review article studies in finishing effects of clay...

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Hindawi Publishing CorporationAdvances in Materials Science and EngineeringVolume 2013, Article ID 243515, 13 pages

Review ArticleStudies in Finishing Effects of Clay Mineral in Polymersand Synthetic Fibers

Faheem Uddin

Textile Engineering Department, FE, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences,Airport Road, BALALI, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan

Correspondence should be addressed to Faheem Uddin;

Received 13 May 2013; Revised 13 September 2013; Accepted 14 September 2013

Academic Editor: Wei Wu

Copyright © 2013 Faheem Uddin. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The use of clay mineral in modifying the properties of polymeric material is improved in application. The current interest in mod-ifying the polymeric materials, particularly polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and nylon using clay mineral for improvedflame retardancy, thermal stability, peak heat release rate, fracture, and strength properties generated significant research literature.This paper aims to review some of the important recent modification achieved in the performance of polymeric materials usingorganoclay mineral. Degradation of clay mineral-polymer (nm) composite is discussed with appropriate known examples. Claymineral (nm) loading of 5 wt.% to 7wt.% that was significantly smaller than the percent loading of conventional fillers in polymericmaterials introduced significant improvement in terms of thermal and physical stability. An attempt is made to emphasize flam-mability and thermal stability and to indicate the areas that are relatively little explored inmodification of fiber-forming polymers toenhance further research interest.

1. Introduction

The study of clay mineral application for improved desiredeffects in the performance of polymericmaterials is an impor-tant subject that received significant research interest. Severaleffects are possible where clay minerals may be useful in im-proving the polymer performance for commercially accept-able products.

This reviewdescribes how the production of claymineral-polymer (nm) composite was achievable for selected desiredeffects in polymeric material. Since montmorillonite (Mt)clay type has received a relatively increased interest in modi-fying the polymeric properties, its applications are discussedin particular.

An important aspect of this study is to discuss theadvancement in fibers and fiber-forming polymers throughthe utilization of clay mineral. Therefore, Mt-polymer com-posite structure for nylon, polypropylene, polyethylene,poly(methyl methacrylate), and polycarbonate are discussedfor the improved desired effects including flame retardancy,peak heat release rate, thermal degradation (molecular degra-dation with increasing temperature, mode of heat distribu-tion, and transmission), char formation, and smoke release.

A major part of studies, in clay mineral utilization withnanometer (nm) dimensions, concentrated on the naturallyavailable minerals; however, some interest was realized forsynthetic claymineral.Therefore, an introduction is made forthe synthetic clay mineral utilization in polymer modifica-tion.The later sections described the recent emerging interestin the application of clay mineral-polymer (nm) compositefor improved effects in important polymeric fibers and textilesubstrates.The possiblemodes of using claymineral-polymer(nm) composite to produce fibrous material are described inachieving flame-retardant and heat-resistant effects.

A variety of synthetic polymers can be produced in fiberform using polymer solution or polymer melt. Significantmarket consumption of nylon and PET fibers poly(ethyleneterephthalate) requires a particular discussion. These fibersare followed by the description of polyolefin when clay min-eral-polyolefin (nm) composite is used.

The important factors, related with the exfoliation anddispersion of clay mineral nanocomposite, are described.Theeffects of exfoliation and dispersion of clay mineral (nm)composite on the performance of polymeric material aredescribed.

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Generally, this review study provides details for selectedclay mineral and its effects on the polymer performance.The processing methods are discussed a little since theseare covered in cited literature. However, an introduction ofprocessing methods is provided. Description of processingmethods was limited to an introduction of necessary details.

Optimistically, this review paper will provide useful studyand comprehension in enhancing further research work forimproved desired effects using clay mineral in polymericmaterial and fiber-forming polymers.

2. Clay Mineral Utilization

The properties of clay particle to resist heat, flame, materialweathering, and strength enhancement were important inpast centuries. However, the science and technology of nano-meter- (nm-) sized composite particle of claymineral inmod-ifying the polymer matrix are the recent advancement andreceived significant interest to develop polymer materials forhigh performance and technical applications.

The use of silicate particles inmanufacturing the ceramicswas known in history; for example, in China, the use of Kao-linite traditionally called China clay is traced to the 3rd cen-tury BC.The variety of clay minerals that may be used in pro-ducing the performance effects in polymers was discussed byUddin [1].

Murray [2] discussed the application of clay mineral in-cluding kaolin, smectite, palygorskite (attapulgite), and sepi-olite for material including paper, ceramic, paint, plastic, andrubber [3], and expansion in usage was expected to growwithimproved processing methods and equipment, surface treat-ment, and organoclay mineral technology.

Interesting improvement in application properties, in-cluding abrasion resistance, UV resistance, strength charac-teristics, thermal stability, and flame retardancy, were achiev-able in finished polymer using nanoparticle form of claymineral [4].

Clay mineral particle with nm dimensions received anincreased interest. A single human hair may have width ordiameter of 80,000–100,000 nm [5, 6]. A water molecule isalmost 0.3 nmwide. Claymineral at nanometer-sized dimen-sions available in market with a range of products havingvarying composition is achieved using various means of pro-duction. Nanocomposite of clay mineral can be producedfrom several types of hydrous aluminosilicate differing inchemical composition and crystal structure [7].

Claymineral-polymer nanocomposite is a polymer (ther-moplastic, thermoset, or elastomer) reinforced with smallquantity (less than 5% by weight) of nanometer-sized parti-cles [8].

The essential raw clay mineral used in producing nano-composite is montmorillonite (Mt).

Nanometer-sized particle of clay mineral has layeredstructurewhere its thickness is far less than the remaining twodimensions [9]. An individual particle thickness may be justone nm; however, surface dimensions are generally 300–600 nm.

The general discussion on structure, properties, and surface modification of clay mineral and the enhanced prop-erties (mechanical, barrier, thermal, electrical conductivity,biodegradability, etc.) of claymineral-polymer (nm) compos-ite were reported by Zeng et al. [10].

Thermal and photo aging durability of clay mineral-polymer (nano) composite and the enhancement achieved inpolymer durability using layered silicates against the influ-ence of light, microwave energy, heat, and mechanical abra-sion were reviewed by Pandey et al. [11].

