E).


Harassment of students because of race, religion, color, age, marital status, familial status,

physical or mental disability, national origin, ancestry, economic status or sexual orientation is

prohibited. Such conduct is a violation of Board policy and may constitute illegal discrimination

under state and federal laws.

Harassment includes but is not limited to verbal abuse based on race, religion, color, age, marital

status, familial status, physical or mental disability, national origin, ancestry, economic status or

sexual orientation is prohibited. Complaints of bullying and cyberbullying not based on the

characteristics described above may also be pursued under Board Policy JIC – Pupil Safety &

Violence Prevention Policy.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual

favors or pressure to engage in sexual activity, physical contact of a sexual nature, gestures,

comments, or other physical, written or verbal conduct that is gender-based that interferes with a

student’s education. School employees, fellow students, volunteers and visitors to the school,

and other persons with whom students may interact in order to pursue school activities are

required to refrain from such conduct.

Harassment/sexual harassment of students by school employees is considered grounds for

disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Harassment/sexual harassment of students by

other students is considered grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. The

Superintendent will determine appropriate sanctions for harassment of students by persons other

than school employees and students.

The Superintendent or the employee designated as the Title IX Coordinator will investigate

complaints of harassment in accordance with the Student Discrimination and Harassment

Complaint Procedure listed below. School employees, students, and parents shall be informed of

this policy/procedure through handbooks and/or other means selected by the school



Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure


For purposes of this procedure:

A. A “Complaint” is defined as an allegation that a student has been discriminated against or

harassed on the basis of race, religion, color, age, marital status, familial status, physical

or mental disability, national origin, ancestry, economic status or sexual orientation.

B. “Discrimination or harassment” means discrimination or harassment on the basis of race,

religion, color, age, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, national

origin, ancestry, economic status or sexual orientation. “Discrimination” may include

treating individuals differently, or interfering with or preventing them from enjoying the

advantages or privileges afforded to others because of their membership in a protected

class. “Harassment” may include oral, written, graphic, electronic or physical conduct

relating to an individual’s actual or perceived membership in a protected class that is

sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to interfere with or limit that individual’s

ability to participate in the District’s programs or activities by creating a hostile,

intimidating or offensive educational environment.

C. Complaints of bullying and cyberbullying not involving the protected classes described

above may also be pursued under Board Policy JIC – Pupil Safety and Violence

Prevention Policy.

How to Make a Complaint

A. Any individual who believes a student has been discriminated against or harassed should

report his/her concern in writing promptly to the Building Administrator or the

Superintendent/designee and utilize this complaint procedure. Individuals who are

unsure whether discrimination or harassment has occurred or who need assistance in

preparing a written complaint, are encouraged to discuss the situation with the Building

Administrator or the Superintendent/designee.

B. School employees are expected to report possible incidents of discrimination or

harassment of students to the Building Administrator or the Superintendent/designee.

C. Students and others will not be retaliated against for making a Complaint or participating

in an investigation. Retaliation is illegal under state and federal nondiscrimination laws

and any retaliation by students or school staff will result in disciplinary measures, up to

and including expulsion or dismissal.

D. Students are encouraged to utilize this Complaint Procedure. However, students are

hereby notified that they also have the right to report complaints to the New Hampshire

Commission for Human Rights, 2 Chenell Drive, Unit 2, Concord, NH 03301-8501

(telephone: 603-271-2767) and/or to the federal Office for Civil Rights, Regional


Director, U.S. Department of Education, 5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor, Boston, MA

02110-1491 (telephone: 617-289-0111).

Complaint Handling and Investigation

A. The Building Administrator or Superintendent/designee shall promptly inform the

Superintendent and the person(s) who is the subject of the Complaint that a Complaint

has been received.

B. The Building Administrator or the Superintendent/designee may pursue a prompt and

equitable informal resolution of the Complaint with the agreement of the parties

involved. Any party to the Complaint may decide to end an informal resolution process

and pursue the formal process at any point. The informal resolution is subject to the

approval of the Superintendent, who shall consider whether the informal resolution is in

the best interest of the parties in light of the particular circumstances and applicable

policies and laws.

