rejuv 4 life meal...

Post on 26-May-2020






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REJUV 4 LIFE MEAL PLAN Joel Baumgartner, M.D.

Congratulations on taking your first step on a new and powerful health journey! Making the

commitment and following the plan outlined for you by Rejuv Medical will be one of the most rewarding

experiences you’ll engage in. Your dedication and hard work, along with the support of the team at

Rejuv Medical, will bring you priceless rewards: improved quality of life, prevention of chronic disease,

and a compelling sense of self-worth.

To achieve optimum health and obtain the fit, healthy body you desire, it will require a strong

metabolism. FAD diets and calorie restriction are NOT the way to lose weight and keep it off. To help

your body reach its highest metabolic potential, we will give you what all the latest science and research

has proven to get you back into that strong, attractive body and get you enjoying life to the fullest.

Proper nutrition is the first step in obtaining your health goals. The Rejuv 4 Life Meal Plan will give you

all the secrets you need to achieve total body transformation. From losing excess fat to gaining lean

muscle, it has all the key ingredients to make that transformation occur in your body.

The Rejuv 4 Life Meal Plan consists of three phases. Each phase is planned based on the biology and

physiology of our bodies to create permanent metabolic changes. It is not a diet; it is a way of life. Not

only is the Rejuv 4 Life Meal Plan a new way of eating, it is a new way of thinking. Your specific eating

plan is generated based on your metabolic and calorie needs. PHASE 1 will get your metabolism reset

and burning to start the deep mobilization of fat stores and increase your lean muscle. It will retrain

your taste palate to not crave the sweet, calorie-rich and nutritionally empty foods. It is also designed

to detoxify the body and support the liver in cleansing it of the years of poor food choices, bad fats, and

chemical preservatives in processed foods. PHASE 1 typically lasts for only two weeks, but can be

followed for up to four weeks.

Naturally, PHASE 1 is followed by PHASE 2 which allows more types of foods to be eaten. Weight loss

rates in PHASE 2 are not as rapid as in PHASE 1, but that is normal with the reintroduction of excluded

foods. PHASE 2 can be followed for as long as necessary to reach your weight loss goal. Once you hit

your weight or health goal, you will enter the maintenance phase or PHASE 3.

You can do it. Let us be your guide as we are the fitness experts who have your greatest desires and

most beneficial outcomes in mind. With our help you can accomplish any goal you wish to achieve.

Have fun, eat well, and enjoy the journey!

Let’s get started!

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1. Sleep You NEED to get 8 hours of quality sleep. If you are not sleeping well, it is important to be evaluated to check adrenal function and other medical issues that can lead to poor sleep and fatigue. During sleep the body will rebuild and repair while also releasing hormones that promote lean muscle growth and fat loss. Sleep deprivation is directly related to obesity and chronic disease. 2. Nutrition With calorie deprivation, muscle is broken down for fuel. We need a constant supply of energy and protein to avoid muscle breakdown. Stabilizing blood sugar levels is critical as high insulin spikes lead to weight storage. Three practices that stabilize blood sugar levels:

1. Meal intervals: eat a small healthy meal every 2-4 hours (about 6 meals a day) 2. Follow the recommended macronutrient ratios unless otherwise noted by the dietitian:

Protein 30% (important for lean muscle mass and metabolism) Fat 30% (important for energy and hormone production) Carbohydrate 40% (important for energy)

3. The general recommendation for total calories per meal need to be followed to avoid a spike in insulin and subsequent fat storage:

200-300 calories for females 300-400 calories for males It is important to maintain stable blood sugar levels to allow the body to burn fat for its energy and not lean muscle. To do that, we need to eat fat, protein, and carbohydrates at each meal; the fat and protein slow carbohydrate digestion resulting in slower glucose absorption rates and lower insulin spikes. We also need to eat the right amount of calories based on metabolic rate testing; calorie needs may differ from the general recommendation above. It’s best not to restrict calories, carbohydrates, or skip meals as this leads to muscle breakdown and slowed metabolism as the body enters “survival mode” and stores up any calories as fat. 3. Exercise Some form of exercise should be done most days of the week:

1. Weight training a. Increases lean muscle mass b. Increases metabolism and fat burning c. Increases anabolic hormone release

2. Cardio training in the fat burning zone (HR around 110-120 bpm); can be done with weight training

3. Balance/proprioception exercises increase joint awareness and decrease risk of falls 4. Stretching relaxes the body after a workout, reduces muscle stress, and increases joint range of

motion 4. Supplements Using the correct supplements are important to maintain strength and optimize body and cellular function.

