robert smith school student and parent...

Post on 29-May-2018






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Robert Smith School

Student and Parent Handbook

Our goal at Robert Smith School is to help our students develop into independent, motivated, life-long learners.

School Information and Procedures

Accident Procedures Any child who receives a minor scrape, cut, or bruise, will be attended to by our staff. Should a child receive a more serious injury the following procedure is followed: Parents, guardians or the designated emergency contact person will be phoned. If possible, they will transport their child to see the family doctor or to the hospital. If we are unable to contact parent(s) or emergency contacts, we will transport the child to the nearest hospital for medical assistance. Should we feel that ambulance service is required, we will not hesitate to call one.

Allergen Alert The Lord Selkirk School Division is an “Allergen Aware” division, but cannot guarantee that schools are nut free. Although there are a number of foods that may cause serious reactions in some children, peanut and nut products are by far the most common. Please do not send nut-based foods of any kind to school with your child. Although this may be an inconvenience, we ask you to balance this with the benefit you are providing to your child’s allergic schoolmates. Letters will be sent out to parents where there are classrooms with life threatening allergies at the beginning of the school year. As well, allergy alert signs will be posted outside those classrooms with a list of restricted food.

Assessment Student progress will be assessed on a continual basis in all subject areas. Methods of assessment will include daily work samples, projects, portfolios, written assignments and tests. Parent-teacher conferences will occur in November and March, however, teachers or parents may initiate conferences at any time should the need arise. If parents wish to discuss their child’s progress, the first contact should always be the classroom teacher.

Attendance Punctuality and regular attendance is an expectation of all students under the Public School Act. Truancy and frequent late arrivals to school are regarded as serious matters. In cases where students are unjustifiably absent from school, parents will automatically be involved and appropriate action will be taken. All attendance is reported on a monthly basis to the Board Office.

Balanced School Day Effective September 2016, all elementary schools in the Lord Selkirk School Division will be following the Balanced School Day. A balanced school day represents an adjustment to how recess and nutrition breaks are distributed throughout the day. The actual length of the school day remains the same but the time within the day is “balanced” between two nutrition/activity breaks. The length of the school day will remain the same; classes will start at 9:00 a.m. and students will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m.

This is what the Balanced School Day schedule at Robert Smith School will look like:

8:50 – 9:00 Attendance & Morning Announcements

9:00 – 10:30 Block 1 Instructional Time

10:30 – 11:00 Nutrition Break & Recess

11:00 – 12:45 Block 2 Instructional Time

12:45 – 1:10 Lunch

1:10 – 1:40 Recess

1:40 – 3:30 Block 3 Instructional Time

3:30 Dismissal of students

Behaviour At Robert Smith we want our school community to follow the following rules:

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Kind

Everyone who attends our school has the right to learn and be safe. Students are expected to behave in a manner that allows others to learn without interruption and to play safely. Each school in the Lord Selkirk School Division follows the divisional Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct spells out infractions and possible consequences for infractions. Copies are available by request at the school office and are published in pamphlet form on the school website.

Damage of Property Students are asked to treat school property with respect and care. Students who deliberately or carelessly damage property of the school should expect to pay for these damages. Depending on the situation, other consequences (loss of privileges, restitution, etc.) may be administered.

Fighting/Aggression/Bullying & Cyber-Bullying

Fighting, bullying, cyber-bullying and threatening behaviours are all unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Students involved in any of these types of behaviours will have a consequence and parents will be contacted. Students who witness or have knowledge of these types of behaviours should report all instances to the classroom teacher and/or administration.

Bicycles Students may cycle to school at their parent’s discretion. Students should lock their bikes on the bike rack at the front of the school. Please note that the school cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen bicycles. All students who ride their bikes to school are asked to wear a proper fitting bike helmet.

Breakfast Program Robert Smith School offers a daily Breakfast Program for students from 8:15 to 8:45 a.m. Students are not to come earlier than this time as there is no supervision. If there are families who wish to help out with this important program, donations of food or time are always welcome. Healthy cereals, jams, bread, cheese whiz, as well as monetary contributions can be sent to the office.

