saint john the evangelist-saint rocco roman catholic parish · saint john the evangelist-saint...

Post on 20-Sep-2018






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Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish

Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor Rev. Angel Luis Medrano - Matos, C. M.

Parish Office

250 21st Street Brooklyn, New York 11215 Phone: 718-768-3751 Fax: 718-768-4689


Office Hours

Tuesday - Wednesday 9:30am - 2:30pm Monday - Thursday 4:00pm-6:30pm

Friday 9:00am-2:00pm

Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass English 5:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist

Sunday Masses English 8:45 a.m. St. John the Evangelist Spanish 10:00 a.m. St. John the Evangelist English 11:45 a.m. St. Rocco (27th Street, between 4th and 5th Avenues)

Mon.-Fri. Masses English 8:30 a.m. St. John the Evangelist

Friday Mass Spanish 7:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist

Confessions/Confesiónes Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm

Live In Faith

Give In Love

Vivir En La Fe

Dar Por Amor

Confessions/Confesiónes: Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm

Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm

Baptisms/Bautismos Please call the parish office

for more information. Por favor, llame la oficina de la Parroquia

por más información.

Weddings: Scheduling of the ceremony is to be done at least 6 months in advance (and prior to all other ar-rangements being made). Please call the parish office to arrange an appointment. Please log on to for complete information about mar-riage preparation in the Diocese.

Bodas: Favor fijar la fecha de la ceremonia en la Igle-sia por lo menos 6 meses antes de la boda (y antes de los otros arreglos). Llame a la rectoria para una cita. Favor de usar el Internet en para información completa para la preparación de matrimonio en la diócesis.

Mass Intentions The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest and most perfect prayer we can offer because it is the prayer of Jesus Christ to the Father. The Mass is the most beautiful gift we can give to others. Masses may be offered not only for the deceased, but also for the sick, in thanksgiving for favors received, birthdays, anni-versaries, and for any special intention you may have. The donation for each Mass is $15.00. Come to the parish office on 21

st Street to reserve

your Masses. Intenciones De Las Misas El Santo Sacrificio de la Misa es la oración más grande y más per-fecto que podemos ofrecer, porque es la oración de Jesucristo al Padre. La Misa es el don más hermoso que podemos dar a los demás. Las Misas se pueden ofrecer no sólo por los difuntos, sino también por lose enfe rmos, en acción de gracias por los favores recibidos, cumpleaños, aniversarios, y por cualquier intención especial. La donación por cada Misa es de $15.00. Pasar por la oficina de la parroquia (calle de 21

st) para

reservar sus Misas.

Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy 241 Prospect West, Brooklyn, NY 11215 Phone:


The Bread and Wine will be offered this

week in prayer for the well being of Juan Car-

los Carril.

The Altar Candles will be lit this week in

prayer for the well being of Juan Carlos


The Sanctuary Lamp will remain lit this

week in prayer for the well being of Juan Car-

los Carril.

Mass Intentions Saturday June 10

5:30pm Filomena Raucci Requested by Sossio Raucci & Family Nicholas Raimondo Requested by Mena Zappoli & Family

Sunday June 11 8:45am Members of Our Parish Family 10:00am Los Miembros de la Parroquia 11:45am Members of Our Parish Family

Monday June 12

8:30am Well Being of Juan Carlos Carril

Tuesday June 13

8:30am The Children of Our Parish Family

Wednesday June 14

8:30am The Sick of Our Parish Family

Thursday June 15

8:30am Increase in Religious Vocations

Friday June 16

8:30am José A. Torres Requested by The Newman Family 7:30pm Los Miembros de la Parroquia

Saturday June 17

5:30pm Patrick Barrett Requested by Carmen Romero

Please pray for the homebound, the elderly, those who are alone, the sick and especially for the sick of our parish: Liza & Lisette Ferreiro, Amanda Lara, Teresa Zapata, Ramon Gonzalez, Victoria Dubitsky, Alfredo Rivas, Joe Rutyna, Peggy Kelly, Ana & Estela Polanco, Dolly DiBrienza, Jeanette DePinto, Elias Lanegra, Ge-nobeva Nieves & Juan Carlos Carril

Pray the Rosary for an increase in

vocations to the Priesthood.

The Most Holy Trinity

"God so loved the world that he gave his only

Son." We are used to this profound idea, so

used to it that we often glaze over the incredi-

ble reality: God the Father has a Son who be-

came man and dwelt among us! Too often we

blithely make the sign of the cross in the name

of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

Spirit, without realizing what a radical theol-

ogy we are announcing. Only Christianity pro-

claims a triune God. Only Christianity pro-

fesses that we have one God in three divine

persons. Only Christianity declares that the

very nature of God is to be relational and liter-

ally "personal." Why does this matter? Be-

cause we are made in God's image, as the

opening chapters of Genesis tell us. We, there-

fore, are made in the image of this Trinitarian

God who is love. We are built to be like this

God! Just as God the Father loves God the Son

and God the Holy Spirit, we too are called to

love one another. In fact, we are not fulfilling

our nature and design when we don't. And just

as God loved the world (that is, us!) so too we

are called to love him in return. We don't have

to embrace this image in which we were made,

of course. God gave us freedom so that our

love can be real, but this means our choices

really matter. We can decide not to reflect

God's interpersonal love in the world. We can

opt not to return the love that God pours out to

each of us. But this can only lead to disap-

pointment in the end. After all, God sent his

Son so that "everyone who believes in him

might not perish but might have eternal life."

