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Read And Know More About Argan Oil

Argan Oil

Argan oil is produced from an Argan nut coming from Argan tree, which only grows in

Southwestern Morocco.

Local Berber women work in fair-trade cooperatives where they hand-crack the argan nuts

in between two stones, a technique they’ve used for centuries. Instead of being put through

a machine, the raw argan kernels are hand-extracted from the hard shell, hand-ground in

a stone grinder, hand-kneaded for hours and first cold-pressed into the oil. It takes one woman

three days to make just one liter of oil. This is why argan oil is so valuable.

In 1998, the Argan forest in Morocco was designated a UNESCO protected biosphere so

argan oil is sustainable.

If you want to de-clutter your cabinet and simplify your beauty routine, argan oil can

become your go-to beauty elixir from head-to-toe. It’s chockfull of essential fatty acids, anti-

oxidants, vitamins and minerals that promote your overall health by moisturizing, softening as

well as protecting your face and hair from sun damage – without harmful toxins and Parabens.


Argan Tree

Until recently argan oil has been a well kept secret by the Berber people of North Africa

who have been using it in their diet for centuries.This golden, nutty oil comes from the fruit of

the argan tree, an ancient and UNESCO protected tree that grows only in South-Western

Morocco making it one of the rarest oils in the world.

It takes approximately 15 hours and 30kg of fruit to produce just 1 litre of argan oil. This

lengthy process involves skilled handwork that has been passed down from generations.

In late summer the argan fruit ripens and falls to the ground where it is gathered. It is then

laid out to dry. To make the oil, the dried outer fruit is first removed, then, using traditional

artisanal techniques involving stones, the seeds are extracted from the hard inner shell.

Up to this point everything is done by hand, furthermore it is only women involved and this

employment provides not only a good source of income in a poor region but an opportunity for

them to gain independence.


The seeds are then cold pressed to extract the oil. Nothing is wasted in the process, the fruit

pulp is fed to cattle and the leftover seed pulp is used as fuel. At Arganic we have strict controls

at every stage of production and we can trace every bottle back to the tree!

Traditionally the Berber people fed argan oil to their babies to ease digestion as well as

using it to cure various illnesses. Argan oil contains twice the level of tocopherols/vitamin E of

olive oil making it a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are the main

cause of cell ageing and various types of cancer. It has significantly high levels of fatty acids

omega 6 and 9, which help with brain functioning and according to studies a spoonful of argan

oil a day can lower cholesterol levels

Whether you are health conscious or simply passionate about food and cooking, you can

have a lot of fun with this delicious versatile ingredient and use it to add individuality to your

dishes. Perfect to dunk some bread into as an appetiser, great in salads, or drizzle some onto

your food for a nice touch.


10 Benefits of Argan Oil

Argan oil has become quite popular in the beauty industry. It is placed in skin and hair

treatments due to the large number of benefits it provides. However, argan oil is not a new

thing. It has been known to the Berber women of Morocco for thousands of years and they

have been utilizing it for its versatility.

Argan oil is produced from the fruit of the argan tree, found in a small region of Morocco.

This oil has been termed ‘liquid gold’ and a superfood due to its powerful active ingredients

and healing properties. There are two grades of argan oil: culinary and cosmetic. Obviously,

culinary argan oil is the edible version that is often compared to olive oil. Cosmetic argan oil

is the grade that will be found in skin and hair care.

Here are 10 amazing benefits of argan oil to help you make the best use of it:

Preventing cardiovascular disease

Due to its abundance of nutrients, including unsaturated fatty acids, argan oil has been

shown to help regulate blood cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that

argan oil helps improve blood circulation throughout the body, therefore decreasing

cardiovascular risk.


Protection against cancer

Argan oil’s high antioxidant content helps repair cellular damage, thereby reducing the

risk of cancer cells’ ability to grow. Recent studies have shown that argan oil was able to

decrease the rate of cell division of prostate cancer.

Help for those with diabetes

In a recent study, argan oil was shown to decrease insulin resistance in individuals. This is

important, since insulin resistance is usually the first step to diabetes. Argan oil was also shown

to help combat diabetes by reversing metabolic changes in those individuals who consumed a

high-sugar diet.