An important formofmaterial is textile fiber that requiresimproved strength, flame retardancy, and thermal stability invarious applications. Clay mineral used as an additive or asconstituent ingredient in finishing formulation might intro-duce the desired effects in textile fibers and would possiblyreceive an increasing research and innovation interest in thefuture.Therewere several synthetic fibers produced frompol-ymers, for example, various grades of nylon, polyester andpolyolefin, and cellulose-derived fibers where finishing usingclay mineral may produce the desired effects.

2.1. Clay Mineral-Chemical Complex. RawMt is hydrophilic.Generally, the polymers are organophilic; therefore, unmod-ified Mt is difficult to disperse in polymer. The process ofcompatibilization that may be termed as intercalation mod-ifies the clay mineral surface to produce organophilic claymineral. Compatibilized claymineral readily disperses in pol-ymer or resin matrix. Therefore, the clay mineral-polymer(nm) composite available in market is a clay mineral-chem-ical complex that shows variation in meeting the specific re-quirements for performance effects.

Compatibilization is essential for exfoliation of clay min-eral particle, that is, separating nanoparticles from one an-other in polymer matrix. During exfoliation, particles at theoutermost region of each aggregate cleaved off resulting in thereduction of particle size and changed shape from cubicalblocks to flat particles. The shape of clay mineral particlesized to nm dimension was generally exhibited as aspect ratio(length to thickness ratio of particle) of greater than 300.

Larger specific surface area of clay mineral sized to nmdimensions was possible through exfoliation. However, anincreased loading of clay mineral particle provided reducedinterparticle distance in the structure of clay mineral-pol-ymer (nm) composite. For example, a loading of 1 wt.% of Mtproduced interparticle distance of 250 nm that was reducedto 10 nm at loading of 20wt.%. A description of processingstages used in converting raw clay mineral into a clay mineralsized in nm could be presented (Figure 1) [12].

The important types of clay mineral-polymer (nm) com-posite may be presented in Table 1 [13].

Reinforcing the engineering polymers using clay mineralwas improved bymodifying the external and internal surfacesof layers in clay mineral particle. It was indicated by Legaly[14] that formation of clay mineral-polymer (nm) compositeis enhanced through the reduction in the tendency of silicatelayers to from face-to-face aggregate.

Physical adsorption and chemical grafting methods forthe surface modification of clay mineral using polymers were

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

Crude clay



Warehouse Sizing




Organic modifier

Figure 1: Stages involved in the conversion of crude clay intonanoclays [12].

reviewed by Liu [15].The surface physical and chemical prop-erties of clay mineral-polymer (nm) composite were impor-tant in reinforcing the engineering polymers, as catalyst, ad-sorbent, and so forth.

In addition to flame-retardant and heat-resistant effects,the other properties of polymer can be modified using claymineral. An example may be seen in Mt-polyimide hybrid.Dimethylacetamide (DMAC) solution of poly(amino acid)and a DMAC dispersion of Mt intercalated with an ammo-nium salt of dodecyl amine were used to synthesize Mt-poly-imide hybrid [16]. Length and thickness of Mt particle were2000 A and 10 A, respectively. Mt-polyimide hybrid showedreduced thermal expansion coefficient; however, particularinfluence was observed on gas barrier property. A loading of2wt.%ofMt inMt-polyimide hybrid reduced the gas permea-bility coefficient to less than the half value of ordinary poly-imide.

2.2. Montmorillonite (Mt) Application. Mt application show-ed significant enhancement in the desired performance ofvarious materials. Mt was used in composite for cars, pack-aging materials, antiseptics, abrasives, paints, coatings spec-tacles, electronics, flame-retardant finishing, and so forth [7].

Possibly, the variety of fiber and polymers types demandenormous research work to explore improvement achievableby using nm particles of Mt in particular, and generally theother clay minerals.

To date, there is significant interest in usingMt to modifythe application properties of polymers or plastics. When nm-sized particles of Mt are incorporated in polymers/fibers, theresultant material structure exhibited greater resistance toelectricity, chemicals, heat, and flame and an enhanced abilityto block UV-light.

The diversity in using the clay mineral-polymer (nm)composite for a large number of polymeric fibrous productsmay be perceivable. The applications of nanofibers producedusing claymineral-polymer (nm) can be presented in Figure 2using the summarized description introduced byHuang et al.[17].

3. Processing Methods for ClayMineral-Polymer (nm) Composite

Indeed, a number of interesting articles are available thatcomprehensively discuss the processing methods importantfor producing claymineral-polymer (nm) composite.This re-view is particularly addressing the flame-retardant and heat-resistant properties of polymers produced by using the claymineral-polymer (nm) composite or using nanocomposite asfiller in improving the said properties.

Smectite-type clay minerals including hectorite and Mtare important layered silicates for the production of nano-composite. The obvious reasons for the interest in using thesmectite-type clay mineral include its high cation exchangecapacity, surface area, surface reactivity, and adsorption; in-creased viscosity and high transparency are achievable, inaddition to these properties, with hectorite. The importantfeatures associated with the production of smectite mineral-polymer (nm) composite including preparation, characteri-zation, melt rheology, and processing were reviewed by Rayand Okamoto [18].

Clay mineral-polymer (nm) composite to be used as fillerwas discussed by Gao [19]. Composites produced particularlyusing hectorite, montmorillonite, and synthetic mica weredescribed. Performance feature of clay mineral-polymer(nm) composites in terms of particle size, layered structure(bonding between atoms and geometry of particle), and as-pect ratio were discussed.

Perhaps interesting details elucidating the scientific prin-ciples and mechanisms associated with the processing meth-ods and manufacturing of polymer nanocomposite were re-viewed by Hussain et al. [20].

Amorphous and crystalline polymer matrices were usedin producing polymer nanocomposite. Such matrix structureaffects themorphology of nanocomposite produced. Process-ing method, and its effect on mechanical performance, and adiscussion on morphology of polymer nanocomposite werepresented by Jordan et al. [21].

The present study particularly assesses the enhancementin the interest of the production of polymer nanofibers.Therefore, important aspects of polymer nanofiber process-ing through electrospinning are discussed.

