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Post on 01-May-2018






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Profit Builders Inc.

Helping You Out-Think, Out-Perform and Out-Earn the Competition-Risk Free & Guaranteed!

What Are Your Dreams The Reason Why I Do What I Do! – Dreams for Myself and Family!

How to Make At Least $150,000 Annually in Network Marketing Business Development Guide

Success means having more choices in life!

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It means having the ability to do away with the limits imposed by your current occupation, your level of education, or past experiences. The best method for achieving success is to walk in the footsteps of those who are already where you want to be in life.

SUCCESS: success – noun

A favorable or desired outcome: the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence The progressive realization of a worthy ideal!

What does success mean to you?

Unlimited income potential Multiple streams of income All the money you want to earn

New home ownership New cars annually More leisure time

Children’s education paid Debt freedom Belonging – friendship

Retirement income for life Success business ownership Recognition

Substantial tax advantages World travel opportunities Security

Personal growth Charitable offerings Freedom

Empowerment of others Unlimited family time Better lifestyle forever

Total health & Prosperity Spiritual awakening Choosing the people you work with

This information has been designed with two reasons in mind: First to provide a solid foundation for you as a new independent business owner; second to provide an ongoing source of information to help you build our growing business.

The Big Picture: How to Make At Least $150,000 per year in 2-5 years In Network Marketing!

$2,677.00 Per Month +4,740.00 ($790 x 6 Platinums) $7,417.00

X12 Months $89,004 Per Year (# methods of income $61,050 Additional Methods of Income

$150,154 Annual Income Congratulations! By choosing network marketing either as a supplemental business or a new career, you have shown yourself to be a leader. Someone who isn’t happy with mediocrity and the status quo… Someone who knows there is a better way. You’ve just discovered it. Congratulations and Welcome!

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You’ve just joined an industry with over 30 million independent business owners around the world who will do in the neighborhood of $150 billion and $200 billion this year alone. As predictions more than three or four decades ago held, network marketing has truly emerged as the new paradigm of personal and business development. The purpose of this guide is to get you started in the easiest, most effective manner possible. You’ll avoid some of the common pitfalls and discover some things that will accelerate your journey to success in our new business. This guide is divided into multiple sections. Each one corresponding to a segment in our “How to Earn At Least $150,000 Annually in Network Marketing Program” If you follow these steps you’ll get the most out of our resources and achieve the maximum retention. If you don’t understand a point just ask us by contacting us. First, we’ll cover goal setting, Then, well cover “What You Need to Know First” and “Getting Started” which ideally should be done with your sponsor. This meeting will help your sponsor understand what you hope to achieve in your business and provide you the chance to develop a close working relationship with them. From there, you’ll learn recruiting methods, sponsoring techniques and business building strategies that will take your business to the level you want to go. This training is the result of over 20+ years of people working in the industry, our experience working with multiple companies and coaching thousands of individual IBOs. These techniques are not abstract theories or things you read in books. They are the result of real world experience. If you learn these techniques and apply them you can earn at least $150,000 annually in your own network marketing business. Please take your business seriously. Just because you haven’t invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into your business doesn’t mean you can’t earn an income greater than that of many of the top entrepreneurs in America. If you run your business line a hobby, you’ll earn hobby income. Run it like a business and you’ll earn a BIT TIME business income. Things to Remember:

1. Don’t talk to anyone about your new business until you have been trained. The time will come for that soon. However your sponsor is committed to helping you with your first presentations. It’s better if you don’t try to explain your new business until after you have some training and help from our sponsorship line. For now, just write the name and phone number of anyone you want to talk to on a list of potential prospects.

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There are several things unnecessary for success in network marketing. But of greater interest are some of the things you may believe are necessary for your success but actually prevent you from reaching it. The five things you don’t need to be successful in network marketing are:

1. Credentials or Degrees: Thousands of people have been successful without having the benefit of a college degree and the like. If you or your sponsor have a degree, great. It’s just not necessary for your success in network marketing.

2. Approval: Approval by anyone except you is all that is necessary. Don’t be at all surprised to find that some of our closest friends and family members will ridicule you; not joint our organization and/or ever listen to a presentation; question our sanity; ask why someone with a “real” job would “mess around with one of those multi-level deals”; or all of the above. It’s best to give those “well meaning” souls a wry smile, thank them for their input and get away from them as quickly as possible.

3. Family and Friends: Please don’t misunderstand… if they join y great. Network marketing is full

of individuals who have build networks in the thousands without the assistance of friends or family.

4. Cheap Advice: If you want to know how to fly an airplane you must get advice from an expert

pilot. If you want to build this business, look at the people in your sponsorship line who have done it and follow them. They are the people to seek advice from. Not the opinions of anyone who has not built this business.

5. Perfection: The perfect company, the perfect product line or perfect compensation plan has not

been invented yet. Like all things in nature it must evolve. Your job is to look at the whole picture. If there are pluses or minuses you decide. If you sit around waiting for perfection you will be waiting forever.

Three things you need to be successful in network marketing are:

1. Desire: A desire to do this and get out of the rate race. If you really understand the business and have a true desire to help yourself and others you’re already 90% there. Most people are happy with the way things are.

2. Enthusiasm: Approach this adventure with the excitement it deserves; don’t attempt it, just

jump in, roll up your sleeves, make up your mind and just do it.

3. Action: If you are waiting for the perfect plan, the perfect plan is to take action. You have to get started.

This guide and our sponsorship line will make sure you don’t make any major mistakes which will harm your business. So relax and don’t be afraid to move ahead. You’ve got the knowledge you need. You’ve got the sponsorship line to help you. You’ve shown your wisdom by joining us. The purpose of this guide is to turn your knowledge into action and action into achievement. Make the most of it! You deserve it!

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Section I: Goal Setting: Decision Making [1]: Decide what you are trying to achieve

1. Your goals should be a. Clear and Specific b. Measureable c. Deadline driven d. Achievable

[2]: Five Aspects of your life

1. Physical 2. Mental 3. Emotional 4. Financial 5. Spiritual

[3]: Make a Plan

1. Organize and consider 2. Prioritize your goals (in order of importance) 3. Sequence of steps for accomplishment 4. Possible obstructions and risks 5. Why are you not there now? 6. Follow the five step action plan

[4]: Five step action plan

1. Daily review of all your goals 2. Daily review of your plan of action 3. Take small Steps everyday to accomplish your goals 4. Visualize your goals of achievement every day 5. Monitor your progress

[5]: Analysis – Establishing Your Goals in Each Area of Your Life

1. My physical goal is: __________________________________________________________

2. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

3. My mental goal is: ___________________________________________________________

4. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

5. My emotional goal is: ________________________________________________________

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6. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

7. My financial goal is: __________________________________________________________

8. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

9. My spiritual goal is: __________________________________________________________

10. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

Section II: What You Need to Know First Training: [A]: The sequence:

1. Qualifying Questions: a. Do you like your job? b. Do you make what you are worth? c. Have you ever through about developing a second income? d. Have you ever considered operating your own home based business?

Your response: I’m involved in a new venture that may interest you. You’d be your own boss. There is unlimited income potential and its residual income. I have some materials you can review to see if it’s right for you. Would you like to review them? Do you have a business card. I’ll send the information right over to you either today or tomorrow. Look them over and let me know what you think. Have a great day! Their Answer: Yes (Give them a pre-approach packet) No (Explore with them becoming a client)

2. The Presentation: (Use the Company Compensation Plan)

Their Answer: Yes (Sign them up) Maybe (Provide Follow-Up Info) No (Have them become a client)

3. The Follow Up Process Their Answer: Yes (Sign them up) Maybe (Provide Follow-Up Info) No (Have them become a client)

4. The enrollment Their Answer: Yes (Sign them up) Maybe (Put them on newsletter) No (Have them become a client) Do the Get Started Training

[B]: The SYSTEM: Step Action Tools to Use Step 1: Qualifying Questions Sponsorship line pre-approach pack

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Step 2: Show the Plan Company Materials Sponsorship line Plan Book Product Catalog Business Plan Brochure Presentation Kit Step 3: Follow Up Process Company profile Sponsorship line information Product information CDs/ Videos Testimonials Incentive brochures Additional Follow Up Company Videos Publicity reprints Etc. Step 4: Enrollment IBO kit 30 Day Goals Sheets Product Order forms Meeting schedules List of names forms 1st year goals sheets Planner Sponsorship line sign ups Training Schedules Book of Month Subscription CDs Weekly Subscription First Order Completion Form Question and Answer Forms

Section III: Getting Started Training: This lists all of the things you should have already done by this point. Please make sure you have completed all of these things:

1. Place first order: You must use the products personally so you can get excited about them. How much should you order? That depends n you. It is your decision.

2. Schedule your “Get Started Training” with your sponsor. Ideally this should take place within 48 hours of the time you sponsor in. Schedule between 2 and 4 hours for this training.

3. Buy a daily planner or appointment book. Bring it to the “Getting Started” training meeting 4. Begin your prospect list 5. Review your sponsorship line “Get Started” Training tools 6. Sign your “Commitment Form”

Get Started Training:

1. Set your personal and business goals 2. Schedule your appointment book 3. Learn the basic company procedures – Ask for the company rules of conduct manual

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4. Order your business cards 5. Open a busies checking account 6. Purchase the business building materials you need to get started 7. Study the fore qualities of a IBO leader 8. Complete your prospect list of at least 100 names 9. Get at least 10 “pre-approach” sponsorship line packets in circulation 10. Schedule your 1st presentation (Your sponsor will do the presentation)

Section IV: Survival Training: How to survive for 90 Days with No Money! Things you must understand. If you don’t understand them ask your sponsor or sponsorship line.