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5. Hormones Lab levels should be evaluated and results optimized for health and body composition. Hormone balancing is a big part of creating health and harmony in the body. 6. Water Drink filtered water throughout the day and before meals. Drink at least ½ your body weight in ounces a day. 7. Stress Management Engage in yoga, meditation, time for yourself, reading, taking a light walk, deep breathing, or another “down time” activity that you enjoy. This should be done most days of the week. SET YOUR GOALS TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS

To climb a mountain, you must have a detailed strategy for success. The same is true for obtaining

health and sticking to your exercise and meal plan. Health doesn’t just occur because you want it; it is a

product of your mapped out systemized plan. Envision yourself with positive mental images with the

lifestyle, mind, and body that you desire. Imagine the rewards of your work as you hike, run, or other

adventures in a fit, disease-free body with a sharp innovative mind.

Start by setting your goals and engraining them into your subconscious. Ask yourself two important


1. What are my goals? They may include weight loss, toning, reversing health concerns,

getting off medication, etc. Set goals that are personal to your needs and will be

realistic in achieving.

2. Why do I want it? Your reasons might be to enjoy life with your spouse and kids, live

longer with a better quality of life, run a marathon, be a role model to your children, etc.

Choose a goal that has deep personal value and meaning. It should be a goal that will

truly change your and your family’s life for the better. It needs to have conviction and

evoke an emotional response that stirs you to take action and make change happen.

Next, develop a plan to achieve the main goal by setting mini-goals that can be achieved in set periods

of time. You can always make it to the next small step. Do it one step at a time. Set goals for weekly,

monthly, and yearly success. Work with your trainer to map these all out.


The meal plan is broken down into three phases to help maximize metabolism changes and enhance fat

loss and lean muscle gain. It is based on eating low glycemic index fruits and vegetables and high quality

lean meat. It is high in antioxidants and increases repair and healing while enhancing immune and

hormonal function. Meals are eaten every 2-4 hours to maintain a high metabolism.

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PHASE 1 (14 days MINIMUM, 4 weeks maximum) goals should yield:

6-12 pound weight loss

An approximate 2-3 % decrease in body fat

A loss of 4-6 inches in measurements

Almost everyone will hit a point where the weight loss plateaus or slows down. This is a normal

phenomenon and you can be encouraged to continue to plow on. Health and the body you desire waits

for you on the other side.

Once you hit the weight where your body seems to always “set” to, every 2 weeks you should yield:

2-4 pound weight loss

A 1-2 % decrease in body fat

A loss of .5-1 inch in measurements

Transition to PHASE 2 at the end of the 2-4 week PHASE 1 period. Continue on PHASE 2 until you meet

your final goal for health, weight, body fat, and measurements. Congratulations! You climbed a

mountain. Now enter PHASE 3 for optimum lifestyle maintenance!

Remember, you can re-enter PHASE 1 or 2 as needed to obtain new health goals or to help you get back

to the state of health you were previously at.


Let’s start with PHASE 1. This phase has a very specific set of purposes to jump start your journey to

health and wellness. Take this first step and don’t look back. You can do it!

PHASE 1 MEAL PLAN: follow for 2-4 weeks


1. Detoxify the body; mobilize accumulated environmental and dietary toxins.

2. Mobilize deep fat stores to be used as energy.

3. Increase the body’s metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day and night.

4. Stabilize blood sugars and decrease damaging insulin spikes.

5. Retrain the palate away from sugar and refined carbohydrates. This will help enhance the

subtleties of natural food flavors and decrease the cravings for sweet foods and


6. Decrease inflammation in the body from inflammatory foods.

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1. Eat high fiber foods to keep blood sugars steady and insulin low to help prevent fat storage.