An interesting study on the development in the produc-tion of polymer nanofiber in recent time was made by Huanget al. [17]. The study provided interesting details coveringprocessing conditions, structure and characterization rela-tionship, and process simulation.

Several processing methods were known for the produc-tion of polymer nanofibers. The processing techniques ofinterest in recent time include drawing, template synthesis,phase separation, self-assessing, and electrospinning.

However, electrospinning is the technique successfullyutilized for the production of a variety of polymer nanofibers.The significant utilization of electrospinning technique forpolymer nanofiber production is recognizable in the litera-ture.

The published research literature indicates continuousinterest in the production of polymer fibers using electrospin-ning. Importantly, about one hundred various polymers were

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Table 1: Important types of clay mineral-polymer (nm) composite.

S. no. Clay mineral-polymer(nm) composite Characteristics Effects on polymer performance

1 Intercalated nanocomposite

(i) Polymer chains are regularly insertedin layered silicate structure(ii) Regular crystal structure(iii) Repeat distance of few nanometers atany polymer to clay ratio

(i) Increased tensile properties(ii) Increased flexural properties(iii) Reduced gas permeability(iv) Flame retardancy(v) Improved heat distortion temperature(vi) Improved thermal and photo aging(vii) Improved biodegradability

2 Flocculated nanocomposite Intercalated and stacked silicate layerspartially flocculated Same as above

3 Exfoliated nanocomposite Silicate layers are separated in polymermatrix (depending upon clay loading) Same as above

Cosmetic skin maskSkin cleansingSkin healingSkin therapy with medicine

Application in life science

Drug delivery carrier

Hemostatic devices

Wound dressing

Tissue engineering scaffoldingPorous membrane for skinTubular shapes for blood vesselsThree-dimensional scaffolds for bone and cartilage regenerations

Military protective clothing

Minimal impedance to airEfficiency in trapping aerosol particles

Filter mediaLiquid filtration Gas filtrationMolecule filtration

Thermal sensorPiezoelectric sensorBiochemical sensor

Other industrial applicationsMicro/nano electronic devicesElectromagnetic interference shielding Photovoltaic devices (nano-solar cell) LCDdevices

Higher efficient and functional catalysts

Polymer nanofibers

Antibiochemical gases


Fluorescence optical chemicalsensor Ultra-lightweight spacecraft materials

Figure 2: The possible applications of polymer nanofibers produced using clay mineral-polymer (nm) composite [17].

electrospun using polymer solution and polymer melt.Table 2 describes some important polymers with the solventused to produce electrospun fibers from polymer solution.

A polymer solution, or a polymer melt, and the electro-static force between the two charged electrodes were theimportant factors in producing polymer nanofiber throughelectrospinning.

The polymer solution is ejected between two electrodes,possessing opposite polarity, leading to the formation of pol-ymer filament fiber. One electrode is in the solution and theother one is in metal collector. The charged solution jet, fol-lowing the evaporation of solvent content, is collected onmetal electrode as nonwoven nanofiber. Figure 3 presents asimple diagram for electrospinning technique showing thepolymer nanofiber formation at the collector electrode.

The important factors that may influence the character-istics of polymer nanofiber produced through electrospin-ning include, however not limited to, solution viscosity, sur-face tension, dielectric permeability, electric field strength,solvent properties to evaporate, polymer molecular weight,and concentration. Studies of such factors for a particular

polymer-substrate solution would provide the control on thecharacteristic properties of nanofibers. For example, it wasindicated that low viscosity solution of polymer producedshorter and finer fibers, and those obtained from viscous sol-ution were continuous.

4. Mt-Polymer Composite

4.1.Mt-NylonComposite. Nylon polymer, derived fromadia-mine and a dicarboxylic acid, produced important textilefibers used in home, fashion, and technical textile products.Nylon 66 (polyhexamethylene adipamide), and nylon 6(polycaprolactam) are the two common types shown inFigure 4. It was developed in 1930s by the scientists, headedby Wallace Hume Caruthers at Du Pont, and indicated as thefirst truly synthetic fiber commercially known [22]. Amongthe several varieties of nylon available in commercial marketincluding nylon 6, 11, 12, 6/6, 6/10, and 6/12. The importanttypes for textile industry products are nylon-6 and nylon-6/6.

Presently, nylon fibers are consumed in significantamount to produce various textile products around theworld.

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Table 2: Some important polymers and the solvent used in producing electrospun fibers [17].

S. no. Polymer Solvent Used1 Nylon 6,6, (PA-6,60) Formic acid2 Nylon 4,6 Formic acid3 Nylon 6/Mt Hexafluoroisopropanol4 Polyurethanes Dimethyl formamide5 Polybenzimidazole Dimethylacetamide6 Polycarbonate Dimethyl formamide : tetrahydrofuran (1 : 1)7 Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Dimethyl formamide8 Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) Dimethyl formamide : toluene (1 : 9)9 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Dichloromethane and trifluoroacetic acid (1 : 1)10 Polyethylene Dichloromethane and trifluoroacetic acid

11 Polystyrene Tetrahydrofuran, dimethylformamide, carbon disulfide (CS2),and toluene

12 Cellulose acetate Acetone, acetic acid, and dimethylacetamide

13 Mixture of poly(acrylic acid)-poly(pyrene methanol) andpolyurethane Dimethylformamide

14 Polycaprolactone Chloroform :methanol (3 : 1), toluene :methanol (1 : 1), anddichloromethane :methanol (3 : 1)

15 Polyvinyl alcohol Distilled water16 Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) Dimethylformamide : dimethylacetamide (1 : 1)17 Poly(2-hydroxyethyl)methacrylate Ethanol : formic acid (1 : 1)


Metal collector

Polymer jet

Single nanofiberNonwoven nanofiber


Polymer solution

Figure 3: Nanofiber production using polymer solution in electro-spinning technique [17].

In year 2010, global production and consumption of nylonfibers were estimated to be 3.6 million and 3.5 millionmetric tons, respectively. The consumption of nylon fiberswas increased 6% in 2010 relative to 2009. Its productionwas forecasted in a world petrochemical report to grow atan average of 2.5% per year from 2010 to 2015, however,increasing to 5.4% per year from 2015 to 2020 [23]. Generally,nylon-6 and nylon-6/6 were used in producing the textilefibers, and the consumption of these fibers was 60% and 26%,respectively, in 2010.