1. The realities of the business

a. No shows

b. Drop outs

c. Junkies

d. People with no dreams

e. Alligators

2. How to work Smart

a. Using tools instead of you

b. Putting your sponsorship line to work

c. Utilizing meetings

d. Internet – conferences, conference calls, etc.

e. Adhering to the line of sponsorship system.

3. Handling Objections

a. Answer the objection

b. Answer opinions with fats

c. Use the “feel – felt – found” system

4. The essence of the business

a. Change the place you shop

b. Tech others to do the same

c. Follow your sponsorship line system

d. Work on your personal development- product knowledge-business building

5. Reasons for failure and drop-outs

a. Failure to have planner and appointment book

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b. Failure to following the follow-through system

c. Failure to have designated work area and desk

d. Failure to schedule work in the business daily and weekly

e. Failure to track yourself and your IBOS

6. Duplication is the reason for business success

a. Make sure you understand the line of sponsorship system

b. Learn and become independent

c. Teach your down-line IBOs to become independent

d. Reinforce why the system is important and duplicatable

7. Eagle Program – Get to understand the workings of this program a.s.a.p.


You’re a core performer

1. Show the plan 3 or more times a week

2. Personal Circle 150 PV is single 300 if couple

3. Develop clients and members (50 PV minimum)

4. Listen to CDs daily, Standing Order CD program

5. Read 15 minutes daily: Subscription to Book of the Month Club

6. Attend all business functions, conferences and seminars

7. Counsel with up-line bi-weekly and monthly with counseling sheets.

8. Build your business with integrity and accountability

9. Subscribe to communication system

Structure: the following criteria are inclusive of any qualified platinum leg

1. 12 personally registered IBOs

2. 6 IBOs receiving PV checks monthly

3. 4 IBOs on Standing Order CDs and Book of the Month Program

4. 4 IBOs consistently attending all business seminars and conferences


1. Special recognition at major weekend conferences

2. Reserved seating at major weekend conferences

Double Eagle Program


You’re a core performer

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1. Show the plan 4 or more times a week

2. Personal Circle 150 PV is single 300 if couple

3. Develop clients and members (50 PV minimum)

4. Listen to CDs daily, Standing Order CD program

5. Read 15 minutes daily: Subscription to Book of the Month Club

6. Attend all business functions, conferences and seminars

7. Counsel with up-line bi-weekly and monthly with counseling sheets.

8. Build your business with integrity and accountability

9. Subscribe to communication system

Structure: the following criteria are inclusive of any qualified platinum leg

1. 9 IBOs receiving monthly checks

2. 6 IBOs on Standing Order CD and Book of the Month Program

3. 6 IBOs on consistently attending all business conferences and seminars

4. 3 IBOs legs qualifying monthly


1. Special recognition at major weekend conferences

2. Reserved seating at major weekend conferences

3. Attend seminars, opens attitude and weekend conferences free

Ultimate Eagle Program


You’re a core performer

1. Show the plan 5 or more times a week

2. Personal Circle 150 PV is single 300 if couple

3. Develop clients and members (50 PV minimum)

4. Listen to CDs daily, Standing Order CD program

5. Read 15 minutes daily: Subscription to Book of the Month Club

6. Attend all business functions, conferences and seminars

7. Counsel with up-line bi-weekly and monthly with counseling sheets.

8. Build your business with integrity and accountability

9. Subscribe to communication system

Structure: the following criteria are inclusive of any qualified platinum leg

1. 9 IBOs receiving monthly checks

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2. 9 IBOs on Standing Order CD and Book of the Month Program

3. 9 IBOs on consistently attending all business conferences and seminars

4. 6 IBOs legs qualifying monthly


1. Special recognition at major weekend conferences

2. Total backs stage VIP status at major weekend conferences

3. Attend seminars, opens attitude and weekend conferences free

4. Receive a one-time bonus, as determined by the association Executive Committee.

Section V: How to Talk to People Training: The goal of talking to people is not to sponsor them. It is to get an appointment for a presentation. Simply feel out the prospect to see if there is an interest to know if you have a qualified prospect.

1. Use qualifying questions

2. Know your response to their answers

3. Use the line of sponsorship pre-approach packets

a. It screens out the prospects from the suspects

b. Is designed to get an appointment

c. Works best if loaned out with scope of urgency (24-48 hours)

d. Lets y give presentations only to qualified pre-sold prospects

e. Protects you and non-sales types IBOs from rejection

f. Make you duplicatable

4. Ask your sponsor for recommended pre-approach packs. It usually includes such things as:

a. Lifestyle CDs/Videos

b. Booklets : Lifestyle and Product

c. Books about network marketing, Lifestyles and career changes

5. Using a pre-approach pack: The purpose of a pre-approach packet is to separate prospects from

suspects. They are meant to disqualify the non-prospects and lead prospects to an

appointment. It is recommended you have 10 pre-approach packets and keep them in constant

circulations. They make no money sitting at home. Keep them circulating and they can make you


6. How Using a pre-approach packet works when you meet a prospect

a. Ask them the qualifying questions:

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1. Do you like your job?

2. Are you making what you are worth?

3. Are you interested in creating a secondary income?

4. Have you ever thought about a home based business?

b. Wait for their response:

1. “Maybe it depends on what it is.”

2. “Yes, depending on what it is”

3. “Yes, if it is not illegal”

4. Etc. These are the only type of responses you are looking for

c. Offer the prospect your pre-approach packet. Request they return it within 24-48 hours. If

they can’t keep it.

d. When you meet with the prospect within 24-48 hours ask then what they liked about it. If

there answer is:

1. This is interesting but it’s not something I am interest in (leave)

2. I’m not interested in that pyramid stuff. (Leave)

3. Wow! Sounds intriguing. Tell me more (Show the Plan).

e. Take the 30 Day Challenge

Step 1: Set aside 10 hours a week to build your business

Step 2: Think small – Follow the Eagle Business Development Plan

Step 3: Make a list of 100 names – Hot Market.

Step 4: Develop your warm market – Meet 2 people a day for 30 days – Warm Market

Step 5: Deliver your prospecting materials to each new prospect who demonstrates an interest

Step 6: Contact all your hot and warm market prospects to show them the plan

Step 7: Increase possibility that 1 person in 30 will say “YES” with follow-up

f. Follow the Four Basics for Building the Business

Part [1]: Build your list – Use the IBO Marketing Plan Below

Part [2]: Contact new prospects

Part [3]: Show the plan – There are 3 ways

a. One-on-one presentation

b. Home meetings “The Board Plan”

c. Open Meeting “Board Plan Presentation by Leader at a Hotel Meeting”

d. Basic Plan Concepts

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1. Keep it simple

2. Show the plan – don’t sell the plan

3. Keep it brief

4. Sit your prospects at ease

5. Explain the “Mall” concept

6. Do a dream building session- What does your prospect want?

7. Have your prospect explain exactly what they want in their life

8. Show how their dreams can come true using the plan

9. Show how income is developed and how the 6-4-2 plan will pay for their dreams

10. Show that using the 2-5 Year Plan they can become diamond and be financially free

11. Highlight residual income versus lineal generated income

12. Do the five point wrap-up

a. Read and listen to contents of literature pack

b. Build a list of names

c. Ste up two or three meetings for prospect to show friends

d. Product Explanation – Explain Ditto Delivery Service, the registration process,

Why having a Ditto Profile is good for them

e. Duplication- Created by using the support system tools – Starter Pack and

Support system of Audio – Videos, CDs, Books, Literature and conferences.

f. Meeting after the meeting- where people get to know you and their interest in

the business.

13. Be excited – Be happy – Have fun

14. Lead them to the Next Step

Part [4]: Follow-Up and Getting Started


1. Book an appointment within 48 hours to retrieve your literature pack

2. Ask the prospect what level of interest they have in the opportunity.

3. Book net meeting

a. Home meeting or one-on-one meeting – Book two meetings

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b. Promote the next time you are with them the Open Meetings,

Team Meetings, Leadership Meetings, Regional Seminars, Major Conferences Up

Coming Events.

Ways to Increase the Number of IOBs in Your Business

1. Contact people using FORM, business cards, letters, voice mail, etc.

2. Show the Compensation Plan often

3. Constantly follow-up

4. Do house plans for your IBOs and interested prospects

5. Constantly follow-up

6. Attend hotel meetings with new prospects

7. Constantly follow up

8. Do enrollment of all interested persons

9. Do 1st Step Training with all New IBOs

10. Do Survival Training with all New IBOs

11. Work with all new IBOs until they are competent

Section VI: Secrets to a Successful Presentation and Plan Training:

Understand the difference between Features and Benefits:

Benefits Are About the Prospect Features Are About


The Company

The Products

Network Marketing


Focus of the Compensation Plan

1. [I] = Incentives

a. Unlimited Income

b. Chose People to work with

c. Tax Advantages

d. Travel Opportunities

e. Empowering Others

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f. Personal Growth

g. Minimal Start Up Costs

2. [N] = Network Marketing Compensation Plan

a. The 6-4-2 Plan – Don’t assault the prospect with numbers follow the KISS principal.