2. Drink lots of water! Drink ½ your body weight in ounces sipped throughout the day. Water

is vital to weight loss, cell hydration, and optimal function. Use filtered (i.e. Brita filter) to

take out fluoride and other chemicals.

3. Eat vegetables and fruits. Refer to the list of acceptable foods. The higher the fiber content

of the food, the better for decreasing insulin spikes and blood sugar levels. More nutrition

will be consumed from the food if it is not over cooked. Eat in a steamed or raw state and

avoid over cooking (boiled, baked or fried).

4. Eat healthy lean meats (organic and free range if possible). Refer to the list of acceptable

foods. Healthy meats are your source of amino acid fuel to stimulate muscle repair and

development, and increase fat loss and lean muscle gained. Consuming from smaller

animals like chicken and fish more often than larger animals like beef will be helpful. Large

animals tend to have large amount of hormones in their meat and fat that can lead to

weight gain.

5. Eggs (egg whites only during induction phase). You can also use Egg White Egg Beaters.

6. Avoid stimulants like caffeinated tea, coffee, chocolate, or cigarettes as these will increase

carbohydrate absorption rates of foods and increase insulin resistance.

7. Do not eat processed or packaged foods, but low sugar protein bars are acceptable as an on-

the-go food.

8. Do not eat fast foods. Quality food ordered out is acceptable if they meet the meal plan


9. Do not eat or drink dairy. Dairy can be an inflammatory food. It may have high animal

hormone content. Also, the lactose sugar will cause an insulin spike and weight gain. It also

decreases your thyroid hormone and slows metabolism.

10. Avoid sugar of any variety, artificial sweeteners, or products containing them. Stevia in

moderation is ok, but do not over sweeten food as the goal is to decrease sweet cravings

and retrain the taste palate to less sweet foods. Honey in moderation is also ok but

remember honey has calories. Studies show drinking artificially sweetened drinks leads to

weight gain NOT weight loss. It is also important to stay away from fruit juices or soda. Eat

whole fruits instead to get all the fiber, antioxidants, and nutrients from it the way nature


11. Do not consume alcohol. It slows down the metabolism and has calories with no nutritional


12. Go organic when you can:

Meats: organic meats have fewer hormones and are higher in Omega-3 fats

Fruits and veggies that you eat with a skin such as apples, grapes, and berries.

Herbicides and pesticides cannot be washed off and will affect health and

weight loss.

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Celery Onions

Peaches Avocado

Strawberries Sweet Corn

Apples Pineapple

Blueberries Sweet Peas

Nectarines Mangos

Bell Peppers Asparagus

Spinach Kiwi

Cherries Cabbage

Kale/Collard Greens Eggplant

Potatoes Cantaloupe

Grapes Watermelon


Sweet Potato

Honeydew Melon

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Next, I always get the question…”What else can I take to help with my weight loss?” I have put together

a list of some of the top supplements to take with research behind them to support lean muscle and fat