Usuki et al. [24] reviewed clay mineral-nylon (nm) com-posite and claymineral-polyolefin (nm) composite, includingthe synthesis and composite properties, discussed the pro-duction methods, and attempted to identify the future chal-lenges in the subject area.

Mt was indicated to be used as UV blocker in nylon com-posite fiber. Loading of Mt. wt. 5% in nylon produced 40%enhancement in tensile strength, 68% greater tensile modu-lus, 60% higher flexural strength, and 126% increased flex-ural modulus. Moreover, heat distortion temperature (HDT)increased from65∘C to 152∘C [25]. Table 3 presents the impor-tant effects of clay mineral on the performance of polymericmaterial including nylon.

Thermoplastic character of nylon 11 showed lacking inflame retardancy and high strength with increased thermalstability for various product applications. However,modifica-tion of nylon 11 using nm particles (Mt, silica, carbon fibers)in melt processing assisted to enhance these properties andexpanded the market for the producers of nylon 11 resin [26].

Loading ofMt (nm) aroundwt. 7% content was compara-ble to 20–30wt.% of conventional inorganic fillers (glass fiber,mineral fiber, etc.) for improving strength and heat resistancein nylon 11. Therefore, nylon 11 with low specific gravity andincreased flame retardancy was possible using Mt.

Producing Mt-nylon-6 (nm) composite through meltbending or compounding technique followed by injectionmolding using percent loading of various Mt-organo (nm)composites, ranging over 0–5wt.% content, produced im-provement in tensile and flexural properties; the desired pro-perties were indicated optimum at 5wt.% loading [27]. Stor-age modulus, stiffness, and heat distortion temperature wereimproved with the reduction in water absorption relative tovirgin nylon-6.

Morphological modification in nylon-6 was studied.Commercial grade Mt-nylon-6 (nm) composite was subject-ed to a large-scale simple orientation process, and the result-ing morphology of composite was studied [28]. The orien-tation and aspect ratio of Mt were alterable by simple shear

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Nylon 6

e-Caprolactam (6 carbon)

Nylon 66


HOOC–(CH2)4–COOH + H2N–(CH2)6–NH2 –[–NH9(CH2)6–NHOC(CH2)4CO–]n–

Adipic acid(6 carbon atoms)

Hexamethylenediamine(6 carbon atoms)

Figure 4: Two types of important nylon structures, nylon 6 and nylon 66 [22].

Table 3: Possible effects of clay mineral on the performance of polymeric material.

S. no. Clay Mineral Polymeric Material Method Performance effects

1 Mt, Silica Nylon 11 Melt processing(i) Improved flame retardancy(ii) Improved thermal stability(iii) Increased tensile strength

2 Mt Mt-nylon 6 (nm) composite Melt bending or compoundingtechnique

(i) Increased tensile and flexuralstrength(ii) Increased stiffness(iii) Increased heat distortiontemperature

3 Mt-modified withquaternary ammonium salt Polypropylene Introduced in polypropylene

prior extrusion

(i) Improved uptake for acid anddisperse dyestuff(ii) Enhanced eco-friendly dyeing

4 Mt (nm) commercialgrades

Polyethylene (LLDPE,HDPE)

Mixed in preground virginpolyethylene resin

Postponed the onset of gross meltfracture

5 Surface-modified Mt (nm)commercial grades

Maleic anhydride-modifiedpolypropylene

Compounded in twin-screwextruder

(i) Improved tensile strength(ii) Increased stiffness(iii) Crack growth resistance

6 Fluorinated synthetic micaFluorinated syntheticmica-polypropylene (nm)composite

Melt compounding Reduced heat release rate was slightlybetter relative to natural clay mineral

process. Percent crystallinity and chain mobility of nylon-6were greatly reduced by the incorporation of well-dispersedMt in its matrix. Subsequently, the possible molecular mech-anisms leading to the final morphology of the Mt-nylon-6(nm) composite were discussed.

Mt, saponite, hectorite, and synthetic mica were usedto synthesize clay mineral-nylon-6 hybrid materials. Subse-quently, injection molded specimen were studied to assessselected mechanical properties using ASTM. The relativecomparison in terms of the mechanical properties of fourtypes of hybrid material indicated that Mt-nylon-6 hybrid issuperior in performance [29].

Interaction between nylon-6 molecules and silicates inthe hybrid was indicated as the possible cause of difference inthe mechanical properties studied. It was found in the 15N-NMR results thatMt-based intercalated compound producedgreatest positive charge density on nitrogen relative to otherclay mineral-based intercalated compound. The greater pos-itive charge density on nitrogen (N+) introduced strongerionic interaction of Mt with the molecules of nylon-6.

4.2. Mt-Polyolefin (nm) Composite. Polymer (nm) compositeeach containing polystyrene, poly(methyl methacrylate), andpolycarbonate with alumina and SiO

2nanoparticles and

carbon nanotubes were studied [30]. Miniaturized, microdi-mensional samples were produced to enable good control ofmorphology and distribution of particles. The study showedthat with appropriate dispersion of particles of a few 10 nmin polymer composite structure, the effect on toughness en-hancement lacks the problem of agglomerates as they gener-ally appear in large samples.

Polypropylene fibers were difficult to dye being lacking indye-attracting or dye-holding spaces. Mt clay modified withquaternary ammonium salt and included in polypropyleneprior extrusion may impart increased dyeing ability to poly-propylene fibers for acid and disperse dyes. An increased dye-ability of polypropylene fiber produced the shade depth withreduced amount of dyestuff and improved the environment-friendly nature of dyeing.

Polyethylene grades of varying melt indices were modi-fied using Mt. The influence of Mt on the processing of filmgrade linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) of melt index0.8, below molding grade of high density polyethylene(HDPE) ofmelt index 0.95,metallocene LLDPE ofmelt index1, and polypropylene resin were investigated [31].