3 [C]: Company – Ask your sponsor for all these materials

a. Company history

b. Training Materials

c. Seminars, Conferences and other support events

d. Sponsoring materials

e. Customer service department

f. Credibility

g. Security

4. [O]: Our Products

a. Product Benefits

b. Overview of product line

c. Testimonials in support of products and opportunity

d. Possible product demonstration – time permitting

5. [M]: Making a Choice

a. Interested or not

b. Business builder or Consumer or Member

c. Small Business or Big Business

d. Ordering by the Internet or by phone

6. [E]: Enrollment

Section VII: Secrets to a Successful Follow-Through Process

1. The Ratios

a. Prospecting get you 25% of your IBOs and Clients

b. Presentations gets you 25% of your IBOS and Clients

c. Follow-up gets you 50% of your IBOS and Clients

2. Offer the 3 Alternatives

a. Small Business : Buy Wholesales - Market to family and friends

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b. Big Business: Lifetime Residual income – Buy Wholesale – Retail Profits

3. Shop at Home Service

a. Save Money – 30% up to 60%

b. Qualify Products from leading manufacturers

c. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on All Products

d. Home Delivery

4. Bring all necessary materials to every meeting (company materials, packets, follow-up packets)

5. Always have pre-approach packets available to you

6. Pull out your calendar as soon as you give out a packet and schedule a meeting

7. If you cannot follow up within 48 hours don’t make a presentation

8. Keep your posture

Section VIII: Secrets to a Successful Enrollment Process

New IBOs Should Be Focused On:

1. 2 meetings the 1st week. Then 1 night a week only.

2. Your new IBO will lose respect for you if he/she is most of your organization

3. Never do more than is necessary

4. Duplicate yourself

5. Invest 5-7 meetings to see if you have a builder

6. Look for core qualifies of an IBO

7. When you find a 2 – 4 year plan builder edify your sponsorship line – send them up

Core Qualities of a Key Player

1. Makes regular presentations

2. 100% use of the products

3. Develops a customer base

4. Sets aside time for daily personal development

5. Attends everything

6. Teachable

7. Accountable

8. Edifies sponsorship

9. Follows the system

Core Qualities of Effective Organizational Growth

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1. Laying foundation for the line of sponsorship system

2. Insures duplication

3. Develops line of sponsorship infrastructure

4. Goes to the next level from receiving teaching

5. Develops leaders in the organization

Section IX: Secrets to Using Tools to Build Faster

Are you a business builder? If so you’ll need some tools. Tools help your business. They keep it duplicatable and help you withstand the negative forces that will take you down.

1. Apathy

2. Overly zealous regulators

3. Skepticism

If you don’t invest in your business no one else will. Don’t work with people who won’t invest in tools to build their business. If they aren’t willing to invest in tools, you shouldn’t be willing to invest your time in training them. If some people show some initiative help them buy tools! If they can’t afford the tools, but are willing to sacrifice a little time and effort in getting them, work with them. The single most important tools are a list of prospect and a daily planner. Don’t waste time with people won’t use them! Recommended Resources: Ask our sponsor for a complete list of tools in the organization. Then take that tool list and place the tools into the four key steps of the business.

TOOL SYSTEM Step Action Tools to Use LIST BUILDING Pre-Step: List Building Getting Started The Four Basics Prospecting Approaches How to have a conversation How to Win Friends Influence People CONTACTING AND INVITING Step 1: Qualifying Questions Sponsorship line pre-approach pack

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Private Franchising in a High Tech-High Touch World

The Perfect Business – Kiyosaki Plan Flip Chart/Mini Chart

1. CDs 2. Booklets 3. Books 4. Etc.

SHOWING THE PLAN: Step 2: Show the Plan Company Materials Sponsorship line Plan Book How to have a meeting How to show the plan Plan Flip Chart/Mini Chart 6-4-2 IBO Business Plan Literature Pack Product Catalog Business Plan Brochure Presentation Kit FOLLOW UP AND FOLLOW THROUGH: Step 3: Follow Up Process Company profile Sponsorship line information Product information CDs/ Videos Follow Up & Getting Started What to do next How to have a meeting How to show the plan Follow Up - Doing a home plan

Getting Started – Follow Up with the System Starting a new IBO How to follow up & Follow through How to start new IBO properly The solution to your future Starting tips

Testimonials Incentive brochures Additional Follow Up Company Videos Publicity reprints Etc. Step 4: Enrollment IBO kit and starter pack Business Building Tools Core to Diamond

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Eagle brochure Road Map to success Eagle Fly with the eagles Philosophy of eagle pin Standing Order Sheets Standing Order & Communicate 30 Day Goals Sheets Counseling Sheets Product Order forms Meeting schedules List of names forms 1st year goals sheets Planner Sponsorship line sign ups Training Schedules

a. Survival Training b. Getting Started

First Order Completion Form Question and Answer Forms Maintaining Motivation Book of Month Subscription CDs Weekly Subscription Marketing Training Sponsorship tools Product Tools Creating volume Setting the stage Ditto Delivery

Ditto Delivery – Becoming Your Own Best Customer

Wealth & Wellness S.A.M. Skincare & Your Business Owning a profitable business Volume the key to achieving dreams How to create volume We get paid for volume Fundamentals of Health & Nutrition Why Nutrilite

Additional Tools and Helpful Links Corporate Tools Amway - Alticor - Parent company of Amway. ThisBizNow – A Web site launched by Amway's communications team. Access Business Group - Sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution for Amway products and logistics. Van Andel Institute - Jay Van Andel, co-founder of Amway, sponsors medical and scientific research. Easter Seals - Donations by Amway support Easter Seals. Products

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XS Gear - Promotional gear for XS Energy drinks. Nutrilite - The world's leader in vitamins and minerals. Ocean Essentials - Discover the power of ocean nutrition. eSpring - The world's best source of water.™ - Acne treatment solutions. Artistry® - Prestige skincare, cosmetics & makeup. Trim Advantage™ - Meal replacement bars, protein bars, and diet drink mixes. iCook Cookware™ - Optimizes heat retention and distribution while sealing in vitamins and nutrients.

Information IBO Facts - Get the facts concerning independent business ownership in America. Independent Business Owners Association International (IBOIA) - Learn about the IBOA International and how it works for you.

Groups Britt World Wide (BWW) - Homepage of Britt World Wide (BWW), led by Bill Britt & Peggy Britt. Globalnet - Homepage of Globalnet. International Network Associates (INA) - Homepage of International Network Associates (INA), led by Jim Floor & Margee Floor. MarkerMan Productions (MMP) - Homepage of MarkerMan Productions (MMP), led by Jody Victor & Kathy Victor. Network 21 (N21) - Homepage of Network 21 (N21), led by Jim Dornan & Nancy Dornan. ProAlliance - Homepage of ProAlliance, led by Hal Gooch & Susan Gooch.

Books Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki & Sharon L. Lechter Creating Wealth on the Web With Quixtar by Cynthia Stewart-Copier & Jennifer Basye Sander Future by Frank Feather Future Quixtar Consumer, The by Frank Feather Pro-sumer Power! by Bill Quain Quixtar Click-by-Click by Denise Reynolds & Doug Reynolds Quixtar Price is Right, The by Bill Quain Quixtar Revolution, The by Coy Barefoot

Section X: Summary of Our IBO Marketing System

12 Ways to 9 Ways to 3 Ways to 6 Ways to 6 Ways to Increase the Increase Decrease Increase Increase Frequency Number of Leads Closings Attrition Order Size of Purchases Referrals Increase Constant Up-Sell Develop Back end Skills contact Cross Sell First order at cost Listen to Great service Point of Endorse other products Best CDs Purchase Guarantees Model Best Communicate Bundling Run specials People Host Beneficiary Sales Manager Price Increase Run Specials Advertising Get Sold by IBOs Profile changes Program clients Direct mail Qualify all leads Offer larger units Price inducements Telemarketing Make ads specific Constant contact Special Events Make irresistible

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Offers Qualified lists Educate clients USP

Client Education

Public relations

Creating PV Volume

[1]: Prioritize your buying –

The key to creating volume is to focus on your own core-line products, which give you the best PV per

dollar spent.

1. Exclusive: = $2.50 = approximately 1 PV

2. Stores for More $6 = approximately 1 PV

3. Partner Stores $5-$15 = approximately 1 PV.

Section XI: Secrets to Building Long Distance

It is generally recommended that you don’t build long distance until after you have learned how to build the system using the information recommended above.

1. Expense vs. Investment in Long Distance Building

a. Use the tools b. Use the Internet, phone, fax, mail, delivery services c. Make 3 way calls, conference calls and demand conferences.

2. When you travel

a. Build a beachhead first b. Have a local leader participate c. Stay all weekend d. Conduct opportunity meetings, trainings and get started meetings while there e. Follow up when you get back home f. Do local during the week and long distance over the weekend.

Section XII: Secrets to Building A Better You

We attract into our lives what we think about. For a complete training on this please review the following books on this website.

1. The Master Key by Charles Haanel 2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 3. The Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill 4. The Science of Getting Rich b Wallace D. Wattles

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5. Goals by Brian Tracy These books provide you with a wonderful and rewarding explanation of how to get anything you want out of life or your business. Section XIII: A Weekly Activity Plan to Earn $150,000 Annually

Remember this business is built from major function to major function

Week One

[1]: Understand and appreciate the opportunity you have. Less than 5 percent of people in the U.S. have ever been offered the network marketing opportunity. Really, you’ve got to understand what an amazing gift you have to offer. It is incredible! [2]: Complete training with your up-line and your starter kit. Understand how the contents of this kit and the literature is contains will help you build your business. [3]: Place your starter order. Every person is different. A businessperson with plenty of money seeking fast growth may start with a $2,000 order. A housewife or college student might start with a few highly consumable products. If you don’t use your own products you don’t deserve to be successful. Leaders don’t waste time on those who will not work their products into their budgets. Become your own best customer [4]: Start your list of 100 names. Get started with your spiral notebook. Do this with your up-line. [5]: Set your meeting nights. If there is a local meeting in your area, attend it. If you start your own meetings, remember, it is your meeting – set it when you want and stick to it. Monday through Thursday evenings are best. Never be discouraged by the turnout. Large businesses are built on small meetings. [6]: Meet with your up-line. Bring at least one person with you. [7]: Study your company’s sales and marketing manual. Anyone who wants to be a leader in a short period of time has to have the common sense to seek out answers. Ninety percent of the answers you want are found in those company publications or on line. But remember, no fortune has been earned in school. Fortunes are earned by applying what you have learned. [8]: Develop a sponsoring attitude. Webster says a sponsor is one who takes responsibility for others. Here are some sponsoring realities.

