puritan journal topics 3 september what do you know about the puritans? make a list of at least five...

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Puritan Journal Topics

3 September

• What do you know about the Puritans? Make a list of at least

five things that you think you know about the Puritans. Use your list to write a one paige essay explaining the ethical system of the Puritans. (1)

4 September

•Get out you’re notes for your

quiz. (1)

5 September

•Watch the following video. >

5 September

•How does it it relate to our studies? (1)

8 September

• Write an essay that describes Bradford’s account of the

Pilgrims’ relationship with the American indians at Plymouth.

Support your ideas with at least two examples from the

selection. (1)

9 September

•Clear your desk for your vocabulary quiz. (0)

10 September

Listen to the song. Compare and contrast

it with “0f Plymouth Plantation.” (What is the subject of the first


22 September

•By using plain style, Anne Bradstreet

makes the lessons in her poem accessible to

as many readers as possible. >

22 September

• In a well written essay; cite at least three lessons that

the author tries to communicate to her

readers. Quote specific lines from the poem to back up

your answers. (1)

23 September

• Both Bradstreet and Taylor use extended

metaphors to illustrate ideas about their

Puritan faith. In a well written essay, >

23 September

• describe one of these extended metaphors and

explain what the metaphor suggests about the speaker’s religious believes. Make at

least two references to details in the poem to support

your ideas. (1)

24 September

Clear your desks for your tests. Good luck! (0)

25 September

Move back one one desk. Check your grades. (1)

29 September

• Write a essay in which you describe two major ideas Edwards expresses in his

sermon. Support your ideas with at least two details from

the selection. (1)

30 September

•What is most upsetting too Parris in Act I?

Support your ideas with at least two details from

the selection. (1)

1 October

•Clear off your desk for your quiz. (0)

2 October

•You have new book numbers.

Check for your new number as you get

your books. >

2 October

• Tituba, Abigail, and Betty name people whom they claim accompanied the Devil. In a well written

essay explain why these three declare that they

saw >

2 October

• certain people with the Devil. Then, describe what

circumstances motivate them to name specific individuals. Support your reasons with at least two references to Act

One. (1)

3 October

Check your grades. (0)

6 October

• In Act Two, several ironies, or discrepancies between appearance and reality, emphasize the evil of the events surrounding the salem witchcraft trials.


6 October

• In a well written essay, describe at least three examples of irony from

Act Two and explain why they are ironic. (1)

7 October

Clear your desks for your

tests. Good luck! (0)

8 October

Move back one one desk. Check your grades. (1)

9 October

•Analyze Reverend Parris. What is his

motivations in supporting the witch

trials? (1)

10 October

•Analyze Abigail. What are his motivations in

supporting the witch trials? (1)

13 October

•Analyze John Proctor. What are his motivations in fighting the which

trials? (1)

14/15 October

• In Act Three , John Proctor, Francis Nurse, Giles Corey ,

Mary Warren , and the Reverend Hale all take bold

measures that could get them into serious trouble . Chose three of these characters. >

14/15 October

• In a well written essay, describe what each of these three characters

does to influence the court proceedings , and what risks each character runs. Support your ideas

with at least three references to what the characters do in Act Three

and what happens to them as a result. (1)

16 October• In Act Four, John Proctors sense of his public self and of his private

self come into conflict. In a well written essay, describe the conflict Proctor faces, the factors that help

him come to a decision, and the decision he makes. Support your

ideas with at least three references to the play. (1)

20 October

Clear your desks for your

tests. Good luck! (0)

21 October

Move back one desk. Check

your grades. >

• The research paper this year will be on a short story. In order to preview the short stories that are available to you, we will read and present the beginning of each story.

• (1 0f 4)>

• Preview is worth two daily grades: Tomorrow you will present to the class a preview of a short story from the box. Directions: Take a story from the box (any random story). Read as much of the story as possible in 50 minutes (you do not have to read all of it). (2 0f 4)>

• In your presentation, you must say the title and the author then discuss the setting, characters that are introduced in the beginning, how many pages the whole story is, any conflicts that are introduced in what you did read, the point of view and the genre or type of story it is. (3 0f 4)>

• Please don’t give away any major surprises. This is just a preview for the class to decide which story they want to pick. You will only have this class period to complete the summary and we will present first thing tomorrow.

• You will get points for writing this preview on loose leaf and reading it to the class. (4 0f 4)(0)

22 October

Take out your short story preview to present to the class. Make sure that it

has a correct MLA heading on it before it is

turned in. (0)

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