There were five grades of commercially availableMt (nm)studied. Three were the unmodified Mt (nm) grades includ-ing Nanoclays PGV and PGW fromNanocor and Cloisite Na

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7

fromSouthernClay Products.The remaining two gradeswereorganically modified Mt (nm) including Nanoclay 1.44 PA(Nanocor), and Cloisite 10A (Southern Clay Products). EachMt grade was investigated through mixing with an appro-priate amount of preground virgin resin and using specifiedprocedures to achieve uniform dispersion of Mt into poly-olefin resin. Complete dispersion of Mt was confirmed usingscanning electronmicroscope (SEM) and was noted as a nec-essary condition for the good performance of processing aids,including the fluoropolymer processing aids.

Organically modified Mt (nm) was easy to disperse intopolyolefin, and its improved dispersion was confirmed bySEM pictures. The organically modified Mt (nm) eliminatedthe onset of shark skin (surface deterioration) melt fractureand significantly postponed the onset of grossmelt fracture tomuch higher shear rates in polyolefin.

Melt fracture behavior of linear polyethylene (sharkskinand gross melt fracture) was closely related to high-rateextensional melt rheology. It was indicated that the growthsuppression of tensile stress was mainly responsible for theability of additives, including organically modified Mt (nm)and boron nitride, to eliminate melt fracture.

Fracture properties of maleic anhydride-modified poly-propylene compounded with commercially available surface-modifiedMt (nm) in a twin-screw extruder were investigated[32]. The mechanical and fracture properties of Mt (nm)-filled polypropylene were evaluated. Tensile strength andstiffness increased steadily with an increase in theMt loading.Crack-growth resistance was observed in the Mt (nm)-filledpolypropylene.

Important enhancement was achievable in polymer per-formance using clay mineral fillers in terms of improvedflame retardancy and thermal stability.These effects are of sig-nificant interest in product application.The following sectionis particularly included to discuss the useful details.

5. Flammability and Thermal Stability

5.1. Flame Retardancy and Peak Heat Release Rate. Flameretardancy and resistance to thermal degradation were twoimportant characteristics significantly useful in numerousapplications of polymeric materials. Polyester resin was stud-ied using clay mineral as flame retardant [33]. X-ray diffrac-tion studies revealed that the dispersion of functionalized claymineral particle, in polyester resin, was dependent upon thetype of its functional group. Flammability assessed by usingcone calorimeter indicated that the inclusion of 5% w/w ofclay mineral in polyester matrix reduced peak heat releaserate (PHRR) by 23–27% and total heat release values by 4–11%. Fire growth rate index was reduced to 23–30%.

The incorporation of small amount of clay mineral (nm),5%w/w, in combination with the char promoting flame retar-dants (condensed-phase flame retardants), such as ammo-nium polyphosphate, melamine phosphate, and alumina tri-hydrate, resulted in the total reduction of PHRR in the rangeof 60–70%. Ammonium polyphosphate particularly showedthe improved effects.

Three different silica-polymer (nm) composites each con-taining poly(methyl methacrylate), polystyrene, and polycar-bonate were studied for flammability, thermal, and mechan-ical properties [34]. The reduction in PHRR and total heatrelease were observed using cone calorimetry; however, flam-mability assessment by oxygen index and horizontal Bunsenburner tests did not exhibit flame retardancy. Polycarbonatematerials were V2 rated by vertical burning testing; however,1% inclusion of silica significantly reduced its after flametimes.

The significant contribution of clay mineral in retardingthe flame spread in developing the fire in hybridmaterials wasreviewed [35]. The review indicated the clay mineral’s pres-ence in polymer was not beneficial to retard the flame at igni-tion in the case of fully developed fire.Therefore, the require-ment of using conventional flame retardants in clay mineral-polymer (nm) composite was discussed for achieving anypossible improvement.

An alternative way would be the study of the influence ofclay mineral types and their interaction with particular pol-ymers that might be investigated to provide ignition resist-ance and flame retardancy in clay mineral-polymer hybridmaterial.

An important concern in the selection of flame retardantadditive for polymer material was the impact on the overallrequirements of finished polymer material. For example, incommodity polymer, the flame retardant used should be of re-duced cost (unit kg price and processing cost). It should beexhibiting an environment-friendly character and not creat-ing significant reduction in the desired performance prop-erties of the finished polymer. It was observed that silicate-polymer (nm) composite provided desired flame retardancyand improved physical properties [36].

5.2. Thermal Degradation. An important concern in the un-derstanding and assessment of nanoparticles in modifyingthe performance of polymericmaterial for particular applica-tion was the effect created when the polymeric material expe-rienced thermal degradation. Continuous increase in tem-perature,mode of heat distribution, transmission, andmolec-ular degradation mechanism in polymeric material are mod-ifiable by nanoscale fillers.

On receiving heat, the thermal degradation of polymermaterial begins after reaching a particular temperature. Gil-man [36] indicated that boiling temperatures of most ofthe thermal degradation products of polymer material weremuch lower than their thermal degradation temperature;therefore, the degradation products were superheated as theyformed. Heated surface of polymericmaterial has bubbles be-neath that grew with the supply of degradation products andevolved into the gas phase as fuel vapors. To enhance theflame retardancy, clay mineral-polymer (nm) compositeshould inhibit this bubbling process during thermal degrada-tion of polymer.

No reduction in bubbling by degradation productsmight be interpreted as no improvement in polymer flameretardancy; this idea was supported with an exampleof poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) (nm) composite

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containing silica (nm) (13% mass fraction). This silica-poly(methyl methacrylate) (nm) composite showed strongbubbling on heating and insignificant effect on flame retar-dancy, resulting in a residue containing granular, coarseparticles.

Review of clay mineral-polymer (nm) composite pyroly-sis during combustion indicated that the organically layeredsilicon particles migrated to and accumulated on the surfaceof molten polymer at temperatures far below the pyrolysistemperature [37]. The important reasons indicated for thismigration were:

(i) gradient of temperature and viscosity gradient of themelt with regard to heat source,

(ii) propelling the organically layered silicate to the sur-face by gas bubbles from the decomposing surfactantand polymer,

(iii) the difference in surface free energy between the poly-mer and the clay mineral-polymer aggregate.