MULTIVITAMIN Liquid or capsule form absorbed best. One a day. FIBER - 15 grams of a combined soluble/insoluble fiber taken before meals twice a day. As fiber passes through our intestines, it actually carries fat, cholesterol, and calories out, preventing the body from breaking down and absorbing some of the fat and cholesterol we ingest. Fiber acts as a bulking agent, and promotes quicker movement of food through the digestive tract. Fiber decreases the “sugar effect” of carbohydrate foods and decreases the insulin spiking. This leads to less storage of fat; studies show an extra 1-2 pounds of weight loss a month just from the extra fiber. Fiber also helps eliminate unneeded hormones and hormone bi-products that can lead to weight gain. PERFECT PROTEIN- 0.5-0.75 Grams per pound of body weight throughout the day and essential within an hour after workout. Protein is the essential building block to muscular growth and recovery after a workout. Athletes and those working out have the highest protein needs. The recommended protein is whey protein with additional amino acids to stimulate a natural release of Growth Hormone to maximize lean muscle gains and fat loss through an increased metabolism. TONALIN CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) - 2 Capsules 3 times daily with meals. CLA is safe, well tolerated, and leads to long-term reduction of body fat mass. One study showed that the CLA group (and not the placebo group) lost 6-8% of their body fat mass, while increasing lean body mass (muscle mass). CLA is particularly effective in reducing abdominal fat stores. It also increases insulin sensitivity which leads to less insulin release and less fat stored. GLUTAMINE – 5000 mg daily. Helps with CHO cravings and heals the intestine and muscles. It promotes Growth Hormone release to increase fat loss and increase lean muscle development. CHROMIUM (not as picolinate) Helps increase insulin sensitivity and it is useful with weight loss, diabetes, and hypertension. It also helps decrease carbohydrate (sugar) cravings. OMEGA 3 - 3-5 grams daily. Omega-3 decreases cholesterol, is needed for brain and nerve health and function, and helps joints and muscles repair after exercise. Tip: Store in freezer and take frozen to avoid any after taste. BUFFERED VITAMIN C - 2000-3000mg daily. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant which can bind exercise produced free radicals, decreases histamine levels, and provides some anti-inflammatory actions. High dose supplementation will improve recovery time after workouts and strengthen the immune system. It also increases insulin sensitivity. D3 2000-3000 IU-once a day. More if deficient on lab testing. At optimal levels. vitamin D promotes bone health, immune function, energy and strength, mood enhancement, immunity, and cancer prevention. PROBIOTICS AND DIGESTIVE ENZYMES are helpful when starting the higher protein intake to help digestion and immune function.

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Please see the various meal plans on Rejuv University or meet with the Rejuv Dietitian for ideas, portion size information, and balanced meals throughout the day. PHASE 1 is a very healthy, clean way to live. The health benefits are immense and well-studied with this plan. If you feel you are not getting enough calories or feeling tired, then PHASE 2 is the next step after two weeks to a month of PHASE 1. During PHASE 2, you will introduce some whole grains and/or beans back into your eating plan as well as more protein options from eggs and cottage cheese. See the following changes for adding foods into PHASE 2. Your meal schedule and frequency remains the same, but you now will have a wider variety of foods to choose from. The avoided foods (see list) do not change.

ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS IF ALSO WORKING OUT WITH WEIGHT TRAINING TO ENHANCE RECOVERY *COENZYME- Q 10 - 1 capsule before workout. CoQ10 is used by the body to transform food into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy on which the body runs. It is also an antioxidant that will help in recovery after an intense workout. Statins, beta blockers, some psych meds, metformin and other medications will decrease levels in the body. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels and improves circulation. *MAGNESIUM – 250 mg am and 500 mg pm Magnesium is essential for muscle contraction and relaxation. With workouts and activity, the muscle becomes deficient and can lead to pain, cramping, and spasm. It is also needed to activate Vitamin D. *L-CARNITINE 500 - 1-2 capsules twice daily. Carnitine is essential in the breakdown of fats into energy, and results in significant improvement in exercise tolerance.

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PHASE 2 MEAL PLAN: follow this plan until you meet your weight loss and health goals In PHASE 2, the majority of carbohydrates will still come from fruits and vegetables to obtain needed nutrition, but you can add back limited amounts of previously excluded carbohydrate foods. It’s recommended that each excluded food group be introduced individually in one week increments. The order isn’t important for most of the groups except for grains. Introduce non-gluten grains before gluten grains. Adding food groups in isolation of the others allows you the opportunity to notice how your body reacts to the food type. Types of reactions to each group are listed below. This is an example of how you might reintroduce foods in PHASE 2: Week 1: Dairy and whole eggs (separately) Week 2: Non-gluten grains Week 3: Gluten grains Week 4: Legumes and starchy vegetables Some good dairy foods to add back in include:

Plain Non-fat Greek Yogurt mixed with fruit if needed

1% or 2% Cottage Cheese (Daisy brand recommended for clean ingredients)

Eggs (organic and/or free range) If you notice gas or bloating, or other symptoms of indigestion such as diarrhea, you may have lactose intolerance. It’s not a life threatening condition, but it is uncomfortable and can compromise absorption of other nutrients when chronic diarrhea is present. The best solution is to remove all dairy products from your diet. Other options include lactase supplements or consuming lactose-free dairy foods. Non-gluten grains include:


Brown Rice

Steel Cut Oats






Wild Rice When introducing gluten grains, introduce wheat last but before you introduce bread. Sometimes a person has a wheat sensitivity, but not a gluten sensitivity and it will be clearer if wheat is introduced after barley or rye. And sometimes people are sensitive to other ingredients in bread and not the wheat. Gluten grains include:

Pearled Barley o Malt


Wheat or wheat products (this list is not all-inclusive; it’s important to read labels)

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o Enriched/bleached flour o Whole wheat flour o Durham wheat flour o Graham flour o Triticale o Bulgar o Kamut o Semolina o Spelt o Wheat germ o Wheat bran o Breads or pasta made from wheat or any wheat variation

Regardless of the type of grain you choose to eat, you can have one serving a day for breakfast or lunch (not dinner). If you are not losing weight at acceptable rate, stop this additional food first. Bread must be whole grain bread (Ezekiel bread, which is sprouted grains, is the best type). If you are working out, you can add an additional whole grain bread or pasta serving prior to a workout. Add only if you need the energy to do an effective workout, otherwise use a fruit serving prior to your workout. Remember a serving of bread is one slice and a serving of pasta is ½ cup. Again, if you notice any signs of discomfort, indigestion, or other side effects with grain consumption, you may have an intolerance, sensitivity, or something more serious such as Celiac Disease. If you are experiencing other side effects that are not gastrointestinal related such as fatigue, headache, muscle aches, acne, etc., it could also be a sign of something more serious. It’s important that you do not self-diagnose! Continue to eat grains and/or gluten products until you have test results for. Visit your doctor or dietitian immediately to determine a strategy for accurate testing and dietary management. You can also add foods from the beans and starchy vegetables group:

Legume o Green beans o Peanuts o Peas o Garbanzo beans o Black beans

Starchy Vegetables o Potatoes o Sweet potatoes and yams o Winter squash

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Lean beef Flank steak Top sirloin steak Extra-lean hamburger (no more than 7% fat, extra fat drained off) London broil Chuck steak Lean veal Lean pork Pork loin Pork chops Chicken breast Turkey breast Game hen breasts Fish – freshwater (walleye, northern, perch) Fish – saltwater (salmon, tuna, cod) Shellfish Scallops Egg whites Venison Other game meats

Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Blackberries Blueberries Boysenberries Cantaloupe Cherries Cranberries Gooseberries Grapefruit Grapes Guava Melon Kiwi Lemon Lime Lychee Mango Nectarine Orange Papaya Passion fruit Peaches Pears Persimmon Pineapple Plums Pomegranate Raspberries Rhubarb Star fruit Strawberries Tangerine Watermelon

Artichoke Asparagus Beet greens Beets Bell peppers Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Collards Cucumber Dandelion Eggplant Endive Green onions Kale Kohlrabi Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard greens Onions Parsley Parsnip Peppers (all kinds) Pumpkin Purslane Radish Rutabaga Seaweed Spinach Squash (summer) Swiss chard Tomatillos Tomato Turnip greens Turnips Watercress

Unsalted Raw or dry roasted Organic (Limit nuts to 4 ounces or less for weight loss and Phase 1) Almonds Brazil nuts Cashews Chestnuts Hazelnuts (filberts) Macadamia nuts Pecans Pine nuts Pistachios Pumpkin seeds Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds Walnuts NO peanuts

In moderation-4 tablespoons or less a day for weight loss (Use in salad dressings and cooking as needed) Avocado Canola Flaxseed Olive Sesame Sunflower Walnut Coconut* *Coconut oil is a saturated fat and should be consumed within the saturated fat guidelines of less than 25% of total fat intake.

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VINEGAR (plain without sugar)


HERBS AND SPICES (See Herbs and Spices supplement for more information)

You can make you own ketchup using the following recipe with NO sugar and NO salt:

4 oz. tomato puree (can use 4 whole tomatoes and add all ingredients to a blender)

2 - 8 tbsp. vinegar

Garlic powder

Onion powder

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and add seasoning to taste. Mix thoroughly. Ketchup may be stored in a tightly covered container for a few days in the refrigerator. Another great condiment for any of the foods you desire is the Universal Marinade/Dressing:

1 part freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 part oil (canola or olive or flax seed)

1 part red or white drinking wine or vinegar

2 to 5 cloves of garlic from a hand press

1 tsp. grated ginger, cumin, or curry (to choice and taste) Use any combination of fruit juices or pureed tomatoes to change the flavor. You can add spice with

chili pepper or grated jalapeño pepper. You can use this as a salad dressing, topping for meats,

marinade on meats, on vegetables, or however you want delicious and tasty.