1. Ask yourself, “What do I have to gain?” with this person. 2. Don’t give up on slow starters or big talkers but don’t wait on them either. 3. Everyone you sponsor isn’t going to be a “superstar.” 4. Network Marketing is a growth business, because of this, you need to develop patience.

[9]: Study the Compensation Plan. In the long run there is nothing more motivating than a thorough understanding of your company’s marketing plan.

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Week Two

[1]: Sponsor your second recruit. Your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. [2]: Hole a meeting in your home. Your up-line will present it for you. This can be a real challenge, but keep it fun. Have prospects committed and confirmed to insure having at least five in attendance. [3]: Plan your first product workshop. Product workshops are great for involving everyone and building belief in the products. Workshops are vital to building your consumer base. Your friends realize the products are superior, you are committed, and that the business is fun. [4]: Prepare you presentation book and learn to present or company sincerely and enthusiastically. Here is where to put into: A company brochure, copies of your up-line’s checks, photos of you with your up-line, photo of you at your major functions, your photo with masters in the industry. Use your up-lines presentation materials and add yours. [5]: Learn to share your company’s programs. Meet with you up-line – take someone with you. [6]: Have business cards made. [7]: Open a business checking account. Put all your business income in this one account. Pay all of your business expenses from this account. Don’t get your money mixed up. When you commit to becoming a Leader with your company, your earnings should be channeled into your business instead of supplementing your income. [8]: Invest in a CD player. A great percentage of your training will come from listening to CDs. [9]: Begin your CD and book library. You can probably only digest and learn from one to two CDs per week. Begin ordering CDs and books from your up-line today.

Week Three

[1]: Sponsor your third recruit. Your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Hole your second meeting in your home. Some of the people from your first meeting should be there, but always have someone new coming. Remember, success doesn’t come from big meetings but many consistent small meetings. Your up-line will present it for you. This can be a real challenge, but keep it fun. Have prospects committed and confirmed to insure having at least five in attendance. [3]: Plan your first product workshop in your home. Your new IBOs, friends, relatives and neighbors will realize your company is not “just another thing” once they try your products. Invite your up-line. When you and your up-line show off the benefits of the products, the people who come will see that you have a real and exciting opportunity! Remember, product workshops are great for involving everyone and building belief in the products. Workshops are vital to building your consumer base. Your friends realize the products are superior, you are committed, and that the business is fun.

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[4]: Be ready to present and explain your attitude toward the business, and how to get started in the business. [5]: Meet with your up-line. Bring someone with you, be attentive and learn. [6]: Replace all competitive products in your home at a rapid pace. Put every product that your company can replace into a large box. Use your company’s products and only use the old product when it is superior to your company’s product. Take a picture of the competitor’s products and make up a cost comparisons sheet. Wouldn’t you rather buy from yourself? Some can become leaders while others are still using up brand [7]: Learn to demonstrate your main product’s benefits. [8]: Set aside an area in your home for your office. [9]: Keep a prospecting notebook up to date. [10]: Add five more names this week.

Week Four

[1]: Sponsor your fourth recruit. If you have gone along with your up-line to learn how to recruit people, it’s time to start getting IBOs by yourself. Don’t continue to lean on your up-line to go with you. If you are to progress you can’t continue to depend on your up-line. You have heard a good presentation at least four times. Now it’s time to do it yourself. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Help your IBOs learn to recruit. In order to really grow in network marketing, you must work on your depth There is only so much you can accomplish all by yourself, but by teaching others to teach others to teach others, there is no end to your potential. [3]: Visualize your goals. Write your goals on paper. Have an “I-am-willing-to-go-to-work-for” list complete with pictures. Make sure you r goal is clearly defined and has a date on it. Goals not written are simple wishes. And wishing just won’t do it! [2]: Hole your third meeting in your home. You conduct the meeting Ask your up-line to be there t support you. Show him/her how good you are! Everyone started in network marketing at the bottom. By the time you have conducted 600 meetings (over a four-year span), you will be on top. Remember, some of the people from your other meeting should be there, but always have someone new coming. Remember, success doesn’t come from big meetings but many consistent small meetings. This can be a real challenge, but keep it fun. Have prospects committed and confirmed to insure having at least five in attendance.

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[3]: Plan and give your second product workshop. This can be in your home or the home of one of your key IBOs. Invite your people over just to share the benefits of all of the products. And it’s great if your up-line can come, too. Remember, your new IBOs, friends, relatives and neighbors will realize your company is not “just another thing” once they try your products. Invite your up-line. When you show off the benefits of the products, the people who come will see that you have a real and exciting opportunity! Remember, product workshops are great for involving everyone and building belief in the products. Workshops are vital to building your consumer base. Your friends realize the products are superior, you are committed, and that the business is fun. [4]: Work as a team (if you are married). You can make it alone if you have to, but it is more fruitful and productive to have common goals and ambitions with your spouse. Develop an understanding of what areas of responsibility each one of you wants to handle. Ninety percent of the time, one spouse stars more quickly and does more than the other, but always try to be helpful cooperative and above all supportative. The results will be a better business and a better personal life as well. [5]: Take Urgent Action: a. Be an action person b. Do not procrastinate c. Do not self-impose any roadblocks d. You are on the road to Success. [6]: Back up your commitment with inventory. It is smart business to “buy up” to the next bonus bracket (providing you have a commitment and plan and you’re working the business and the business is working). Figure the increased percentage you’ll earn from being a different bonus levels. Be a good businessperson. It is not necessary to have a garage full of products. Only buy extra inventory if you can afford it. It’s always a good idea to have inventory for your new IBOs, if you are determined and sold on your opportunity. [7]: Take your top producer out to dinner. They deserve it and so you. Everyone likes to be recognized and appreciated. You will develop good rapport and better understanding with social time together.

Week Five

[1]: Sponsor your fifth recruit. You should understand your company’s benefits enough now to know that you’re offering the greatest business in the world. Think of their interests. You are doing them a favor. Don’t hold back. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Hold your fourth meeting in your home. Again, ask your up-line to assist you in conducting this meeting. The numbers are growing and you’re becoming the leader of your group. [3]: Decide, with your up-line, which of your first IBOs should start having meetings in their homes. The only way you ever gain success and security in network marketing is by helping others be successful.

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You should have a monthly team meeting together but weekly meetings are where you begin to become a leader and where you’ll be creating your new leaders. [4]: Help others build their business and you will not have to be concerned with the growth of your own. Build your people and they’ll build your business. [5]: Review your prospecting notebook. Prospecting is the lifeblood of any business and so important to your success! [6]: Start your own newsletter. Give your IBOs the information and recognition they need to succeed. A newsletter lets you do and say something once, yet thousands of people can get your message. [7]: Study the marketing plan and be prepared to present it to your up-line. If you are going to be enthusiastic and tell a prospect you have the greatest network marketing opportunity in the world, but then you stumble over the figures, your prospect will have about as much confidence in you as you would in a doctor who didn’t know which side our appendix was on. Learn while you earn.

Week Six

[1]: Sponsor one IBO recruit. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Hold your weekly meeting in your home. You will conduct this meeting and all others from now on. Let all your IBOs to help you. It’s important to teach them leadership. [3]: Conduct a meeting for your strongest first level leader in his home. Your goal is to always have at least three future leaders working at moving up in the compensation plan. [4]: Maintain contact with your “retail customers.” They know people you do not know. Also, their interest may be piqued to become an IBO because of your growing success and your superior products. [5]: Continue to build your CD and Book library. Listen to the CDs while getting ready in the morning, driving to and from work or as you do odd jobs around the house. Get your group to do the same thing. Have them buy their own CDs. Joint the Book of the Month club if they haven’t already done so, so they will use them fully and not lose yours. Do not play CDs at meetings. If you play anything at meetings make sure it is motivational music. [6]: Analyze and study your goals and your progress. Always analyze your strengths and weaknesses. BE proud of what you are building, but not content on complacent. Your results will usually follow your work effort by two or three months. [7]: Service your IBOs. Product flow and meeting are the two areas where you can most quickly build faith and loyalty. Always be on time. Start and end your meeting when you say you would. If you don’t have a particular product on hand, get it. Do the job of the person above you and soon you will have his title, too.

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[8]: Give your fourth product workshop. They’re more fun when you do a lot of them, simple because you’re better at it now. Think of all the new friends you’ll meet and how good you’ll feel after the meeting. [9]: Continue to improve… in every area and be the pipeline to pass all that knowledge on to your group. That is what leadership is all about – helping others to succeed and be strong!