Claymineral accumulation bymigration to surface of claymineral-polymer (nm) composite at a range of temperaturewas indicated by X-ray diffraction and attenuated total reflec-tance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) measurementson the isothermally heated samples [38]. Above 200∘C,organic layered silicate began to decompose with the gradualdestruction of nanocomposite prior the pyrolysis and com-bustion. However, the silicate particles (nm) tend to form acontinuous protective solid layer on the heated surface of pol-ymer. This protective layer is composed of clay mineral andcarbonaceous char. Lateral surface cracks might appear inclaymineral layer during polymer combustion that enhancedthe bubbling and flammability. Studies in eliminating suchcracks were required to enhance the polymer flame retard-ancy using clay mineral (nm) fillers.

The layer of clay mineral (nm) might cause cross-linkingand increase in carbonaceous char formation. In cases wherechar formation did not occur, it was the quality of claymineralresidue that influenced the flame-retardancy. The rate of gasescape from the polymericmelt anddripping during pyrolysiswas reduced by the homogeneous dispersion of clay mineral(nm) particles in the polymer melt.

Obtaining the information and understanding of clay-mineral filled polymers, the molecular structure and thermalstability in terms of decomposition temperature, its rate, andthe resulting degradation products were studied using ther-mal gravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and massspectroscopy. The influence of alkyl chain length, number ofalkyls, and degree of unsaturation of clay mineral-polymer(nm) composite on thermal stability were discussed [39].

5.3. Flammability and Smoke Release. Flammability andsmoke release assessment of a broad range of thermoplasticand thermoset polymers using oxygen index and XP-2 testsshowed that the polymers with aliphatic backbones werehighly flammable with reduced level of smoke generation[40]. The polymers containing an aromatic group in the sidechain, such as polystyrene, were highly flammable and highlysmoke releasing, and the polymers with aromatic group in

main chain exhibited intermediate properties. The inclusionof any filler as flame retardant alters the proportion of flam-mability and smoke generation. This study did not cover theeffects of clay mineral (nm) on polymer flammability; how-ever, it was indicated that halogen-containing polymers wereusually nonflammable with high oxygen index values andgenerate an increased level of smoke.

In general, clay mineral (nm) showed flame retardanteffects in terms of reduction in peak heat release rate for mostof the thermoplastic polymers including polystyrene, poly-amide-6, polypropylene, polyamide-12, poly(methyl metha-crylate), polyethylene, and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) [41].However, the decomposition mechanism and the thermaldecomposition products would vary in each polymer.

Mt and fluorohectorite were used to study themechanismof flame-retarding in polypropylene-graft-maleic anhydrideand silicate-polystyrene (nm) composite. Controlled com-bustion in cone calorimetrywas investigated to assess the heatrelease rate and flammability. Silicate-polystyrene (nm) com-posite and combustion residue analyzed by the transmissionelectron microscopy and X-ray diffraction showed the flameretardancy resulted from the type and dispersion of silicateand processing degradation [42].

Combustion behavior and thermal oxidative degradationof clay mineral-polypropylene (nm) composite were studiedthrough the utilization of compatibilizer, alkylammonium,organoclay, protonic clay, and pristine clay. The reduction inheat release rate resulted from the delay of thermal oxidationdecomposition of hybrid material indicated to introduce sev-eral effects including the catalysis to initial decompositionand the ignition of the composite. However, interestingly, act-ive site also catalyzed char formation. Consequently, an en-hanced thermal-oxidative stability and reduced heat releaserate were achieved [43].

5.4. Flammability and Thermal Properties of Synthetic ClayMineral-Polymer Composite. An important progressive con-cern in modifying the thermal and flammability propertiesof polymers using clay mineral is the evaluation of syntheticclay mineral. The primary advantages from the productionof synthetic clay mineral would include the elimination ofextraction, purification, and surface treatment stages and theavailability of desired structures in the type of clay mineralproduced.

Some of the advantages and disadvantages of using thenatural and synthetic clay minerals in (nm) composite werediscussed byMorgan et al. [44]. Refined rawmontmorilloniteand fluorinated synthetic mica (=synthetic clay mineral)were used as inorganic clay minerals for control experimentson polystyrene, then converted into an organoclay mineralby ion exchange using alkyl ammonium salt. Organoclaymineral-polystyrene (nm) composites were synthesized bymelt compounding. It was found in this study that thesynthetic clay mineral performed slightly better in reducingthe heat release rate relative to natural clay mineral; however,both the clay mineral types greatly reduce the heat releaserate.

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All the samples, including the inorganic clay mineral-polystyrene (nm) composites showed reduced time to igni-tion; however, this reduction was more significant in organ-oclay mineral (nm) composites, attributable to alkyl quater-nary ammonium moiety of organoclay mineral.

6. Clay Mineral (nm) in Fibers

6.1. Clay Mineral-Polymer (nm) Composite in Textiles. Mod-ifying fibers, improving the textile performance, and intro-ducing the smart textiles are the important textile finishingdevelopments achieved recently using particles (nm) as fillersand finish (nm) formulations.Themajor advancement in thenanotechnology of textile and fiber finishing is in the fol-lowing areas [45].

(1) Nanofinishing of textile fabrics and fibrous materialsusing the finish formulation comprising particles(nm).

(2) Production of fiber (nm) composite by using selectedfiller (nm).

(3) Study of organic additives influencing the perform-ance of filler (nm).

(4) Physical and chemical optimal process control for fin-ishing (nm) of fibrous materials.

Some important effects of clay mineral in fibrous poly-meric material (filament and fabric) are summarized inTable 4. The application of inorganic particle (nm) and theircomposite was perceived as an alternative antimicrobial fin-ishing technique to prevent the toxic or harmful effects ofconventional finishes.Therefore, particle (nm) of variousma-terials including clay mineral and clay-polymer (nm) com-posite, metallic and nonmetallic TiO

2(nm) composite, car-

bon nanotube, silver-basedmaterials (nm), and so forth, werereviewed by Dastjerdi and Montazer [46].

Studies were conducted to produce flame retardancythrough the utilization of Mt-PU (nm) composite and poly-hedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS)-PU (nm) compos-ite. Polyester and cotton fabrics were coated using the saidcomposites, and the coated fabric specimen were analyzedusing the cone calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis.Subsequently, the effects of Mt-PU (nm) composite andPOSS-PU (nm) composite were discussed; however, POSSshowed relatively significant flame retardancy [47].