C. The Complaint will be investigated by the Building Administrator or the Superintendent/

designee. Any Complaint about an employee who holds a supervisory position shall be

investigated by a person who is not subject to that supervisor’s authority. Any Complaint

about the Superintendent should be submitted to the Chair of the School Board, who

should consult with legal counsel concerning the handling and investigation of the


1. The person who is the subject of the Complaint will be provided with an opportunity to

be heard as part of the investigation. The Complainant shall not be required to attend

meetings with the subject of the complaint, but may choose to do so as part of the

resolution process.

2. The Complainant and the subject of the Complaint may suggest witnesses and/or submit

materials they believe are relevant to the Complaint.

3. If the Complaint is against an employee of the District, any applicable individual or

collective bargaining contract provisions shall be followed.

4. Privacy rights of all parties to the Complaint shall be maintained in accordance with

applicable state and federal laws.

5. The Building Administrator or the Superintendent/designee shall keep a written record of

the investigation process.

6. The Building Administrator or the Superintendent/designee may take interim remedial

measures to reduce the risk of further discrimination or harassment while the

investigation is pending. Examples of interim measures include, but are not limited to,

ordering no contact between individuals, changing schedules or classes, etc.


7. The Building Administrator or Superintendent’s designee shall consult with the

Superintendent concerning the investigation, conclusions, and any remedial and/or

disciplinary actions.

8. The investigation shall be completed within 21 business days of receiving the Complaint,

if practicable.

D. If the Building Administrator or Superintendent’s designee determines that

discrimination or harassment occurred, he/she shall, in consultation with the


1. Determine what remedial action, if any is needed to end the discrimination or

harassment, remedy its effects, and prevent recurrence

2. Determine what disciplinary action should be taken against the person(s) who

engaged in discrimination or harassment, if any; and

3. Inform the complainant in writing of the results of the investigation and its

resolution (in accordance with applicable state and federal privacy laws).

E. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution, an appeal may be made in writing to

the Superintendent within 14 business days after receiving notice of the resolution. The

Superintendent shall review the investigation report and may conduct further

investigation if deemed appropriate. The Superintendent’s decision shall be provided in

writing to the complainant within 21 business days, if practicable. The Superintendent’s

decision shall be final.

Legal References: Americans with Disabilities Act (28 CFR § 35.07), as amended

Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (29 USC § 794), as

amended; 34 CFR § 104.7

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 USC § 1681 et seq.)

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352)

NH RSA 186:11

NH Code Admin. R. Ed. 303.01(i) and (j)

Cross Reference: AC – Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity

ACA-E – Harassment and Sexual Harassment of School Employees

Policy & Complaint Procedures for Employees and Third Parties

JIC – Pupil Safety & Violence Prevention Policy


Adopted: August 26, 2014

1st Reading to Amend: January 22, 2019

2nd Reading to Amend: February 19, 2019

3rd Reading to Amend: March 19, 2019


To: Londonderry School Board Members

From: Scott Laliberte

Date: March 15, 2019

Re: Increased Instructional Time

As the Board is aware, one of the elements of our now approved CBA with our teachers is the

addition of 16 instructional minutes to each day. Below, please find information regarding the

impact that this time will have on our instructional day.

Increased Instructional Time for Londonderry Students: The new contract adds 16 additional

minutes of instructional time to each school day, which allows:

- The elementary schools to increase overall time for literacy;

- The middle school to continue their one flexible block, while lengthening the other 7

periods of the day;

- The high school to increase overall instructional time by 31 minutes each day with

other schedule changes.

This additional time puts Londonderry Middle and High School about 150 hours above the

state minimum, and our elementary schools about 100 hours above that minimum.

The additional time allows for a transition to an hours based calendar for the school year.

We intend to schedule 180 longer instructional days for our students. By exceeding the state

minimum in hours by a large amount, we are able to absorb the first five snow days in our

School Calendar year moving forward.