Call Back System Attendance is taken in the morning and again in the afternoon. The Call Back System is part of the student safety program at our school. This system requires parents/guardians to phone or inform the school by note if their child will be late or absent. Please call the school (482-3677) before 9:00 a.m. if your child will be away or late for school. You may also leave a message on the attendance mailbox if the office is closed.

Cell Phones & Electronics A wide variety of electronic and multi-functioning cell phones are now widely available and some students are bringing them to school. We understand that this may be part of a safety procedure for families to use before or after-school hours. Since parents and students can always communicate with each other through the school office during regular school hours, all electronic communication devices must be kept turned off and put away during school hours and school-sponsored events. Any students who are found using electronic devices in an inappropriate or questionable way will have their device taken from them and parents will have to pick them up at the office. Please note that the school assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices.


Unless the weather is extremely wet or cold (below -27C), all students are

expected to be outdoors for recesses and prior to morning classes.

Children should be dressed appropriately. Unless a doctor advises

otherwise, children who are well enough to be at school are considered

well enough to go outside and benefit from fresh air! Donations of mittens and

toques are greatly appreciated and stored in our general office.

Communicable Disease

Occasionally we find that cases of communicable disease occur in our school. Lice, pink eye and other skin infections are examples of these. Should we discover such cases, we will call home and ask that the student be taken home for further treatment.

Communication with School Should concerns arise during the school year pertaining to your child, the first line of communication is to be addressed to your child’s teacher. This ensures that the school is made aware of important situations and that the proper steps can be taken to address the issue. The Principal is also available to meet with parents to discuss issues that have been previously brought to the attention of the teacher.

Dress Code Students are expected to dress appropriately in relation to their activities at school. Clothing should reflect weather conditions. All students must have an alternate pair of indoor shoes that can remain at school. Parents are asked to clearly label all clothing.

Inappropriate dress may include attire with rude or offensive language, crop tops that expose the midriff, swimsuit tops, short shorts and/or low rise pants that expose the midriff. Such examples are not deemed acceptable in the workplace or school. Hats and headgear must be removed once students enter the school.

Emergency Procedures Throughout the year students and staff will participate in regular emergency drills such as Code Red, Code Green, fire drills and bus evacuation drills. This is to ensure that our students and staff are prepared for an emergency situation. In the event of a natural disaster, your child will remain at school until parents are contacted and appropriate arrangements can be made.

Emergency Closures

In the event of storms, extreme wind chill, hazardous road conditions, etc. that may require the school be closed, parents/guardians will receive a phone message through the Schools Connect emergency notification system. A call will be made to only the home phone number between the hours of 6:15 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. It is important to confirm receipt of the Schools Connect message by pressing 2 on the phone pad to prevent repeat calls. To ensure you receive immediate information about any emergency or important event that affects the school and your child, please notify the school secretary of any changes to your home and/or emergency contact numbers.

Parents/guardians may also listen to any one of these radio stations for specific information. Radio stations (Winnipeg CKRC, CJOB, CBW, CFRW) and (Selkirk CFQX-FM) will announce division wide closings. If schools will not open in the morning, these stations will announce “No school today in the Lord Selkirk School Division” at regular intervals, beginning at 6:00 a.m.

The school closure decision is made at 6:00 a.m. - after that time, even if conditions improve or worsen, the decision will not be reversed for the day.

Field Trips Field trips are an important part of the curriculum. Parents are always notified in advance of an impending outing and must sign a consent form to permit their child to attend. Please help your child meet permission slip deadlines so that the necessary arrangements can be made by the classroom teacher well in advance of each field trip. Students who are not caught up in their daily work, who are unable to follow the rules of our school and/or who do not return their permission slip on time may not be able to attend planned field trips.


At various times the school will undertake fundraising campaigns for a specific project. At such times parents will be informed of the purpose of the fundraising and the duration of the project. Parental support is greatly appreciated. In past years funds from fundraising have been used to purchase library books, playground equipment, phys. ed. equipment, musical instruments, enrichment programs (such as Artists in the Schools), as well as many special presentations and events.

