
Post on 09-Apr-2017






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Planet Earth

All the balanced ecosystems permits us life.

We depend on everything that surrounds us…

Nature in itself has its cycle of life that depends on the food chains.

All the environmental problems that we face today, might have been caused by our forgetting of living in harmony and in balance with the cycle of life on Earth and its many different food chains???

Brief History of Garbage

The Life Span of Garbage

For a long time, we used and reused everything we could, because the resources and the means for

transformation were rare. Now that everything is a commodity, that is causing us a lot of harm…

Cave man used everything they had like the bones from what they hunted for construction.

The soldiers and warriors had their old tools remolded to make new ones.

Now, we’re finally lucky to have a blue box where we can recuperate useful resources…

Natural Resources

« I wish for the survival of humanity! And you? »

• The products, the practices, the services, and the whole of human activities needs to respect nature.

• Establish standards for the use of resources and discharge in the air, in our water, and in our soil.

• A lifecycle analysis ameliorates our ways of doing, in order to reduce the resources that we use and to minimize the waste it generates at the fabrication level, while we use it and how we dispose of it.

• Evaluates and stimulates the amelioration of the process of production and the development of products in an ecological optic.

• We now need ecological practices in everything that we undertake. Bringing back a balance in the cycle of life and harmony in our environment is the only way to assure a promising future for all of us…

Sustainable Development

The 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle —

Who reduces here? And how?

Who recycles? At home, in school, on outings…

What do you recycle?

What do you commonly reuse?

Our Ecological Footprint

• Did you know ? If the 6 billion people on Earth would be living like average canadian, 2, 6 more planets would be necessary fulfill all our needs. (Source: Nation Unies (2002))

Measures the impact that a human has on its environment; how much productive space and goods is necessary to answer to all our needs and lifestyle.

Choice and Ethical Consumption! Choice is the mental process that implies a judgment between many different options, and to select a particular one for action.

Ethical consumption is the idea of buying objects that are made in an ethical way, which means; without damage, danger or exploitation of humans, animals, and the natural resources of our environment.

Each of our choices has the power to change the future!

- Our environmental problems are directly linked to our over consumption,

- buying products that are not durable,

- we loose a lot of resources and energy,

- it really is like buying to throw away…


And you, are you ready to participate?

You will now be able to find a new product on your grocery shelves; the

aluminium tube.

Just like the aluminium cans, we all need to

participate to make sure that they all get recycled.

It’s simple! We only need to put them in our blue boxes

(without its cap)!

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