roach - water pollution

Post on 24-May-2015






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By: Julia Roach

*Water Pollution

*Interesting Facts

*Pollution is caused by soil and silt and more enter the water and polluted the water.

*The Asia rivers are the most polluted because of trash.

*We need healthy water to live because we need it for so many things.

Interesting Facts

*Chemicals that are in the water such as pesticides ,herbicides, and more.

*It is very important to remember that groundwater pollution is very different to treat.

*Lesson Learned

*The lesson learned was that when the water dries up all the wildlife will die. All the people who need water ( witch is every one in the world) will die. The people who put trash into the water are adding pollution to the water. We also need to keep the water clean because we would be drinking polluted water. Some people will have to go to a river to get clean water! Now we know we have to watch our waste.

*Spreading the Word

We need to spread the word because all the water is becoming polluted. How we can spread the word is to turn off the water when you brush your teeth and more. We can all help by doing a part. It does not just help you it can help others also. Go on the web and find was you can help. Some things the web told me was you cant through oils , pants , or any other forms down the drain. That’s only one there are more just look.

*My Pledge

*I pledge not to do any thing to hurt our water , wildlife , not to through oils or other forms down the drain , not waste so no trash goes into the water ,and not to waste water.

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