promotional poster construction

Post on 14-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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A2 MediaPromotional Poster


by: Khalid Daley

Editing the image:

When starting my front cover for my Promotional Poster (to edit my image) I had to use a program called ‘Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended’

and on some occasions I used ‘Adobe Photoshop CS5’. In this case, I opened the program on my Apple Mac Laptop to get started.

Once the program was up, I was clear of where everything was and what I was going to be using to edit my images. As you can see, on the left shows

the tools that I would possibly use to edit my image and further tools at the top that give variation of using a different tool to the ones identified

on the left .

To edit my image onto Adobe Photoshop, I had to open it first, otherwise there would be nothing for me to edit. In doing so, I

went to ‘File’ and then ‘Open’

I then had to the select the image that I wanted to edit. I had already chosen the image that I wanted to use for the Promotional Poster, so it was easy for me

to go ahead and find the image, in an instant.

The chosen image for my album cover

Further Tools


The Promotional Poster Image

This is the image, that I was going to use for the promotional poster. As you can see the image, is extremely beautiful and simple, in which I

am please to use it as my promotional poster image.

As I as was going to start airbrushing my model’s face, I had to duplicate the image and rename it, (although I still had another copy of it). This is

usually done, when images are being airbrushed.

In this case, I renamed my image ‘Promo Poster’ as it was ordinary and the name didn’t need to be fancy or overrated.

After doing that, I went into ‘Filter’, then down to ‘Blur’ then across to ‘Gaussian Blur’ in order to airbrush my model’s skin.

After clicking on ‘Gaussian Blur’ I have to make sure that the ‘Radius’ is set the right ‘Pixel’. Therefore, I did my radius at ‘4.0 pixels’ which was

fine as it didn’t make my image look too blurry.

Once that was done, I went to my ‘History’ in which I clicked on my duplicated layer that was named ‘Promo Poster’. I then scrolled down on my history and ticked the box that consisted of the ‘Gaussian Blur’ tool

that I used. This allowed me to start airbrushing officially.

Since I wanted to start airbrushing, I clicked the ‘Art History Brush Tool’ and I started to airbrush my model’s face and chest area, as those were the main areas of where I wanted to airbrush.

This image shows how I already airbrushed my model’s forehead in which her skin looks amazing flawless.

This image also shows me airbrushing my model’s chest area, so that the blown hair from her hair (that blew into her chest area) would disappear,

in which it would show clearness in her skin.

This is the final image that shows me airbrushing another area of my model, in which I am airbrushing her neck. I thought this was important,

as it may be noticeable that some areas aren’t airbrushed, so I decided to airbrush her face, neck and chest.

This is the finished version of what my model looked like after I had finished airbrushing her. I think this looks really professional, as most

magazine companies airbrush their model’s face, neck and skin, so that the consumers can aspire to have flawless skin like the model’s in


As I had previously changed the eye colour of my model’s eyes on the CD/DVD Cover, I needed to do it again for the Promotional Poster,

otherwise it would be noticeable. I circled the left eye with the ‘Magnetic Lasso Tool’

In this case, I went into ‘Adjustments’, across and down into ‘Variations...’. There we different colours of what I’ve could’ve made my eye colour. These

colours were to make the eye look more green, yellow, cyan, red, blue or magenta, in which I chose for the eye to have more cyan in it.

This is want the eye colour looked like once I chose for it be more cyan, making it look more natural. This is exactly what I wanted, as it matches the eye colour that is shown on the CD/DVD Cover, which shows consistency of my concept.

Circled eye with the ‘Magnetic Lasso’ Tool

Since I had only changed the colour of one eye, I had to colour of the other eye, in order for them to look the same. So I used the ‘Magnetic Lasso Tool’

once again, in order for me to do this.

Circled eye with the ‘Magnetic Lasso’ Tool

Once again, I had to go into ‘Adjustments’, across and down into ‘Variations...’. I chose my eye colour to be more Cyan, so that the right eye

matched the left eye.