Week Seven

[1]: Sponsor another new IBO recruit. Think that this IBO may be your top producer or the one who may sponsor your top producer. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Conduct your weekly meeting. Involve your “gung-ho” down lines. Devote two-thirds of the time to the marketing plan. You’re not there to entertain anyone. Don’t “baby-sit” those who are not interested in growing. Never discuss a negative through at a group meeting. You will conduct this meeting and all others from now on. Let all your IBOs to help you. It’s important to teach them leadership. [3]: Conduct your second meeting for your first level leader. Do it in his or her home. Start to identify and work with the leaders under him or her. Get to know then personally. Take a sincere and active interest. [4]: Have another product workshop. You are setting a good example and your group will follow your example. You should be a qualified professional regarding your product by this time. Your goal should be to have at least 10 of your down line IBOs qualified as product professionals by the end of your 13 weeks. [5]: Copy your residual check. Keep a record of every one you get. This allows you to visually show your progress. It is a great pleasure to look back on years of steady growth. Your checks can be your strongest recruiting tool. Make sure you put a copy of hem in your prospecting and recruiting book. Never have them direct deposited. [6]: Identify and begin working with your second first level leader. You cannot afford to have just one or two strong first level groups. Your goal is to have six. [7]: Study enough about the nature of your products to satisfy your own curiosity and conviction. Your testimony of the benefits of your products will be built on the results you and others around you receive. Do not become technical – mechanics don’t sell cars. [8]: Work hard. Even if it’s initially frightening and distasteful to you! Sales, contacts, meetings, phone calls, letters, newsletters, ordering, planning…these are the varied jobs of an IBO network marketer. There more you put into this business the more you will get out of it. [9]: Adapt to your particular strengths and weaknesses. It’s imperative that you recognize our weaknesses, after all, they’re only strengths you have yet to develop and improve on those areas, but is

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much more important to recognize your strengths and adapt your plan to take advantage of what you do well. [10]: Continue to improve. Everything is continually changing; consequently you need to continue to improve. People should not evaluate you just by were you are today, but where you are going and take into account all the progress you are making. This is a challenge and an exciting one!

Week Eight

[1]: Sponsor another new IBO recruit. You’ve heard people say, “There’s safety in numbers.” Never more true than in your network marketing business. With recruiting, more is better. If each of your down line people are following this plan for success and are equally as successful as you, you could relax on your sponsoring. However, your goal was and is to sponsor one new person each week. If you continue to sponsor a minimum of one a week you will be hugely successful. You will be at the top of your company in record time Think that this IBO may be your top producer or the one who may sponsor your top producer. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Conduct your weekly meeting. A store that closes early just because business is slow is sure to fail. Copy things that work for others! Continue to hold meetings. Learn from your mistakes. Not every meeting will be equally successful, but hey will all contribute to your growing business. Involve your “gung-ho” down lines. Devote two-thirds of the time to the marketing plan. You’re not there to entertain anyone. Don’t “baby-sit” those who are not interested in growing. Never discuss a negative through at a group meeting. You will conduct this meeting and all others from now on. Let all your IBOs to help you. It’s important to teach them leadership. [3]: Conduct your second meeting for your second level leader. These are the meetings that build big businesses. Yu can look back and realize this type of support in the group, by the leader, is why our business is growing. Do it in his or her home. Start to identify and work with the leaders under him or her. Get to know then personally. Take a sincere and active interest. [4]: Enjoy the business. Challenge yourself, but do not pressure yourself. Your business will grow much faster when others can see and feel all the fun you’re having. You will work harder when you’re having fun, because that’s when hard work comes easy! [5]: Develop, understand and maintain the attitude and desire to build an organization to lead. You do not need to buy your way to the top even if you could. If you want more from your business, produce more. Network Marketing programs are designed for leaders, not salesmen. [6]: Attend your up-line’s meeting. It’s important that “your” down lines identify with someone who has been in the business longer than you have. Be an example for others at this meeting. Be enthusiastic, positive, and attentive. Treat your leader with the respect you want from your people.

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[7]: Evaluate your lifestyle. We all have character traits that can stand improvement. Network Marketing is a way of life. Do you look the part? Are you turning people on or off? Ask your up-line for an honest appraisal of those areas of you could improve on. [8]: Buy a “daily memo” book. Get a system. Before you go to bed, write down what needs to be done tomorrow. Set your priorities daily. You can write down names of prospects you meet o think of. This will be invaluable to your organization. Before you go to bed, make a list of 10 things to do and make them special SDAs for the following day. [9]: Continue to promote and have another product workshop. Do this by conducting a workshop for one of your new people. You need to teach this IBO how to conduct their own workshops and how to schedule more workshops. By now you are making your products so exciting people can’t wait to have what you have. You are setting a good example and your group will follow your example. You and your team of IBOs should be qualified professionals regarding your product. Your goal should be to have at least 10 of your down line IBOs qualified as product professionals by the end of your 13 weeks. [10]: Buy the services of others to help you. Don’t let mowing the lawn, painting the house, fixing up your office or keeping your books stand in the way of having time to build your business.

Week Nine

[1]: Sponsor another new IBO recruit. Here’s an exciting fact: You have not sponsored your best distributor! If you were prospecting for gold, uranium or oil, no one could tell when, where, or exactly how you would “strike it rich.” But one fact is certain: Only the quitters lose! Think that this IBO may be your top producer or the one who may sponsor your top producer. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Conduct your weekly meeting. Let some of your key people take part in the meeting. Make sure they are prepared. Have fun, but remember this IS a business meeting. Always keep in mind the results you want to accomplish at this meeting. [3]: Conduct your second meeting for your second level leader. Have patience, but be firm about following a person that works. Teach others to teach others to teach others. These are the meetings that build big businesses. Yu can look back and realize this type of support in the group, by the leader, is why our business is growing. Do it in his or her home. Start to identify and work with the leaders under him or her. Get to know then personally. Take a sincere and active interest. [4]: Get up one hour earlier. I’ve found that the one hour I take before all the interruptions of the day is equal to three hours later in the day. It also shows determination; plus most of us work better during those early morning hours. Your attitude is so much better when you get off to a good start. One hour per day is equal to 15 days per year. If you can get three times as much accomplished, you have picked up 1100 hours of super-productive tie in just one year. Discipline pays. We all have the same amount of time. Don’t squander it on hurry, worry or fear.

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[5]: Reward yourself and your spouse. Promise an immediate reward for achieving every goal you’ve set. Example: after you’ve recruited eight people you will have a romantic weekend away. If those eight people are using and recommending products as you are, your weekend will be a paid vacation. [6]: Set up your bookkeeping system. The less time spent on busywork the better, bet every good business person knows “where he/she is at.” Make sure your figures tell the true story right from the start. [7]: Progress on your product workshops. You should be busy training your down line by having them come to all your workshops, or having trainings in your home for your new IBOs and their new IBOS. Remember, your purpose is to train them to do their own business. [8]: Add more names to your prospecting book. Keep it constantly updated. Ask for referrals from all your customers and members. [9]: Go for the next level in your compensation plan. Go after the new title and responsibilities that will make you stronger. Always teach up for the next rung in the ladder of success. Otherwise, you will never get to the top.

Week Ten

[1]: Sponsor another new IBO recruit. Reflect on what you are doing – building a network of distribution that eventually will be nationwide, perhaps even worldwide. What you can do as an individual is limited. What you can do with an organization is unlimited. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Conduct your weekly meeting. Your meetings are beginning to take on your personality, because you are the leader. I’ve found that weekly meetings grow into more training and motivation and less recruiting as you develop but new spark is always added by the new IBOs. Always shave your IBO recruits there. Make sure they are prepared. Have fun, but remember this IS a business meeting. Always keep in mind the results you want to accomplish at this meeting. [3]: Conduct your third meeting for your second level leader. This individual should be developing depth and strength now. He/she needs to be weaned then tested – give him/her a chance to do his/her own thing next week. Don’t be like the doting mother who will not let go and keeps her children tied to her apron strings. [4]: Make a list of your first future leaders. Your goal by now should be elevating your people and yourself to the next level. And you can, because you’ve built the proper base. Three or four “going groups” is all that most people can work with effectively. Constantly replace the one that is breaking off or falling down. [5]: Implement the rule of THREE in your organization. Your goal is to build an organization in depth. Three leaders who beget three leaders who, and on and on! You will be the sales manager of a nationwide network of your company’s IBOs.

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[6]: Take a good look at what you are doing in depth. There is a better way. Keep improving. People are observing you and will be influenced by your actions and our growth. [7]: Continue to promote and have another product workshop and opportunity training. You should have a number of people in your group who are at varying steps of qualifying as product professionals. By allowing them to take over more of the work of planning and teaching your group will look to them and you’re their leader. That’s your goal. Be a leader of leaders. You need to teach your IBOs how to conduct their own workshops and how to schedule more workshops. By now you are making your products so exciting people can’t wait to have what you have. You are setting a good example and your group will follow your example. You and your team of IBOs should be becoming better qualified professionals regarding your product. Your goal should be to have at least 10 of your down line IBOs qualified as product professionals by the end of your 13 weeks. [8]: Reaffirm your commitment to yourself, your company and your success. No other company offers higher rewards for the commitment you’ve given. Review your goals, planning, results and commitment. [9]: Run a health checkup on your business. How many people have you sponsored? How many meetings have you given? How many IBOs are in your group? How much inventory do you have? How much self-improvement have you made in this 10-week period?

Week Eleven

The most valuable gift you can give another is to set a good example. Do it now! [1]: Sponsor another new IBO first level IBO recruit. By this time you realize you cannot prejudge people. Do not, however, just “sign up” anyone to fill you quota. Think of the type of person you want and go after him/her. Always have handy a packet of literature, a success program, and prospecting book to help the person decide to join you now. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Conduct your weekly meeting. I recommend trading meetings with other leaders to get a new approach and new ideas. Try to get someone as good as or better than yourself. Remember, your goal is to build an organization. Keep your meeting geared to that goal. Make sure they are prepared. Have fun, but remember this IS a business meeting. Always keep in mind the results you want to accomplish at this meeting. [3]: Conduct your first meeting for your third level leader. Always have someone you are grooming for the next level. You are developing a pattern that will make you tremendously successful. You’re developing our style. Make sure it’s simple and enthusiastic. Use this meeting to develop your first level into a leader and help build his/her organization. [4]: Set long-range goals. A goal not written is merely a wish. Write it down. Have pictures of what you want. Have a “power picture” of what you want to become.