Homework Individual teachers will determine the amount and type of homework for their classes. Generally in primary grades, this will consist of unfinished work, or other projects requiring a short period of time. Older students will gradually learn to handle longer assignments requiring additional planning. Students should be using their planners on a daily basis to record any homework assignments. Parents should be checking student planners regularly as notes from teachers may be sent home in the planners.

In-service and Administration Days Each school year, ten days are set aside for staff in-services. These days are used for professional development, parent-teacher conferences, curricular development and other staff related activities. These dates are indicated in the Calendar of Events, posted on our website as well as indicated in our monthly newsletter.

Language All students are expected to use appropriate language at all times when at school and on the playground.

Lost and Found Please ensure that all clothing and supplies are clearly labeled with your child’s name. Our Lost and Found box items are removed after the November conferences, March conferences and again at the end of June. The lost and found box is located in the front foyer.

Lunch Procedures

Lunch time starts at 12:45 and ends at 1:10. Students who stay for lunch are expected to eat in their classroom at their own desk. Students must sit quietly and use good manners. All students are required to clean up after themselves. Students who fail to follow these guidelines will have their parents contacted and it is possible that alternative lunch arrangements will need to be made. Educational Assistants will be in the hallways and classrooms to supervise students during this time. Students who eat lunch at school are supervised on the playground from 1:10 to 1:40. A lunch letter will be issued to all students in September, asking parents/guardians to indicate if their child will be staying or going home for lunch. Please note that students are not allowed to visit local businesses at lunch, unless they are accompanied by their parent.

Medication Parents are encouraged to develop plans so that it is not necessary for students to take medication while at school. When prescribed medication must be administered at school on a regular basis, a

Medication Consent form must be completed and filed in the school resource office. This form can be found on our school website. All medication will be kept it in a secure location. Parents are responsible for picking up all medication on or before the last day of school.

Milk Program Our school offers a daily milk program to students interested in purchasing milk at lunch time. Milk is sold every day between 12:45 and 1:00 in our main hallway for $1.00. Students also have the option of pre-purchasing their milk and forms are available at the main office.

Parent Council Parents are encouraged to become a member and/or participate in the Robert Smith Parent Advisory Council. The overall goal of the Council is to achieve the best for our students by working in cooperation with staff, parents, the community at large, and other individuals and organizations. The Parent Council meets once per month to discuss school related issues, plan events and help with fundraising initiatives. If you would like to become involved with Parent Council, please contact the school.

Parking Please note that parents/guardians are not permitted to park in the staff parking lots. Having students walking through these lots becomes a safety concern, especially at the end of the day. Please note that there is a bus loading zone at the front of our building and parking in this area is not permitted.

Permission to Photograph/Video During the school year, opportunities may occur to photograph or videotape your child in connection with the educational programs in our school. These photographs and/or videos may be used in the school newsletter, the school website, yearbooks, bulletin boards, local or regional newspapers, television, or as part of promotional events.

We are asking parents/guardians to indicate whether they give, or do not give, permission to have their child included in photographs/videos taken at the school. We will ask permission at the beginning of each school year, however, if circumstances change and you want to revoke your permission, you may do so by informing the school at any time.

Picking Up Students from School

The end of the school day is a very busy time in our classrooms. Our dismissal time is 3:30 p.m. Parents who pick up their child at the end of the school day are asked to wait in the front foyer, not outside of the classrooms. If you wish to speak with your child’s teacher about an issue, please arrange a meeting time that is convenient for both you and the teacher.

If parents pick up their child at any time during the school day, they must report to the office and sign out their child.

Planners All students will use student planners as they are a very effective tool, helping students learn responsibility and good work habits. Students are required to write down their daily homework, important upcoming events, and long-term assignments such as projects. Parents should also check and sign the planner each night. Any notes to the teacher can be written in the planner.