In special finishing, surface coating of textile might gen-erally be used including the flame retardancy andwater repel-lency. Polyurethane (PU) resin coating on textile fabric wasknown for imparting water repellency and reduced air per-meability. However, PU was possibly an important study areato coat the fabric using claymineral-based formulation and toassess the resulting physio-chemical effects. Depending uponthe clay mineral structure, fixing agent used and applicationtechnique improvement in flame retardancy and thermal sta-bility would be obtainable.

Flame retardant coating composition containingbranched polyethylenimine (BPEI) and sodium montmoril-lonite (NaMt) was produced. Four water-based coating

recipes containing BPEI (pH 7 and 10) and NaMt (0.2 and1 wt.%) were applied to cotton fabric [48].

Thermogravimetric analysis showed that coated fabric,relative to an uncoated fabric, left as much as 13% char whenheated to 500∘C.That amount of char was 2 orders of magni-tude more than an uncoated fabric.The coated fabric showedreduction in afterglow time in vertical flame test.

An interesting finding was the preservation of weavestructure and fiber shape, revealed by SEM examination, inpostburn residue of all the coated fabrics. The coating recipebased on BPEI pH 7 and NaMt 1 wt.% content was signifi-cantly effective.

The total heat release and heat release capacity, observedin microcombustion calorimeter testing, was reduced in allcoated fabrics relative to an uncoated fabric.

The findings on clay mineral coated cotton fabric proper-ties were the significant realization in advancing the study ofclay mineral application using water-based composition andknown technique. The conventional fiber finishing industrysignificantly utilized water-based composition.

6.2. Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate (PET)) Composites. A signif-icant amount of polymers were used in the form of fibers orfilament; however, the subject of modifying the performanceof polymers in fiber or filament form using clay mineral (nm)received little research interest to date. Improving the flame-retardancy of synthetic-polymer fibers using the clay mineral(nm) is presently a demanding area to explore several fibersincluding nylon, polypropylene, polyester, and polystyrene.

Production of man-made microfibers using electrospin-ning process was known since 1930s. Production of syntheticpolymer fibers having diameter in the micrometer range waspossible using electrospinning. The process of electrospin-ning provided significant opportunities to produce nano-fillers using the polymer solution. Some important electro-spun nanofibers produced using a particular solvent areshown in Table 2.

Some of the work done was limited to poly(ethylene ter-ephthalate) (PET). It was chemically modified using ethyl-enediamine prior to electrospinning. Cellulose acetate, poly-ethylene glycol, or polyethylene oxide each was studied asadditive. PETfibers-polymer (nm) composite obtained show-ed sufficient physical properties including tensile strengthand percent at break relative to other electrospun materialssuch as nylon which lose significant strength on electrospin-ning. Addition of polyethylene glycol or polyethylene oxide inPET solution brought no improvement in fiber strength [45].

The various types of polymer systems to produce nano-fibers using electrospinning technology include high perfor-mance polymers, liquid crystalline polymers, polymer blend,and biopolymer [49].

An important review, produced by Horrocks et al. [50],of flame retardant textiles had indicated that inclusion of claymineral in polymer was found to enhance flame retardancyin terms of reduced peak heat release rate.

6.3. Clay Mineral (nm)-Polypropylene Composite. Prepara-tion of Mt-polypropylene (nm) composite was reviewed by

10 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 4: Clay mineral effects on filament fibers and fabric.

S. no. Composite Method Performance effects

1 Clay mineral (nm) polypropylene Melt compounding propylene intwin-screw extruder

(i) Increased filament modulus(ii) Increased char formation(iii) Insignificant effect on flameretardancy

2Clay mineral (nm) polypropyleneCompatibilizer used was maleic anhydridegrafted polypropylene

Melt spinning

(i) Filament produced showed improvedtensile strength and thermal stability(ii) Enhanced dynamic mechanicalproperties(iii) Creep resistance


Mt-polyurethane (nm) (Mt-PU (nm))Polyhedral oligomericsilsequioxanes-polyurethane (nm)(POSS-PU)

Coated on polyester and cotton fabricRelative to Mt-PU, POSS-PU (nm)coating showed improved flameretardancy

4 NaMt-branched polyethyleneimine Coated on cotton fabric

(i) When heated to 500∘C, the amount ofchar produced was 2 orders of magnituderelative to uncoated fabric(ii) Reduced afterglow time(iii) Reduced total heat release(iv) Reduced heat release capacity

Manias et al. [51]. Two forms of constituent materials weredescribed useful for producing Mt/propylene nanocompos-ite:

(1) functionalized polypropylene and organo-Mt,

(2) unmodified (=neat) polypropylene and half-fluori-nated organic silicate.

The necessary conditions, the characteristics of polypro-pylene filaments, and tapes containing dispersion of func-tionalized clay mineral were studied to assess flame retar-dancy [52]. Clay mineral (nm)-polypropylene composite wasproduced by melt compounding polypropylene in a twin-screw extruder. Subsequently, polypropylene filament con-taining clay mineral (nm) was produced and assessed. Thepresence of dispersed clay mineral increased the filamentmodulus. Filament samples exhibited sufficiently acceptabletextile properties to enable their knitting into fabric. Burningbehavior of fabric and film samples was evaluated by limitingoxygen index and cone calorimetry at 35 kW/m2 externalheat flux. The presence of clay mineral showed no influenceon burning character, and the effect on flame retardancy wasinsignificant; however, char formation was encouraged.

Influence of clay mineral (nm) on the physical propertiesof polypropylene was evaluated [53]. Clay mineral (nm)-pol-ypropylene composite filaments were produced by melt spin-ning. The compatibilizer used was maleic anhydride graftedPP. Clay mineral (nm) loadings up to 1 wt.% with compat-ibilizer up to 3wt.% were investigated. Results achieved indi-cated significant improvement in the tensile, thermal, anddynamic mechanical properties and creep resistance in claymineral (nm)-polypropylene composite filament relative tovirgin polypropylene at small clay mineral (nm) loadings of0.25–0.5 wt.% and a compatibilizer/clay mineral ratio of 2 : 1.