Eating food with high fiber and low glycemic index will help maintain blood glucose control. The

following foods are lowest in their category and encouraged in their appropriate phases. For a complete

list of high, medium, and low glycemic index foods, refer to the supplemental document.

Food List Rating Food Glycemic Index


Multi grain bread Low 48

Whole grain Low 50


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All-Bran Low 42

Porridge, non-instant Low 49


Pearl barley Low 25

Rye Low 34

Wheat kernels Low 41

Rice, brown Medium 55


Cherries Low 22

Apricots (dried) Low 31

Apples Low 38

Pears Low 38

Oranges Low 44

Grapes Low 46

Kiwi fruit Low 53


Spaghetti, protein enriched Low 27

Fettuccine Low 32

Spaghetti, whole wheat Low 37

Ravioli, meat filled Low 39

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Spaghetti, white Low 41


Carrots, cooked Low 39

Sweet potato Low 54

Potato, boiled Medium 56

Vegetables and Beans

Asparagus Low 15

Broccoli Low 15

Cauliflower Low 15

Celery Low 15

Cucumber Low 15

Green beans Low 15

Lettuce, all varieties Low 15

Peppers, all varieties Low 15

Snow peas Low 15

Spinach Low 15

Young summer squash Low 15

Tomatoes Low 15

Zucchini Low 15

Chickpeas Low 33

Black-eyed beans Low 41

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PHASE 3 MEAL PLAN: follow this plan forever, or until you feel you need to go back to PHASE 1 or 2. PHASE 3 is the maintenance phase of your health journey. Here you have reached your weight,

cholesterol, blood sugar, and body habitus goals and you want to maintain that achievement. You must

continue to use the control and principles of high fiber, nutrient dense foods along with appropriate

meal size and frequency to maintain your metabolism and health. During this phase, you need to

continue to monitor your weight and body fat percentages to keep on track. You can add back an extra

serving of whole grain, but continue to have larger portions of vegetables and a few fruits. You may

have one or two awareness meals each week where you enjoy a hamburger, some pizza, or another

favorite food. Engage all of your senses when you eat your awareness meal; take your time and savor

each bite. To maintain your gains, you must return to your healthy clean lifestyle after you are finished

with your awareness meal to sustain hormonal and metabolism order.

With PHASE 3, you can add back until you find yourself gaining weight or body fat percentage. This is

where you can jump back into PHASE 1 or 2 in order to reclaim your health.

Finally, here is a review and some effective tips to becoming a master of healthy eating:

1. Know the 3 important blood sugar stabilization principles:

Eat a balanced meal every 2-4 hours

Maintain balanced nutrient ratios at every meal (protein, fat and carbs)

Consume the correct amount of calories at each meal (based on metabolic rate testing)

2. Understand the importance of QUALITY food:

Less ingredients on the label means less processing and slower digesting (less sugar spikes)

Eat food in a state closest to its NATURAL state (less cooked and refined)

Go for higher FIBER foods (more fiber slows digestion and less sugar spikes) o Goal is around 45-50 grams a day o Take 15 grams in a supplement form twice a day with remainder from foods

Less SODIUM means higher QUALITY o Sodium makes you retain water leading to bloating and weight gain o A bloated digestive system will not work properly leading to more weight gain o Limit to less than 2,000mg a day

3. Follow Mealtime guidelines:

6:30am Meal 1: Breakfast- eat within one hour of waking. If you are not hungry, try at least a half meal. The sooner you eat, the sooner the metabolism starts to work for you.

9:30am Meal 2: Midmorning meal

12:30pm Meal 3: Lunch

3:30pm Meal 4: Midafternoon meal

6:30pm Meal 5: Dinner

9:30pm Meal 6: Bedtime- eat within one hour of going to bed to keep your metabolism firing through the night. If you are not hungry, eat a meal with only protein and fat.