Recess and Lunch Breaks Students are expected to go outside for recess and lunch breaks, so it is necessary to dress appropriately for the weather conditions. If a student is too sick to go outside for outdoor recess, we encourage parents to keep them at home. Students who have difficulty following the rules of the school may have alternate recess plans as determined by their teacher and/or administration.

Registration of New Students

Children may be registered for Kindergarten when they have reached the age of 5 years on or before December 31 of the current school year. Registration forms are available at the school office and also on our school website. A birth certificate and proof of residence must accompany all registrations.

School Newsletter The school newsletter is sent emailed to parents at the end of each month. There is valuable information for parents in the newsletter regarding school and divisional events. The newsletter can also be found on our school’s webpage. If you will require a paper copy, please contact the office.

School Hours Students are asked to be at school by 8:50 a.m. for morning announcements and attendance. Instruction begins at 9:00 a.m. Students may come to school for 8:35 a.m. and play on the playground. Please note that students may not come earlier than 8:35 a. m. (unless they are attending breakfast club) as there is no supervision until this time. Students who have permission to go home for lunch must be back for classes by 1:40 p.m. Our school day ends at 3:30 p.m. After school, students need to walk home (or be picked up) by 3:45 p.m. as there is no supervision after this time. Our general office is open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. each day.

Smoke-Free The Lord Selkirk School Division is SMOKE FREE. This applies to all buildings, school grounds and divisional vehicles. This policy is also in effect off school grounds for any staff members or volunteers that are supervising a school sponsored activity.


At Robert Smith we strive to promote proper nutrition and active living through our nutrition education and physical education programming. Since students will have snack times scheduled into their day, food will not be allowed on the playground. We encourage parents to send healthy snacks to school with their children. Pop, chips, and candy are not considered acceptable snack foods.


Under provincial law, school administrators are empowered to suspend students from school for conduct considered harmful. Situations where a student’s behaviour seriously interferes with the safety (or the learning progress) of other students or staff may warrant a suspension.


Students are permitted to use the office phones for urgent matters only. Students must obtain permission from their teacher for use of phones.

Volunteers Volunteers are an important part of the school community. Volunteers can be involved in a variety of activities such as field trips, reading to students, special events, small group work, fundraising, etc. All volunteers must undergo a Volunteer Orientation, Criminal Records Check, a Child Abuse Registry Check and an Oath of Confidentiality prior to accompanying students on trips or when volunteering within the school. Please note that this can take several weeks to process. Please see the office for Child Abuse Registry Forms. Criminal Records Checks can be done at the RCMP station. All volunteers and guests are asked to sign-in at the main office upon arrival.


We encourage parents to visit our school web-site for current information regarding our school.

Copies of this handbook, monthly newsletters, calendars, and school forms are available on-line.

Each class has its own web-page for teachers to keep students and families informed as to what’s

happening in their classroom.


Robert Smith School follows the curriculum as mandated by the Manitoba Education Citizenship and Youth Training. We strive to provide all students with opportunities to reach their potential by providing an integrated program that encourages academic, social, physical and emotional growth. The academic areas of study are: English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education/Health, Music and Art. Basic French is taught in Grades K-6. KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten provides a curriculum of play based learning experiences, based upon the knowledge of common characteristics and needs of this age group. It is an environment that encourages observing, questioning, experiments, manipulating, discussing and problem solving. Kindergarten students attend full days, every day. COMPUTERS Equipping students with technological and information management skills is an essential part of learning. It helps students solve problems, improve their personal performance and gain the critical and abstract thinking skills necessary to become lifelong learners in a technological world. In order to achieve this, the use of technology is integrated into curriculum-based instruction. The students have access to laptop computers as well as the use of Smart Boards in all grades. Proper ethics and responsible behavior is essential when working at any computer workstation. All students and their parents/guardians are required to sign an Internet Use Form upon registration. Failure to adhere to division policies, regulations and/or guidelines for the appropriate use of computers, networks and the Internet will result in temporary or permanent cancellation of privileges. MUSIC The main goals of the Music program are to have students participate in creative idea development, listen to and respond to music and develop their performance skills in various situations. They are given the opportunity to also create and explore musical elements as well as music literacy. Students make interdisciplinary connections through studying various composers and styles of music. Our students are exposed to a variety of instruments including various Orff instruments such as xylophones and percussions. The recorder is also taught starting in Grade 4. Many extra-curricular activities such as Choir, concerts, assembly performances, and festivals provide our students with ample opportunities to develop their talents and an appreciation for music. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Robert Smith School’s Physical Education program strives to educate students for healthy, active lifestyles. The focus of the physical education program is to offer a variety of activities in a safe environment which meets the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of the students. Opportunities are given to students to develop their fitness and skill levels. Clothing For reasons of flexibility, mobility, and personal hygiene it will be school P.E. policy that students wear appropriate non-marking runners, shorts and a t-shirt for their phys-ed class and during all club and team activities. Please note that flip flops, sandals and skateboard shoes are not considered appropriate footwear for gym classes.