This is what the right eye looked like once I had edited it and as you may see, it looks evidently similar to the left eye. I was extremely pleased once I had

finished editing my model’s eyes.

A finished version of

my model’s eyes

Once I had finished changing the colour of my model’s eyes, I wanted to change the colour of my model’s jumper. In this case, I used the ‘Magnetic

Lasso Tool’ to do this in which I started with the v-neck section of the jumper.

Outlined with the ‘Magnetic Lasso Tool’

Once I had outlined the v-neck section of my jumper, I went into ‘Image’ down into ‘Adjustments’ then across and down to ‘Variations...’, so that I was able to change the colour of the jumper that my model was wearing.

From looking at the image, I changed the colour of the jumper to make it look more like a purple/red, in which I chose for it to have ‘More Magenta’

in it.

Once I had coloured the v-neck area of my model’s jumper, I needed to change the colour of the arm section of my model’s jumper. I once again,

outlined it with the ‘Magnetic Lasso Tool’.

Outlined with the ‘Magnetic Lasso Tool’

As I have repeated continuously throughout editing my images, I went into ‘Image’ when down to ‘Adjustments’ then across and down to ‘Variations’. I the reason why I wanted to change the colour of the jumpers so much, was

because I wanted it to look more ‘Pop’.

As I chose to change the colour of the arm section of my model’s jumper by making it have ‘More Magenta’ in it, this is what it looked like after I did

that, in which you can tell that it matches the v-neck section of my model’s jumper.

This is what the image looked like overall, after I had finished airbrushing my model, changing the colour of my model’s eyes and changing the colour

of my model’s jumper.

Since I wanted to brighten up the image to give it more life, I brightened it up through the ‘Brightness/Contrast’ bar, in which this is how the overall image turned out in the end.

Putting it together on InDesign:

Once I had finished editing my image for the Promotional Poster, I saved it and came out of Adobe Photoshop CS3, in which I went into Adobe

InDesign CS3.

This is what Adobe InDesign looked like when I clicked on the program. In this case, I hard to get cracking with creating my Promotional Poster.

To get started on my Promotional Poster, I had to open a new document. In this case, I had to go into ‘File’, then down to ‘New’ and across to


This is what the new document looked like for the Promotional Poster page in which as you can see, it is blank at the moment.

For me to put my edited image unto InDesign, I had to go into ‘File’ then down to ‘Place’, in which I would find my edited image that was saved as a


Once my edited image came up on my InDesign document/template, I was able to stretch it out and re-adjust so that it fit the entire page.

This is how my image looked like once it had filled the page of my Promotional Poster Layout. As you can see, it looks very beautiful, as the

scenery reflects the tone of the music video.

Something that was continuously important throughout creating my Promotional Poster, was the fact that I had to ‘Layer’ everything that I did

on the program

Once I had stretched out my image to fill the entire page, I started to add a lot more features on top of the image. Firstly, I put my CD Cover (front

cover) on top of my Promotional Poster image.

Next I started to put on text that said ‘Ellie Goulding’ unto my Promotional Poster, as the audience always need to know the name of the artist,

otherwise it would be pointless for them looking at the poster.

Since my text had a house style colour, I needed to change the colour of it, as it originally came out black. In this case, I changed it to white.

Once that was done, I put more text unto my Promotional Poster, in which the text said ‘Your Song’. This would’ve been obvious to the audience that it

was the name of the album.

Since I also wanted to continue the house style through my text, I changed the colour of my text that said ‘Your Song’. (You shall see the look of this at

some point in the presentation).

To make my Promotional Poster, look more ‘WOW’ I decided to make my took look more effective, by giving it a slight 3-Dimensational look. In order for me to do this I had to go into ‘Objects’ down to ‘Effects’ then across to

‘Bevel and Emboss’.

To make the effect of my 3-Dimensational text, I had to go into ‘Bevel and Emboss’ in which this is what the controlling aspect of the effect.

