saint andrew presbyterian church 3551 wheeler road augusta, ga 30909 706-736-4575 saint andrew...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church

3551 Wheeler Road

Augusta, GA 30909


Saint Andrew

Presbyterian C

hurch3551 W

heeler Road

Augusta, G

A 30909

“And on this rock I will build my church.”

Matt 12:18It’s been said that “God so loved the world that He did not send a committee.” And while we like to make fun of committees, and dread the meetings, with Robert’s Rules of Order and all the rest of it, Jesus essentially picked a committee – the twelve Apostles – to carry out his work. And what a committee! Among that crew there were four fishermen (Peter, Andrew, James and John), one tax collector (Matthew), and one revolutionary (Simon the Zealot), one known for his doubt (Thomas) and one who became known for being a traitor (Judas). The Gospels make it clear that these guys were not exactly in perfect harmony with each other as they journeyed with Jesus, and that they misunderstood most, if not all, of what Jesus tried to teach them. It was only with the advent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost that this confused gang of Galilean peasants was transformed into the Church, the body of Jesus Christ.

Our Book of Order makes this amazing statement: “The Church of Jesus Christ is the provisional demonstration of what God intends for all humanity.” In other words, if you are looking for heaven on earth, the Church is the place to find it! Now I’ll be the first to admit that there are many days where it’s a little hard to catch sight of heaven in this community we call the Church. But when we submit to the Holy Spirit, we find that even tax collectors and revolutionaries can worship together, work together, laugh together and love one another. On those days, heaven is a lot closer than we think. I give thanks to God always for each of you, members of the “committee of Jesus Christ,” his body, the Church.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Ed.

MAY AT A GLANCESUNDAYs, May 4, 11,18,259:30 a.m. Church School

10:15 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship10:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP

Nursery Provided


MONDAYs, May 5th 5:00p.m. Administration Committee – Church Library

THURSDAYs, May 1,8,15,22,29

7:00 p.m. Prayer and Fellowship hosted at

Jerry and Louise Taylor’s 2655 Henry St. Augusta706-738-5643

6:00 pm. EVENING WORSHIP7:15 p.m. Discovery Channel (Beginning 5/11)

7:00 p.m. Discovery Channel (moves to Sunday night on 5/11)

TUESDAYs, May 6 7:00pm Interfaith Service for Healing of Mind and Spirit. May 20 10:00 am Presbyterian Women, Church

FRIDAY, May 9 6:30 pm Movie Night “Saving Grace”, Hunt Building

6:45 p.m. Share, Prayer, StudyPot Luck – Mar 5

6:00 p.m. Catered Supper ($5.00 per person children 12 & under FREE)

7:30 p.m. Choir Practice

WEDNESDAYs, May 7,14,21,28

May 10, 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast; Hunt Building

May 12 th 6:30p.m. Session Meeting

Join us for Movie Night at 6:30pm on Friday, May 9th for a showing of “Saving Grace.” This 1985 movie stars Tom Conti as a Pope who escapes from the Vatican to live among “real people” in the country. Pizza, drinks and snacks will be served. Y’all come!

May 3 Diana FlicekMay 9 Tom LambMay 12 George BrownMay 13 Betty Sue McKinnon Lynn WarrenMay 14 Heather MontalvoMay 15 Tilden WarrenMay 16 Roy HickmanMay 17 Louis Cook Traci Long Edwin Macuch

“ Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17Ivett Andrews & Family

Maria Gibson

Bee & Ed Macuch

Bonnie Griffin

Michael Jeffers

Elizabeth Pounds

Betty Wilson

Joyce & Jim Howe

Charles Macuch & Family

Philip Smith

Bettina Bergh

Janice Shannon

Family of Troy SavageVictims of the Imperial Sugar Plant

explosion and their families

May 20 Ruby Speights Sam WarrenMay 24 Joyce Howe Florence MundyMay 27 Melissa Mundy Andrew KeelingMay 28 Charissa Carstarphen

A Congregational Survey is currently being taken to evaluate the ministry and mission of Saint Andrew. This is the first stage in the process of determining how we might improve our facilities to achieve God’s purpose for our church

If you have not received a survey, please contact the church office. We would like to have these returned by May 11th.

All are invited to a wedding shower honoring Traci Long and David Westin, who are tying the knot on June 21st. The shower will be held on Sunday, May 18th, at 3pm in the Hunt Building, The couple are registered at Belk’s and Lowe’s.

Did you know that all of our Sunday Services are recorded on CDs by Dave Iverson and put on our Web Site each week by Jim Howe?In addition, the CDs of the Services are available in the church office going back at least 4 years. In the next few weeks, we will be moving the recording equipment from the Choir Loft to the back of the church in order to produce better recordings and have better sound levels during the service. Because of this Dave Iverson is going to need volunteers to run the system on Sundays. Janet Mennecke has agreed to help but we will need others in order to assure all services are recorded.


Ever wonder “who does what around here”? The work of the church is shared among four major committees that are directed by Elders serving on Session. These Committees are:

Worship - Chaired by Frank Carstarphen. This team is responsible for assisting the Pastor in planning and evaluating our worship services, including adding new services, developing our music program, and overseeing the use of facilities and equipment that are utilized for worship.Witness and Service - Chaired by Ann Hill. This team is responsible for developing and implementing all missions and outreach work for the church, such as GAP ministries, Soup Kitchen, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Mexico Work Mission, and Change for Children.Nurture - Co-chaired by Lisa Hill and Keil Alderson. This team is responsible for congrational care and building community within the church, as well as the Christian Education Program.

Administration - Co-chaired by Roy Hickman and Jeanne Stroebel. This team oversees the operations of the church, and includes the Finance and Property committees. Office management and church communications are also part of this team’s work.

Find your place in carrying out the work of the church; contact the committee chairs or Rev. Ed

for more information

Every year on Mother’s Day, we collect a special offering to benefit Presbyterian Homes of Georgia, which provides residential and nursing care to seniors on four different campuses across the state. Your gift ensures that those who have depleted their resources continue to receive the care they need. This year, approximately $2.75 million will be provided in charitable assistance. Please give generously, Thanks!

A huge thank-you to all our faithful volunteers who have so generously giving of your time and resources to help our church host our Interfaith Hospitality Network guests in April! It would not have been possible without your major involvement! As always, it was a fun, memorable week, and a great blessing to all who shared in it. Our next week to host IHN will be August 3 - 10, so mark your calendars. Thank you for sharing in this important ministry.

One of the things we do best is eat! You can help by providing snacks in the parlor

between Sunday School and Worship. The sign-up sheet is in the parlor kitchen. Thanks

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