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[5]: Teach yourself not to make conflicting statement. Do not make statements that conflict with your goals or interfere with your mental attitude. When you feel inclined to complain, hold it back. When you begin to doubt that you will reach a goal, don’t mention it. To keep the best possible attitude, Stop Talking Failure! [6]: Become a good communicator. Effective communication is a critical factor in every business, but none more so that in network marketing. Develop our own method for communicating with your organization – timely phone calls, newsletters personal interviews, passing along information and being yourself and treating the other person as a capable individual and leader. [7]: Make things happen. There are three kinds of people in network marketing: “People who make things happen. People who watch things happen, and people who wonder “What happened?” Which one are you? Have a sense of urgency about your business Challenge yourself to have specific things done by a certain date. [8]: You! Firmly entrench in your thinking that the only factor that will decide whether you are successful or not is you! You can do it. So Do It NOW!

Week Twelve

[1]: Sponsor your eleventh IBO recruit. You are probably way ahead of the one per week pace, which is all the better for you. The focus here is on consistency. The best way I know to become wealthy is to have an organization of people trough which you multiply our efforts. Do not, however, just “sign up” anyone to fill you quota. Think of the type of person you want and go after him/her. Always have handy a packet of literature, a success program, and prospecting book to help the person decide to join you now. Remember, your goal during the entire 13 week period of this program is 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Conduct your regular weekly meeting. Many successful leaders in network marketing established their business with a weekly meeting. These meetings will become a corner-stone and a pillar of your organization. Remember, your goal is to build an organization. Keep your meeting geared to that goal. Make sure they are prepared. Have fun, but remember this IS a business meeting. Always keep in mind the results you want to accomplish at this meeting. [3]: Give away one sample of your product every day this week. Explain to the person you give a sample product to that you are just qualifying for manager in the Greatest Business in the World, and you’re giving away this product rather than cigars. Be a big spender and do a lot of word-of-mouth advertising every day one week a month. It’s a lot of fun. [4]: Treat your spare-time business like a $150,000 per year business which it will be shortly IF you keep current a written list of your next three or four leaders. IF you always have three or four new lines qualifying, you will be busy, happy and prosperous. [5]: Have a copy of this plan on hand. Give it to people you have explained the program to, or prospects who live a distance away and others you meet and don’t have a chance to visit with.

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[6]: Set your meeting calendar and always have it planned one month in advance. It is amazing how this will help you stay organized and busy, how our down-line will value your time more and your meetings will be larger and more effective. [7]: Utilizing the “Golden Hours” 7 to 11 p.m.! You must make your contacts when people are available. A helpful reminder is to put a display of your product on top of our TV. How did you invest or spend those hours before you started building your own business? To increase your PV turn off the TV! There is no PV on TV!!! [8]: Have a leadership meeting with your top people. Every meeting should be in a positive vein. In this one, however you will cover challenges. In network marketing you have few challenges that other corporations, but, remember, you’re human. You are the leader. Keep this meeting constructive. This association of leaders can turn into a powerful “master-mind” group. [9]: Understand the concept of spare time. Spare time is all the time you regularly waste. The time that you are driving you can listen to CDs. When you are having lunch you can have an interview. The time spent on elevators, in lines on airplanes can be spent making contacts.

Week Thirteen

[1]: Sponsor your twelfth IBO recruit. In doing so you have 12 in 12-week period! Less than one percent of all IBOs accomplish this feat. By working depth, these 12 should grow to 60 IBOs in your organization. Remember the Eagle Program. You should now be qualifying for Eagle which is:

Eagle Program

Activities You Must Perform Every Week

You’re a core performer

1. Show the plan 3 or more times a week

2. Personal Circle 150 PV is single 300 if couple

3. Develop clients and members (50 PV minimum)

4. Listen to CDs daily, Standing Order CD program

5. Read 15 minutes daily: Subscription to Book of the Month Club

6. Attend all business functions, conferences and seminars

7. Counsel with up-line bi-weekly and monthly with counseling sheets.

8. Build your business with integrity and accountability

9. Subscribe to communication system

Building Structure - Over the Past 12 Weeks You Should Have Achieved These Results: The following criteria are inclusive of any qualified platinum leg:

1. 12 personally registered IBOs

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2. 6 IBOs receiving PV checks monthly

3. 4 IBOs on Standing Order CDs and Book of the Month Program

4. 4 IBOs consistently attending all business seminars and conferences

Benefits You Can Now Enjoy:

1. Special recognition at major weekend conferences

2. Reserved seating at major weekend conferences

Remember, your goal during the next 13 week period of this program is to sponsor another 12 IBOs. Sponsoring is the lifeblood of the business. Successful IBOs and total volume is your goal. And by the way, this is exactly what we did to become a millionaire. You must leverage yourself to build a big business. One new IBO a week is a minimum effort necessary to reach your big goal. It is not uncommon for a real leader to double or even triple this pace now that the business is on line. Such an individual will grow four to nine times as rapidly. [2]: Conduct your regular weekly meeting. Recognition is a big part of the fulfillment people want in network marketing. You should be recognized as having promoted to your next level at your meeting with the people you have helped and vice versa. You have proven this programs works. You have a rack to run on. Now there will be no end to your accomplishments. [3]: Conduct your second meeting for your third first level leader. Reinvest your bonuses and profits back into your business until you have at least $500 to $1,000 in inventory and everything is paid for. You were able to survive without your network marketing income three months ago, you still can today. Think of your investment as the best interest-bearing savings account in the world. You should be able to liquidate your inventory in two months easily. [4]: Establish a firm understanding with your distributors of how you market your products. A good IBO should consume a minimum of a 100 PV circle if single and a 300 PV circle if married. Focus on conversational selling. There are a multitude of opportunities to “slip” a product presentation into virtually every conversation you have. Use any method you may excel with. If you or one of your IBOs have confidence in door-to-door or party plan selling, and you want to pursue that method, that’s great for you, but don’t try to switch potential leaders to fit into this mold! Remember, it’s got to be duplicatable. [5]: What are you going t do when, someday it’s too late to set goals that are achievable? By completing this 13 week program, you have set a beautiful example for yourself and others. Learn and teach the value of being consistently consistent. Make an organizational chart that keeps track of your production. Make an organizational chart to keep track of your group’s production. Know where your group volume is coming from at all times. And never let your group dictate what your volume will be.

Week Fourteen through Twenty Seven

Go back and start over again as you were starting on week one of this plan. You should be working to reach double eagle from week fourteen through week twenty seven:

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Double Eagle Program


You’re a core performer

1. Show the plan 4 or more times a week

2. Personal Circle 150 PV is single 300 if couple

3. Develop clients and members (50 PV minimum)

4. Listen to CDs daily, Standing Order CD program

5. Read 15 minutes daily: Subscription to Book of the Month Club

6. Attend all business functions, conferences and seminars

7. Counsel with up-line bi-weekly and monthly with counseling sheets.

8. Build your business with integrity and accountability

9. Subscribe to communication system

Structure: the following criteria are inclusive of any qualified platinum leg

1. 9 IBOs receiving monthly checks

2. 6 IBOs on Standing Order CD and Book of the Month Program

3. 6 IBOs on consistently attending all business conferences and seminars

4. 3 IBOs legs qualifying monthly


1. Special recognition at major weekend conferences

2. Reserved seating at major weekend conferences

3. Attend seminars, opens attitude and weekend conferences free

Week Twenty Seven through Week Forty

Go back and start over again as you were starting on week one of this plan. You should be working to reach ultimate eagle from week twenty seven through week forty:

Ultimate Eagle Program


You’re a core performer

1. Show the plan 5 or more times a week

2. Personal Circle 150 PV is single 300 if couple

3. Develop clients and members (50 PV minimum)

4. Listen to CDs daily, Standing Order CD program

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5. Read 15 minutes daily: Subscription to Book of the Month Club

6. Attend all business functions, conferences and seminars

7. Counsel with up-line bi-weekly and monthly with counseling sheets.

8. Build your business with integrity and accountability

9. Subscribe to communication system

Structure: the following criteria are inclusive of any qualified platinum leg

1. 9 IBOs receiving monthly checks

2. 9 IBOs on Standing Order CD and Book of the Month Program

3. 9 IBOs on consistently attending all business conferences and seminars

4. 6 IBOs legs qualifying monthly


1. Special recognition at major weekend conferences

2. Total backs stage VIP status at major weekend conferences

3. Attend seminars, opens attitude and weekend conferences free

4. Receive a one-time bonus, as determined by the association Executive Committee.

Here is a Five Year Goal Master Plan There are three key steps to building a highly successful spare-time network marketing business in only five years. This one is too good to overlook. It should be the goal of every IBO to be financially independent and have the option of retirement in just five years. You can do it. The question is: Do you want to?

Step One: Become a Leader Yourself Here are the recommended goals to achieve in one year or less.

1. Develop 30 customers who regularly buy your products. You have no quota or deadline for achieving this, and we’re really not talking about a very large number of customers. This sales experience will help you be a better leader. You will also enjoy making a good retail profit and your personal sales volume will be up to 500 PV or more monthly

2. Sponsor 12 first level IBOs as soon as possible. The do this every 13 weeks and have each one of your IBOs do the same. Experience has shown that one out of four who is properly sponsored will work seriously in the business. Work in depth applying the “Rule of Four” Continue sponsoring/recruiting after your first 12. As long as you keep your “edge,” your leaders will be encouraged to keep sharp, too.