Increased Professional Development Time for Londonderry Staff: The new contract adds one additional day for staff to increase their year to 188 days.

This additional day will place one more professional development day during the school

year for all K to 12 staff.

The new contract makes a professional development day in March for all staff. In prior years

only our middle and high school staff had that opportunity.

Londonderry School District

Superintendent of Schools

“Giving Wings to Children’s Dreams”

The new contract provides flexibility in how to use the final professional development day

in June for each school.

Greater Flexibility for Parent Conferences at Londonderry High School The elementary schools and middle school will maintain their current practices with parent

conferences during the fall.

The high school will now include a night for parent conferences in the fall, as well as time

during the day as they have done in the past.

Since our K to 5 staff are so responsive to parent meetings when needed, we will not require

March parent conferences as we have done in the past.

Current Draft Schedule: School / Level Current start/end Proposed

LHS 7:20 - 1:58 7:20 - 2:14

LMS 8:05 - 2:35 8:05 - 2:51

Elementary 8:50 - 3:05 8:42 - 3:13

Moose Hill AM 8:45 - 11:20 8:41 - 11:24

Moose Hill PM 12:30 - 3:05 12:26 - 3:09

LEEP 8:45 - 11:00

12:00 - 2:30

** Add to AM only

8:30 - 11:00

12:00 - 2:30


1 2 3 19th - 20th New Teacher Workshops

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 H 3 4 5 6 7 21st - 23rd, 26th Teacher Workshops

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 26th Orientation Grades K, 1, 6, and 9

18 NT NT TW TW TW 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27th First day of school

25 TW 27 28 29 NS 31 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30th No School

*3 29 30 *20 SEPTEMBER

2nd Labor Day

LHS - Parent Nights - TDB

S M T W T F S S M T W T F S LMS - Parent Nighs - TDB

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 Elementary Parent Nights - TDB

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OCTOBER

13 H 15 16 17 18 19 10 H 12 13 14 P/W 16 14th Columbus Day

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 NS H H 30 NOVEMBER*22 *16

S M T W T F S S M T W T F S Gr. 6-12 Parent Conferences AM;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 2 3 4 Teacher Workshops PM

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gr. 6-12 Evening Parent Conf. - TDB

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 27th - 29th Thanksgiving Break

22 V V H V V 28 19 H 21 22 23 24 25

29 V V 26 27 28 29 30 31 DECEMBER

*15 *20 Dec. 23 - Jan. 1 Holiday Break


S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 2nd Classes Resume

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 20th MLK Jr Day

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 TW 11 12 13 14 NOTE PRIMARY ELECTION DAY-TBD

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 No School - Teacher Workshop Day

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FEBRUARY

23 V V V V V 29 29 30 31 24th - 28th Winter Break

*15 *21



1 2 3 4 V 2 APRIL

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 April 27th - May 1st Spring Break

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 MAY

26 V V V V 24 H 26 27 28 29 30 25th Memorial Day

*17 31 *20

H - HolidayS M T W T F S NS - No School

1 2 3 4 5 6 NT - New Teacher Workshop7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PC - Parent Conference14 15 TW 17 18 19 20 TW - Teacher Workshop21 22 23 24 25 26 27 P/W - Parent Conferences &

28 29 30 Teacher Workshops

*11 V - Vacation * Number of school days per month


Draft: 3-19-19



TBD Graduation




11th Veteran's Day

10th No School - Teacher Workshops

15th Scheduled 180th Day for Students

16th Scheduled Last Day for Teachers



15th No School - Gr. K-5 Parent

Conferences/Teacher Workshops


Possible additional days to be added pending School Cancellations, maximum of 5, ending on June 22nd.



