
Post on 05-Apr-2017






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By and large, Jazz has always been like the kind of a man you wouldn’t want your daughter to associate with.

Duke Ellington

We no longer inherit the Earth from our parents; we borrow it from our children.

Environmental slogan

Our most fundamental humanity is that we co-inhabit this small blue planet, and that we care for our children’s future. This being true, it is obvious that we must protect the basic life support systems that are embedded in the ever shrinking natural environment.

Joshua Knight

No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.

Leonardo da Vinci

The wise man regulates his conduct by the theories both of religion and science.

J.B.S. Haldane

Mathematics is the door and the key to the sciences … For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics.

Roger Bacon

Religion without science is blind.Science without religion is lame.

Albert Einstein

When a man is getting better he understands more and more clearly the evil that is still left in him. When a man is getting worse, he understands his own badness less and less....Good people know about both good and evil: bad people do not know about either.

Euthypro’s Dilema – C.S Lewis

It is an unbroken torture to me that I am still so far from him whom I know governs every breath of my life and whose offspring I am. I know it is because of the evil passions within me that keep me so far from him; yet I can't get away from them.

Gahndi – reflecting late in life

If hell is infinitely bad, and there is a small probability it exists, then it is in mans’ rational interest to act as if god exists.

Pascal’s wager

There are only 10 types of people in this world, those who get binary & those who don’t.

This world is a tragedy for those who feel & a comedy for those who think.

Horace Walpole

I reject your reality and substitute my own.Adam Savage

The ability to hold an idea without accepting it is the mark of an educated mind.

I was never more certain of how far away I was from my goal, than when I was standing right beside it.


The more advance society becomes; the more we have discrimination, stereotyping and prejudice down to a science.


For the genetically superior success is easier obtained, but it is buy no means guaranteed, for there is no gene for fate.


If you can’t find a hero, create your own.Paul Mac

Our entire society rests upon – and is dependent upon – our water, our land, our forests, and our minerals. How we use these resources influences our health, security, economy and well being.

John F. Kennedy

The intelligent theist is not dogmatically arguing he holds the objective truth, rather he is arguing that theism can rationally explain the universe better than atheism.

Sir John Polkinghorne

I know how terrible humanity is,As I think myself as one of the better examples,And I know how bad I am.

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, wether it is good or evil.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

The reason I don’t debate with creationists, is that they don't mind being beaten in an argument. What matters is that we give them recognition and credit by bothering to argue with them in public.

Richard Dawkins

If you are simply guessing, you are claiming knowledge of the physical universe discovered in some other way than by the methods of physical science & admittedly unverifiable by such methods. You’re a metaphysician. Bah!

Sir Arthur Eddington - The Philosophy of Physical Science

The believer in ‘miracles’ is arguing that the universe does not behave rationally, except he has to believe his brain is rational enough to produce the argument for miracles, or indeed anything we can know about the universe.

Paul Davies - God and the New Physics

"... there are many reasons why you might not understand [an explanation of a scientific theory] ... Finally, there is this possibility: after I tell you something, you just can't believe it. You can't accept it. You don't like it. A little screen comes down and you don't listen anymore. I'm going to describe to you how Nature is - and if you don't like it, that's going to get in the way of your understanding it. It's a problem that [scientists] have learned to deal with: They've learned to realize that whether they like a theory or they don't like a theory is not the essential question. Rather, it is whether or not the theory gives predictions that agree with experiment. It is not a question of whether a theory is philosophically delightful, or easy

to understand, or perfectly reasonable from the point of view of common sense. [A scientific theory] describes Nature as absurd from the point of view of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment. So I hope you can accept Nature as She is - absurd.

I'm going to have fun telling you about this absurdity, because I find it delightful. Please don't turn yourself off because you can't believe Nature is so strange. Just hear me all out, and I hope you'll be as delighted as I am when we're through. "

Richard P. Feynman Introduction to QED (1918-1988)

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