Swim Classes The Lord Selkirk School Division offers a compulsory swim program for students in grades four and five. Classes are supervised by a teacher, lifeguard and instructor. Students need to provide a lock for the locker to secure their belongings while at swim lessons. LIBRARY Students typically visit the Library with their class once or twice a cycle. You can help your child utilize the Library by helping them to be responsible for the books which they have borrowed. Books need to be returned before they can borrow new ones. In cases where students lose or damage a book, a bill will be sent home and the money will need to be paid before your child may borrow another book. Our Library collection holds a great variety of books.


Resource Program Our school has two resource teachers who are available to provide assistance to students whose learning needs are not being met by regular programming. The resource teachers consult with the classroom teachers, clinicians, parents as well as with educational assistants in order to plan for students. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher. We believe that early identification of learning difficulties is very important, thus enabling the school to better plan for the students’ learning needs. Parents are encouraged to inform the school of any questions or concerns regarding their child’s development and/or any assessments that may have been done prior to Kindergarten. Reading Recovery Reading Recovery is a short term early intervention program for Grade 1 students who are determined to be “at-risk” in beginning reading and writing. These students participate in an intensive, daily, 30 minute lesson with a trained Reading Recovery teacher. Student Support Team The SST consists of the principal, resource teacher and the Lord Selkirk School Division clinicians (social worker, psychologist, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist etc.) The team meets on a regular basis and provides support to classroom teachers, educational assistants and families in order to better meet the needs of the child in question. In all cases, parental permission precedes any direct involvement of clinicians.

Student Services Centre The Lord Selkirk School Division has a Student Services Centre which is housed in Daerwood School. The Centre provides a variety of services for students including specialists in psychology, speech and language, hearing, child and family services, and occupational and physical therapy. Referrals are initiated through Robert Smith School.


The Lord Selkirk School Division recognizes that telecommunications and other new technologies change the way in which students and staff may access information and educational resources. These changes may alter instructional practices and student learning.

The Lord Selkirk School Division’s goal in providing access to the Internet for staff and students is to promote educational excellence in schools by facilitating the sharing of resources, communication and collaboration. It is the purpose of this policy to ensure that students use the Internet for educational purposes in a manner that reflects and is consistent with Lord Selkirk School Division goals and objectives.

The material available on the Internet is not governed or regulated in any way. The Division cannot censor access to materials or completely protect users from materials they may find offensive. Therefore, the Division cannot be held responsible for content on the Internet, or the quality of the connection, or be liable for any damages associated with the use of the Internet.

Use of the Internet in the Division as part of an educational program is a privilege, not a right. Lord Selkirk School Division computer networks and computer workstations must be used responsibly, ethically and legally. Failure to adhere to Division policies, regulations and/or guidelines for the use of computers, networks and the Internet will result in temporary or permanent cancellation of privileges and other disciplinary action as determined by the Lord Selkirk School Division.

The Lord Selkirk School Division will:

Provide divisional staff and students with Internet access for educational purposes.

Take appropriate precautions to ensure that inappropriate on-line information is not readily available to


Provide schools with policies, regulations and guidelines for acceptable use of on-line information


Provide for the coordination of implementation strategies as well as timely and appropriate training

programs for staff.