Ultimately, this means spending eternity in the

Trinitarian embrace of love. So why not start


La Santísima Trinidad

Nosotros nunca olvidamos el primer amor que

tuvimos ya sea en la adolescencia o en la ju-

ventud. La experiencia era nueva y los sen-

timientos se desataron y nuestra vida cambió

para siempre. ¿Lo recuerdas? Pareciera que el

mundo se detenía y el amor quedaría para

siempre. Sin embargo, no fue así y la memoria

ahora nos lo trae como un grato recuerdo que

sucedió en nuestra vida. El Evangelio de hoy

revela algo maravilloso, el primer amor de

Dios. Y Dios desde todos los tiempos ha estado

presente en la historia, nunca nos olvida y en-

tramos a la vida eterna para siempre. "Tanto

amó Dios al mundo, que le entregó a su Hijo

único, para que todo el que crea en él no

perezca, sino que tenga la vida eterna" (Jn 3,

16). El gran amor de Dios se expresa en un

regalo. Nos dio a su Hijo, ahora resucitado,

que nos envió al Espirita Santo. Por eso, con

alegría, oremos diciendo, "Gloria al Padre, glo-

ria al Hijo y gloria al Espíritu Santo". Este es

el sentido de la liturgia de este domingo, cele-

brar con gozo a la Trinidad, comunidad de

amor que nos invita a amarnos los unos a los

otros sin reserva, a darnos cada día a los

demás: buscando siempre el bien común,

tratando a los inmigrantes con respeto y digni-

dad y recordando siempre que el amor engen-

dra amor y al contrario el odio da más odio.

Deseo que sigamos viviendo esta solemnidad

de la Santísima Trinidad durante el año,

abriendo nuestro corazón a la presencia de las

tres divinas Personas en nuestra vida.

Sharing the Gospel

God sent his only Son to save the world. Because you believe in his Son, Jesus, you

will have eternal life in heaven. You are a child of God. God wants you to serve by

helping your family and friends. When you clean up your room, take care of your

baby sister, or pull weeds for your neighbor, God wants you to say, "Lord, I am doing

this for you. God loves you so much. He sent Jesus into the world to take your sins

away. Jesus died on the cross as punishment for all of your sins so that you could

have a new, better life with God. Believe in Jesus. Trust in God's love. Then you can

live with God forever.


Jesus, teach me to use my eyes, voice, and hands to help others.

Something to Draw

Draw a picture of Jesus on the cross.

Mission for the Week

Thank Jesus every day for helping you.

Welcome - Bienvenido Would you like to become a member of our par-ish? Fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket. Visit us online at ¿Le gustaría ser un miembro de nuestra parro-quia? Llene el siguiente formulario y colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta. Visítenos en

________________________________ Name/Nombre _ ______________________________ Address/Dirección ________________________________ City/Ciudad ________________________________ State/Estado Zip-Code/Código ________________________________ Phone Number/Teléfono ________________________________ Email/ Correo Electrónico

2017 Annual Catholic Appeal The 2017 Annual Catholic Appeal teaches the impor-tance to renew our faith through acts of charity and emphasizes the responsibility parishioners have in supporting their parish, as well as the diocesan minis-tries, programs and services that are carried out in our communities through the Annual Catholic Appeal. Please prayerfully consider the sacrificial pledge you would like to make to our Diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal for this year 2017. Thank you, Rev. Kenneth J. Grande

La Campaña Católica Anual del 2017 La Campaña Católica Anual de este año 2017 nos en-seña la importancia de renovar nuestra fe a través de actos de caridad y enfatiza la responsabilidad que los feligreses tiene en apoyar su parroquia, al igual que los ministerios, programas y servicios diocesanos que se desarrollan en nuestra comunidades a través de la Campaña Católica Anual. Por medio de la oración considere la promesa de sacrificio que le gustaría ha-cer a nuestra Compana Catolica Anual Diocesana para este año 2017. Cualquiera que sea la cantidad de su donación, será aceptada con gratitud y profunda-mente apreciado. Gracias, Padre Kenneth J. Grande

Campaña de Generaciones de Fe

Un enorme gracias por su compromiso

financiero con la Campaña de Genera-

ciones de Fe. Su promesa financiera por

los próximos 5 años son realmente apre-


Generations of Faith Campaign/

Thank you so much for your financial commit-

ment to the Generations of Faith Campaign.

Your financial promise over the next 5 years is

truly appreciated.

Pray the Rosary for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.

Change In Summer Mass Schedule

From Sunday, July 2nd to Sunday, September 24th, there will be no 11:45am

at our parish church, Saint Rocco. The 11:45am Mass will start again on

Sunday, September 24th. During the Summer, the Mass schedule will be Sat-

urday evening, at 5:30pm, and Sunday at 8:45am and 10:00am in Spanish at

our parish church, Saint John the Evangelist.

Take Care Of Yourself Dr. Vincent Adamo, a member of our parish family, would like to help us live and remain healthy. His office is located at 446 Bay Ridge Parkway in Brooklyn and is phone number is 718-921-5483. You can find more info at or Call him today.

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