3. Conduct one regularly scheduled meeting per week at your home. This is excellent training for yourself, a good time for sponsoring training and motivating others in your group and an

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excellent opportunity for your IBOs to bring their prospects. Never cancel your meeting if no one attends… This will kill your business.

4. Start your inventory. Once you reach your first leadership rank in your company, begin stocking products, keeping records of your IBOs volume and their bonuses as well. Learn these simple aspects of the business on a small scale before you have a high group. Continue to improve your meetings.

5. Business Development adoption. Follow the proven success principles in this Business Development Plan and teach them to your group.

Step Two: Help Your People Become Leaders Identify and help your ambitious people advance to the next level.

1. Ambitious people are easy to identify. If your other IBOs lack self-confidence, you should encourage them to try, but don’t push them. Remember, you will be best at teaching the business the way you do it. Work closest with the people who are willing to cooperate with your methods. IF you don’t have enough ambitious people, concentrate on recruiting up, rather than on squeezing business out of reluctant IBOS.

2. Do everything in your power to help your ambitious people do the work listed in this Business Development Plan, but don’t ever do their work for them. Tell them how. Show them how. Be patient. Giving meetings at their homes and at the homes of ambitious people under them. Suggest ideas for them to try. Occasionally, leave them on their own for a few months so they can know the meaning of responsibility. Always be ready to pick them up when they are down. Help them to work for their long-range potential, so that month-to-month challenges won’t dull their enthusiasm.

3. Give your other IBOs the service they deserve. Stock sufficient products to supply the normal needs of your group. Orderly regularly. Providing training through group meetings and written materials such as newsletters. Don’t waste time trying to force someone beyond the rank of “IBO” if that is all they want to be.

Step Three: Go Down, Down, Down Make certain your organization grows in depth.

1. Educate your first level managers regarding how and why their group can expand. A first level manager who has no managers is still in the apprentice stage. Apply “The Rule of Four” one again. Look down in your down-line manager’s group for ambitious people and give them our first level attention.

2. After a reasonable time, if you see no response from a potential leader you are trying to work with, use your time to develop additional first level groups. If you have explained the plan properly and provided initial encouragement, you have done all that is required.

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3. As your organization grown larger, insist that the senior IBOs carry their own load. Work

closely with those who cooperate. Give your other IBOs the service they deserve. Communicate with them regarding new ideas, special meetings and so forth. Make arrangements to speak to their group occasionally. But don’t spend time trying to force someone beyond the rank of “IBO” if that is all they want.

4. Here’s how to keep track of your business to see if you are on target to meet your goals: a. My three year goal is: _________________________________________________

b. Create a monthly calendar of events you must accomplish to meet your goal.

1. Where you traveled 2. Total Team IBOs added to your business 3. Personal Team IBOs sponsored 4. Total Team Sales 5. Personal Sales 6. Amount of Check

c. Take the 30 Day Challenge: Follow these seven steps

Step 1: Set aside 10 hours a week to build your business Step 2: Think small – Follow the Eagle Business Development Plan Step 3: Make a list of 100 names – Hot Market. Step 4: Develop your warm market – Meet 2 people a day for 30 days – Warm Market Step 5: Deliver your prospecting materials to each new prospect who demonstrates an interest Step 6: Contact all your hot and warm market prospects to show them the plan Step 7: Increase possibility that 1 person in 30 will say “YES” with follow-up

Follow the Four Basics for Building the Business

Part [1]: Build your list – Use the IBO Marketing Plan Below Part [2]: Contact new prospects Part [3]: Show the plan – There are 3 ways

9. One-on-one presentation 10. Home meetings “The Board Plan” 11. Open Meeting “Board Plan Presentation by Leader at a Hotel Meeting”

Part [4]: Follow-Up, Enrollment and Getting Your IBOs Started

Section XIV: Advanced Leadership Strategies

The number one reason people fail in network marketing is the failure to counsel with their sponsor. Your sponsorship line is your best source of help. Keep going up until you find someone who needs the security in depth. Find out how he or she communicates (Internet, Email, Phone calls, Voice mail, After Meetings, etc.) Then replicate through your organization.

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Monthly Counseling:

1. Do it once a month 2. Front line or key players 3. It’s best right after the printout is available 4. Counseling gives you a progress report so you can

a. Note problems in your organization b. Make plans for correction c. Identify leaders d. Take immediate action when necessary

Organizational Progress Reports:

Should cover such things as:

1. Number of IBOs 2. Number of Lines 3. Average Volume 4. Number of IBOs at last function 5. Number of lines at last function 6. Personal use volume 7. Total personal volume 8. Number of presentations made 9. Number of active personal enrollees 10. Number of inactive personal enrollees 11. Number of IBOs who did exact minimum volume necessary to qualify 12. Number of lines with a leader 13. Total number of leaders

Disclaimer: All rights reserved by Profit Builders Inc. While the publishers and author have used their best efforts in preparing these materials, they make no representations or warranties with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability for fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales presentations or written sales materials. The advice and strategies may not be suitable for your situation. Neither the publisher nor author should be held liable for any lost profit or any other commercial damage including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damage. The techniques and approaches suggested herein may have worked for others; no one can guarantee that they will work for you. We hope, however, that the ideas presented here will assist you in developing a strong and profitable business.

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Performance Rating Sheet Habits – Attitudes – Beliefs ad Expectation

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for the following. 1 lowest and 10 highest

Name: ___________________________________________ IBO Number: _________________ Address: _____________________ City: _______________ State: ______________ Zip: ______ Accountable Decisive Win-Win Oriented Takes initiative

Honest Delegates Happy Out Going

Productive Team Player Punctual Healthy

Creative Self Esteem Common Sense Responsible

Caring Enthusiastic Supportative Flexible

Moral Self Motivated Confident Giving

Sincere Loving Ambitious Sets good example

People oriented Tenacious Positive Magnetic

Sharing Dependable Hard worker Action oriented

High standards Trustworthy Self Starter Procrastinate

Committed Enjoys selling Ethical Good sense of humor

Assertive Tolerant Inspiring Cooperative

Patient Courageous Loyal Hustler

Rational Focused Goal oriented Good Communicator

Goal Setting Skills Selling Skills Decision Making Goal Motivated

Problem Solver Good Speaker Good Listener Good Recruiter

Good Closer Knows Plan Product Knowledge Company Knowledge

When completing this personal rating sheet email your answers to us and your sponsor.

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Purpose Finder Counseling Sheet

Name: ___________________________________________ IBO Number: _________________ Address: _____________________ City: _______________ State: ______________ Zip: ______ Up-line Emerald: _________________________ Up-Line Diamond: _______________________

Fill in the blanks in order of preference, moving from highest to lowest. Use the question in parentheses that follow the two topic headings to guide your responses. Then look at your top three responses in each category. Begin to notice any links among the four categories. When you can make links between all four areas, you are getting close to finding your purpose!

A. What do I love to do? What has given me the most satisfaction in the past? What excites me about life? When have I been happiest? What is my secret ambition? 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________

B. What am I good at? What have other people told me I’m good at? Where have I excelled in the past? When have I been most successful, and what special strengths does this reveal? 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________________________________

C. What is absolutely essential for me to do in my life? Suppose I only had five years to live: What would I absolutely have to do for my life to be complete? 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________

D. What do I feel that I ought to be doing? What are some hunches that I’ve had? What are those things that I have always wanted to do, but never quite had the time? What feelings have I had where I felt nudged to go in another direction? 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________

When completing this purpose finder sheet email your answers to us and your sponsor.

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My Vision Name: ___________________________________________ IBO Number: _________________ Address: _____________________ City: _______________ State: ______________ Zip: ______

My Overall Desire in Life is: _______________________________________________________

My Top Three Goals Are: _________________________________________________________

First: ___________________________________________________________________________

Second: ________________________________________________________________________

Third: __________________________________________________________________________

1. My physical goal is: __________________________________________________________

2. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

3. My mental goal is: ___________________________________________________________

4. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

5. My emotional goal is: ________________________________________________________

6. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

7. My financial goal is: __________________________________________________________

8. My monthly financial goal is: ___________________________________________________

9. My plan to reach this goal is: ___________________________________________________

10. My annual financial goal is ____________________________________________________

11. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

12. My spiritual goal is: __________________________________________________________

13. My plan to achieve this goal is: _________________________________________________

When completing this personal vision sheet email your answers to us and your sponsor.

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My First Year Business Goals Name: ___________________________________________ IBO Number: _________________ Address: _____________________ City: _______________ State: ______________ Zip: ______

Activity Goal 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Two weeks Month 90 Days 6 Months Year

1. Application Complete

2. Initial Order Placed

3. List of Names

4. Top 10 selected

5. People Contacted

6. Opportunity Presentations (STPs)

7. Opportunity Meetings Attended

8. CDs/Videos Placed

9. IBO Sponsored

10. Products Sold

11. Wholesale volume Moved

12. Pin level reached

13. Income Earned

Activity Goal 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st

Two weeks Month 90 Days 6 Months Year

Geometric Growth Potential Month New IBOs Total in Your Group 1 1 ________________ 2 1+1 ________________ 3 1+3+3 ________________ 4 1+7+7 ________________ 5 1+15+15 ________________ 6 1+31+31 ________________ 7 1+63+63 ________________ 8 1+127+127 ________________ 9 1+255+255 ________________ 10 1+511+511 ________________ 11 1+1023+1023 ________________ 12 1+2047+2047 ________________

When completing this business goals sheet email your answers to us and your sponsor.

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Would it Surprise You to Know You Are Losing BIG Savings? How many of these products do you currently purchase from the store?