6.4. Cellulose Composite. Use of claymineral was indicated inproducing cellulose composite [54]. Technology was devel-oped to produce claymineral-cellulose (nm) composite usingvarious sources of cellulose including grass, kenaf, cottonfiber, and cotton plantmaterial.Thermal stability of claymin-eral-cellulose (nm) composite was improved suitable for end-products such as nonwovens, papers, and filament fibers.

7. Clay Mineral Performance

Exfoliation and dispersion of clay mineral particles are twosignificant properties. The effects of clay mineral on polymerperformance are closely related with exfoliation and disper-sion.Therefore, these two factors are discussed in this section.

Level of exfoliation and dispersion of clay mineral (nm)particle are the important factors in improving the effects ofclay mineral. The use of ultrasonics, to improve exfoliation/dispersion of claymineral (nm) in polypropylene,was studiedby Lee et al. [55] using selected isotactic polypropylene ofvarious molecular weights reinforced with organophilic Mt(nm) at 4–6wt.% loadings.The effectiveness of the ultrasonicprocessing used was evaluated by X-ray diffraction and trans-mission electron microscopy. Results obtained indicated thatthe ultrasonic processing of claymineral (nm)-polymer com-posite in the melt state could improve exfoliation and disper-sion of clay mineral.

Therefore, it is not unusual to see the recommendationsfrom clay mineral producer for achieving good level of dis-persion in polymer. For example, one of the Mt producers,Nanocor, recommends high-shear processing equipment forincorporating Nanocor clay mineral into polyolefin resins[56]. Since polyolefin were hydrophobic, use of a compatibi-lizer was recommended for improved performance.

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 11

Use of infraredmethod to permit quantitative determina-tion of organoclay mineral dispersion in terms of delamina-tion and layer alignment was discussed by Wouter et al. [57].

The dispersion of clay mineral particle (nm) in polypro-pylene was investigated. Clay mineral-polypropylene (nm)composites were produced by a solution technique and a sub-sequent melt-mixing process [58]. To improve the compat-ibility of the clay mineral particle (nm) in polypropylene, atitanate coupling was used. The dispersion of clay mineralparticle (nm) was studied using X-ray diffraction and trans-mission electron microscopy.There was an increased d-valueof clay particle in (nm) composite.Thenumber of intercalatedlayers in a single claymineral crystallitewas found to be 4.Theresults achieved indicated presence of single-layered particlewith improved dispersion in polypropylene.

Dispersion of exfoliated organically modified Mt (typeCloisite 30 B) in a solution of poly(methyl methacrylate) inmethyl methacrylate was studied using ultrasound [59]. Anumber of factors including the sonication power, clay min-eral loading, use of a swelling agent, and moisture content ofthe modified Mt were found to affect the exfoliation process.Addition of a range of titanate coupling agents was experi-mented,where one of the coupling agentswas found to reducethe viscosity of exfoliated Mt dispersion without influencingthe extent of exfoliation.

It was indicated elsewhere that interlayer spacing and dis-persion of the clay mineral were significantly influenced bythe polar forces between the clay mineral and the polymericmatrix material [60].

Influence of processing machine on clay mineral exfolia-tion was studied for some polymers.The effect of screw speedof the corotating twin-screw extruder on the clay mineralexfoliation and composite (nm) properties was examined[61].The organicallymodifiedMtwas used as reinforcingma-terial in polypropylene, and maleic anhydride grafted poly-propylene oligomer was used as a compatibilizer to improveclay mineral dispersion and adhesion.

The results obtained indicated the clay mineral-poly-propylene (nm) composite had both intercalated and exfoli-ated structures depending upon the screw speed of extruder.Transmission electron microscopy images showed that thedispersion of silicate layers significantly influenced by thescrew speed.Themechanical properties of claymineral (nm)-polymer composite were not remarkably affected withincreased exfoliation of silicate layers.

Use of organic surfactants withMt to improve the desiredproperties of clay mineral-polystyrene (nm) composite wasinvestigated [62]. Organo-Mt-polystyrene (nm) compositewas produced by free radical polymerization of styrene in thedispersed organophilic Mt. Results obtained showed that theMt-polystyrene (nm) composite, with 5.0 wt.% content oforgano-Mt, exhibited greatest improvement in thermal stabil-ity; and with 7.5 wt.% content of organo-Mt (nm), the resul-ting Mt-polystyrene (nm) composite acquired the greatestimprovement in mechanical properties relative to virginpolystyrene.

It was indicated that the alkyl chain length of surfactantin organo-Mt was important in modifying the polystyrenestructure through the glass transition temperature. The

longer the alkyl chain length of surfactant, the higher the glasstransition temperature of Mt-polystyrene (nm) composite.

Apparently, the subject of using surfactant in producingorgano-Mt (nm) requiresmore studies to establish the advan-tages possible in the desired performance of polystyrene com-posites.

Improved thermal stability and storages moduli of Mt-nylon 1010 (nm) composite were experienced in melt inter-calation using a corotating twin-screw extruder [63].

8. Conclusions

Use of clay mineral in improving the desired performance ofpolymers received research interest particularly in polyolefinfinishing. Significant enhancement in the flame retardancy,resistance to thermal degradation, reduction in peak heatrelease rate, and physical properties were achievable with claymineral at reduced loading levels relative to the traditionalfillers.

An important research demanding area was the utiliza-tion of clay mineral in the finishing of textile fiber and fiberforming polymer for improved effects of flame retardancy,increased heat and abrasion resistance, and strength proper-ties.

A loading 5wt.% to 7wt.% content of claymineral showedsignificant improvement inmechanical-thermal properties ofclay mineral-polyolefin and clay mineral-nylon (nm) com-posites. Improvements were also observed in poly(methylmethacrylate), polycarbonate, and cellulose composites.

In general, clay mineral utilization showed flame retar-dant effects, with varying decomposition mechanisms andreleased products, in terms of reduction in peak heat releaserate for most thermoplastic polymers including polystyrene,polyamide 6, polypropylene, polyamide 12, poly(methylmethacrylate), polyethylene, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).

There were applications of polymeric materials in theform of filament fiber where the inclusion of clay mineralreceived relatively reduced interest to date. Flame retardancyand thermal stability for these filaments was particularly de-sired in protective wear. Therefore, known clay mineral maybe investigated for improvement in desired effects.


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