As a topical anti-inflammatory

Flavonoids contained in argan oil act as an anti-inflammatory that can be placed on the

skin topically to treat skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and chicken pox.

Boosting immunity

In a recent study conducted on rats, argan oil was shown to strengthen their


immune system. This is due to argan oil’s powerful antioxidants that work to stimulate proper

immune function.

Anti-aging properties

Argan oil has a large vitamin E content, which prevents the evaporation of moisture from

the outer layer of skin. Also, argan oil is made up of 80% essential fatty acids that help

reduce wrinkles by maintaining healthy skin cells. These essential fatty acids are also what

allow the skin to be able to continue to function properly (such as retaining water), which

provides a youthful, plump look.

Aiding digestion

The liquid gold has been shown to increase the concentration of pepsin in the gastric juice

within one’s stomach. Pepsin is an important enzyme in gastric juice that digests proteins found

in meat, eggs and dairy products.

Improving hair health

The linoleic and oleic acids found in argan oil help keep hair hydrated by locking in

moisture, which increases shine. They also tame frizzy and unmanageable hair


and can be used to repair hair that has been damaged from hot tools, such as curling and flat


Transforming skin

Argan oil contains carotenoids, which protect skin from ultraviolet radiation. It also has

sterols that assist in reducing inflammation, improve skin metabolism processes and enable

moisture retention. This leaves skin soft, smooth and hydrated.

It’s socially responsible

The production of argan oil has been able to benefit the Berber women of Morocco and

their families due to the Union of Women’s Cooperatives of the Arganeraie (UCFA). Argan oil

with the UCFA Fair Trade seal ensures that the argan oil was produced by women’s

cooperatives and that these women are receiving the income that they have earned.

Selecting argan oil

When looking to purchase argan oil you want to make sure the kind you get is certified

organic. This ensures the quality of the product, as well as eliminating harmful toxins such as

pesticides from the oil. Also, ensure that the argan oil you are


purchasing is fresh. To do this, you should smell the oil. It should not have a rancid or an

overly sweet smell. It should have a light, fresh and nutty odor. Lastly, make sure the argan oil

is stored in a dark bottle so that it is protected from any type of light.


Argan Oil Uses

Argan Oil as a Food

Argan oil is nutty tasting oil that is good for sprinkling in salads, dipping bread in and

used in many dishes. Here are a few recipes that include argan oil.

Argan Oil Beauty Benefits

We’re about ready to declare argan oil as the best beauty ingredient, period. We’ve

been using argan oil for some time and have yet to be let down. Here are some easy ways

to include argan oil in your beauty regimen.


• Hair: Argan oil is a great product to calm frizzy ends, add moisture to dry hair as well

as add a little shine. Apply to your hair while it is still damp for an all over treatment or

apply just to your dry ends after your hair is dry.

• Scalp: If you’re dealing with dry scalp, apply some argan oil to a cotton ball and dab

your scalp with the oil. If you do this before bed, you’ll give the oil plenty of time to

moisturize your scalp before you wash your hair in the morning.

• Face: It might seem scary to apply a pure oil to your face, especially if you have finicky

skin, but we have been doing just that and our skin is completely turning around. It’s

smooth, clear and radiant, all thanks to using argan oil as our daily morning moisturizer.


• Body: You can use argan oil for a full body moisturizer, applying just as you would a body

lotion or cream. Apply the oil right after you get out of your shower for best moisturizing


• Hands: Argan oil is a great oil to use on your hands, especially on your cuticles and on your

nails if they are prone to cracking and peeling. Argan Oil Product Picks Because of argan oil’s

increasing popularity, many skin care companies are jumping on the argan oil bandwagon. It is

definitely a mid-range beauty product, but the concentration and small amount needed help

with the cost. Plus, with the skin benefits we’ve seen, we’re almost at the point of ditching

everything but the sunscreen and sticking with argan oil head-to-toe.


Argan Oil Product Picks

Because of argan oil’s increasing popularity, many skin care companies are jumping on the

argan oil bandwagon. It is definitely a mid-range beauty product, but the concentration and small

amount needed help with the cost. Plus, with the skin benefits we’ve seen, we’re almost at the

point of ditching everything but the sunscreen and sticking with argan oil head-to-toe.



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