In order for me to get the right effect on my text, I had to look at the ‘Opacity’ of the ‘Highlight’ and the ‘Opacity’ of the shadow.

Once again, I decided to put more text unto my Promotional Poster, as the different aspects of the words within the text, would make sense for the


Also for the text to match the house style of the other texts on the Promotional Poster, I had to change the colour of it. In this case, I also

added more text in the bottom left hand corner, in which I also changed the colour of it.

This is what my Promotional Poster was starting to look like. As you can see, it looks quite nice and professional, in which at the moment I am quite

proud of it.

To make my Promotional Poster, a little more satisfying I added a little bit more text that said ‘’, which I thought would be

useful for the audience.

To make sure that all the colours of my text weren’t the same, I made some text colours different, including this one. I changed the text colour saying

‘’ from white to colour that crossed between purple and burgundy.

Afterwards, I positioned the text saying ‘’ above the luminous yellow bushes, near the top right hand corner. I felt that

positioning the text there would be more logical, in this case.

Before finishing my Promotional Poster, I wanted to do some simple changes, that made my Poster stand out and look more varied, colour-wise. In this case, I changed the colour of the text saying ‘Out Now’ to


In addition, I also changed the colour of my text that said ‘Ellie Goulding’ to black, as I believed that it was a lot easier to read.

Coloured text

The text re-positioned

Also, I changed the colour of the text that said ‘Your Song’ to a colour that was quite similar to the colour of my model’s jumper (in the image) as I

wanted to show a good house style colour, that matched to the colour of the scenery and to the target audience response.

I also thought about changing the colour of the text ‘’ to black would look great. However, I began to realise that it

I wouldn’t be able to see it properly.

However, I decided to change the colour of my ‘’ text to white, as the colour is fresh, pure and easy to see. Once I had done

that, I had finished the main areas of my Promotional Poster.

To add a professional feature to my Promotional Poster, I wanted to include rating reviews from different newspaper institutions. In this

case, I searched for images of stars on ‘Google’.

The text

This is the image of the five star ratings that I chose off Google, to use in my Promotional Poster. In order for me to use this image, I had to save it first

so that I was able to edit it before I put it onto my Promotional Poster.

I had to save my image within a folder, and it had to be a JPEG, reason being was so that I was able to open in it successfully in Adobe Photoshop CS3,

when editing the image.

Once I had saved my image, I opened the program of Adobe Photoshop CS3 and I started to search for my image, so that it would upload, in which

I would be able to start editing it.

Once my image of the five star ratings uploaded, I was able to begin the editing process of it, however it was extremely quick as there wasn’t

any major that I needed to change. First of all I erased the background the ‘Magic Eraser Tool’.

The main area of editing that I wanted to do on the image, was to change the colour of them. In this case, I went into ‘Image’ then down to

‘Adjustments’ and across and down ‘Hue and Saturation’.

As you can see, I changed the colour of my stars from yellow to dark orange. My reason for this, is because I remembered that there was bright

yellow luminous bushes and I didn’t want the yellow stars to be unidentified in the image.

Once I saved my image, I went to ‘File’ then down to ‘Place’ and I placed my edited stars onto the Promotional Poster, in which I started to sort

out where they were going to go on the Promotional Poster page.

As there was obvious spacing under the text saying “Out Now” I decided to feature my dark orange stars under it, in which two ratings will be five

stars and other rating would be four stars.

This is what the star ratings looked like once I had positioned them onto my Promotional Poster. As you can see, they look professional and

realistic, because you would usually see this on a Promotional Poster.

Once I had finished putting on my five star and four star ratings, I thought adding text underneath them would be se sensible, as the text would give

the names of the newspaper institutions who were rating my CD/DVD.

As I was putting the text on for the newspaper institutions, I wanted to make sure that I didn’t put on any random news paper companies that weren’t well known in the UK. In this case, I chose ‘DailyMail’, ‘The Guardian’ and ‘The Sun’.

