road map rx for outrageous hr services tippy amick, ph.d

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Road Map

Rx For Outrageous HR Services

Tippy Amick, Ph.D.

Why People Come For Our Services Effective Service Provider Characteristics Listening and Other Non-Verbal Behaviors Diversity and Service Provision Managing Anger and Attitudes Taking Care of Yourself


Come to HR for….

Solution to a problem Feeling frustrated and unable to

solve the problem themselves Upset about a situation and

seeking HR guidance

Effective Service Provider Characteristics

Warmth and genuineness Competence/skill Energy and enthusiasm Flexible Being supportive, being there Respect for customers (and

differences) Good listeners

Good Listening Techniques

Eye Contact Body Language Pause Before Responding Low, Slow Voice Put Aside Distractions Resist Internal Distractions Furniture Position

Non-Verbal Communication

55% of message is non-verbal 38% tone 7% words we use

Cultural Diversity and Service Provision

Cultural Baggage Proverbs and Sayings Fundamental Cultural Differences

language/communicationappearance/dresstime consciousnessvalues/normssense of self and space

Generational Differences

Born between 1980 - present = Gen Y, Nexters or Millennials.

Three generations at workplace Y’s: Independence Life comes before work


Angry people are hurt people Angry people need

Get it off their chest Believe someone hears them

Finding your center Avoiding getting hooked

Actions with Angry People

Stay focused on issue Really listen Pause and think Show confidence and empathy Repeat your message/solution Short, slow responses Normal tone of voice

On the Phone Show interest Take notes Use their name Get on their team Repeat problem Help or relay Thank them Follow through

Handling Your Frustrations

Warding off burnout Signs of unmanaged stress Physical consequences of stress Expansion contraction theory

(AUO) Commit to taking care of yourself

Taking Care of Ourselves

Work off stress Good nutrition Talk it over Avoid self-medication Sleep and rest Do something for others One thing at a time Play, get a hobby Use natural tranquilizers

Thank you

For your smiles and attention For the important work you do For the time I have had with you

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