LEEP 137 137 137

K 222 222 274

1 114 110 95 319 309

2 94 100 111 305 291

3 98 116 85 299 264

4 87 100 83 270 315

5 100 124 102 326 303

6 304 304 303

7 302 302 338

8 336 336 329

9 360 360 374

10 370 370 360

11 343 343 354

12 349 349 395

TOTALS 137 222 493 550 476 942 1422 4242 4346


93 84

61 50

GRAND TOTAL…….. 4260 4359

MONTHLY Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19

TOTALS 4257 4254 4270 4278 4278 4260

# change n/a -3 16 8 0 -18

% change n/a -0.07% 0.37% 0.19% 0.00% -0.42%


MONTHLY Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18

TOTALS 4358 4366 4364 4377 4359 4359 4362 4362 4359

# change -101 -112 -94 -99 -81 -99

% change -2.32% -2.57% -2.15% -2.26% -1.86% -2.27%







LEEP 137


AM 120 18 18 12 17 15 18 18 4

PM 102 12 13 13 13 12 13 13 13



1 114 19 20 19 18 18 20

2 94 18 19 19 19 19

3 98 20 20 20 19 19

4 87 22 21 22 22

5 100 20 21 20 20 19



1 110 19 18 18 18 19 18

2 100 20 20 20 20 20

3 116 24 22 23 24 23

4 100 20 21 19 20 20

5 124 25 25 25 24 25



1 95 19 19 18 20 19

2 111 18 19 18 19 19 18

3 85 20 21 21 23

4 83 21 21 21 20

5 102 21 19 22 19 21



6 304

7 302

8 336



9 360

10 370

11 343

12 349


TOTAL 4242





(4 K age serviced by LEEP in AM)



2011‐2012  99                    119 

FRIENDS  6(2)                    7(2) 

2012‐2013  91  99  104  105  103  108  110  111  113  114  114 

FRIENDS  5(2)  6(2)  6(2)  6(2)  7(2)  7(2)  7(2)  7(2)  7(2)  7(2)  7(2) 

2013‐2014  93  95  95  98  98  100  101  103  105  109  110 

FRIENDS  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  6(3) 

2014‐2015  93  95  101  103  103  103  103  112  115  116  119 

FRIENDS  4(4)  5(4)  5(4)  5(4)  5(4)  5(4)  5(4)  5(4)  5(4)  5(4)  5(4) 

2015‐2016  104  107  107  112  117  119  119  119  120  121  121 

FRIENDS  5(3)  5(3)  5(3)  7(4)  7(4)  7(4)  7(4)  7(4)  7(4)  7(5)  7(5) 

2016‐2017  108  112  112  117  123  122  126  130  130  132  141 

FRIENDS  4(4)  5(4)  6(4)  6(4)  6(4)  6(4)  6(4)  6(4)  6(4)  7(4)  8(4) 

2017‐2018  115  123  123  123  123  124  122  128  132  134  135 

FRIENDS  5(4)  6(4)  9(4)  9(4)  9(4)  10(4)  11(4)  11(4)  11(4)  11(4)  11(4) 

2018‐2019  114  119  120  123  123  122  124  +1  +1  +3  +1 

FRIENDS  9(4)  9(4)  10(4)  13(4)  13(4)  13(4)  13(4)  +1  0  0  +1 

(  ) = Kindergarten‐Aged Friends 



LEEP Net Changes by Month ‐ Previous Year:  

  Aug  Sept  Oct  Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

17‐18  115  123  123  123  123  124  122  128  132  134  135 

18‐19  114  119  120 123 123 122 124  +1 +1 +3 +1

Change  ‐1  ‐4  ‐3  0 0 ‐2 2 

Net %  ‐.87%  ‐3.25%  ‐2.44% 0% 0% ‐1.61% 1.64% 


Friends Net Changes by Month ‐ Previous Year:  

  Aug  Sept  Oct  Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

17‐18  5(4)  6(4)  9(4)  9(4)  9(4)  10(4)  11(4)  11(4)  11(4)  11(4)  11(4) 

18‐19  9(4)  9(4)  10(4) 13(4) 13(4) 13(4) 13(4)  +1 0 0 +1

Change  4  3  1  4 4 3 2   2‐28‐19 

top related