Determine appropriate consequences for misuse of computers, networks and the Internet by staff and


Schools will:

Ensure that staff, students and parents/guardians are aware of the Division’s acceptable use policies,

regulations and guidelines and are provided with a copy.

Develop internal practices, which allow access to computers and the Internet by students under the

guidance and supervision of school staff.

Ensure students will be made aware of the ethical use, proper techniques, and etiquette for their

participation when using the Internet and E-mail.

Ensure students receive training in the responsible and appropriate use of the Internet and E-mail.

Inform parents/guardians and students of the consequences for misuse of on-line information.

Develop reporting procedures for dealing with infractions and misuse of the Internet and E-mail.

Parents will:

Be asked to sign an Internet use permission form which indicates they are aware of the Division’s

policies, regulations and guidelines for the use of on-line resources.

Users will:

Abide by the terms and conditions for Internet use as set forth by Division policy.


Violation of any of the following terms and conditions may result in the loss of computer and/or Internet access. Unlawful activities will be dealt with in a serious and appropriate manner. Conditions of each school’s Code of Conduct may apply.

Users will abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette, which include but are not limited to the following:

Be polite. Do not write or send abusive or threatening messages to others.

Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities, or other offensive language.

Do not reveal the personal home address, telephone numbers, or E-Mail addresses of students or


Note that Electronic Mail (E-Mail) is not guaranteed to be private.

Messages related to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.

Searching, viewing, uploading or retrieving sexually explicit, profane, violence-promoting, gambling, or

illegal materials is prohibited.

Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks and other anti-social behaviours are prohibited on the


Vandalism will result in the cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to

harm or destroy data of another user or the network components.

Copyright regulations must be followed when using the Internet.

Users must not use another individual’s account nor give their password to others.

Subscription to any services or ordering of any goods or services is forbidden, unless authorized by the

school principal.

Installing personal software, downloading software and/or media, playing games or using other

interactive sites such as chats are not allowed unless specifically authorized by a teacher.

Any use of the Division Internet accounts for commercial, advertising, political, or gambling purposes

is prohibited.

Any activity that violates a school rule, or a local, provincial or federal law is prohibited.

Guidelines for posting School, Student, & Staff information on the Internet

The primary goal of Lord Selkirk School Division is to maintain student, staff, and community safety without sacrificing the value of displaying events, activities, achievements, and other relevant information on our school and/or divisional web sites. Using web sites to share what is going on in our schools and division provides an effective medium for our community. It also lends to collaborative work that can occur between schools within and outside of our province.

When posting information pertaining to students and/or staff on the Internet, adherence to these guidelines will be followed:

The content of a school’s web site must be authorized by the principal

Personal addresses and/or phone numbers may not be published

First names, and/or first name with last name may accompany published work, and/or photographs

(individual and/or group)

Where replies or comments pertaining to a student’s work are appropriate, the teacher’s address should

be the only email address displayed

Students will not be permitted to publish personal web pages, i.e. unrelated to curricular/school


The intended audience of a school web site is the students, families and staff of the school. Specific purposes are to supply information of interest to students, parents and staff of the school, to guide student access to appropriate areas of the Internet, and to showcase school activities, student work or accomplishments to the school community. Guidelines for posting School, Student, & Staff information in the Internet

A web site containing personal and/or identifying information (beyond what is described above) will be accessible only within the actual school building, i.e. LAN (Intranet).

Definitions: Local Area Network (LAN) A local area network consists of a number of computers linked by networking cabling within a local area, such as a classroom or an area within a school. A school facility may have a number of local area networks. Wide Area Network (WAN) A wide area network connects a number of local area networks across a number of locations (i.e. a number of school LANs across a school division). Internet The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks that support a common set of communication protocols, which allows for worldwide communications between networked computers. Intranet An intranet is a private network that is contained within, for example, a school. In this instance, the main purpose of an intranet is to share information and computing resources among students, staff, parents, etc…. An intranet can also be used to facilitate working in groups.

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