Supplements Cosmetics Cleaners Plan Your Shopping Multivitamins Foundation, Oil Control Multi-purpose Cleaner Organize List Children’s vitamins Foundation, Age-Defying Disinfectant foam cleaner Week Of: __________ ____________ Antioxidants Foundation, powder Bathroom cleaner __________________ ____________ Calcium Feather light Glass cleaner __________________ ____________ Vitamin C/Beta Carotene Foundation, versatile Mate Disinfectant/Deodorizer __________________ ____________ B complex Foundation, self-defining Spray __________________ ____________ Women’s health Sheer Toilet bowl cleaner __________________ ____________ Men’s health Blush powder or liquid Kitchen cleaner __________________ ____________ Heart health Brow pencil Floor and Carpet care __________________ ____________ Joint health Concealer Scrub sponges __________________ ____________ Digestive health Eye color Soft scouring cleaner __________________ ____________ Emotional Health Eye pencil Stainless steel pads __________________ ____________ Immune Health Fine liner dishwashing liquid __________________ ____________ Other Lip color Automatic dishwashing __________________ ____________ Lip pencil tablets Sports nutrition Powder, loose Week Of: __________ ____________ Energy nutrition Mascara Food & Beverages __________________ ____________ Energy drinks Nail color Coffee Regular/ De Cafe __________________ ____________ Sports drinks Nail color remover Whole bean coffee __________________ ____________ Energy/power bars Nail & Cuticle conditioner Creamer/Sugar/Splenda __________________ ____________ Definition nutrition Eye & Lip Makeup Tea Regular/Herbal __________________ ____________ Protein powder Remover Cappuccino/Frappuccino __________________ ____________ Protein shakes Prepared Dinners __________________ ____________ Protein bars Hair Care Snacks Carbohydrate bars Hair shampoo Cereals Week Of: __________ ____________ Creatine Hair conditioner Condiments __________________ ____________ Weight Loss Management Dandruff control Soy products __________________ ____________ CLA Finishing spray Baby food __________________ ____________ HCA Hi Gloss Serum Food storage __________________ ____________ Chromium Picolinate Hair Protector Bottled water __________________ ____________ Carb blocker Hair Repair Masque __________________ ____________ Muscle recovery Sculpting Spray/Gel Paper Products __________________ ____________ Pain relief Pomade Bath tissue __________________ ____________ Other Mousse Facial tissue Paper napkins Week Of: __________ ____________ Skin Care Toiletries Paper towels __________________ ____________ Cleaner Antibacterial Hand Soap Other __________________ ____________ Toner Antiperspirant __________________ ____________ Moisturizer Bar soap Other __________________ ____________ Masque Body wash Over the counter drugs __________________ ____________ Scrub Toothpaste Kitchen appliances __________________ ____________ Age Defying Skin Care Mouthwash Gift Albums/Certificates __________________ ____________ Alpha Hydroxyl Gum Clothing Men/Women __________________ ____________ Vitamin C with Wild Yam Breath Spray Kids __________________ ____________ Eye Crème Hand & Body Lotion Jewelry __________________ ____________ Skin tone evener Shave Gel Pet food __________________ ____________ Night Crème or Lotion After Shave lotion Tape, Audio & Video __________________ ____________ Wrinkle treatment Feminine Hygiene Trash bags __________________ ____________ Skin refinishing lotion Perfume/Cologne Car Care __________________ ____________ Blemish control WHY Us: Acne treatment Laundry * Personalized Service and a 100% Product 180 Day Guarantee Detergent, Tablets * 30% up to 60% off quality products with deliver to your front door SPA Products Detergent, Delicate * Products delivered on a predetermined schedule you set. Body wash/scrub Detergent Powder/Liquid * Please Contact Us to place your order! Thank you!!

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How to Make At Least $150,000 with Ditto Delivery Service Estimated Potential Income Projection

This chart shows a projection of the income potential available through the DITTO DELIVERY Service. Please note these are estimates; actual potential income will vary according to your own business. All figures in US dollars.

Increment Estimated Average BV ___ Percent ---- ----- Number of Average PV to PV Profiles Personal Ditto Per Profile Ratio that are Profiles by Clients 10 40 250% ____0_________________________________ Total Monthly Monthly Monthly PBS Monthly Estimated Estimated Profiles PV BV Bonus Profit___ Monthly Net $$ Annual Net $$ 10 400 1,000 60 99 159 $1,908 20 800 2,000 180 198 387 4,536 30 1,200 3,000 360 297 657 7,884 40 1,600 4,000 600 396 996 11,952 50 2,000 5,000 750 495 1,245 14,940 60 2,400 6,000 900 594 1,494 17,928 70 2,800 7,000 1,260 693 1,953 23,436 80 3,200 8,000 1,440 792 2,232 $26,784 90 3,600 9,000 1,620 891 2,511 30,132 100 4,000 10,000 2,100 990 3,090 37,080 110 4,400 11,000 2,310 1,089 3,399 40,788 120 4,800 12,000 2,520 1,188 3,708 44,496 130 5,200 13,000 2,730 1,287 4,017 48,204 140 5,600 14,000 2,940 1,386 4,326 $51,912 150 6,000 15,000 3,450 1,485 4,935 59,220 160 6,400 16,000 3,680 1,584 5,264 63,168 170 6,800 17,000 3,910 1,683 5,593 67,116 180 7,200 18,000 4,140 1,782 5,922 71,064 190 7,600 19,000 4,750 1,881 6,631 79,572 200 8,000 20,000 5,000 1,980 6,980 83,760 210 8,400 21,000 5,250 2,079 7,329 87,948 220 8,800 22,000 5,500 2,178 7,678 92,136 230 9,200 23,000 5,750 2,277 8,027 96,324 240 9,600 24,000 6,000 2,376 8,376 $100,512 250 10,000 25,000 6,250 2,475 8,725 104,700 260 10,400 26,000 6,500 2,574 9,074 108,888 270 10,800 27,000 6,750 2,673 9,423 113,076 280 11,200 28,000 7,000 2,772 9,772 117,264 290 11,600 29,000 7,250 2,871 10,121 121,452 300 12,000 30,000 7,500 2,970 10,470 125,640 310 12,400 31,000 7,750 3,069 10,819 129,828 320 12,800 32,000 8,000 3,168 11,168 134,016 330 13,200 33,000 8,250 3,267 11,517 138,204 340 13,600 34,000 8,500 3,366 11,866 142,392 350 14,000 35,000 8,750 3,465 12,215 146,580 360 14,400 36,000 9,000 3,564 12,564 $150,768 Suggested Building Support Materials

1. Ditto Delivery 2. Ditto Delivery & Becoming Your Own Best Customer 3. “Turn It Up: Creating & Maximizing Volume”

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Commitment Agreement I, ______________________________, make the following commitments to myself in order to build a successful network marketing organization and ensure my secure financial future. The reason I started my business is because: _____________________________________________



At the end of my six month training period I would like to be earning: __________________________ My 2 to 4 year plan for growing my business is: ____________________________________________ In order to reach my goals I will and agree to do the following:

Devote at least 10 hours a week to my business

Spend at least 15 minutes daily on personal development

Look at my first six months as a training period and learning period

Build my business for at least one year and then evaluate it accordingly

Review the business development guide regularly and when ready teach it

Review the company compensation plan regularly

Show the plan at least three times a week

Do the nine core steps every month for one year minimum

Recognize that the people I sponsor are my responsibility

Recognize my first responsibility is to become successful myself and then duplicate this

Become familiar with the Rules of Conduct for my parent company and comply with those rules

Follow faithfully my sponsorship line system so my efforts can be duplicated

My first year business goals:

I will reach 7500 PV group volume by: ________________ Dated: ________________

___________________________ ______________________________ Signature: Witness Signature My Name: __________________ My Name is: ___________________ Email: _____________________ Email: ________________________ Phone: ____________________ Phone: _______________________ When completing this commitment sheet email your answers to us and your sponsor.

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Counseling Sheet

Name: ___________________________________________ IBO Number: _________________ Address: _____________________ City: _______________ State: ______________ Zip: ______ Up-line Emerald: _________________________ Up-Line Diamond: _______________________ Standing Order Tape Yes: __ No: __ Sanding Order Book Yes: __ No: __ Functions attended this month _________ Shown the Plan this month Personal ______ Group: ______ Registered IBOs his month Personal ______ Group: ______ No. of New Personal Clients or Members __________ Personal PV Volume for Clients or Members Personal ______ Group: ______ Total PV Volume this month _________ Number of new contacts this month _________ Number of Legs Receiving Bonus Checks _________ Number of Legs on S.O.T _________ No. of Legs attending Major function Seminars _________ =Outside Of Any Qualified Platinum Legs _________

Next Month Goals

Personal Group Sponsoring Personal PV Group PV ________ _______________ __________ _________

Dates for Pin Levels _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1000 2500 4000 7500 Platinum Emerald Diamond ________ ________ ______ ______ ________ ________ ________

Eagle Pin Level Dates _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Eagle Double Eagle Ultimate Eagle

__________________ ____________________ ______________________

Group Profile _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name SO SO Misc Video PPT FCH Lit Start Functions Volume Eagle Tape Book Tapes CDs Pack Package Attended Status _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

When completing this counseling sheet email your answers to us and your sponsor.

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Comments/Suggestions Name: ___________________________________________ IBO Number: _________________ Address: _____________________ City: _______________ State: ______________ Zip: ______ Please email our responses to us.

1. What did you gain from this Guide/Seminar? (Be specific) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Things that you will apply immediately are: (Be Specific) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Final Note: Study this guide. Use it as a personal reference manual Teach your group the principles outlined herein. Use it as a training manual Review, Complete and use the work sheets Implement the action points. When completing this rating sheet email your answers to us and your sponsor.

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