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4. Eat before bed:

If your blood sugar is stable and metabolism firing, you cannot store fat. You will also get better sleep if your body is not calorie deficient during your sleep cycles. It is good to eat a full meal if you are feeling hungry (healthy choices of course).

5. Avoid refined carbohydrates (pasta, bread, oatmeal, cereals, rice):

These foods are very broken down simple carbohydrates. Because they are quickly digested, they also cause a rapid blood sugar spike followed by a chaser of insulin trying to decrease the spike. As we know, with an insulin spike comes storage of fat and weight gain.

6. Focus on complete PROTEIN sources with meals:

Complete proteins have ALL the essential amino acids in them. Eating a complete protein first in your meal is the first step in blood sugar stability and thereafter weight loss.

Peanuts and peanut butter are NOT a complete protein and not counted as protein. It can go towards your fat needs only.

7. If get constipated with your higher complete protein intake, take more fiber and water:

You can do up to an additional 15 gram fiber supplement twice a day in addition to the fiber in your diet. Too much fiber too quickly can also make you constipated. Start fiber slowly and work up to the recommended amount and always drink with plenty of water.

Take digestive enzymes.

Take probiotics.

8. Optimize Meal Order

Eat your protein first. It leads to a slower digestion rate of the entire meal.

Eat your fat second. Fat slows the acid release in the stomach and slows digestion.

Eat your carbs last. This will allow the other nutrients to start digestion first which will release all the nutrients into the blood together and prevent blood-sugar spikes.


Don’t miss a meal as it leads to sugar crashing and craving as well as slows metabolism. Have ON-THE-GO meals ready. They take little time to prepare leaving NO EXCUSES. A few good ideas include:

o Apple and nuts o Protein bars o Turkey or beef jerky with fruit o Protein drink o Greek yogurt o Cottage cheese with nuts and fruit o Low sodium deli meat with fruit o Edamame o Hard-boiled egg with fruit

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10. Know what you can drink:

Caffeine o It will give you an energy burst followed by an energy crash. It also increases sugar

absorption of all foods eaten which will lead to a higher insulin spike and fat storage in the end.

o If putting caffeine back into meal planning after PHASE 1 or 2: Limit to morning hours Take with food Avoid any high calorie (greater than 100 cals) drinks Factor calories into your meal planning

Soda o No regular soda-they are all empty fat forming calories. o Diet soda (preferably decaf) - take only occasionally so as to not make you crave more

sweet flavors.

Alcohol o If taken in excess, it will slow the metabolism. o It has a lot of calories without any good nutrient value. o Avoid at bedtime as it will cause an imbalance of your healthy sleep cycle. o Limit to a maximum of 2 or 3 drinks each week. o Realize that if you are not getting the body changes your desire, this MUST GO!

11. Use protein bars, powder, and drinks if needed.

They are second choice to real QUALITY protein foods.

They are good for on-the-go and convenience reasons.

Pick ones that have quality protein and a balance of the other nutrients.

Use a powder that is mostly protein without sugar and fat added.

Use as a replacement a maximum of two meals each day. Try to get the rest from REAL sources.

12. Enjoy a weekly OFF PLAN (awareness) meal

This keeps you sane with something to look forward to during your week. It is important to find a “healthy” balance with this meal.

Eat consistently throughout the day on your awareness day; don’t “store” up calories.

Make sure it is an experience and worth it. Go slowly and enjoy it fully to get the craving out of your system.

Jump back in to the Rejuv 4 Life Meal Plan right after and eat a half meal within four hours to decrease the fat storage from the awareness meal. Leave out the carbohydrates on this half meal.

Stay guilt free after your awareness meal. You deserved it and you are still 97% on track!

This meal is not required for success. If you have the self-control and determination to stay “clean” the entire week that is great and you may achieve your results faster.

Remember Rejuv is always there to support you and keep you on track for success. Feel free to check our website for Rejuv 4 Life Nutrition Classes to help you learn more and better understand this program. Cheers to your happiness and happy trails on your journey to fitness and health!

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