This is what the finished version of my Promotional Poster looked like. As you can see, it looks amazingly professional as it signifies the genre of ‘Pop’ through the bright colours that are consisted within the poster. Also the simplistic aspect of the poster, will makes it look more effective visually for the audience,

when they see it. Also the Promotional Poster stands out, in which I believe it will make readers ‘stop and pause’ to look at it, by general interest.

The changes:

When showing the target audience a preview of my Promotional Poster, they said that the luminous yellow bush was stopping the aspect of

seeing the text on the poster.

In order for me to sort out this problem, I opened my edited Promotional Poster image onto Adobe Photoshop and began editing the background

of the Promotional poster.

In order for me to be able to change the background of my image to black and white, I had to go use the ‘Magnetic Lasso Tool’ in which I

slowly and carefully did an outline of the background, so that I made sure that my model was still in colour, as it was a concept that linked back into

the music video.

To change the colour of my background, I went into ‘Image’ then down to ‘Adjustments’ and then over to ‘Black & White’, in which I turned the

background from colour into black and white. From looking at the image, you can tell that its looking effective.

Once I changed the background to black and white, I had to re-adjust the brightness of it, otherwise it would be out of balance with the section

that showed my model in colour.

Since I noticed a small thing on my Promotional Poster, I decided to do something about it, in which I changed it. It was a piece of my model’s

hair, which was brown.

In this case, I used the ‘Magnetic Lasso Tool’ to change the colour of this lock of hair to black and white as I wanted it to contemplate the aspect of

her moving away from the past.

This is what the changing of the lock of hair looked like after I edited it. Although you may think that it doesn’t look like it made a huge difference, I think every little detail can change the perspective.


With Magnetic Lasso Tool

Edited/Finish Version

Once I had finished editing my image, I re-adjusted it on InDesign and as you can see, it looks more effective and the text is a lot clearer to see. However, I

decided to go back to what the target audience recommended in which I went with there ideas for the house style/colour palette of my Promotional

Poster instead.

In this case, I was going to change a lot of the main areas of the house style/colour palette so that it looked more effective due to the fact that I

changed the background to black and white, meaning that the text needed to stand out a lot more.

When changing the colours and adding the effects to make my text more ‘WOW’ I had make to sure that they were exactly the same, otherwise it

would be noticeable.

As you can see, I started to do this with the texts that were featured under my dark orange stars, making the text stand out and have more life.

By changing the colour of my featured text to a reddish purple colour, I decided to go with the house style of purple and orange. Something that was

requested by the target audience.

To continue this orange and purple house style colour, I had to make sure that the orange and purple colour change was balanced as if there was too

much orange or too much purple in a certain area of the Promotional Poster, it wouldn’t look right at all.

However, when it came to text of ‘Out Now’ I hanged it a peach/cream colour as I wanted to show a differentiation from the artist and album, to the persuasive phrase that will urge the target audience to by the record, in which ‘Out Now’ urges the target audience to get the record as there is evidence of how good it is, which shown from the ratings of newspaper institutions.

Once I changed the colour of my ‘Out Now’ text, I wanted to add a ‘Bevel and Emboss’ effect to it, so that the phrase was ‘alarming’ to the audience (almost portrayed as a signal).

In order for me to do this, I once again went into ‘Objects’ then down to ‘Effects’ across and down to ‘Bevel and Emboss’ and I put it to an appropriate level that didn’t make the text look to dramatic/over the top.

You may have noticed that I have used this effect a lot throughout my Promotional Poster, as it is something that is professionally used in some magazine companies.

This what the all the different pieces of text look like, once I had re-coloured them to the house style colour of orange and purple.

In this case, I think that it makes the poster look a lot more attractive and readable, as the text seems to more identifiable to read.

Also in the top right hand colour, I changed the colour of my text to turquoise, as I also wanted to be consistent with the text on the bottom left hand corner.

Overall I am pleased with what the final Promotional Poster product, as I like that it refers back to the concept of the music video and how the bright coloured text shows that the genre is Pop.


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